Numerical On Electrostatics

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Numerical on Electrostatics

1. Which is bigger -a coulomb or a charge on an electron? How many electron charges form on coulomb of charge?
2. A comb drawn through persons hair on a dry day causes 1022 electrons to leave the persons hair and stick to the
comb. Calculate the charge carried by the comb.
3. If a body gives out 109 electrons every second, how much time is required to get total charge of 1 C from it?
4. Calculate the charge carried by 12.5108 electrons?
5. How many electrons would have to be removed from cupper penny to leave it with a positive charge of 10-7 C?
6. Calcite the charge on alpha particle. Given charge on proton =1.610-19C.
7. Determine the total charge on 75.0kg of electron.
8. The electrostatics force between two positive charged ions carrying equal charges is 3.710-9 N ,when they are
separated by a distance of 5 . How many electrons are missing from each ion? Ans=2
9. A pitch-ball A of 8 g carries a positive charge of 510-8C. What must be the nature and magnitude of charge that
should be given to second pitch ball B fixed 5 cm bellow the former ball so that the upper ball is stationary?
10. Two similarly equally charged identical metal spheres A and B repel each other with a force of 2.010-5 N. A
third identical uncharged sphere C is touched to A , then placed at the mid-point between A and B . Calculate the net
electrostatic force on C.
11. Two identical charges, Q each ,are kept at a distance r from each other. A third charge q is placed on the line
joining the above two charges such that all the three charges are in equilibrium. What should be the magnitude
.nature and position of q ? ans q=Q/4
12. Two point charges +4e and +e are fixed a distance a apart . where should a third charge q be placed on the line
joining the two charges q so that it may be in equilibrium in which case the equilibrium will be stable and in which is
13. A charge Q is to be divided on two objects. What should be the values of the charges on the two objects so that
the force between the objects can be maximum?
14. Two identical spheres, having charges of opposite sign attract each other with a force of 0.108 N when
separated distance 0.5m. The sphere are connected by a conducting wire , which then removed ,and thereafter they
repel each other with a force of 0.036n.what were the initial charges on the spheres?
15. Two small spheres each having mass m kg and charge q coulomb are suspended from a point by insulating
threads each 1 m long but of negligible mass. If is the angle , each thread makes with vertical when equilibrium has
attained show that q2= (4 mgl2sin2 tan) 4
16. Two point charges q1 and q2 are 3m apart and their combined charge is 20C . if one repels the other with a
force o 0.075N, what is the two charges?
17. An infinite number of charges each of equal charges 4C are placed along x-axis at x=-1m, x=2m ,x=4m, x=8m
and so on find the total force on charge 1C placed at the origine.
18. Changes of + 5 C ,+10 C and -10C are placed in air at the corner A,B and C of an equilateral triangle ABC
having each side equal to 5cm. Determine the resultant force on the charge at A.
19. Four equal charges each 16C are p[laced on the corner of a square of sides 0.2m . calculate the force on one of
the corner.
20. Calculate the electric field strength required to just support a water drop of mass 10-3 kg and having charge
21. Calculate the voltage needed to balance the oil drop carrying 10 electrons when located between two plates os
a capacitor which are 5cm apart . the mass of the oil drop is 310-16kg .
22. How many electron should removed from a coin of mass 1.6 g, so that it may just float in an electric field of
intensity 109 N/C , directed upward?
23. An electron moves distance of 6cm when accelerated from an electric field of strength 210-4 N/C . Calculate
time of travel. The mass and charge of electron are 910-31 kg and 1.610-19 C resp.
24. A stream of electrons moving with a velocity of 3107 m/s is deflected by 2mm in travelling distance of 0.1m in
a uniform electric field of strength 18V/cm. Determine e/m of electrons.
25. Two point charges of 2.010 -7 are 1.0cm apart. What is the magnitude of the field produced by either charge at
the site of other?
26. Two point charges of +510-19 and +2010 -19 c are separated by a distance of 2m. Find the point on the line
joining them at wich electric field intensity is zero?
27. Two pont charges of 16C and -9C are placed 8cm apart in air. Determine the position of the point at which
the resultant field is zero.
28. Two pont charge s of q1 and q2 of 10-8C page1.31

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