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The Many Questions Surrounding Jan van Eycks Arnolfini Portrait

In this article, the author attempts to explain their beliefs about the meaning of the
various symbolism hidden within the Arnolfini Portrait. The author believes that this
painting is a demonstration of wealth of the couple depicted. In addition, they believe
that the Arnolfini Portrait is also riddled with religious symbolism and fertility icons.

As there is no real way of confirming the varying theories of the meaning of the
Arnolfini Portrait, the author cannot consolidate any of their beliefs, can only say so
much with relative certainty (in their mind). The authors most solid belief is that this
painting is a demonstration of wealth, as well as a religious piece. They present a fair
amount of evidence to back this up, pointing to many expensive items filling the home
of the Arnolfinis such as the brass chandelier, oranges, beads, fur coats, a dog, and
many other things. These would have been very pricy in during the renaissance period
and only very wealthy and privileged individuals would have had access to them.
Additionally, there are religious icons speckling the room, such as the images of St.
Margaret and scenes from the Passion of Christ around a small mirror. The author also
suggests that the single lit candle on the chandelier suggests the presence of the eye of
God. This is a useful source in my opinion because of the vast amount of evidence it
provides. Additionally, the author brings up many thought provoking questions and
theories which the author does not have sufficient evidence for, and is beneficial to the
reader because it makes us think and consequentially figure out for ourselves which
theories we think are more correct, if any.
Reflection- This is a useful source in my opinion because unlike many other sources on
art pieces, this author chooses to incorporate their theories with evidence to back it up.
The use of thought provoking questions is also beneficial because it causes the reader
to think for themselves and it forces us to recognize that everything is mainly
speculation with this piece.

The many questions surrounding Jan van Eyck's Arnolfini Portrait. (2017,
June 06). Retrieved October 18, 2017, from
The Arnolfini Portrait Artble

This source is an excerpt from an art dictionary which has a page about the Arnolfini
Portrait. The author believes that this painting is likely about marriage. It is said to be a
legal documentation of the marriage of a couple and the author points to symbols in
the piece to support this theory. It describes, not only what the author believes about
the purpose of this painting, however, but also outlines many other theories and
viewpoints that have arisen. It also explains a variety of symbolism and points out
interesting ideas, and their likely meanings, many of which I have not heard of before
but which make logical sense- yet could be coincidental.

This source aims to make available as much information about this painting as possible.
It covers a vast range of topics related to the Arnolfini Painting, from information about
Jan Van Eyck (the painter), the reception of the painting after his death, the brush
strokes and style the painter used to create the piece, and an analysis of what the
painting was likely commissioned for. This source believes that the Arnolfini Portrait was
created to be used as legal documentation of the marriage of a member of the Arnolfini
family and points to several elements from within the painting to support this. This
includes Jan Van Eycks signature above the mirror which seems to reflect two
individuals in the house which are not immediately visible. During this time, it was
required that a marriage had two witnesses and therefore, if this truly is a depiction of
marriage, the combination of the signature and the presence of two others would make
this likely legal proof of the union. The source does not limit itself to their own beliefs
however, and outline a variety of other theories that have arisen. It also describes very
logically and with great deal many commonly accepted ideas about the painting that are
often not questioned, which I found to be very useful, as it is important to not accept
information without doing research to confirm its validity.

The union of the authors own belief combined with sufficiently satisfactory evidence, as
well as the inclusion of other theories and ideas makes this source very useful. It
analyses a variety of facts that are normally taken without question, and provides
evidence to support all of its claims, making this a particularly helpful source.

The Arnolfini Portrait. (2017, July 19). Retrieved October 18, 2017, from
Jan van Eyck, Portrait of Giovanni Arnolfini and his Wife, 1434

This video analyses the meaning behind Jan van Eycks Arnolfini Portrait and takes a very
detailed approach. The two speakers touch on a variety of images and elements within
the painting and provide their best explanations, as well as commenting on many
interesting ideas, some of which are not as commonly discussed when analyzing this
painting. They do not settle on one theme; however, they do infer that this may be a
display of the couples wealth as well as the prospect of it serving as a memorial
painting for Giovanni Arnolfinis late wife. The speakers also admit that we will never
know for sure what is being said within this painting, however, as art historians, they do
their best to infer based on their knowledge.
This video is done very well and is entertaining and easy to follow, especially due to the
visuals. The speakers discuss a variety of elements in the piece, and provide a variety of
commonly used explanations. One of the speakers mentions that she believes that the
whole painting is a reflection and demonstration of the Arnolfinis wealth, which the
other speaker suggests that the position of the couples joined hands signifies the
granting of power in legal matters by the male to his wife. Throughout the video, the
speakers touch on many details, ranging not only from the symbolism and meaning, but
also Jan van Eycks painting style and focus points. Additionally, they bring up some
interesting points, such as the contradiction of the weather within the painting. This
appears to be a warm, intimate scene, evident by the light streaming from the windows
as well as the oranges and the tree bearing ripe fruit that can be seen through the
window, however, both the man and the woman appear to be wearing their finest winter
attire, leading to much confusion and speculation throughout history. Overall, while I
disagree with some of the reasoning within this video, it is very informative and largely
The ideas and beliefs within this video are well supported by the speakers. Most claims
are supported by copious evidence, and is persuasive and easily followed. Not only is it
a good source of information on the subject, it also touches on perspectives which are
not normally looked at, which makes it especially helpful.
Jan Van Eyck, Portrait of Giovanni Arnolfini and his Wife, 1434. (n.d.). Retrieved October
18, 2017, from
Northern Renaissance: The Supreme Art
This video is the fourth section of a documentary on many famous northern paintings
from the renaissance period and speaks about Jan van Eycks Arnolfini Portrait, as well. It
does not limit itself to speaking only of symbolism, but also describes what made this
painting revolutionary and how it was receipted at the time and afterwards. It mentions
briefly the previously commonly excepted theory that Jan van Eyck was testifying with
this painting the legality of the union between the couple, however, it goes on to
debunk this and proposes a new theory, one which the narrators wife recently
published a book on. This theory proposes that this was not a wedding portrait but
rather a memorial of the mans late wife.
Unlike many of the other sources I have quoted, this video proposes a new theory from
a closer source, as it was the narrators own wife who created this theory. The semi-
recent idea is that this painting did not serve as proof of the marriage, but rather as a
memorial painting for Arnolfinis late wife. Much evidence to support this theory is given
and it follows very logically, making it a convincing argument and something to be
considered. According to this video, the woman in this painting is actually deceased and
this painting is serving to commemorate her. It is true, if scholars are correct in the
identification of the couple here, the wife had died one year before the painting was
created and therefore, could not be a portrait to serve as proof of their wedding. In
addition, the man in the photo has a very distinct face, complete with imperfections,
however, the woman, on the other hand, seems to be idealized and you would be very
hard pressed to find someone who looks like that in real life. The video explains this to
be the consequence of her inability to physically be there to serve as a model. There is
copious evidence that the narrator provides, that points to the theory being described
here which creates a very convincing argument.
This is unlike all of my previous citations and provides a very interesting new thought
and details that I hadnt even thought of on the meaning of the Arnolfini Portrait. The
fact that the art historian who conducted the research and created this new theory is
interviewed in the video and that her husband is the narrator and helped create this
documentary, provides a strong level of credibility, as the information is coming straight
from the source of the one who created this theory. In my opinion, this is a very
welldone documentary and definitely worth watching and considering
T. (2013, October 04). 4/4 Northern Renaissance : The Supreme Art (Ep1).
Retrieved October 18, 2017, from
Portrait of Giovanni Arnolfini and his Wife

This text follows the older theory of the painting being a wedding portrait. It states very
confidently and positively that this painting is symbolic of the meaning of true marriage.
It uses elements of the piece to support its claim and everything provided is explained
with religious or marital ideas.
Within this article, the author explains their belief of the meaning of the Arnolfini
Portrait as a wedding painting, aimed at reminding us of the values of a proper
marriage. Contrary to the beliefs of the majority of art scholars today, the author states
that all of the symbols within the painting point to fidelity, love, as well as physical love,
innocence, and the presence of God. This theory is generally thought to be an outdated
approach of explaining this mysterious painting and therefore, as there were no sources
listed on the website to validate any of the authors claims, I have to question its
credibility. However, as it is the perspective and belief of some, I think it is important to
understand and contemplate when contriving your own conclusion.
While the author attempts to use evidence to support this theory, because of the
overwhelming dissatisfaction of art scholars toward it, as well as much stronger cases
using the same elements, the credibility of this article is to be questioned. On the other
hand, because we cannot be sure of the true meaning that Jan van Eyck intended, we
also can not completely rule this theory out. In my opinion, it is still beneficial to inform
oneself on the varying theories surrounding this piece, even if you do not agree with
them because it opens your eyes to be more critical and realize the importance of doing
your own research. Had I had no background knowledge of the Arnolfini Portrait, I easily
could have mistaken this article as the excepted truth, as the author spoke very
confidently and in fact did not even present this belief as a theory but rather just the
meaning of the painting.
Portrait of Giovanni Arnolfini and his Wife. (n.d.). Retrieved October 19, 2017, from
Mystery Painting: The Marriage of Arnolfini

This article describes multiple theories surrounding the meaning of the Arnolfini Portrait,
including the idea that it served as proof of their marriage, a memorial of Arnolfinis late
wife, and the idea that Arnolfini was perhaps just passing power along to his wife to
conduct legal affairs. In addition, it also describes other theories as well, such as the idea
that is had nothing to do with a wedding at all but was rather just a painting of the
couple greeting friends as they entered their house.
In this text, the author describes a number of theories in great detail, but never settles
on one, rather lays them all out to be decided on by the reader. She uses historical
context to provide evidence for the claims she makes in addition to interpretive
evidence. For instance, to support the idea that this was serving as a memorial painting,
she points out that wearing dark, especially black clothing was not yet done fashionably
for any reason but for mourning, and therefore the fact that Arnolfini is wearing black
would suggest, in combination with other evidence, that he is mourning, most likely his
wife. The use of objective evidence in this article creates a reliable credibility because it
is not simply based on interpreting a variety of elements.
The use of this article as a source in a paper aimed at finding the most likely theory of
the meaning of the Arnolfini Portrait would be advantageous due to its objective
reasoning and evidence, as well as the fact that it is not partial to any particular theory,
rather it simply lays out popular theories and provides unbiased information.
Blake, D. (n.d.). Mystery Painting: The Marriage of Arnolfini. Retrieved October 18,
2017, from

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