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Professional Development Plan for Teachers

Name: Asma Abdalla alraeeesi MST: __________________ MCT: Ms. Khadija , Ms. Antoinette
School: ______________ Semester: Fall 2017 Date: _____________
Rationale/Reflection of previous practice: During last semester my MCT and MST commented on my teaching. They asked me to
work on two different areas . The first area of development was; encourage the children to go to another activity when they have finished one activity
because there was not enough time . The second area of development I have to work on my voice because I were sick and my voice wasnt high so I have
to interact with the children even if I were sick. So thats what I worked hard developing these two areas. For example, I started reading about these
two areas and I thought of different ideas to develop them .

Professional Learning Goal and Activities

Area Professional Learning Goal Strategies Evidence Target Date Date Achieved
No. of Progress
1. Classroom management - moving around . 1 November
- eye contact .
-repeating the rules.
2. Time management -Planning and preparing well. 1 November
- I will use timer to time each
activity and stop the students
when the time is up.
Student Signature: ___________________________ Date: __________________
EPC 2903
MCT Signature: _____________________________ Date: __________________


EPC 2903

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