Basic Echocardiography in Children

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Basic Echocardiography in Children

Tina Christina Tobing

Echocardiography (Echo)
Primary imaging tool in the diagnosis and assessment of
cardiologic abnormalities in children
Main principles : using ultrasound instrumentation
Transthoracic echo most commonly used
Methods : M-mode, 2-dimention, Doppler
Each method has own unique function
Ultrasound sound wave with high frequency (> 20 kHz)
The ultrasound wave was produced and sent from the transducer to the target
organ, and the reflected wave received by the transducer
Cardiac structure echoic white color
Tissue calcification hyperechoic white (sparkling)
Soft tissues hypoechoic
fluid / blood anechoic black
Transducer produces, sends, and receives sound waves
Echo Types
Transthoracic echocardiography (TTE)
Transducer was placed on several places on the patients thorax to
produce image according to thoracic window
The most commonly used

Transesophageal echocardiography (TEE)

Transduser was entered to the oesophagus
Transthoracic Echocardiography
Transthoracic Windows
Echo Study
M (movement) mode/ M-mode
Doppler echo
M-mode Echo
Main purpose
Assessment of cardiac chambers dimension and
great arteries pengukuran dimensi ruang jantung
dan pembuluh darah besar
Ventricular septal thickness
Left ventricular systolic fuction
Cardiac valve movement
Pericardial fluid detection
Two Dimensional and M-mode Echo

2 dimensional echo M-mode echo

Two Dimensional Echo
Transducer was place in several places to obtain cross
sectional images : parasternal, apical, subcostal, dan
suprasternal notch.

Main purpose
Assess cardiac structure, cardiac valve, great arteries
Cardiac function
Hemodynamic function
Subxiphoid/subcostal axis
Apical 4-chamber view
Left parasternal long axis view
Left parasternal short axis view
Suprasternal short axis view
Suprasternal aortic arc view
Echocardiography Doppler
Pulsed Wave Doppler (PW)
Blood flow velocity
Flow in a narrow space
Continuous Wave Doppler (CW)
Accurate estimation of blood flow velocity
Color Mapping
Blood flow direction and its disturbance
Red flow towards the transducer
Blue flow away from the transducer
Green / yellow turbulence
Parameter Echo Study
Cardiovascular structure
Cardiac function
Systolic and diastolic function
Ejection fraction
Hemodynamic function
Cardiac chambers volume
left ventricular end diastolic volume
Stroke volume
Cardiac output
Blood flow in cardiac chambers, cardiac valve, and arteries
Echo non invasive imaging technique to assess
and diagnose of cardiac abnormalities using
The most commonly used echo is transthoracic echo
Echo mode : M-Mode, 2 dimentional, and Doppler
Echo study :
To assess cardiovascular structure abnormalities
Cardiac chambers, cardiac valve, and great arteries

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