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Listen to the audio and fill in the missing parts
Operator : 1_______________________________________________________________
Alex : 2_________________________________an International Call, please?
Operator : You 3______________________________from your room if you like.
Alex : Im sorry I dont understand 4_________________________________
Operator : Just hang up, then 5___________________________________________
Alex : Ok. 6___________________________________________________________
Operator : Youre welcome. Would you like to 7___________________________
to your room or 8______________________________________________
Alex : To my room
Operator : All right Ill 9___________________________________________________

Answer the questions below!

11. What shall Alex do in his room?
12. What does the operator suggest when Alex cant make an International call?
13. What is the second procedure from the receptionist to make an International
14. How does Alex pay the charge of the call?
15. Where does the conversation take place?
16. What is the code number to make an international call according to the text?
17. How many people in that conversation?
18. When does the conversation take place?
19. Where Alex to make international call?
20. What does the operator say to close the conversation?
B. Listening Task
Listen. What kind of Information is the speaker asking for?

1. 2.

3. 4.
C. Language Awareness

Write the correct preposition in the blanks.

1. My parents live ____ Canada.

2. You can reach me _____ 213-985-2117.
3. Its so easy to get n touch with people ______ the internet.
4. My office is ______ Main Street.
5. Their website is located _____
6. Our house is _____ Parker Avenue.
7. He used to live _____ New York, but now he lives _____ Chicago.
8. I get all my e-mail _____
A. Listening Task

1. First Listening
Listen. What do they need money for?

1____________________ 2____________________

3____________________ 4____________________

2. Second Listening
Listen again. How much money do they need?

1____________________ 2____________________

3____________________ 4____________________
B. Part II
1. Listen and Fill in the missing parts

Alex : Hello,(1)____________________________to change some money

into (2)_______________Please.
Clerk : Certainly, do you have (3)________or_______________________?
Alex : Travelers Checks. (4)_______________________
Clerk : May I (5)______________________________Please?
Alex : Of course.
Clerk : Let see (6)___________________________________Would you
like it in any special (7)_____________________?
Alex : (8)_____________________________________________?
Clerk : How (9)__________________________your money, in 20s, 50s,
or a hundred dollars?
Alex : A hundred dollars in 20s. And (10)____________________________


1. What currency does Alex want to change his money?

2. How much money does Alex have?
3. In what denomination does Alex want his money?
4. Where does the conversation take place?
5. How many people in that conversation?
C. Language Awareness
Listen and complete each sentence.

1. I need to earn _____________ to buy some soccer equipment for school.

2. I want to save _____________ for a trip to Costa Rica next year.

3. I cant afford this apartment. It costs _____________ a month.

4. Thats really good deal! Its only ____________ for a movie ticket there.

5. I made a budget last night. I can spend only _____________ for lunch.

6. Can I borrow _______________ to buy this new World Music CD?

A. Listening Task
Choose the correct problem. What is the problem?

1.__Forgot passport 2.__Wrong line

__Forgot ticket __Wrong airline

3.__Flight is sold out 4.__Lost luggage

__Flight is canceled __Luggage damage
B. Part II
Listen and Fill in the missing parts
Lady Officer: Good afternoon. 1_____________________________, please?

Alex : Yes, here it is. And heres my 2______________

Lady Officer: Thank you. You have a 3_______________________________.

Alex : Yes, thats right. I plan to travel some in the US.

Lady Officer: Where are you going?

Alex : Im going to 4________ some time in 5__________After that Im

going to 6____________________________________________

Lady Officer: Alright. Enjoy your stay.

Gent Officer: Hi. Anything to 7____________________?

Alex : Excuse me. I dont understand.

Gent Officer: Do you have any 8__________or alcohol to 9______________?

Alex : 10.______________________________

Gent Officer: Ok you can go ahead

Alex : Thank you

Answer the questions below!

1. Where does the conversation above take place?

2. What does Alex have?

3. Where does Alex want to go?

4. Does Alex have any valuables or alcohol to declare?

5. How many people talking are there?

C. Language Awareness

Listen and write the reduced words

1. I have to be at a business meeting in Dallas tomorrow. (____________)

2. Were going to fly first class this time. (____________)
3. You should have packed your bags last night. (____________)
4. Its kind of to change plans now. (____________)
5. Arent you going to check in first? (____________)
6. Im kind of excited about going to China. (____________)
7. Weve got to be ready to leave by 6.30. (____________).
8. Johns going to call me from airport. (____________)
9. You dont have to leave now, do you? (____________)
10. Youve got to get a visa first. (____________)
A. Vocabulary Task
Match each phrase with the best endings
1 Let's go for a walk a Let's go dancing tonight.
2 Let's go see the new Fantasia b my new 3-D travel computer game?
3 I want to go shopping because c at the art museum.
4 Let's go windsurfing d we can play tennis.
5 I'd like to see the Monet exhibit e at Kailua Beach.
6 If it stops raining f in the park.
7 Time to party? g I need some new jeans.
8 Do you want to try h I heard it's great movie.

B. Part II
Listen and Fill in the missing parts

Alex Smith:

One of my (1) ... in America is The Area around Monterey.

California. I (2)to visit Monterey the way I did as a tourist, He (3)


1. Have Lunch at (4) on cannery row. Sit a table overlooking the

water. Perhaps you (5) to catch a glimpse of the famous sea otters.

2. (6) ..

3. Take the scenic (7)...

4. Drive on (8) big sure for splendid view of a rugged

California Coastline.

5. On the return drive to Monterey, (9) at the Quaint Lamp-

Lighter Inn in beautiful Carmel-by-the sea. Ask for Hansel and Gretel cottage

Answer the questions below

1. Where city should Alex visit?

2. What is the instruction at the restaurant?

3. What is the second instruction?

4. How did the way that Alexs uncle ask him to visit Monterey?

5. Summarize by using your own words about the instructions above!

C. Language Awareness
Match each question with the best response and complete the missing parts

1 Do you want to go to movie tonight? a Yes, how about ____________?

2 Are you free tomorrow morning? b OK. ______________________?

3 I want to go shopping tomorrow c Sure. What time ____________?

4 Do you want to go to the art museum? d Yeah, _______________over after 2 o'clock.

5 Do you want to take a walk? e Yeah, _______________?

6 Can you come over on Saturday? f Sounds good. ________________________.


A. Vocabulary Task
Complete the directions.
1. __________ the end of this halfway. Its the last door _________________.
2. Marlas house? _____________ this street. Her place is __________ the
3. ________________ Spring Street about half a mile. ___________ at the
4. Walk until you ___________ the river. Then ___________ the river
____________ the tower.
5. The Hard Rock Caf is very hard to find. Youd better ___________________

B. Part II
Listen and Fill in the missing parts.

Officer : (1)____________________________________________________?
Alex : Yes, thanks. (2)_____________________at the Peach Tree Plaza in
town. Whats (3) ________________________________________?
Officer : You can take a cab, bus, limo, or (4)_________________________
Alex : (5)_______________________________________?
Officer : That depends. A cab is (6)__________But (7)______________
The bus is (8)__________but (9)_____________It would probably
be (10)______________to take your hotel shuttle.
Alex : Alright. (11)______________________________________________
Officer : Just go through those outdoors and (12) ___________________
When it comes by, wave and the driver will pick you up.
Alex : (13)_______________________________________________?
Officer : Its a (14)___________________So, its free. You can tip the driver
if you want.
Alex : (15)___________________________________________________
16. Whats the best way to get there (line 3). The underlined word refers to
17. Where does the conversation probably take place?
18. How can Alex catch the hotel shuttle?
19. How many people in the conversation?
20. Where is Alex staying?

C. Language Awareness
Complete each short conversation.

1. A: _____________________. Where is the post office?

B: Its _______________. Green Street, across the McDonalds.
A: Did you say _____________ from McDonalds?
B: Yes, thats right.

2. A: Where is the Grand Hotel?

B: The Grand Hotel? I think its __________River Drive ____________in the Marriot.
A: Could you repeat that, please?

3. A: Can you tell me where the Bank is?

B: Theres Bank ____________Lakeshore Drive __________a big book store and
a jewellery store. You cant miss it.
A: Sorry. Please say that again more slowly.
A. Part I
Listen and Fill in the missing parts

Bank clerk : Are you 1___________________________________for a charge account?

Alex : Yes. How long will it take for 2__________________________________?
Bank clerk : Only a few weeks. Have you 3_______________the applications form, yet?
Alex : Not entirely. Im not a 4__________________My bank and previous charge
accounts are all 5______________What 6_____________________
Bank clerk : I 7____________________therell be a problem. Just write down
8__________and 9____________of your accounts at home. Well let our
credit office work out 10_________________
Alex : Is there a charge 11_______________________________the card?
Bank clerk : Theres no charge for the card itself. You pay of 12______________on
13 ________________at the end of each month.
Alex : Is there a 14________________________________what I can charge?
Bank clerk : Well start you off with a 15_________________If your credit history is
good, and you need to 16_________________your line, we can usually do it.
Alex : Great. When can I start using it?
Bank clerk : We should have approval within 17__________________Where shall we
mail your card?
Alex : To this address. Im having all my 18____________________ to my
19 _______________office while Im 20________________

Answer the questions below based on the dialogue above!

1. Who plans for charge account?
2. Whom should the bank clerk mail Alexs card?
3. How many days will the account take for the approval?
4. How much money can Alex get the limit charge?
5. I dont think there would be a problem.(line 6) The word I refers to.
6. When will exactly Alex pay on remaining balance?
7. Theres no charge for the card itself. The word itself in line 9 refers to.
8. Great. When can I start using it? (line 14). The word start has a synonym meaning
9. How can Alex fill out the application easily?
10. I dont think there would be a problem. (line 6). The underlined word has a similar
meaning with.

B. Vocabulary Focus
Match the word in the box with the meaning

Balance Branch Credit

bank charges check/cheque* checkbook/chequebook*
current account*/checking account credit card Debit
deposit account*/saving account fill in*/fill out Interest
Loan overdraft pay in
paying-in-slip Payee standing order
Statement withdraw
*: It is used in UK

1. The difference between credits and debits in an account.

2. Money paid to a bank for the banks services etc.
3. Local office or bureau of a bank.
4. Book containing detachable checks;
5. Written order to a bank to pay the stated sum from ones account.
6. Money in a bank a/c; sum added to a bank a/c; money lent by a bank.
7. (plastic) card from a bank authorising the purchasing of goods on credit.
8. Bank a/c from which money may be drawn at any time.
9. A sum deducted from a bank account, as for a cheque.
10. Bank a/c on which interest is paid.
11. To add written information to a document to make it complete.
12. Money paid for the use of money lent.
13. Money lent by a bank etc and that must be repaid with interest.
14. Deficit in a bank account caused by withdrawing more money than is paid in.
15. To deposit or put money in to a bank account.
16. Person to whom money is paid.
17. Small document recording money that you pay in to a bank account.
18. An instruction to a bank to make regular payment.
19. A record of transactions in a bank account.
20. To take money out of a bank account
A. Vocabulary Task
What are these people saying about their homes?
1. I live in a small town. Its very _____________ theres not much activity. Its
not very___________________
2. I live in a big ________. Its very___________ and a little noisy, but I love it!
3. We have a large family. We all eat dinner together and ____________to each
other in the evening. Im never_______________
4. We have a ________________in the suburbs. Its _________________.
Theres a train station and a shopping___________ nearby.

B. Part II

Listen and Fill in the missing parts.

Receptionist : Welcome to the Peach Tree Plaza. Do you have 1_________________?
Alex : Yes, I do. 2_____________________________for two or three days.
Receptionist : What is your name?
Alex : Alex Smith
Receptionist : Are you here for 3_______________________________________?
Alex : Could you please 4______________________________________?
Receptionist : Is this a business trip or 5_________________________________?
Alex : Both actually. My uncle 6__________________________in Atlanta.
Ive come 7___________________________________of his estate.
Receptionist : 8___________________________________________________
Well make your stay here as worry-free as possible.
Alex : Thank you.
Receptionist : We have room 9 _______________________ reserved for you. Will
you 10____________________________ with cash or a credit card?
Alex : A credit card. Here it is. 11________________________________?
Receptionist : 12_____________________There is also a complimentary continental
breakfast. 13______________________an imprint of your credit card.
Alex : How do I get to my room?
Receptionist : Take the elevator on the right to 14________________________And
turn to your left after you exit the elevator. The room will be on your
right. A bellman 15_______________________________________

C. Listening Task
Listen. What do they talk about? Check the words.

1. Plants

2. View

3. Location
City life

4. Furniture
A. Listening Task
1. FIRST LISTENING. Listen. What are they shopping for?

1 2 3 4
A. A large, blue sweatshirt A. A TV A. Gold earrings A. A phone

B. A medium, black T-shirt B. A CD Player B. Silver earrings B. An answering


Listen again. What questions do they ask?

1 2 3 4
A. Can I help you? A. What brand do you A. How are you C. How can I help
want? paying? you?
B. May I help you? B. What kind do you B. Will that be cash or
want? charge? D. Can I help you?

B. Part II
Listen and fill in the missing parts

Alex : Id like 1___________________________ a car for several weeks.

Officer : Do you have a reservation?
Alex : No, I dont.
Officer : Alright. Ill see what we 2__________________________
Would you like a 3__________, compact, 4______________, or a
Alex : I dont need much room. Just good 6________________and safety.
What do you recommend?
Officer : I have a mini van ready. Would that be alright?
Alex : Fine. How much does it cost?
Officer : Well, if youre renting for a week or more, I would recommend
our 7______________________________mileage plan.
Alex : How does it work?
Officer : You pay a flat rate for the week and you can drive as much as you
want. You can also drop off the car at any of our agencies nation
wide. Youll start off with a full 8____________Try to fill it up just
before you drop off the car. Because we charge more than a
Alex : ok, Ill take it 10 ____________________?

Answer the questions below

11. What would Alex like to do in that place?
12. What are the conditions of the car that Alex needs?
13. Which car would the man recommend to Alex?
14. Would that be alright? (line 8) the underlined word refers to .
15. How much does it cost? The word cost in line 9 has a synonym meaning
16. Can Alex drive as much as he wants?
17. Mention the type of cars!
18. You pay flat rate for the week. The word pay has the synonym as .
19. Where does the conversation take place?
20. How long does Alex want to rent the car?

C. Language Awareness
Match each question with the best response

Question Response
1. What brand of jacket do you want? a. I like cotton
2. What color shirt do you want? b. Something casual, like a T-shirt
3. What size sweatshirt do you need? c. Do you have Nike or Adidas?
4. What style of shirt are you looking for? d. I'm looking for a light blue or white
5. Do you want cotton or synthetic material? e. I think I need a size medium
A. Vocabulary Task
Read about these jobs. What is the main future of each persons job?
Write the word in the space:
Responsibility, flexible schedule, prestige, travel, long hours, teamwork, High pay,
1. _____________ Im a tour guide. I get to see a lot of exotic places all over
the world.
2. _____________ Im a teacher. I like my job because I feel that, in a way, the
future of my students is in my hands.
3. _____________ Im a flight attendant. I only have to work three days a week.
4. _____________ As a journalist, I get to meet a lot of people.
5. _____________ Im a stockbroker. My job is stressful, but Ill be able to
retire by the time Im 40!
6. _____________ Im a nurse. I love helping people get better, but sometimes I
dont get home until late of night.
7. _____________ I love being a firefighter. My co-workers and I really count
on each other during a fire.
8. _____________ Im a computer programmer. My company allows me to work
from my computer at home.

B. Part II
Listen and Fill in the missing parts

Mr. Young : Well, how did 1_____________________________________go?

Alex : It was great I 2______________________that US was so large. I
thought I would never 3_______________ Atlanta.
Mr. Young : Did you follow 4____________________?
Alex : 5_________________. Here are my receipts and 6__________ he
wanted me to collect. I think everything is
Mr. Young : Yes, I believe you 8_________________with the conditions your
9___________. Heres your check. You 10_________________
when you get home. If you want.
Alex : Wow! I think 11 ________________, Ill have a lot of credit card
bills waiting for me.
Mr. Young : One thing is for sure, your English 12________________since you
Alex : You are kind. I think it has too. I wonder how Ill
Mr. Young : With the money from 14____________________. Youll be able to
come back to the US as often as you like or go anywhere else in the
world for that matter. Have 15_____________________ home.
Alex : Thank you. I will be back.

Answer the questions below!

1. How is Alexs opinion about that trip?
2. Did Alex follow his uncles instructions?
3. Shall Alex deposit his money?
4. What is Mr. Youngs opinion about Alexs English skill?
5. How did Alex get his money?

C. Language Awareness


1. _________________ in a clothing shop.

2. _________________ work 50 hours at the restaurant.
3. _________________ all day in front of a computer.
4. _________________ a journalist.
5. _________________ as a mad in a tourist hotel.
6. _________________ as a flight attendant.
A. Vocabulary Task
Jamal is a university student. What does he do at these times?
Write the time to each phrase

1. Catches the bus 2. Gets up 3. Takes a shower 4. Eats lunch

. . . .

5. Has a class 6. Goes to bed 7. Goes to work 8. Takes a break

. . . .

B. Part II

Listen and Fill in the missing parts

Secretary : Good morning, Pascal, Cleaver, and Young.

Alex : Id (1)_____________ with Mr. Young, please.

Secretary : Whos calling, please?

Alex : Im (2)______________ to Thomas Smith. Mr. Young asked

me to (3)_____________ when Ive arrived in the US.

Secretary : (4)______________________

Mr. Young : Im looking forward to (5)____________________. Can you

(6)_______________________ tomorrow at 10 a.m?

Alex : Yes, I think so. (7)___________________________?

Mr. Young : Our offices just behind the (8)___________________You can

(9)________________ from the hotel.

Alex : What time (10)__________I (11)___________the hotel?

Mr. Young : Oh, maybe around (12)____________________ It should only

(13)________________ minutes on (14)_____Alex. Thanks. Ill

see you (15)___________________________

1. Where is the location of Mr. Young on that conversation?

2. At what time can they meet?

3. How many minutes does Alex need to get there?

4. Wheres Mr. Youngs office located?

5. Is Mr. Youngs office far from the hotel?

C. Language Awareness
Listen and write the times.
1. I always wake up at (__________)
2. The breakfast meeting tomorrow starts at (__________)
3. My class is over at (__________)
4. You told me to meet you at the train station at (__________)
5. We usually eat lunch at (__________)
6. The next bus for Mexico City leaves at (__________)
7. Flight 436 to San Francisco will depart at (__________)
A. Vocabulary Task
Match the words and phrases with the jobs

1. Courier. A. Writes software

2. Ski instructor. B. Takes photos for a newspaper

3. Teacher. C. Teaches people how to ski

4. Bus driver D. Drives a tour bus

5. Computer programmer. E. Works for an International airline

6. Photographer. F. Works at the front desk of a major hotel

7. Flight attendant. G. Teaches geometry to high school students

8. Hotel clerk. H. Delivers packages

B. Part II
Listen and Fill in the missing parts
Mr. Young: Your uncle Thomas 1_________________He certainly thought a lot of
you. As you may know 2________________ descendants. So he 3___
To leave you the bulk of 4____________________________________
Alex : I 5________________ it. He didnt come home to 6_______________
Mr. Young: Well, its right here in his will. You can claim your 7_________________
as soon as you meet 8_______________________________________
Alex : 9______________________________________________________?
Mr. Young : After 10________________, your uncle fell in love with 11__________
He was especially fond of Atlanta, Washington, Chicago, and San
Francisco 12_________________ you to visit some of the places that
he 13____________________________________________so much.
Alex : That seems 14_________________ Anything else?
Mr. Young : Here are sealed 15_____________ with 16____________ about each
place. When you arrive in Washington, for example,
17_______________ then youll know what to do.
Alex : This is all 18_______________________________________________
Mr. Young : Yes, its strange but worth the trouble, I think. When you 19_________
and return to Atlanta. Ill give 20_______________________________

C. Language Awareness
Match each question with the best response.

1. Do you want to go to a movie tonight? a. Yes, how about this weekend?

2. Are you free tomorrow morning? b. OK. How about the park?
3. I want to go shopping tomorrow. c. Sure. What time does it start?
4. Do you want to go to the art museum? d. Yeah, I can come over after 2 o'clock
5. Do you want to take a walk? e. Yeah, what's up?
6. Can you come over on Saturday? f. Sounds good. I need some shoes
A. Vocabulary Task
Match the invitations and the responses

a. The first? Ill be out of town. I guess I

1. Want to come over for dinner tonight? better call to let them know
b. I think I'm going to have to take a rain
2. I'd appreciate it if you would call me back to let me check. I have to muck work to do this
know by this Friday. weekend.

3. Do you want to come to the mall with me?

4. Hey, It's John's birthday. "Join us for a party at 2.30
p.m. on April, 1st
c. It sounds like fun, but I'm really busy
5. It's an invitation. It says: We would like to request
the pleasure of your company at eight o'clock on
Thursday evening. Please RSVP to 555-1212 d. I'd love to go. I'll call to RSVP

e. Sure, I'd love to! What movie do you want

to see?
6. Can you go to the movies with me?
7. Please come to barbecue party this Saturday at 1.00 f. I can let you know now. It would be my
p.m BYOB pleasure to attend.

g. Right now? OK. Just let me get my purse

B. Part II
Listen and Fill in the missing parts
C. Language Awareness

What do you think is a polite way to refuse an invitation? Rate the refusals.
P = polite, NP = not polite, ? = Im not sure

1. It sounds like fun, but Im really busy. _______

2. Im sorry, I cant make it. _______

3. I dont want to go. _______

4. No way. _______

5. Nope, cant make it. _______

6. Sorry, not interested _______

7. Im sorry, I have other plans. _______

8. Can I take a rain check? _______

9. Let me check my schedule _______

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