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CASE NO. 31 REPUBLIC V. GALANG Psychological Test conducted on client Nestor Galang (c) incurability, if treatments required exceed the ordinary
resembles an emotionally-matured individual. He is well- means or subject, or involve time and expense beyond the
FACTS: adjusted to the problem he meets, and enable to throw-off reach of the subject are all obtaining in this case.
Nestor and Juvy contracted marriage in Pampanga in March major irritations but manifest[s] a very low frustration
tolerance which means he has a little ability to endure anxiety On appeal, the Court of Appeals, affirmed the RTC decision in
1994. Nestor worked as an artist-illustrator while Juvy stayed toto.
at home. They had one child, Christopher. and the client manifests suppressed feelings and emotions
which resulted to unbearable emotional pain, depression and ISSUE:
In August 1999, Nestor filed with the RTC a petition for the lack of self-esteem and gained emotional tensions caused by
declaration of nullity of his marriage with Juvy, under Article his wifes behavior. Whether there is basis to nullify the respondents marriage to
36 of the Family Code, as amended. He alleged that Juvy was Juvy on the ground that at the time of the celebration of the
psychologically incapacitated to exercise the essential The incapacity of the defendant is manifested [in] such a marriage, Juvy suffered from psychological incapacity that
obligations of marriage, as she was a kleptomaniac and a manner that the defendant-wife: (1) being very irresponsible prevented her from complying with her essential marital
swindler; that Juvy suffers from mental deficiency, innate and very lazy and doesnt manifest any sense of obligations.
immaturity, distorted discernment and total lack of care, love responsibility; (2) her involvement in gambling activities such
as mahjong and kuwaho; (3) being an estafador which HELD:
and affection [towards him and their] child. He posited that
Juvys incapacity was extremely serious and appears to be exhibits her behavioral and personality disorders; (4) her
None. The Supreme Court held that the totality of Nestors
incurable. neglect and show no care attitude towards her husband and
evidence his testimonies and the psychologist, and the
child; (5) her immature and rigid behavior; (6) her lack of
Having found no collusion between the parties, the case was psychological report and evaluation insufficient to prove
initiative to change and above all, the fact that she is unable
set for trial. In his testimony, Nestor alleged that he was the Juvys psychological incapacity pursuant to Article 36 of the
to perform her marital obligations as a loving, responsible and
Family Code. Psychological incapacity must be characterized
one who prepared their breakfast because Juvy did not want caring wife to her family. There are just few reasons to
to wake up early; Juvy often left their child to their neighbors by (a) gravity; (b) juridical antecedence; and (c) incurability.
believe that the defendant is suffering from incapacitated
care; and Christopher almost got lost in the market when Juvy The defect should refer to no less than a mental (not
mind and such incapacity appears to be incorrigible.
brought him there. He added that Juvy stole his ATM card and physical) incapacity that causes a party to be truly incognitive
falsified his signature to encash the check representing The RTC nullified the parties marriage in its decision of of the basic marital covenants that concomitantly must be
January 22, 2001. The RTC Judge, relying on the Santos Case, assumed and discharged by the parties to the marriage.
Nestors fathers pension. He, likewise, stated that he caught
Juvy playing mahjong and kuwaho three (3) times. Finally, stated in the decision that the psychological incapacity of
In the present case, the psychologist did not even identify the
he testified that Juvy borrowed money from their relatives on respondent to comply with the essential marital obligations of
types of psychological tests which she administered on Nestor
the pretense that their son was confined in a hospital. marriage can be characterized by (a) gravity because the
and the root cause of Juvys psychological condition. There
subject cannot carry out the normal and ordinary duties of
Nestor presented Anna Liza Guiang, a psychologist, who was no showing that any mental disorder existed at the
marriage and family shouldered by any average couple
inception of the marriage. The report failed to prove the
testified that she conducted a psychological test on Nestor. In existing under ordinary circumstances of life and work; (b)
her Psychological Report, the psychologist made the following gravity or severity of Juvys alleged condition, specifically, why
antecedence, because the root cause of the trouble can be
findings: and to what extent the disorder is serious, and how it
traced to the history of the subject before marriage although
incapacitated her to comply with her marital duties; the
its overt manifestations appear over after the wedding; and
report did not even categorically state the particular type of

personality disorder found. The report failed to establish the children. Later, respondent husband became insecure and On appeal, the CA affirmed the decision of the RTC.
incurability of Juvys condition. The reports pronouncements jealous and would get mad every time he would see
that Juvy lacks the initiative to change and that her mental petitioner talking to other people, even to her relatives. ISSUE:
incapacity appears incorrigible are insufficient to prove that When respondent husband started threatening to kill WON the totality of petitioner wifes evidence establish
her mental condition could not be treated, or if it were petitioner, she decided to leave the conjugal abode and live respondents psychological incapacity to perform the
otherwise, the cure would be beyond her means to separately from him. She then consulted a psychiatrist who essential obligations of marriage?
undertake. concluded that respondent was indeed psychologically
incapacitated to comply with the essential marital obligations. HELD:
Petition was granted. Galangs petition for the declaration of
nullity of his marriage to Juvy Salazar under Article 36 of the Respondent husband denied that he has refused to work. He No. The Court held that psychological incapacity must be
Family Code was dismissed. claimed that he had been trying to find a decent job, but was characterized by (a) gravity (b) juridical antecedence, and (c)
always unable to because of his old age and lack of incurability. These guidelines do not require that a physician
CASE NO. 32 YAMBAO V. REPUBLIC AND YAMBAO qualifications. He also claimed that he did not stay long in the examine the person to be declared psychologically
FACTS: jobs he had because the same could not support the needs of incapacitated. In fact, the root cause may be medically or
his family, and yielded benefits that were not commensurate clinically identified. What is important is the presence of
Petitioner Cynthia Yambao filed a Petition for Declaration of to the efforts he exerted. He had ventured into small evidence that can adequately establish the partys
Nullity of her marriage with respondent Patricio Yambao after businesses but they failed due to various economic crises. psychological condition.
35 years of marriage. She invoked the ground of psychological Respondent further claimed that he was not, in fact,
incapacity pursuant to Article 36 of the Family Code. For a marriage to be annulled under Article 36 of the Family
contented with living with petitioners relatives since his
Code, the psychologically incapacitated spouse must be
every move was being watched with eagle eyes. He also
Petitioner wife alleged that since the beginning, her marriage shown to suffer no less than a mental (not physical) incapacity
denied that he gambled. He alleged that even without a
with the respondent husband had been marred by bickering, that causes him or her to be truly incognitive of the basic
steady source of income, he still shared in the payment of the
quarrels, and recrimination due to the latters inability to marital covenants.
amortization of their house in BF Homes, Paraaque City. He
comply with the essential obligations to married life. She
also denied that he threatened to kill petitioner, considering In this case, there is no showing that respondent was
elaborated by saying that through all the years of their
that there was never any evidence that he had ever harmed suffering from a psychological condition so severe that he was
married life, she was the only one who earned a living and
or inflicted physical injury on petitioner to justify the latter unaware of his obligations to his wife and family. On the
took care of the children and that respondent husband just
having a nervous breakdown. He further alleged that he never contrary, respondents efforts, though few and far between
ate and slept all day and would spend time with friends. In
consulted any psychiatrist, and denied that he was they may be, showed an understanding of his duty to provide
addition, she claimed that respondent husband would
psychologically incapacitated to comply with the essential for his family, albeit he did not meet with much success.
venture into several businesses but all of these failed.
obligations of marriage. Whether his failure was brought about by his own indolence
Respondent husband was also a gambler. Petitioner wife also
or irresponsibility, or by some other external factors, is not
claimed that, when their children were babies, respondent RTC dismissed the petition for lack of merit holding that
did not even help to change their diapers or feed them, even relevant. What is clear is that respondent, in showing an
petitioner wifes evidence failed to support her argument that
while petitioner was recovering from her caesarean awareness to provide for his family, even with his many
respondent husband was indeed psychologically
operation, proffering the excuse that he knew nothing about failings, does not suffer from psychological incapacity.
incapacitated to fulfill his marital obligations

Article 36 contemplates incapacity or inability to take On October 21, 1993, after being married for more than 18 1. Whether the CA violated the rule on stare decisis when it
cognizance of and to assume basic marital obligations and not years and while the youngest child was only two years old, refused to follow the guidelines set forth under the Santos
merely difficulty, refusal, or neglect in the performance of Carmen filed a verified petition before the RTC of Cebu City and Molina cases,
marital obligations or ill will. This incapacity consists of the praying for the declaration of nullity of their marriage based
following: (a) a true inability to commit oneself to the on Article 36 of the Family Code. She claimed that Benjamin 2. Whether or not the CA correctly ruled that the requirement
essentials of marriage; (b) this inability to commit oneself suffered from psychological incapacity even at the time of the of proof of psychological incapacity for the declaration of
must refer to the essential obligations of marriage: the celebration of their marriage, which, however, only became absolute nullity of marriage based on Article 36 of the Family
conjugal act, the community of life and love, the rendering of manifest thereafter. Code has been liberalized,
mutual help, the procreation and education of offspring; and 3. Whether the CAs decision declaring the marriage between
(c) the inability must be tantamount to a psychological Carmens allegations of Benjamins psychological incapacity
consisted of the following manifestations (1.) Benjamins petitioner and respondent null and void is in accordance with
abnormality. It is not enough to prove that a spouse failed to law and jurisprudence.
meet his responsibility and duty as a married person; it is alcoholism, which adversely affected his family relationship
and his profession; (2.) Benjamins violent nature brought Held:
essential that he must be shown to be incapable of doing so
due to some psychological illness. about by his excessive and regular drinking; (3.) His
compulsive gambling habit, as a result of which Benjamin 1. No. respondents argument that the doctrinal guidelines
That respondent, according to petitioner, lacked effective found it necessary to sell the family car twice and the prescribed in Santos and Molina should not be applied
sense of rational judgment and responsibility does not mean property he inherited from his father in order to pay off his retroactively for being contrary to the principle of stare
he is incapable to meet his marital obligations. His refusal to debts, because he no longer had money to pay the same; and decisis is no longer new.
help care for the children, his neglect for his business (4.) Benjamins irresponsibility and immaturity as shown by his
2. The Case involving the application of Article 36 must be
ventures, and his alleged unbearable jealousy may indicate failure and refusal to give regular financial support to his
treated distinctly and judged not on the basis of a priori
some emotional turmoil or mental difficulty, but none have family.
assumptions, predilections or generalizations but according to
been shown to amount to a psychological abnormality.
Benjamin denied being psychologically incapacitated. He its own attendant facts. Courts should interpret the provision
Furthermore, as found by both RTC and CA, respondent never
maintained that he is a respectable person, as his peers would on a case-to-case basis, guided by experience, the findings of
committed infidelity or physically abused petitioner or their
confirm. He also pointed out that it was he who often experts and researchers in psychological disciplines, and by
children. In fact, considering that the children lived with both
comforted and took care of their children, while Carmen decisions of church tribunals.
parents, it is safe to assume that both made an impact in the
childrens upbringing. Still, the parties were able to raise three played mahjong with her friends twice a week. Both
3. There is no evidence that adduced by respondent
children into adulthood without any major parenting presented expert witnesses (psychiatrist) to refute each
insufficient to prove that petitioner is psychologically unfit to
others claim. RTC ruled in favor of the respondent declaring
problems, and such fact could hardly support a proposition discharge the duties expected of him as a husband, and more
that the parties marriage is a nullity. the marriage null and void.
particularly, that he suffered from such psychological
Petitioner appealed to the CA. CA reversed RTCs decision. incapacity as of the date of the marriage eighteen (18) years
CASE NO. 33 Ting vs Ting
Respondent filed a motion for reconsideration, arguing that ago.
FACTS: the Molina guidelines should not be applied to this case


CASE NO. 34 Kalaw vs. Fernandez, infliction of physical violence, constitutional indolence or -Elizabeth E. Rondain, a psychiatrist, one of the witnesses,
laziness, drug dependence or addiction, and psycho sexual testified and submitted a psychological evaluation report on
FACTS: anomaly are manifestations of a sociopathic personality Bonas mental state. The interviews she had with Jose and
In the case at bar, petitioner alleged that his wife anomaly. Let it be noted that in Article 36, there is no two of his witnesses brought her to the conclusion that
(respondent) suffers from psychological incapacity due to marriage to speak of in the first place, as the same is void respondent was suffering from histrionic personality disorder,
respondents constant mahjong sessions, visits to the beauty from the very beginning. To indulge in imagery, the and it was traceable to her family history.
parlor, going out with friends, adultery, and neglect of their declaration of nullity under Article 36 will simply provide a
decent burial to a stillborn marriage. -On January 11, 1999, the dispositive portion of the trial court
children. Petitioner alleged that respondents habits, when declared the marriage of Jose and Bona void ab
performed constantly to the detriment of quality and quantity
of time devoted to her duties as mother and wife, constitute initio on the ground of psychological incapacity of the
a psychological incapacity FACTS: respondent under Article 36 of the Family Code. The Court
finds that Bonas illness exhibited gravity, antecedence, and
ISSUES: -Bonas illicit affairs with other men started at the onset of incurability.
their marriage on October 27, 1973, when Jose was assigned
1. What is psychological incapacity as a ground for the
in various parts of the country as an officer in the AFP. -OSG appealed the said ruling to the CA, and the CA
nullity of marriage under Article 36 of the Family Code? subsequently granted the appeal and reversed the ruling of
-She continued her infidelity even when they lived together at the trial court decision.
2. Should the marriage of the petitioner and respondent Fort Bonifacio, Makati City some time in 1985, whenever Jose
be voided? was out of their living quarters. ISSUE:
HELD: -In 1987, Jose was incarcerated in Camp Crame for rebellion WON Bona should be deemed psychologically incapacitated
1. Psychological incapacity as a ground for the nullity of for the alleged participation of the failed coup detat. He to comply with the essential marital obligations.
marriage under Article 36 of the Family Code refers to a heard circulation of rumors of Bona getting caught having sex
with his driver, Corporal Gagarin. RULING:
serious psychological illness afflicting a party even prior to the
celebration of the marriage that is permanent as to deprive -Jose got a military pass from his jail warden and confronted No. There is inadequate credible evidence that her defects
the party of the awareness of the duties and responsibilities Bona about the rumors, which she and Gagarin admitted. were already present at the inception of, or prior to, the
of the matrimonial bond he or she was about to assume. marriage. Bonas alleged psychological incapacity did not
Since then they were separated, and their foundling, Ramona
Celeste, stayed with Bona in Basilan until1994 to live with satisfy the jurisprudential requisite of juridical antecedence.
2. In dissolving marital bonds on account of either Her persistent sexual infidelity and abandonment are not
partys psychological incapacity, the Court is not demolishing Jose.
badges of psychological incapacity nor cant it be traced to
the foundation of families, but it is actually protecting the -Jose Reynaldo B. Ochosa filed a Petition for the declaration the inception of their marriage. The psychiatrists conclusion
sanctity of marriage, because it refuses to allow a person of nullity of marriage between him and Bona J. Alano, based about Bonas HPD which made her prone to promiscuity and
afflicted with a psychological disorder, who cannot comply
on the ground of the latters psychological incapacity to fulfill sexual infidelity existed before her marriage to Jose, cannot
with or assume the essential marital obligations, from the essential marital obligations of marriage. be taken as credible proof of antecedence since the method
remaining in that sacred bond. It may be stressed that the by which such an inference was reached leaves much to be

desired in terms of meeting the standard of evidence required incapacitated of performing and complying with their -Petition denied. Marriage is null and void.
in determining psychological incapacity. Dr. Rondains respective essential marital obligations. In addition,
conclusion was based solely on the assumed truthful respondent alleged that such state of psychological incapacity DOCTRINE:
knowledge of Jose. No other witness testified to Bonas family was present prior and even during the time of the marriage The following are the guidelines to aid the courts in the
history or her behavior prior to or at the beginning of their ceremony. disposition of cases involving psychological incapacity:
marriage. The two witnesses only started to live with them in
1980 and 1986, respectively. Verily, Dr. Ronda in evaluated -It alleged among others that said psychological incapacity (1) Burden of proof to show the nullity of the marriage
Bonas psychological condition directly from the information was manifested by lack of financial support from the belongs to the plaintiff; (2) The root cause of the
gathered solely from Jose husband; his lack of drive and incapacity to discern the plight psychological incapacity must be: (a) medically or clinically
and his witnesses. These factual circumstances evoke the of his working wife. The husband exhibited consistent identified, (b) alleged in the complaint, (c) sufficiently proven
possibility that the information fed to the psychiatrists is jealousy and distrust towards his wife. His moods alternated by experts and (d) clearly explained in the decision; (3) The
tainted with bias for Joses cause, in the absence of sufficient between hostile defiance and contrition. He refused to assist incapacity must be proven to be existing at the time of the
in the maintenance of the family. celebration of the marriage; (4) Such incapacity must also be
corroboration. Article 36 of the Family Code is not to be
confused with a divorce law that cuts the marital bond at the shown to be medically or clinically permanent or incurable;
-On the side of the wife on the other hand, is effusive and
time the causes therefore manifest themselves. It refers to a displays her feelings openly and freely. Her feelings change (5) Such illness must be grave enough to bring about the
serious psychological illness afflicting a party even before the very quickly from joy to fury to misery to despair, depending disability of the party to assume the essential obligations of
celebration of the marriage. It is a malady so grave and so on her day-to-day experiences. Her tolerance for boredom marriage; (6) The essential marital obligations must be those
permanent as to deprive one of awareness of the duties and was very low. She was emotionally immature; she cannot embraced by Articles 68 up to 71 of the Family Code as
responsibilities of the matrimonial bond one is about to regards the husband and wife, as well as Articles 220, 221 and
stand frustration or disappointment. She cannot delay to
assume. These marital obligations are those provided under gratify her needs. She gets upset when she cannot get what 225 of the same Code in regard to parents and their children.
Article 68 to 71, 220, 221 and 225 of the Family Code. she wants. Self-indulgence lifts her spirits immensely. Such non-complied marital obligation(s) must also be stated
in the petition, proven by evidence and included in the text of
CASE NO. 36 AURELIO VS. AURELIO -On November 8, 2002, petitioner filed a Motion to Dismiss the decision; (7) Interpretations given by the National
the petition. Petitioner principally argued that the petition Appellate Matrimonial Tribunal of the Catholic Church in the
failed to state a cause of action and that it failed to meet the Philippines, while not controlling or decisive, should be given
-Petitioner Danilo A. Aurelio and respondent Vida Ma. standards set by the Court for the interpretation and great respect by our courts; (8) The trial court must order the
Corazon Aurelio were married on March 23, 1988. implementation of Article 36 of the Family Code. prosecuting attorney or fiscal and the Solicitor General to
appear as counsel for the state. No decision shall be handed
-They have two sons, namely: Danilo Miguel and Danilo -RTC denied the petition. CA affirmed. down unless the Solicitor General issues a certification, which
ISSUE: will be quoted in the decision, briefly stating therein his
-On May 9, 2002, respondent filed with the Regional Trial reasons for his agreement or opposition, as the case may be,
Court (RTC) of Quezon City, Branch 94, a Petition for WON the marriage shall be declared null and void? to the petition. First, contrary to petitioners assertion, this
Declaration of Nullity of Marriage. In her petition, respondent Court finds that the root cause of psychological incapacity
alleged that both she and petitioner were psychologically was stated and alleged in the complaint. We agree with the

manifestation of respondent that the family backgrounds of -She alleged that the respondent was psychologically awareness of and his capability to undertake the duties and
both petitioner and respondent were discussed in the incapacitated to exercise the essential obligations of marriage responsibilities of marriage. All these are critical to the
complaint as the root causes of their psychological incapacity. as shown by the following circumstances: success of the petitioners case. Second, her testimony was
Moreover, a competent and expert psychologist clinically short on factual basis for her diagnosis because it was wholly
identified the same as the root causes. Second, the petition 1.) The respondent reneged on his promise to be true with based on what the petitioner related to her. As the doctor
likewise alleged that the illness of both parties was of such her under one roof after finding work; 2.) He failed to extend admitted to the prosecutor, she did not at all examine the
grave a nature as to bring about a disability for them to financial support to her; 3.) He blamed her for his mothers respondent, only the petitioner. Neither the law nor
assume the essential obligations of marriage. The death; 4.)He represented himself as single in his transactions; jurisprudence requires, of course, that the person sought to
and 5.) He pretended to be working in Davao, although he
psychologist reported that respondent be declared psychologically incapacitated should be
was cohabiting with another woman. personally examined by a physician or psychologist as a
suffers from Histrionic Personality Disorder with Narcissistic condition sine qua non to arrive at such declaration. If a
Features. Petitioner, on the other hand, allegedly suffers from - The RTC nullified the marriage in its decision.
psychological disorder can be proven by independent means,
Passive Aggressive (Negativistic) Personality Disorder. The - The Court of Appeals reversed the decision of the Regional no reason exists why such independent proof cannot be
incapacity of both parties to perform their marital obligations Trial Court due to prematurity thus denied the nullification of admitted and given credit. No such independent evidence,
was alleged to be grave, incorrigible and incurable. Lastly, this the parties' marriage. Rowena then filed a petition to the however, appears on record to have been gathered in this
Court also finds that the essential marital obligations that Supreme Court praying for the Court of Appeal's decision to case, particularly about the respondents early life and
were not complied with were alleged in the petition. As can be set aside and RTC's decision be reinstated. associations, and about events on or about the time of the
be easily gleaned from the totality of the petition,
marriage and immediately thereafter.
respondents allegations fall under Article 68 of the Family ISSUE:
Code which states that the husband and the wife are obliged CASE NO. 38 DIMAYUGA-LAURENA VS. CA, LAURENA
WON the psychologist was able to prove that the respondent
to live together, observe mutual love, respect and fidelity,
is indeed psychologically incapacitated according to Article 36 FACTS:
and render mutual help and support.
of the Family Code of the Philippines.
CASE NO. 37 ROWENA PADILLA-RUMBAUA VS. EDWARD -19 December 1983, Darlene and Jesse wed in intramuros.
RULING: They had 2 children, Mark and Michael.
No. The testimony of Dr.Tayag, together with her report, -19 October 1993, Petitioner filed petition of declaration of
suffers from very basic flaws. First, what she medically nullity of marriage; respondent was psychologically
-Rowena Padilla and Edward Rumbaua were married. described was not related or linked to the respondents exact incapacitated since: 1.) Invited 15yr old boy to sleep in same
condition except in a very general way. In short, her hotel room with them during honeymoon. 2.) Watched TV
-They never lived together in one habitat because their testimony and report were rich in generalities but disastrously while Darlene suffered from miscarriage, almost bled to
marriage was a secret to Edward's family. short on particulars, most notably on how the respondent can death. 3.) Prioritized parents needs over hers 4.) Womanizer.
be said to be suffering from narcissistic personality disorder; 5.) Had female tendencies.
-Rowena filed for nullity of their marriage due to
psychological incapacity. why and to what extent the disorder is grave and incurable;
how and why it was already present at the time of the -September 1990, Jesse abandoned conjugal home and
marriage; and the effects of the disorder on the respondents stopped caring for their children.

-Conjugal properties: Makati Duplex; House and lot in one of respondents house helpers, to sleep in their room. ISSUE:
Tanauan, Batangas; Jeddah Caltex dealership; Lancer, Safari, However, respondent explained that he and petitioner
L300, L200 vehicles, Jeddah Trucking. already stayed in a hotel for one night before they went to Whether or not Jordan Paz was psychologically incapacitated
to comply with the essential marital obligations.
Baguio City and that they had sexual relations even before
-Petitioner prayed for the Dissolution of Conjugal partnership, their marriage. Respondent explained that the boy was with
Custody, and Monthly support of 30,000. RULING:
them to take pictures and videos of their stay in Baguio City
-CA affirmed RTC decision with modification. and had to stay with them in the room due to monetary There was no sufficient proof that Jordan was psychologically
constraints. incapacitated.
In sum, the totality of the evidence presented by petitioner The respondent and the trial court relied heavily on the
1) WON the respondent is psychologically incapacitated to failed to show that respondent was psychologically expert testimony of psychologist Cristina R. Gates that Jordan
comply with the essential marriage obligations incapacitated and that such incapacity was grave, incurable, was suffering from Borderline Personality Disorder.
and existing at the time of the solemnization of their However, as challenged by the petitioner and as ruled by the
2) WON the properties excluded by the court of appeals form High Court, Gates report and testimony were hearsay
part of the conjugal partnership of gains between petitioner evidence since she had no personal knowledge of the alleged
and respondent 2) Properties of respondents parents do not form part of facts she was testifying on.
conjugal partnership of gains.
RULING: The respondent was not able to prove the requisites set forth
CASE NO. 39 JORDAN CHAN PAZ vs JEANICE PAVON PAZ in Santos vs Court of Appeals and Dimayuga-Laurena vs Court
-The petition has no merit.
FACTS: of Appeals, where psychological incapacity was characterized
1) Petitioner failed to prove respondents psychological by (a) gravity, (b) judicial antecedence and (c) incurability.
incapacity. As found by the Court of Appeals, petitioner Jordan and Jeanice met sometime in November 1996 and got
anchored her petition on respondents irresponsibility, married in July 1997. Jeanice bore their only child, Evan CASE NO. 40. JOCELYN SUAZO v ANGELITO SUAZO
infidelity, and homosexual tendencies. Petitioner likewise Gaubert, on February 12, 1998. After a big fight, Jeanice left FACTS:
alleged that respondent tried to compel her to change her their conjugal home on February 23, 1999.
religious belief, and in one of their arguments, respondent Jocelyn and Angelito met each other in 1985, both being 16
also hit her. However, sexual infidelity, repeated physical On September 15, 1999, Jeanice filed a petition for years old at the time. The following year, their parents
violence, homosexuality, physical violence or moral pressure declaration of nullity against Jordan on the grounds of arranged their wedding and they got married. At the onset, it
to compel petitioner to change religious affiliation, and psychological incapacity in assuming the essential obligations was Jocelyn who took the role as bread-winner for their
abandonment are grounds for legal separation but not for of marriage. Jeanice alleged that Jordan had the tendency to young family. Angelito did not like to work, a drunkard, and
declaring a marriage void. Petitioner also failed to prove that lie about his whereabouts, preferred to hang out with friends whenever Jocelyn confronted him about his vices, Angelito
respondents psychological incapacity was existing at the time to avoid taking care of their child, plays with his Play Station would beat her up. In 1987, Angelito left Jocelyn for another
of the celebration of their marriage. Petitioner only cited that instead of reporting to work, and relied heavily on his Mom woman.
during their honeymoon, she found it strange that for financial support. On top of those, Jordan subjected
respondent allowed their 15-year old companion, the son of Jeanice to verbal lashing and insults, including a threat to hurt Ten years later, Jocelyn filed a petition to have their marriage
her with a pair of scissors. declared void on the ground of psychological incapacity.

Jocelyn hired the services of Dr. Nedy Tayag who testified tabloids that brought humiliation to the petitioners family. The RTC nullified the marriage on the strength of petitioners
that, from her interviews with the former, Angelito was Respondent left the petitioner on the same day, bringing with and the expert witness testimony. The CA reversed the
suffering from psychological incapacity that has been present her their three children. ruling.
even before the marriage began, as manifested by the failure
of Angelito to perform essential marital obligations. The RTC declared the marriage null and void on the grounds Issue:
that both parties were psychologically incapacitated to
Issue: perform marital obligations. The CA reversed the ruling. W/N the marriage should be nullified on the grounds of
psychological incapacity.
W/N the marriage should be annulled on the grounds of Issue:
psychological incapacity. Held:
W/N the marriage is null and void on the grounds of
No. The failure of a marriage should not always be remedied
Held: psychological incapacity.
by being declared void ab initio due to psychological
No. The petitioner and the RTC relied heavily on the Held: incapacity. And while the expert testimony of a professional
testimony by Dr. Tayag which the Court declared, concurring Psychiatrist is important in the determination of psychological
with the CA, as one-sided. Dr. Tayag only interviewed Jocelyn No. While the expert opinion of the psychiatrist was incapacity of any, or both, of the concerned parties, the
extensive, it is unsupported by other psychological tests that
and she does not have personal knowledge about the totality of the evidence presented will still establish whether
couples situation. The petition did the satisfy the requisites would prove the psychological incapacity. And having not they psychologically incapacitated or not. Marriage is upheld.
of Article 36 and as mentioned in Santos vs CA. satisfied the stringent requisites provided in Santos vs. CA and
Republic vs. CA (Molina), the marriage of the Edward and CASE NO. 43
CASE NO. 41. EDWARD LIM vs MA. CHERYL STA. CRUZ-LIM Cheryl is upheld.
Manuel married Leonida in 1989. They are both medical
FACTS: CASE NO. 42 ENRIQUE AGRAVIADOR vs ERLINDA AMPARO- practitioners. They begot 3 children. 11 years later, Leonida
AGRAVIADOR sought to annul her marriage with Manuel claiming that
In 1978, petitioner met respondent in Cebu. After less than a Manuel is psychologically incapacitated to perform the
year of courtship through long distance phone calls, they FACTS: essential marital obligations. Leonida testified that Manuel is
became sweethearts and eventually got married in 1979. a harsh disciplinarian and that his policy towards their
From then on, they stayed at the formers grandparents Petitioner and private respondent met in 1971 and got
married in 1973. They begot four children. children is often unconventional and was the cause of their
house in Makati. All their living expenses were paid by the
frequent fight. Manuel has an unreasonable way of imposing
grandparents. The respondent became uncomfortable with In 2001, the petitioner filed a petition for the declaration of discipline towards their children but is remarkably so gentle
the set up and asked the petitioner to live independently but nullity of marriage under Article 36 of the Family Code. He towards his mom. He is more affectionate towards his mom
to no avail. alleged that the respondent did not perform household and this is a factor which is unreasonable for Leonida. Further,
In 1990, respondent filed a police blotter implicating the chores, stayed away for long periods of time, did not take Leonida also testified that Manuel is a homosexual as
petitioner for allegedly being caught in a compromising care of their children, refused to have sex with him since 1993 evidenced by his unusual closeness to his male companions
and had extra-marital affairs. Respondent denied all and that he concealed his homosexuality from Leonida prior
position with the stay-in caregiver of the petitioners
grandmother. This incident was even published in one of the allegations. to their marriage. She once caught Manuel talking to a man
affectionately over the phone and she confirmed all her fear

when she saw Manuel kiss a man. The RTC ruled that their Armidas lack of trust in him and her constant naggings. He of Appeals in CA-G.R. SP No. 43393. The Court of Appeals
marriage is null and void not because of PI but rather due to thought her suspicions irrational. Brix could not relate to her affirmed the Order dated 21 January 1997 of the Regional
fraud by reason of Manuels concealment of his anger, temper and jealousy. Armida presented a psychological Trial Court of Quezon City, Branch 106, in Civil Case No. Q-95-
homosexuality (Art 45 of the FC). The CA affirmed the RTCs expert (Dr. Dayan) who finds Brix to be a schizoid and a 24471. The Regional Trial Court refused to dismiss private
decision. dependent and avoidant type. This is evidenced by Brixs respondents Petition for Annulment of Marriage for failure to
leaving-the-house attitude whenever they quarreled, the state a cause of action and for violation of Supreme Court
ISSUE: Whether or not the marriage between the two can be violent tendencies during epileptic attacks, the sexual Administrative Circular No. 04-94. The assailed Resolution
declared as null and void due to fraud by reason of Manuels infidelity, the abandonment and lack of support, and his
concealment of his homosexuality.
preference to spend more time with his band mates than his 1995 Tadeo Bengzon filed a petition for annulment against
HELD: The SC emphasized that homosexuality per se is not a family. Diana Barcelona (petitioner). On May 9, 1995, Tadeo filed a
ground to nullify a marriage. It is the concealment of motion to withdraw petition which the RTC granted on June
ISSUE: Whether or not PI is attendant in the case at bar. Tadeo filed annulment again but
homosexuality that would. In the case at bar however, it is
not proven that Manuel is a homosexual. The lower court HELD: The SC upheld the decision of the lower courts. The petitioner filed a motion to dismiss on two grounds: no cause
should not have taken the publics perception against alleged mixed personality disorder, the leaving-the-house of action and violates SC administrative circular 04-94 on
Manuels sexuality. His peculiarities must not be ruled by the attitude whenever they quarreled, the violent tendencies for
lower court as an indication of his homosexuality for those during epileptic attacks, the sexual infidelity, the reconsideration filed by petitioner (against deferring
are not conclusive and are not sufficient enough to prove so. abandonment and lack of support, and his preference to resolution) was the complainants failure to state a cause of
Even granting that Manuel is indeed a homosexual, there was spend more time with his band mates than his family, are not action but according to Judge Pison, petitioner was shown to
nothing in the complaint or anywhere in the case was it rooted on some debilitating psychological condition but a have violated the complainants right so there is cause of
alleged and proven that Manuel hid such sexuality from mere refusal or unwillingness to assume the essential issued its December 2, 1998 Order denying
Leonida and that Leonidas consent had been vitiated by such. obligations of marriage and these do not constitute PI. petitioners Demurrer to Evidence. It held that "[respondent]
Further, the expert was not able to prove her findings. established a quantum of evidence that the [petitioner] must
CASE NO. 44 PEREZ-FERRARIS V. FERRARIS Notably, when asked as to the root cause of respondents controvert." After her Motion for Reconsideration 11 was
alleged psychological incapacity, Dr. Dayans answer was denied in the March 22, 1999 Order, petitioner elevated the
Article 36: Psychological Incapacity Armida and Brix are a
vague, evasive and inconclusive. She replied that such case to the CA by way of a Petition for Certiorari, 13 docketed
showbiz couple. The couples relationship before the marriage
disorder can be part of his family upbringing She stated that as CA-GR No. 53100.
and even during their brief union (for well about a year or so)
was not all bad. During that relatively short period of time, there was a history of Brixs parents having difficulties in their ISSUE: Whether evidences presented are sufficient to invoke
Armida was happy and contented with her life in the relationship- this is of course inconclusive for such has no
psychological incapacity in annulling said marriage
company of Brix. Armida even admits that Brix was a direct bearing to the case at bar.
responsible and loving husband. Their problems began when HELD: A demurrer to evidence is defined as "an objection or
CASE NO. 45 BARCELONA V. CA exception by one of the parties in an action at law, to the
Armida started doubting Brix fidelity. It was only when they
started fighting about the calls from women that Brix began BARCELONA V CA 412 SCRA 41 SEPTEMBER 24, 2003 FACTS: effect that the evidence which his adversary produced is
to withdraw into his shell and corner, and failed to perform Petition for Review before us assails the 30 May 1997 insufficient in point of law (whether true or not) to make out
his so-called marital obligations. Brix could not understand Decision as well as the 7 August 1997 Resolution of the Court his case or sustain the issue." The demurrer challenges the

sufficiency of the plaintiffs evidence to sustain a verdict. In In January 1994, petitioner left the conjugal abode moved appeal from the decision of the trial court to the CA.
passing upon the sufficiency of the evidence raised in a into an apartment near the conjugal home. Despite the CAreversed the decision of the RTC. Petitioner filed a motion
demurrer, the court is merely required to ascertain whether separation, petitioner would regularly visit his children who for reconsideration which the CA denied. Hence,this petition.
there is competent or sufficient proof to sustain the stayed with him on alternate weekends. He voluntarily gave
indictment or to support a verdict of guilt. The evidence monthly support to the children an d paid for their tuition Issue: Whether the totality of the evidence and the
against respondent (herein petitioner) is grossly insufficient to fees. He also shouldered the childrens medical expenses as psychological reports supported the alleged
support any finding of psychological incapacity that would well as the maintenance and miscellaneous fees for the psychologicalincapacity of Jaime Villalon.
warrant a declaration of nullity of the parties marriage. In the conjugal abode. On July 12, 1996, petitioner filed for a Ruling: The totality of the evidence in this case does not
case at bar, the evidence adduced by respondent merely petition for the declaration of nullity of his marriage on the support a finding that petitioner is psychologically
shows that he and his wife could not get along with each ground of his psychological incapacity. According to incapacitated to fulfill his marital obligations. On the contrary,
other. There was absolutely no showing of the gravity or petitioner, the manifestations of his psychological incapacity what is evident is the fact that petitioner was a good husband
juridical antecedence or incurability of the problems besetting were:(a) his chronic refusal to maintain harmonious family to respondent for a substantial period of time prior to their
their marital union. Dr. Antonio M. Gauzon, utterly failed to relations and his lack of interest in having a normal married separation, a loving father to their children and a good
identify and prove the root cause of the alleged psychological life; (b) his immaturity and irresponsibility in refusing to provider of the family. Although he engaged in marital
incapacity. Specifically, his testimony did not show that the accept the essential obligations of marriage as husband to his infidelity in at least two occasions, the same does not appear
incapacity, if true, was medically or clinically permanent or wife; (c) his desire for other women and a life unchained from to be symptomatic of a grave psychological disorder which
incurable. Neither did he testify that it was grave enough to any spousal obligation; and(d) his false assumption of the rendered him incapableof performing his spousal obligations.
bring about the disability of the party to assume the essential fundamental obligations of companionship and consortium The same appears as the result of a general dissatisfaction
obligations of marriage. Medical examination is not a conditio towardsrespondent. On September, 25, 1996, respondent with hismarriage rather tha n a psychological disorder rooted
sine qua non to a finding of psychological incapacity, so long filed an answer denying petitioners allegation and described in petitioners personal history. In Santos v. Court of Appeals,
as the totality of evidence presented is enough to establish her marriage to the petitioner as fruitful and characterized the court held that psychological incapacity, as a ground for
the incapacity adequately. Here, however, the totality of by joy, contentment and hopes for more growth intheir the declaration of nullity of a marriage, must be characterized
evidence presented by respondent was completely relationship" and that their marital squabbles were normal by juridical antecedence, gravity and incurability. In the case
insufficient to sustain a finding of psychological incapacity -- based on community standards.Petitioner presented Dr. at bar, although Dr. Dayan testified that petitioner suffered
more so without any medical, psychiatric or psychological Natividad Dayan, a clinical psychologist, to testify on his from Narcissistic Histrionic Personality Disorder with
examination. PETITION GRANTED. ANNULMENT CASE WAS alleged psychologicaldisorder of "Narcissistic Histrionic Casanova Complex even before the marriage. Further, sexual
DISMISSED Personality Disorder" with "Casanova Complex". To infidelity, by itself, is not sufficient proof that petitioner is
controvert the findings of petitioners expert witness, suffering from psychological incapacity. It must be shown that
respondent presented a psychiatrist, Dr. Cecilia Villegas, who the acts of unfaithfulness are manifestations of a disordered
CASE NO. 46 VILLALON V. VILLALON testified that Dr.Dayans findings were incomplete because a personality which make petitioner completely unable to
"team approach" was necessary in evaluating an individuals discharge the essential obligations of marriage. As held in
G.R. No. 167206 November 18, 2005Jaime F. Villalon vs. Ma. personality.RTC rendered a decision declaring the marriage Rep. of the Phils. v. Court of Appeals, refusal to comply with
Corazon N. Villalon Facts: Petitioner Jaime Villalon and between the petitioner and respondent as null and void the essential obligations of marriage is not psychological
respondent Corazon Villalon met in the early 70s. They began abinitio on the ground of psychological incapacity on the part
dating in 1975 and eventually got married on April 22, 1978. of the petitioner.Respondent and the OSG seasonably filed an

incapacity within the meaning of the law. Petition denied. CA 1. WON the acquittal of petitioner in Criminal Case No. Regional Trial Court of Burgos, Pangasinan for further
decision affirmed. 2699-A follows that her marriage to Bristol is valid. proceedings.

CASE NO. 47 VDA. Catalan vs Catalan Lee 2. WON the divorce obtained abroad (USA) by Orlando CASE NO. 48 Corpuz vs Sto Tomas
Catalan is recognized under the Philippine Jurisdiction,
Facts: making the marriage with petitioner valid. Facts:

Orlando B. Catalan was a naturalized American citizen. After HELD: Petitioner Gerbert R. Corpuz was a former Filipino citizen who
allegedly obtaining a divorce in the United States from his first acquired Canadian citizenship through naturalization. Gerbert
wife, Felicitas Amor, he contracted a second marriage with First, the RTC in the special proceedings failed to appreciate married respondent Daisylyn T. Sto. Tomas, a Filipina, in Pasig
petitioner herein. However, on November 18, 2004 Orlando the finding of the RTC in Crim. Case No. 2699-A that petitioner City. He left the country after his wedding and went back to
died intestate in the Philippines. Subsequently, herein was never married to Eusebio Bristol. Thus, the trial court surprise respondent but was shocked of her infidelity. Thus,
petitioner filed with the RTC of Dagupan City a Petition for concluded that, because petitioner was acquitted of bigamy, went back to Canada and filed a petition for divorce and was
issuance of Letters of Administration for her appointment as it follows that the first marriage with Bristol still existed and granted.
administratrix of the estates of the deceased. While the was valid. By failing to take note of the findings of fact on the
Two years after, Gerbert found another Filipina to love.
petition was pending, Orlandos daughter, herein respondent, nonexistence of the marriage between petitioner and Bristol,
filed similar petition (Spec. Proc. 232). Petitioner prayed for both the RTC and CA held that petitioner was not an Desirous to marry his Filipina fianc, Gerbert registered the
the dismissal of respondents petition on the ground of litis interested party in the estate of Orlando. Canadian Decree at the Pasig City Civil Registry. However, he
pendentia but was, nevertheless, consolidated by the court. was informed that his marriage, with Daisylyn, still subsist due
Second, it is imperative to note that at the time the bigamy to NSO Circular No. 4 Series of 1982, that the Decree is not
Apparently, Felicitas Amor filed a complaint for Bigamy, case in Crim. Case No. 2699-A was dismissed, the court enforceable unless judicially recognized by a competent
alleging that petitioner contracted her second marriage with already ruled that under the principles of comity, our Philippine court. Accordingly, Gerbert filed a petition for
Orlando despite having been married to one Eusebio Bristol. jurisdiction recognizes a valid divorce obtained by a spouse of judicial recognition of foreign divorce and/or declaration of
On the other hand, the RTC acquitted petitioner of bigamy, foreign nationality. Moreover, It is well-settled in our marriage, as dissolved, with the RTC. Although served with
alleging that the divorce was not recognized by the Philippine jurisdiction that our courts cannot take judicial notice of summons, there was no opposition from Daisylyn.
jurisdiction, making her marriage to Orlando not valid. foreign laws. Like any other facts, they must be alleged and
The RTC denied Gerberts petition. It concluded that Gerbert
proved. A divorce obtained abroad is proven by the divorce
The RTC dismissed the petition of herein petitioner and ruled decree itself. Indeed the best evidence of a judgment is the is not a proper party to file said petition as he is a Canadian
in favor of respondent. The court found petitioner not judgment itself. Should petitioner prove the validity of the Citizen, the proper party should be Daisylyn according to
married to Bristol contrary to its ruling in the Criminal case, divorce and the subsequent marriage, she has the Article 26 Par (2) of the Family Code. Hence the present
which held that the marriage between petitioner and Bristol preferential right to be issued the letters of administration petition.
was valid when she married Orlando. RTC also ruled that
over the estate. Otherwise, letters of administration may be Issue:
petitioner is not an interested party for the said petition. CA issued to respondent, who is undisputedly the daughter or
affirmed the decision. next of kin of the deceased, in accordance with Sec. 6 of Rule Whether the second paragraph of Article 26 of the Family
ISSUE: 78 of the Revised Rules of Court. Case is remanded to the Code extends to aliens the right to petition a court of this
jurisdiction for the recognition of a foreign divorce decree.

Held: On June 24, 1970, Angelina M. Castro and Edwin F. Cardenas that no marriage shall be solemnized without a marriage
were married in a civil ceremony performed by Judge Pablo license first issued by a local civil registrar. Being one of the
On the outset, the rationale and intent behind the enactment, M. Malvar, City Court Judge of Pasay City. The marriage was essential requisites of a valid marriage, absence of a license
and the purpose of the second paragraph of Article 26 of the
celebrated without the knowledge of Castro's parents, also would render the marriage void ab initio.
Family Code, is that only the Filipino spouse can invoke the known as, Secret Marriage. The couple did not immediately
second paragraph of Article 26 of the Family Code to remarry live together after the ceremony, only when they discovered However, the certification of "due search and inability to find"
in case alien spouse has acquired a decree of divorce abroad; that Castro was pregnant that they lived together and for a issued by the civil registrar of Pasig enjoys probative value,
the alien spouse can claim no right under this provision. short period of time. the certifying official being the officer charged under the law
to keep a record of all data relative to the issuance of a
Although, the second paragraph of Article 26 of the Family
After giving birth, the couples child was adopted by Castros marriage license. Unaccompanied by any circumstance of
Code bestows no rights in favor of aliens, this conclusion is brother, who is now in the United States. Castro, desiring to suspicion and pursuant to Section 29, Rule 132 of the Rules of
not sufficient basis to dismiss Gerberts petition before the follow her daughter, consulted Atty. Pulgar. Through the Court, a certificate of "due search and inability to find"
RTC. The unavailability of the second paragraph of Article 26 Lawyers effort, they discovered that there was no valid sufficiently proved that his office did not issue marriage
of the Family Code to aliens does not necessarily strip Gerbert
marriage license prior her marriage with Cardenas. As proof, a license no. 3196182 to the contracting parties.
of legal interest to petition with the RTC for the recognition of Certification from the Civil Registrar of Pasig was presented.
his foreign divorce decree. Since Gerbert is now clothed with The trial Court dismissed the petition. The court concluded The appellate court found that, Cardenas may have presented
that legal interest, as a Canadian Citizen, to prove the that the inability of the certifying official to locate the a spurious marriage license, purportedly given by the Civil
authenticity of the decree or its validity in accordance with his marriage license was not conclusive that there was no Registrar of Pasig, to the solemnizing officer making their
national law. This means that the foreign judgment and its marriage null and void.
marriage license issued. Unsatisfied, Castro filed an appeal to
authenticity must be proven as facts under our rules on respondent appellate court, which reversed the decision,
evidence, together with the aliens applicable national law to The petition is dismissed.
declaring the marriage null and void. Hence the present
show the effect of the judgment on the alien himself or petition. ******for purposes of review: Sec. 29. Proof of lack of record.
herself (Principle of Comity). A written statement signed by an officer having custody of
Issue: an official record or by his deputy, that after diligent search,
Finally, the Pasig City Civil Registry who accepted the decree,
no record or entry of a specified tenor is found to exist in the
without the Judicial Recognition from a competent Philippine whether or not the documentary and testimonial evidence
court, acted out of turn and without authority of law, hence, presented by private respondent are sufficient to establish records of his office, accompanied by a certificate as above
the Decree filed by petitioner is patently void and cannot that no marriage license was issued by the Civil Registrar of provided, is admissible as evidence that the records of his
produce any legal effect. Pasig prior to the celebration of the marriage of private office contain no such record or entry.
respondent to Edwin F. Cardenas. As custodians of public documents, civil registrars are public
Petition is granted. The case is remanded to the trial court for
officers charged with the duty, inter alia, of maintaining a
further proceedings in accordance with the decision. Held:
register book where they are required to enter all applications
CASE NO. 49 Republic vs CA The impugned decision is affirmed. At the time the subject for marriage licenses, including the names of the applicants,
marriage was solemnized on June 24, 1970, the law governing the date the marriage license was issued and such other
Facts: marital relations was the New Civil Code. The law provides relevant data.

CASE NO. 50 SSS vs Bailon Under the Civil Code, subsequent marriages are valid until written by a San Carlos college student where she and Vicenta
annulled by a petition filed by the reappearing spouse. In the are studying. Vicenta and Pastor are supposed to renew their
Facts: Family Code, the mere recording of the affidavit of vows/ marriage in a church as suggested by Vicentas parents.
In 1955, Clemente Bailon and Alice Diaz contracted marriage. reappearance of the absent spouse in the Civil Registrar shall However after translating the said letter to Vicentas dad , he
15 years later, Bailon filed at the Court of First Instance (CFI) a ipso facto terminate the subsequent marriage. disagreed for a new marriage. Vicenta continued leaving with
petition to declare Alice presumptively dead and was granted. her parents in Cebu while Pastor went back to work in Manila.
If the absentee reappears, but no step is taken to terminate
13 years later, Bailon and Harque, respondent, contracted the subsequent marriage, either by affidavit or by court
marriage. In 1998, Bailon, a SSS member since 1960 and a action, such absentees mere reappearance, even if made
retiree, died. Respondent filed a claim for funeral and death Vicenta applied for a passport indicating that she was single
known to the spouses in the subsequent marriage, will not
benefits with SSS and was granted. terminate such marriage. Since the second marriage has been and when it was approved she left for the United States and
contracted because of a presumption that the former spouse filed a complaint for divorce against Pastor which was later on
Cecilia Bailon-Yap, daughter of Bailon from one Elisa, approved and issued by the Second Judicial Court of the State
contested the grant of SSS benefits to respondent stating that is dead, such presumption continues inspite of the spouses
of Nevada. She then sought for the annulment of her
they are the ones who defrayed the medical and funeral physical reappearance, and by fiction of law, he or she must
still be regarded as legally an absentee until the subsequent marriage to the Archbishop of Cebu. Vicenta married Russell
expenses. Subsequently, Alice reappeared claiming that the Leo Moran, an American, in Nevada and has begotten
marriage of Harque to Bailon is void. SSS subsequently marriage is terminated as provided by law. The action for
annulment should be brought during the lifetime of any one children. She acquired citizenship on August 8, 1958.
cancelled the grant of benefits to respondent and ordered her Petitioner filed a complaint against Vicenta and her parents
to return the same. Respondent appealed to Social Security of the parties involved. Such action after death of any party
whom he alleged to have dissuaded Vicenta from joining her
Commission (SSC) which declared the marriage of Bailon and will not produce any legal effect since there is no marriage to
restore. husband.
Harque void on the basis of Alice reappearance. Respondent
appealed to CA which reversed the decision of the SSS and The petition is dismissed. Respondent is herein the rightful
SSC. beneficiary. ISSUE:
Issue: CASE NO. 51 Tenchavez vs Escano 1. Whether or not the divorce sought by Vicenta Escao is
1. Whether or not the subsequent marriage between valid and binding upon courts of the Philippines.
Clemente Bailon and Teresita Harque, respondent, is void
upon the reappearance of Alice Diaz. 27 years old Vicenta Escano who belongs to a prominent 2. Whether or not the charges against Vicenta Escaos
Filipino Family of Spanish ancestry got married on Feburary parents were sufficient in form.
Held: 24, 1948 with Pastor Tenchavez, 32 years old engineer, and RULING:
The applicable law for the case at bar is the Civil Code not the ex-army officer before Catholic chaplain Lt. Moises Lavares.
Family code since the marriages have been solemnized before The marriage was a culmination of the love affair of the 1. No. Vicenta Escao and Pastor Tenchavez marriage
couple and was duly registered in the local civil registry. A remain existent and undissolved under the Philippine Law.
August 1988.
certain Pacita Noel came to be their match-maker and go- Escaos divorce and second marriage cannot be deemed
between who had an amorous relationship with Tenchavez as valid under the Philippine Law to which Escao was bound

since in the time the divorce decree was issued, Escao, like issue in this case arose because at the time of his death, Lupo in the community to be such. Although no marriage certificate
her husband, was still a Filipino citizen. The acts of the wife in left certain properties which he acquired when he was still was introduced to this effect, no evidence was likewise
not complying with her wifely duties, deserting her husband unmarried. Later, Lupos descendants by his first and second offered to controvert these facts. Moreover, the mere fact
without any justifiable cause, leaving for the United States in marriages executed a deed of extrajudicial partition whereby that no record of the marriage exists does not invalidate the
order to secure a decree of absolute divorce, and finally they adjudicated unto themselves a certain lot of the marriage, provided all requisites for its validity are present.
getting married again are acts which constitute a willful Muntinlupa Estate and title was issued. Now, Lupos children
infliction of injury upon the husbands feelings in a manner by his third marriage filed a complaint with the lower court, CASE NO. 53 Perido v. Perido
contrary to morals, good customs or public policy, thus contending that since they were co-heirs of Lupos estate they FACTS:
entitling Tenchavez to a decree of legal separation under our were deprived of their respective shares in the lot mentioned.
law on the basis of adultery. In answer, the other party said that the complaint was not Lucio Perido of Himamaylan, Negros Occidental, married
really for annulment of the deed of extrajudicial partition but twice during his lifetime. His first wife was Benita Talorong,
2. No. Tenchavez charge against Vicentas parents are not for recognition of natural children. The lower court ruled in with whom he begot 3 children: Felix, Ismael, and Margarita.
supported by credible evidence. The testimony of Tenchavez After Benita died Lucio married Marcelina Baliguat, with
favor of Lupos heirs from the first and second marriage. Thus,
about the Escaos animosity toward him strikes the court to the case was elevated to the CA, where they raised the issue whom he had 5 children: Eusebio, Juan, Maria, Sofronia and
be merely conjecture and exaggeration, and were belied by of their parents lawful marriage and their legitimacy as Gonzalo. Lucio died in 1942, while his second wife died in
Tenchavez own letters written before the suit had begun. An children. CA ruled that all the heirs of Lupo were entitled to 1943. Margarita is the only living child of the first marriage.
action for alienation of affections against the parents of one equal shares in the estate. Hence, this petition. The children and grandchildren of the first marriage and
consort does not lie in the absence of proof of malice or second marriage filed a case regarding the partition of the
unworthy motives on their part. Issue: properties of Lucio Perido. Margarita et al asserted that the
Plaintiff Tenchavez, in falsely charging Vicenta's aged parents Whether or not respondents were able to prove their children and grandchildren of the second marriage were
with racial or social discrimination and with having exerted succession rights over the said estate illegitimate.
efforts and pressured her to seek annulment and divorce, ISSUE: W/N the children and grandchildren of the second
unquestionably caused them unrest and anxiety, entitling Ruling:
marriage of Lucio Perido were legitimate, entitling them for
them to recover damages. With respect to the legal basis of private respondents' the partition of lands
CASE NO. 52 Mariategui vs. CA demand for partition of the estate of Lupo Mariategui, the
Court of Appeals aptly held that the private respondents are HELD: Yes. A person who was not at the marriage ceremony
Facts: legitimate children of the deceased. Lupo Mariategui and cannot testify as an eyewitness that the marriage did not take
Felipa Velasco were alleged to have been lawfully married in place. In the absence of proof that marriage did not take
This is a case for partition of several pieces of land belonging or about 1930. This fact is based on the declaration place a man and a woman living together as husband and wife
to Lupo Mariategui, who died without a will. are presumed married. This presumption can be deduced in
communicated by Lupo Mariategui to Jacinto who testified
that "when his father was still living, he was able to mention the case of Adong vs. Cheong Seng Gee,[1] this Court
During his lifetime, Lupo contracted three (3) marriages. The explained the rationale behind this presumption, thus: "The
first wife died, so he contracted a second marriage. The to him that he and his mother were able to get married
before a Justice of the Peace of Taguig, Rizal." The spouses basis of human society throughout the civilized world is that
second wife also passed away so he contracted a third of marriage. Marriage in this jurisdiction is not only a civil
marriage. The third wife also preceded Lupo in death. The deported themselves as husband and wife, and were known

contract, but it is a new relation, an institution in the the Regional Trial Court and reinstated that of the Municipal Guillermo and Josefa died without will. The claimants if their
maintenance of which the public is deeply interested. Circuit Trial Court. estates may be divided into two groups:
Consequently, every intendment of the law leans toward
Issue: (a) The heirs of Josefa , consisting of her half and full
legalizing matrimony. Persons dwelling together in apparent
matrimony are presumed, in the absence of any counter- blood siblings, nephews and nieces, and grand nephews and
Whether or not the Municipal Circuit Trial Court had grand nieces
presumption or evidence special to the case, to be in fact jurisdiction over the ejectment case.
married. The reason is that such is the common order of (b) The alleged heirs of Guillermo, particularly his sisters,
society, and if the parties were not what they thus hold Rullings: nephews, nieces, and his illegitimate child
themselves out as being, they would be living in the constant
The complaint does not characterize herein petitioner's As to Josefas family background, her parents were never
violation of decency and of law. A presumption established
alleged entry into the land, that is, whether the same was
by our Code of Civil Procedure is 'that a man and woman married so she and her 4 siblings were all ful blooded natural
legal or illegal. It does not state how petitioner entered upon children of their mother. Also, her mother gave birth to
deporting themselves as husband and wife have entered into
the land and constructed the house and the fence thereon. It another child with another man making it as a half blood
a lawful contract of marriage.' (Sec. 334, No. 28) Semper
is also silent on whether petitioner's possession became legal brother.
praesumitur pro matrimonio Always presume marriage." In
before private respondent made a demand on her to remove
view of the foregoing the Court of Appeals did not err in
the fence. The complaint merely avers that the lot being As to Guillermo, he managed to father an illegitimate child
concluding that the five children of Lucio Perido and
occupied by petitioner is owned by a third person, not a party named Guillierma, intervenor respondent in this case.
Marcelina Baliguat were born during their marriage and,
to the case, and that said lot is enclosed by a fence which
therefore, legitimate. Issue: WON the grand nephews and grand nieces are entitled
private respondent claims is an encroachment on the
adjacent lot belonging to her.The jurisdictional facts must to inherit by the rights of representation in collateral line
CASE NO. 54 Sarmiento v. Court of Appeals
appear on the face of the complaint. When the complaint fails
Facts: to aver facts constitutive of forcible entry or unlawful
Sarmiento purchased a parcel of land. The adjacent lot was detainer, as where it does not state how entry was effected
owned by the family of Atty. Naguid and was occupied by or how and when dispossession started, as in the case at bar,
the remedy should either be an accion publiciana or an accion
Cruz. Sarmiento found out that Cruz is occupying about 71
meters of her lot. She informed Cruz that she would like to reivindicatoria in the proper regional trial court.The Supreme No, the only collateral relatives of Josefa Delgado who are
remove the old fence so that she could construct a new one Court reversed the judgment of the Court of Appeals and qualified to partake of her intestate estate are her brothers
that will cover the true area of her property but Cruz refused. reinstated the judgment of the Regional Trial Court ruling that and nieces, or their children who were still alive at the time
the Municipal Trial Court did not have jurisdiction over the of her Death. According to article 972 of the new civil code,
Sarmiento filed a complaint for ejectment with the Municipal case. the right of representation in the collateral line takes place
Circuit Trial Court, which ruled in favor of Sarmiento. Cruz only in favor of the children of brothers and sisters so
appealed to the Regional Trial Court and assailed the CASE NO. 55 Delgado vda. Dela rosa vs. Heirs of De Damian
therefore it cannot be exercised by the grandnieces and
jurisdiction of the Municipal Circuit Trial Court, which ruled in Facts: grandnephews.
favor of Cruz. The Court of Appeals reversed the decision of
Case no. 56 Zapanta vs.Montessa

Facts: was charged in the Court of First Instance of Bulacan. Thus is valid until annulled. Since no annulment was declared
the issue involved in the action for the annulment of the therefore her previous marriage was still valid and her
Upon complaint filed by respondent Olimpia A. Yco on May second marriage is determinative of petitioners guilt or marriage to Karl is will automatically void. Such marriage
20, 1958, an information for Bigamy was filed by respondent
innocence of the crime of bigamy. On the other hand, there though void still needs a judicial declaration before he can
Provincial Fiscal against petitioner in the Court of First can be no question that the annulment of petitioners remarry.
Instance of Bulacan (Criminal Case No. 3405), alleging that the marriage with respondent Yco on the grounds relied upon in
latter, having previously married one Estrella Guarin, and the complaint filed in the Court of First Instance of Pampanga
without said marriage having been dissolved, contracted a is within the jurisdiction of said court. if the defendant in a
second marriage with said complainant.
case for bigamy claims that the first marriage is void and the
On June 16, 1958, petitioner filed in the Court of First right to decide such validity is vested in another court, the
Instance of Pampanga Civil Case No. 1446 against respondent civil action for annulment must first be decided before the
Olimpia A. Yco for the annulment of their marriage on the action for bigamy can proceed. There is no reason not to
ground of duress, force and intimidation. On the 30th of the apply the same rule when the contention of the accused is
same month respondent Yco, as defendant in said case, filed a that the second marriage is void on the ground that he
motion to dismiss the complaint upon the ground that it entered into it because of duress, force and intimidation.
stated no cause of action, but the same was denied on July 7 CASE NO. 57 Wiegel vs. Sempio-Dy
of the same year.
On September 2, 1958, Petitioner, in turn, filed a motion in
Criminal Case No. 3405 to suspend proceedings therein, on Karl was married to Lila on July 1978. Lila was married with
the ground that the determination of the issue involved in Eduardo Marion in 1972. Karl then filed a declaration of
Civil Case No. 1446 of the Court of First Instance of Pampanga nullity of their marriage on juvenile and domestic relations
was a prejudicial question. Respondent judge denied the court on the grounds of the latters marriage. Lila contents
motion on September 20, 1958 as well as petitioners motion that the first marriage was void because they was allegedly
for reconsideration, and ordered his arraignment. After force to enter into martial union. Likewise she alleged that
entering a plea of not guilty, petitioner filed the present Karl was married as well to another woman before their
action. marriage.

Issue: Issue:

WON the annulment of second marriage was valid WON the marriage of Karl and Lila is void

Ruling: Rulings:

It is obvious that his act was involuntary and cannot be the It was not necessary for Lila to prove her first marriage
basis of his conviction for the crime of bigamy with which he because it will not be void but merely voidable. Such marriage

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