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Singapore Tourism BoardConfidential

For STB use only

Project Reference No : Date Received :
Div / Department :
Officer in charge :



1 All fields in the application form are compulsory and to be completed in English, unless indicated otherwise. Where
information is not applicable, please indicate "N.A.".

2 Application and all relevant documents must be received by Singapore Tourism Board (STB) at least one working day before
project commencement. Late application will not be supported.

3 To qualify for funding, project should commence after STB's grant offer. Only relevant project costs incurred after the grant
offer date would qualify.

4 If space provided is insufficient, please attach a separate sheet.

5 Please ensure the following are submitted together with this application form:


ACRA Business Profile Report, if applicable
Audited financial statements for the last 2 financial years, if applicable
CV of key management team members and track record, if any
Business profile / CV of consultants and/or project team, if any
Detailed proposal of the project, including its concept, business model and marketing plan

6 Please submit the completed and signed application form, with supporting documents from point 5 above, to STB through email or mail:
(a) Email the softcopies to; or
(b) Mail the original hardcopies (in one sealed package) to
Application Box No. 18 ("Kickstart Fund")
Singapore Tourism Board, Tourism Court, 1 Orchard Spring Lane, Singapore 247729

Singapore Tourism BoardConfidential


For local organisation, please complete 1A.01 to 1A.07.
For overseas organisation, please complete 1A.01 to 1A.12.

1A.01 Organisation Name

1A.02 Unique Entity No. (UEN)

(Not applicable for foreign organisation)

1A.03 Correspondence Address

1A.04 Organisation Website

1A.05 Brief Description of Organisation

(Including principal business activities)

1A.06 Organisation Key Executives (in order of seniority)

Name Designation Nationality

1A.07 Country of Incorporation Singapore (Please attached a copy of the organisation's ACRA Business Profile Report)
Others (Please indicate country in the space below)

1A.08 Incorporation Date

1A.09 Organisation Registered As

1A.10 Paid-up Capital (S$'000)

(Not applicable for associations)

1A.11 Key Shareholders*

(Not applicable for associations)
Name of Organisation/Individual Place of Incorporation / Origin / ACRA No / NRIC No % Share

* Key Shareholders refer to those with 25% or more shareholdings (significant influence) in the organisation. Please fill in not more than 4 entries.
Per Part 4 Declaration, 4.06 para (iii), applicant must obtain consent from the relevant person(s) for the collection, use and disclosure to STB of their personal
data, and that the relevant person(s) have been notified that they may contact STB at if they wish to have access to, withdraw their consent
or correct their personal data disclosed to STB.

1A.12 Board of Directors

(Not applicable for associations)
Name Designation Nationality


Not applicable for newly set-up organisation with no financial data available

1B.01 Please attach a copy of the organisation's audited financial statements for the last two (2) financial years.


1C.01 Contact Person

Name Designation

Phone No. Email

Singapore Tourism BoardConfidential



2A.01 Project Name

2A.02 Please indicate which lifestyle category your project falls under:
Arts Entertainment Dining Retail Sports

Others (Please specify: )

2A.03 Please indicate your project format:

Event Pop-up Tour Others (Please specify: )

2A.04 Project Objective

In less than 200 words, state the aim of the project, what the project sets out to achieve, etc.

2A.05 Has this project applied for any other grants/funding (other than Kickstart Fund) from STB before?
No Yes (Please specify: )

2A.06 Has this project applied for Kickstart Fund before?

No Yes (Please proceed to elaborate below)

Project Variations
In less than 200 words, please outlne the changes/variations made in this proposal vis--vis the previous application.

2A.07 Project Schedule

Single/1st Edition Add on for Multiple Editions
Project Commencement Date (in dd/mm/yyyy)
Project Completion Date (in dd/mm/yyyy)
Project Duration

2A.08 Project Venue

2A.09 Project Milestones

Important timelines during the project lifespan e.g. Launch of certain campaigns, marketing plans/activities, completion of certain
works/construction, appointment of vendors, the actual staging/run of the event.
Key Milestones Start Date End Date
(dd/mm/yyyy) (dd/mm/yyyy)

* Any subsequent changes to the milestones should be highlighted to STB

Singapore Tourism BoardConfidential



2B.01 Strength of Concept/Idea

- How is your project's concept innovative in terms of business model, content, consumer experience and/or use of technology
as enabler?
- What are the unique selling points of your project? How is it first-of-its-kind and differentiated from existing experiences in
the market?
- What is the project's tourist market potential and why?

2B.02 Business Plan

- What is the project's business model? Does the project have potential to be scalable?
- Your plan should show sound budget planning (including your strategies to source for partners, sponsors and investors), project
and budget management.
- What are your marketing and sales strategies?
- State your business targets (e.g.revenue, visitorship- local & tourist) for the project.

2B.03 Management Team's Competencies and Track Record

- What are the relevent experience, expertise and track record (where available) that the management team bring to the project?
You are encouraged to submit the CV of the key management team members or company track record/portfolio.

2B.04 Others
- Please specify, e.g. other tourism and economic spinoffs from the project

Singapore Tourism BoardConfidential



2C.01 Figures (in S$ '000) Single/1st Edition Add on for Multiple Editions
Indicate year of event in the yyyy/mm format
Operating Revenue (excluding GST)
1) e.g.: Ticketing
Total Operating Revenue $ - $ - $ - $ -

Non-operating Revenue (excluding GST)

1) e.g.: Sponsorship
Total Non-operating Revenue $ - $ - $ - $ -

Operating Expenditure (excluding GST)

1) Cost of Goods Sold $ - $ - $ - $ -
(i) Singapore-registered companies
(ii) Non Singapore-registered companies
2) General and Administrative Expenses $ - $ - $ - $ -
(i) Singapore-registered companies
(ii) Non Singapore-registered companies
3) Remuneration
4) Depreciation
5) Local Venue Rental $ - $ - $ - $ -
i) Land
ii) Building
6) Royalties & Patents $ - $ - $ - $ -
i) Local
ii) Foreign
7) Indirect Taxes $ - $ - $ - $ -
i) Property Tax
ii) Other Govt Fees, Duties, Levies, Taxes
8) Other operating expenditure, please specify: $ - $ - $ - $ -
(i) Singapore-registered companies
(ii) Non Singapore-registered companies
Total Operating Expenditure $ - $ - $ - $ -

Non-operating Expenditure (excluding GST)

1) Interest expense
2) Other non-operating expense, please specify: $ - $ - $ - $ -
Total Non-operating Expenditure $ - $ - $ - $ -

Corporate Tax

Profit / Loss After Tax $ - $ - $ - $ -

For STB Use Only

Value-Add $ - $ - $ - $ -
Projected Local Business Spend $ - $ - $ - $ -

Singapore Tourism BoardConfidential


Note: - GST or any taxes paid to the Singapore Government are not supportable by the grant
- Only non-related party costs are supportable. Costs incurred from related party will not qualify for support, unless approved otherwise.
[A related party means a 3rd party over whom the Applicant or any of its officers has direct or indirect control or influence (whether or not by
reason of ownership or concurrent appointment as an officer), under whom the Applicant or any of its officers is directly or indirectly controlled
or influenced, or with whom the Applicant or any of its officers is directly or indirectly controlled or influenced by a common source.]
- For equipment, hardware or software purchased, please indicate their respective useful lifespan in accordance to the
Organisation's company accounting policies.
- Please insert additional columns where applicable for multiple editions project
- Please insert additional rows if the space provided is insufficient

Project Date Single/1st Edition Add on for Multiple Editions

Commencement Date (in dd/mm/yyyy)
Completion Date (in dd/mm/yyyy)

3.01 Outsourced Services

Examples : third-party consultancy fees (e.g. feasibility study, market research), creative design, editorial, concept development,
prototyping, research & development, auditing fees, etc.
No. Description of Cost Item Single/1st Edition Add on for Multiple Editions
Indicate year in the yyyy/mm format
Amount (S$) Amount (S$) Amount (S$) Amount (S$)

Sub Total $ - $ - $ - $ -

3.02 Equipment & Materials

Examples : quantifiable fixed asset investments, hardware and software (inclusive of enhancements to "off-the-shelf" hardware and
software), and staging equipment and materials (purchased or leased), etc.

Please indicate the useful lifespan of the equipment, hardware or software.

Only the depreciation cost for the duration of the qualifying period of the project will be qualified.
No. Description of Cost Item Useful Single/1st Edition Add on for Multiple Editions
Indicate year in the yyyy/mm format Lifespan
(in months) Amount (S$) Amount (S$) Amount (S$) Amount (S$)

Sub Total $ - $ - $ - $ -

3.03 Production Costs

Examples : artist performance fees, cost of living allowance (COLA), airfares of artists/performers, overseas study trips, freightage,
insurance, royalties, intellectual property registration and course materials production, etc.
No. Description of Cost Item Single/1st Edition Add on for Multiple Editions
Indicate year in the yyyy/mm format
Amount (S$) Amount (S$) Amount (S$) Amount (S$)

Sub Total $ - $ - $ - $ -

3.04 Marketing Costs

Examples : website, and CD ROM (for up to 6 months); collaterals, brochures and flyers, etc.
No. Description of Cost Item Single/1st Edition Add on for Multiple Editions
Indicate year in the yyyy/mm format
Amount (S$) Amount (S$) Amount (S$) Amount (S$)

Sub Total $ - $ - $ - $ -

Singapore Tourism BoardConfidential


3.05 Internal Manpower Costs

Qualifying salary cost per staff is capped at $3,000 per month.
Please provide details of the manpower involved per required in Annex A and justify how the reliance on internal capabilities
would be more effective than engaging external professional service providers.
No. Description of Cost Item Single/1st Edition Add on for Multiple Editions
Indicate year in the yyyy/mm format
Amount (S$) Amount (S$) Amount (S$) Amount (S$)

Sub Total $ - $ - $ - $ -

3.06 Other Costs

No. Description of Cost Item Single/1st Edition Add on for Multiple Editions
Indicate year in the yyyy/mm format
Amount (S$) Amount (S$) Amount (S$) Amount (S$)

Sub Total $ - $ - $ - $ -

3.07 Summary of Project Costs

No. Description of Cost Item Single/1st Edition Add on for Multiple Editions
Indicate year in the yyyy/mm format
1 Outsourced Services $ - $ - $ - $ -
2 Equipment & Materials $ - $ - $ - $ -
3 Production Costs $ - $ - $ - $ -
4 Marketing Costs $ - $ - $ - $ -
5 Internal Manpower Costs $ - $ - $ - $ -
6 Other Costs $ - $ - $ - $ -
Total $ - $ - $ - $ -

Singapore Tourism BoardConfidential


4.01 Has the organisation been or is currently

- investigated for or charged with or convicted of any criminal offence or subject to any criminal proceedings; or
- subject to any disciplinary proceedings or regulatory action by any regulatory or licensing authority,
in any jurisdiction in the last 5 years?
No Yes (please disclose)
Countries Details Status
[Please select]

4.02 Has the organisation been or is currently engaged in any civil suit or proceedings in any jurisdiction in the last 5 years?
No Yes (please disclose)
Countries Details Status
[Please select]

4.03 Has the organisation been or is currently

- bankrupt, wound-up or under judicial management;
- subject to any bankruptcy or winding up or judicial management proceedings; or
- has a receiver or manager appointed for the organisation?
No Yes (please disclose)
Details Status
[Please select]

4.04 Is the organisation intending to apply, applied for or obtained any other grants or tax or financial incentives for this project?
No Yes (please disclose)
Name of Agency Name of Scheme Amount (S$) Incentive Application Status
[Please select]

4.05 Do any of the suppliers and service providers engaged in this project or any of the suppliers and service providers that the
organisation intend to engage, have any relationship, connection, association or dealings with the organisation or its related
companies or their directors and shareholders?
No Yes (please disclose)
Name of Supplier/ Service provider Relationship to organisation Involvement in this project

4.06 On behalf of myself and the organisation:

(i) I declare that I am duly authorised by the organisation to make this application on behalf of the organisation.
(ii) I declare that the information provided in this application and in support of this application is true and accurate to the
best of my knowledge and I have not wilfully suppressed any material facts.
(iii) I declare that consent from the relevant person(s) for the collection, use and disclosure to STB of their personal data has been
obtained, and that the relevant person(s) have been notified that they may contact STB at if they wish
to have access to, withdraw their consent or correct their personal data disclosed to STB.
(iv) I understand that any person providing false or misleading information for the application may be liable to prosecution
under the Penal Code.
(v) I undertake to inform Singapore Tourism Board (STB) promptly in writing of any changes to the information provided in
this application and any changes to circumstances that may affect this application.
(vi) I acknowledge that the submission of this application does not, of itself, automatically entitle the organisation to funding.
(vii) I consent to the release of any information provided in this application or in support of this application or information on
any consequential provision of grant by STB to other public agencies for the purposes of assessing the organisations
suitability for their grant or other assistance schemes or for public policy analysis or formulation or public data analytics
purposes, and to external auditors.
(viii) I acknowledge and agree that the organisation shall be undertaking the project at its own cost and risk. I agree that the STB,
its members, officers, employees and any other persons acting under its direction shall not be liable for any loss, injury or
damage, including loss of income, profit or savings or indirect, incidental, special, consequential, or punitive damages
arising from or in connection with this Application or any perceived recommendation or advice therefor.
(ix) I agree that we shall at all times retain in confidence and shall only disclose any confidential information obtained through
this application to the organisations employees on a need-to-know basis and shall not without the STBs prior written
consent disclose to any third party any confidential information obtained through this application.
(x) The organisation agrees to indemnify STB against any claims, demands, suits, judgments, penalties, expenses and liability
or obligations of any kind arising directly or indirectly out of this Application.
(xi) The organisation hereby acknowledges and consents to the above.

Name Organisation
Date Signature

Singapore Tourism BoardConfidential


Please provide details of employee(s). Insert additional rows if necessary.

Project Date

No. Name of Employee Designation Role in Project Involvement Gross Monthly Salary, Justify why reliance on internal capabilites is more effective than
Duration inclusive of employer engaging external professional service providers
(in months) CPF (S$)


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