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Home Pipeline & Storage Heavy-duty gas turbines smarter ways to bring energy to the world?

Heavy-duty gas turbines

A portfolio of products well-known for their fuel flexibility, maintenance ease, high reliability and availability in a wide range of mechanical
drive and power generation applications.

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Simple, robust designs with proven performance around the world


This single-shaft turbine is a compact, heavy-duty prime mover designed for long life and ease of operation and maintenance. The three main features of its simple design are a 17-stage,
axial compressor; combustion system with 10 chambers capable of burning a wide range of fuels (DLN also available); and a two-stage turbine with high-energy stage design (the rst-stage
nozzles are cooled by the axial compressor discharge air).

The MS5001PA is the ideal solution for power generation where low maintenance, reliability and fuel economy are required. Low operating and investment costs make the MS5001PA
packaged power plant an economically attractive system for load generation. The turbine is also ideally suited for cogeneration, achieving a very high fuel utilization index and considerable
fuel savings. Typical applications include industrial plants for cogeneration of power and process steam or district heating systems.

MS5002 C & D

The MS5002 was introduced in the 1970s and has been updated and up-rated over the years to meet the industrys increasing output requirements. The eet continues to demonstrate
ease of operation and very high reliability and availability. It is a two-shaft, heavy-duty gas turbine designed for high operating e ciency over a wide range of speed and load conditions. This
turbine is designed for mechanical drive applications such as gas boosting, gas injection/re-injection, pipelines, LNG plants and gas storage. It has a broad operating speed range to meet the
requirements of the most common driven equipment (centrifugal compressors and pumps) as well as the ability to burn a large variety of gas and liquid fuels.

With simple and robust designs, complete maintenance can be performed on site without the need for specialized tooling or service shop assistance. The high-pressure shaft has a 16-stage
(17 for MS5002D), axial- ow compressor and a single-stage, high-energy turbine. First-stage nozzles are air cooled and second-stage nozzles are variable angle type. The low-pressure shaft
is a single-stage, high-energy turbine. Twelve combustion chambers are contained within a single wrapper, a wide range of gaseous and liquid fuels can be burned, and a DLN combustion
system is also available. A centralized lube oil system supplies clean, cooled, pressurized oil to lubricate the gas turbine and the driven equipment including the oil required for any
compressor seals.


This dual-shaft turbine has proven capabilities in power generation and mechanical drive applications, delivering high e ciency, low environmental impact and high reliability. It uses our
state-of-the-art DLN2.5H combustion technology with over 14 million ring hours in GEs F/FA frame gas turbine class, but with ring temperature about 100C lower to maximize hot parts
HELLO! of cooling ows. The MS5002E has the
life. Superior e ciency is achieved through optimized airfoils for both axial compressor and turbine sections, clearances, leakages and the distribution
lowest environmental impact in its class: its NOx level is 15 ppm and it reduces CO2 emissions by more than 20,000 tons per year, compared to the Hughes,
Baker MS5002 C and
a GE D or MS5001.
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MS6001B, MS7001EA, & MS9001E smarter ways to bring energy to the world?
These turbines are fuel- exible, and can operate on natural gas, lique ed natural gas (LNG), distillate and treated residual oil in a variety of applications including: mechanical drive for large
compressor trains; simple cycle and combined cycle; base load and peaking power generation; industrial and cogeneration. They all feature a 17-stage compressor with stacked disk design,
reverse ow combustion system, three-stage turbine with air-cooled 1st and 2nd stage nozzles and buckets, and two or three bearing rotor supports.

The MS6001B is a single-shaft, heavy-duty gas turbine which has a high-e ciency axial compressor and a combustor with 10 chambers, each with individual fuel nozzles. The machine has a
three-stage impulse turbine with air-cooled buckets and stationary nozzles on the rst two stages to achieve higher ring temperatures and higher e ciency without compromising hot
section component life.

The MS7001EA is a highly reliable, mid-size packaged power plant for 60 Hz applications. With nearly 1000 unitsinstalled worldwide, the 7EA provides proven energy e ciency, availability,
performance and maintainability. The simple design lends itself to exibility in plant layout and easy, low-cost addition of power augmentation when phased capacity expansion is needed. It
is ideal for plants that require high e ciency along with shaft speed for direct coupling to the generator.

The MS9001E is a single-shaft, heavy-duty gas turbine developed for generator drive service in the 50 Hz market. Its e ciency is approx 33% in simple cycle and over 50% in combined cycle.
The MS9001 is designed to burn a variety of liquid and gaseous fuels.

More Information
Gas Turbine Product Range
Enlarging Fuel Flexibility for Frame 5 DLN: Combustor Operability & Emissions with High C2+ Content
MS5002E Product Brochure: A State-Of-The-Art Heavy Duty Gas Turbine
Get more from your gas turbines

GE Oil & Gas provides a complete range of services to support all our heavy-duty gas turbines.

Our traditional OEM spare parts, repairs and eld services are complemented by an extensive portfolio of proactive and interactive services such as condition-based maintenance, remote
monitoring and diagnostics, upgrades and customized, long-term service agreements that all help drive customer asset value through higher equipment reliability, availability and

Operating conditions and performance requirements can change signicantly over the working life of a turbine. In response, we have developed a wide array of modication and uprate
solutions designed to deliver signi cant performance and nancial benets:
Output and efciency gains Improved reliability Increased availability Extended life Longer intervals between maintenance Lower maintenance costs Improved regulatory compliance
Baker Hughes, a GE company, has a new
Other advanced information-based services include electronic parts catalogs, and e-commerce solutions. Our Field Service Engineers are backed Want
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and engineering
groups and supported by the GE Global Research Center. smarter ways to bring energy to the world?

Training & Talent Development

At GE Oil & Gas we are committed to helping our customers workforce grow by sharing a common vision in the face of industry challenges. Our training programs are focused on
operational excellence. We work in partnership with our customers to develop human capital through a structured process aimed at building both technical and leadership skills.

Our diversi ed training products can be combined to ensure consistency of results for each competency need. Our training designers and engineers are always available to discuss options
and possibilities with your organization, your human resources department or your technical team leader.

GE Oil & Gas training provides a complete approach to developing knowledge with courses that deliver in-depth training on our equipment and auxiliaries, and the skills needed to operate
the machinery e ectively for maximum production, e ciency and environmental compliance. We also o er courses in non-technical areas such as leadership, tailored to a variety of
applications in the oil and gas industry.

Instructors are eld-seasoned experts who combine their understanding of theory with practical, in- eld operating experience. The quality training they provide is a prerequisite for
improving the skills of operating and maintenance personnel, to ensure safety and superior equipment e ciency and availability. Courses and documentation are designed to meet speci c
customer needs, focusing on GE equipment.

We operate globally with a strong presence at the regional level to ensure a deep understanding of local dynamics and business cultures. Courses can be o ered around the world at
customer sites or in any of our GE Training Centers worldwide all delivered with the same high quality. Courses and technical literature can be provided in a variety of languages.

Find out more about our training programs

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