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CII Green Cementech 2010 CII Green Cementech 2010

Types of A ir Blowers
• Positive Displacement type
Twin Lo be, Tri Lob e bl owe rs (Roots bl owe rs) with b elt dr ive n
ind uctio n moto rs
Green Cement ech 2010 Applicat ions: F or consta nt flo w & var iab le p ressure
Energy Efficient Turbo Blowers Flow rate: F rom 5m3 /hr t o 57,1 17m3 /hr
Pressure: Up t o 0.2 k g/cm2 with si ngl e stage & up to 1. 8 kg/cm2
for Cement Industry with dou ble sta ge
Let’’s make Indian Cement Plants
Let Vacuum: Up to 0.5kg/cm 2
World C lass in Green!
• Centrifugal (Turbo) type
With belt drive n or direct driv en i nduct ion m otors
Applicat ion : conve nti ona l Centrif uga ls prov ide v aria ble f low &
constant pr essure

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CII Green Cementech 2010 CII Green Cementech 2010

Conv ent iona l Positi ve Displ aceme nt t ype, Centrif ugal Bl owers: Practically there is thin line
Twi n L obe Air Blower differentiating Centrifugal Fans & Centrifugal Blowers

K Turbo Blowers are very different from conventional centrifugal /

turbo blowersas their performance curve is controlled & adjustable

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CII Green Cementech 2010 CII Green Cementech 2010

Improving Energy Efficiency Turbo Blowers from K Turbo Inc., S. Korea

(Twin Lobe Positive Displacement)

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CII Green Cementech 2010 CII Green Cementech 2010

Core C omponents & Sa lie nt F eat ures

Comparison with PD blowers
• Perma nent Mag net Moto r: a) P ower req uir ed o nly to rotate & not
for magn etizi ng of r otor; b) Can be started & st oppe d any num ber Parameter PD Blower KTurbo
of times; c) Hi gh Eff icie ncy even at part l oad Blower
Aero Effici ency 55% 77%
• No Gear Box: No t ransmissi on l oss due to d irect d rive & no
lubr icati on re qu ired. Drive Eff icie ncy (Motor +Coup li ng +Inve rtor ) 82% 92%
Total Effici ency at 1 00% Loa d 45% 70%
• Variabl e Sp eed Dr ive for achiev in g hi gh spe ed, smoot h starts
Total Effici ency at 5 0% Load 22.5% 67%
(red uced starti ng cu rrent ) & en ergy eff icien t capacity co ntro l as
part of th e Blower packa ge. Starting Cur rent com pare d to Rate d Curre nt 250% Below 5%
Mainten ance Overha ul Air Filte rs
• Air Foi l bear in g for h igh sp eed o pera tio n (use d in Jet e ngi nes)
Life 5 Years Semi-
• Oil Fr ee ai r perma nent
Foot Pr int Large Smaller
• Low No ise: 80 dB agai nst 100 dB of PD bl owers
Noise Leve l 95-1 10 dB Below 8 0 dB
• Enti re ran ge is a ir-co oled & no n eed of wate r for coo li ng.

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CII Green Cementech 2010 CII Green Cementech 2010

E ff ea
gy Kor
e r y m
En db ge
• Air (gas) conve ying of powder (Cement fac tory,
i fi e ana io n
rt M t
Ce rgy p ora Chemical factor y, Food & Beverage fa ctory, Power
E n t Cor
en station etc.)

• Aeration for water treatmen t (municipal sewage

disposal plant, wa ter treatment systems in fac tories

• Agriculture and food proces sing (drying, proces sing,

conve ying etc .)

• Biotechnology (Oil free air supply)

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CII Green Cementech 2010 CII Green Cementech 2010

Sam ple C ase Studi es of Ene rgy Savi ng Achi eve d

Ap p lication With Ro ots Bl ow er With K Tu rb o Blow er S in ce S avin g Installations
Installations at
at Cement
Cement industries
75HP: 2 uni ts, 1 00HP : 1
75HP: 2 uni ts
Nissh in b o I ndust rial unit
( 6000 mm Aq, 102 m3 / min) 4 Ye ars 40% Ø Case Studi es of Appl icatio ns in Ceme nt In dustr ies:
(textil e) WWT ( 5000 mm Aq, 144 m3/ min)
185 kW 112 kW
1. Air Lift Blo wer
Process Ai r 75.7 kW 43.5 kW
( Revers e 4 Ye ars 42.5%
Washing) 118dB 80dB 2. Conveyi ng Blo wer fo r coal
150HP : 2 u nits 150HP : 1 u nit 3. Aeratio n Blower for si lo
S u n g sh in Mate rial ( 4300 mm Aq, 37. 5*2= 75 m ( 4300 mm Aq, 93 m3 / min)
Cemen t Handlin g 4 Ye ars 38%
3 / min) 125.6 kW 78.0 kW 4. Conveyi ng Blo wer fo r alte rnate d fue l
Laf arg e 150HP : 1 u nit 75HP: 1 uni t
Hall a Mate rial ( 4700 mm Aq, 35 m3 / min) ( 4700 mm Aq, 35 m3 / min) 5 Ye ars 35% 5. Main bu rner Bl owe r for a ir i njectio n
Handlin g
(cemen t) 62.4 kW 40.5 kW
75HP: 3u nits
Ø Results of Instal lat ion
75HP: 4 uni ts
DAES ANG I ndust rial 200HP : 1 uni t
( 4500 mm Aq, 204 m3 / min) 6 Ye ars 35% Ø Pictures of instal lat ion
(f ood ) WWT ( 4500 mm Aq, 204 m3 / min)
319 kW 204 kW

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CII Green Cementech 2010 CII Green Cementech 2010
Lift blower
PD Blower & K T urbo Bl ow er

1. Application : Conveying crushed material from raw mill to sil o

2. Using pressure : 0.1bar~1.5bar
3. Using air fl ow delivery : 50 /min~200 /min
4. Application Area : Sung-shin cement (Using from early 2004)
- Raw Mill#1,2 Air Lift Blower (TB150 -0.8S*3set)
- Raw Mill#4 Air Lift Blower (TB 200-0.6T*2set)
- Raw Mill#3,5 Air Lift Blower (TB200 -0.6T*3set)
- Raw Mill#7 Air Lift Blower (TB 200-0.6T*3set)

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CII Green Cementech 2010 CII Green Cementech 2010

Lift blower
blower 1-3.
Lift blower
Kiln K,C-Lin e: Air Lif t Blow er

Cemen t M ill Air Lif t Blow er

1. Application : Conveying main material to pre-Heater of kiln 1. Application : Conveying the cement produced from cement Mill
2. Using pressure : 0.1bar~1.0bar 2. Using pressure : 0.1bar ~ 1.0bar
3. Using air fl ow delivery : 75 /min~200 /min 3. Using air fl ow delivery : 75 /min ~ 200 /min
4. Application area : Sang-Yong Cement (Using from 2004) Mill# 4,5
4. Application area : Ssung-Shin cement Inc, (Using from early 2004)
Ki l n#1,2,3 (TB150-0.8S*6set, TB200-0.6T*2set)

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blower for
for coal
CII Green Cementech 2010
CII Green Cementech 2010

Con veyin g b low er f or milled coal, Dosed c oal an d M ain Coal

1. Applica tio n : C onve ying coal fo r fi rin g

Aeration f or cemen t silo
2. Using p ressu re : 0 .1b ar ~ 1 .5b ar

3. Using ai r fl ow d elive ry : 1 5 / min ~ 1 00 / min 1. Application : Take down cement easily from main silo to forwarding silo or
BCT ( Bulk cement Trailer)
4. Applica tio n A re a :
L afa rg e-Halla ce men t I nc, Kiln# 1,2 ,3,4 F or dose d Coal ( TB 75- 0.6 S*6s et, T B10 0- 0.8 S*1se t) 2. Using pressure : 0.7bar ~ 1.5bar
( Using fr om late 2 003) Co al Mill# 2,3 ,4 F or C oal ( T B75 -0 .6S *1se t, TB 150 -1. 5S* 2set) 3. Using air fl ow delivery : 15 /min ~ 50 /min
Kiln# 4 F or Co al ( T B15 0- 1.5 S*1se t) 4. Application Area :
S ung -S hin c em ent I nc, C oal Mill# 3,4 : Fo r Coal ( TB7 5- 1.5 S*2s et) , Kiln #5 1,2 s tep : F or Co al
( TB15 0- 0.8 S*2se t)
Lafarge-Halla cement Inc, Cement Silo#1 Aeration & transportation
(TB50-0.6S*2set, TB150-0.8SP *1set)
( Using fr om late 20 04) Kil n#6 Main B urn er : Fo r Coal ( TB 150 -0 .8S *2set)
Su ng-Shin cement Inc, Cement Silo#8 Aeration (T B200-0.72SP *3set)
Ot he rs : Ss ang -Y ong ce men t, Hy un -Dai ce me nt, Han -I l cem ent usin g lik e u ppe r d ata
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CII Green Cementech 2010 CII Green Cementech 2010
Blower for
for alt.
fuel 5.
Blower for
air injection

Con veyin g altern ative f u el to ki ln In jectin g comp ressed air to main b u rn er

1. Application : Conveying alternative fuel to Kiln 1. Application : Compressed air for combustion
2. Using pressure : 0.1bar ~ 0.5bar
2. Using pressure : 0.7bar ~ 1.5bar
3. Using air fl ow delivery : 70 /min~200 /min
3. Using air fl ow delivery : 50 /min~150 /min
4. Application area :
4. Application area : Lafarge-Halla Inc, Kiln#2,3 Mai n Burner (T B75-0.6S*set, TB150-0.8S*2 set)
Sung-S hin Cement, Kiln#6 Conveying baked scrap tire to kiln (TB 200-0.72S (Using from late 2003)
*1set) Ssang-Yong cement Inc, Kiln#3 Main Bu rner (T B75-0.6SP*1set, TB20 0-0.72SP
Ssang-Yong cement, Conveying scrap plastic sheet to kiln (TB75-0.6S*3 set, *2set)
TB1500.8S*2set) Kiln#7 Main B urner (TB100- 0.6SP*1set) (Using from late
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CII Green Cementech 2010 CII Green Cementech 2010

Case Study : Se men Gre sik Cement , Indonesia
of installations
Application: Coal Conveying
Ex: Lafarge-Halla cement Inc, (Mode: Constant Volumetric Flow)
With Roots Blower With KTurbo Blower BEFORE
(at same conditio ns)

Equipments: Equipments:
• 56-m3/min at 1.76 bar • 56-m3/min at 1.76 bar Roots Blo wer: 150HP * 1set KTurbo Blower: 75HP * 1set
Measured Operating data Operating data
• Power drawn = 204 kW • Power drawn = 159 kW Energy save: 35%
Results Dis. pressure: 0.47 bar Dis. pressure: 0.47 bar
Delivery: 35 m3/min Delivery: 35 m3/min
• Energy cons umption • Energy cons umption Power consumption: 63 kW Power consumption: 40 kW
= 1,762,560 kWh/ year = 1,373,760 kWh/ year Energy cost (per year) Energy cost (per year) Energy cost saving
Details of Total: about USD35,000 Total: about USD22,000 (1 year):
Energy Cal) 63kW * 330day * Cal) 40kW * 330day * USD13,000
saving 24hour/day * 0.07USD/day 24hour/day * 0.07USD/day
/ = USD34,927 = USD 22,176 Reduce Noise:
Noise & Noise le vel : Over 95dB Noise le vel : under 80dB over 15 dB
• Energy Savi ngs = 388, 800 k W h/ye ar (22%) Vibration Reduce vibration:
Vibration : over 20 mm/s Vibration : under 1mm/s Over 19mm/s

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CII Green Cementech 2010 CII Green Cementech 2010

of installations
K Turbo Bl ow ers i nstall ations i n Cem ent Industry
• Ex: Sung-Shin cement Inc, (Mode: Constant Volumetric Flow)
(more difficult condition)
Roots Blo wer: 150HP * 2set KTurbo Blower: 150HP *
1set Energy save:
Measured Operating data 48kW (39%)
Operating data
Results Dis. pressure: 0.43 bar & Conveying
Dis. pressure: 0.43 bar
Delivery: 75 m3/min more material
Delivery: 93 m3/min
Power consumption: 126kW
Power consumption: 78 kW
Energy cost
Details Energy cost (per year) Energy cost (per year)
saving (1 year):
about Total: about USD70,000 Total: about USD43,000 USD27,000
Energy Cal) 126kW * 330day * Cal) 78kW * 330day * Reduce Noise:
saving 24hour/day * 0.07USD/kWh 24hour/day * 0.07USD/kWh
Over 15 dB
/ = USD69,854 = USD 43,243
Noise & Noise le vel: Over 95dB Noise le vel : under 80dB
Vibration Vibration: over 20 mm/s Vibration : under 1mm/s
Over 19mm/s

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CII Green Cementech 2010 CII Green Cementech 2010

Installation (C ement Factory) Installation (C ement Factory)

Hyundai Cement

Lafarge Halla Cement

Hanil Cement

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CII Green Cementech 2010 CII Green Cementech 2010

Construction of Single & Twin Turbo Blo wers

Construction of K Turbo Blowers
KTurbo: The Ultimate Rotating Machine In take
S ilen cer
S ilen cer

Varia ble Spee d

Direct Driv e ( No Ge ar B ox )
No Bear ing L ubricat ion
Oil-fr ee Tur bo Air B lower

Pow er In In verter
Con trols

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CII Green Cementech 2010 CII Green Cementech 2010

PM Motor & Impellers

2 Pole p erman en t mag n et
Hig h p erf orman ce
electric core
Why KTurbo ?
H Class In su lation
(S mCo) w it h h ig h stren g th w in d ing
retain in g ring
1) Ful ly Opt imize d Aero/Mot or/ Invert er comp one nt
Disch arg e
• Optimum specific speed selection
• Long life time inverter, stable operation
S croll
• Long life / life time air-foil bearing

2) Best Efficiency, Many Refe rences

S tain less steel
casted Imp eller 3) Small Foot Pri nt & Low N oise
Rad ial airf oil
b earin g 4) Stain less Stee l Cast Impe ller
In take 5) Oil-fr ee Blo wer / Com pressor
6) No effect of po wer su pply fr equ ency var iati on
Rad ial airf oil Contin ued…
Th ru st d isk & b earin g
Th ru st b earing
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29 30

CII Green Cementech 2010 CII Green Cementech 2010

Contin ued… Core Tec hnol ogi es

Why KTurbo ?
(1) Air foil bearings
• Self-acting hydrodynamic float on air
7) Starti ng cur rent = Fu ll Lo ad curr ent ( goo d for DG Sets) • Bump foil acting as a spring
• The first generation
8) Built-i n Fl ow- meter – Axially & circumferentially uniform el astic support el ements
9) Most Advanced Su rge De tectio n Dev ice • The second generation
– Variable axial OR circumferential compliance characteristics
• Instant fl ow r ate measu reme nt / flo w i nstab ility • The third generation
monit ori ng. – Foil support in axial, circumferential AND radial direction

10) Full lin e up

• 25-6 00h p (ai r cool ed)

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CII Green Cementech 2010 CII Green Cementech 2010

Princi ples of Foil Be ari ngs Histor y of Foil Bea rings

High Temp Solid Th ird Gen eration Bu mp
Lubric ant
(KTurb o)
-PS304 ; NASA
-KOROLO N1350F ; M iTi

M u lt i-
i-Pad Bump

M oS2
Reversed M u lt i-
i- Layer • Radial variation
• Circ umferential
Teflon variation
Princ iple s of Hy drody na m c
i Pre ss ure Hy drody na mic Pre ss ure Ge ne ra tion • Axial s plit/variation
Ge ne ra tion S imp le Bu mp
• The working principle of foil bearing is same as hydrodynamic oil bearing like a tilting pad
oil bearing which is used for classical gear increasing high speed machines.
M u lt i-
i- Leaf
• Because foil bearing use surrounding air instead of oil to support shaft, it needs larger
• M iT i h a ve m ad e ma jor r es earch
diameter and length and special dampin g mechanism.
• KTu rb o h a s > 1 0 0 0 u n its exp eri en c es
• To provide maximum support force, foil bearin g adopts entir e bearing surface and spring
backup. Bearing surface config uration and spring characteristics define bearin g behavior.
• During start/stop, direct contact between shaft and bearing surface occurs. To protect High
bearin g surface during start/stop, dry lubricant coatin g is applied on the bearing surface and HighCapacity,
30,000 time on/off is available .
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CII Green Cementech 2010 CII Green Cementech 2010

Compa rison of be ari ngs

Life time KT ur bo air f oil bea ri ngs
Classification Air Foil Bearing Tilting Pad Bearing Ball Bearing
Ø K Turbo foil bear ings were p rove d thro ug h
Lubrication oil Not used Used Used
Ø 6 years ope rati on ( over 1 300 units )
Change bearing every 3
Life Span Semi-permanent Semi-permanent
Ø On 40 0hp 60kg & 600 hp ro tor system years
Change bearing every 3
Maintenance No Check by 5 years
Ø extreme mac hin es of 2 stage 7 bar com pressor. years

Reliability 20 5 1

Complexity (Pump, Filter, Complexity (Pump, Filter,

System Simple Reduce pressure system, Reduce pressure system,
pressure sensor, etc.) pressure sensor, etc.)

A/S COST 50 100 50

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CII Green Cementech 2010 CII Green Cementech 2010

(2) High-speed & high-power PM motor/driver Why PM m otor ?

• PM motors
– High-speed & high-power (50 hp ~ 600 hp / 20,000 rpm ~
70,000 rpm)
– High efficiency (> 95%)
• Sensor-less Inverters
– Cost-effective
– High efficiency (> 97%)
Ø No magnetiz ing power is necessary

Ø Lower heat generation means less cooling loss.

Ø Smaller rotor means less friction loss

Ø No slip means high efficiency even at part load condition.

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CII Green Cementech 2010 CII Green Cementech 2010

Induction Mot ors v/s PM Mot or

Efficiency of PM motor & Induction Motor
Low Speed Hi gh Speed
Classification Induction Induction PM

Power Factor Low: 0.8 Very Low: 0.65 High: 0.9

Normal Hi gh Low
High: 85–97% Medi um: 88–94% Very high: 95–98%
Effi ciency

Cooling Loss 2-3% 15%- 20% 1%-3%

Total Efficiency High: 88–95% Medi um: 75–85% Very high: 95-97%

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CII Green Cementech 2010 CII Green Cementech 2010

(3) Fea tur es of K Turbo Im pe ller (4) B ui lt-i n Fl ow Me ter

1. Stain less Stee l

• SUS630, 17-
17 -4PH

2. Optim um Sp ecific S pee d

• Maximum efficiency
Bell m out h is m uch mor e
3. Optim um back sweep a ngl e accurat e t ha n Orifice,
• Maximum efficiency
• High Rise to surge beca use it nee ds only
• Wide operating range one se nsor.
4. Spl itter Bla de
• Larger flow capacity
• Higher efficiency

5. Leani ng  k −1

 P − ∆p 
1 /k
 k    P − ∆p  k 
Q = 60 × c d ⋅ A ⋅  ⋅ 2 ⋅ R ⋅T ⋅   ⋅ 1−   [m,K,sec, Pa, m / min, C d = 0 .99]
• Higher structural strength
 P   k − 1   P  
 

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41 42

Contr ol CII Green Cementech 2010 CII Green Cementech 2010

Meas urem ent Syst em (5) LOA D/ UNL OA D

Disch arg e Du ct
Disch arg e pressure : P
Disch arg e Temp : T2 Blow -of f Valve manual /remote/MCP

S ilen cer No Disch arg e

S u ction Flow rate dP : dP3 BOV Disch arg e BOV
S u ction Temp : T1 Blow er core
Filter Pressu re Drop : dP1

No Air From Air From

In verter
* BOV closed * BOV op en

Air F low m e asu rin g * Normal * S tand b y w ith id ling

op eration
(low rp m)
(h ig h rp m) * ~ 1 kW p ow er level
I nlet Reducer Air out

Air in
< Air Flow calcu lation , Q >
I mpeller
Resp on s e tim e
Q • Q ( T1, Po , dP3)
From LOAD to U NLOA D : ~1 0 s ec
+ -
T1 From UNL OAD to f u ll L OAD : ~3 0 s ec
d P3 [ Differential pressure]
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CII Green Cementech 2010 CII Green Cementech 2010

Response to press ure c ha nge

Performance curves of turbo blowers

Cur r ent Set in ner lo op

Stable i nitial r espo nse

S p eed S et Inn er loop

Un stab le in itial resp on se

S u rg e Occu rs

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CII Green Cementech 2010 CII Green Cementech 2010

(6) HMI wit h t ouc h scree n HM I: Ma in Scr ee n

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CII Green Cementech 2010 CII Green Cementech 2010

HM I: Oper ati ng C urv es displ ay HM I: Dat a L ogge d e very second

ØCF me mor y is a pplie d

•Data logging every 1 sec, 1 min, 1hour
•All event recording
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CII Green Cementech 2010 CII Green Cementech 2010

HM I: Ev ent Logged ev ery sec ond HM I: On-li ne tre nd displ ay

ØCF m em ory i s ap plied ØCF me mor y is a pplie d

•Data logging every 1 sec, 1 min, 1hour •Data logging every 1 sec, 1 min, 1hour
•All event recording •All event recording
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CII Green Cementech 2010 CII Green Cementech 2010

Multi-Group Control Foundation

( Central Control Room)


Con crete p ad An ch or b olting case-1 An ch or b olting case-2

TB #1 TB #2 TB #3 TB #4 TB #1 TB #2 TB #3 TB #4

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CII Green Cementech 2010 CII Green Cementech 2010

Leveling Piping-discharge
Ø Discharg e side com pon ents
arran geme nt ord er
• Check valve à flexibl e à silence r à sto p val veà
S ometimes n eed sh ims safety valve ( whe n a pplica ble) .
d u e to p oor level in g of
su rf ace
Ø Need suit abl e pi pe sup porte r pri or
to free from t he p ipi ng system’s
Leve lin g ch eck-1
and/ or p lant unexp ected v ibrat io n
infl uence t o the mac hin e.
Ø Inspect the c heck valv e flo w
direct ion ma rk on it
Up & d ow n of f oot
(f or easy le velin g of Ø After dischar ge check va lve, the
th e mach in e) pipe sh ou ld be go strai ght
minim um th ree d iamete r of the
pipe. ( imp orta nt)
Leve lin g ch eck-2

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CII Green Cementech 2010 CII Green Cementech 2010

A ir Filters References: J une 2009

85%@ 10
4-8 weeks
99%@ 10 or 68%@2
5-12 months
•P 21-44mmWTR
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CII Green Cementech 2010 CII Green Cementech 2010

Clients Clients

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CII Green Cementech 2010 CII Green Cementech 2010

Benefi ts wit h K T urbo

KTurbo Direct driven Turbo Blowers & Compressors

Thank You!
Godrej & Boyce Mfg C o Lt d
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