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To : Tanker Division

Attn : Mr. James Kang ( Superintendent )


Here with I would like to report to you regarding Tank Cleaning and Gas Free for Dry Docking
MT. Damai Sejahtera 8.

1. Prepared , checked and tested all equipment Tank Cleaning and founded Gas
Combustible Gas Detector were malfunction :
- 1 set C.O.W machine on COT no.2
- 3 sets C.O.W machines on COT no.3
- 2 sets C.O.W machines on COT no.5
- 1 set C.O.W machine on Slop tank
Duration of work from 28/09/2008 at 08.00 hrs to 11.00 hrs during unloading Badak
Crude Oil at Cilacap.
2. Crude Oil Washing activity all cargo tanks and Slop tanks duration of work from
24/10/2008 at 08.00 hrs to 22.00 hrs during unloading Madura Crude Oil at Cilacap.
3. All cargo tanks and Slop tank (stb) Cleaning activity duration of work from
25/10/2008 at 10.00 hrs ( Cilacap Sea Pilot off ) to 26/10/2008 at 09.00 hrs and than
Free Gas used fix fan during voyage Cilacap to Batam , for : CAS and CAP at port of
4. Transfer Oily water about 350 metric tons to MT. TENACITY duration from
06/11/2008 at 14.38 hrs to 16.55 hrs .
5. Cleaning tank activity on Slop tank (P) duration of work from 07/11/2008 at 05.00 hrs
to 08.00 hrs and than free gas during voyage from South China Sea to Western
Boarding Ground Bravo.

Thanking you for your attention and corporation

Acknowledged by Yours faithfully

Capt.M.Yasri Rodjak Sudjitno Bima Santoso

Master Chief Officer

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