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Sensing heart stress

Heart failure and pathological overgrowth of the heart often occur hand in hand. New data on a biomechanical
sensor challenge the viewpoint that cardiac hypertrophy causes heart failure (pages 6875).

T he main function of the heart is to

provide adequate delivery of oxygen
to meet the metabolic demands of the
ligands in the ECM (for example, colla-
gen, fibronectin and laminin) initiates
signaling in multiple intracellular path-
body under conditions of normal and ways through integrin-bound proteins
2003 Nature Publishing Group

increased workload. Although the per- tracellularly and result in altered gene that regulate gene expression, cell growth
formance of the heart is well maintained expression and protein synthesis that and survival4,5. One of the candidate pro-
over a wide range of physiological stres- lead to an enlarged heart. teins to act as a biomechanical sensor in
sors, increased biomechanical stress Although many of the factors that ini- this pathway is melusin, which interacts
from either exercise or disease can drive tiate GPCR-mediated hypertrophy have with the cytosolic domain of integrin
morphological changes in the heart been studied extensively, the role of bio- and is expressed exclusively in skeletal
muscle, known as cardiac and cardiac muscle5.
hypertrophy. Cardiac hy- In this new report1, the
pertrophy is an increase Pressure overload authors examined the
in mass of the heart due role of melusin in the de-
primarily to an increase in velopment of cardiac hy-
cell size, which under cer- pertrophy in response to
tain conditions progresses GPCRs Integrins two different models.
into heart failure. The Cytokines Mice that are genetically
molecular and cellular deficient for the melusin
mechanisms that are at gene were exposed to ei-
the base of the pathologi- ther biomechanical stress
cal transition from cardiac through physical con-
hypertrophy to cardiac Melusin
striction of the aorta7, or
failure have been the sub- hormonally induced car-
ject of intense investiga- Hypertrophy diac hypertrophy through
tion for over a half activation of Gq-coupled
century. In this issue, receptors at doses that do
Brancaccio et al.1 address not induce elevation in
the fundamental question blood pressure. The most
of how biomechanical important finding of this
stress translates into bio- study is that melusin was
chemical changes inside a critical only for the devel-
Kimberly Homer

heart muscle cell. They opment of biomechani-

show that the integrin- cally induced cardiac
Heart failure No heart failure
bound protein melusin hypertrophy, whereas it
acts as a biomechanical Fig. 1 Signaling pathways in the development of cardiac hypertrophy in re- was not involved in hor-
sensor, and that it is pro- sponse to pressure overload. Pressure overload initiates signaling in multiple monally induced hyper-
tective against the adverse pathways that result in cardiac hypertrophy. Melusin is a biomechanical trans- trophy or in normal heart
effects of pressure over- ducer that is selectively involved in integrin-mediated hypertrophy, and is pro- function and develop-
load. tective against the development of heart failure. In contrast, activation of other ment. Moreover, mice that
Pressure-overloadin- signaling pathways that also lead to cardiac hypertrophy, such as Gq-coupled re- were melusin-deficient de-
ceptors, is deleterious and often progresses to heart failure. Progression to heart
duced cardiac hypertro- veloped heart failure in re-
failure is unlikely to be related to the development of hypertrophy, but rather is
phy, such as that caused likely to be related to the intricate balance between the activation of protective sponse to biomechanical
by chronic hypertension, and deleterious signaling pathways. pressure overload. The au-
is triggered by two major thors further identified a
types of input that result role for melusin in the ac-
in an enlarged muscle: (1) mechanical mechanical sensor molecules in cardiac tivation of a specific signaling pathway
stress and (2) neural and humoral fac- hypertrophy is less understood. involved in mediating the hypertrophic
tors that activate growth factor receptor Transduction of mechanical stress into response. Together their data indicate
tyrosine kinases (RTKs), cytokine recep- biochemical signals is largely mediated that the actions of melusin are restricted
tors and G-protein-coupled receptors2 by a group of cell surface receptors called to integrin-mediated signaling pathways
(GPCRs), particularly those that couple integrins, which link the extracellular activated by mechanically induced pres-
to the Gq class of heterotrimeric gua- matrix (ECM) to the cellular cytoskele- sure overload.
nine-nucleotide binding regulatory pro- ton, thus providing physical integration A long-standing controversy has cen-
teins (G proteins)3. Signals originating between the outside and the inside of the tered on whether the development of
from all of these pathways converge in- cell. Activation of integrins by different cardiac hypertrophy is protective



against the deterioration into heart fail- against the development of heart fail- pressure overload. Nature Med. 9, 6875 (2003).
2. Molkentin, J.D. & Dorn, I.G., 2nd. Cytoplasmic
ure. The long-held view has been that ure. In contrast, the activation of Gq-
signaling pathways that regulate cardiac hyper-
cardiac hypertrophy in response to coupled receptor signaling pathways, trophy. Annu. Rev. Physiol. 63, 391426 (2001).
pathological overload serves to restore which also culminates in the same phe- 3. Akhter, S.A. et al. Targeting the receptor-Gq in-
terface to inhibit in vivo pressure overload my-
heart muscle stress back to normal and notype of cardiac hypertrophy, is dele- ocardial hypertrophy. Science 280, 574577
counteracts the progressive deteriora- terious and often progresses to cardiac (1998).
tion of cardiac function. However, re- enlargement and heart failure9,10. It is 4. Shai, S.Y. et al. Cardiac myocyte-specific excision
of the 1 integrin gene results in myocardial fi-
cent studies have demonstrated that not the hypertrophy per se that deter- brosis and cardiac failure. Circ. Res. 90, 458464
cardiac hypertrophy is not critical for mines a detrimental outcome, but (2002).
5. Giancotti, F.G. & Ruoslahti, E. Integrin signaling.
the prevention of cardiac deterioration. rather the different signaling pathways
Science 285, 10281032 (1999).
2003 Nature Publishing Group

Rather it is the chronic activation of that are activated in response to the 6. Brancaccio, M. et al. Melusin is a new muscle-spe-
Gq-coupled receptors and other signal- chronic overload state of the heart. cific interactor for (1) integrin cytoplasmic do-
main. J. Biol. Chem. 274, 2928229288 (1999).
ing pathways that is harmful8,9. Given Indeed, a recent study supports the 7. Rockman, H.A. et al. Segregation of atrial-specific
the observation that the lack of finding of a protective role for integrins and inducible expression of an atrial natriuretic
melusin prevents the development of against the development of pressure- factor transgene in an in vivo murine model of
cardiac hypertrophy. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA
cardiac hypertrophy and promotes overloadinduced heart failure4. 88, 82778281 (1991).
heart failure, Brancaccio et al. deduce The identification of the precise inter- 8. Rockman, H.A., Koch, W.J. & Lefkowitz, R.J.
Seven-transmembrane-spanning receptors and
that hypertrophy prevents the deterio- section between the integrinmelusin
heart function. Nature 415, 206212 (2002).
ration in cardiac function. While their pathway and other signaling pathways 9. Esposito, G. et al. Genetic alterations that inhibit
data are certainly intriguing, we offer a will be of great importance in under- in vivo pressure-overload hypertrophy prevent
cardiac dysfunction despite increased wall stress.
different interpretation of it. In our standing the complexity of the hyper- Circulation 105, 8592 (2002).
opinion, progression to cardiac failure trophic response that leads to heart 10. Adams, J.W. et al. Enhanced Gq signaling: A
does not depend on the phenotype of failure. Further investigation will likely common pathway mediates cardiac hypertrophy
and apoptotic heart failure. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci.
hypertrophy, but rather is related to the provide the exact molecular mecha- USA 95, 1014010145 (1998).
intricate balance between the activa- nisms involved in pressure-overloadin-
tion of protective and deleterious sig- duced cardiac hypertrophy and perhaps
naling pathways. In this regard, the lead to novel therapeutic opportunities Department of Medicine, Cell Biology,
novel contribution of Brancaccio et al. for the treatment of this deadly disease. and Genetics
lies in the identification of a molecule Duke University Medical Center
1. Brancaccio, M. et al. Melusin, a muscle-specific in-
that is involved in a hypertrophic sig- tegrin 1-interacting protein, is required to pre- Durham, North Carolina, USA
naling pathway and is also protective vent cardiac failure in response to chronic Email:

Setting the cytokine trap for autoimmunity

Agents that block the action of specific cytokines have changed the lives of many patients with rheumatoid arthritis
and other autoimmune disorders. But frequent self-injections or injections by a physician during a clinic visit are
required. Now a new class of anti-cytokine that may bypass such problems appears on the horizon (pages 4752).

P rotein-based agents that block the ac-

tion of cytokines have substantially im-
proved treatment for patients with
first protein chain due to two distinct
binding domains on the cytokine, which
each bind to the separate chains2. The nat-
autoimmune diseases over the last five or intravenous infusions. Fully human urally occurring IL-1Ra lacks the second
years. Diseases such as rheumatoid arthri- agents with high affinities and long bio- binding domain and does not recruit the
tis, psoriasis and Crohns inflammatory logical half-lives would provide improved second chain in the receptor complex.
bowel disease are now routinely treated therapeutic options. The cytokine trap takes advantage of the
with agents such as neutralizing mono- To that end, Economides et al. have de- two separate receptor chains, which to-
clonal antibodies to tumor necrosis factor veloped novel cytokine traps1 which take gether provide high-affinity binding. The
(TNF; Remicade, also known as inflix- advantage of the way that cytokines bind cytokine trap provides both receptor
imab). Other agents include receptors to to the extracellular domains of their cell chains in a dimeric configuration that re-
TNF (Enbrel or etanercept) and the inter- surface receptors. In general, cytokines sembles the two chains of extracellular cell
leukin-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1Ra; such as IL-1, IL-4 or IL-18 first bind to a surface receptor. The trap is, however, dif-
Kineret or anakinra). These specific anti- single surface receptor protein chain with ferent in that each arm of the dimeric
cytokinebased therapies can reduce in- a relatively low affinity. But this binding structure is identical and contains do-
flammation and joint destruction in does not result in signal transduction; in- mains of both receptor chains. The two
rheumatoid arthritis, are being used in stead, binding results in recruitment of a chains of the trap are linked by fusion of
over 250,000 patients and have validated second, usually structurally distinct pro- the complement binding domain of IgG1.
the importance of IL-1 and TNF in inflam- tein chain. It is this new complex of the As such, the structure is not natural, but is
matory diseases. But the current repertoire cytokine bound to the two receptor chains composed of solely natural proteins. The
of agents has some drawbackschief that initiates the signal (Fig. 1). The cy- structures are stable, bind cytokines with
among them is the relatively short half- tokine binds to the two-chain complex high affinity and have the potential to
life, which necessitates frequent injections considerably more tightly than that to the supplant current therapies.


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