Enduring Skills

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2. What do you think are the most important competencies for the successful CIO of tomorrow ?

CIO to act more as a strategic business leader and less as a function head.
CIO who are serious about developing leaders in their group have to be willing to invest time in their
people and to give them opportunities to grow.
CIO needs to understand the value proportion of the business
How do you rate yourself in those?
I think i have the strategic business but i dont have skill to developing leader
3. CIOs today must groom not only competent replacement for themselves but also next generation
IT leaders who are business ready and able to succees in a more IT-intense and integral business
Key competencies are enduring

1. several comments in the case note that CIOs are in a unique position for companywide
leadership, extending beyond their primary technological concerns. Why do you think this is
the case? How are CIOs different in this regard from other chief officers, for example, in
finance, HR, or marketing?

IT, the CIO's domain, permeates through an organization's every level and function. This
makes CIOs unique.

2. After reading the case, what do you think are the most important competencies for the
successful CIO of tomorrow? How do you rate yourself in those? Had you considered the
importance of these skills and abilities before?
Required skills:
project management
human resource management

3. How can CIOs prepare their successors for an uncertain future that will most likely require
skills different from those possessed by the successful CIOs of today? Which key
competencies are enduring, and which ones are a function of the current technological
environment? How can CIOs prepare for the latter?
Preparation: CIOs should have a good grounding in business skills. It would help if they had
industry experience in accounting or operations. Prospective CIOs can benefit significantly
from mentoring and new projects or responsibilities selected to expand his or her horizons.
Enduring skills:
project management
human resource management
Non-enduring skills:
Real World Activities

1. Go online to research the topic of executive succession planning and the different
approaches in use by companies today. Are there any differences for those in information
technology, as opposed to other functional areas, because of the dynamics of technology
change and evolution? Which competencies are being targeted for IT executives? Prepare a
report to summarize your findings.

Summary: CIOs have have placed a low priority on personnel development. The CIO as a
strategic partner is a fairly recent concept, and the CIO's evolving role makes succession
planning especially difficult. To make things more complicated, some organizations place
potential CEO candidates in the CIO role as a stepping stone. This supports the notion of IT's
strategic importance and provides experience and contacts for the future CEO. Other
organizations rely on recruiters to fill positions. Such organizations often task their recruiters
to find an experienced candidate capable of leading them through a major IT initiative such
as an ERP

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