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I do not certainly what is wrong and what is right.

What I know is a question of what I have been

educated in, and what knowledge I have acquired over time. What this is is thought. This raises
the question, can thought alone decide what is right and what is wrong? The issue of whether
there is an innate morality or conscience is a rather slipper one. An individual may express
disgust, or some other negative feeling towards something they feel is wrong. The opposite is
true when they feel something right happens. This does not include those that get pleasure out
of horrible acts, while aware of the fact that it is horrible. The very awareness of the act being
horrible is an indication of right or wrong by the individual. Hence, I argue that morality comes
from thought, and thought alone can built morality. The animals for instance, as we commonly
know do not have a sense of morality.

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