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ISSN 0012-2661, Differential Equations, 2017, Vol. 53, No. 6, pp. 709718.

c Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2017.
Original Russian Text 
c O.I. Kleshchina, 2017, published in Differentsialnye Uravneniya, 2017, Vol. 53, No. 6, pp. 715723.


Some Properties of the Lozinskii Logarithmic Norm

O. I. Kleshchina
Voronezh State University, Voronezh, 394006 Russia
Received July 15, 2016

AbstractWe study properties of the logarithmic matrix norm. We obtain new estimates for
matrix norms as well as for the spectral radius and the spectral abscissa. We give a new proof of
the Fiedler theorem and a block test for the Hurwitz property of a matrix based on the theory
of nonnegative and o-diagonal-nonnegative matrices.
DOI: 10.1134/S0012266117060015

The rst nontrivial coecient estimate of the norm of a solution of a linear dierential system
with variable coecients was independently obtained in [14]. Other coecient estimates were
derived in [5, 6]. All above-mentioned estimates are two-sided estimates for the Euclidean norm of
the solution in terms of the coecient matrix of the system. A general approach to the derivation of
such estimates for a not necessarily Euclidean vector norm was independently suggested by Lozin-
skii [7] and Dahlquist [8] in their papers on numerical integration of systems of ordinary dierential
equations. This approach is based on the properties of a certain numerical characteristic of the
matrix, which was called the logarithmic norm by Lozinskii. Later, this numerical characteristic
was referred to as the Lozinskii logarithmic norm in the monograph [9], and this term has been uni-
versally accepted. The notion was generalized to linear bounded operators in a Banach space in the
monograph [10], and in [11] the denition of logarithmic norm was given for linear unbounded op-
erators that are innitesimal generators of strongly continuous semigroups of linear operators [12].
In the present paper, we discuss various properties of the Lozinskii logarithmic norm and some of
its applications.


Below, for a square matrix A with real or complex entries, by sp A we denote its spectrum, that
is, the set of its eigenvalues, and by spr A we denote its spectral radius [13, p. 358 of the Russian
translation], spr A = max{|| : sp A}. By I we denote the identity matrix, and   is some
matrix norm [13, p. 351 of the Russian translation] such that I = 1. In what follows, we assume
that the matrix norm is an operator norm [13, p. 355 of the Russian translation], i.e., corresponds
to some vector norm, and the nite-dimensional linear normed space itself will be denoted by B.
Let us introduce the main notion of the present paper.
Denition. The spectral abscissa spa A and the Lozinskii logarithmic norm Alog of a square
matrix A are dened as follows:
I + tA I
spa A = max{ Re : sp A} and Alog = lim . (1)
t+0 t

It was proved in [7] that the logarithmic norm is well dened (i.e., the limit on the right-hand
side in the relation dening the logarithmic norm exists). Note that, unlike the logarithmic norm,


the spectral radius and the spectral abscissa are independent of the choice of the matrix norm.
The following two theorems characterize spa A and Alog as solutions of an extremal problem and
hence provide yet another motivation for their study.
Consider the matrix exponential

tk Ak
exp(tA) = I + .

This representation implies the estimates

exp(tA)  exp(tA) exp(tA), 0 t < +. (2)
The constants A and A occurring in the estimates (2) are not necessarily best. Let and a
be some constants satisfying the estimates
exp(t)  exp(tA) exp(ta), 0 t < +. (3)
For an arbitrary matrix norm  , consider the problem of nding the maximum and the
minimum a for which the estimates (3) hold. The solution is provided by the following two asser-

Theorem 1. The maximum constant for which the left estimate in (3) holds is the spectral
abscissa spa A of the matrix A.

Proof. It is well known [13, p. 359 of the Russian translation] that the inequality A spr A
holds for any matrix A and any matrix norm  . Since the eigenvalues of the matrix exp(At)
coincide with the set exp(t), sp A, it follows from the above inequality that  exp(At)
max{| exp(t)| : sp A} and, in particular,  exp(At) exp(t spa A).
It remains to show that if the inequality  exp(At) exp(t) holds for some and for all
t 0, then spa A. Indeed, as was shown in the monograph [10, p. 42], we have the relation
limt+ t1 ln  exp(At) = spa A, which implies the desired assertion. The proof of the theorem
is complete.

Theorem 2. The least constant a for which the right estimate in (3) holds is the Lozinskii
logarithmic norm Alog of the matrix A.

Proof. Since the logarithmic function is continuously dierentiable and its derivative at unity is
equal to unity, it follows from the mean value theorem that for each > 0 there exists a -neighbor-
hood of unity such that | ln u ln v| (1 + )|u v| whenever |u 1| < and |v 1| < . Therefore,
if |  exp(tA) 1| < and | I + tA 1| < , then
| ln  exp(tA) ln I + tA | (1 + )|  exp(tA) I + tA |

tk Ak
(1 + ) exp(tA) (I + tA) (1 + ) .

Consequently, the relation

ln  exp(tA) ln I + tA
lim = lim (4)
t+0 t t+0 t
holds whenever there exists at least one of these limits.
Let us show that the limit on the right-hand side in relation (4) exists and is equal to Alog .
Indeed, set (t) = I + tA 1. Then

I + tA 1
ln I + tA if (t) = 0,
= ln(1 +t(t)) I + tA 1 (5)
if (t) = 0.
(t) t

Since ln(1 + x) x as x 0 and (t) 0 as t 0, it follows from (5) that

ln I + tA I + tA 1
lim = lim = Alog .
t+0 t t+0 t
To complete the proof of the theorem, it remains to show that
ln  exp(tA) ln  exp(tA)
sup = lim . (6)
t>0 t t+0 t
The expression on the left-hand side in relation (6) is nite [by virtue of the right-hand side in
inequality (2), it does not exceed A]; we denote this expression by a. As was shown above,
the limit on the right-hand side in relation (6) exists and is nite; we denote it by b. Obviously,
the inequality a b holds. Suppose that a = b, i.e., a > b. Take some positive < (a b)/2.
For this , we nd a > 0 such that  exp( A) exp( (b + )) for all (0, ). Take an arbitrary
t > 0 and assume that m N is a number such that t/m < . Then
 exp(tA) =  exp(m(tA/m))  exp(tA/m)m (exp(t(b + )/m))m = exp(t(b + )).
Since this inequality holds for each t > 0, we have supt>0 t1 ln  exp(tA) b + < a. We have
arrived at a contradiction. The proof of the theorem is complete.
Theorems 1 and 2 imply the important inequality
spa A Alog . (7)


Just as above, in this and the following sections we assume that the matrix norm   is
an operator norm. The same symbol   stands for the vector norm generating this operator
norm [13, p. 355 of the Russian translation].
Let us present a formula for the Lozinskii logarithmic norm in the case of an operator ma-
trix norm. For vectors x and h, by [x, h] we denote the Gateaux one-sided dierential (Gateaux
semidierential) of the vector norm at the point x for the increment h; i.e.,
x + th x
[x, h] = lim . (8)
t+0 t
Note some properties of the Gateaux semidierential of a norm, which will be used in forthcoming
1. [x, ch] = c[x, h] if c 0; [x, ch] = c[x, h] if c < 0.
2. |[x, h]| h.
3. [x, h + k] [x, h] + [x, k] for arbitrary vectors x, h, and k.
Properties 1 and 2 readily follow from denition (8), and property 3 of semiadditivity is a con-
sequence of the chain of relations
x + t(h + k) x x + (2t)h + x + (2t)k 2x
t 2t
x + (2t)h x x + (2t)k x
+ [x, h] + [x, k].
2t 2t t+0

The following theorem was proved in the monograph [9, pp. 461462, formula (2.6)]. Let us
present a dierent proof.

Theorem 3. The relation

[x, Ax]
Alog = sup (9)
x=0 x
holds for any matrix operator norm  .



Proof. We denote the right-hand side of relation (9) by a. Since x + tAx = (I + tA)x
I + tAx, we have
x + tAx x I + tA 1
[x, Ax] = lim lim x = Alog x.
t+0 t t+0 t
Consequently, the inequality Alog a is satised.
Let us prove the opposite inequality. By [10, p. 93, problem 18], if a vector function x(t)
is dierentiable, then the numerical function x(t) is dierentiable on the right, and its right
derivative x(t)+ satises x(t)+ = [x(t), x(t)]. Consider the vector function x(t) = exp(tA)x,
t 0. Since the vector function x(t) is continuously dierentiable and x(t) = Ax(t), it follows from
previous considerations that
x(t)+ = [x(t), x(t)] = [x(t), Ax(t)],
and hence by the denition of the number a we have x(t)+ ax(t). By [14, pp. 5455,
problem 7] (see also [15, item 7.1]), from this dierential inequality we obtain the estimate x(t)
exp(ta)x. Therefore,  exp(tA)x exp(ta)x; since x is arbitrary, it follows that  exp(tA)
exp(ta) and hence Alog a. The proof of the theorem is complete.


Let us show that, for each matrix, the greatest lower bound of its Lozinskii logarithmic norms
taken over all operator norms coincides with the spectral abscissa of the matrix.

Theorem 4. For each square matrix A and for any > 0, there exists an operator norm  ()
such that
A()log spa A + . (10)

Proof. Set = spa A and take some > . We dene a function of a vector by the relation

x =  exp(sA)x exp(s)ds. (11)

Let us verify the convergence of this improper integral. Since > , we have > + for
a suciently small > 0. By [10, Sec. 4, item 2], there exists a positive constant M () such that
 exp(tA) M () exp(t( + )) for 0 t < +. Therefore,
+ +
M ()
x  exp(sA) exp(sA) dsx exp(s( + ))M () dsx = x,
( + )
0 0

because + < 0. The proof of the convergence of the improper integral (11) is complete.
It readily follows from denition (11) that the function   is a vector norm.
Let > 0 be an arbitrarily small number. Consider the norm (11) for (, + ) and set
x() = x . In the new norm, we have the relations

 exp(tA)x() =  exp(sA) exp(tA)x exp(s) ds

= exp(t)  exp((t + s)A)x exp((t + s)) ds
= exp(t)  exp(sA)x exp(s) ds exp(t)  exp(sA)x exp(s) ds = exp(t)x() .
t 0



Thus,  exp(tA)x() exp(t( + ))x() , which, together with the denition of operator norm
and the arbitrary choice of the vector x, implies the estimate (10). The proof of the theorem is
Therefore, the relation inf Alog = spa A holds for any matrix A, where the least upper bound
is taken over all matrix operator norms. In this relation, the least upper bound cannot be replaced
by the maximum (cf. [16, Chap. 4, Sec. 3], where a similar assertion was presented for the spectral


The following assertion presents the main properties of the spectral abscissa.

Assertion 1. The spectral abscissa has the following properties.

1. spa(cA) = c spa A if c 0 and spa(cA) = c spa(A) if c < 0.
2. | spa A| A.
3. spa(A + B) spa A + spa B if AB = BA.

Proof. Property 1 follows from the obvious relation sp(cA) = c sp A between the spectra of the
matrices cA and A. Property 2 is a consequence of Theorem 1 and the estimates (2).
Let us prove property 3, i.e., the semiadditivity of the spectral abscissa for commuting matrices.
Since A and B are commuting matrices, we have exp(t(A + B)) = exp(tA) exp(tB); consequently,
 exp(t(A + B))  exp(tA)  exp(tB). Therefore,
ln  exp(t(A + B)) ln  exp(tA) ln  exp(tB)
+ ,
t t t
whence, by passing to the limit as t +, we obtain the desired inequality spa(A + B)
spa A + spa B by virtue of [10, p. 42]. The proof of the assertion is complete.
Note that property 3 fails for noncommuting matrices, as shown by the example of the matrices
0 1 0 0
A= and B = .
0 0 1 0

The following assertion describes the main properties of the Lozinskii logarithmic norm.

Assertion 2. The logarithmic norm has the following properties.

1. cAlog = cAlog if c 0, and cAlog = c Alog if c < 0.
2. |Alog | A.
3. A + Blog Alog + Blog ; in particular, Alog +  Alog 0 (= 0log ).
4. |Alog Blog | A B.

These properties were presented in the monograph [10, p. 95, problem 19]. Properties 1, 2,
and 4 are straightforward consequences of the denition of logarithmic norm and the properties of
a matrix norm, and property 3 can be proved by analogy with property 3 of the one-sided Gateaux
dierential of a norm.
The comparison of properties of the spectral abscissa and the logarithmic norm shows that their
properties 1 and 2 coincide, while property 3 coincides partially. Let us show that an analog of
property 4 of the logarithmic norm fails for the spectral abscissa. Let us present an example
of matrices A and B such that | spa A spa B| > A B. Set
0 1 0 0 0 1
A= and B = ; then C = A B = ,
2 0 2 0 0 0
where > 0. Let C = . Since spa A = and spa B = 0, we have | spa A spa B| = .
Therefore, we can take > and obtain the desired example.



Recall that a real matrix A is a Hurwitz matrix if its spectrum sp A lies entirely in the left
half-plane Re < 0; i.e., which is equivalent,

spa A < 0. (12)

Since inequality (7) holds, it follows that a sucient condition for the Hurwitz property of the
matrix A is given by the inequality
a Alog < 0. (13)

In what follows, we need the formula [16, p. 426, problem 60]

(I A) = exp(tA) exp(t) dt, a < Re , (14)

which implies that the resolvent (I A)1 of the matrix A is the (one-sided) Laplace transform
of the matrix exponential exp(tA).

Theorem 5. If condition (13) is satised, then A is a Hurwitz matrix, the norm of the resolvent
satises the estimate
(I A)1  ( Re a)1 , a < Re , (15)
and the logarithmic norm of the matrix can be estimated as |a| A1 1 .

Proof. From the representation (14), we obtain

(I A)   exp(tA) exp(t Re ) dt exp(ta) exp(t Re ) dt = ( Re a)1 , a < Re ,

0 0

and the proof of the desired estimate (15) is complete.

We substitute = 0 into the estimate (15) and obtain

A1  |a|1 . (16)

Next, since 1 = I = AA1  AA1 , we have A1 1 A. Since, by (16), |a|
A1 1 , we have the desired estimate. The proof of the theorem is complete.


Let us introduce some denitions and notation (see [17, Chap. XIII]). For real vectors a =
col(a1 , a2 , . . . , an ) and b = col(b1 , b2 , . . . , bn ), we write either a b or a < b if either aj bj or
aj < bj , respectively, for all j = 1, . . . , n. A vector a 0 is said to be nonnegative, and a vector
a > 0 is said to be positive. If the components of a vector a = col(a1 , a2 , . . . , an ) are complex
numbers, then the real vector col(|a1 |, |a2 |, . . . , |an |) is referred to as the modulus of the vector a
and is denoted by |a|.
The same notions are introduced for matrices. For real matrices A = (ajk )nj,k=1 and B =
(bjk )nj,k=1 , we write A B or A < B if the inequalities ajk bjk or ajk < bjk , respectively, hold
for all j, k = 1, . . . , n. A matrix A 0 is said to be nonnegative, and a matrix A > 0 is said to
be positive. If the entries of a matrix A = (ajk )nj,k=1 are complex numbers, then the real matrix
(|ajk |)nj,k=1 is called the modulus of the matrix A and is denoted by |A|.
Recall that a matrix C = (cjk )nj,k=1 is said to be o-diagonal-nonnegative if cjk 0 for j = k.
Obviously, this property holds if and only if aI + C 0 for some a.



The following two theorems provide necessary and sucient conditions for the spectral radius
of a nonnegative matrix to be less than unity and for the spectral abscissa of an o-diagonal-
nonnegative matrix to be negative.
Theorem (the MetzlerKoteliansky criterion). The spectral radius spr Q of a nonnegative ma-
trix Q 0 is less than unity, spr Q < 1, if and only if all successive leading minors of the matrix
I Q are positive.
Theorem (the SevastyanovKoteliansky criterion). The spectral abscissa spa C of an o-
diagonal-nonnegative matrix C is negative, spa C < 0, if and only if all successive leading minors
of the matrix C are positive.
The rst of these theorems can be derived from [17, Chap. 13, Sec. 3.7 ], and the second theorem
can be found in [17, Chap. 13, Sec. 3, Th. 5].
The following criterion for the Hurwitz property of a nonnegative matrix was obtained in [18].

Theorem 6. An o-diagonal-nonnegative matrix C = (cjk )nj,k=1 is a Hurwitz matrix if and only

if its diagonal entries are negative : c11 < 0, c22 < 0, . . . , cnn < 0, and the spectral radius spr Q of
the nonnegative matrix Q 0 with the zero diagonal dened by

Q = (qjk )nj,k=1 , where qjj = 0, j = 1, . . . , n, and qjk = cjk /cjj , j, k = 1, . . . , n, j = k,

is less than unity, spr Q < 1.


Just as above, let B be an n-dimensional complex Banach space, and let B1 , B2 , . . . , Bm be
some subspaces whose direct sum coincides with the entire space,

B = B1 + B2 + + Bm . (18)

By Pk we denote the projection of B onto Bk along the direct sum B1 + + Bk1 + Bk+1 + + Bm
of the remaining subspaces. Then the expansion (18) corresponds to the resolution of identity
I = P1 + P2 + + Pm , Pj2 = Pj , Pj Pk = 0 for j = k. Let

A = (Ajk )m
j,k=1 (19)

be the operator matrix, where the linear operator Ajk : Bk Bj is dened as follows: it takes
each element xk in Bk to the element yj = Pj APk xk (= Pj Axk ) in Bj ; moreover,

Ajk  = max Pj APk x (= max Pj Ax).

xBk , x =1 xBk , x =1

Theorem 7. Let diagonal operators Ajj : Bj Bj be invertible, j = 1, . . . , m, and let C =

j,k=1 be an o-diagonal-nonnegative Hurwitz m m matrix such that
(cjk )m

cjj , Ajk  cjk if j = k. (20)

Then A is an invertible operator , and the inverse operator satises the estimate
(Ajk )m
j,k=1 (C) A1 = (Ajk )m
(1) (1)
, where j,k=1 . (21)

The statement, the proof, and the estimate (21) are new in comparison with the Fiedler theorem
(see [17, p. 414]). The Fiedler theorem is obtained if all signs in the estimates (20) are replaced by
the equality sign.



Proof. Consider the equation Ax = y, which, in accordance with the expansion (18) and the
operator matrix (19), can be represented as the system of vector equations

Ajk xk = yj , j = 1, . . . , m. (22)

We use the invertibility of diagonal operators and write this system in the form

xj = A1 1
jj Ajk xk + Ajj yj , j = 1, . . . , m. (23)

We introduce a generalized norm by setting |||x||| = col(x1 , x2 , . . . , xm ). By condi-
tion (20), we have
jj Ajk  (cjj )1 cjk qjk ,
k=j k=j

where Q = (qjk )m
j,k=1 is the nonnegative matrix (17). Since, by the assumption of the theorem,
C = (cjk )j,k=1 is a Hurwitz matrix, it follows from Theorem 6 that the spectral radius of the
matrix Q is less than unity. Therefore, system (23) and hence system (22) have a unique solution
(for details, see [19]). Thus, A is invertible.
Let us prove the estimate (21). Set

= col(x1 , . . . , xm ), = col(A1 1

11 y1 , . . . , Amm ym ).

Then from the representation (23), we obtain the inequality

Q + . (24)

Since the spectral radius of the matrix Q is less than unity, it follows that the matrix I Q is
invertible, and (I Q)1 0 by virtue of the nonnegativity of the matrix Q. Therefore, from
inequality (24) we obtain the estimate

(I Q)1 . (25)

We write the matrix C in the form C = C0 + C1 , where C0 = diag[|c11 |, |c22 |, . . . , |cmm |]. Then
C1 0. Since (I Q)1 = C 1 C0 , it follows from the estimate (25) that |||x||| (C 1 )|||y|||,
which proves the estimate (21). The proof of the theorem is complete.

Theorem 8. Let the diagonal entries Ajj : Bj Bj , j = 1, . . . , m, of the operator matrix (19)
be Hurwitz operators; in more detail, let they have negative logarithmic norms Ajj log < 0,
j,k=1 be an o-diagonal-nonnegative Hurwitz m m matrix such that
j = 1, . . . , m. Let C = (cjk )m

Ajj log cjj , Ajk  cjk , j = k. (26)

Then A is a Hurwitz operator ; moreover ,

spa A spa C(< 0). (27)

Proof. We write the dierential equation x = Ax in accordance with the expansion (18) and
the operator matrix (19) in the form of the system of vector dierential equations

xj = Ajk xk , j = 1, . . . , m. (28)



Since xj (t) is right dierentiable, and moreover, xj (t)+ = [xj (t), xj (t)], it follows that
(a similar argument has been used in the proof of Theorem 3)

xj (t)+ = xj (t), Ajk xk (t) [xj (t), Ajj xj (t)] + [xj (t), Ajk xk (t)]
k=1 k=j

Ajj log xj (t) + Ajk xk (t).

We have used property 3 of semiadditivity of the one-sided Gateaux dierential and formula (9).
The estimates (26) allow one to write the results in the form of the system of dierential inequalities

xj (t)+ cjk xk (t), j = 1, . . . , m; |||x(t)|||+ C|||x(t)|||. (29)

Since C is an o-diagonal-nonnegative matrix, it follows from inequalities (29) that (e.g., see
[20, p. 191 of the Russian translation])

col(x1 (t), . . . , xn (t)) exp(tC) col(x1 (0), . . . , xn (0)), 0 t < +. (30)

Since, by assumption, C is a Hurwitz matrix, it follows from the estimate (30) that system (28)
and hence the original equation are asymptotically stable. Therefore, A is a Hurwitz matrix.
To prove the estimate (27), we write inequality (30) in the dierent form

||| exp(tA)x(0)||| exp(tC)|||x(0)|||.

Since the initial condition x(0) B can be chosen arbitrarily, it follows from this vector inequality
||| exp(tA)||| exp(tC). (31)
In the space of m m matrices, we take some absolute norm, i.e., a norm depending only on
the absolute values of matrix entries. In this case, if |A| B, then  |A|  B. Now from
inequality (31) we obtain the new estimate

 ||| exp(tA)|||   exp(tC). (32)

The estimate (32), together with the formula for the spectral abscissa presented at the end of the
proof of Theorem 1, implies that
ln  ||| exp(tA)|||  ln  exp(tC)
spa A = lim lim = spa C,
t+ t t+ t
which completes the proof of the estimate (27). The proof of the theorem is complete.

The author is grateful to A.I. Petrov for the statement of the problem and attention to the

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