Top 10 Chemical-Producing Countries of The World

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2017 Top10ChemcalProducngCountresoftheWorld

Top 10 Chemical-
Producing Countries of
the World

Top 10 Chemical-Producing Countries of the World are :

1. USA 2. Germany 3. Russia 4. China 5. Japan 6. United
Kingdom 7. Italy 8. France 9. India 10. Brazil.

Since chemical industry is based on science and

technology, its development is more important in
developed countries. But now, so many developing
countries are also important producers of several

The global chemical industry is mostly controlled by few

multinational companies as they have the patent right of
the products. The major chemical-producing countries
are USA, Germany, China, Russia, Japan, France, India,
Brazil, Italy, Poland, Belgium, UK, etc.

The United States of America is the worlds leading
country in the production of chemical products. It
produces nearly 30 to 35 per cent nitric acid, soda ash
and caustic soda of the world and also ranks second in
the production of sulphuric acid.

13.04.2017 Top10ChemcalProducngCountresoftheWorld


The factors responsible for the development of

chemical industry in USA are:

(i) The development of science and technology.

(ii) High degree of industrial development.



(iii) Availability of raw material.

(iv) Large and expanding market.

(v) Capital through multinational companies.

The centres of chemical industry in USA are widely

distributed. The largest concentration of chemical
industry is in the northern states of Pennsylvania, Ohio,
Kentucky, Indiana, Tennessee, Alabama, Virginia, etc. 2/9
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Some industries often require products of other

chemical industries.


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This interdependence or symbiotic relationship between

the chemical plants forced most of the industrial
establishments to settle within the same region. The
other reasons responsible for this higher concentration
in those states are the presence of nearby market,
excellent transport facilities and availability of all kinds
of raw materials within their periphery.

Apart from these states, almost all other states have at

least a few chemical-producing units. The Atlantic
coastal tracts ranging from New York, New Jersey,
Maryland to the south-eastern state of Florida contribute
more than 70 per cent of the chemical output. Of late,
states of southern USA are heading for rapid
development of chemical industry.

The states like New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, Colorado,

Kansas, and Oklahoma are progressing in such a way
that, within a few decades these southern states may
equal the production of the north-eastern states.

In US, sulphuric acid is produced in many parts of the

country. But the major sulphuric acid-producing states
are Kansas, Oklahoma, Colorado, Texas and Louisiana. 3/9
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The ammonium products are manufactured in the

northern states at Kentucky, West Virginia, Tennessee
and Indiana.

Soda ash is mostly produced in the states of Ohio,

Michigan, New York, Virginia and Texas. Caustic soda
and chlorine are produced in the states of Ohio, Virginia,
North and South Carolina and Georgia.

All these heavy chemical products have a large and

ready market throughout USA. The light chemical plants
are the major buyers of these products.

Light chemical industry includes various products

ranging from detergents, toilet products to
pharmaceuticals. These products are secondary in
nature and mostly produced from the basic or heavy
chemical products. Several multinational companies
control the industry in USA.

The internationally famous companies are now

operating from USA, i.e., companies like Lever Brothers,
Colgate and several other detergent producers, and Max
Factor. Helene Curtis in toilet products has dominated
international market for several decades. All these
factories are also located within Atlantic coastal areas
for export advantage.

2.Germany: 4/9
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Germany is also a leading country in chemical industry.

In Germany, the chemical industry began as early as in
1886 with the organisation and early growth of the
dyestuffs and potash industry.

In Germany, chemical industry has been developed

because of the certain favourable factors, such as:

(i) Economic stability and research facilities,

(ii) Availability of raw materials like salt, potash,

limestone, dolamite, sulphur, etc.

(iii) Development of thermal power, and

(iv) Extensive market facilities.

The areas of chemical industry in Germany are

concentrated in Rhine valley and Upper Saxony. The
four main areas are the Ruhr region, Frankfurt region,
Northern Rhine region and Upper Saxony region.

Chemical industry is one of the most important
industries in Russia. The early chemical-producing
centres were largely concentrated around Moscow
Tula and St. Petersburg.

The present chemical industry has been developed in

the following regions:

(i) Moscow region, having centres at Moscow,

Novomoskorsk, Voskresensk,

Kazan, Gorky, Dzherzinsk and Yaroslav.

(ii) St. Petersburg region.

(iii) Ural region.

(iv) Siberia and Far-East region. 5/9
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China has now emerged as a leading producer of
chemicals, not only in Asia but also in the world. The
development of chemical industry in China started in
the plan period after 1950, when concerted efforts were
made to develop Chinese chemical industry, especially
heavy chemical industry.

Special care was taken to increase the production of

caustic soda, soda ash, sulphuric acid, hydrochloric acid
and nitric acid. The effort made was so sincere that in
the last three decades production increased threefold.

The major chemical-producing centres in China are

located in its northern part. The urban centres of
Nanking, Shanghai and Shantung contribute maximum
of the chemical output. The other noted chemical
factories are located at Manchuria, Fushun, Penki,
Dairen and Anshan. The largest of the plants are located
at Manchuria.

The origin of chemical industry in Japan began only
after the First World War. But since then, rapid growth
of this industry has placed it in a high position.
Although, during the Second World War, Japanese
industries including the chemical industry were
completely devastated. But, with herculean efforts,
Japan was able to rebuild its chemical industry within a
short period and surpassed its pre-war production level.

Most of the Japanese chemical plants are either newly

constructed or completely rebuilt, so output and
productivity is very high. All the plants are new,
modernised and automated.

Japan is deficient in raw materials. More than 80 per

cent of its factories are entirely dependent on imported
raw materials. The only raw material abundant in Japan 6/9
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is sulphur, deposited extensively by volcanic eruptions.

Most of the chemical plants in Japan are located within
the industrial agglomerations of Osaka-Kobe, Tokyo-
Yokohoma, Nagoya, Hemagi and Kyushu.

In UK, chemical industry has been developed in the
following areas:

(i) The Tees valley,

(ii) The Mursey valley and southern Lancashire,

(iii) Tyne valley and Avon valley,

(iv) Scotland, and

(v) London region.

The leading chemical-producing centres are Lancashire,

Glasgow, Manchester, Birmingham, Yorkshire, Leeds,
Norwich, Middlewich, etc.

Italy is considered as a leading producer of both light
and heavy chemical products. The growth rate in the
industry is quite high. Several reasons are responsible
for the development of chemical industry in Italy.

These are:

(i) Presence of vast amount of raw materials within the

country, including limestone, dolomite, sulphur and

(ii) Availability of cheap hydel-power.

(iii) Good transport system and market facilities.

The major chemical centres in Italy are Naples, Milan,

etc. 7/9
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In France, chemical industry has developed in four
areas, i.e., north-eastern region, Lorraine region,
Leyons-Marseilles region and Bordeaux-Garonne region.
The strong industrial infrastructure, abundant coal
reserve, developed petroleum refinery industry and
presence of several raw materials like salt, dolomite,
limestone and potash facilitated the growth of chemical
industry in France.

India is now an important manufacturer of the chemical
products. India produces 6 per cent sulphuric acid, 6.2
per cent soda ash and 4 per cent caustic soda of the
world along with a large variety of other chemical
products. The major centres of chemical industry in
India are Mumbai, Kolkata, Sindri, Jamshedpur,
Chennai, Bangalore, Trombay, Vadodara, Ahmedabad,
Kanpur, Amritsar, Delhi, etc.

Brazil is a significant producer of chemical products not
only in South America but also in the world. It produces
5 per cent sulphuric acid, 3 per cent nitric acid and 4 per
cent caustic soda to the worlds output. The main centres
of chemical industry are Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo,
Minasgeras, Santos, etc.

Apart from the above, Spain, Belgium, Poland, Australia,

Bulgaria, Turkey, Ukraine, Greece, Croatia, etc., are the
other important countries, producing chemical products
in the world.

, Chemicals 8/9
13.04.2017 Top10ChemcalProducngCountresoftheWorld

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