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V Zahradch 24/836 180 00 Prague 8

Tel: +420-2-8384-2063, -2064, -3022

Fax: +420-2-8384-1067

Ultrasonic Flaw Detector

DIO 562

Brief Operation Manual

Brief Operation Manual DIO 562


1. DIO 562 MENUS ....................................................................................... 3

1.1. OPERATION MENUS ........................................................................................................ 3
1.2. OPERATION SUB-MENUS ................................................................................................ 3
1.3. AUXILIARY MENUS ......................................................................................................... 3

2. BASIC PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION ................................................ 4

2.1. CONNECTION OF ULTRASONIC TRANSDUCERS ............................................................... 4
2.2. SWITCHING ON............................................................................................................... 4
2.3. SWITCHING OFF............................................................................................................. 4
2.4. MAIN MENU ..................................................................................................................... 4
2.5. POWER SUPPLY AND ACCUMULATOR CHARGING ........................................................... 4
2.6. MEMORY CHIP ................................................................................................................ 5
2.7. MAINTENANCE ................................................................................................................ 5
2.8. OPERATION OF THE FLAW DETECTOR............................................................................ 5
2.9. PROGRAMMING OF THE FUNCTION KEYS F1 F5.......................................................... 5


3.1. OPERATION MENU .......................................................................................................... 6
3.1.1. PARAM Menu.......................................................................................................................6
3.1.2. GATES Menu........................................................................................................................6
3.1.3. MEMO Menu........................................................................................................................7
3.1.4. TOOLS Menu........................................................................................................................8
3.2. OPERATION SUB-MENUS ................................................................................................. 8
3.2.1. STORE Sub-Menu ................................................................................................................8
3.2.2. CALIB Sub-Menu .................................................................................................................8
3.2.3. SETUP Sub-Menu ................................................................................................................9
3.2.4. MISCEL. Sub-Menu .............................................................................................................9
3.3. AUXILIARY MENUS ........................................................................................................ 10
3.3.1. HWSET Menu .....................................................................................................................10
3.3.2. AVG/DGS Menu .................................................................................................................11
3.3.3. DAC Menu..........................................................................................................................12

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Brief Operation Manual DIO 562

1. DIO 562 Menus

1.1. Operation Menus


1.2. Operation Sub-Menus

1 2 3 4

1.3. Auxiliary Menus

5 6

HWSET (Hardware Setting) PRB/AVG (Probe parameters for AVG/DAC)

Setting of main parameters List of probes

MAIN MENU (described below in 1.4) allows setting of special modes. Access to the Main
Menu is possible only during switching the instrument ON by simultaneous depressing
and ON.

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Brief Operation Manual DIO 562

2. Basic principles of operation

2.1. Connection of ultrasonic transducers

Normal and angle probes (generally, single element transducers) should be connected always to
the BNC IN connector (IN 1 for two channel version). Dual element transducers shall be connected to
BNC IN and OUT connectors (IN 1 and OUT 1 for two channel version). These connectors shall be
used also for separate transducers in through-transmission mode.

2.2. Switching ON
Press the ON key to switch the instrument ON. will appear on the
display. Then press any arrow (cursor) key to continue. The instrument is ready and PARAM menu is

2.3. Switching OFF

Press the OFF key to switch the instrument OFF from within any mode.

2.4. Main menu

While the instrument is switched OFF, press simultaneously and ON keys. Main menu will
appear on the display. Use and keys to move the cursor and or key to select the
appropriate item (command).

Since these functions are not needed for routine operation of the flaw detector, their description
is given in the section Special functions. The use of particular items should be avoided if operator
is not sure or does not have appropriate skills. Otherwise, data on the memory chip may be lost
and/or principal changes of internal parameters of the instrument might occur!

2.5. Power supply and accumulator charging

NiMH (LiIon optional) accumulator is used for power supply. Before charging, it is
recommended to fully discharge the accumulator at least once a week. Charger supplied with the
instrument should be used. Charging time of fully discharged NiMH accumulator is approx. 16 hours.
A battery symbol in the bottom right corner of the display indicates a capacity (voltage) of the
accumulator. When the voltage has been decreased below the preset level, the battery symbol starts
blinking, with audible signal.
Information about the accumulator voltage in Volts is available in the operation menu TOOLS
MISC. The voltage value should be within 11 V to 13.9 V for proper operation.
The instrument may be normally used during the charging cycle.

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Brief Operation Manual DIO 562

2.6. Memory chip

Internal memory chip (capacity 1 MB) allows saving 100 setups, 100 AVG (DGS) and 100 DAC
curves, 780 echographs of A-scans and 100 B-scans, including 10 minutes of voice records. All data
and setups may be saved to a PC (using standard delivered software and connecting cable) and load
from PC.

2.7. Maintenance
DIO562 does not require any special maintenance, except timely charging the accumulator.

2.8. Operation of the flaw detector

There is an operation menu with sub-menu for routine operation of the flaw detector next to
the right edge of the display. Use and keys to move the cursor within the appropriate menu.
Selected item or its value is always highlighted by blinking cursor and inverse display. Use or
key to change the value of the item (function), to switch function On and OFF or move to the next
menu or operation sub-menu see DIO 562 Menu.
In order to switch to the next operation menu, use or key when the cursor is on the first
(upper) position (name) of the operation menu.
Keys F1 to F5 (so called function keys) are user programmable to individual need of the

2.9. Programming of the function keys F1 F5

The programmable keys F1 F5 have two functions. Short keystroke moves the cursor on the
preprogrammed menu item (within any operation menu or sub-menu). Long press (longer than approx
3 seconds) recalls the instrument setup (i.e. saved settings of the instrument parameters).
Programming of function keys for selected menu items is very simple. If the function key had not
been assigned yet, simply position the cursor on the selected item and then press the desired function
key. Single acoustic signal sounds as soon as the function key has been pressed and double tone
sounds after the key release. The cursor will remain on the selected item. If a single tone sounds after
the key release and the cursor moves to another item, then this key had been already assigned.
Deleting of the function key assignments is described in the chapter Sub-menu MEMORY. Setting
(assignment) of the function keys is saved to the instruments memory with saved setups.
The second function of F1 F5 keys serves for recall of the saved settings (setup). This function
cannot be changed. In order to recall the setup from the memory, press the function key for longer
than approx. 3 seconds (until the sound signal). Press two function keys simultaneously for numbers 6
to 9 as follows:

F Key F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F1+F2 F1+F3 F1+F4 F1+F5

Setup number
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
within group

This allows the direct access to the nine setups within a group. The group means choice from ten
setups (1-9, 11-19, 21-29 91-99). The desired group of setups shall be set in the TOOLS SETUP
sub-menu. For example, if the memory number #35 had been set, then setup number 31 will be
recalled by pressing F1 key (not setup number 1) see section Sub-menu SETUP.

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Brief Operation Manual DIO 562

3. Brief description of instrument functions by menu

3.1. Operation Menu
DIO 562 offers 4 operation menus (PARAM, GATES, MEMO, TOOLS). When the instrument
had been switched ON, the PARAM menu is displayed as the first.

3.1.1. PARAM Menu

This menu allows setting the basic parameters of the flaw detector and control of
most frequently used functions.
GAIN gain adjustment (0.0 80.0 dB)
STEP G setting of the gain step (0.1; 0.5; 1.0 or 6.0 dB)
MAT.VEL switches two sound propagation velocities, which had been set in
xxxx m/s
xxxx m/s setting of sound propagation speed in the material (1000 9999 m/s)
>0 s delay (0.00 50.00 s); adjustment of the delay, e.g. within the probe shoe or
dB-REF setting of the reference echo for generation of
AVG/DGS curve (name changes to REF) or
DAC (name changes in sequence to REF-01 to REF-05)
GATE1 fast and simple adjustment of the first gate
when the cursor positioned on , setting the threshold level,
when the cursor positioned on , setting the gate position within the range
battery symbol indicates the remaining accumulator capacity
mm symbols displayed under the time base, which allow:
1) zoom, when the cursor is positioned on
2) setting the time base (range), when the cursor is positioned on
3) time base scale setting
- for normal probe in the sound path (millimeters, mm, or microseconds, s);
- for angle probe (the angle shall be set in TOOLS CALIB menu) in the
sound path (Smm), projection distance or shortened projection distance
(Pmm). Time base may be calibrated in inches as well in TOOLS
CALIB menu

3.1.2. GATES Menu

The menu is used for setting the parameters for operation with gates (sometimes
called monitors). The instrument can operate with three gates simultaneously. Parameters
of each gate may be set for each gate individually. The appropriate gate is assigned by
switches ON/OFF the enlarged display of the chosen value (chosen in
TOOLS MISC. BIG P), instead of the menu. Echograph may
be enlarged also (no menu on the display)
GAIN gain adjustment (0.0 80.0 dB). NOTE: when the GATE 3 had been
chosen on the GATE position, the gain adjustment will be applied only within this
gate range the general gain of the instrument remains unchanged!

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Brief Operation Manual DIO 562

GATE 1,2,3 selection of the gate to be adjusted

gate threshold level (10 95 % of the full screen height FSH)
> front edge of the gate (numeric value indicates the position in mm or s,
depending on the setting of the instrument)
< rear edge of the gate (numeric value indicates the position in mm or s, depending
on the setting of the instrument)
ON / OFF switch the selected gate ON and OFF

selection of the gate triggering logic: (triggers above positive, or below negative;
switch the sound signalization ON and OFF
MEASURE selection of the measuring mode within the GATE 1 (also THC. FF, or
THC. PP in the GATE 2, which is switched ON automatically);
THC. FF = measuring echo-echo (flank to flank)
THC. PP = measuring echo-echo (peak to peak)
THC. 0F = measuring zero-echo (time base zero to echo flank)
THC. PP = measuring zero-echo (time base zero to echo peak)
mm symbols displayed under the time base, which allow zoom and time base settings,
the same as in the PARAM menu

3.1.3. MEMO Menu

This menu may be used to save the echographs (A-scans and/or B-scans) to the
memory, review saved records (incl. voice records - memos).
GAIN setting the gain (same as in PARAM menu)
RECORD selection of the record; each record (echograph) is assigned by letter A
to Z and number 00 to 29 for saving/loading echographs to/from the
Save saving the echographs to the memory. Short press of the key will
save the single echograph (long press activates the voice memo recording). When
the is pressed and hold, the echographs will be saved in sequence (approx.
20 echographs per 1 second), while the key is depressed, assuming that there are
free memory locations available
View viewing the echograph on the display, without change of the instrument settings
Recall loading the echograph from the memory, including settings, which were active
during the saving of the echograph
Freez freezing the echograph. This function depends on the arrow key used:
1) key switches functions
ALL (instantaneous freezing of entire A-scan),
B-scan (B-scan mode switched ON) or
OFF (freeze OFF)
2) key switches functions
MAX (freezing the maximum values in the echograph, with continuous loading
subsequent max. amplitudes. Repeated pressing the key will erase the record, but
the function remains active. Press the key to switch this function OFF.
3) pressed twice on the position OFF will switch the B-scan ON

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Brief Operation Manual DIO 562

3.1.4. TOOLS Menu

This menu allows the access to other sub-menus.
STORE switches to the sub-menu STORE (memory)
CALIB switches to the sub-menu CALIB (for angle probe settings)
SETUP switches to the sub-menu SETUP (save/load setups)
MISC. switches to the sub-menu MISC.
HWSET hardware setting; switches to the sub-menu HWSET
PRB/AVG setting the parameters for generation of the evaluation curves; the curve type
(AVG/DGS or DAC) shall be chosen in the submenu MISC. The name of this item
will be displayed depending on the chosen curve type AVG or DAC
ON (OFF) switches the AVG/DGS or DAC curve ON/OFF
HELP brief operation manual. It is saved on the memory chip and may be edited or
amended, as needed. NOTE: The HELP file may be edited on the PC using the
delivered software
DEMO switches do the DEMO version

3.2. Operation sub-menus

The operation sub-menus are accessible from the TOOLS menu.

3.2.1. STORE Sub-Menu

It allows work with echographs and voice records saved in the memory and erase the
function keys (Fx).
Serie selection of the memory location for transfer of the echographs,
deleting data and deleting the voice memo
Send transfer of the selected echograph from the instrument memory to PC
CLR erase the selected echograph; unwanted erase is prevented by the key
Voice recording of the voice memo; F 99/0 free memory for voice
record. The number after slash indicates unavailable memory.
NOTE: some memory remains unavailable even after deleting of sound records)
CLR erase all voice memos; unwanted erase is prevented by the key symbol
CLR Scn erase C-scan; not used in two-channel model
CLR Fx erase the function keys assignments; the function keys assignments may be erased
individually or all at once

3.2.2. CALIB Sub-Menu

The CALIB sub-menu allows setting the parameters for angle probes. This is
required for proper display of the position co-ordinates of defects (defect depth and
distance from the probe). Co-ordinates computing and display shall be switched ON in
the GATES menu.
Angle sound beam angle in the metal (10 - 90); OFF = function switched
OFF for straight beam
Thc.mat. setting the thickness of the material under inspection (0.1 999.9 mm)
X-value setting the distance from the probe index point to the probe case edge
(0.0 - 999.9 mm), for time base readings in the shortened projection distance
UNIT mm selection of the measuring units for the time base: millimeters, mm, or inches

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Brief Operation Manual DIO 562

3.2.3. SETUP Sub-Menu

The SETUP sub-menu allows saving and loading the instrument setup parameters
to/from the memory.
LOAD recall the saved setup parameters from the memory by the selected
memory location number
SAVE save setup parameters to the memory; the memory location number
(optionally with description any five characters, letters and/or
numbers entered using the cursor keys) shall be selected before saving
# 4 selection of the memory location number (0 99)
***** description of the memory location for future identification of the setup (e.g. K15K
= probe type K15K)

3.2.4. MISCEL. Sub-Menu

The MISCEL. (MISC.) sub-menu allows switch ON/OFF, selection or setting of
various additional parameters or functions.
CRV-AVG(DAC) selection of the AVG/DGS or DAC curve for evaluation
PWS DIS display power saving mode ON/OFF; the display backlight will be
switched OFF (after 15 s or 30 s), if no indication is present within any
gate during the preset time
GRF-LIN selection of the echograph display mode:
1) GRF-LIN line display of the cerograph
2) GRF-SOL solid display of the echograph (better readability under the
bright light, e.g. sunshine)
3) GRF-FFT frequency spectrum display (for transducer evaluation only)
BRIGHT4 setting of the display backlight brightness (0 9)
VOLUME2 setting the loudness of the acoustic signalization for indication within the gate (0 9)
C +6 0 setting the auxiliary curves range, in dB, for AVG/DGS or DAC curve
AVRG 4x setting the averaging (1x, 4x, 16x, 64x), i.e. eliminating the random echoes.
NOTE: The instrument response with averaging will be slower, i.e. lower display rate
BIG P selection of the reading value to be enlarged on the display. Enlarged reading
display shall be activated in the GATES menu. If there is only one value on the
display, then this value will be enlarged abstractedly from the selected item.
Meaning of the particular symbols is as follows: P projection distance or
shortened projection distance; S sound path; D depth of the defect;
E - equivalent size of the defect (when the AVG/DGS or DAC curve is activated);
A relative amplitude of the measured echo, compared with AVG/DGS (DAC)
curve; enlarged value display switched OFF
RFSH2/s refresh rate (2, 3 or 5), per second, of the numeric values on the display
MR 500 setting the pulse repetition rate (50 Hz to 5000 Hz)
REJ 00% setting the reject level (00 91 %)

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Brief Operation Manual DIO 562

3.3. Auxiliary menus

The auxiliary menus are accessible from the TOOLS menu

3.3.1. HWSET Menu

The HWSET menu (hardware settings) allows setting of
the basic parameters of the instrument electronic circuits.
PULSER label, for information only
VT+W Lw setting the pulse voltage and width
(transmitter power) (Hw high voltage and
wide pulse, Hn high voltage and narrow
pulse, Lw low voltage and wide pulse,
Ln - low voltage and narrow pulse)
WD 250n setting the pulse width (62 ns to 500 ns); for higher pulse number changes form WD
to BF and indicates the pulse basic frequency (1 8 MHz)
NUM. 1 number of cycles in one transmitted pulse (1 16)
DAMPING damping of the instrument input (30, 33, 300, 4700 Ohm), for electrical
matching the probe. For new version DAM IAPMP (ON 0dB, ON +20dB,
OFF 0dB, OFF +20dB)
FILTER input filter: WIDEBAND = basic setting; LC 5.0M = filter for 5MHz probe;
LC 4.0M = filter for 4MHz probe; LC 2.2M = filter for 2.25MHz probe;
fir 2MHz (1MHz, 5MHz, 2M5) = special digital filter for special purposes
DETECTOR signal rectifying: FULL = fully rectified; FULL_LP = fully rectified with filter;
HF = high frequency display, not rectified; FULLL_PD = fully rectified with peak
detector for transducers with higher frequencies
RANGE coarse setting the time base range (0.07 ms, 0.6 ms, 3.1 ms);
for steel and pulse-echo mode 0.6 ms = time base range from 18 mm to 1500 mm;
3.1 ms = time base range from 90 mm to 7500 mm;
0.07 ms = time base range from 2,5 mm to 180 mm.
TX-RX selection of the operating mode:
single = for single element transducer;
dual = for dual element transducer or through-transmission mode
INP.SEL channel input selection (for two-channel model)
first = first channel; second = second channel; altern = switching-over
both, first and second channel
ESC (F1) leave menu; press F1 to move the cursor from any item to the ESC position, then
press or to leave the menu
CLR TMR reset the instrument operation time. Displayed value indicates the total operation
time since the last reset
X-scan selection of the display mode and its parameters: B-scan, C-scan and D-scan
Additional modes: Escan = communication DIO 562 with PC via RS232
connector; Fscan = thickness and amplitude data via RS232, Gscan = analog
output 0-5 V (output voltage is proportional to the echo amplitude or position
within the GATE 1)
k = 100/p (1 999/p) constant for computing the display rate (for B-scan only)
POS. OFF (x, xy, Ix) selection of the co-ordinates for scan
EMUX OFF (IN1 IN8) selection of the channel
SYNC OFF (MST, SLV, FLW, DLY) synchronization setting
DLY 1ms (0 ms 10 ms) delay after synchronization
19.JAN 03 setting the internal date and time

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Brief Operation Manual DIO 562

3.3.2. AVG/DGS Menu

This menu allows setting the parameters for generating
AVG/DGS curve for evaluation. The type of the curve shall
be selected in the MISC. sub-menu.
ACTUAL SaveAs (00 - 99) number of the
memory position for particular probe data
PROBE probe name (type); ***** (any five
characters, i.e. letters and/or numbers).
The probe name will be displayed under
the selected curve type in the TOOLS menu

ESC (F1) leave menu; press F1 to move the cursor from any item to the ESC position, then
press or to leave the menu

DELAY delay in the probe wedge:

c = (1000 - 9999) setting the sound velocity in the wedge
l = (0.0 mm 99.9 mm) setting the thickness of the wedge
SETzero computing the delay for PARAM menu

CRYSTAL setting the transducer parameters:

f = (0.50 MHz 20.00 MHz) frequency of the transducer
D = (3.0 mm 35.0 mm) effective diameter of the transducer
disk/a * b used for rectangular elements only; dimensions of the rectangular transducer will
be automatically recalculated to effective diameter of the circular transducer (value
indicated in item D)

REF-ECHO (BW, DSR or SDH); setting the reference reflector type for AVG/DGS or DAC
curve: BW back wall; DSR disc shaped reflector (flat bottomed hole); SDH
side drilled hole

REF-SIZE reference reflector size for AVG/DGS or DAC curve; diameter in mm for DSR or
SDH. For BW the INFIN. (infinite surface) value will be set automatically

ANGL (OFF, 10 - 90) beam angle

Xv= (0.0 mm 999.9 mm) probe index value

ATT-REF (0.0 dB/m 99.9 dB/m) attenuation in the reference block

ATT-TEST (0.0 dB/m 99.9 dB/m) attenuation in the inspected material. May be
adjusted even after creating the curve in the PARAM menu

AMPL-CORR (-20.0 dB - +20.0 dB) gain correction, in dB, for surface roughness

T-CORR (-20.0 dB - +20.0 dB) correction for transducer focusing, dB

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Brief Operation Manual DIO 562

3.3.3. DAC Menu

This menu allows setting the parameters for generating
DAC curve for evaluation. The type of the curve shall be
selected in the MISC. sub-menu.
ACTUAL SaveAs (00 - 99) number of the
memory position for particular probe
data saving
PROBE probe name (type); ***** (any five
characters, i.e. letters and/or numbers).
The probe name will be displayed under
the selected curve type in the TOOLS menu

ESC (F1) leave menu; press F1 to move the cursor from any item to the ESC position, then
press or to leave the menu

DELAY delay in the probe wedge:

c = (1000 - 9999) setting the sound velocity in the wedge
l = (0.0 mm 99.9 mm) setting the thickness of the wedge

SETzero computing the delay for PARAM menu

CRYSTAL setting the transducer parameters:

f = (0.50 MHz 20.00 MHz) frequency of the transducer
D = (3.0 mm 35.0 mm) effective diameter of the transducer
disk/a * b used for rectangular elements only; dimensions of the rectangular transducer will
be automatically recalculated to effective diameter of the circular transducer (value
indicated in item D)

REF-ECHO (BW, DSR or SDH); setting the reference reflector type for AVG/DGS or DAC
curve: BW back wall; DSR disc shaped reflector (flat bottomed hole); SDH
side drilled hole

REF-SIZE reference reflector size for AVG/DGS or DAC curve; diameter in mm for DSR or
SDH. For BW the INFIN. (infinite surface) value will be set automatically

ANGL (OFF, 10 - 90) beam angle

Xv= (0.0 mm 999.9 mm) probe index value

R1: R5: (-99.9 0 dB) amplitude value, in dB, of the particular points of the DAC

X mm (1 9999 mm) position of the particular points of the DAC curve

STARMANS Electronics Ltd. - 12 -

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