I. Soul Sickness? Causes of Soul Sickness and Work of The Flesh and Its Effects?

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I. Soul sickness? Causes of soul sickness and work of the flesh and its effects?

Soul sickness

We all know that soul is (meaning) but there are some instances that our soul may
become sick and basically it is a problem of mankind

Sickness of the soul is a problem of mankind. Soul sickness or soul injury is

referred to by the term broken-hearted. This term is used to describe the inner hurts of
the soul. For whatever destroy. The soul can finally destroy the body. Sickness of the soul
can produce sickness of the body. A breakdown in the body of the emotions and mind
will lead to a breakdown in the body. The function of the soul include: our mind,
emotions, imaginations, and even our memories.

Many people suffer from scars on their souls. They retain many painful memories
from the past. As a result, they doubt the present and fear the future. They may have
answers in their heads, nut it is hard to think straight when ones heart is hurting.

Cause of Soul Sickness

a. Parents

Many children suffer because of the fault and failures of their parent. Examples
are unkind, unfair or unwise words and action can cause either fear or anger in the hearts
of children.

b. Physical Abuse

Very harsh and critical

Never praise or neither encouraged their children
Cruel beatings

In this case, it is not just the body suffers. The soul can be severely damaged as well.
These inner scars are often carried into adult life.

c. Emotional Abuse

Unseen wounds of overly critical parents.

Those who have been hurts in this way grow up becomes adult with many
emotional problem. It affects their relationships with other people- in the
family, at school and work, and even within the church.
Suffer from low sense of self-esteem.
They cannot picture successfully anything
They are afraid to take on new duties or even prepare themselves for a
better position in life.
They have out down so many times-they have lost hope
They live under a cloud of self-doubt and personal insecurity.
Work of the Flesh

a. Adultery - sex with someone other than your spouse. It is voluntary

sexual intercourse between a married man and women and someone other
than her husband.
b. Fornication sex with unmarried person. Sexual intercourse between
people not married to each other.
c. Uncleanliness impure thoughts, words and deeds, homosexuality. The
state of being dirty
d. Lasciviousness selfish and shameless behavior. Use lascivious to
describe a person's behavior that is driven by thoughts of sex. If someone
gives you a lascivious smile, they've got only one thing in mind.
e. Idolatry worship of idols and false gods. Extreme admiration, love, or
reverence for something or someone.
f. Witchcraft the use of magical demonic power. The practice of magic,
especially black magic; the use of spells and the invocation of spirits.
g. Hatred bad temper. Intense dislike or ill will.
h. Variance trouble making, fighting. The fact or quality of being
different, divergent, or inconsistent.
i. Emulations being jealous. Effort to match or surpass a person or
achievement, typically by imitation.
j. Wrath anger. Extreme anger (chiefly used for humorous or rhetorical
k. Strife arguing. Angry or bitter disagreement over fundamental issues;
l. Seditions causing divisions. Conduct or speech inciting people to rebel
against the authority of a state or monarch.
m. Heresies false teaching. Belief or opinion contrary to orthodox religious
(especially Christian) doctrine.
n. Envying wanting which else has. Desire to have a quality, possession, or
other desirable attribute belonging to (someone else).
o. Murders killing people. The unlawful premeditated killing of one
human being by another.
p. Drunkenness using strong drink (liquor/whiskey). The state of being
intoxicated; intoxication.
q. Revealing wild and wasteful parties. Making interesting or significant
information known, especially about a person's attitude or character.

Effects on the Works of the Flesh

1. Ourselves
a. The works of the flesh are planned by the devil to damaged the soul.
b. We will be left weakened and wounded within.
c. Our lives will be robbed, wasted and even destroyed.
d. A nation which permits and encouraged such SSS activities trough
magazines, newspapers, and cinema films is committing social suicide.
e. It is sowing seeds of death and destruction among its people.
2. Our Society
a. At the personal level, the final results are mental, emotional and
physical breakdowns.
b. At the social level, moral standards fall and the crime rate rises.

II. Three constituents of the human acts? Human acts and acts of man?

Three constituents of the human acts

Knowledge, freedom and voluntariness are the necessary conditions of mans

moral actions. Morality is based on the freedom of the will and freedom
presupposes rational knowledge. As violation precedes human actions,
knowledge precedes violation. Therefore, a morality is the human act which
proceeds from the will with some knowledge of the end intended.
1. A human act must be a knowing and deliberate act. Knowledge is
advertence of what the moral agent is doing, thinking, or willing. It means
deliberation about the means to perform an action and about the end to be
achieved. Knowledge is awareness or consciousness of the conditions and
implications of our actions. An act performed during sleep or when a
person is insane or completely distracted is not a human act.
2. A human act must be free. Every human act is a free act for it is under the
control of the will. An act which will does or leaves undone is properly a
free act, freedom is the power to choose between two or more courses of
action without being forced to take one or the other by anything except our
own will, man walks to his final end by his free activity, selecting the
means for his intended ends. Freedom is a human the means for his
intended ends. freedom is a human prerogative. It means absence of
constraint from within and outside of man, within man himself there is
fear, concupiscence, and ignorance which can weaken or even destroys
mans freedom. Outside man there is force or violence used by external
agents against mans will.

Human acts and acts of human

Human acts are those acts which proceed from man as a rational
being. They are the very means man possesses an order to arrive at his
moral perfection. Man is man by his intellect and by his rational will.
These two faculties distinguish man from the rest of the animals and make
him the most perfect being of this visible creation, for only man
intellective, moral, and religious. Only man is responsible for his actions,
he alone is aware of what he is doing and is free to act or not to act. When
he does not know what he is doing or when he is no longer free to act, the
responsibility is no longer attributed to him.
Actions committed by unconscious and insane persons, by infants,
or by those who are physically forced to do something, are not considered
human acts but acts of man. Only acts performed with knowledge and
freedom are properly human and consequently moral, for only then are
they either good or evil.
Actions which merely happen in the body or through the body
without the awareness of the mind or the control of the will are not human
acts but merely act of man. To see, to hear, to touch, to scratch oneself,
when these acts are done without deliberation, are called Acts of Man. The
nutritive processes of the body, circulation, respiration, growth, and the
chemical reactions which constantly take place in our organism and upon
which the will has no direct control are also acts of man.

III. Division of human acts? Different kinds of human acts?

Human acts are divided into blabla

There are different kinds of human acts:

1. Elicited and commanded acts Elicited acts are those produced directly
by the will; they begin and end in this faculty without transcending to
other faculties, as the act of love, hate, or desire. Commanded acts are
those which, although originated in the rational will, are completed
through other internal or external power of man under the control of the
will, as the act of thinking (internal), and acts of walking, talking, writing,
2. Internal and External Acts The first are performed by the internal
faculties of the soul, as the acts of thinking and loving. The latter are
properly called actions and are produced by the different organs and
senses of the body under the command of the will, as acts of studying,
killing, stealing, etc. an external acts which is beyond the command or
control of the will is no longer a human acts, but an act of man.
3. Good, Bad and Indifferent Acts are those acts which agree, disagree,
or stand in no positive relation, respectively, with the duties of the right
reason or the rules of morality.
4. Natural and Supernatural Acts are those which proceed from the
natural powers of human nature alone or from the supernatural aids given
to man such as the sacraments, grace, faith, etc.
5. Valid and Invalid Acts The valid acts poses all the moral requirements
to produce proper effects. The invalid acts lack one or several of the
required moral conditions. This classification is very important to human
contracts and transactions.

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