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08 Macbeth Plot Analysis Graphic Organizer

Plot Elements
Element Definition Act in the Play
Exposition: The background
information, Act I
characters, and conflict
are presented

Rising Action: The events leading up

to the climax in the Act II
middle of the play

The peak of the play,

Climax: and the turning point
pushing characters Act III
towards the tragic
Reveals more about the
Falling Action: character's demise, and
sets up the challenge Act IV
for the ultimate
The final scenes of the
play. The title Act V
characters will die.
Plot Analysis
As you read the scenes in this lesson, take notes on important events in the story. Provide the line
or lines from the play that relate to the event. Stop and think for a moment about why that event
is important for the story and add your thoughts in the space provided.
Choose a minimum of three events.
Event Text Support Why is it important to the story?
Ross and
And, for an earnest of
Angus tell
a greater honor, He
Macbeth The sisters first telling became true and now Macbeth
bade me, from him,
he is now has the belief that he will become King.
call thee Thane of
Thane of

Had I but died an

hour before this
chance, I had livd a Macbeth is lying saying theres nothing worth living for
blessed time; for, from now that Duncan is dead, and it arouses suspension by
this instant theres Malcolm.
nothing serious in

and his
wife plot
The upcoming murder of Banquo is the climax of the
to remove Theres comfort yet;
story, they succeed in killing Banquo and his ghost comes
Banquo they are assailable
back to haunt him in the next scene.
because he
knows too

Choose one of the events you added to your graphic organizer and think about why it is an
important piece of the plot. Focus on the purpose it serves in the story. Consider how the story
would change if that event was altered. Form your ideas into a reflection paragraph of at least
five sentences. Make sure to include supporting evidence from the play in your reflection.

When Macbeth earns the title as Thane of Cawdor it sets the play in motion, because
Macbeth believes what the weird sisters told him to be true, and that he is destined to now
become the king. Earlier, Banquo questions if the sisters Macbeth saw were a hallucination of his
Or have he eaten on the insane root that takes the reason prisoner?. This is important because
Macbeth told Banquo about the sisters prediction and moments later, he is hailed as Thane of
Cawdor for his bravery in battle. Banquo now knows about the possibility of Macbeth claiming
the throne, which later means that Macbeth kills him because he knew too much. At Macbeths
coronation, the ghost of Banquo comes back to haunt him, which is the climax of the play.

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