Field Trip Report of Thailand Power Plant

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Se Samnang-St119291 ERT Field Trip Report

Field Trip Report



A report in a subject of ED72.01

Energy, Resource, and Technology
Energy Field of Study

Instructor: Dr. P. Abdul Salam

Nationality: Cambodian
Previous Degree: Bachelor of Technology in Electrical Engineering
National Technical Training Institute
Phnom Penh, Cambodia

Scholarship Donor: lectricit Du Cambodge (EDC) AIT Fellowship

Asian Institute of Technology

School of Environment, Resources, and Development

October 2017

Se Samnang-St119291 ERT Field Trip Report

Table of Contents

1. PV Power Plant, Bang Pa in Ayuttaya ................................................................................................................. 3

2. Geo Thermal power plant ..................................................................................................................................... 4
3. Biogas Power Plant Chiang Mai University ......................................................................................................... 6
4. Mae Jai Mini Hydro Power Plant ......................................................................................................................... 7
5. Mae Moh Coal Mine and Power Plant ................................................................................................................. 8
6. Transmission susbstation (230/115 kV) Phitsanulok ........................................................................................... 9
7. Sirikit Oil field, Lankrabue, Kampaengphet ...................................................................................................... 10
8. Rice-husk Power Plant, Phichit .......................................................................................................................... 11
9. Wind-turbine, Lamtakhong Nakhon Ratchasima ............................................................................................... 12
10. LTK Hydro Power Plant .................................................................................................................................... 14
11. Conclusion ......................................................................................................................................................... 15

Se Samnangg-St119291 ERT Field Trip Report

1. PV Pow
wer Plant, Bang
B Pa in Ayuttaya

The 44-meegawatt projject in 20122 (38 MW AC

A output), called 'Sunnny Bangchaak,' is locateed in Bang Pa-In,
Ayutthaya,, forty kilom
meters outsside Bangkook, Thailannd. The solaar plant is owned by Bangchak Public
Petroleum Co., Ltd (BBCP) and coonstructed by
b Solartronn Public Co.., Ltd.

Sunny Banngchak Cassh on Delivvery (COD)) project coosts about 4,200

4 millioon Baht (1331 million USD),
cover the 500
5 Rais (882 Hectaress) of land areas.
a This plant is pro
otected fromm flood by digging 40 0 Rais
reservoirs (6.5 Hectarres) and Dyyke 5.5 MSLL (Mean Seea Level) hiigh. Bangch hak PV pow wer plant haas AC
output powwer about 388 MW, equiivalent to 63
3 million kW
Wh per yearr. This powwer is sold too EGAT 8 MW
M at
115 kV annd to PEA 30 MW. Thhe average radiation of o power pllant is abouut 800 W/m m2 and max ximum
radiation iss approximaately to 11000 W/m2.

Bangchak estimates th hat the 44 MW

M capacity y plant coulld annually reduce the need to impport about 40,000
tons of coaal and mitig gate 38,000 tons of COO2 emissionss which equ uivalent to 28,000
2 Raiss (4592 Hecctares)
of reforesttation. Upon n completioon, the facility will repportedly bee open to thhe communnity, as an on-site
visitor centter, featurin
ng a Suntechh building-iintegrated photovoltaicc (BIPV) insstallation.

The electrricity process of this power plannt consist of

o 157,200 PV modulles, 31 invverter housees (61
Inverters), step up trannsformer (315/22 kV, 22/115
2 kV) and capacittor to suppoort reactive power to in
10 x 15 kVVAR for eacch inverter houses.

Sun radiatiion is conveerted to DC C source thrrough PV Panel and th

hen converteed to AC byy inverter at
a low
voltage levvel and afteer that step up
u to mediuum or high voltage
v thro
ough step upp transform

Electricityy Generatioon Process : Sun Radiaation => PV

V Module (7
700 VDC) =>
= Inverterrs ( 315 VA
AC) =>
Transformer (315 V/222 kV for PEEA and 22/115 kV for EGAT)

Fig. 1: Electriccity generatiion process of Solar PV

V in Sunny Bangchak

Se Samnang-St119291 ERT Field Trip Report

2. Geo Thermal power plant

Fang District is situated about 150 km north of Chiang Mai Province and about 20 km from the Burmese
border in a mountainous region reaching 1500 m in some places. The geothermal site is about 10 km NW
of Fang where the surface temperature of the hot springs is about 90C. The site lies in the valley of the
Nam Mae Chai River, oriented NNW SSE at an altitude of about 500 m, and is situated about 10 m
above the river. The area is made up of two large distinct units. One is an ancient structure dating back to
the Precambrian or Paleozoic which makes up the mountainous region where the springs are found. The
other unit is represented by the Tertiary and Quarternary deposits of the Fang Plain. [3]

Since December 1989 the EGAT has successfully produced hot water from three shallow wells (150 m
depth) at Fang geothermal prospect at a rate of about 60 t/hr (1200C inlet temperature). This thermal
energy is use to generate electricity in a 0.3 MWe, ORMAT plant (85-90 % availability factor).This
output is connected to the local distribution grid system of the Provincial Electricity Authority (PEA) and
provided 1.2 million kWh annually

In 1990 the Fang deep geothermal development project was started under technical cooperation with the
French Environment and Energy Development Agency (ADEME). The aim of this collaborative project
was to define the potential of the deep reservoir and its controlling structure through detailed geological,
geochemical and electrical surveys. Three intermediate depth wells, FX-1, FX-2, FX-3 and FX-4, were
drilled during 1992-1994. Only well FX-2 and FX-4 are productive. The well FX-2 encountered a fracture
at 270 m depth and produced 25 t/hr of water as hot as 125 0C. Well FX-4 whose bottom hole temperature
is 130 0C encountered fractures at depth of 268, 337, and 417 m. This well produces hot water at a flow
rate of 36t/hr. It should be noted also that the non-productive wells, FX-1 and FX-3, have bottom
temperatures of 108 0C and 113 0C respectively. Since the end of 1996, the well FX-4 has been connected
to the hot water system to increase the volume of hot water for the power plant.

Apart from generating electricity from geothermal energy EGAT also implemented an air conditioning
cold storage and crop dryer using exhausted hot water (800 C) from the power plant to demonstrate the
downstream utilization for local people. The Project has constructed a new larger crop dryer using the
geothermal heat source to preserve agricultural produce but through operator this usage was stop for a
while until now. Meanwhile, the Mae Fang National Park constructed a public bathing pond and a sauna
room to serve visitors. The utilization of geothermal energy is said to be successful and is well known as
a first multipurpose geothermal energy development project in Thailand which can be applied to other
geothermal resources. Technical data and production cost analysis of Fang binary cycle power plant is
presented in Table 1&2 below.

High oil prices saw increased interest in geothermal utilization in 2010-2014 and there is some research
ongoing to explore opportunities to develop geothermal power plants sized 0.8-5 MWe. [1]

Table 1: Descriptions of Fang geothermal power plant [2].

Properties Data

Operation system Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC)

Working fluid R-601a (Isopentane)

Hot spring flow rate1 (L/s) 16.5 (75% of maximum flow rate)

Se Samnangg-St119291 ERT Field Trip Report
Slim hole deep
d (m) 86

Hot springg temperaturre entering ORC

O (C) 115

Hot springg temperaturre leaving ORC

O (C) 77

Cooling waater flow raate (L/s) 72.2

Cooling waater temperrature enteriing ORC (C

C) 20

Gross electtrical powerr (kWe) 300

Total electtrical powerr (kWe) 200

Remark: 1Maximum m hot springg flow rate is the reserrvoir flow rate whichh is aroundd 10 times of the
surface hott spring flow
w rate.

Table 2: P
Production cost
c analysiss of Fang Binary
B Cyclee power plan
nt [1]

[1] Raminggwong, T., Lertsrimong
L gkol, S., Assnachinda, P.,
P & Praserrdvigai, S. (2000,
( May)). Update onn
Thailand ggeothermal energy
e reseaarch and deevelopment. In World Geothermal
G Congress (pp.
( 377-3866).
[2] Chaiyaat, N., Chaicchana, C., & Singharajw warapan, F. S. (2014). Geothermal Energy Pootentials andd
Technologgies in Thailland. J Funddam Renewable Energyy Appl, 4(13 39), 2.
[3] Wanakkasem, S., & Takabut, K K. (1986). Present
P statuus of Fang geothermal
g p
Thailand. GGeothermiccs, 15(5-6), 583-587.

Se Samnang-St119291 ERT Field Trip Report

3. Biogas Power Plant Chiang Mai University

Chiang Mai University Biogas Power Plant is located in Chiang Mai university. This biogas power plant
has volume of 1000 m3 of storage rubber tank, which is called channel digester. The input is Napier grass
and the output are Methane (CH4) 70 %, Carbon Dioxide (CO2) 30 %, and Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) 1000
ppm. The production is 1 million m3 per year, which is equal to 1 million kg of LPG per year, and its
heating value and density are 24.48 MJ/m3 and 1.15 kg/m3, respectively.

The major principle of operation of biogas power plant is included of difference technologies such as
Digester, Fixed dorm, Continuously Stirred Tank Reactor (CSTR) and Compressed Biomethane Gas

- Continuously Stirred Tank Reactor (CSTR): Biogas is produced in Continuously Stirred Tank
Reactor. CSTR makes solution intensity equally in whole area in reactor without using air. This
reactor had been developed from the conventional anaerobic digester which has low efficiency
and takes so long time for digestion. And this technology is suitable for producing biogas from
wastewater containing high suspended solids or solid wastes. Output of CSTR give the biogas,
and biogas consists of Methane (CH4), Carbon dioxide CO2) Oxygen (O2), Nitrogen (N2),
Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) and moisture. Hydrogen Sulfide and moisture is removed from biogas
using Compress Bio methane Gas

- Compressed Biomethane Gas (CBG): Biogas that undergoes quality upgrading process by
removing carbon dioxide (CO2), hydrogen sulfide, moisture and increasing its heating value to
match the vehicle fuel specification. Therefore, it can be directly used as the replacement for
compressed natural gas. This clean and green CBG, produced from waste, is the only form of
renewable energy for natural gas fueled vehicles.

This technology is a sustainable way of meet the using of non-renewable resources with less impact in
Environment. This reuses the agricultural, animal waste, industrial waste, municipal solid waste etc.
effectively. This can be used to replace the usage of firewood or other fossil fuels. Furthermore, it reduces
odor problem and fly infestation. The organic residue can be used as nutrient-rich fertilizer and soil
correction. Nonetheless, this type of technology has some disadvantages due bad smell and the plastic
PVC need to change every five years.

Moreover, this institute has developed the Compressed Biomethane Gas (CBG) technology for vehicles.
Compressed Biomethane Gas is biogas that undergoes quality upgrading process by removing carbon
dioxide (CO2), hydrogen sulfide (H2S), moisture, and increasing its heating value to match the vehicle
fuel specification.

Se Samnangg-St119291 ERT Field Trip Report

4. Mae Jaai Mini Hyd

dro Power Plant

Mae Jai m mini hydro power

p plantt is located nearby Maae Jai river in Fang disstrict, Chianng Mai province,
about 166 km from Chiang
C Maii city. The project areaa is about 0.112
0 squarre km, and this powerr plant
started opeerating in Jaanuary, 19885 which haas total capaacity of 875
5 kW. The construction
c n, installatio
on and
operation cost
c is supported by Noorway 35 million
m THB and PEA 44 4 million THB,
T totallyy 79 million THB.
The target of electricitty generatioon is about 4.6
4 million kWh per yeear. The maain componeents of this power
plant are dam, turbinee, generator,, step up traansformer, and
a circuit breaker.

This poweer plant is run of the river typee with dams width annd height is i 38 meterrs and 5 meters,
respectivelly. Steel inleet pipe has dimension of 1.2 meteers, 9 mm thhickness, annd 880 meteers long. Pennstock
pressure piipe line has dimension of 1.2 meteers, 9.5 cm thickness,
t and
a 450 metters long.

Horizontall Shaft Franncis is used in

i this poweer plant witth rated outpput of 875 kW,
k rated head of 43 meters,
rated flow of 2.33 cubbic meters per
p second and
a nominall speed of 750 rpm.

Synchronoous generato or is used with rated capacity off 1040 kVA A, 50 Hz ofo frequenccy, 400 V of o AC
voltage, 7550 rpm of nominal
n speeed, 0.8 of power
p factorr, and 3 phaases, and co
onnected wiith circuit brreaker
which has rated current of 20000 A and 66 60 V. Thenn, transform mer which hash capacitty of 1250 kVA,
400V/22kV V, wye-deltta connectioon is used too connect with distributtion grid.

Se Samnang-St119291 ERT Field Trip Report

5. Mae Moh Coal Mine and Power Plant

Mae Moh power plant, which is the second largest power source about 10 percent of the countrys total
supply, is located in Mae Moh district, Lampang province, approximately 630 km north of Bangkok.
Currently equipped with 10 generating units with the total capacity of 2400 MW, which is equivalent to
annual energy of 20,000 million kilowatt-hours. The existing operation generation is 10 unit, unit 4-7,
150 MW x 4, unit 8-13 300 MW x 6. The total expenditure of Mae Moh power plant for unit 4 to 13 is
94,363 million baht. The overall efficiency of the plant is approximately 34 to 37 percent. v All the plants
generate electricity at 6.6 kV, 50 Hz and stepped up to 230 kV and 500 kV and connected to EGAT grid.
The reserve to production ratio (R/P) of Mae Moh coal reserve is 150-200 years .For the unit 1-3 were
taken out from system since October 1, 2003.

This power plant is the thermal power plant which is used lignite as fuel to burn and heat the water tube in
the boiler. High pressured steam in the boiler is piped to the steam turbine to rotate the turbine which
connected directly with the generator, then produce the electricity. Presently, lignite consumption of Mae
Moh power plant is 42,800 tons per day. By the total amount, 4,400 tons is supplied to each of units 4-7
and 6,300 tons to each of units 8-13.

This power plant requires water of about 56 million cubic meters per year for its cooling system and other
services. By the total amount, 26 million cubic meters was consumed by units 4-7 and 30 million cubic
meters by units 8-13.

By products of process includes about 2.1 million tonnes of fly ash, 1.4 million tonnes of bottom ash and
about 2.4 million tonnes of Gypsum per year. Also, the plant produces SO2 < 320 ppm, NO2 < 500 ppm
and Dust <180 mg/Nm3 per year. The plant uses high technology called as Continuous Emission
Monitoring (CEM), Electrostatic Precipitator (ESP) and Flue Gas Desulfurization (FGD) to control air
pollution and sulfur dioxide emissions.
To reduce the emission, clean coal combustion technologies are used which is divided into:
- Pulverized fuel firing (PFF).
- Flue gas desulfurization (FGD).
- Electrostatic precipitator (ESP).
- High efficiency burners.
- High stack (150m).
The boiler of the power plant operates with different type of technology:
- Conventional boiler drum with RH & water wall tube design
- Pulverized fuel firing (PFF)
- Tangential firing
- Low NOx burner & OFA
- Main steam flow 165 kg/s
- Main steam pressure 160 bar(g)
- Main steam temp. 540 Deg.C

Se Samnang-St119291 ERT Field Trip Report

6. Transmission susbstation (230/115 kV) Phitsanulok

230/115kV Transmission substation is located at Northern Region Operation Area of EGAT, Phrom
Phiram district, Phitsanulok province. EGAT is the main body that manages and monitors Thailands
energy system. It does so through different Metropolitan Electricity Authority (MEA) and Provincial
Electricity Authority (PEA). EGAT has control over the Generation, Transmission and Distribution
System. Phitsanulok substation is a part of EGAT. It also owns different substations. It is responsibled for
Power system control, Transmission line maintenance, Substation equipment maintenance and
Communication system maintenance.

The Northern region of Thailand consumes approximately 2,000 MW. It receives power from 5 power
plants are namely Mae Moh, Hong Sa, Bhumibol Hydro, Sirikit Hydro power plant and . This power is
distributed to 44 substation and 17 provinces. The total transmissions and sub-transmission lines in this
region is 96 circuits with 8,444 km ( 500 kV 5 circuits with 1142.5 km, 230 kV 30 circuits length 3,223.7
km, 115 kV 61 circuits with 2,853.4 km)

The substation has 3 transformers, one with 200 MVA step dwon transformer, 230/115/22kV and the
other 2 step down transformers with rating 25MVA, 230/22kV. EGAT transmits electrical power through
this substation to two groups of customer are Direct customer (Industries) and Provincial Electricity
Authority (PEA) with the different voltage level transmission line 500 kV, 230 kV, 115 kV. The
substation has 115kV fixed capacitor bank of 26.4MVAr with two steps operating to control reactive
power in the transmission lines.

The substation equipment consists of Gas SF6 Insulated Circuit Breakers, Lighting Arrestors, Earthing
system and instrument transformers etc. for protection. The configuration of this substation is used
Breaker and a half at 230kV side of busbar scheme and double buses and Transfer bus bar scheme at
115kV side. This station uses SCADA system for monitoring the power flow and all operation states in
the substation which developed by EGAT in ordered to provide reliability and stability in the power

Every morning operator always checked all equipment conditions that we called as Check lists to know
the operating condition and possible to implement preventive and corrective maintenance planning.
However, the operation still face some problems due to Lightning strike on distribution/transmission line,
snacks, birds which can make short circuit and lose power supply on some feeders.

Se Samnangg-St119291 ERT Field Trip Report

7. Sirikit O
Oil field, Lankrabue,
L Kampaenggphet

Sirikit oilffield is the biggest onshore oilfieeld in Thailland, conceession area covers 4 provinces
p suuch as
Kampaenggpet, Phitsannulok, Sukhhothai, Uttraadit. The opperation starrted in Deceember 1982 and it belongs to
PTT Explooration and Production
P Public Com mpany Limiited.

The accum mulation pro oduction of crude oil is 100 millioon bbls, 150 million bbls,
b and 2660 million bbls
b in
1997, 20033, and 20166, accordinggly. As of August
A 20166, there are 114 locatio
ons, totally 818 wells, in the
Sirikit oilffield. The amount
a of production
p per
p day is 25,700-28,5
2 500 bbls off crude oil, 40-45 MM Mscf of
natural gass, and 247-2267 tons of liquefied peetroleum gaas. As of Deecember 2015 the reserrvation was about
44.5 millioon bbls of crrude oil. Thhe typical oiil well is abbout 2000 m deep and 20
2 cm diam meter and op
7 days per week.

The producction processs of this oilfield is thaat the mixedd oil, water, and gas com
me from prooduction weell is
separated into
N crude oil, flare, water,
w and hazard wastee. Crude oil is transportted about 5000 km
to Refineryy Company by train and natural gaas is sold to EGAT

Fig. 2: LKU Produuction proceess

Se Samnangg-St119291 ERT Field Trip Report

8. Rice-hu
usk Power Plant,
P Phicchit

Phichit rice husk pow wer plant beelongs to AT

T Companyy Ltd., whicch is locateed in Phichiit province which
covers 2155 Rais of land area. This
T power plant was built in March
M 2004 and has 222.5 MW off total
installed caapacity, 20 MW of pow wer export, 450-500 toon of rice huusk consum
mption per day,
d 80 ton of ash
per day, annd 1,500 m of water peer day.

This powerr plant is thhermal poweer plant whiich consumme rice husk as fuel sou
urce. The maain compon nent of
this powerr plant are rice
r husk trrucks, rice husk
h stock yard, net screen,
s boiler, Electrosstatic Precippitator
(ESP), ash silo, evapooration pondd, raw waterr pond, swittchyard, steam turbine, and generaator.

An electroostatic precipitator (ESP) is used in i the poweer plant to reduce

r emission. ESP is an devicce that
removes ddust particlees from a flowing gaas (such as air) using the force of an induuced electroostatic
attraction ((i.e, like ch
harges repell; unlike chharges attraact). Electro
ostatic preciipitators aree highly effficient
filtration ddevices that allow the flow
f of gases through the device, and can eaasily removve fine partiiculate
matter suchh as dust annd smoke froom the air stream.

ESP have several adv vantages suuch as low operating cost c (exceppt at very high
h efficienncies), veryy high
efficiency and even forf smaller particles, ability
a to haandle very large
l gas fllow rates with
w low preessure
losses, abillity to remo
ove dry as well
w as wet particles and a temperaature flexibiility in desiggn. Howeveer this
technologyy also drawb back some disadvantag
d ges such as high capital cost, takinng a lot of sppace, not flexible
once installled, and faiilure to operrate on partiicles with high
h electriccal resistivity

Figg. 3: The prrocess of Rice Husk power plant

Se Samnang-St119291 ERT Field Trip Report

9. Wind-turbine, Lamtakhong Nakhon Ratchasima

Lamtakhong (LTK) Wind Turbine Power Plant is located on the upper reservoir of LTK hydro power
plant. This power plant is categorized into two phase.

For phase I, this power plant has total install capacity of 2.5 MW which consist of 2 units of wind
turbines, 1.25 MW for each unit. The average wind speed is 6.08 m/s. The wind turbine is horizontal axis
type which has 1-1.2 MW of nominal rate power, 2.8 m/s of cut in wind speed, 23 m/s of cut out wind
speed, 12.5 m/s of rate wind speed, and 50.5 m/s of survival wind speed. The wind turbine is supported
by steel tower which has 4.2 m of diameter, and 68 m of height from ground to hub. The blade has 64 m
of radius and this wind turbine is 3 blades type. For detail specification as shown in

For phase 2, this power plant has total install capacity of 18 MW which consist of 12 units of wind
turbines, 1.5 MW for each unit. The average wind speed is 6.08 m/s. The wind turbine is horizontal axis
type which has 1.5 MW of nominal rate power, less than 3.5 m/s of cut in wind speed, 20 m/s of cut out
wind speed, less than 13 m/s of rate wind speed, and 50.5 m/s of survival wind speed. The wind turbine is
supported by steel tower which is larger than 75 m of diameter, and larger than 80 m of height from
ground to hub. This wind turbine is 3 blades type. For detail specification as shown in table below:

Table 3: Technical specification of wind turbine for Phase I and Phase II

Decribtion Phase I Phase II

Type Horizontal-Axis Horizontal-Axis
- Life span 20 years 25 years
Operating data
- Nominal rated power 1,000-1,200 kW 1,500 kW
- Cut-in wind speed 2.8 m/sec 3.5 m/sec
- Cut-out wind speed 23 m/sec 20 m/sec
- Rated wind Speed 12.5 m/sec 13 m/sec
- Survival wind speed 50.5 m/sec 50 m/sec
- Hub Height 68 m 80 m
- Diameter 4.20 m -
- Material Steel -
Turbine Blade
- Blade dimension /Rotor Length 31 m, radius 64 m 75 m
- Blade Type 3 Blade 3 Blade planetary or equivalent
- Blade material Glass fiber reinforced Glass fiber reinforced
Gear less or gear box
- Type - 3 stages planetary or equivalent
- Type of cooling - Oil cooling system
Yaw system
- Type of drive - Gear box with motor
- Type of bearing - Sliding bearing
Breaking system -
- Aerodynamic brake Pivot table tips or pitch control

Se Samnang-St119291 ERT Field Trip Report
- Mechanical brake - Disc break high speed shaft
- Type 3 phase DFIG Pole change or Double fed
asynchronous or Permanent
- Max. Power 1,250 kW 1,500 kW
- Revolution 1,100 RPM 50 Hz
- Voltage 690 Volts 22 kV
- Frequency 50 Hz -

Se Samnang-St119291 ERT Field Trip Report

10. LTK Hydro Power Plant

Lamtakong Jolabha Vadhana Hydro Power Plant (LTK) is located in Nakhon Ratchasima and under the
control of Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (EGAT). LTK hydro power plant is the pumped
storage type which has total installed capacity of 1000 MW (2x500 MW). The dam type of the power
plant is Rock fill dam with 50 m of high and 2,170 m of crest length. The storage capacity of the
reservoirs capacity 10.3 million m3 with maximum water level +660 meters (MSL). LTK Hydro power is
situated 350 meters underground. The project was divided into 2 phases:

- Phase 1: There was an installation of two pumped storage generating units, and has the generating
capacity of 250 MW for each
- Phase 2: Two more pumped storage generating units were installed, with output capacity of 250

A pumped storage scheme consists of lower and upper reservoirs with a power station/ pumping plant.
During off-peak periods, when customers demand for electricity has decreased, the reversible
pump/turbines use electricity from the national grid to pump water from the lower to the upper reservoir
while peak demand, this water is allowed to run back into the lower reservoir through the turbines to
generate electricity. In this way, the potential energy of water stored in the upper reservoir is released and
converted into electricity when needed.

The process of pumping of LTK start when loads demand for electricity has decreased, EGAT would
storage of electricity by pump operation which power is taken from the power grid to run the reversible
pump/turbines. Then the water from the lower pond is pumped into the upper ponding during off-peak
periods. The generation of of LTK operate with like as the conventional hydro power plant.

The major components of LTK hydro power plant are the upper reservoir on Khao Yai Tiang hill, the
underground power plant, the water tunnel from upper reservoir to power plant, the transmission line
system, and the lower reservoir Lam Ta khong.

Furthermore, the main equipment of the LTK is:

- Generator: 3 Phase ac synchronous type 282 MVA, output voltage 16.5 KV, with water to air
- Pump/Turbines: It is Single stage, vertical shaft , reversible Francis type with speed is 428.6 rpm
and capable of withstanding the stress due to runaway speed at 580 rpm
- Main transformer: The 288 MVA main three winding transformer is used to step up the voltage
from 16.5 to 230 kV to the grids and step down to 16.5 kV from grids to supply the pump.
- Tailrace: There are 2 sets of sliding-type tailrace gate were installed for 2 tailrace tunnels which
is for maintenance case to the block the water.

Se Samnang-St119291 ERT Field Trip Report

11. Conclusion

Through this field trip I have gain some knowledges regarding to various type of conversion primary
energy (Power plant) with technology and the process of each power plant and substation, based on
theories in class and the presenters. If possible, I would like to request for next field trip should follow
the site visit at Transmission substation (230/115 kV) Phitsanulok and Geo thermal power plant in
Chiang Mai that we have chance to visit the real sites with discussing and sharing experience to each
other with technical skill person instead of watching video of the sites. Another offer is, during visit each
site should have set up time enough to disscus and share experience.


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