Assignment DBMS DIU

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Daffodil International University (DIU)

Department of Computer Science & Engineering

MODULE TITLE: Database Management System (DBMS)

MODULE ASSESSOR: Prof. Dr. Karim Mohammed Rezaul
T ITLE OF ASSIGNMENT: e-Business Database Design


This assignment contributes 13% to your final module mark.

Please ensure that you retain a duplicate of your assignment. We are required to send samples of student
work to the external examiners for moderation purposes. It will also safeguard in the unlikely event of
your work going astray.

You are required to submit your work within the bounds of the Universitys Infringement of Assessment
Regulations. Plagiarism, paraphrasing and downloading large amounts of information from external
sources, will not be tolerated and will be dealt with severely. Although you should make full use of any
source material, which would normally be an occasional sentence and/or paragraph (referenced) followed
by your own critical analysis/evaluation. You will receive no marks for work that is not your own. Your
work may be subject to checks for originality which can include use of an electronic plagiarism detection

Where you are asked to submit an individual piece of work, the work must be entirely your own. The
safety of your assessments is your responsibility. You must not permit another student access to your
work. Where referencing is required, unless otherwise stated, the Harvard referencing system
( ) must be used.

Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this coursework a learner will be able to
- demonstrate a sound understanding of database theory and principles.
- demonstrate a sound understanding of design of a database using different approaches.
- create a database design for a small project.
- finalise the relational model design of a database system.

Assessment Criteria

To achieve a PASS in the range (40 55%) the student must:

Ensure that the database designed functions properly. You should have identified the major important

The documentation will contain the required element, that is ERD, database schema, Implementation and
Testing Documentation as detailed above.

To achieve a PASS in the range (5669%)

Student must achieve a PASS grade as above and in addition:
The system has no errors and is fairly robust containing a reasonable interface with adequate data
validation. Evidence of some thought being put into the use of the object types and process of logical data
modelling. Implementation of design is achieved with the use of appropriate database concepts of the MS
Access package used. Wellprepared documentation with sufficient detailed explanation of the solution to
the problem. A good effort in general.

To achieve a DISTINCTION (70100%)

Highly suitable object types used with highly efficient techniques with the most appropriate level of
features (provided by the MS Access used). A very robust interface is provided. Documentation is highly
organised and structured with great attention to detail. Documentation provides an insight into the
solution provided.

Development techniques used that go beyond those taught in the class (if appropriate), evidence of further
reading and study.

Submission Date and Time 11 October 2017 in the Lab

In the Lab. Submit both hard copies and soft copies of

the document. Submit the soft copy of the database
Submission Location
implementation as well along with PowerPoint
presentation slides (6~8 slides).

e-Business Database Design
This is a Group assignment and accounts for
13% (5+8) of your total module mark


Database technologies are moving to the forefront of organisational marketing functions. Traditional
approaches such as segmentation and positioning require information about customer characteristics and
preferences. More recent approaches such as database marketing, relationship marketing, data mining and
micro marketing depend on the collection of detailed information about customers, their preferences and
purchase behaviour. Personalisation of content and product presentation are hallmarks of the most
effective Ecommerce applications and are achieved through database system design.

To understand and exploit the potential of these approaches, the modern marketing manager must have a
solid grasp of the basic functions of database applications. This assignment contains a series of exercises
designed; 1) to develop students' competence in basic and intermediate skills with Microsoft Access, and
2) to develop students' competence in basic database design in support of eBusiness
activities. Specifically, you will design a system to record and analyse the operations of your eBusiness

Preparation for Database Design Assignment

The Database Applications Assignment for this class assumes that you have basic Microsoft Access skills
and a general understanding of the approach to database design. If you need to review these areas, you
may consult your class materials including eBooks provided during the class and tutorial sessions.

You are required to produce a document for the following activities during design and implementation:

Using Chen's notation draw an Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) to describe your database
system. You must include this diagram as part of the assignment [see point 3 (chapter 10)
and point 5 in reference list] [5 marks]

Designing a Basic e-Business Database System (47 marks)

Part I: Creating Basic Database Objects [10 marks]

In the two following exercises, you will build a simplified order entry database for your eBusiness with
Microsoft Access. While the final product will not be a complete, comprehensive system, it will provide a
good orientation to the design of such a system. In Part 1, you will build the basic database objects
(tables, queries, forms, reports) for the system. If necessary, you should complete the Introductory Access
tutorial to help you with this exercise.

Using the appropriate object functions in Microsoft Access, build a database, 575FML.mdb (where FML
are the initials of your first, middle and last names), with following objects. Populate each with the
designated number of fictitious records. Primary key fields are designated with an asterisk and should be
formatted as AutoNumber fields.

Tables tblCustomers with fields for dblCustID#*, txtFirstName, txtLastName, txtAddress, txtCity,
txtState, txtZIP, txtPhone, txtEMail (15 records)
tblTeamMembers with fields for MemID#*, txtFirstName, txtLastName, txtEMail (1 record for
each member of your team)
tblProducts with fields for dblProdID#*, txtProdName, txtProddblCost (8 records)
tblAuctions with fields for dbleBayAuc#*, datCloseDate, dblCustID#, dblMemID#, dblProdID#,
cur Price, curListingFee, curShippingCost (10 records)
tblWebOrders with fields for dbl Order#*, datOrderDate, dblCustID#,dblMemID#, dblProdID#,
curPrice, dblQuantity, curShippingCost (10 records)
tblSubscribers (imported from your FrontPage form database) with fields for dblSubID#,
txtFirstName, txtLastName, txtEMail and other fields collected by your form

You must; 1) define data types, enter captions and provide descriptions for each field,
2) define input masks for all date, phone and ZIP fields, 3) limit the txtState field to
two character abbreviations, and 4) define relationships between tables with the
Relationship Tool.
Queries Create a query qryAuctionOrderInfo based on the tblAuctionOrders, tblCustomers and
tblProducts tables which lists orders information (datCloseDate, dblCustID#,
txtCustomerName [an expression txtCustomerName: [txtFirstName] & ' ' [txtLastName]],
dblProdID#, txtProdName, curPrice, txtProdCost, curListingFee, curShippingCost and
curOrderMargin [a calculated field, (Price-Product Cost-ListingFee-ShippingCost)] sorted by

Forms Create forms (frmCustomers and frmAuctions) for adding new data to the tblCustomers and
tblAuctions tables.
Each form should occupy only one screen with each field clearly labeled and all labels and
fields neatly aligned.
The width of data fields should match their content.
Labels should convey the content of each field clearly. DO NOT USE VARIABLE NAMES AS
Each form should have a prominent title which contains the company name and conveys the
Each form should contain an "Add New Customer/Auction" command button which presents
a blank form for adding a new record when clicked.
Each form should contain a "Close Form" command button which closes the form when

Report Create a report, rptCustomers, based on tblCustomers, which lists customers, addresses and
email addresses in alphabetical order by customer last name.
Create a report, rptAuctionOrders, based on qryAuctionOrderInfo, which lists auction number,
closing date, customer name, product, price and order margin for each auction order, sorted
by closing date.
The report should have a prominent title which contains the company name and conveys the
purpose of the report.

Headings should be clearly presented, properly aligned and communicate the organization of
the report
The report layout should use page space efficiently.

All fields should be described in the design screen and should be assigned the appropriate data type. Each
table should have an appropriate field identified as the primary key.

Part II: Designing a Multi-Table Query and Report [10 marks]

In this exercise, you will build a multi-table query in Microsoft Access to accumulate order-related
information from several of the tables you have created. You will then design a report which presents the
same information in a formal document. To simplify the task, each order will consist of a single product,
though the quantity may vary. In preparation for this exercise, you should complete the "Multi-Table
Queries" lesson in the Intermediate Access tutorials provided by Dr. Karim.

Using the Query Object function of Microsoft Access, design a multi-table query qryWebOrders in which

1. include tblWebOrders, tblCustomers, tblProducts and tblTeamMembers in the query,

2. from the tblWebOrders table, include the fields for dblOrder#, datOrderDate, dblCustID#,
dblMemID#, dblProdID#, curPrice, dblQuantity and curShippingCost.
3. from the tblCustomers table, include the fields for txtCustomerName (see above for expression)
and txtEmail
4. from the tblProducts table, include the field for txtProd Name, and txtProdCost
5. from the tblTeamMembers table, include the field txtMemberName (see above for expression)
6. create a calculated field in which you calculate curExtendedPrice (curProdPrice * dblQuantity)
7. create a calculated field in which you calculate curOrderTotal ((curProdPrice * dblQuantity) +
8. create a calculated field in which you calculate curOrderCost ((curProdCost * dblQuantity) +
9. create a calculated field in which you calculate curOrderMargin (curOrderTotal - curOrderCost)
10. sort the records in the query Design view in descending order by curOrderTotal

Using the Report Wizard within the Report Object function of Microsoft Access, design a report
rptWebOrderSummary based on the qryWebOrders query, in which you;

1. include fields for dblOrderID#, datOrderDate, dblCustID#, txtCustomerName, txtProdName,

dblQuantity, curOrderTotal and curOrderMargin
2. group records in the report by customer and calculate total and average Order Total for each


The report should have a prominent title which contains the company name and conveys the
purpose of the report.
Headings should be clearly presented, properly aligned and communicate the organization of
The report layout should use page space efficiently.

Part III: Designing an Order Entry Form [10 marks]

In this exercise, you will design a form frmWebOrderEntry using the qryWebOrders query you developed
in the previous exercise. This form will allow a user such as a customer service representative to enter
orders in real time. This form would also be the prototype for a Web-based system which captures
customer orders directly. Again, for the sake of simplicity, orders are confined to a single product. In
preparation for this exercise, you should complete the "Creating Forms" and "Customising Forms"
modules in the Intermediate Access interactive tutorials provided by Dr. Karim.

Using the Form Object function in Microsoft Access, design a form frmWebOrderEntry based on the
qryWebOrders you created in the last assignment,

1. add the dblOrder#, datOrderDate (set to a default value of the current date), dblCustID#,
dblMemID#, dblProdID#, curPrice, dblQuantity and curShippingCost fields to the form as data
entry fields with appropriate tab stops,
2. add txtCustomerName, txtMemberName, txtProdName, curExtendedPrice and curOrderTotal
fields to the form, setting these fields without tab stops, (These fields will display the data
corresponding to the their numbers or calculations, thus there is no need for data entry.)
3. Place an "Enter New Order" command button on the form which presents a blank order entry
form when clicked.
4. Place "Add Customer" and "Close Form" command buttons on the form. The "Add Customer"
button should open the frmCustomers form you designed in Part I. The "Close Form" button
should close the form when clicked.


The form should occupy only one screen with each field clearly labeled and all labels and fields
neatly and logically aligned.
The width of data fields should match their content.
Labels should convey the content of each field clearly and not be limited variable names.
The form should have a prominent title which contains the company name and conveys the
purpose of the form.

Part IV: Designing a User Interface with Switchboards [17 marks]

You have created all the elements for an order entry system. In this exercise, you will design a user
interface which organises this system using the Switchboard tools in MS Access. To prepare for this
exercise, you should review the Defining Switchboards lesson in the Access 2007/2013/Any tutorial
system provided by Microsoft ( You may also use the Switchboard
Manager in Access 2007/2013/Any to complete this exercise.

Using the Switchboard Manager or the Form Object function in MS Access, you should create a
frmMainSwitchboard form which;

1. contains a graphic logo for the firm,
2. uses a background color consistent with the logo,
3. displays the firm's name and appropriate title in bold, large text,
4. contains separate command buttons to open the frmCustomers, frmAuctions, and
frmOrderEntry forms,
5. contains separate command buttons to preview the rptCustomers, rptAuctionOrders and
rptWebOrderSummary reports,
6. includes an "Exit Database" command button which closes the database system when clicked,
7. is displayed as the primary database interface when a user opens the database (The Database
Window should NOT be visible to the user.).


the graphic design of the form should be consistent and pleasing, with consistent colors, fonts
and text styles,
command buttons should be placed in a logical, organized pattern
the function of each button should be very clear, either in the button title or a text label, and
all buttons should function properly and guide users smoothly through the database system.

1. Consult your class materials including eBooks provided during the class and tutorial sessions.
2. Jeffrey A. Hoffer et al., Modern Systems Analysis and Design, 2nd Edition, 1999 by Addison and
3. Library of data models and schemas
4. Entity-relationship diagram using
Chen's notation
Samples-Library.aspx Online Database Schema Samples Library
6. Database design with UML and SQL, 3rd edition
Create and use a switchboard
8. Using the
Switchboard to Navigate Your Database
9. Creating Login page
10. Video tutorial on creating a Custom
Switchboard in Access 2007
11. Switchboard
12. Switchboard
13. Switchboard
14. Switchboard


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