Laghu Shankha Prakshalana - Final Bnys

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The Sanskrit word laghu means short ,

condensed or concise
The word shankha is intended to represent
and represent the intestine there fore with its
cavernous and coiled shape
Shankhaprakshalana is a part of the six groups
of Shatkarma, ancient yogic techniques for
purifying the body.
Therefore Laghu shankha prakshalana means
to completely wash the intestines. It is mainly
intended to ensure and encourage the normal
functioning of the


Laghu shankha prakshalana is not intended to

act in the same way as laxatives. Laxatives act
by artificially stimulating the nerves of the
intestines inducing peristalsis promoting rapid
evacuation of the stools leading to the
weakening of nerve impulses. While Laghu
shankha prakshalana in which the salt water

 Prevents dehydration by absorption

of water in the intestines
 Protects the body from infection
due to the residual stools
 Production of certain vitamins of B
 Acts as a lubricant and loosens up
the stools
 Induces peristalsis due to its
movement by stimulating the
 Lukewarm salt water
 200ml glass

If Laghu shankha prakshalana is practiced

without salt,all water is absorbed in the early
part of the intestines without reaching the
bowels. While , the salt water produces a high
osmotic pressure much higher than pure
water , preventing absorption and allowing the
salt water to flush through the system
It is practiced in empty stomach preferably
early in the morning

If one suffers from constipation , it can be

practiced every day, otherwise it can be
practiced once or twice in a week.


 Drink a glass or two of lukewarm saline

 Perform the following exercises
 Stand with the feet together or about 10
cms apart, and arm by the sides.
 Steady the body and distribute the
weight on both feet.
 Raise the arm over the head, interlock
the fingers and turn the palms upward.
 Place the hand on top of the head.
 Inhale and stretch the arms and
shoulders and chest upward
 Raise the heel coming up on to the toes.
 Stretch the whole body from toes to the
fingers ,without moving the balancing or
moving the feet.
 Hold the breath in this position for a few
 Exhale, lower the heels and bring the
hands to the top of the head.
 Repeat the same for eight to ten rounds.

 Stand with feet two feet apart.

 Fix a gaze on a point directly in front.
 Interlock the fingers and turn the palms
 Inhale and raise the arms over the head.
 While exhaling bend to the right side
from the waist.
 Do not bend forward or backward or
twist the trunk.
 Hold this position for few seconds while
retaining the breath outside.
 Repeat on the left side.
 Practice 8-10 times on both sides.


 Stand with the feet above half a meter

apart and arms by the side.
 Inhale deeply while raising the arm to
the shoulder level. Exhale and twist the
body to the left.
 Bring the right hand to the left shoulder
and wrap the left arm around the back.
look over the left shoulder as far as
 Keep the back of the neck straight.
 Accentuate the twist and try to gently
stretch the abdomen.
 Inhale and return to the starting
 Perform the rotation smoothly without
jerking or stiffness.
 Repeat the same for 8 to 10 times on
each side

 Lie down on your abdomen either with legs

half meter apart or close together .
 The toes rest on the ground, place the
palm by the side of the chest .
 Assume the final position of bhujangasana.
 The head should be facing forward instead
of bending backward.
 Twist the head and upper portion of the
trunk and look over the right shoulder to look
at the heels.
 In the final position the arm remains
straight or slightly bent as the shoulders and
the trunk are twisted.
 Try to feel the diagonal stretch of the
abdomen, relax the back and keep the navel as
close to the floor as possible
 Return to the starting position and repeat
the procedure for 8-10 times on each side

 Sit in the squatting position with feet

apart and hands on the knees .
 Inhale deeply , exhale completely and
bring the right knee near to the left foot
 Keep the left hand as a lever , push the
left knee towards the right,
simultaneously twisting to the left .
 Try to squeeze the lower abdomen with
the combined pressure of both the
 Look over the left shoulder and repeat
the procedure for 8-10 times on each

• If you are not able to defecate
after the first round of exercise,
again drink a glass or two of
lukewarm saline water and
repeat the same.
• If you are not able to defecate
till 5 rounds then stop practice
and relax in DRT(deep
relaxation technique)for half an
• The water will go out of the
body through the excretory
system after some time .
• This has to be done early
morning on an empty stomach.
• Eat kichadi (rice and dhal
boiled together without
salt)more than half an hour
after the practice and you can
also add pure ghee about 4 – 6
tsp full for breakfast.
• Lunch can be normal diet but
masticate properly .
• Avoid spicy food for the day.


People who suffer from

o Ulcers
o High blood pressure
o Anxiety
o depression
has to
practice under expert guidance

- After completing the practice consume food

after half an hour .
- Bowel movements should not be
emphasized forcefully, as it may cause
Peoples suffering from
o Constipation
o Flatulence
o Acidity
o Indigestion
o Loss of appetite
o Intestinal infestations
o Allergy
o Headache
o Menstrual and reproductive
o Asthma
o Urinary calculi
o Diabetes
o Acne
o Immuno compromised patients
o Obesity
o Malnutrition
o Metabolic disorders
o Insomnia
o Drug addiction
o Hallutosis
o Pigmentation
o Hyper hydrosis
are benifited by
the practice

- Awareness
- Concentration
- Memory
thus guiding to the higher
yogic practices.

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