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Middle School Science

Grades 6-8
Based on the Next Generation Science Standards-
Middle School Science

Unit 1: Using the Science and Engineering

Practices to Make Sense of Our World
Correlated to iScience published by McGraw-Hill (2015) and
Discovery Education Science Techbook

July 30, 2017

Prince Georges County Public Schools

Board of Education of Prince Georges County, Maryland


Segun C. Eubanks, Ed.D., Chair

Carolyn M. Boston, Vice-Chair, District 6
David Murray, District 1
Lupi Quinteros-Grady, District 2
Dinora A. Hernandez, Esq., District 3
Patricia Eubanks, District 4
Raaheela Ahmed, District 5
K. Alexander Wallace, District 7
Edward Burroughs III, District 8
Sonya Williams, District 9
Mary Kingston Roche, Board Member
Curtis Valentine, M.P.P., Board Member
Amanya Paige, Student Board Member

Kevin M. Maxwell, Ph.D., Secretary Treasurer and Chief Executive Officer

Monica Goldson, Ed.D.

Deputy Superintendent for Teaching and Learning

Gladys Whitehead, Ph.D.

Executive Director, Curriculum and Instruction
Judith White, Ed.D.
Director, Academic Programs
Godfrey Rangasammy
Instructional Supervisor, PreK-12 Science

Prince Georges County Public Schools wishes to thank the following professionals who worked on the Middle School
Science Curriculum Framework:

Godfrey Rangasammy, PreK-12 Science Supervisor

Traci Walkup, PreK-12 Science Instructional Specialist
Tanisha Johnson, PreK-12 Science Instructional Coach

Ailanna Baker, Martin Luther King, Jr. MS

Stephen Biller, William S. Schmidt Outdoor Education Center
Elizabeth Butler, Martin Luther King, Jr. MS
Marvin Claude, Ernest E. Just MS
Delonta Davis, Buck Lodge MS
Patrice Felton, Gaywood ES
Nadine Gaujean, Walker Mill MS
Breyer Hillegas, Greenbelt MS
Lisa Lee Sang, William S. Schmidt Outdoor Education Center
Justin Leonard, Nicholas Orem MS
Dennine Powe, Kenmoor MS
Rhonda Scott, William S. Schmidt Outdoor Education Center

Table of Contents

Acknowledgements ..................................................................................................................................................... iii

Conceptual Flow Map ................................................................................................................................................... 2
Introduction ................................................................................................................................................................... 3
Beginning with the Phenomenon and Developing an Initial Model .................................................................... 3
Teacher Content Refresher ......................................................................................................................................... 5
Using the SEPs to Make Sense of Our World Framework ........................................................................................ 7
Instructional Materials ................................................................................................................................................. 7
Supplemental Materials ............................................................................................................................................. 18
Regular Soda vs. Diet Soda- Teacher Demo ....................................................................................................... 19
Claim, Evidence, Reasoning Task ........................................................................................................................ 21
Claim, Evidence, and Reasoning (C-E-R) ............................................................................................................ 22
Claim, Evidence, and Reasoning Rubric for Writing .......................................................................................... 23
Floating Logs: Evidence-based Argumentation ................................................................................................. 24
ENGINEERING CHALLENGE: Oh No! What a Disaster! - Oil Spill Clean-Up .................................................... 26

Teacher Note:
Students will complete an engineering design challenge at the end of this unit. The following items should be
colllected in preparation for the challenge:

Rubber bands, paper towels, string, toothpicks, cotton balls, plastic wrap, shredded wheat cereal, balloons,
grass, craft/popsicle sticks, cork, spoons, cotton swabs, coffee filters, cheesecloth, felt, newspaper, yarn,
pipette, feathers, dish detergent, pipe cleaners (chenille stems), styrofoam, pieces of sponge

Conceptual Flow Map

Unit 1: Using the SEPs to

Make Sense of Our World
Anchor Phenomenon: Regular
Soda vs.Diet Soda

SEP 6. Constructing
SEP 1. Asking questions and SEP 4. Analyzing and
explanations and designing SEP 8. Obtaining, evaluating,
defining problems SEP 3. Planning and carrying interpreting data
solutions and communicating
SEP 2. Developing and using investigations SEP 5. Using mathematics and
SEP 7. Engaging in argument information
models computational thinking
from evidence

Using the Science and Engineering Practices
to Make Sense of Our World

The Using the Science and Engineering Practices to Make Sense of Our World unit is designed to help
teachers and students build an understanding of how scientists study the world to gain understanding about unknown
phenomena. Through this unit, students will engage in each of the practices as they explore a common phenomenon.
The format of the unit includes a flow of student learning opportunities to support developing an understanding of the
phenomena. Teachers will need to enhance student learning by including additional resources as needed.

It is critical that teachers refrain from explaining the science behind the phenomena to students without the
students having an opportunity to discover how it works on their own. Students must be allowed to fully engage in
the inquiry process to uncover the science through their own investigation and research.

A storyline is a sequence of coherent lessons designed by the teacher to lead students through the
discovery of the inner workings of the phenomenon. The instructional materials presented in this unit provide
teachers with a flow of resources that are to be used to develop a storyline or set of coherent lessons. The actual
storyline for each teacher and class will differ because storylines should be driven by the students questions that
arise as they interact with the phenomenon. Each class of students will generate a different set of questions.
Teachers should track these questions and make them visible through instructional strategies such as charting or
electronic discussion boards. As students conduct investigations and engage in discussions, teachers should also
track student misconceptions and select activities and resources that dispel these misconceptions without directly
correcting student mistakes.

Beginning with the Phenomenon and Developing an Initial Model

This unit will begin with introducing the phenomenon of the behavior of a can of regular soda and a can of
diet soda placed in a clear container of water. After observing the phenomenon, students will ask questions that they
have about what they observed and draw an initial model. As appropriate, teachers should focus student attention
back to the phenomenon while working through the unit.

Each curricular unit begins with an anchor phenomenon that students will investigate throughout the entire
unit. Students will plan and carry out investigations and conduct research to explain the phenomenon or solve a
problem. After completing several experiences related to the phenomenon, students will refine their initial models
based on the any new knowledge gained.

When planning, teachers should refer to the Modeling Protocol to ensure that students are being properly guided
through the modeling process.

As students work through modeling experiences, they will address the following guiding questions to help make
sense of the phenomenon being explored:
1. What are we trying to figure out?
2. What questions do I have about this phenomenon?
3. How will we figure this out?
4. What investigation(s) can we do to test our ideas?
5. How will we research this?
6. How can we keep track of our ideas?
7. How do we know if what we have discovered answers our questions or solves or problem?
8. How does all the information we have collected fit together?
9. How does what we have uncovered explain our phenomena?

Teacher Content Refresher

In preparation for this unit, teachers should use the following resources to refresh their knowledge. This will help to
enhance the progression of the anchor phenomenon. The resources provided in this chart are directly related to
the Science and Engineering Practices.

Observing Phenomena This video explores how phenomena can be used to

phenomena-achieve teach science.
The NGSS EQuip Rubric: Using Phenomena to
Engage Students in Science This handout discusses the use of phenomena in

%20Phenomena%20in%20NGSS.pdf. science instruction and provides insight into selecting
Using Phenomena in NGSS-Designed Lessons and appropriate phenomena.

Practice 1-Asking Questions and Developing This video explains how asking questions is the first
Problems step in both science and engineering. Questions allow scientists to direct inquiry with a goal of understanding
defining-problems the phenomena in the Universe. Questions allow
engineers to define problems that require solutions.

Practice 2- Developing and Using Models

Video 1: Video 1- This video explains how models are used to
developing-using-models explain phenomena. It provides detailed descriptions of
various types of models.

Video 2: Video 2- Although this video demonstrates a lesson involving younger students, it shows how a teacher
modeling-elementary-grades-nsf questions and coaches her students through the
Scientific Modeling in the Early Grades understanding of a phenomenon.

Practice 3- Planning and Carrying Out This video explains how investigations are used by
Investigations scientists to answer questions and by engineers to test designs. It demonstrates the formation of a good
carrying-out-investigations question and the design of an effective investigation.

Practice 4- Analyzing and Interpreting Data This video explains how scientists analyze and interpret data. Data can be organized in a table and displayed
interpreting-data using a graph. Students should learn how to organize,
present, and evaluate data.

Practice 5- Mathematics and Computational This video explains how mathematics and
Thinking computational thinking can be used by scientists to represent variables and by engineers to improve
mathematics-computational-thinking design. It starts by explaining how mathematics is at the
root of all sciences.

Practice 6- Constructing Explanations and This video explains how scientists modify theories by
Designing Solutions constructing explanations. It also discusses the cycle of design used by engineers to solve problems. It starts by
explanations-designed-solutions defining a theory as a well-established explanation of a
phenomenon that is refined over time.

Practice 7- Engaging in Argument from Evidence This video explains the importance of argumentation in improving both understanding and design. It begins with
argument-from-evidence a discussion of the heliocentric and geocentric model of
the Universe that eventually lead to the Copernican
Revolution. It highlights the importance of both informal
and formal arguments.

Practice 8- Obtaining, Evaluating, and Scientists and engineers spend over half of their
Communicating Information working day reading, evaluating and producing text. Therefore, it is important that we produce students that
evaluating-communicating-information have a high level of scientific literacy.

Density This cK12 link provides several activities for reviewing the concept of density. These activities can also be
If the link does not open, copy and paste it into the used with students after they discover why floating and
browser. sinking occurs.

Using the SEPs to Make Sense of Our World Framework
Suggested number of days: 17-20 days
List of Dimensions: Science and Engineering Practices (SEPs) 1-8

Science and Engineering Practices-

Practice 1: Asking questions (for science) and defining problems (for engineering)
Practice 2: Developing and using models
Practice 3: Planning and carrying out investigations
Practice 4: Analyzing and interpreting data
Practice 5: Using mathematics and computational thinking
Practice 6: Constructing explanations (for science) and designing solutions (for engineering)
Practice 7: Engaging in argument from evidence
Practice 8: Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information

Instructional Materials

Contained within the following Instructional Materials Guides are selected instructional materials from the McGraw-
Hill iScience textbook, Discovery Education Techbook, and the Web that can be used as references for NGSS three-
dimensional (3D) lesson planning. The guides include a description of the resources and connections aligned to the
NGSS dimensions.

The resources are listed in a manner that helps teachers build on the knowledge base for the anchoring phenomena
presented at the start of the unit. This intentional flow of resources will also assist teachers in planning lessons using
the 5E instructional model. Depending on class discussions and student prior knowledge, teachers may make slight
modifications to the flow. It is the expectation that teachers supplement the lessons with additional resources that
meet the developmental needs of the students. Also, teachers must develop formative and summative assessments
that are developmentally appropriate for their classes.

This unit is specifically designed to provide a knowledge base for the way that scientists and engineers do their work.
Students will continue to use the Science and Engineering Practices throughout the school year.

Science and Engineering Practices
Practice 1: Asking questions (for science) and defining problems (for engineering)
Practice 2: Developing and using models

Instructional Materials
Including Discovery Education Techbook, McGraw-Hill iScience, ConnectED, Investigations, Readings,
Simulations, Web Resources, etc.

Essential Questions Introduce the essential questions and allow students to

1. How do scientists gain knowledge about the share their responses with the class.
way the world works?
2. How do engineers solve problems?

Anchor Phenomenon: Teacher Demo- Regular Students will observe what happens when two cans of
Soda vs. Diet Soda soda (one regular and one diet) are placed in water.
Teacher Demo Instructions Ask students what questions they have about what
they are observing. Students will record a list of
Guiding Question(s): questions, ideas, or comments that come to mind after
What are we trying to figure out? viewing the phenomenon. The regular soda should sink
What questions do we have about this phenomenon? while the diet soda floats. Teachers should not reveal
what will happen or why it happens so that students
have the opportunity to uncover the mystery on their
own over the next couple of weeks.

Have students engage in a discussion about what

kinds of questions scientists choose to answer. (SEP 1)

It is critical that students understand that scientists

research questions that are testable, either directly or
through models.

See the Teacher Demo link for detailed instructions.

The instructions are located at the end of this unit. The
instructions provide details about students developing a
conceptual model for what they think is happening
inside of each can.

Science and Engineering Practices.
Practice 3: Planning and carrying out investigations

Instructional Materials
Including Discovery Education Techbook, McGraw-Hill iScience, ConnectED, Investigations, Readings,
Simulations, Web Resources, etc.

Teacher Note: It is highly likely that each class of students will vary in their approach to this section. It is best to
allow students to design their own investigations to find the reason for the floating and sinking. Depending on
the developmental level of the class, teachers will need to provide more or less guidance to students in their
design. Some classes will design a revealing investigation on the first try.

Also, teachers must use their discretion when introducing experimental design. Some classes will be very
knowledgeable and only need review while others will need time and direct instruction to cover this material.

Depending on the timing of the schools science fair, teachers may choose to begin discussing the process for
submitting science fair projects during the work with this SEP.

Essential Questions Review the essential questions with students.

1. How do scientists gain knowledge about the
way the world works? Students will likely describe the process of developing
2. How do engineers solve problems? an investigation. They will likely answer: by planning
and carrying out an investigation, doing a test, making
a hypothesis, doing an experiment, etc. Students may
answer that engineers build things, make new
products, try different materials. If the students are not
be able to answer the question, guide the students by
giving them a real world connection such as What
would you do if the water in the shower will not go
down the drain?

Brainstorm: Now that we have observed a Allow students to discuss how they can possibly
phenomenon (regular vs. diet soda) and developed investigate what is causing this floating and sinking.
an initial model, how do we go about figuring out the
answer? Students may ask how much the cans weigh. This is an
opportunity to discuss weight vs. mass. They may think
that one can is larger than the other when they are the
same size.

Have students recall and write the parts in planning

and carrying out an investigation. Student lists will likely
include: hypotheses, conclusion, procedures, etc.
During the discussion, be sure to probe students on
hypotheses, variables and constants.
Discussion Question: Why are these components
important in carrying out investigations?

Teacher Note: Be sure to have a discussion that

investigations do not always take place in a science

lab. Investigation and experimentation can take place

McGraw-Hill iScience- pp. NOS 6-7 Have students work through pp. NOS 6-7 in the
Scientific Inquiry iScience text. (SEP 3)

Guiding Question(s): Teacher Note: Remember that scientific research is

How will we figure this out? not linear. Scientists often follow various pathways to
What investigation(s) can we do to test our ideas? gain scientific knowledge. Reference the diagram on
pp. NOS 6-7.

Khan Academy Discuss the difference between independent and dependent variables. Students often develop
to-biology/science-of-biology/a/experiments-and- experiments that have more than one variable. Ensure
observations that they understand that a good experiment only has
Controlled Experiments (use the link above or log one independent variable.
into Khan Academy through Clever and search by the
title) Some curricula use the term controlled variables. Due
to the confusion that some students have with the term
experimental control, be sure to use constants to
describe those elements of an experiment which need
to be kept the same for each independent variable and
control to describe the one that receives no treatment.

Discuss that some investigations will not follow the

design of a controlled experiment such as
observational studies. (SEP 3)

McGraw-Hill iScience- pp.NOS 18-24 Have students work through the section to discuss how
Measurment and Scientific Tools scientists take measure measurements and record
data. (SEP 3)

Experimental Design Have students plan and conduct their investigations in

groups after this section but not address it until after
Guiding Question(s): discussing making charts and graphs. (SEP 3)
How can we keep track of ideas?
Student investigations will differ as they use their own
ideas to explore the differences between the cans.
Allow different groups to work on their own. Groups
must develop a full materials list so that they have what
they need to conduct their investigations. This may
require additional planning and prep time if the
materials are not readily available. (SEP 3)

Making Data Tables Have students design the data table they will use to
collect data for their group soda investigation.

Science and Engineering Practices.
Practice 4: Analyzing and interpreting data
Practice 5: Using mathematics and computational thinking

Instructional Materials
Including Discovery Education Techbook, McGraw-Hill iScience, ConnectED, Investigations, Readings,
Simulations, Web Resources, etc.

Discussion: What kind of data do scientists collect? Have students engage in a discussion about why
Why is it important to collect data while investigating? scientists collect data. Discuss why it is important to
collect data in a well-designed format so that the
Guiding Questions: information is easily communicated to others. (SEP 4)
How can we keep track of ideas?
What format will we use to record our data?
How will we organize our evidence?
How do we know if what we have discovered answers
our questions?

After the discussion, select one or more of the graphing activity sets below that fit the needs of your
students. These Graphing Activity Sets provide many resources. Be sure to select developmentally
appropriate materials. Students should practice making at minimum bar graphs, line graphs, and pie
charts. Teachers may wish to set up accounts for and Khan Academy before using the sets
below. These resources can be accessed through Clever. Accounts are not required to use the
Graphing Activity Set 1 These links provide numerous worksheets where
Web Resource: Math Worksheets for Kids students can analyze and interpret the data found on line graphs, pie graphs, and bar graphs. (SEP 4), (SEP
(Select Statistics and Data Analysis and select 5)
select the appropriate titles or use the hyperlinks
Line Graph
Pie Graph
Bar Graph
Graphing Activity Set 2 This web resource provides online practice for
Web Resource: cK-12 Foundation (Clever)- Pie analyzing and interpreting data. There are videos
Charts, Line Graphs, and Bar Graphs. (Found explaining how to analyze and interpret data on
through the link on Clever by selecting Mathematics graphs, as well as practice games where students
and then Statistics. Then select the appropriate compete to answer questions about the data.
titles or use the hyperlinks below.) Additionally, there are interactive links on each type of
Pie Charts graph where students are prompted to physically manipulate the data displayed on graphs. (SEP 4),
Line Graphs (SEP 5)
Bar Graphs

Teachers are encouraged to set up a cK-12 account
in advance to use the full potential of the site.
Graphing Activity Set 3 The NASA website provides lesson plans for middle
Web Resource: NASA Data Lessons school where students must research NASA data and use it to analyze and interpret. The lessons include
interpreting-data-content/ tasking students with creating graphs based on the
Comparison of Snow Cover on Different data they are provided for the given NASA phenomena
Continents and then using the graphs to analyze and interpret.
How Does the Earths Energy Budget Relate (SEP 4)
to Polar Ice?
Patterns In High Cloud Coverage
Variables Affecting Earths Albedo
Surface Air Temperature Trends of the
A Comparison of Land and Water
Graphing Activity Set 4 This web resource provides online practice for
Web Resource: Khan Academy - analyzing and interpreting graphs by having students
Bar Graphs, Line Graphs, and Pie Graphs (found answer multiple-choice questions about the data
through the link on Clever, by selecting provided on the graphs. (SEP 4) (SEP 5)
Mathematics, selecting Statistics & probability, and
selecting the appropriate titles)
Displaying and describing data
Categorical data displays
Reading Bar Graphs-
Reading Pie Graphs (circle
Line graphs
Reading Line Graphs-
Graphing Activity Set 5 Examples are provided in the back of student
McGraw-Hill iScience Math Skills Handbook p. textbooks where students create a circle, line, and bar
SR 27-28 Making and Using Graphs graph and analyze/interpret the data provided with
each example. (SEP 4), (SEP 5)
Class Discussion: Have students discuss the answer to this question.
For our can investigation, would our data be best Additional questions: What kinds of investigations

displayed in a table, graph, or both? would be appropriate for line graphs? What type of
information should be displayed a bar graph?

Teacher Note: Student responses will depend on the

investigation that the students have designed.
Writing Conclusions After students prepare a data tool, discuss how
(Opportunity for model refinement) scientists analyze data to develop conclusions. Have
students write a conclusion for their investigation. (SEP

Depending on the investigations that were chosen,

students may or may not have undercovered what
caused the sinking and the floating.
Discovery Education Techbook If students have not uncovered the science behind
Grades 6-8 Physical Science for use with NGSS, buoyancy, this video will help establish the correlation
Unit: Energy and Matter between buoyancy and density. Teachers should
Video: Swim bladder (search by title) pause video at 0:33 to assess student knowledge and interaction with video segment. Ask students to explain
ce3d-6f75-4be1-8498- what they think buoyancy means.
1225c587b038?hasLocalHost=false (0:53)
Ask probing questions that guide students to
understand the difference between objects filled with
air and objects with less air. Ask how mass might affect
whether or not things float. If students did not include
mass as a part of their investigation, allow them to
compare the masses of the two cans.
If students have undercovered what caused the sinking and the floating of the two cans, complete two
or more of the density activities below. If not, include additional activities to help students to make the
connection on their own. Be sure to ask continuous guiding questions that put them on the right path.
Then proceed with activities below.
McGraw-Hill iScience This activity will help students to compare the volume
Skill Practice p. 365 How can you calculate of a block measured by its geometric properties and
density? (full version available in connectED) measured by the water displacement method.

Discovery Education Techbook Students will determine the relative density of different
Grades K-2, 3-5 Physical Science for use with NGSS, solids by testing whether or not they float in water.
Unit: Energy and Matter Students will determine the relative density of different liquids by testing whether or not a solid object will float
ew/assetGuid/a55dac0f-542f-439f-91c7- or sink in them.
920fcf8cb69b (Use the link or search for
Density under the Interactives tab; Student Worksheet: The student worksheet includes
labeled as an Exploration activity) questions to focus the student and to check
Worksheet understanding, instructions for how to use the
https://gtm- Exploration independently, and a section for recording data. Students will review questions before
dac0f-542f-439f-91c7-920fcf8cb69b-SW.pdf (Under participating in the activity and may respond to the
questions either during or after completion of the
Materials Tab - Students Guide Level 1)
activity. The section for recording data includes:
Explaining how density is related to whether

an object sinks or floats in water.
Predicting whether materials will float or sink
in water or other liquids, and confirming or
revising those predictions.
Determining the relative densities of different
solids and liquids and using a data table to
record their findings.

Manipulative Resource The DMV triangle assists students with manipulating

DMV Triangle the different variables of density formula. Students can
practice by choosing which variable to solve by
covering the respective variable. Eg., D=M/V, M=DV,
and V=M/D. Teacher should provide problems where
students will be given two-thirds of the information of
different objects to solve for either D, M, or V. eg.,
Teachers should have students predict which object is
more dense and have students use mathematics and
computational thinking to accept or reject student
selection. (SEP 5)

Web Resource This worksheet will help students practice manipulating variables in the density formula. Students are given
16/9/13/64624876/09112015%20Volume%2 several examples to solve for different variables
0_%20Density%20Worksheet.pdf associated with density formula. Students should be
familiar with DMV triangle to ensure how to solve for
each variable. (SEP 5)

Discovery Education Techbook This video will elicit higher order thinking about physical
Grades 6-8, 9-12 Physical Science for use with properties of different types of liquids. Teacher should
NGSS, Unit: Energy and Matter use this video to guide conversation on students perspectives. Pause video at 0:20 to engage students
5e678-87af-45cd-989e- on conversation. Pause video at 0:27 to ask students
4182022cf668?hasLocalHost=false (Search by title: why or why not coffee would just float away. Pause
video at 0:57 to ask students for suggestions of
Underwater Coffee) Video (1:14)
possible coffee replacements. (SEP 6) (SEP 7)

Web Resource This activity will demonstrate the differences in densities of various liquids by using miscibility to
Layer_Density_Column.pdf determine the appropriate order of substances in a
Five Layer Density Column density column. Students will complete a data table to
show evidence of liquid physical properties. Teachers
may modify by substituting different liquids specified in
activity eg., corn syrup, shampoo, or hydrogen
Teacher Note: Modifications will alter given teacher
reference data table. This activity should be completed
after the Underwater Coffee video mentioned above.
(SEP 3) (SEP 4)

Model Refinement If students have uncovered additional knowledge, have
them refine their models.

Science and Engineering Practices.

Practice 6: Constructing explanations (for science) and designing solutions (for engineering)
Practice 7: Engaging in argument from evidence

Instructional Materials
Including Discovery Education Techbook, McGraw-Hill iScience, ConnectED, Investigations, Readings,
Simulations, Web Resources, etc.

Teacher Note: During instruction and investigations, Practices 6 and 7 often occur together and are also often
hard to differentiate. According to Appendix F of NGSS, each practice has its own application. Practice 6 deals
with asking students to demonstrate their own understanding of the implications of a scientific idea by
developing their own explanations of phenomena, whether based on observations they have made or models
they have developed. In engineering, the goal is a design rather than an explanation. The process of developing
a design is iterative and systematic, as is the process of developing an explanation or a theory in science.
Engineers activities, however, have elements that are distinct from those of scientists. These elements include
specifying constraints and criteria for desired qualities of the solution, developing a design plan, producing and
testing models or prototypes, selecting among alternative design features to optimize the achievement of design
criteria, and refining design ideas based on the performance of a prototype or simulation. (NRC Framework,
2012, p. 68-69) With Practice 7, students should argue for the explanations they construct, defend their
interpretations of the associated data, and advocate for the designs they propose. (NRC Framework, 2012, p.

Practice 6: Constructing explanations (for At this point, students should have some idea on what
science) and designing solutions (for makes the can float. If not, refrain from giving students
engineering) the answer. Incorporate additional activities that
demonstrate density and buoyancy without direct
CER Task instruction before introducing this CER Task.
Claim, Evidence, and Reasoning Graphic Organizer
and Rubric Provide instruction for using the CER Graphic
Organizer and the CER Rubric. It is common for
students to be challenged with the reasoning when
developing a scientific explanation. Be certain students
understand the difference between the evidence and
the reasoning in their explanation.

Guiding Question: Why does the diet soda float and

the regular soda sink? Students will use the Claim,
Evidence, and Reasoning Organizer to make and
support a claim. Students will then develop their
organizer into paragraph form. A rubric is available for
students and teachers to evaluate the explanation.
(SEP 6)

Practice 7: Engaging in argument from evidence Provide students with a copy of the probe and then
read over the probe as a class. Answer basic questions

Floating Logs Probe such as yes or no questions, but do not explain
Floating Logs Handout and Teacher Guide anything further. This will allow students to answer from
their own knowledge. Have the students to choose
Guiding Question(s): which response they believe is correct and then justify
How does it all fit together? their response using any prior knowledge that they may
How does what we have uncovered explain our have. Students should not use any resources that
phenomena? would provide them with the answer. They can only use
their knowledge.

During the discussion, probe for evidence. Encourage

students to challenge each other and use the
statements of others to support or refute claims.

At this point, students should have an understanding of

density and buoyancy. If not, select additional learning
experiences that relate to these concepts.

Once the students have completed their responses to

the probe, the teacher can use a discussion technique
such as Four Corners or another discussion technique
to elicit student responses and thinking. The teacher
can use a Spotlight on Strategies (SOS) technique
from the Discovery Education Techbook. During the
discussion, be sure that students are using evidence to
support their statements and asking clarifying
questions of their classmates.

Science and Engineering Practices.
Practice 8: Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information

Instructional Materials
Including Discovery Education Techbook, McGraw-Hill iScience, ConnectED, Investigations, Readings,
Simulations, Web Resources, etc.

Discovery Education Techbook Using this link, teachers can access this article to print copies for students or assign the article in Techbook for
Guid/5acacbff-d77c-4d98-8649-2fcca183fd35 students to read.

Reading Passage Spigot Science: Science in the Students will read this article and construct a scientific
News: Oil and Water Dont Mix (found under general explanation to explain how an oil spill relates to the
search bar) soda can phenomenon. Students will use the CER
CER Organizer and Rubric organizer and rubric to complete the task.

Guiding Question(s): CER Task:

How does it all fit together? Use what you have learned from the soda can
How does what we have uncovered explain our phenomenon and evidence from the article to answer
phenomena? the following question: How does an oil spill relate to
How does our model relate to similar phenomenon? the floating and sinking of the cans of soda?
What other examples do we know of that fit our

Science and Engineering Practices.

Practice 1: Asking questions (for science) and defining problems (for engineering)
Practice 2: Developing and using models
Practice 3: Planning and carrying out investigations
Practice 4: Analyzing and interpreting data
Practice 5: Using mathematics and computational thinking
Practice 6: Constructing explanations (for science) and designing solutions (for engineering)
Practice 7: Engaging in argument from evidence
Practice 8: Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information

Instructional Materials
Including Discovery Education Techbook, McGraw-Hill iScience, ConnectED, Investigations, Readings,
Simulations, Web Resources, etc.

Engineering Design Challenge: Oh No! What a Students will use their knowledge of density and the
Disaster! - Oil Spill Clean-Up Science and Engineering Practices to complete the
Engineering Design Challenge Information Sheet and Engineering Design Challenge. They will use the
Handout Engineering Design Process (EDP) to design a solution
Guiding Question(s): to an oil spill problem. (SEPs 1-8)
How will we figure this out?
What investigation(s) can we do to test our ideas?

Supplemental Materials
This section contains any worksheets or documents that have been referenced in the Instructional Materials section
of this document. These resources have been hyperlinked to the corresponding Science and Engineering Practices.

1. Regular Soda vs. Diet Soda- Teacher Demo (Teacher Resource Guide)
2. Claim, Evidence, Reasoning Task
3. Claim, Evidence, and Reasoning (CER) Student Graphic Organizer
4. Claim, Evidence, and Reasoning Rubric for Writing
5. Floating Logs Probe
6. Floating Logs: Teacher Notes
7. Oil Spill- An Engineering Design Challenge
8. Oh No! What A Disaster- Oil Spill Clean-Up (Engineering Design Process Handout)

Regular Soda vs. Diet Soda- Teacher Demo
Teacher Resource Guide

Teacher Note: As with any teacher demonstration, be sure to test the activity before presenting it to your students to
make sure that the right amount of materials are used and that the demo provides the desired result. Please do not
explain what will happen before the demonstration. Also, please do not give any clues to students about why this
phenomenon is occurring. Allow them to make observations and ask questions without giving them any information.
Students will spend the next few weeks engaging in activities that will help them to uncover the science behind the
this phenomenon.

Materials Required
1. 1 can of Diet soda (Ensure that the soda cans are the same brand and same size, for example Pepsi and
Diet Pepsi.)
2. 1 can of Regular soda
3. 1 large clear tank filled with distilled water (deep enough so a can will float without touching the bottom of
the tank)
4. Towel for clean up or accidental spillage

Demo Procedure:
1. Prepare the tank and cans of soda prior to class and have it sitting at the front of class where all students
will be able to visually see it. Do not place the cans in the water. Only have them out for display.
2. Ask: What are the similarities and differences between the two cans of soda? Allow students to suggest
ideas from their seats. (The responses from this list should not be shared with students. Only discuss the
similarities and differences that the students share themselves.)
Possible student responses:
are made by the same company
have the same shape
made of aluminum
are sealed shut
have the same amount of liquid - 12 fl oz
similar weights
contain water
contain carbon dioxide
both have caffeine
one is red, the other is silver
one is diet, one is regular
one has artificial sweetener
one has more calories

3. Begin the demonstration by asking students to make a prediction about what they think will happen if the
cans are placed into the tank of water. (2-3 minutes)
4. Place the regular soda in the tank and then the diet soda. Have students make observations. At this time,
please do not explain to students why this phenomenon occurs. Over the next few weeks, they will
uncover the phenomenon through the Science and Engineering Practices.

5. Ask the following questions and probe students through their thinking:
a. How many of you predicted the results?
b. What made you think that way?
c. What do you think is going on inside of the can to cause the difference?
d. What kinds of things have you seen this happen with in nature? (Sample answers: a log floating in
a body of water, a pool toy)
e. What questions do you have about what you observed? (Keep track of student questions to refer
back to throughout the study of this phenomenon. Teachers can do this through chart paper or an
electronic recordkeeping tool such as Padlet or Todays Meet.)
6. Have students draw a diagram of what they see. (This will represent their initial models.) Allow students to
share their diagrams with the class.
7. Explain to students that observable events that occur in the universe that we can use our science
knowledge to explain or predict are called phenomena. Explain that this year, students will observe
both natural phenomena and designed phenomena on a regular basis and do investigations to discover how
the phenomena occur. Designed phenomena exist in many things that humans have made that work on
basic science principles. For example, a roller coaster works because of the transfer of potential energy to
kinetic energy. Humans have designed roller coasters to use this transfer of energy for a fun experience.
Many designed phenomena were developed to help humans survive and do work such as factories and tow
trucks. Teacher Resource: (Use this resource as needed to enhance teacher experience with

Reminder: At this time, please do not explain to students why this phenomenon occurs. Over the next few weeks,
they will uncover the phenomenon through the Science and Engineering Practices.

Regular soda has a greater density because it has more sugar (approximately 39 g or 39,000 mg of sugar)
vs. diet soda which has approximately 100 mg of an artificial sweetener.
Diet soda has a smaller density because it has less sugar (b/c artificial sweeteners are sweeter than
normal sugar, so less is needed for the desired sweetness of diet soda)
The density of distilled water is 1 g/cm3 or 1 g/mL.
An object will float in water if it has a density less than 1 g/mL and will sink if its density is more than 1 g/mL.

Claim, Evidence, Reasoning Task

You were previously shown a phenomenon of a diet soda and a regular soda can submerged in a tank of

water. The photo below represents what you saw.

Using the knowledge that you have gained, construct a scientific explanation using evidence to support the

guiding question. The guiding question that we are attempting to answer is Why does the diet soda float

and the regular soda sink? Use the Claim, Evidence, Reasoning guide to assist you in developing this


Claim, Evidence, and Reasoning (CER)
Student Graphic Organizer

Guiding Question (Provided by teacher):


A statement that
answers the guiding

Provide scientific data
to support your claim.
The evidence should be
relevant and sufficient.
The analysis of the data
should include a trend,
difference, or
relationship. The
interpretation explains
what the analysis
means. This can be
listed here in bullet
points. Include at least
3 pieces of evidence.

Use scientific principles
and knowledge that you
have about the topic to
explain why your
evidence supports the

Claim, Evidence, and Reasoning Rubric for Writing


Criteria 3 2 1 0

Claim The claim includes a The claim includes a The claim includes a No response, or
testable statement or testable statement or statement that response not
conclusion that fully conclusion that answers some appropriate.
answers all answers most components of the
components of the components of the question.
question. question.
Evidence Data included in the Data included in the Data included in the No response, or
explanation helps explanation helps explanation helps response not
answer the question. answer the question answer the question appropriate.
Data comes from a or problem, OR data or problem, OR data
variety of resources. comes from a variety comes from a variety
Evidence is both of resources, AND of resources, OR
appropriate and evidence is both evidence is both
sufficient. appropriate and appropriate and
sufficient. sufficient.
Reasoning The reasoning The reasoning The reasoning No response, or
describes why the describes why the describes why the response not
evidence is relevant evidence is relevant evidence is relevant appropriate.
and should be used to and should be used to and should be used to
support the claim. The support the claim, OR support the claim, OR
explanation includes the explanation the explanation
reasoning for how the includes reasoning for includes reasoning for
evidence supports the how the evidence how the evidence
claim. Scientific supports the claim. supports the claim.
principles and Scientific principles Scientific principles
scientific language link and scientific OR scientific language
the evidence to the language link the link the evidence to
claim. evidence to the claim. the claim.

Floating Logs: Evidence-based Argumentation

A beaver was working on constructing a dam on a branch of the Anacostia River. You are watching from
the shoreline and observe the beaver cut down several trees. The first tree that he cut down was roughly 3
meters long and 0.5 meters in diameter, and it appeared to float on its side. The second tree that the
beaver cut down was roughly 10 meters long and 0.25 meters in diameter, and it too appeared to float on
its side. The final tree that was cut down was a wimpy tree that was roughly 1 meter long and less than
0.25 meters in diameter, and it too, floated on its side.

How do all of the logs appear to float on the their side down the river? Circle the best answer:

A. Due to the weight of the trees they can float.

B. Water is pushing up on the trees as they float down the river.

C. The trees have air pockets in them, which allow for them to float.

D. The trees have a density that is less than that of water, which allows for the trees to float.

Explain your thinking. Describe the rule or the reasoning you used for your answer.

Floating Logs: Teacher Notes

The purpose of this assessment probe is to elicit students ideas about density. The probe is designed to find out if
students think changing the size of an object affects its density.

Related Concepts:
Characteristic properties, density, intensive properties of matter, sinking and floating

The best response is D: The trees have a density that is less than that of water, which allows for the trees to float.
The degree to which a solid object will float when placed in water depends on the density of the material. Density is
a characteristic property of matter, which means that it is independent of the amount of material. If one sample of
material is very large and another sample of material is very small, the proportion of the mass to volume of each
sample is still the same, so the density remains the same.

The Other Responses:

The other responses are misconceptions that are commonly presented as explanations from students. If students
select A-C as a response, then this provides opportunity to revisit the diet soda vs. regular soda. Here, the teacher
can ask the students to justify their reasoning using evidence from the initial phenomena. Also, a class discussion
can occur because during this unit, physical science concepts have been discussed. This probe provides evidence
that concepts in one scientific discipline can be applied to other scientific disciplines.

Administering the Probe:

The teacher would provide the students with a copy of the probe and then read over the probe with the students.
The teacher is allowed to answer basic questions such as yes or no, but is not allowed to explain anything further.
The students will then choose which letter they believe is correct and then justify their response using any information
that they may have. They are not allowed to use any resources that would provide them with the answer. They can
only use their knowledge.

Once the students have completed their responses to the probe, the teacher can use a discussion question such as
four corners or another discussion technique to elicit student responses and thinking.

ENGINEERING CHALLENGE: Oh No! What a Disaster! - Oil Spill Clean-Up


TIME NEEDED: Two to three 72-minute class periods

INTRODUCTION: On April 20, 2010, the worst oil spill in U.S. history occurred. An offshore drilling platform called
Deepwater Horizon located in the Gulf of Mexico exploded spilling millions of gallons of oil into the sea. As a result,
the oil spill had a huge impact on the environment. The oil was dangerous to the health and viability of aquatic
plants and animals and caused damage to the affected ecosystems.

LESSON DESCRIPTION: The lesson focuses on how engineers use various techniques to provide solutions to oil
spills. The lesson will focus on introducing students to the Engineering Design Process by creating a physical

TASK: Students will work in teams using the Engineering Design Process to design, develop and test a system to
first contain, and then remove the oil from the model oil spill.

Be sure that students have read, Oil and Water Dont Mix, Science in the News by David Cochran
Be prepared to discuss challenges that might exist in cleaning up an oil spill.
Become familiar with the the Engineering Design Process (EDP) using NOS p.13
Remember to explain to students that the Engineering Design Process is not a linear process. Engineers
do not always follow the steps in order, one after the other. Like scientists using the Scientific Inquiry
Process, it is common for engineers to design something, test it, find a problem, go back to an earlier step
to make a modification of change to the design.
Be familiar with career connections associated with different types of engineers.
Provide a variety of materials for students to choose from in order to create their designs

MATERIALS (per student group):

Aluminum Pan or plastic container
10 mL of colored oil (vegetable oil mixed with an oil-based food coloring or cocoa powder)
Metric ruler (to measure the spill)
The following items are suggested materials that should be made available for students to use in
designing their solutions:
Rubber bands, paper towels, string, toothpicks, cotton balls, plastic wrap, shredded wheat
cereal, balloons, grass, craft/popsicle sticks, cork, spoons, cotton swabs, coffee filters,
cheesecloth, felt, newspaper, yarn, pipette, feathers, dish detergent, pipe cleaners (chenille
stems), styrofoam, pieces of sponge

***Depending on the availability of the materials on hand, you may want to restrict the students
to the number of materials that they can use.
Handout Oh No! What a Disaster - Oil Spill Clean-Up Engineering Design Process handout
Large container (bucket) for students to dump their oil and water mixture into at the end of class. The
mixture should NOT be disposed of in the sink or down the drain. You can seal it and throw it away, or
empty the mixture in the grass away from the building. The vegetable oil, in the small amounts used for
this activity, are not harmful to the environment.

Lead a discussion that encourages students to think about the following questions:
What is engineering?
What is an engineer?
What kinds of work does an engineer do?
The video What is Engineering?, can be used to reinforce student understanding of what an
engineer is and the work that they do:
Allow them to Think-Pair-Share their ideas to the questions. Some students may only be familiar
with certain kinds of engineers.
Explain the role of Environmental Engineers
Environmental engineers develop equipment and procedures to help reduce environmental
hazards. Environmental engineers have the task of finding solutions to protect and clean up the
environment, keeping Earths water and land healthy for plants and animals and future
Use the Engineering Design Process NOS p. 13 to introduce students to the EDP
It might be helpful to project the EDP or to create and post a class anchor chart of the EDP
If needed, the video The Engineering Process: Crash Course #12.2, can be used to explain the
**Be sure that students understand, as indicated by the arrows on the chart, that engineers do
not necessarily follow the steps in a specific order.
Creating the model oil spill
Students will pour 300mL of water into an aluminum pan or plastic container
They will then add 20 mL of colored oil to the water, creating a model oil spill.
Colored oil can be created by mixing a few drops of food coloring or 3 mL (4 g) of
cocoa powder to the vegetable oil.
Distribute the Oh No! What a Disaster - Oil Spill Clean-Up handout.
Students will use the handout to complete the challenge.
Provide students with an opportunity to examine the materials prior to them starting their
solutions. Give any restrictions (limits on number materials that can be used, time constraints,
Students will follow the Engineering Design Process to:
Identify the problem
Brainstorm possible solutions
Design their solutions
Construct a prototype
Test and evaluate their prototype
Students will evaluate their prototypes using the scale provided. Please note that a
score of 5 indicates most effective, while a score of 1 is least effective.
After students have tested and evaluated their prototype, they should dump their oil
spills into the large class bucket. Remind students to not put the mixture in the sink.
Engineers typically make many iterations of their prototype before they have a final
product ready for manufacturing and distribution. However, due to time constraints,
there may not be time for students to redesign and create multiple prototypes. As an
alternative, you can provide students with a few minutes to reflect and discuss changes
and modifications they could make to their prototypes to refine and perfect their
Communicate Results
Students will communicate their results. Groups should share their results with the

After the groups have tested and completed gathering their data, they will need to clean up the area and
dispose of the mixture. Clean up of the materials may occur before the redesign and communicating the
results (if students will not be creating a new prototype) .
The mixture should NOT be disposed of in the sink or down the drain. Students should be instructed
to seal the mixture in a plastic container or bag and throw it away, or empty the mixture in the grass away
from the building. The vegetable oil, in the small amounts used for this activity, are not harmful to the

Engineering Design Process

Name _________________________________________________ Date _______________________

Group Members _____________________________________________________________________________

Oh No! What A Disaster! - Oil Spill Clean Up

Engineering Design Process Handout

You are part of a team of engineers that has been given the challenge of containing and cleaning up an oil spill in the
Chesapeake Bay. As engineers, you will use the Engineering Design Process to complete your work.

Identify/Define the Problem: What is the problem that your team has to solve?

Research the problem and brainstorm a solution.
Think about the following questions:
How large is the spill? What materials are available for the team to use?
Are there restrictions on the number of materials that can be used?
What is the difference between containing and cleaning up the spill? Do you have to consider animal or
plant life when designing your solution?
Have you ever cleaned up a spill or mess before? How might those methods work when cleaning up an oil

Discuss with your team of engineers how you might contain and clean up the oil spill. Brainstorm several ideas and
possible solutions for containing and cleaning up the spill, making note of them in the space below.

Containment Solution Clean-Up Solution

Design a Solution
Once you have agreed and decided on a solution, draw a sketch of what you plan to create. Label all parts of your
design and be sure to indicate the materials you plan to use. **You will not need to use all of the materials.

Containment System

Materials Required

Clean-Up System

Materials Required:

Construct a Prototype
A prototype is an early sample or working model of a product that is used for testing. Prototypes allow you to test how
your solution will work, whether it will accomplish the task or break, and even allows engineers to show the solution
to users for feedback. A prototype is not the same thing as a model. A model is used to demonstrate or explain how a
product will look or function. A prototype is used to test different working aspects of a product before the design is
finalized. Your team build a prototype to determine if your chosen design solution is feasible and which aspects of
your design need special materials or further refinement.

Test and Evaluate

Does your prototype work? Your team will have an opportunity to test your containment and clean-up systems. As a
team, discuss and rate the effectiveness of your oil spill containment and clean-up plan using the following scale:

Oil Containment
No change, the oil is
not contained at all
Oil is completely About of the oil is About of the oil is About of the oil is and is spread across
contained to one contained contained contained the entire surface of
area the water

5 4 3 2 1

Oil Clean-Up
No change, the
water is as oily as at
Water is completely About of the oil About of the oil About of the oil the beginning of the
clear of all oil remains remains remains challenge

5 4 3 2 1

Think about how effective your design was to contain and clean-up the oil spill. How could you improve your
solution? After testing, engineers use the results and feedback to make improvements to their initial prototype. Use
the space below to note any changes that could be made to your design to improve its functionality and usefulness.
Explain how these changes would help to improve your design.

Communicate Results
Professional engineers always communicate their findings to the community in a report or display board, thoroughly
documenting their solutions and any challenges they faced. Use the space below to write a one or two paragraph
summary of your design process. You may include a sketch of the re-design on a separate sheet of paper. Some
questions to consider answering as part of your summary are:
Did you succeed in removing all the oil from the oil spill? What rating did your team give your design?
If you had to do it all over again, how would your team have improved your containment system? Why?
If you had to do it all over again, how would your team have improved your clean-up system? Why?
What other materials do you think would have helped speed up your containment or clean-up?
Did you decide to revise your plan while actually doing the containment or clean-up? Why?
Why might a team of engineers change their planned approach to an oil spill clean-up once arriving on the


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