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Samantha Ravens

303 N Main St
Pleasant Hope, MO 65725
October 19, 2017

To Whom It May Concern:

I am writing to recommend Crystal Thompson. Crystal has been a student in my classes

for two years, receiving high grades in a course that specializes in research and a course that
specializes in literacy. In both courses, Crystal made a strong and impressing impression.

My recommendation for Crystal comes based on her excellent levels of achievement,

motivation, and ability. Crystal is an outstanding student with all of the personal faculties
required to succeed in any endeavor. She has a healthy amount of curiosity, and the tenacity to
uncover the truth in any situation, which makes her ideal for any form of research. Her writing
skills are guided by her intrinsic dedication to excellence; she is willing to undertake the, at
times, tenuous process of revision in order to create the most perfect product possible.

While many people have the ability to do well, Crystal wants to succeed. This
motivation sets her apart from her peers, who may be satisfied by lesser levels of achievement.
Crystal is highly efficient in her work process, completing tasks to a high level of quality without
wasting extraneous time that could be better spent elsewhere. In the time that I have been her
teacher, I have been continually impressed by her performance, and I am confident
recommending her in any capacity.

Please contact me if you have questions,

Samantha Ravens

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