Programme JCC2017

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04 80
Edito Regard sur le Cinma Tunisien
Editorial View on Tunisian Cinema

09 Longs Mtrages de Fiction
Film douverture Feature Narrative Films
Opening Film
Longs Mtrages Documentaires
12 Feature Documentary Films
Jury Comptition Longs Mtrages et Courts Mtrages de Fiction
Feature and Short Narrative Films Competition Jury Courts Mtrages de Fiction et Documentaires
Short Narrative and Documentay Films

Jury Comptition Longs Mtrages et Courts Mtrages Documentaires 102
Jury Feature and Short Documentary Competition Carthage Cin-Promesse

21 Comptition Premire uvre Prix Taher Cheriaa Cinmas du monde
Debut Film Competition Taher Cheriaa Award World Cinema

24 123
Comptition Officielle Longs Mtrages de Fiction Cinmas dAsie
Official Feature Narrative Competition Asian Cinema

39 134
Comptition Officielle Longs Mtrages Documentaires Cinmas dAmrique Latine
Official Feature Documentary Competition Latin American Cinema

54 139
Comptition Officielle Courts Mtrages de Fiction Focus
Official Short Narrative Film Competition
Focus Algrie

63 Focus on Algeria
Comptition Officielle Courts Mtrages Documentaires
Official Short Documentary Film Competition Focus Afrique du Sud
Focus on South Africa
Sances Spciales Focus Core du Sud
Special Screenings Focus on South Korea

71 Focus Argentine
Slection Officielle Longs Mtrages Hors Comptition Focus on Argentina
2 Official Feature Films Selection Out Of Competition 3
Slection Officielle Courts Mtrages Hors Comptition
Official Short Films Selection Out Of Competition




4 5
Le festival des Journes Cinmatographiques The Carthage Film Festival (JCC) has just cele-
de Carthage vient de fter son 50me anni- brated its 50th anniversary.
Le doyen des festivals africains et arabes The dean of African and Arab Film Festivals re- ,
reste une plateforme incontournable pour la mains an essential platform for the promotion of
promotion des cinmatographies pour les- the cinematography for which it was dedicated;
, . ,
quelles il a t ddi, les cinmatographies African and Arab Cinema. Its militant inspiration
africaines et arabes. Son inspiration militante was somewhat blunted in view of the overall
sest certes quelque peu mousse, eu gard disenchantment resulting from the minimalist po- ,
au dsenchantement ambiant d la politique licies of most African and Arab governments in the
minimaliste de la plupart des gouvernements field of cinema. But the JCC remain a key asset
africains et arabes en matire de cinma. Mais in this battle, as it has been for decades. We just ,
les JCC restent un atout matre dans cette have to keep the faith.
bataille, comme elles lont t pendant des And my faith is very strong! 28
dcennies. Il suffit dy croire. What can I offer to a festival that has given us . ,
Et jy crois fermement ! so much?
Que puis-je offrir un festival qui nous a tant
donns ? I believe that the first thing to do is to return to
the fundamental objectives of the JCC, which are
Je crois que la premire chose faire est de today more relevant than ever:
revenir aux objectifs fondamentaux des JCC, .
qui sont plus que jamais dactualit : - The promotion of African and Arab films and ci- :
- La promotion des cinmatographies et des nematography, strengthening competitions, re-es- ...
films africains et arabes, en renforant les tablishing the competition for documentary films,
comptitions, en rtablissant la comptition doubling the prizes, multiplying the focus on inno- , ,
des films documentaires, en doublant les prix, vative experiences. ,
en multipliant les focus sur les expriences , ,
innovantes. - Strengthening the networking of operators in the , ,
- La mise en rseau des oprateurs du secteur sector in order to be a real force of proposal. ,
en vue dtre une vraie force de proposition. - The organization of useful innovative debates for
- Lorganisation de dbats innovants et utiles both the industry and film enthusiasts.
la profession et aux cinphiles. The JCC will also be a tri-continental festival, with

an emphasis on the extremely vibrant cinemas of
Les JCC seront galement un festival triconti- Asia and Latin America.
nental, faisant la part belle aux cinmatogra- The objective is to show the golden public of the
phies dAsie et dAmrique Latine, extrme- JCC and our guests, new cinematographic expe-
ment vivantes. riences in our regions, but also in countries that
Lobjectif est de donner voir au public des are so similar to us and that we barely know
JCC, un public en or, aux invits, des exp-
riences cinmatographiques nouvelles, dans The 28th session of the JCC will be more focused,
nos contres, mais aussi dans les pays qui both in films and in screenings spaces, and it will
nous ressemblent et que nous connaissons si be a celebration, the celebration of cinema.
La 28me session des JCC sera plus concen-
tre tant au niveau des films que des espaces,
et consacrera la fte,
6 la fte du cinma. 7

Nejib Ayed Nejib Ayed

Directeur Gnral du Festival General Director
Un festival, cest des films et un public : Car- A successful festival has two main elements,
thage ces deux fusionnent allgrement. films and audiences. Carthage mixes both
Les Journes Cinmatographiques de Carthage wonderfully.
ont russi depuis plus de 50 ans construire un
capital unique au monde. UN PUBLIC FIDLE. The Carthage Film Festival has been successful
Cest pour ce public, curieux ou connaisseur, for more than 50 years by securing a worldly
que le comit artistique a choisi des films, pour unique asset: A FAITHFUL AUDIENCE.
cette session, destins notamment la com- For this curious and knowledgeable audience,
ptition officielle et aux autres sections, et ce,
guid par un seul mot dordre : Dfendre la
the artistic committee has chosen films, guided
by a single motto: defend creativity and a right
cration et le droit de ce public dy accder. La for the public to access it. This years rich
riche production ligible cette anne a rendu ce
choix difficile.
production has made the choices difficult.
The films of the 28th session reflect the dyna-
Film douverture
Les films de la 28me session des JCC refltent
mics of African and Arab cinema. Cinema with
a new message, competitive in facing movies Opening Film
en effet la vie dynamique du cinma africain et from others areas. It has distinguished itself by
arabe ; un cinma porteur dun nouveau souffle, its outstanding artistic and technical quality.
concurrentiel de nimporte quels produits ve- Cinema that is acknowledged by professionals,
nus d'ailleurs. Il a acquit sa lgitimit par sa winning awards in the biggest festivals around
qualit artistique et technique et par la re- the world.
connaissance internationale, sans conteste, des
professionnels. Ce qui lui a valu dtre couron- Since its creation, the J.C.C, has been a platform
n dans les plus grands festivals. to screen films that wouldnt stand a chance to
Les JCC depuis leur cration, donnent gale- be seen elsewhere. Films that address movie
ment voir de nombreux films parfois exclus buffs and demanding viewers.
des crans d'ailleurs, et qui auront loccasion Whether it originates from the Maghreb or the
comme dhabitude de se confronter au public Near East, from Senegal, Zimbabwe or South
averti, cinphile et exigeant. Africa, the 2017 official selection is in synch
with the philosophy of this elderly and
Que ces films viennent du Maghreb, du Proche prestigious festival: Selected films must carry
Orient, du Sngal, du Zimbabwe ou dAfrique a message.
du Sud, la slection officielle de la session 2017, This year, the JCC is also proud to focus on four
se veut limage de ce festival des plus anciens, guests of honor: Algeria, South Africa, Argentina
et miroir de ses cinmatographies originales. and South Korea, in addition to films from Latin
America and Asia and other parts of the world.
Les JCC accueillent galement cette anne Feature films and documentaries, long and
et avec fiert, une slection venue dAlgrie, short films, regardless of their form and genre,
dAfrique du Sud, dAmrique Latine, dAsie et the films are spot on, on hot and current issues.
dautres cinmatographies du monde. From immigration to inequality and integration,
Fictions ou documentaires, longs ou courts m- they carry a message of love, peace and tole-
trages, peu importe la forme ou le genre, les rance.
films proposs au public voquent des thma-
tiques actuelles telles que la migration, linjus- Discuss, criticize, vote and animate this festival
tice et lintgration et sont porteurs de mes- by your vivacity and your love for cinema.
sages damour, de paix et de tolrance.
Discutez, critiquez, votez, nourrissez encore et The Carthage Film Festival is nurtured by your
encore ce festival par votre vivacit et votre passion.
Les JCC se nourrissent de votre passion pour
8 le 7me Art. 9

Lamia Belkaied Guiga Lamia Belkaied Guiga

Dlgue Gnrale General Delegate

Genre / : L.M Fiction 1996

2017 .
Dure / Duration / : 72min 2005 1996 1989 : .
Pays / Country / : 2008

Casting / :
Amr Waked - Ghassan Massoud Rashid Masharawi vit et travaille Ramallah o il a cr le Centre de Pro-
Ramzi MAQDISI - Areen Omari duction et de Distribution Cinmatographique en 1996 pour promouvoir le
Yumna Marwan cinma local. Il sponsorise galement un cinma mobile qui lui permet de faire
des projections dans les camps de rfugis. Il organise rgulirement des lec-
Scnario / Script / :
Rashid Masharawi tures et forums de discussions au Centre Culturel Al-Matal. Il est galement
Ibrahim Mozain connu pour ses fictions et documentaires pour lesquels il a t rcompens
plusieurs fois. Parmi ses films: The Shelter, (1989), Haifa (1996), Wai-
DOP / : ting, (2005) et Laila's Birthday (2008).
Sofian El Fani

Montage / Editing / :
Mehdi Barsaoui
Rashid Masharawi lives and works in Ramallah, where he founded the Cinema
Pascale Chavance Production and Distribution Center in 1996 with the aim of promoting local film
productions. He also sponsors a mobile cinema, which allows him to screen films in
Production : Palestinian refugee camps. He directed among other films: The Shelter, (1989),
Haifa (1996), Waiting, (2005) and Laila's Birthday (2008).


Le film se droule en une nuit. Cinq Palestiniens sont pigs dans un petit
appartement pendant la guerre sur la Bande de Gaza. Les divisions politiques
et sociales entre eux, l'intolrance religieuse et le manque d'acceptation de
l'autre en dpit de la diffrence, sont des facteurs qui vont au-del de leur
solidarit et affaiblissent leur rsistance contre l'occupation isralienne.

The film takes place in one night. Five Palestinians are trapped inside a small apart-
ment during the war on Gaza Strip. Political and social divisions among themselves,
and religious intolerance, and the lack of acceptance of the other despite the diffe-
rence, are factors that go beyond their solidarity and weaken their resistance against
the israeli occupation.

10 11

Jury Comptition Longs Mtrages et Courts Mtrages de Fiction
Feature and Short Narrative Films Competition Jury

Jacques DORFMANN France

Flicit WOUASSI Cameroun

Rabiaa BEN ABDALLAH Tunisie

Hassan BEN JELLOUN Maroc


Michel KHELEIFI Palestine Jacques Dorfmann

Mama KEITA Sngal . . 1945 2

" " .

1992 .1981

2001 1992
Pablo CSAR Argentine
N le 2 dcembre 1945 Toulouse, Jacques Dorfmann est un producteur, scnariste,
ralisateur et acteur Franais. Il est le fils de Robert Dorfmann, galement producteur.
Il suit d'abord les traces de son pre -souvent avec succs- en produisant des films
comme l'Arme des ombres de Jean-Pierre Melville et La guerre du feu de Jean-
Jacques Annaud, qui a obtenu le Csar du meilleur film en 1981. Avant de passer la
ralisation et la mise en scne en 1987 avec Le palanquin des larmes ensuite avec
Agaguk (Shadow of the Wolf) en 1992 et avec Vercingtorix : La Lgende du Druide
Roi en 2001.

Born on December 2nd, 1945 in Toulouse, Jacques Dorfmann is a French producer, scriptwriter,
12 director and actor. He is the son of Robert Dorfmann, who is also a producer. He followed his 13
father's path successfully, producing films such as Jean-Pierre Melville's "Arme des ombres"
and Jean-Jacques Annaud's "La guerre du feu" which won the Csar Award for best film in
1981, before starting directing in 1987 with "Le palanquin des larmes" then with "Agaguk
(Shadow of the Wolf)" in 1992 and "Vercingtorix: La Lgende du Druide Roi" in 2001.
Flicit Wouassi Pablo Csar

. 8 .
. 12 35 1987 .
Pablo Csar est un ralisateur et producteur Argentin. Il a commenc faire
Flicit Wouassi est ne au Cameroun et a grandi Paris. Le thtre est sa du cinma lge de 13 ans, avec des courts mtrages films en Super 8. En
premire passion, et cest en la voyant sur scne dans Jje soussign Cardiaque 1987, il a ralis son premier long mtrage en 35mm. Il est aujourdhui son
de Sony Labou Tansi, que le ralisateur Thomas Gillou lui propose le rle 12me film. Il a fait des coproductions entre lArgentine et divers pays de
dAnisette dans le dsormais classique Black micmac en 1986. Le film la lAfrique ainsi que lInde. Pablo Csar est Professeur lUniversit de Cinma
rvle au grand public. Pices de thtre et films vont se suivre et lactrice de Buenos Aires depuis 1992.
va faire de belles rencontres, parmi elles: Thomas Gillou, Franois Dupeyron,
Idrissa Oudraogo, Roman Polanski, Sheik Omar Cissoko. Henri Duparc et Pablo Csar is an Argentinian filmmaker and producer. He started making cinema
bien dautres. Flicit Wouassi est aussi ralisatrice et scnariste. when he was 13 years old working in Super 8mm short films.
Born in Cameroon and raised in Paris, Flicit Wouassi first passion is theatre. Its In 1987 he started to make 35mm and up to the moment he directed 12 long
when she played in Je Soussign Cardiaque, the Sony Labou Tansis play, that the feature films. Pablo Csar is an international pioneer in developping co-productions
director Thomas Gillou asked her to play Anisette in his classical Black micmac in between his home country, multiple African countries and India. Pablo Csar is a pro-
1986. She then met Franois Dupeyron, Idrissa Oudraogo, Roman Polanski, Sheik fessor, teaching in the University of Cinema in Buenos Aires since 1992.
Omar Cissoko and many others. She is also a director and screenwriter.
Michel Khleifi

1980 .
Rabiaa Ben Abdallah 181


. 1987

N en 1950 Nazareth, Michel Khleifi sest rendu Bruxelles partir des

annes 70, o il a suivi des cours de thtre et de cinma. Son cinma est la
fois potique et politique, mlant le rel la mmoire. En 1980, il ralise son
premier long mtrage La Mmoire fertile et a co-ralis avec Eyal Sivan
Route 181 qui a t prim au Festival International de Cinma Indpendant
Rabia Ben Abdallah est une actrice et professeure dart dramatique Tunisienne. de Buenos Aires et au Festival International du Film Documentaire de Yamaga-
De Halfaouine de ferid Boughdir au Printemps Tunisien de Raja Amari en ta. Son film Cantique des pierres a obtenu en 1991 le mme prix Yamagata.
passant par La saison des hommes de Moufida Tlatli, sans oublier Fleur Michel Khleifi a remport le prix FIPRESCI du Festival de Cannes pour son film
doubli de Selma Baccar, elle incarne divers rles au cinma et obtient plu- Noces en Galile (1987).
sieurs prix dinterprtation dans divers festivals internationaux. Born in 1950 in Nazareth, Michel Khleifi moved to Brussels in the 70s, where he at-
tended theater and film courses. His cinema is both poetic and political, mixing reality
with memory. In 1980, he released his first feature film Fertile Memory. In addition,
14 he co-directed with Eyal Sivan Route 181 which was awarded at the International 15
Rabia Ben Abdallah is a Tunisan actress and professor of Dramatic Arts. She played Independent Film Festival of Buenos Aires and the InternationalDocumentary Film
various characters in many movies: Ferid Boughdirs Halfaouine, Raja Amaris Prin- Festival from Yamagata. His film Song of the Stones received in 1991 the same
temps Tunisien, Moufida Tlatlis La Saison des Hommes and not forgetting Salma prize in Yamagata. Michel Khleifi has won several prizes at prestigious international
Baccars Fleur dOubli . She won several awards for her roles at various interna- festivals for his film Noces en Galile (1987) the FIPRESCI Prize at the Cannes
tional festivals. Film Festival.
Mama Keta

, . 1956
, 1991 :
Jury Comptition Longs Mtrages et Courts Mtrages Documentaires
Jury Feature and Short Documentary Competition
Mama Keita est un scnariste, ralisateur et producteur Franais dorigine
Guinenne et n Dakar au en 1956 au Sngal. Il a ralis de nombreux film
comme: Ragazzi (1990), Le 11me commandement (1997), Le Fleuve
(2002), Le sourire du serpent (2007) et Labsence (2009) qui a reu le
prix du scnario au 21me Fespaco.
Thierry MICHEL Belgique

Mama Keita is a french scriptwriter, director and producer of Guinean origins. He Baba DIOP Sngal
is born in Dakar, Senegal in 1956. Among his movies we name: Ragazzi (1990),
Le 11me commandement (1997), Le Fleuve (2002), Le sourire du serpent
(2007) et Labsence (2009) which was awarded with Best Script Prize at the 21th Jihane EL TAHRI Egypte

Tarak BEN ABDALLAH Tunisie

Grard PEARY tats-Unis

Hassan Ben Jelloun


Hassan Ben Jelloun est scnariste, ralisateur et producteur Marocain. Il est

laurat du Conservatoire Libre du Cinma Franais. Hassan Ben Jelloun a r-
alis neuf longs mtrages et des tlfilms. Il traite de sujets varis tels que les
droits de la femme, les annes de plomb, lexode des juifs marocains. Plusieurs
prix lui ont t dcerns.

Hassan Ben Jelloun is a Moroccan scripwriter, director and producer. He is graduated

of the Conservatoire Libre du Cinma Franais. Hassan Ben Jelloun has directed nine
feature films and TV movies. Working on various subjects such as women rights, the
16 17
years of lead, the exodus of Moroccan Jews, he won multiple prizes and awards.
Jihane El Tahri

1990 . ART BBC

PSB . .
Features Africa
Jihan El Tahri est une ralisatrice gyptienne rcompense dans plusieurs festi-
vals, elle est galement productrice, scnariste et artiste visuelle. En 1990, elle
a commenc raliser et produire des documentaires pour ARTE, la BBC, PBS.
Son film le plus rcent, Nasser a t slectionn en 2016 au Festival Inter-
national de Toronto. Jihan est aussi engage auprs de plusieurs associations et
institutions travaillant avec le cinma Africain.

Jihan El Tahri is an Egyptian director who has been awarded in many festivals. She
is also producer, screenwriter and visual artist. In 1990, she started directing and
producing documentaries for the BBC, PBS and ARTE. Her most recent documentary
Nasser was premiered in the official selection at Toronto International Film Festival
in 2016. Jihan is also engaged in various associations and institutions working with
African cinema, especially.
Thierry Michel

Baba Diop

. .
( ) .
2008 .
Cinaste, photographe et journaliste. Des mines de charbon aux prisons, du Brsil et
du Maghreb lAfrique noire, Thierry Michel dnonce les dtresses et les rvoltes du
monde, mlant parfois fiction et ralit. Il a ralis deux longs-mtrages de fiction et
de nombreux documentaires internationalement reconnus, prims et diffuss. Thierry
Michel est aujourdhui professeur. Il enseigne le cinma du rel lInstitut des Arts Baba Diop est journaliste et critique de cinma. Il enseigne actuellement le
de Diffusion et luniversit de Ligeet dirige galement de nombreux sminaires sur journalisme lISSIC Dakar ainsi qu luniversit Gaston Berger de Saint-
lcriture et la ralisation documentaire partout dans le monde. Il est lauteur de deux Louis. Il est le prsident de lAssociation Sngalaise des Critiques du Cinma
livresqui parlent de lAfrique. (ASCC) et il a t lu en 2008 prsident de la Fdration Africaine de la
Critique cinmatographique (FACC) Dakar.
Director, journalist and photographer, from coal mines to prisons, from Brazil and the Ma-
ghreb to black Africa,Thierry Michel has always denounced peoples distress and shared their Journalist and film critic, Diop Baba currently teaches journalism at the ISSIC in
18 revolts, sometimes in a mixture of fiction and reality. He directed two feature-length fiction 19
Dakar and at the Gaston Berger University in Saint-Louis. He is the president of the
films and many documentaries which have received international recognition and awards and Senegalese Association of Critics of Cinema (ASCC) and in 2008 he was elected pre-
have been shown around the world.Thierry Michel also taught cinema du reel for 20 years sident of the African Federation of Cinematographic Critics (FACC) in Dakar.
at the Institut des Arts de Diffusion in Belgium and now at the University of Lige. He leads
many documentary film writing and directing seminars around the world.Thierry Michel is
the author of 2 books about Africa .
Tarek Ben Abdallah

; :

N Tunis ,Tarek Ben Abdallah a travaill sur un grand nombre de films Italiens
Comptition Premire uvre Prix Taher Cheriaa
et avec plusieurs ralisateurs Italiens et Tunisiens . De Poupe dArgile La Debut Film Competition Taher Cheriaa Award
Lgende de Kaspar en passant par Passion, Bedwin Hacker et Ripero,
il est reconnu en tant que directeur de la photographie en Tunisie et en Italie.

Born in Tunis, Tarek Ben Abdallah has worked on a large number of Italian films and
with several Italian and Tunisian directors. From Poupe dArgile to La Lgende
de Kaspar , Passion , Bedwin Hacker and Ripero , he is known as director
of photography in Tunisia and Italy.

Hakim BEN HAMOUDA Tunisie

Gerald Peary Hela LOTFI Egypte

Rokhaya Niang Sngal

. 9

Gerald Peary est un critique de cinma Nord-Amricain depuis plus de 25

ans. Ses articles de cinma sont publis dans de nombreux journaux, et prio-
diques du monde entier. Il est lauteur de neuf livres sur le cinma et membre
de la Socit des Critiques de Cinma de Boston, de la Socit Nationale des
Critiques de Cinma et de la FIPRESCI. Il a t membre de jurys de critiques
pour plusieurs festivals de cinma travers le monde, notamment Locarno,
Stockholm, Thessoliniki et Berlin. Il a t prsident des jurys de la critique
de nombreux festivals, dont Karlovy Vary, Rotterdam, Turin, Bangkok, Mara Del
Plata et Vienne.

Gerald Peary has been a much-published North American film critic for more than
25 years. His cinema articles have appeared in many newspapers. He is the author
of nine books on the cinema and a member of the Boston Society of Film Critics,
the National Society of Film Critics, and FIPRESCI (the International Film Critics As-
20 sociation). He has served on critics juries at film festivals around the world, including 21
at Locarno, Stockholm,Thessoliniki, and Berlin. He has been president of critics juries
at many festivals, including Karlovy Vary, Rotterdam, Turin, Bangkok, Mara Del Plata,
and Vienna.
Rokhaya Niang

2007 . 2004

Rokhaya Niang est une actrice Sngalaise. Elle fait partie des plus grandes
actrices Sngalaises de sa gnration. Elle a jou dans plusieurs films Snga-
lais dont, Le Prix du Pardon , ralis par Mansour Sora Wade en 2002, et
L'Extraordinaire destin de Madame Brouette , ralis par Moussa Sne Absa
en 2004. En 2007, elle a jou le rle de Rokhaya, dans le long mtrage Teranga
Blues , de Moussa Sne Absa.

Rokhaya Niang is a Senegalese actress. She is one of the greatest Senegalese

actresses of her generation. She has performed in many Senegalese films, inclu-
ding "The Pardon Prize", directed by Mansour Sora Wade in 2002, and "Madame
Brouette's Extraordinary Fate", directed by Moussa Sne Absa in 2004. In 2007, she
played the role of Rokhaya in the feature film "Teranga Blues" by Moussa Sene Absa.

Hakim Ben Hamouda
Hela Lotfi

2007 .

1980 . 2014 " " .
. . 2012 2007

conomiste Tunisien, titulaire dun Doctorat en conomie de lUniversit de Grenoble. Hela Lotfi est ralisatrice , scnariste et productrice gyptienne. Elle est di-
Il a reu en 2007 le prix Alan Powell Indianapolis (USA)pour sa contribution la r- plme de la Facult dconomie et Sciences Politiques ainsi que de lInstitut
flexion sur le commerce et lconomie mondiale. Il tait Ministre de lconomie et des Suprieur du Cinma du Caire. En 2007, elle commence raliser son premier
Finances de 2014 de 2015. Hakim Ben Hamouda est un ancien cinaste amateur. Au d- long mtrage de fiction Sortir au jour . Le film est sorti en 2012 et a rem-
but des annes 1980, il a t le Vice-Prsident de la Fdration Tunisienne des Cinastes port plusieurs prix dont le Tanit de bronze aux JCC.
Amateurs (FTCA) et il a occup le poste de directeur adjoint du Festival International
de Film Amateur de Klibia (FIFAK). Il a crit et ralis des courts mtrages au sein de Egyptian director, screenwriter and producer, Hela Lotfi is a graduate of the Faculty
la FTCA. Tout en poursuivant sa carrire dconomiste dans les institutions internatio- of Economics and Political Science of Cairo and the Cairo Film Institute. Started in
nales, il a crit des critiques cinmatographiques et artistiques dans diffrentes revues . 2007 but released in 2012, "Coming Forth By Day" is her first narrative feature film
Tunisian economist, Hakim Ben Hamouda has a PhD in economics from the University of which won several awards including the Bronze Tanit at the JCC.
Grenoble. In 2007, he received the Alan Powell Award in Indianapolis (USA) for his contribution
22 23
to reflection on trade and global economy. In 2014 he was elected Minister of Economy and
Finance. Hakim Ben Hamouda is passionate about cinema since his young age. In the early
1980s, he was Vice-president of La Fdration Tunisenne des Cinastes Amateurs (FTCA).
He was also the deputy director of the Kelibia International Amateur Film Festival (FIFAK). He
wrote and directed several short films in the FTCA.While pursuing his career as an economist
in international institutions, he has written film and artistic criticisms in various magazines.

Comptition Officielle Longs Mtrages de Fiction
Genre / : L.M Fiction
Official Feature Narrative Competition 2017
Dure / Duration / : 111min

Pays / Country / : Maroc

Casting / :
Aziz Hattab - Latefa Ahrrare

Scnario / Script / :
Hicham Lasri

DOP / :
Kaouther Ben Hania Jean-Pierre Bekolo Faouzi Bensaidi
Tunisie Cameroun Maroc Montage / Editing / :
Mona-Lise Lanfant


LES HIRONDELLES Nidhal Chatta Berni Goldblat
Karim Moussaoui Tunisie Burkina Faso SYNOPSIS
FELICITE Amr Salama Ziad Doueiri
Alain Gomis Egypte Liban, France

Aprs une nime bavure, un flic aigri est envoy par ses suprieurs mcon-
Hicham Lasri Licnio Azevedo Syrie
tents passer une journe sur un pont entre deux quartiers en guerre afin de
Maroc Mozambique
protger le passage hypothtique du cortge Royal.
John Trengove Walid Mattar
Afrique Du Sud Tunisie After yet another blunder, an embittered cop, Daoud, is sent by his dissatised supe-
riors to spend a day on a bridge between two warring neighborhoods to protect the
hypothetical passage of the Royal procession.

Hicham Lasri

2013 2011
2017 2015 2014

Suscitant lintrt du public La Fmis et au Maroc, Hicham Lasri s'est

tourn vers les longs mtrages en 2011 avec The End suivi de C'est
eux les chiens en 2013, The Sea Is Behind en 2014 et Starve Your 25
Dog en 2015.
Brought to public attention at La Fmis (Paris) and in Morocco, Hicham
Lasri started with The End in 2011, followed by Cest eux les chiens
in 2013, The Sea Is Behind in 2014 and Starve Your Dog in 2015.
Headbang Lullaby is his last feature film.

PAN PRODUCTION - Les Films De Lheure Bleue -


Genre / : L.M Fiction Genre / : L.M Fiction

2017 2017
Dure / Duration / : 83min Dure / Duration / : 88min

Pays / Country / : Burkina Faso Pays / Country / :

Afrique Du Sud
Casting / :
Makan Nathan Diarra - Ibrahim Casting / :
Koma - Hamadoun Kassougu Nakhane Toure
Josephine Kankol - Georgette Par
Scnario / Script / :
Scnario / Script / : John Trengove
David Bouchet Thando Mgqolozana - Malusi Bengu

DOP / : DOP / :
Martin Rit Paul Ozgur

Montage / Editing / : Montage / Editing / :

Laurent Snchal Matthew Swanepoel


Ady a 13 ans et ncoute plus son pre qui llve seul. Ce dernier, bout de Xolani, un ouvrier d'usine solitaire, se joint aux hommes de sa communaut dans les
ressources, dcide de confier Ady son oncle Amadou le temps dun t. montagnes du Cap Est pour initier un groupe d'adolescents la virilit. Quand un incon-
tournable initi de la ville dcouvre son secret le mieux gard, la vie entire de Xolani
commence se dmler

Ady, a 13 years old boy, no longer listens to his father who raises him alone. The Xolani, a lonely factory worker, joins the men of his community in The Eastern Cape
latter, running out of resources, decides to entrust Ady to his uncle Amadou for the Mountains to initiate a group of teenage boys into manhood.When a defiant initiate
summer. from the city discovers his best kept secret, Xolanis entire life starts to unravel.

Berni Goldblat John Trengove


Berni Goldblat est un ralisateur Suisso-Burkinab. Il dirige, produit et distri- Le premier long mtrage de John Trengove , The Wound a t
bue des films depuis 1999,principalement documentaires enAfrique. projet en premire au Festival de Sundance en 2017. Durant sa
courte carrire, il a russi remporter 5 Prix du Meilleur Film, un
26 Prix du Public et un Prix du Meilleur Acteur. 27
Berni Goldblat is a Swiss-Burkinabe director. He has directed, produced
and distributed films since 1999, mainly documentaries, in West Africa. John Trengove first feature film The Wound premiered in competition
at Sundance Film Festival in 2017. In its short career, it has gone on
to win 5 Best Film Awards, an Audience Award and a Best Actor award.

Bathysphere Urucu Media -

Genre / : L.M Fiction Genre / : L.M Fiction

2017 2017
Dure / Duration / : 113min Dure / Duration / : 104min

Pays / Country / : Algrie Pays / Country / : Cameroun

Casting / : Casting / :
Mohamed Djouhri Emil AbessoloMbo - XolileTsha-
Sonia Mekkiou - Mehdi Ramdani balala
Nadia Kaci - Hania Amr - Aure Atika
Scnario / Script / :
Scnario / Script / : Jean-Pierre Bekolo
Karim Moussaoui - Maud Ameline
DOP / :
DOP / : Jim Bishop
David Chambille
Montage / Editing / :
Montage / Editing / : Laurette Betolo
Thomas Marchand


. .

Aujourdhui, en Algrie, trois histoires, trois gnrations. Mourad, un promo- Dans un tat appel Free State, lhistoire de trois femmes qui se retrouvent
teur immobilier, divorc, sent que tout lui chappe.Acha, une jeune fille, est ti- autour dun condamn mort. Lune dbarque dEurope pour soutenir le
raille entre son dsir pour Djalil et un autre destin promis. Dahman, un neu- condamn, une autre est la femme du condamn qui gre un Bed & Breakfast
rologue, est soudainement rattrap par son pass, la veille de son mariage. ct de la prison et la dernire qui enseigne le franais la prison.

Algeria today: three stories, three generations. Mourad, a real estate developer di- The story of three women in a state called Free State relates around a man sen-
vorced, feels that everything is escaping him. Acha, a young girl, is torn between her tenced to death. One woman arrives from Europe to support the condemned; ano-
desire for Djalil and another promised destiny. Dahman, a neurologist, is suddenly ther is the condemned mans wife, who runs a Bed & Breakfast next to the prison;
caught up by his past one day before his wedding. and the last one teaches French classes in the prison.

Karim Moussaoui Jean-Pierre Bekolo

" " 70

Karim Moussaoui est lauteur de trois courts mtrages, et dun moyen
Jean-Pierre Bekolo, auteur-ralisateur, a enseign le cinma aux
mtrage Les jours davant particulirement remarqu et finaliste aux
Etats-Unis. Son film Les Saignantes vient dtre slectionn par-
Csar dans la catgorie Meilleur film de court mtrage .
28 mi les 70 classiques de science-fiction par le MOMA aux cts de 29
Karim Moussaoui is the author of three short films and a feature film Spielberg.
Les jours davant, which has been shortlisted and nominated for the
Caesar Awards in the category Best Short Film. Jean-Peirre Bekolo, author and director, taught cinema in the United
States. His film Les Saignantes has just been selected from the among
the 70 science-fiction films by NOMA in the Spielberg ratings.

LES FILMS PELLEAS Jean Pierre Bekolo Sar -

Genre / : L.M Fiction Genre / : L.M Fiction

2017 2017
Dure / Duration / : 123min Dure / Duration / : 106min

Pays / Country / : Sngal Pays / Country / : Maroc

Casting / : Casting / :
Papi Mpaka - Vero Tshanda Beya Mouhcine Malzi - Nadia Kounda
Abdelhadi Taleb - Mouna Fettou,
Scnario / Script / : Nezha Rahil - Faouzi Bensadi
Alain Gomis Mohamed Choubi

DOP / : Scnario / Script / :

Cline Bozon Faouzi Bensaidi

Montage / Editing / : DOP / :

Fabrice Rouaud - Alain Gomis Marc Andre Batigne

Montage / Editing / :
Maxime Garault

. .
. .


Flicit, libre et fire, est chanteuse le soir dans un bar de Kinshasa. Sa vie Abdelkader est vigile et Malika est employe de maison. Ils viennent de se ma-
bascule quand son fils de 14 ans est victime dun accident de moto. Pour le rier et sont fous amoureux. Malgr des problmes dargent, ils rvent dem-
sauver, elle se lance dans une course effrne travers les rues dun Kinshasa mnager ensemble et de vivre leur amour. Un jour Abdelkader va vivre un
lectrique, un monde de musique et de rves. Ses chemins croisent ceux de pisode dune grande violence, une humiliation qui va chambouler leur destin.
Filled with pride and a sense of freedom, Flicit is a night singer in a bar in Kinsha- Abdelkader is a watchman and Malika is a house maid.They were just married and
sa. Her life changed totally when her 14-year-old son had a motorcycle accident.To are madly in love. Despite money problems, they dream of moving in and starting
save him, she embarks on a frenetic race through the streets of an electric Kinshasa, their love life together. One day Abdelkader is going to live an incident of great vio-
a world of music and dreams. Her path crosses that of Tabus. lence, a humiliating experience that will ruin their destiny.

Alain Gomis Faouzi Bensaidi

1972 ,2003
. ! ,2006

Alain Gomis est un ralisateur Franco Bissau-Guino Sngalais. Faouzi Bensaidi a ralis Mille Mois , prim au Festival de Cannes. En 2006
Il est n en 1972 en France, o il a grandi. Alain Gomis a ralis son deuxime film www-what a wonderful world participe la Mostra de
30 Tourbillons puis Petite lumire qui ont t slectionns et pri- Venise. Mort Vendre,son troisime long-mtrage a t slectionn Toron- 31
ms dans plusieurs festivals internationaux. to et prim au festival de Berlin.
Alain Gomis was born in 1972 in Paris, France. He is a director and Faouzi Ben Saidi first feature film Mille Mois, had been awarded at Cannes
scriptwriter, known for Aujourdhui (2012), LAfrance (2001) and Film Festival. In 2006 his second film www-what a wonderful world was short-
Flicit (2017). listed at Venice Film Festival. Mort Vendre, his third feature film was selected
in Toronto and was awarded at Berlin Film Festival.
Andolfi Montfleuri Production - Barney production - -

Genre / : L.M Fiction Genre / : L.M Fiction

2017 2017
Dure / Duration / : 110min Dure / Duration / : 93min

Pays / Country / : Liban Pays / Country / : gypte

Casting / : Casting / :
Adel Karam - Kamel El Basha Ahmad Al Fishawy - Basma
Camille Salameh - Diamand Abou Maged El Kedwany - Mahmoud
Abboud - Rita Hayek - Talal El Jurdi El-Bezzawy - Shahira Fahmy

Scnario / Script / : Scnario / Script / :

Ziad Doueiri - Joelle Touma Amr Salama - Omar Khaled

DOP / : DOP / :
Tommaso Fiorilli Ahmed Beshary

Montage / Editing / : Montage / Editing / :

Dominique Marcombe Ahmed Hafez


2009 25
. .

Toni, chrtien Libanais, arrose les plantes de son balcon. De leau scoule Le 25 juin 2009, la nouvelle de la mort de Michael Jackson a boulevers le monde, tou-
accidentellement sur la tte de Yasser, Palestinien. Excd, ce dernier insulte chant plusieurs personnes parmi lesquelles un clerc islamique (cheikh) dont le surnom
Toni. Bless dans sa dignit, Toni dcide dattaquer Yasser en justice. Souvre lcole tait Jackson . Mais, quest ce quun prdicateur a en commun avec le Roi
alors un long procs o laffrontement prend une dimension nationale. de la Pop ?

In todays Beirut, an insult blown out of proportions finds Toni and Yasser in court. On the 25th of June 2009, the news of Michael Jacksons death took the world
From secret wounds to traumatic revelations, the media circus surrounding the case by storm affecting many people, especially an Islamic cleric whose nickname was
puts Lebanon through a social explosion, forcing Toni and Yasser to reconsider their Jackson during his school days. But what does a preacher have in common with
lives and prejudices. the King of Pop?

Ziad Doueiri Amr Salama

20 . . :
1986 . :

Le premier long mtrage de Ziad Doueiri West Beirut (1988), a Amr Salama est un jeune crivain et ralisateur Egyptien dont les uvres
remport de nombreux prix dans les festivals de cinma et a t incluent la pice de thtre Asmaa, prix AIDS, et la comdie Excusez
soumis aux Oscars. Son drame The Attack (201)2 a suscit la mon franais .
32 controverse mais a t largement salu. 33
Ziad Doueiri, a Beirut-born director, was critically acclaimed for his first Amr Salama is a young Egyptian writer and director whose credits in-
feature film West Beirut (1988), won numerous awards at film fes- clude the prize-winning AIDS drama Asmaa and the comedy Excuse
tivals and was submitted as a candidate for the Academy Awards. His My French.
drama The Attack 2012 faced controversy but was widely praised.

Ezekiel Films - Tessalit Productions Film Clinic - The Producers - -

Genre / : L.M Fiction Genre / : L.M Fiction

2017 2016
Dure / Duration / : 100min Dure / Duration / : 93min

Pays / Country / : Syrie Pays / Country / : Mozambique

Casting / :
Casting / :
Thiago Justino - Matamba Joaquim
Mohamed El Ahmad - Lama Hakim
Absalo Maciel - Mrio Mabjaia
Hussein Abbass - Bashar Ismail
Hermelinda Simela - Melanie de
Karam Shaarani
Vales Rafael
Scnario / Script / : Scnario / Script / :
Joud Said - Samah Kattal Licnio Azevedo
Teresa Pereira
DOP / :
DOP / :
Wael Ezz Al Deen
Frdric Serve
Montage / Editing / : Montage / Editing / :
Rauf Zaza Willem Dias


. 2014

Un homme et son neveu et une femme et sa petite sur de cinq ans, qui Un voyage en train trs dangereux travers le Mozambique dchir par la
viennent de camps politiques diffrents, se trouvent coincs dans la ville d- guerre. Les passagers civils sont harcels par une troupe de soldats mal dis-
truite de Homs pendant la guerre de 2014. Ils luttent sous les feux des belli- ciplins monts bord pour combattre une arme rebelle dans la brousse.
grants. Comment leur amour naissant va les sauver de la mort ?
A man with his nephew and a woman with her five-year-old sister, coming from a
different political background in Syria, are left in the destroyed city of Homs during A very dangerous train journey through war-torn Mozambique. Civilian passengers
the war in 2014. They struggle under the fire and wonder how their rising love will are harassed by a troop of ill-disciplined soldiers on board to fight off a rebel army
save them from death. in the bush.

Joud Said Licnio Azevedo

, 2006 1980

, 2008 2007

2017 2013 2012 2009
N Damas en 1980, Joud Said a fait des tudes de cinma en Licnio Azevedo est un cinaste et crivain Brsilien install au Mo-
France lEcole Louis Lumire. Il ralise deux courts mtrages: zambique. Il participe des ateliers de formation en cinma orga-
Monologue en 2007 et Adieu en 2008. Il ralise ensuite des niss par Ruy Guerra et Jean-Luc Godard lInstitut National de
34 longs mtrages : Once Again en 2009, Mon dernier ami en 35
Cinma du Mozambique.
2012 et En attendant lautomne en 2014.
Joud Said is born in Damascus in 1980. and graduated from Louis Lumire Licnio Azevedo is a Brazilian film-maker and scriptwriter based in Mo-
college in France. He directed two short movies: Monologue in 2007 and zambique. He took part in trainings organized by Ruy Guerra and Jean-
Goodbye in 2008. Once Again (2009), My last friend (2012), and Luc Godard at the National Film Institute of Mozambique.
Waiting for the Fall (2014) are his feature films.
Adamz Production Ebano Multimedia

Genre / : L.M Fiction Genre / : L.M Fiction

2017 2017
Dure / Duration / : 100min Dure / Duration / : 81min

Pays / Country / : Tunisie Pays / Country / : Tunisie

Casting / : Casting / :
Mariam Al Ferjani Abdelmonem Chouayet
Ghanem Zrelli Fatma Nasser

Scnario / Script / : Scnario / Script / :

Kaouther Ben Hania Sophia Haouas

DOP / : DOP / :
Johan Holmquist Mohamed Maghraoui

Montage / Editing / : Montage / Editing / :

Nadia Ben Rachid Fakhreddine Amri


. . 24

. ,

Le film retrace 24 heures de la vie dun Tunisien ordinaire, Mustafa, en prise

Lors d'une fte estudiantine, Mariam, jeune Tunisienne, croise le regard de avec labsurdit du systme. Nous sommes la veille des premires lections
Youssef. Quelques heures plus tard, Mariam erre dans la rue en tat de choc. prsidentielles libres, une chance cruciale pour la jeune dmocratie tuni-
Commence pour elle une longue nuit durant laquelle elle va devoir lutter sienne. Mustapha entretient une relation tumultueuse avec son fils adolescent
pour le respect de ses droits et de sa dignit. Mais comment peut-on obtenir et son pouse qui lui reprochent son manque dambition et son caractre
justice quand celle-ci se trouve du ct des bourreaux ? effac.

During a student party, Mariam, a young Tunisian woman, meets the mysterious The film is about Mustafa, an ordinary Tunisian guy, who is in grips with the absur-
Youssef and leaves with him. A long night will begin, during which shell have to fight dity of the system.We are on the eve of the first free presidential elections, a crucial
for her rights and her dignity. But how can Justice be made when it lies on the side deadline for the young Tunisian democracy. Mustapha has a tumultuous relationship
of the tormentors? with his teenage son and his wife who blame him for his lack of ambition and his
subdued character.

Kaouther Ben Hania Nidhal Chatta

" " ( .
: ( )
" " )2014
)2017( ,)2013( )2009( ,)2009(
Kaouther Ben Hania ralise plusieurs courts mtrages qui se d- Nidhal Chatta est un ralisateur Tunisien n en 1958. Sa filmographie
marquent dans les festivals internationaux. Le Challat de Tunis compte 4 courts mtrages dont Lhorizon englouti (7 prix interna-
est son 1er long mtrage( ACID de Cannes 2014), La Belle et la tionaux) et 4 longs-mtrages : No Mans Love, sa premire fiction
36 37
Meute , son 2me, est prsent Cannes en Slection Officielle (1999) Le dernier mirage (2009) et Zero (2013).
- Un Certain Regard 2017.
Kaouther Ben Hania directed several short films, which had a success- Nidhal Chatta is a Tunisian filmmaker born in 1958. His filmography in-
ful run on the international festival circuit. Challat of Tunis is her first cludes many short movies such as The lost horizon (7 international awar-
feature (Acid - Cannes Film Festival 2014). Beauty & the dogs her 2nd ds) and four feature movies: No mans love, his first feature (1999), The
feature film was in Cannes 2017 Official Selection (Un Certain Regard). Last Mirage (2009) and Zero (2013).

Comptition Officielle Longs Mtrages Documentaires
Genre / : L.M Fiction
2017 Official Feature Documentary Competition
Dure / Duration / : 90min

Pays / Country / : Tunisie

Casting / :
Philippe Rebbot - Mohammed Amine
Hamzaoui - Abir Bennani
Corinne Masiero - Kacey Mottet Klein SYNOPSIS
Scnario / Script / :
Leyla Bouzid - Claude Le Pape
Walid Mattar


Martin Rit
Widad Shafakoj Simplice Herman Ganou Mary Jirmanus Saba
Montage / Editing / : Jordanie Burkina Faso Liban
Lilian Corbeille
Klarahammoud UN FILM DANS LHISTOIRE Nada Mezni Hafaiedh
Syrie Malek Bensmail Tunisie

Raed Andoni MAMAN COLONELLE Njia Ben Mabrouk
Palestine Dieudo Hamadi Tunisie
Nord de la France. Lusine dHerv est dlocalise. Il est le seul ouvrier Rpublique du Congo
sy rsigner car il poursuit un autre destin: devenir pcheur et transmettre HAVIBON
cette passion son fils. Banlieue de Tunis. Lusine est relocalise. Foued, au Hakar Abdulqader OUAGA GIRLS Habib Ayeb
chmage, pense y trouver le moyen de soigner sa mre, et surtout de sduire
la fille quil aime. Les trajectoires dHerv et de Foued se ressemblent et se Iraq Theresa Traore Dahlberg Tunisie
rpondent. Burkina Faso
North of France. Hervs factory is relocated. He seems to be the only one positive KEMTIYU-SEX ANTA
about it as he pursues another dream: becoming a fisherman and transmitting his Ousmane William Mbaye
passion to his son. Tunis suburb. The factory lands here. Foued, unemployed, thinks Sngal Mohamed Siam
its a chance for him to earn money, care for his mother, and especially to seduce Egypte
the girl he loves. The trajectories of Herve and Foued crosses paths and respond to
one another.

Walid Mattar

Walid Mattar dbute le cinma au sein de la Fdration Tunisienne
des Cinastes Amateurs et ralise son premier documentaire Fils
de Tortue en 2005, puis co-ralise avec Leyla Bouzid le court m-
38 trage Sbeh El Khir. Il a ralis quatre autres courts mtrages. 39
Vent du nord est son premier long mtrage.
Walid Mattar began his career at the Tunisian Federation of Amateur
Filmmakers and directed his short documentary Fils de Tortue in
2005, and co-directed with Leyla Bouzid, the short film Sbeh El Khir.
He directed four other short films. Nothern Wind is his first feature
Propaganda Production

Genre / : L.M Documentaire Genre / : L.M Documentaire

2017 2017
Dure / Duration / : 94min Dure / Duration / : 73min

Pays / Country / : Palestine Pays / Country / : Jordanie

Scnario / Script / : Scnario / Script / :

Widad Shafakoj

DOP / : DOP / :
Camille Cottagnoud Ali El-Saadi

Montage / Editing / : Montage / Editing / :

Gladys JOUJOU Yahya Al Abdallah


. .

Pour exorciser ses vieux fantmes, Raed Andoni, rassemble dans un im-
mense sous-sol vide une quipe dhommes travaillant dans le domaine de la Une quipe de jeunes femmes footballeuses qui se lancent dans la plus grande
construction. Comme Raed, tous ont sjourn dans le mme centre dinter- tape de leur carrire sportive. Passionnes mais mal-prpares, elles parti-
rogatoire isralien. Puisant dans leurs mmoires personnelles, ils acceptent de cipent la Coupe du Monde Fminine de la FIFA U17.
reconstruire les murs et les histoires de leur prison.

To exorcize the old ghosts haunting him, Raed Andoni gathers a group of construc- A team of young women footballers who embark on the biggest step of their athletic
tion male workers in a huge empty basement. Like Raed, they all stayed in the same career. Passionate but underprepared, they go on to play in the FIFA U17 Womens
Israeli interrogation center. Drawing upon their personal memories, they agree to World Cup.
reconstruct the walls and stories of their former prison.

Raed Andoni Widad Shafakoj

.1998 .

Raed Andoni est n en 1967 en Palestine . Ralisateur et produc- Widad Shafakoj est activiste des Droits Humains et cinaste Jor-
teur autodidacte, il dbute sa carrire en1997. Il fonde la socit dano-Espagnole qui montre un intrt particulier la Jordanie et
de production Dar Films Ramallah et confonde Les Films de aux orphelins jordaniens dans ses films. Shafakoj a realis plusieurs
40 films prims comme ID: 000, The Last Passenger et If You 41
Zayna Paris en 2008.
Meant to Kill Me.
Raed Andoni is a Palestinian director and producer born on 1967. He Widad Shafakoj is Jordanian-Spanish humanitarian activist and film-maker who
started his carrier in the film industry in 1997. In 2008 he cofounded 2 shows a special interest on Jordan and Jordanian orphans in her films. Shafakoj
production firms: Dar Films in Ramallah and Les Films de Zayna in directed several award-winning films such as ID:000, The Last Passenger
Paris. and If You Meant to Kill Me.

Genre / : L.M Documentaire Genre / : L.M Documentaire

2017 2016
Dure / Duration / : 70min Dure / Duration / : 60min

Pays / Country / : Syrie Pays / Country / : gypte

Scnario / Script / : Scnario / Script / :

Klara Hammoud Georgina Van Wellie - Mohamed
DOP / :
Brian Macione DOP / :
Mohamed Siam
Montage / Editing / :
Klara Hammoud Montage / Editing / :
Gladys Joujou


. .2011-2013

83 Peaux dorange est un voyage travers lesprit de Salah, un ancien dtenu Un ralisateur cairote raconte lhistoire de son interaction avec un groupe
Syrien. Cest une scne ouverte pour une reprsentation thtrale et po- de policiers en civil de 2011 2013. En mme temps, le cinaste sattaque
tique, dans laquelle le monde tumultueux dun dtenu politique se dploie de aux problmes de culpabilit et de moralit ainsi quau souvenir de son pre,
faon lyrique. 83 Peaux dorange reprsente lespoir pour Salah par le fait
mme que son histoire soit raconte. ancien enquteur criminel.

83 Orange peels is a journey through the mind of a previous Syrian detainee, A Cairo-based filmmaker tells the story of his interaction with a group of civil poli-
Salah. It is an open stage for theatrical and poetical performance, in which the his- cemen from 2011 to 2013. In the meantime, the filmmaker grapples with issues
torical world of a political detainee is unfolded lyrically. of guilt and morality while reviving the memory of his father, a former criminal

Klara Hammoud Mohamed Siam

2012 . .

Clara Hammoud est une cinaste Syrienne. Durant les 12 dernires
Mohamed Siam est ralisateur, producteur et directeur de la photogra-
annes elle a collabor avec plusieurs radios arabes. En 2012, elle phie ayant reu plusieurs subventions internationales lappui de ses pro-
42 fuit la Syrie pour sinstaller aux USA dans lespoir de poursuivre jets de films. Ses films sont slectionns Karlovy Vary, NYFF, Hot Docs 43
son parcours vers une cration plus libre. & IDFA

Klara Hammoud is a Syrian filmmaker who, over the past twelve years, Mohamed Siam a director, producer and director of photography. He received
has worked as a TV correspondent and radio broadcaster with many arab several international grants in support of his film projects. His films are selected
radio stations. In 2012, Klara fled Syria and relocated to the United States, in Karlovy Vary, NYFF, Hot Docs & IDFA. s
seeking artistic and creative freedom.
Bidayyat:Mrs Tveen Hovivian ArtKhana

Genre / : L.M Documentaire Genre / : L.M Documentaire

2016 2017
Dure / Duration / : 94min Dure / Duration / : 78min

Pays / Country / : Sngal Pays / Country / : Burkina Faso

Scnario / Script / : Scnario / Script / :

Ousmane William Mbaye Simplice Herman Ganou

DOP / : DOP / :
Jean Diouf Oumar Ba; SimpliceGanou

Montage / Editing / : Montage / Editing / :

Laurence Attali Isabelle Feder


"" .
. . .

Kemtiyu dresse le portrait de Cheikh Anta Diop, savant prcurseur, insa- Polo est un enfant de la rue depuis lge de 12 ans. Il en a maintenant 29 et est
tiable de connaissances, mais aussi homme politique intgre et clair. Ce film en qute dun travail. Trouver le moindre travail ncessite davoir une pice
raconte le combat dun homme qui passera toute son existence en qute de didentit. Pour avoir une carte didentit il faut un acte de naissance. Le sien
vrit et de justice, afin de redonner lAfrique une conscience historique et est en possession de son oncle, rest dans leur village natal.
une dignit.

Kemtiyu depicts Cheikh Anta Diop, eminent researcher with an insatiable thirst Polo has been roaming in the streets of Ougadougou since the age of 12. Today he
for knowledge, but also an enlightened political figure. This film tells the struggle is 29 and is desperately looking for a job. Any job requires having an ID.To have an
of a man who fought his entire life for truth and justice in order to restore Africas identity card requires a birth certificate which was left behind with his uncle in the
historical consciousness and dignity. village.

Ousmane William Mbaye Simplice Ganou Herman

. .1974
1979 2010 .
2000 .

Ousmane William Mbaye est un ralisateur Sngalais, Il dmarre comme assistant de Sem- Simplice Herman Ganou, n en 1974, est ralisateur et scnariste Burki-
bene. En 1979 il ralise son premier court-mtrage,Tanit dOr aux JCC. Depuis les annes nab qui a travaill comme ducateur avec les enfants de la rue. Il intgre
44 2000, il se spcialise dans le documentaire, rvlant la mmoire mconnue du Sngal. le Master de Ralisation Documentaire lUniversit Gaston Berg de 45
Ousmane William Mbaye is a Senegalese director,. He first started as Sembenes assis- Saint Louis du Sngal en 2010.
tant. In 1979 he made his first short film, awarded with the GoldenTanit at Carthage
Film Festival. Since 2000, he has started working on documentaries, revealing the hidden
Simplice Herman Ganou was born in August 1974. He is director and screenwriter
memories of Senegal. in Burkina Faso and worked as an educator of street children. He joined an MA in
Documentary Filmaking at the Gaston Berg University of Saint Louis in Senegal
in 2010.
AUTOPRODUCTION - LES FILMS MAME YAND Til Fari Docs Productions- Quilombo films

Genre / : L.M Documentaire Genre / : L.M Documentaire

2017 2017
Dure / Duration / : 72min Dure / Duration / : 69min

Pays / Country / : Pays / Country / :

Rpublique du Congo Iraq

Scnario / Script / : Scnario / Script / :

Dieudo Hamadi Hakar Abdulqader

DOP / : DOP / :
Dieudo Hamadi Kawa Hadi

Montage / Editing / : Montage / Editing / :

Anne Renardet Hakar Abdulqader



La Colonelle Honorine travaille au sein de la police Congolaise o elle est Aprs sa fuite dISIS Shingal, une mre fait de son mieux pour garder sa fa-
charge de la protection des enfants et de la lutte contre les violences mille unie. Le film raconte aussi son parcours la recherche de son fils perdu.
sexuelles. A travers le portrait de cette femme dun courage et dune tna-
cit hors du commun qui lutte pour que justice soit faite, le film aborde la
question des violences faites aux femmes et aux enfants.
After fleeing from ISIS to Shingal, a mother tries her best to keep the family together
Colonel Honorine works for the Congolese police where she is responsible for the and at the same time, tries her best to find her lost son.
protection of children and for the fight against sexual violence.Through the portrait
of this woman of extraordinary courage and tenacity who struggles for justice, the
film addresses the issue of violence against women and children.

Dieudo Hamadi Hakar Abdulqader

.2014 10 .

Form dans les ateliers documentaires et les cours de montage, Hakar Abdulqader est un ralisateur Kurde Irakien de films docu-
Dieudo Hamadi ralise deux courts-mtrages documentaires. Son mentaires ayant obtenus plusieurs prix. Il est galement scnariste
premier long mtrage documentaire est ralis en 2013 et le second et responsable du montage. Il travaille depuis 10 ans dans le mon-
46 en 2014. Il a remport des Prix internationaux. tage de nombreux courts mtrages et documentaires. 47
Dieudo Hamadi is graduated in documentary workshops and editing
courses. He directed two short documentaries: the first one in 2013 and Hakar Abdulqader is a Kurdish Iraqi award winning documentary film director,
the second in 2014. He won several international awards. writer and editor. He has worked as an editor for 10 years in many short films,
documentary films .

Cindoc Films : Christian Lelong Shamal Sabri -
Genre / : L.M Documentaire Genre / : L.M Documentaire
2017 2017
Dure / Duration / : 93min Dure / Duration / : 117min

Pays / Country / : Pays / Country / :

Liban Algerie

Scnario / Script / : Scnario / Script / :

Mary Jirmanus Saba Malek Bensmal

DOP / : DOP / :
Karam Ghoussein - Mary Jirmanus Nedjma Berder
Saba - Ziad Shahoud
Montage / Editing / :
Montage / Editing / : Mathieu Bretaud
Louly Seif



Shur akbar minal hobb explore les liens entre rvolution et cinma en Du cur de la Casbah dAlger Rome, de Paris aux Etats-Unis, en sappuyant sur de
partant du combat des travailleurs au Liban entre 1972 et 1973. trs nombreux tmoignages et des archives exceptionnelles, le nouveau film de Malek
Bensmail opre, soixante ans plus tard, un retour passionnant sur un film mythique, qui
na cess de senrichir avec lHistoire.
A Feeling Greater Than Love explores the links between revolution and cinema
and focuses on the workers struggles that might have led to a revolution in 1972/73
in Beirut if they had not been suffocated by ideological battles over the course of From the heart of the Casbah of Algiers to Rome, from Paris to the United States,
the civil war. based on numerous testimonies and exceptional archives, Malek Bensmail's new
film is a gripping remake, sixty years later, of a mythical film, which has never ceased
to be enriched by History.

Mary Jirmanus Saba Malek Bensmal


2017 . .
. .
Les travaux de Mary Jirmanus Saba explorent le mouvement des Malek Bensmal est n en Algrie en 1966. Il tourne des films en super 8 puis
travailleurs dans le monde arabe et les nouvelles possibilits rfor- poursuit des tudes de cinma Paris et St-Petersbourg. Il se consacre au
matrices. Son premier film Shur akbar minal hobb a remport cinma documentaire.Tous ses films sont lis lhistoire contemporaine de
48 son pays. Son style cinmatographique dessine les contours complexes et 49
le prix FIPRESCI Critics au forum Berlinale en 2017.
sensibles de lhumanit.Applaudis par la critique, ses films ont reu des prix
Mary Jirmanus Sabas work explores labor movement in the Arab world and dans de nombreux festivals autour du monde.
new transformative possibilities. Her feature documentary A Feeling Greater Malek Bensmal is born in Algeria, in 1966. He shot films in super 8
Than Love won the FIPRESCI Critics Prize at the 2017 Berlinale Forum. technique and then studied cinema in Paris and St-Petersbourg. He
devoted himself to documentary films. All his films are related to the Cirta film
contemporary history of his country. His cinematographic style depicts
Tricontinental Media the complex and sensitive aspects of humanity.

Genre / : L.M Documentaire Genre / : L.M Documentaire

2017 2017
Dure / Duration / : 83min Dure / Duration / : 60min

Pays / Country / : Pays / Country / :

Burkina Faso Tunisie

Scnario / Script / : Scnario / Script / :

Theresa Traore Dahlberg Habib Ayed

DOP / : DOP / :
Iga Mikler - Sophie Winqvist Marwen Trabelsi & Ahmad essid

Montage / Editing / : Montage / Editing / :

Alexandra Strauss - Margareta Najwa Khchimi


. .

Un groupe de jeunes filles de Ouagadougou tudient dans une cole pour de- Couscous: Les Graines de la Dignit est une rflexion sur les politiques
venir mcaniciennes. La camaraderie de classe devient leur havre de scurit, de dpendance alimentaire poursuivies par tous les gouvernements Tunisiens
de joie et de fraternit, alors quelles traversent la transition vers la pubert, depuis la fin de lpoque coloniale franaise jusqu aujourdhui. Le film se
dans un pays tourment par des changements politiques. concentre sur les conditions politiques, sociales, conomiques et cologiques
des crales et dmontre comment la question de lalimentation est au cur
de la question de la dignit humaine individuelle et collective.
A group of young women from Ouagadougou study at a girl school to become car mecha-
The documentary focuses on the political, social, economical and ecological condi-
nics. Classmating becomes their safety, joy and sisterhood refuge. In the meantime they are
tions of cereal and demonstrates how the food question is in fact at the heart of
going through the life changing transition into adulthood in a country undergoing drastic political
the issue of individual and collective human dignity as well as tunisians local and
national food independence and sovereignty.

Theresa Traore Dahlberg Habib Ayeb

". .8

" " . " :

Theresa Traore Dahlberg a tudi la production cinmatographique. Habib Ayeb est gographe, enseignant et chercheur lUniversit
Son film de fin dtudes, Taxi Sister a t projet dans les festivals inter- Paris 8 en France. Ses domaines de recherche sont assez diversi-
nationaux. Elle a particip diffrents projets de films et dart lchelle fis allant de la rflexion sur les ressources naturelles agricoles
50 internationale. Ouaga Girls est son premier long mtrage. et rurales, jusqu la pauvret et la marginalit, en passant par les 51
changements et mouvements sociaux.
Theresa Traore Dahlberg studied film production. Her graduation film, Taxi Habib Ayeb, geographer, teacher and researcher at the University of
Sister has been screened at several film festivals. Theresa has been involved in Paris 8 in France. His fields of research are quite diverse: Competitions
different film and art projects. Ouaga Girls is her first feature documentary. on agricultural and rural natural resources, poverty and marginality,
changes and social movements.
David Herdies - Momento Film Inside Production

Genre / : L.M Documentaire Genre / : L.M Documentaire

2017 2017
Dure / Duration / : 80min Dure / Duration / : 128min

Pays / Country / : Pays / Country / :

Tunisie Tunisie

Scnario / Script / : Scnario / Script / :

Nada Mezni Hafaiedh Njia Ben Mabrouk

DOP / : DOP / :
Ikbel Arafa Frdric Biegmann

Montage / Editing / : Montage / Editing / :

Tidal Zran - Noura Nefzi Frdric Beigmann


. .

Le documentaire suit le quotidien dAmina Sboui, activiste des Droits Hu- Gafsa 2014, la ville centrale qui accueille les archives et le sige de la Compa-
mains et de ses amis quelle hberge gracieusement chez elle. Leurs vies se gnie des phosphates CPG aprs le passage d'une rvolution attendue depuis
croisent et sentrechoquent , parfois dans la douceur et dautres dans la vio- plus d'un demi-sicle. Aprs avoir plant les racines de cette rvolution et
lence, pour illustrer le parcours dune jeunesse trop souvent rejete pour sa en avoir entretenu l'esprit au prix fort, o en est la situation actuelle ? Quel
non normativit. modle de dveloppement, pour quel avenir ?

The documentary follows the daily life of Amina Sboui, a human rights activist and 2014 in Gafsa, the central town housing both the archives and the CPG phosphate
her friends whom she hosts at her home. Their lives intersects and clashes, some- company; it had been waiting more than half a century for revolution. After planting
times softly and others violently, to illustrate the path of a youth too often rejected the seeds of this revolution and having maintained its spirit at such a high cost,
for its non-normativity. where does the revolution stand at this moment. How has it developed and what is
its future ?

Nada Mezni Hafaiedh Njia Ben Mabrouk


. 1991 1982 " "
2011 " " 2000 " "
." " 2014
Nada se passionne pour le cinma ds lge de 10 ans, et se met
produire des films amateurs en mettant en scne des acteurs qui Njia Ben Mabrouk est diplme en ralisation depuis 1977. Elle a
ne sont autres que ses amis et sa famille. Elle part Montral pour ralis le documentaire "Pour vous servir" en 1982, son premier
52 finir ses tudes en Business Administration mais change rapide- 53
long mtrage de fiction :"La Trace" en 1991, un court mtrage
ment de cursus pour revenir au cinma. "A la recherche de Shama" en 2000, et un long mtrage de fiction
At the age of 10, Nadas hobby was already assumed; she used to pro- "Night in Tunisia" de 2011 2014.
duce amateur films by putting her friends and family as actors. She left Njia Ben Mabrouk studied film directing at INSAS (Brussels) and gra-
to Montreal to finish her studies in Business Administration, but soon duated in 1977. Her first documentary "Pour vous servir" premiered
changed her curriculum to follow her passion for filmmaking. in 1982. She has several feature films such as "The Trace" (1991) and
"Night in Tunisia" (2011 - 2014).
Leyth production - La clairire Production - Orbat Films

Genre / : C.M Fiction
Dure / Duration / : 20min
Comptition Officielle Courts Mtrages de Fiction Pays / Country / :Liban
Casting / :
Official Short Narrative Film Competition Abed El Hady Assaf - Cynthia Khalifeh
Scnario / Script / :
Ghady Rahbani - Karim Rahbani Rahbani Karim
DOP / :
Rachelle Noja

Montage / Editing / :
Sebastien Leclercq .


. Karim Rahbani est issu dune famille de
. 7 musiciens rputs. Il a jou dans plusieurs
ANTANANARIVO TIAKO M-001 pices de thtre et courts mtrages, tout
IANAO Franck A. R. Ounouviet Aissa Djouamaa & Rabah en poursuivant des tudes cinmatogra-
Haminiaina Ratovoarivony Gabon / France Slimani Perdu au Liban avec son grand-pre qui na plus toute sa tte, alors phiques lIESAV USJ de Beyrouth. Il a
ralis deux courts mtrages qui ont t
Madagascar / Etat Unis Algrie quils fuyaient la guerre en Syrie, Abed Al-Hadi, petit garon de 7 ans, projets dans de nombreux festivals.
SACRILEGE doit dsormais jouer les adultes et part en qute dun mdicament Karim Rahbani comes from a family of well-
APNEE Saber Christophe
SYNOPSIS pour rendre la mmoire au vieil homme. known musicians. He took part in several plays
Insaf Arafa Egypte / Suisse Saad Al Essamy and short movies as an actor, while pursuing
Tunisie Iraq Fleeing the Syrian war, an old man and his grandson got lost in Lebanon. Abed filmmaking studies in Beirut. He directed two
TIKITAT-A-SOULIMA Al-Hadi, the 7 years old grandson, is forced to protect and care for his sick short films that were screened at numerous
grandfather. Abed has no choice but to beg on the streets in order to provide film festivals.
CARGO Ayoub Layoussifi Rouge International
Karim Rahbani Maroc / France Mutaz Salloum the old man with the medicine he desperately needs.
Liban / France / Chypre Liban

DEM DEM ! Imne Alnasiri CRACK
Lopy Pape Bouname / Chris- Tunisie Almuhannad Kalthom
tophe Rolin Syrie
Sngal / Luxembourg Genre / : C.M Fiction
Moufida Fedhila Dure / Duration / : 17min
FALLOU Tunisie Ahmad Nader Pays / Country / : Liban
Alassane Sy Egypte Casting / :

Sngal / Royaume-Uni Rodrigue Sleiman - Diamad Abou
Scnario / Script / : Mutaz Salloum
Mutaz Salloum
DOP / :
Fadi Baddour

Montage / Editing / :

Hani Faddoul

Mutaz Salloum est un cinaste Libanais

indpendant. Il a tudi le cinma et la t-
lvision Beirut et a fond et gr Ladies
and Gentlemen Productions. Mutaz est
actuellement bas Paris, o il poursuit
son master La Sorbonne.
54 Pour enrichir la construction dun personnage dune pice de thtre Mutaz Salloum is an independent Lebanese 55
quelle crit, May tente de sintroduire dans une institution psychia- filmmaker. He studied Cinema and TV, foun-
trique. Sa relation avec Radwan se complique. ded and managed Ladies and Gentlemen
Productions and is currently based in Paris,
where he studies at the Sorbonne.
To enrich the construction of a character in a play she writes, May attempts
to break into a psychiatric institution. Her relationship with Radwan becomes
Ladies and Gentlemen Prods
then complicated.
Genre / : C.M Fiction Genre / : C.M Fiction
2017 2017
Dure / Duration / : 20min Dure / Duration / : 24min
Pays / Country / : Irak Pays / Country / : Sngal
Casting / : Casting / :
Saheb Shaker - Abdullah Al Ghaleb Dial Thiam - Lea Kane Lopy Pape Bouname
Alaa Al Obeidi - Raed Al Jaboury Scnario / Script / : Marc Recchia
Scnario / Script / : Saad Al-Essami Collectif Cin Banlieue Dakar
Christophe Rolin
Walaa Al Manaa DOP / :
DOP / : Christophe Rolin
Mohamed Jawad
, Montage / Editing / : (
Montage / Editing / : Marc Recchia ) Cine Ban-
Mustafa Mishan
lieue Dakar.
Ralisateur Irakien et concepteur de films, . Le ralisateur sngalais Pape Bouname
. Saad Al-Essami a son actif de nombreux Lopy, et les ralisateurs Marc Recchia et

films de fiction en lice dans de nombreux Christophe Rolin (Luxembourg et Bel-
gique) se rencontrent Dakar autour dun
festivals de cinma travers le monde. projet dcriture collaborative avec les ci-
Le film raconte lhistoire dun cheikh musulman vivant avec son pe-
tit-fils dans les territoires rcemment librs dISIS en Irak. Le Cheikh nastes de Cin Banlieue Dakar. De cette
Matar, un pcheur Sngalais, trouve un passeport belge sur une plage collaboration nat DEM DEM!.
Iraqi director and film maker, Saad Al-Essami
essaie dapporter de la joie au cur de son petit-fils et dans celui de de Dakar. Il dcide de lutiliser. Sur sa route, il croise NZibou, le fou-sa- The Senegalese director Pape Bouname Lopy
has achieved many feature films which have
ses amis chrtiens qui vivent dans un camp pour les dplacs, mais la vant qui mesure les nuages. Il questionne Matar sur sa qute didentit. and the directors Marc Recchia and Chris-
participated in a large number of film festivals
main du terrorisme lempche de le faire. tophe Rolin (Luxemburg and Belgium) meet
around the world. in Dakar on a collaborative writing project
The film tells the story of a Muslim sheikh living with his grandson in the Matar, a Senegalese fisherman, finds a Belgian passport on a beach in Dakar with the filmmakers of Cine Banlieue Dakar.
recently liberated territories of ISIS in Iraq. The Sheikh tries to bring joy to Haidar Jalwkan and decides to use it. He soon crosses paths with NZibou, half crazy half DEM DEM! is the result of this collabora-
the heart of his grandson and his Christian friends living in a camp for the wise man who measures the clouds and questions the man about his search tion.
Karabala Stalellite Channels Group Mans Films Production
displaced, but the hand of terrorism prevents him from doing so. haidar@karbala-tv-net for identity.

Genre / : C.M Fiction Genre / : C.M Fiction
2017 2017
Dure / Duration / : 13min Dure / Duration / : 16min
Pays / Country / : Egypte Pays / Country / : Gabon . .
Casting / :
Casting / :
Mehdi Jaadi - Jrmie Saber, Nas- Olivier MEssa/Medar Mouele
sim Kheroufi - Samir Khelfaoui Scnario / Script / : Franck A. R.
Scnario / Script / : Christophe Saber Olivier MESSA
Christophe M. Saber DOP / : ONOUVIET
DOP / : Franck A.R. ONOUVIET
Dino Franco Berguglia
Montage / Editing / :

Montage / Editing / : . . / Kamil Olejnik . 2006
Kastos Makrinos

Christophe Saber est n au Caire avec la

nationalit Egypto-Suisse. Il est diplm 07 Franck A. R. Onouviet est n au Gabon en

du Collge Amricain du Caire en 2009. 07 . 1980. En 2006, il a obtenu un Master 2 en
Il a crit de nombreux scnarios et ralis communication visuelle. Franck a poursui-
plusieurs films documentaires et expri- vi sa formation dans le cinma documen-
mentaux. taire New York. Il est diplm de le New
56 On a drob de largent la mosque de Saint-Etienne. Saoud, un chef Emir Didier Ikita Djiwan, plus connu sous le pseudonyme de Edji 07 57
est un cyber activiste. Il dnonce chaque jour les travers des hommes York Film Academy.
de bande, est suspect. Christophe Saber is born in Cairo with an
politiques Africains. Malgr quelques rticences, il publie des informa- Franck A. R. Onouviet was born in Gabon in
Egyptian/Swiss nationality. He graduated from
tions et se fait kidnapper par une police secrte la solde de ltat. 1980. In 2006, he obtained a Master in visual
the American College in Cairo. He wrote and
communication. Franck graduated then in do-
directed several short films as well as docu-
Money has gone missing in the mosque of Saint-Etienne. Saoud, the gang mentaries and experimental films. Emir Didier Ikita Djiwan alias Edji 07 is a cyber activist. Each day he de- cumentary filmmaking in New York. He is also
leader is suspected. nounces the failings of African politicians. Against all odds, he publishes infor- a New York Film Academy alumni.
mations that led to his kidnapped by a secret governmental police.
Salaud Morisset NDEAT

Genre / : C.M Fiction Genre / : C.M Fiction
2017 2017
Dure / Duration / : 29min Dure / Duration / : 25min
Pays / Country / : Maroc Pays / Country / : Sngal
Casting / : Casting / :
Ilyass El Jihani - Fatima Zahra Fallou Galass Dia - Cheryl Walker
Bennacer Scnario / Script / :
Scnario / Script / : Ayoub Layoussifi Alassane Sy Alassane Sy
Hadrien Krasker & Ayoub Layoussif DOP / :
DOP / : Callum Begley
Christophe Persoz
1983 Montage / Editing / :
Montage / Editing / : . Caitlin Bryant
Matthieu Desport 2016
Alassane Sy est un acteur et ralisateur
. . N en 1983 Casablanca au Maroc, Ayoub
Sngalais ayant ralis plusieurs courts
. Layoussifi aime parler de sujets rels et
: . forts qui peuvent toucher un large public. mtrages. Son court mtrage Marabout
a remport le Tanit dor lors des JCC en
Novembre 2016.
Azemmour, Maroc. Pour la dernire sance avant sa fermeture dfi-
Fallou est lhistoire dun jeune homme qui a t envoy du Sngal
nitive, le cinma Marhaba projette Spider-Man 3. Hassan, 11 ans, veut Born in 1983 in Casablanca, Ayoub Layoussifi
absolument y aller. Mais il na pas un centime et sa mre refuse de le is a Moroccan director who aims to talk about vers Londres par un marabout li un groupe dextrmistes religieux. Alassane Sy is a Senegalese actor and director
laisser partir avec ses copains. Peu importe, Hassan na quune seule daily life issues through his films. Fallou va dcouvrir, en mme temps que la ville et son nergie, la mu- of several short movies. His short film Mara-
ide en tte : aller voir le film, cote que cote ! sique et les gens de Londres. bout won the Golden Tanit at Carthage Film
Azemmour, Morocco. For the last screening before closing down, the Marhaba Fallou is the story of a young man who was sent from Senegal to London Festival in November 2016.
cinema is screening Spider-Man 3. Eleven-year-old Hassan really wants to go by a marabout linked to a group of religious extremists. Fallou will discover,
but he is penniless and his mother refuses to give him any. But Hassan must Sur les Toits Productions along with the city and its energy, the music and people of London.
see the film, whatever it takes! Abili Mali - Alassane Sy Sparklebop


Genre / : C.M Fiction Genre / : C.M Fiction
2017 2017
Dure / Duration / : 15min Dure / Duration / : 26min
Pays / Country / : Madagascar Pays / Country / : Syrie
Casting / : Casting / :
Hamy Ratovo - Fenosoa Lova
Samer M. Esmael
Scnario / Script / : Haminiaina Scnario / Script / : Al Mouhannad
Ratovoarivony Haminiaina Wassim Kazkaz, Lara Bdiri - Lina
DOP / : Ratovoarivony Hawarneh Kalthoum
Ratovoarivony Haminiaina DOP / :
Montage / Editing / :
. Basil Sarawlji
, .
Ratovoarivony Haminiaina Montage / Editing / :
. Noor Eddin Kurdi

Al Mouhannad Kalthoum est un cinaste

, Syrien, diplm de lUniversit de Khar-
Haminiaina Ratovoarivony est un ralisa-
teur Malgache. Il a tudi la sociologie et
kov en Ukraine. Il enseigne lUniversit
2009 / 7 ensuite le cinma en France. Hamy habite
de Damas et a fond Laventure cinma-
Alors que la capitale Malgache Antananarivo est dans la tourmente Chicago (USA). Il sest donn comme
mission de crer une nouvelle vague du Le film prsente une tape que les jeunes gnrations syriennes tra- tique, un projet pour les jeunes passion-
dune crise politique, le cinaste Hamy Ratovo lutte contre la censure ns par le cinma et la ralisation.
58 cinma malgache. versent suite la guerre, ses conditions et ses effets ngatifs. Le film 59
de son film en marge des manifestations. Mlant faits rels et fiction, Al Mouhannad Kalthoum is a Syrian filmma-
Haminiaina Ratovoarivony is a filmmaker trace lhistoire de jeunes, vivants dans la ralit virtuelle travers les
Antananarivo tiako ianao (Antananarivo que jaime) revient sur le ker graduated from the University of Kharkov
from Madagascar. After a B.A. in Sociology, mdias sociaux comme Facebook, et qui nont pas russi sencrer
massacre survenu Antananarivo le 7 fvrier 2009. he studied cinema in France. He combined in Ukraine. He teaches at the University of
dans leur propre ralit.
While the Malagasy capital Antananarivo is in the turmoil of a political crisis, his knowledge of social sciences and his love Damascus and founded The cinematic ad-
the filmmaker Hamy Ratovo fights against the censorship of his film in the for images to reflect social problems in his The film presents a stage that the Syrian youth generations are going through venture, a project for youth passionate about
margins of the demonstrations. Mixing real facts and fiction, Antananarivo country. as a result of the war, its conditions and the negative effects it has on them. It cinema and filmmaking.
tiako ianao is the story of the massacre that occurred in Antananarivo on is a story about the youth living in virtual reality using social media, namely, National Film Organization
Zo Ratovoherivony - Amy Productions
the 7th of February 2009. Haminiaina Ratovoarivony - Colorful Films
Facebook, since this youth failed to establish their true reality.
Genre / : C.M Fiction Genre / : C.M Fiction
2016 2017
Dure / Duration / : 27min Dure / Duration / : 23min
Pays / Country / : Algrie Pays / Country / :Tunisie
Casting / :
Tarek Atrous - Wassila Bouchemla
Casting / :
May Berhouma - Afef Ben Mahmoud

Scnario / Script / : Assa Djouamaa Ghanem Zrelli - Bahri Rahali
Rabah Slimani & Aissa Djouamaa Scnario / Script / : Moufida Fedhila
DOP / : Rabah Slimani Moufida Fedhila
Aissa Djouamaa DOP / :
Montage / Editing / : Frida Marzouk
Meher Zitouni . 30
Montage / Editing / :
Sofiene Ben Slimene
Assa Djouamaa et Rabah Slimani sont
. .
producteurs, scnaristes et ralisateurs Moufida Fedhila est ralisatrice et plas-
Algriens. Ils travaillent ensemble depuis ticienne. Son film Hors-Je a t slec-
quelques annes et ont ralis ensemble tionn dans plus de 30 festivals, et a reu
des courts mtrages et des documen- plusieurs prix. Moufida est membre de
taires. lAcadmie Francophone du Cinma. Elle
Tarek est un jeune artiste dou et polyvalent. Passionn par le thtre, Tunis vit Aya, une petite fille fute, avec ses parents salafistes. Mais un prpare actuellement son long mtrage.
il dcide den faire son mtier contre vents et mares subissant le Assa Djouamaa and Rabah Slimani are Alge- jour un vnement brusque bouleversera jamais le destin de cette
Moufida Fedhila is a filmmaker and a visual
regard des gens, les prjugs et les inquitudes de son entourage et rian producers, screenwriters and directors. famille. artist. Her film Offside, has been selected
famille. They have been working together for a few in more than 30 festivals, and has received
several awards. Moufida Fedhila is a member
Tarek is a young and multi-talented artist. Passionate about theater, he de- years and have made short films and docu- In Tunis lives Aya, a smart little girl, with her Salafist parents. But one day a of the Francophone Academy of Cinema and
cided to become an actor against all odds, suffering peoples eyes, prejudices mentaries together. special event disrupts the life of this family. is currently working on her feature film.
and the anxiety of his surroundings and family.
Nouvelle vague algrienne Yol Film House

Genre / : C.M Fiction Genre / : C.M Fiction
2017 2017
Dure / Duration / : 22min Dure / Duration / : 28min
Pays / Country / :gypte Pays / Country / : Tunisie
Casting / : Casting / :
Abdul Rahman Abou Zahra - Ragaa Giacomo Fiashi - Clara keiryllos
Hussein Boulos - Kais Mestiri
Scnario / Script / : Ahmed Nader Scnario / Script / :
Ahmed Nader Imne AlNasiri Boulos Imne Alnasiri
DOP / : DOP / :
Wael Youssef
Taeb Ben Ameur

Montage / Editing / : Montage / Editing / :
Ahmed Nader 2014 . Maher Zitouni
Imne Alnasiri est universitaire, actrice et
Ahmed Nader est diplm en Lettres .
dramaturge. Aprs des tudes cinmatogra-
. de lUniversit dAlexandrie. Il ralise en .
phiques et plusieurs expriences dans le cin-
2014 son premier film documentaire D- .
ma et la tlvision en Jordanie et au Liban, elle

revient en Tunisie avec un projet de trilogie,
Mahmoud et Nabila sont un couple de 80 ans. Ils vivent seuls dans leur Ocane est une petite fille aveugle qui passe ses journes au bord de dont le premier volet est Secrets des vents.
60 la plage. Elle est trs attache son grand-pre. Ce dernier prend la 61
maison. Se sentant seule et cherchant de la compagnie, Nabila rin- Ahmed Nader graduated in Arts and Litera-
vente son quotidien avec son mari devenu incapable de partager les ture from the University of Alexandria. He mer un jour de grande tempte. En attendant son retour, Ocane se Imne Alnasiri is an academic, an actress and
dtails de la vie avec elle cause de sa maladie. directed his first documentary Disorder in cristallise et se transforme en poupe de cire. playwright. After cinematographic studies and
2014. several experiences in the cinema and television
fields between Jordan and Lebanon, she came
Mahmoud and Nabila are a married couple in their eighties, living alone in Oceane is a little blind girl. She spends her days playing at the edge of the back to Tunis with the project of a trilogy: the first
their peaceful house. Nabila tries to reinvent the daily life with her husband beach. She is very attached to her grandfather. Her grandfather enters the part of it is Secrets of the wind.
Nihel Elkusi - Muhamed Abdellatife
despite the sickness and unability of this one. depths of the sea on a day of a great storm. While waiting for him, Oceane Amilcar Films - muhamed. crystallizes and becomes a wax doll.
Genre / : C.M Fiction

Dure / Duration / : 25min
Pays / Country / :Tunisie Comptition Officielle Courts Mtrages Documentaires
Casting / :
Meriem Cristou - Mohamed Ali
Official Short Documentary Film Competition
Scnario / Script / : Insaf Arafa
Insaf Arafa
DOP / :

Ikbal Arafa
Montage / Editing / : .
Mohamed Arbi Soualhia
. Insaf Aaraf est diplme en criture et r-
. alisation. En parallle dune carrire das-
sistante universitaire, elle poursuit son
rve et son amour pour le cinma. May Odeh Tshoper Kabambi
Aymen et Aicha, s'aiment follement quand soudain la vie met leur
couple l'preuve. Conforts par la solidit de leur couple ainsi que Insaf Arafa is graduated in scriptwriting and Palestine Rpublique Dmocratique du Congo
par leur amour de la nature, ils sollicitent celle-ci pour vaincre le mal- directing. In parallel to a career as a univer- PAS DE PORTS POUR
heur qui menace leur avenir. JACKENSON LES PETITS BATEAUX
sity assistant, she follows her passion and her Linda Leila Diatta Joelle Abou Chabk
love for cinema. Jean Marc Poteau Liban
Aymen and Aicha are deeply in love when all of a sudden, life brings them
to a misfortunate yet deadly test. Comforted by the strength of their love as Niger / Haiti
well as by their love for nature, Aymen and Aicha, rely on their love to defeat
the tragedy. N EN PRISON Manel Katri
Yasmine Dhoukar Henriette S Hangnanmey Tunisie / Allemagne

QUATRE ANS APRS Nasser Youssef
Julie Anne Melville Egypte


62 63

Genre / : C.M Documentaire Genre / : C.M Documentaire

2017 2017
Dure / Duration / : 26min Dure / Duration / : 25min
Pays / Country / : gypte Pays / Country / : Niger - Haiti
Scnario / Script / : Scnario / Script / :
Youssef Nasser Youssef Nasser Linda Leila Diatta Linda Leila Diatta
DOP / : DOP / :
Amgad Riad Mohamed Fathalla Jean Marc Poteau
Montage / Editing / : Montage / Editing / : Jean Marc Poteau
Fares Abdel Karim Youssef
Linda Leila Diatta .
. .
2012 .

13 Linda Leila Diatta: productrice, scnariste et
. Diplm en montage, monteur, acteur, r- .
ralisatrice Nigrienne. Elle intgre un Master
II en production cinma Paris et entreprend
. alisateur, Youssef Nasser a remport avec un stage au sein de Paramount Pictures.
son court mtrage A way out en 2009 le
Jean Marc Poteau est cinaste, photographe,
Le film raconte le voyage entre crativit et leadership de lartiste Prix du Jury au Festival National dgypte. Jackenson, 13 ans, est l'un des jeunes boxeurs Hatiens les plus promet- producteur, galement connu sous le nom de
gyptien Nagy Shaker, un clbre confectionneur de marionnettes, cos- Youssef Nasser graduated from the editing, teurs du bidonville de Cit Soleil, dans les Carabes. Alors que dautres DJ Potomix. Il travaille en tant que produc-
oscillent toujours entre la boxe et les gangs, Jackenson est dtermin teur adjoint et de vidaste .
tumier et ralisateur qui travaille dans le domaine du cinma et de lart directing and actoring. Winner of Best Short
devenir champion du monde et hros de Cit Soleil. Linda Leila Diatta is a Nigerien producer,
depuis plus dune cinquantaine dannes. Film at the 52th session of the National Egyp- screenwriter and director. She has a Masters de-
tian Film Festival in 2009 for his film A way Jackenson is a 13-year-old hopeful boxer from Haitis notorious Sun City gree in Film Production in Paris. She interned at
The film tells the journey of the Egyptian Artist Nagy Shaker, a well-known Paramount Pictures.
out. slum.The struggle to survive in Sun City drawns many youth to a life of crime
puppet-maker, costume designer, and filmmaker who worked in the cinema Jean Marc Poteau is a filmmaker, photographer
and art fields for more than fifty years. but Jackenson is determined to box his way to the top. As he prepares for his and producer. He is also known as DJ Potomix. He
Red Star Films upcoming fight against a rival club, he must surpass all expectations. has been working as an assistant producer and as
a videographer .
Sahel Media Production


Genre / : C.M Documentaire Genre / : C.M Documentaire
2017 2017
Dure / Duration / : 16min Dure / Duration / : 20min
Pays / Country / : Rpublique Pays / Country / : Palestine
Scnario / Script / :
Dmocratique Du Congo
Scnario / Script / : May Odeh - Riham Al Ghazali

Tshoper Kabambi Tshoper DOP / : May Odeh
DOP / : Ibrahim Yaghi
Jean Ahonto Kabambi Montage / Editing / : Riham Al Ghazali
Montage / Editing / : Mahmoud Abu Ghalwa - Ameen
Tshoper Kabambi
1985 Nayfeh ":
" " . "


N en 1985 Tshoper Kabambi fait par-
tie de la nouvelle gnration du cinma : 20 .
May Odeh: Ralisatrice et productrice. Elle a
Africain. Il dirige Bimpa Production sa .
fond Ramallah sa socit de production.
propre socit de production Kinsha- Riham Al Ghazali: Photographe et ralisatrice
sa qui devient aujourdhui une rfrence Le film est un hommage aux femmes de Gaza qui tentent dapporter base Gaza. Elle a produit plusieurs courts m-
64 A toi ma petite fille, l'histoire de notre beau et tendre pays. dans le continent Africain. du changement, de lamour et du succs, en dpit de toutes les difficul- trages documentaires. 65
ts. Durant 20 minutes, on part la rencontre dune chanteuse, dune May Odeh: Director and producer. Currently, she
Tshoper Kabambi is part of the new gene- cratrice de mode, dune activiste et dune mre. Elles ont en commun has a production company.
ration of filmmakers in DRCs cinema. He lespoir dun lendemain meilleur. Riham Al Ghazali: Photographer and filmmaker
runs his own production company in Kinshasa A tribute to all the women in Gaza: the women who are trying to leave a based in Gaza. She has produced several short
To you my little daughter, the story of our beautiful and beloved country. Bimpa Production which is now a reference unique imprint of change, love, and success, despite all the difficulties. It is documentary films and has participated in inter-
in the DRC. an extraordinary experience that allows us to meet 4 women: the singer, national festivals and competitions.
Bimpa production the fashion designer, the activist, and the mother. The four of them share a ODAH FILMS common hope for a better future.
Genre / : C.M Documentaire Genre / : C.M Documentaire
2016 2016
Dure / Duration / : 13min Dure / Duration / : 22min
Pays / Country / : Togo - Benin Pays / Country / : Tunisie
Scnario / Script / : Scnario / Script / :
Henriette Hangnanmey Manel Katri
DOP / : Henriette DOP / :
Thibule Gbaguidi Oussema Bidani - Sana Achich Manel Katri
Montage / Editing / : Hangnanmey Manel Katri
Eriyomi Koudoro Montage / Editing / :
Manel Katri

Aprs ses tudes comme journaliste re-
porter dimage, Henriette Hangnanmey
. Manel Katri est une cinaste qui a obtenu
fait le choix daborder des sujets profonds
une licence en publicit audiovisuelle puis
de la socit Africaine, travers le genre un Master Professionnel spcialis en mon-
documentaire. N en prison est son Ala, Ahmed et Mahdi n'ont que dix-sept ans. Pourtant ils ne voient pas
Shana, 29ans, jeune femme qui vient dAfrique Centrale, a t arrte tage.
premier court mtrage. leurs vies en dehors du rap. Malgr l'aspect conflictuel qui trouble leurs
en Afrique de LOuest pour trafic de drogue. En plus de ce tragique relations avec leurs familles et leurs environnements proches qui d- Manel Katri is young filmmaker, She obtained
incident, on lui apprend quelle est enceinte et que son premier enfant After a licences degree in journalism, Hen-
sapprouvent au fond leur idal, ils ont choisi de poursuivre leur qute a bachelor's degree in audiovisual advertising
natra en prison loin de leurs parents et proches. riette Hangnanmey chose to speakout about
de musique et de notorit en franchissant toutes les limites. and then a master's degree specializing in
important subjects in African society, through
documentaries. Born in Prison is her first Ala, Ahmed and Mahdi are only seventeen years old yet they do not see their editing at the Superior Institut of Cinema in
Shana, is young 29 years old woman from central Africa , who was arrested lives without rap music. Despite the conflictual aspect which disturbs their Gammarth.
short film.
in West Africa for drug trafficking. In addition to this tragic incident, she disco- relations with their families and their close surroundings, which disapprove
vered her pregnancy and realises that her child will be born in prison without their choices, they chose to follow their passion for music and notoriety by
ISMA Goethe Institut - Institut Fanais
beeing surrounded by his loved ones. crossing all the limits.


Genre / : C.M Documentaire Genre / : C.M Documentaire
2016 2016
Dure / Duration / : 27min Dure / Duration / : 18min
Pays / Country / : Pays / Country / :
Madagascar Liban
Scnario / Script / : Scnario / Script / :
Julie Anne Melville Julie Anne Jolle Abou Chabk Jolle
DOP / : DOP / :
Michal Andrianly Melville Jolle Abou Chabk Abou Chabk
Montage / Editing / : Montage / Editing / :
Laure Budin
Ali J. Daloul

" " . .
Julie Anne Melville habite Tamatave. Elle Diplome en cinma et ralisation, Jolle Abou
" " Chabk ralise "Et voil" (2009) et "Lebanon Tape
mne de front ses tudes en philosophie
luniversit, sa vie de jeune mre, et la r- 1" (2012) qui ont t slectionns et prims dans

alisation de films documentaires. Quatre plusieurs festivals. Elle poursuit actuellement une
Tamatave, deux jeunes enseignantes de primaire, Rita et Lalia, font ans aprs est son second projet de film matrise en documentaire de cration en France.
66 face aux difficults dadaptation des enfants en classe de CP, l'une dans documentaire de cration. Joelle dbarque sur lle grecque de Lesbos dans le cadre dun repor- 67
tage, pour filmer larrive de refugies syriens. Jolle Abou Chabk graduated from ALBA in 2012
le public, l'autre dans le priv. En dpit de leur mtier similaire, elles Julie Anne Melville lives in Tamatave. Her jour-
and obtained a masters degree in film directing. She
vivent des conditions denseignement et de vie trs diffrentes, dans un ney is devided between her studies at the uni-
directed 2 short films Et voila 2009 and Lebanon
pays o l'ducation n'est malheureusement pas une priorit. versity, her life as a young mother and the
Tape 1 2012 that was selected in festivals worldwide
production of documentary films. Four years
In Tamatave, Rita and Lalia are two young primary school teachers.They face Joelle landed on the Greek island of Lesbos to film a TV report of the arrival and won several prizes. She is currently pursuing a
later is her second documentary.
up to the childrens difficulties in a first grade class. One is in a public school, of Syrian refugees. masters degree in creative documentary in France.
the other is in a private school.They live very different conditions of teaching Jean-Marie Gigon
and life in a country where education is unfortunately not a priority. PRODUCTION FOURTHWALL

Sances Spciales
Special Screenings
Genre / : L.M Fiction
Dure / Duration / : 110min

Pays / Country / : Tunisie

Casting / :
Wajiha Jendoubi - Souhir Ben Amara -
Fatma Ben Saidane - Salma Mahjoubi
Najoua Zouhair - Bilel El Beji - Khaled
Houissa - Taoufik El Ayeb - Semia
Rhayem - Raouf Ben Amor - Jouda Najeh
Abdeltif Khayreddine - Lotfi Abdeli
Mohamed Ali Ben Jema
Scnario / Script / :
Selma Baccar
DOP / :
Mohamed Maghraoui
Montage / Editing / :
Kehna Attia


." "

Quatre femmes se retrouvent Dar Joued la veille de lIndpendance.

Dge et de conditions sociales diffrents, elles sont condamnes cohabiter
ensemble en subissant lautorit et les injustices de leur gelire: La Jaida.
Elles vont partager souvenirs du monde extrieur, joie, motions et dtresse
de leur quotidien.

Four women meet in Dar Joued (a womens prison) on the eve of Independence day.
From different ages and social conditions, they are condemned to live together under
the authority and injustice of their jailer: Jaida. They share memories from the out-
side world, and also the joy, emotions and torment of their daily lives in Dar Jouad.


1976 75
.2005 1994
1989 .

Selma Baccar est ralisatrice de 4 long-mtrages Fatma 75

(1976), Hbiba Msika (1994), Khochkhach (2005) de plusieurs
68 documentaires et de sries pour la tlvision. En 1989, elle cra la 69
premire socit de production tunisienne dirige par une femme.

Selma Baccar is a director of 4 feature films Fatma 75 (1976), Hbi-

ba Msika (1994), Khochkhach (2005), as well as several documen-
taries and television series. In1989, she launched the first Tunisian pro-
duction company run by a woman.

Genre / : L.M Fiction Slection Officielle Longs Mtrages Hors Comptition
Dure / Duration / : 87min Official Feature Films Selection Out Of Competition
Pays / Country / : Tunisie

Casting / :
Hishem Rostom - Jamel Madani -
Ombretta Machi - Hassen Doss - Fatma
Ben Saidane - Sana Rostom - Slah

Scnario / Script / :
Taieb Louhichi
DOP / :
Antonio Beltran
Eliane Raheb
Montage / Editing / :
Arbi Ben Ali
Mohammed Hammad

. Mohanad Yaqubi

Retour dun exil tourment par son pass amoureux et de militant politique.
Le metteur en scne revient pour reprendre son projet dopra de Didon et Belabbes Hakim
Ene quil avait du abandonner 25 ans auparavant. . Cest aussi une chronique Maroc
de la vie quotidienne et du lieu du nouvel opra, Sidi Bou Said , aprs la rvo-
lution tunisienne.

The return of an exiled man, tormented by his past, a lover and a militant. The di-
rector, returns to bring up the spirit of The Opera Didon and Aeneas of Purceil that
he had to abandon 25 years ago. It is also a chronicle of the daily life and place of
the new opera, Sidi Bou Said, after the Tunisian revolution.


. 1948 16
1972 " "

": . "12 " 1976
" " " " "
Taieb Louhichi , est un ralisateur tunisien n Mareth. son court
70 mtrage Mon village, un village parmi tant dautres , est laurat 71
du Tanit dor aux Journes Cinmatographiques de Carthage de
1972 , . Il a crit et ralis plusieurs films Lombre de la terre ,
Layla ma raison, Noce de Lune, La danse du vent, Lenfant du soleil
, et La Rumeur de leau
Taieb Louhichi, is a Tunisian director born in Mareth. His short film "My
village, a village among many others", won the Tanit d'Or at the Carthage
Film Days of 1972, " He has written and directed many films such as:
"The Shadow of the Earth, Layla my Reason, Wedding of the Moon, The
Dance of the Wind,The Child of the Sun, and The Rumor of the Water"

Genre / : L.M Documentaire Genre / : L.M Fiction

2016 2016
Dure / Duration / : 63min Dure / Duration / : 73min

Pays / Country / : Pays / Country / :

Palestine gypte

Scnario / Script / : Casting / :

Reem Shilleh Heba Ali

DOP / : Scnario / Script / :

Hani Jawharieh Mohammed Hammad

Montage / Editing / : DOP / :

David Osit - Ramzi Hazboun Mohammed El Sharqawi

Montage / Editing / :
Mohammed El Sharqawi
Mohammed Hammad


Une mditation sur la lutte du peuple palestinien pour produire une image Iman ne peut convaincre aucun de ses oncles d'assister aux fianailles de sa
et une auto reprsentation dans ses propres termes dans les annes 1960 et sur cadette chez son pre, comme c'est le cas. Cependant, lorsqu'elle reoit
1970, avec la cration de l'Unit du Film Palestinien dans le cadre de l'OLP. ses rsultats d'examens mdicaux, elle fait une dcouverte choquante qui
l'invite supprimer toutes ces traditions fltries.

A meditation on the Palestinian people's struggle to produce an image and self-re- Iman cannot convince any of her uncles to attend her younger sisters engagement
presentation on their own terms in the 1960s and 1970s, with the establishment of in her fathers place, as it is a tradition. However, when she receives her medical test
the Palestine Film Unit as part of the PLO. results, she makes a shocking discovery which pushes her to throw away all these
withered traditions.

Mohanad Yaqubi Mohammed Hammad

. ) 2008( " ",)2006( " "

" " .)2010( ""


Mohammed Hammad est un ralisateur qui a plusieurs courts m-
Mohanad Yaqubi est un cinaste, producteur et l'un des fondateurs trages: The Fifth Pound (2006), Central (2008) et Pale Red
de Idioms Film Ramallah. Il enseigne galement le cinma l'Inter- (2010). Withered Green est son premier long mtrage qui a fait
72 national Art Academy en Palestine. Yaqubi est l'un des fondateurs sa premire au festival de Locarno et a reu le prix du meilleur 73
dun collectif de recherche et de conservation de films. ralisateur au festival de Dubai 2016.
Mohanad Yaqubi is a filmmaker, producer, and one of the founders of Mohammed Hammad is a director who has several short films: The
the Ramallah-based production outfits, Idioms Film. He also teaches Fifth Pound (2006), Central (2008) and Pale Red (2010). Withe-
cinema at the International Art Academy in Palestine. Yaqubi is one of red Green is his first feature which premiered at Locarno Film Festival
the founders of the research and curatorial collective Subversive Films. and received the Best Director Award at Dubai Film Festival in 2016.
Idioms Film Eleven Productions

Genre / : L.M Fiction Genre / : L.M Documentaire

2016 2016
Dure / Duration / : 126min Dure / Duration / : 95min

Pays / Country / : Pays / Country / :

Maroc Liban

Casting / : Scnario / Script / :

Amine Ennaji Eliane Raheb
Fatima-Ezzahra Bennaceur
DOP / :
Scnario / Script / :
Hakim Belabbes
Montage / Editing / :
DOP / : Eliane Raheb
Amine Messadi

Montage / Editing / :
Hakim Belabbes



. .

M'barek lutte pour rembourser une dette qui risque de lui faire perdre sa
terre. Sa femme Ida, pilier de la famille essaie, tant bien que mal de soute- Dans une rgion montagneuse situe dans le nord du Liban, quelques kilo-
nir son mari en silence. Ayoub garde les moutons de son pre et parle aux mtres de la Syrie, vit Haykal, un fermier chrtien qui lutte pour rester dans sa
fes, alors que son grand pre ne cesse de prononcer le nom de sa dfunte terre et dfendre la coexistence malgr les tensions sectaires, la peur et le
pouse, Rahma. dsespoir qui ravagent cette partie gopolitiquement complexe du Liban.

MBarek struggles not to lose his land, the only thing that matters to him. Ida, his In a complex geo-political spot in Lebanon, a few kilometers away from Syria, lives
wife, and the cornerstone of the family, struggles to carry her husbands burden in si- Haykal, a Christian farmer. He is struggling to stay in his land and defend co-exis-
lence. Ayoub grazes his fathers sheeps and talks to the fairies while the grandfather tence despite all sectarian tensions, fear and hopelessness.
incessantly calls out his dead wifes name; Rahma.

Hakim Belabbes Eliane Raheb

: . 2012 .
5 50 " "

Eliane Raheb est une cinaste Libanaise qui a plusieurs court-m-
Hakim Belabbes est un auteur-ralisateur Marocain indpendant. trages et documentaires son actif. En 2012, son documentaire
Parmi ses films: Le Poids de l'Ombre (2014) Une Vaine Tenta- Nuits sans sommeil a particip dans 50 festivals et a gagn 5
tion de dfinir l'amour (2013) Rves Brlants (2010) Frag- prix.
74 ments (2010) Ces mains-Ci (2008) Pourquoi O' Mer? (2006) 75
Eliane Raheb is a Lebanese director who directed several shorts and
et Les Fibres de L'me (2003).
documentaries. In 2012, her documentary Sleepless nights has toured
Hakim Belabbes is a Moroccan independent filmmaker. Among his films more than 50 festivals and won 5 awards.
are: Weight of The Shadow (2014) Defining Love: A Failed Attempt
(2013) Boiling Dreams (2010) Fragments (2010) These Hands
(2008) Why O Sea? (2006) Threads (2003) A Nest in the Heat
Ali'N Itar productions
Genre / : C.M Fiction
Dure / Duration / : 10min
Slection Officielle Courts Mtrages Hors Comptition Pays / Country / :Palestine
Casting / :
Official Short Films Selection Out Of Competition Razi Khoury Firas Khoury
Scnario / Script / :
Firas Khoury
DOP / :
Nizar Khoury
Montage / Editing / :
Sari Bisharat " " .
.)2010( ") "2007(

" " Firas Khoury est scnariste et ralisateur

" " . Palestinien. Il est diplm d'un baccalau-

. rat s arts en cinma. Khoury a plusieurs

AL WALAD WA AL BAHR courts mtrages son actif, parmi eux se
Samer Ajouri
trouvent les films prims Seven Days
Liban Razi, 2 ans, adore couter Lhistoire du monstre. Elle le fascine,
Deir Bulus et Yellow Mums .
comme si ses vnements se droulaient sous ses yeux. Jaimerais son-
der son cerveau pour voir comment se construit son imaginaire. Jaime Firas Khoury is a Palestinian scriptwriter and
KINDIL EL BAHR director. Khoury has several short films to his
penser que ce sont l les prmices de limage, la naissance de la pein-
Damien Ounouri SYNOPSIS ture ou du cinma. credit; among them are the award-winning
Algrie / Koweit movies Seven Days in Deir Bulus (2007)
Palestinian two years old Razi loves to hear The monsters story.The story is
an allegory of the Palestinian problem but he is too young to understand the and Yellow Mums (2010).
MARE NOSTRUM political association. He just wants to imagine and live through its details over
Rana Kazkaz & Anas Khalaf and over again. I like to think that these are the beginnings of the image, the Firas Khoury
Syrie / France birth of painting or the premises of cinema.

Marwa Zein
Genre / : C.M Fiction
Firas Khoury Dure / Duration / : 40min
Palestine Pays / Country / :Algrie
Casting / :
Nabil Asli - Adila Bendimerad
Scnario / Script / :
Adila Bendimerad - Damien Ounouri Damien Ounouri
DOP / :
Mohamed Tayyeb Laggoune
Montage / Editing / :
" ",
Damien Ounouri - Adila Bendime- ) 2012(
rad - Matthieu Laclau "" .
Damien Ounouri est un ralisateur Algrien.
"" "FIDA" (2012), son premier long-mtrage
documentaire produit par le cinaste chinois
Jia Zhang-Ke, a t slectionn au Festival In-
Lors dune sortie la plage, Nfissa, jeune mre de famille, est agresse
ternational de Toronto et est sorti en salles
par un groupe dhommes, alors quelle se baignait seule au large. Per-
76 en France. "KINDIL" est sa premire fiction. 77
sonne ne semble avoir t tmoin de sa disparition.
Damien Ounouri is an Algerian director. His first
During a beach excursion, Nfissa, a young mother, is lynched to death by a documentary FIDAI (2012) was produced
group of young men, while swimming offshore. Nobody seems to witness her by the Chinese director Jia Zhang-Ke and was
disappearing. screened at the Toronto International Film Festi-
val. KINDIL is his first fiction film.

Genre / : C.M Fiction Genre / : C.M Fiction
2016 2016
Dure / Duration / : 13min Dure / Duration / : 06min
Pays / Country / :Syrie
Casting / :
Pays / Country / : Syrie
Scnario / Script / :
Ziad Bakri - Zayn Khalaf Samer Ajouri
Scnario / Script / : Rana Kazkaz DOP / :
Rana Kazkaz Samer Ajouri Samer Ajouri
DOP / : Anas Khalaf Montage / Editing / :
Eric Devin Samer Ajouri
Montage / Editing / :
Monique Dartonne . .
Rana Kazkaz et Anas Khalaf sont couple de N Damas Samer Ajouri est un cinaste

Franco-Syriens, rfugis en Jordanie depuis . et concepteur visuel indpendant. Il a tu-
la rvolution syrienne. Auteurs-ralisateurs di le montage vido et l'animation 2D et
de 5 courts-mtrages, ils travaillent actuel- 3D en Syrie. Il a occup des postes comme
lement sur leur 1er long mtrage de fiction ralisateur, monteur, artiste deffets visuels
"The Translator". Il tait une fois un enfant qui aimait dessiner la mer. Il s'y plonge un jour dans plusieurs tablissements et aussi avec
Sur un rivage de la Mditerrane, un pre Syrien prend une terrible en esprant chapper la guerre et la misre. Mais il est pris dans des des producteurs indpendants en Syrie, au
dcision mettant la vie de sa fille en danger. Rana Kazkaz and Anas Khalf are a Sy- crans qui dforment son image et le dpossdent de son histoire. Liban et au Bahren.
rian-French couple, living actually in Jordan Samer Ajouri is a Syrian independent filmma-
after fleeing Damascus because of the Syrian ker and visual artist. He studied editing and
conflict. They directed 5 short films, and are Once upon a time there was a boy who had joy in drawing the sea. One day, graphic design in Syria and worked as direc-
On a Mediterranean shore, a Syrian Father makes a decision that puts his currently working on their 1st feature film, ihe dove into the sea hoping to escape war and misery. He found himself tor, editor, visual effects artist and animation
daughters life at risk. "The Translator". trapped amongst swarms of screens that distorted his image and stole his designer with many independent producers.
Georges Films story. No, the story did not end, images are still flowing and the world is still watching Bidayyat for Audiovisual Arts

Genre / : C.M Fiction
Dure / Duration / : 20min
Pays / Country / : Soudan
Casting / :
Amr Saleh - Yasmeen Rais
Scnario / Script / :
Marwa Zein Marwa Zein
DOP / :
Hossam Shahin
Montage / Editing / :

Doaa Fathy

Marwa Zein est une cinaste soudanaise

ne en Arabie Saoudite et rsidant en

Egypte. Diplme de l'Institut Suprieur
du Cinma du Caire, elle a galement par-
ticip des rsidences dans nombreuses
78 Dlicate introspection des hauts et des bas de l'intimit entre Leila et institutions cinmatographiques. 79
Ibrahim, un couple amoureux, alors qu'ils dlibrent sur les dcisions
difficiles entourant la conception et la parentalit. Marwa Zein is a Sudanese filmmaker born
in Saudi Arabia and living in Egypt. She gra-
duated from The High Cinema Institute in Cai-
A delicate exploration of the highs and lows of intimacy between Leila and ro and was selected in several workshops and
Ibrahim, a young couple, as they deliberate the difficult decisions of paren- labs all around the world.
Red Star Films
Regard sur le Cinma Tunisien
View on Tunisian Cinema
Genre / : L.M Fiction
Dure / Duration / :

Pays / Country / : 60min

Casting / :
Longs Mtrages de Fiction Hamdi Hadda - Magid Ben Aissa
Feature Narrative Films Scnario / Script / :
Kamel Ben Ouanes - Jean-Claude

DOP / :
LAMOUR DES HOMMES Hatem Nachi - Youssef Ben Ammar
Mehdi Ben Attia
Montage / Editing / :
WOH Daly Mansali
Ismahane Lahma SYNOPSIS

Habib Mestiri

Kamel Ben Ouanes
Lenfant du Lazaret, raconte les souvenirs denfance du petit Claude, fils de
gardien dans le terrible bagne de Porto Farina. Lenfant dcouvre un monde
Habib Meselemani partag entre la dchance des bagnards et la beaut dun village qui baigne
dans une lumire chaleureuse.

The child of Lazaret, tells the childhood memories of little Claude, son of a guardian
in the terrible prison of Porto Farina.The child discovers a world shared between the
downfall of the convicts and the beauty of a village bathed in a warm light.

Kamel Ben Ouanes


2014 : .
Kamel Ben Ouanes est universitaire, critique littraire et cinma-
tographique, crivain, enseignant de cinma, scnariste, producteur
et ralisateur Tunisien. Il a, son compte deux documentaires :
80 Palerme, mtaphore du monde (2014) et Femmes journalistes 81
tunisiennes (2015).
Kamel Ben Ouanes is a senior Academic, literary and cinematographic
critic, writer, film teacher, screenwriter, producer and Tunisian director.
He has two documentaries: Palermo, World Metaphor (2014) and
Tunisian Women Journalists (2015).

Kantaoui Films - Tunistudio Film Production -

Genre / : L.M Fiction Genre / : L.M Fiction

2017 2017
Dure / Duration / : 90min Dure / Duration / : 105min

Pays / Country / : Pays / Country / :

Tunisie Tunisie

Casting / : Casting / :
Ahmed Hafiene - Fatma Nasser Raouf Ben Amor - Hafsia Herzi
Ivana Pantalelo
Scnario / Script / :
Scnario / Script / : Mehdi Ben Attia - Martin Drouot
Habib Mestiri
Abdelfatteh Fakhfakh - Ali Saidane DOP / :
Antoine Parouty
DOP / :
Hatem Nechi Montage / Editing / :
Raphael Le Fevre
Montage / Editing / :
Kahena Attia

. . . ,
. .

Hassouna, officier dans larme franaise malgr lui, est fidle la cause de Tunis, aujourd'hui.Amel est une jeune photographe. Quand elle perd son mari,
lindpendance de son pays. Au mpris des risques, il transmet des informa- sa vie bascule. Encourage par son beau-pre, elle reprend got la vie en
tions au rseau des militants indpendantistes. Une fois quil a dcouvert une photographiant des garons de la rue. Sans craindre le scandale, elle fait le
liste de collabos Tunisiens, il est confront au rejet et la perscution. choix de regarder les hommes comme les hommes regardent les femmes.

Hassouna, an officer in the french army, is committed to the cause of independence Tunis today. Amel is a young photographer. Her life crumbles down after her hus-
of his country. In disregard of the risks, he transmits informations to the independen- bands death. Encouraged by her father-in-law, she starts over her life and decides
tists activists networks. Once he discovered a list of Tunisian betrayers, he faces to photograph young men from the streets. Without fear of being scandalous, she
rejection and persecution. makes the choice to look at men as men look at women.

Habib Mestiri Mehdi Ben Attia

1977 1968 7
1994 . .H et Eva Mag
Les dbuts de Habib Mestiri datent de 1977, dans le cadre du ci- En face - Le Fil - Je ne suis pas mort
nma amateur, tout en prparant un diplme de ralisation. En Mehdi Ben Attia, n le 7 aot 1968 Tunis, a t co-scnariste de
1994, il est engag dans l'quipe fondatrice de la premire chaine certains pisodes des sitcoms H et Eva Mag. Passionn par le
82 de Cinma Arabe en Italie. Aprs une longue exprience dans la cinma, il a ralis plusieurs films : En face, Le Fil et Je ne suis 83
tlvision, il renoue avec le cinma. pas mort.
Habib Mestiris beginnings goes back to 1977, in the amateur cinema Mehdi Ben Attia is born on 7 August 1968 in Tunis. He was co-writer of
federation, where he directed several short films, while preparing a di- the sitcoms H and Eva Mag. Cinema enthusiast, he directed several
ploma in cinema production. In 1994, he co-founded the Arabic Cinema films such as In Front, The Wire, and I'm not dead.
Channel in Italy .


Tl. : +216 24 555595

Genre / : L.M Fiction Genre / : L.M Fiction

2016 2016
Dure / Duration / : 198min Dure / Duration / : 110min

Pays / Country / : Pays / Country / :

Tunisie Tunisie

Casting / : Casting / :

Scnario / Script / : Scnario / Script / :

Naceur Kesraoui Ismahane Lahmar

DOP / : DOP / :
Cherif Trimech David Wolfer

Montage / Editing / : Montage / Editing / :

Seyf Ben Salem Clement Chabault


. .

Trois officiers envoys par le Bey font leur entre dans un village agricole Zakia aime son jeune fils Salim au point d'asservir toute la famille pour son
et demandent au chef du village le paiement dimpts supplmentaires pour confort. Elle rpte ce dernier que seule la mort les sparera. Nous verrons
lextension du Palais Beylical. Les villageois se montrent disposs sexcuter. ce qu'il se passe lorsque la mort prend un autre visage pour s'immiscer dans
Mais les trois cavaliers sont attirs par la beaut de la fille du chef. La rvolte la fte.
se dclenche.
Three officers sent by the Bey, arrives to a farming village to collect taxes. The Zakia loves her younger son Salim to the point of enslaving all the rest of the family
villagers initiate the payoff sharing their goods but the beys messengers persist in for his comfort. Zakia always says to her son that only death will separate them well
humiliating them, infringing their dignity and honor, which triggered contestations. see what happens when death invite itrself to the party.

Habib Meselemani Ismahane Lahmar

1946 24
Nimporte quoi Rainbow
2016 " " " "
Habib Meselmani est n en 1946 en Tunisie. Form lERTT et Aprs des tudes dconomie luniversit, Ismahane sinscrit
lIPSI et diplm de l'INA, il a ralis plus de 2500 heures de fic- lcole de cinma, ESRA. Elle obtient ensuite un Master en rali-
84 tion pour la tlvision. Rezk El Bey Lik est son deuxime long sation documentaire, avant de signer les courts mtrages Nim- 85
mtrage, aprs Sabra Wa Al Wahch . porte quoi et Rainbow .
Habib Meselmani, is born 1946 in Tunisia .He graduated from the Tele- Graduated in Economics and Management, in Paris, Ismahane Lahmar
vision and Radio Tunisian Center and the Press Institute .He then studied started a curriculum in audiovisual production at ESRA. She has a Mas-
at INA. He directed over 2500 hours of TV fiction. Rezk El Bey Lik is ters degree in Documentary Production. She directed short films inclu-
his second feature film after Sabra Wa Al Wahch . ding Nimporte quoi and "Rainbow".

Regard sur le Cinma Tunisien
View on Tunisian Cinema

Longs Mtrages Documentaires SYNOPSIS
Feature Documentary Films

AbdelHamid Bouchnak

Hamdi Ben Ahmed SYNOPSIS
Nadia El Fani

Salem Trabelsi / Latifa Doghri

Heifel Ben Youssef

Ons Kamoun


Sonia Kichah


86 87

Genre / : L.M Documentaire Genre / : L.M Documentaire

2017 2017
Dure / Duration / : 83min Dure / Duration / : 73min

Pays / Country / : Tunisie Pays / Country / : Tunisie

Scnario / Script / : Scnario / Script / :

Ons Kamoun Sonia Kichah

DOP / : DOP / :
Charfeddine Ferjani Hatem Nachi - Carole Sainsard

Montage / Editing / : Montage / Editing / :

Kahena Attia Michele Le Guernevel



. .

Une enseignante de la capitale, mute dans une ville du sud tunisien, svertue Les personnages arrivent les uns aprs les autres : un salafiste, un graffeur, une
envers et contre tout produire des films avec ses tudiants. Cette exp- femme respectueuse des traditions, une danseuse instinctive et rserve, un
rience de la traverse du dsert est une initiation qui transforme la volont chorgraphe inquiet de son droit de danser. Ils ne se connaissent pas. Ils ne
de combattre en dsir dtre. sont pas comdiens. Ils prennent le risque de tmoigner. Dans un dispositif
arbitraire, la parole circule.

A teacher from Tunis is appointed to teach in the south of the country. Against all Around a small caravan, people from different backgrounds meet and exchange
odds, she is hardly trying to produce her students films. This experience of desert points of view on the current and future Tunisian society. A male dancer, a female
crossing is an initiation that transforms the will to fight in a desire to be. dancer, a graffiti artist and a rapper will be the characters that embody this new
post Ben Ali society.

Ons Kamoun Sonia Kichah

" " .
Ons Kamoun prpare une thse de doctorat en Etudes Cinmato-
graphiques Toulouse Le Mirail. Elle a produit plusieurs courts-m- Sonia Kichah a fait des tudes de cinma la Sorbonne. Elle pr-
trages pour ses tudiants et participe rgulirement l'organisa- pare un DEA sur le personnage de Lilith dans le cinma. Aprs
88 tion de festivals et l'encadrement de rsidences de production avoir travaill sur le documentaire Frantz Fanon, elle a sign son 89
cinmatographique. premier documentaire Les Oublis de Cassis.
OnsvKamoun is preparing a Phd in Cinematographic Studies at Tou-
louse Le Mirail. She produced several short films for her students. She Sonia Kichah studied cinema at The Sorbonne University in Paris. The
regularly participates in the organization of film festivals; she runs film subject of her PHD was about the character of Lilith in the cinema.
production residencies and leads image education projects. After she had collaborated on Frantz Fanon documentary, she signed
her first one "The Forgotten People of Cassis".
CinqsurCinq Productions FRANCE THM PRODUCTIONS


Genre / : L.M Documentaire Genre / : L.M Documentaire

2016 2017
Dure / Duration / : 61min Dure / Duration / : 60min

Pays / Country / : Tunisie Pays / Country / : Tunisie

Scnario / Script / : Scnario / Script / :

Hamdi Ben Ahmed Latifa Doghri

DOP / : DOP / :
Slim Balja Sofine El Fani

Montage / Editing / : Montage / Editing / :

Houdhayfa Neffati Yassine Ben Mansour


. ""

. .

Dans le dsert tunisien, coupe du monde, la tribu Rebaya, dorigine alg- Ancienne championne de boxe, Houda a arrt de combattre par dpit
rienne, continue mener un mode de vie nomade. Ses membres se trouvent lorsque sa sur Marwa, galement boxeuse, l'a abandonne pour faire car-
aujourdhui diviss au sujet de la sdentarisation. On assiste au dbat et on rire en France. Aujourd'hui, Houda rve d'tre actrice.
observe leur style de vie trs ancien et leurs traditions menaces dextinction.

Sealed off from the world, deep in the Tunisian desert, the Algerian tribe 'Rebaya' Former boxing champion in Tunisia, Houda stopped fighting competition out of
manages to maintain the nomadic lifestyle of their ancestors. Today, the tribe split spite, when her sister Marwa (a boxer as well) abandoned her to start a career in
up into two parts, one confirming the sedentarization, the other rejecting it. We are France. Today Houda dreams of becoming an actress.
witnessing this debate, observing their evanescent oldie lifestyle, traditions and songs

Hamdi Ben Ahmed -

Salem Trabelsi - LatifaDoghri
" "
" " 2006 " "
"" " "
. "

Hamdi Ben Ahmed est un ralisateur Tunisien. Il a ralis Mta- Aprs avoir effectu des tudes en Tunisie ainsi qu luniversit de
morphose en 2006 et Prhistoire de la Tunisie, un film qui a Mons en Belgique, Salem Trabelsi et Latifa Doghri ont travaill en-
90 remport le Prix du Meilleur Film Documentaire Arabe en 2012 semble sur plusieurs projets en cinma parmi lesquels Boxe avec 91
au FOFA. Les Derniers Nomades est son premier long mtrage. elle (2011) qui a remport le Faucon dOr Rotterdam et Made
in Gougou qui a remport le prix du meilleur film documentaire
Hamdi Ben Ahmed, is a Tunisian director. He directed "Metamorphosis" LUXOR.
in 2006, "Prehistory of Tunisia" in 2012 which won the Award of Best After studying in Tunisia and in the University of Mons in Belgium, Salem
Arab Documentary FOFA. The documentary "The Last Nomads" ishis Trabelsi and Latifa Doghri worked together on a number of film projects,
first feature film. including "Boxing with her" (2011), which won the Golden Falcon in Machmouprod
Rotterdam and "Made in Gougou", which won the Best Documentary
No Pasaran Production Film Award at LUXOR.

Genre / : L.M Documentaire Genre / : L.M Documentaire

2016 2016
Dure / Duration / : 60min Dure / Duration / : 61min

Pays / Country / : Tunisie Pays / Country / : Tunisie

Scnario / Script / : Scnario / Script / :

Khaled Chaouch Heifel Ben Youssef

DOP / : DOP / :
Samy Snoussi - Samy Frikha Taieb Ben Ameur
Wafa Mimouni - Abdelhamid
Bouchnak Montage / Editing / :
Ahmed Ben Kridis
Montage / Editing / :
Hamza Ksontini


- .

. 23 ""

Jadis Kerkouane est un docu-fiction historique et potique qui nous plonge, Arbi, un jeune Tunisien, est parti, depuis ses 15 ans, vers ce qu'il croyait tre
travers le regard de personnages ayant vcu dans cette ville, dans le quoti- l'Eldorado Europen. Aujourd'hui, Arbi a 23 ans et est un sans-papiers. Rien
dien de Kerkouane. ne va plus!

Jadis kerkouane is a historical and poetic docu-fiction which let us dive through the Arbi, a young Tunisian, left when he was 15 years old to what he believed to be the
eyes of the characters who lived in this city, in the daily Kerkouane . European Eldorado. Today Arbi has 23 years old and with no status. End of bets!

AbdelHamid Bouchnak Heifel Ben Youssef

2016 .
Abdelhamid Bouchnak est ralisateur, scnariste, producteur et Heifel Ben Youssef est crivain, scnariste, ralisateur et photo-
acteur de tlvision, de cinma et de thtre. En 2016, il ralise et graphe. Il est passionn dart et de cinma depuis l'enfance. Aprs
coproduit un docu-fiction historique potique Jadis Kerkouane des tudes l'ESSTED et une spcialisation en criture et ralisa-
92 puis il enchane, en 2017, en crivant et ralisant son troisime tion l'ESAC, il dcide douvrir sa propre socit de production. 93
court-mtrage Le Bonbon .
Heifel Ben Youssef is a writer, screenwriter, director and photographer.
Abdelhamid Bouchnak is a director, scriptwriter, TV producer, actor in He is passionate with art and cinema since childhood. After studying at
cinema and theater. In 2016 he directed and produced a poetic histo- ESSTED and specializing in writing and directing at ESAC, he decided to
rical documentary "Jadis Kerkouane" and then in 2017 he wrote and open his own production company.
produced his third short film "The Candy".
Mandarine Production Iris Production
Genre / : L.M Documentaire
Regard sur le Cinma Tunisien
2 013
Dure / Duration / : 70min View on Tunisian Cinema
Pays / Country / : Tunisie

Scnario / Script / :
Nadia El Fani
Mtrages de Fiction et Documentaires
Alina Isabel Perez
Short Narrative and Documentay Films
Montage / Editing / :
Jeremy Leroux

Hamouda Nataga Rami Jarboui

SYNOPSIS Amel Guellaty Intissar Aoun

Marwen Tlili Faten Jaziri
Issam Bouguerra Mohamed Ajbouni
J'ai toujours considr que mes films ne parlaient que de a : le libert. Quand
je pars tourner "Lacit, Inch'Allah!" en aot 2010, j'ignorais que la rvolution LE CHEMIN POUR KIAROSTAMI :
couvait en Tunisie en mme temps qu'un cancer se dveloppait dans mon LE RAIN QUI NE SARRETE JAMAIS
corps. Les islamistes et leurs violences me rservaient des mtastases qu'on Younes Ben Hajria
ne m'avait pas dtect !
I have always considered that my films are focused on this single topic: freedom. Du- Karim Berrhouma
ring the shooting of Lacit Inch'Allah, I had no other choice than affronting Islamic
fundamentalists: it was like a "war"! At the same time I discovered the corridors of
Tenon Hospital in Paris. I had to face cancer, a second enemy.

Nadia El Fani



Nadia El Fani est une cinaste Franco-Tunisienne engage. En 2011
son documentaire Lacit InchAllah! lui vaut des menaces de
94 mort de la part d'extrmistes islamistes ainsi que six plaintes au 95
pnal. "Mme pas mal", grand prix du FESPACO 2013, est la r-
ponse cinmatographique cette campagne de haine.

Nadia El Fani is a Franco-Tunisian filmmaker and an activist. In 2011 her

documentary "Lacit Inchallah!", earned her death threats from Islamic
KIEN PRODUCTION extremists and six charges in justice. In 2013, she directed "Mme pas
mal" (No harm done) awarded in 2013 at FESPACO, a cinematographic
answer to the campaign of hatred.
Genre / : C.M Documentaire Genre / : C.M Fiction
2017 2017
Dure / Duration / : 28min Dure / Duration / : 20min
Pays / Country / : Tunisie Pays / Country / : Tunisie
Casting / : Casting / :

Behzad Dourani - Shaghayegh Sarra Hannachi
Scnario / Script / : Younes Scnario / Script / :
Younes Ben Hajria Amel Guellaty Amel Guellaty
DOP / : Ben Hajria DOP / :
Younes Ben Hajria Ikbal Arafa
Montage / Editing / :
Montage / Editing / :
Younes Ben Hajria - Houcine . Fakhreddine Amri
SYNOPSIS Younes Ben Hajria, est un ralisateur,
SYNOPSIS 2014 " "

photographe, enseignant et chercheur Amel Guellaty est photographe et rali-

d'esthtique d'image cinmatographique. . . satrice Tunisienne. Elle a travaill comme
Il a un projet en cour dadaptation dun assistante la ralisation sur plusieurs
projets cinmatographiques. Elle ralise
roman de romancire tunisienne HEND un court mtrage amateur puis co-ralise
Zneadi Sarra, jeune fille dorigine tunisienne de la classe moyenne, mne en ap-
Entre la France, la Tunisie et lIran, le ralisateur part la recherche des le documentaire Ne au printemps en
parence la vie ordinaire que sa mre lui a trac: elle prend des cours de 2014.
traces de Abbas Kiarostami travers des rencontres avec ses collabo- Younes Ben Hajria, is a director, photographer, couture et sapprte pouser un gentil garon. Mais Sarra a dautres Amel Guellaty is a Tunisian director and pho-
rateurs. teatcher and researcher n the field of cinema- plans inavous, travers lesquels elle veut chapper sa vie actuelle. tographer. She worked as a director assistant
tographic image aesthetics. He has an adap- on different film projects, then she directed
tation project for a novel by Tunisian novelist a short amateur movie before co-directin the
Between France,Tunisia and Iran, the director is looking for Abbas Kiarosta- For Sarra, a young Tunisian middle class girl, everything on the surface, is
HEND Zneadi documentary Born in Spring in 2014.
mis path through meetings with his collaborators. going as her mother planned: she is taking sewing lessons and she is soon
SOART going to get married to a good man. But Sarra have unfulfilled wishes with
Atlas Vision which she hopes she can escape her current life.

Genre / : C.M Fiction Genre / : C.M Documentaire
2016 2017
Dure / Duration / : 04min Dure / Duration / : 09min
Pays / Country / : Tunisie Pays / Country / : Tunisie
Casting / : Scnario / Script / :
Marwen Tlili
Scnario / Script / :
Hamouda DOP / :
Hamouda Nataga Marwen Tlili - Eric Idriss Kanago MarwenTlili
DOP / : Nataga Sofiane Belaid
Ben Liese Montage / Editing / :
Montage / Editing / :
Marwen Tlili

Ben Liese .
. .
Hamouda Nataga est un ralisateur, sc- Marwen Tlili est Tunisien vivant au Qu-
nariste, acteur et producteur Allemand. Le
bec. Son identit est issue des mtissages.
cinaste aux racines tunisiennes montre

Ingnieur, il a aussi tudi les sciences
ce qui peut tre accompli avec un petit politiques et l'anthropologie. Il a choisi
budget et de bonnes ides. l'art pour partager ses expriences indivi-
Exils raconte le parcours personnel du ralisateur qui a grandi en Tu-
96 Un jour, dans un endroit pas si inhabituel, vous entrez tout fait acci- nisie et qui vit en exil depuis lge de 18 ans. Le film est une exploration duelles, collectives et ancestrales. 97
dentellement dans un monde dans lequel vous ne voudriez jamais tre. Hamouda Nataga is a German film director, travers l'histoire de trois personnages, de la question du rapport soi Marwen Tlili is a Tunisian living in Quebec.
screenwriter, actor and producer. Inspired by et du rapport lautre en soi, dans le cadre complexe de l'immigration His identitys is inspired by multi-cultural back-
his Tunisian roots he shows what is possible to et de lexil. ground. Besides being an engineer, he also stu-
do with a small budget and good ideas. died political sciences and anthropology. He
On a very normal day, in a not-so-unusual place, you enter, not intentionally Exiles tells the personal story of the director who grew up in Tunisia and chose art to share his individual, collective and
but quite accidentally, a world in which you would never want to be. who has been exiled since his 18s. The film is an exploration through the ancestral experiences.
story of three people of the relation to oneself and to each others within the
Acolori Medienproduktion GmbH Zarda Crations - Nancy-Lyne Beaudry
complex context of immigration and exile.
Genre / : C.M Fiction Genre / : C.M Fiction
2017 2016
Dure / Duration / : 16min Dure / Duration / : 13min
Pays / Country / : Tunisie Pays / Country / : Tunisie
Casting / : Casting / :
Bilel Briki Ahmed Landolsi
Scnario / Script / : Issam Racha Ben Maouia Karim
Issam Bouguerra Scnario / Script / :
DOP / : Bouguerra Karim Berrhouma Berrhouma
Hatem Nachi DOP / :
Montage / Editing / :
1983 Aimen Mabrouk
1983 9
Issam Bouguerra Montage / Editing / :
. Mohamed Ayed 2011 .

N Kairouan en 1983, il a tudi la pu-

. blicit audiovisuelle lcole de Design de Karim Berrhouma est n en Tunisie le 9
Tunis puis a tudi le cinma et la pro- Mars 1983. Scnariste et ralisateur, il
commence avec la publicit et les vidos
duction Los Angeles. Il a ralis plusieurs clips. Il ralise son premier court mtrage
Omar est un jeune homme originaire de Kairouan, une petite ville programmes tl et publicits. en 2011 et il se spcialise dans la fiction.
conservatrice de la Tunisie. Passionn de cinma, il sinscrit un Un portefeuille passe des mains dun personnage un autre durant une
concours de photographie qui lui permettra dtre admis dans une nuit dans la capitale tunisienne . Karim Berrhouma was born in Tunisia.
Bornin Kairouan in 1983. He studied audio-
cole de cinma Tunis. Il choisit la mort comme thme traiter. Com- Screenwriter and director, he began with TV
visual advertising in a design school in Tunis, ads and sitcoms. In 2011 he directed his first
ment les habitants de sa ville vont ragir cela?
then he moved to Los Angeles to study film- short film and wrote several scenarios.
Omar is a young man from a small conservative city who discovers his pas- making at L.A. Back in Tunisia he worked as A wallet goes through one characters hands to another on a night in the
sion for filmmaking. He enrolls in a photography contest to be accepted in a a director for several TV programs and shows. Tunisian capital.
film school in the capital. He chose death as a main topic for his work. How Yasmine production
would the inhabitants of his city react to this? Digipro


Genre / : C.M Fiction Genre / : C.M Fiction
2017 2017
Dure / Duration / : 30min Dure / Duration / : 26min
Pays / Country / : Tunisie Pays / Country / : Tunisie
Casting / : Casting / :
Kamel Dridi Amine Ben Saleh - Chdia Azouz,
Mohamed Kouka - YahyaJaziri, Moez
Scnario / Script / : Mohamed
Mohamed Ajbouni Ben Taleb - Fairuz Bouali, Emna Jaziri
Faten Jaziri
DOP / : Ajbouni Scnario / Script / :
Mohamed Maghraoui Faten Jaziri
Montage / Editing / :
DOP / : " "
Seif Ben Salem Hassne El Amri ""

2017 . Montage / Editing / :
Julien Hecker ""
SYNOPSIS Aprs des tudes de cinma l'Institut
Maghrbin de Cinma de Tunis, Mohamed Faten Jaziri a ralis son premier docu-fic-

Ajbouni a travaill en tant que premier tion Paris minspire . Elle a t assistante
"" . .
la ralisation sur le film Guerra de Fad-
assistant et directeur de production sur
hel Jaziri. Elle a ralis des documentaires
plusieurs projets cinmatographiques. En
2017, il ralise son deuxime court m- Habit par un pass charg de culture, o flotte le spectre de son pre, institutionnels, et co-crit avec Fabianny
Deschamps le scnario du film Isola .
Dans le milieu impitoyable des rues de Tunis, Komba un homme impli- trage "Les Mamelouks". Fars,jeune photographe exalt, tente de rejoindre une chanteuse qui
98 99
qu dans la traite des enfants de la rue, est tiraill entre l'appt du gain le fascine mystrieusement. Affrontant le cynisme de la ville moderne, She directed her first doc-fictionParis ins-
After a media and cinema studies in Tunis at
et la relation de "pre protecteur" qui le lie ces enfants. pris dans un tourbillon hallucin, il va devoir sortir de lui-mme et faire piresme for the CinCinma channel. She
The Maghreb Institute of Cinema, Mohamed worked as an assistant director withFadhelJa-
face ses peurs.
Ajbouni worked as First Assistant Director and ziri, on his film Guerra. She made institutio-
as Production Manager on several movie pro- Inhabited by a past full of culture, where the shadow of his father floats, nal documentaries, and co-wrote with Fabian-
In the ruthless streets of Tunis, Komba is a man involved in child trafficking. Fars,a young and exalted photographer,tries to join a singer who myste- nyDeschamps the scenario of Isola, selected
jects. In 2017, he directed his second short
He is torn between the bait of gain and his role of the "protective father" that riouslyfascinates him. Facing the cynicism of the modern city, caught in a at the Acid 2016.
film "The Mamluks".
binds him to these children. hallucinated vortex, he is going to have to step outside of himself in order to
CTV Productions AUDIMAGE PRODUCTION confront hisfears.
Genre / : C.M Fiction
Dure / Duration / : 16min
Pays / Country / : Tunisie
Casting / :
Hichem Bouzid
Scnario / Script / :
Rami Jarboui Rami Jarboui
DOP / :
Ahmed Essid
Montage / Editing / :
Rami Jarboui .


. Rami Jarboui est n Tunis en 1990. Il tra-

vaille comme monteur pour le cinma et
les mdias. Son court mtrage Soupe a
reu le premier prix du Mobile Film Festi-
Au milieu de nulle part, un homme tranant une pelle, trouve un vieil
val en 2017.
homme qui joue seul aux checs. Lhomme la pelle commence creu-
ser une tombe. Les choses s'acclrent dans cet espace temps sans Rami Jarboui was born in Tunis in 1990. He
identit. worked as a film and video editor. His short
film Soupe was awarded in the Mobile
In the middle of nowhere, a man dragging a shovel meet an old men playing film festival in 2017.
chess alone. The men with the shovel starts digging a grave. Things start to Rhesus Films
move faster.

Genre / : C.M Documentaire
Dure / Duration / : 14min
Pays / Country / : Tunisie
Casting / :
Khadija Nssir
Scnario / Script / :
Intissar Aoun
DOP / : Intissar Aoun
Adel Ghoudi - Intissar Aoun
Montage / Editing / :
Intissar Aoun .
"2015 " " :
Intissar Aoun est ralisatrice et architecte

dintrieur Tunisienne. Diplme en archi-
tecture dintrieur et titulaire dun Mas-
tre en Arts Visuels, elle a ralis deux
court mtrages Larchitecture vernacu-
Avant son mariage, la fille Djerbienne (originaire de lle de Djerba) laire en 2015 et Cin-Dfi en 2014.
100 senferme pour une priode bien dtermine, au cours de laquelle, elle 101
Intissar Aoun is a Tunisian director and interior
suit une cure alimentaire et esthtique connue sous le nom du rite de designer. She holds a Masters degree in Visual
la Hejba . Arts. She directed two short films Larchitec-
ture vernaculaire in 2015, and "Cin-Dfi"
in 2014.
Before her wedding, the Djerbian girl locks herself up for a period of time,
during which she follows a food and aesthetic cure, known as the rite of the My Way Productions Films
Genre / : C.M Fiction
Dure / Duration / : 27min

Pays / Country / : Egypte

Casting / :
Amir Salah El din - May El Ghety

Carthage Cin-Promesse Scnario / Script / :

Karim Fahmy - Adel Ahmed Yehia
DOP / :
Ibrahim El Nagary Adel Yehia
Montage / Editing / : High Cinema Institute
Ranada Mahmoud Salem

. .
Inspir d'une histoire vraie. Nada, une ballerine sourde, essaie d'exprimer ses sentiments envers son collgue Omar,
un pianiste aveugle. Les deux handicaps seraient-ils une barrire de communication?
1999 Based on true story. Nada a deaf ballerina tries to express her feelings towards her colleague Omar, a blind guy who also has
Haithem Sakouhi Oussama Azzi a passion for playing the piano.Will both disabilities be a barrier for communication?
Tunisie Tunisie
AQUARIUM Genre / : C.M Fiction
Youssef Sanheji
Dure / Duration / : 23min
Tunisie Adel Yehia Pays / Country / : Maroc
Egypte Casting / :
BAD TRIP Oussama Oussous - Hassan Badida
Georges Hazim Scnario / Script / :
Walid Ayoub
Liban Walid Ayoub DOP / :
Maroc Rami Aloui Walid Ayoub
Montage / Editing / : Esav Production
Ameer Albassri Pain Perdu

Afin de participer un concours dcriture, Sami, un jeune homme rveur, se lance dans la rdaction dun reportage
sur Abbas, un tueur atypique quil connat depuis son enfance.
In order to participate in a writing contest, Sami, a dreamy young man, starts writing a report on Abbas, an atypical killer he
has known since childhood.

Genre / : C.M Fiction
Dure / Duration / : 14min
Pays / Country / : Liban
SYNOPSIS Casting / :
Maya Dagher
Scnario / Script / :
Georges Hazim
DOP / :
Sandy Andraos Georges Hazim
Montage / Editing / : Pauline Ohanian
Georges Hazim
102 103

. .

Schappant la nuit, Abir rencontre sa meilleure amie dans les rues de la ville. Leur route dvoile des motions, des
craintes et des penses non exprimes. La nuit sassombrit.
Sneaking out at night, Abir meets her former best friend in the streets of the city to unveil unspoken emotions, fears and
thoughts. Their trip went bad.
Genre / : C.M Fiction Genre / : C.M Fiction
2016 2017
Dure / Duration / : 12min Dure / Duration / : 16min
Pays / Country / : Iraq Pays / Country / : Tunisie
Casting / : Casting / :
Mustafa Iyad - Shourouq Al Hassan Sabah Bouzouita - Zeyneb Ghorbel
Scnario / Script / : Scnario / Script / :
Ameer Albassri Youssef Sanheji
DOP / : DOP / :
Bayen Nabil Ameer Albassri Akram Chalouah Youssef Sanheji
Montage / Editing / : Ameer Albassri Montage / Editing / :
Yasser Saad Rawchen Mizouri Nomadis Images

, . 8

Adel, huit ans, veut regarder les dessins anims du Capitaine Majid, mais sa mre lui interdit dallumer la tl cause de Suite la dcouverte de son autisme, Sarra, une jeune lycenne se retrouve enferme la maison par sa mre Hend
la mort de son pre. qui accepte mal cette maladie. Craignant pour sa rputation sociale, Hend se consacre entirement sa fille et
Adel, eight years old, tries to watch cartoons of Captain Majid, but he cant because his mother refuses to turn on the TV at dcide de la soigner sa manire.
home until forty days have passed since his father was killed. Sarra, a young autistic girl finds herself locked up home by her mother Hend who does not accept her illness. Obsessed by
her social reputation, Hend devotes herself to her daughter and decides to cure her in her own way.
Genre / : C.M Fiction
Dure / Duration / : 15min
Pays / Country / : Tunisie
Casting / :
Haithem Sakouhi
Scnario / Script / :
Haithem Sakouhi
DOP / :
Isaam Meghni Haithem Sakouhi
Montage / Editing / : Haithem Sakouhi
Douraied Benzarti


Le narrateur, un scnariste, raconte sa vie ainsi que le quotidien de ses amis artistes de rues dans un rendez-vous
pas comme les autres.
The narrator, a screenwriter, tells his life as well as the daily life of his street artists friends in a brand new reality context.


Genre / : C.M Fiction
Dure / Duration / : 14min
Pays / Country / : Tunisie
Casting / :
Hatem Karoui
Scnario / Script / :
Oussama Azzi
DOP / :
Issam Meghni - Bilal Slatnia Oussama Azzi
Montage / Editing / : ESAD
Sabrine Ben Ammar 105

Exil du monde moderne, un vtran de guerre, pacifiste, crivain de cur et de profession, se retrouve confront
ses dmons et doit mener une dernire bataille contre lui-mme afin de smanciper du soldat quil a t.
Exiled from the modern world, a war veteran who is a pacifist writer, have to lead a last battle against himself in order to
forgive the soldier he had to be.
Cinmas du monde
World Cinema
Genre / : L.M Fiction
Dure / Duration / : 89min

Pays / Country / :
Casting / :
Evren Duyal- Sermet Yesil

Scnario / Script / :
Robin Campillo Philippe Van Leeuw Renzo Carbonera DOP / :
France Belgique Italie Tayfun Cetindag

KAM TAGEBUCH EINER BE- Pablo Munoz Gomez Elina Psykou Mesut Ulutas
GEGNUNG Belgique Grce
Jakob Preuss
Emre Erdodu Ruben stlund
GAZA SURF CLUB Turquie Sude, Danemark

Philip Gnadt .
Nadir Moknche Adam Sobel .
HELLE NCHTE France, Belgique Qatar, Royaume- Leyla, infirmire, est en surpoids et essaie dsesprment den perdre. Ke-
Thomas Arslan rem, un rvolutionnaire en grve de la faim, est amen l'hpital o travaille
Allemagne MA FILLE NORA TOIVON TUOLLA PUOLEN Leyla. Malgr leurs caractres diffrents, ils deviennent amis. Touch par sa
Jasna Krajinovic Aki Kaurismki douleur, Kerem se met encourager Leyla. Ses histoires de libert et de pou-
HEMSIRE Slovnie Finlande voir changeront la vie celle-ci pour toujours.
Dilek Colak
Leyla, a nurse, is overweighted and tries desperately to lose it. Kerem is a revolutio-
Hubert Charuel
nist on hunger strike whos brought to the hospital where Leyla works. Puzzled by
each other, they become friends. Touched by her pain, Kerem encourages her. His
stories of freedom and power will change Leyla's life forever.

Dilek Colak

." "
N Istanbul en 1973 Dilek Colak est diplme de l'Universit
des Beaux Arts de Mimar Sinan, du Dpartement tlvision & ci-
nma. Elle a travaill comme scnariste, ralisatrice et DOP dans
106 sur des courts mtrages de fiction et documentaires et a crit les 107
scripts d'un programme de tlvision pour enfants.
Born in Istanbul in 1973 Dilek Colak graduated from Mimar Sinan
Fine Arts University, on Cinema & TV Department. She worked as script
writer, director and DOP in short fiction films and documentaries, and
wrote the scripts of a childrens TV program.
Salyangoz Films

Genre / : L.M Fiction Genre / : L.M Fiction

2017 2017
Dure / Duration / : 99min Dure / Duration / : 90min

Pays / Country / : Pays / Country / :

Turquie Italie
Casting / : Casting / :
Ozan Uygun- Hazar Ergl Thierry Toscan- Maria Roveran

Scnario / Script / : Scnario / Script / :

Emre Erdodu Renzo Carbonera

DOP / : DOP / :
Ercan Kk Harald Erschbaumer

Montage / Editing / : Montage / Editing / :

Ayris Alptekin Elena Cabria



Mzeyyen est une jeune femme qui vit une vie chaotique, alimente par la Un kalidoscope de personnages donne de lironie et du rythme ce rcit
drogue en dehors des normes de la socit. Son frre Ali, interrompt sa vie dun petit monde en train daffronter les changements climatiques, et la d-
bourgeoise Bolu, et va Antalya pour rencontrer sa sur rcemment d- termination dune jeune femme, qui a besoin de redcouvrir la beaut de la
couverte. musique.

Mzeyyen is a young woman who lives a drug-fueled and chaotic life outside the A kaleidoscope of characters gives irony and rhythm to this tale of a small world
norms of society. Her brother Ali interrupts his wealthy life in Bolu, and goes to Anta- facing climate change, and the determination of a young woman who needs to dis-
lya to meet his lately discovered sister. cover again the beauty of music.

Emre Erdodu Renzo Carbonera

. : 1990 9 .1980
" , " " .
2017 "" 2015 " . 30
N en 1990 Emre Erdogdu a quitt le collge pour sa passion. Il a Renzo Carbonera est n en 1980. Il a ralis 9 documentaires pour
toujours rv de cinma. Aprs quelques courts mtrages et des les principaux tldiffuseurs Europens. Son court mtrage "La
expriences de ralisation, il met en scne son premier moyen m- Penna di Hemingway" a t slectionn Venise et a t projet
108 trage "The First Day of Human History" en 2015 et son premier dans plus de 30 festivals internationaux. Resina est son premier 109
long mtrage "Snow" en 2017. long mtrage de fiction.
Born in 1990 Emre Erdogdu dropped out his studies and followed his Renzo Carbonera was born in 1980. He directed 9 documentaries for
target. He always dreamt about cinema. After few short films and direc- the main European TV broadcasters. His short film La Penna di He-
ting experiences, he made his first medium-length film The First Day of mingway premiered at the Venice Days and was screened in over 30
Human History in 2015 and his first feature "Snow" in 2017. international film festivals. Resina is his first feature film.
Rementad OneArt
Genre / : L.M Documentaire Genre / : L.M Fiction
2017 2017
Dure / Duration / : 97min Dure / Duration / : 86min

Pays / Country / : Pays / Country / :

Allemagne Allemagne - Norvge
Casting / :
Scnario / Script / : Georg Friedrich - Tristan Gbel
Jakob Preuss Marie Leuenberger - Hanna Karl-
berg - Aggie Peterson - Frank Arne
DOP / : Olsen - Helle Goldman
Juan Sarmiento G.
Scnario / Script / :
Montage / Editing / : Thomas Arslan
Franziska von Berlepsch
Karoline Vielemeyer DOP / :
Reinhold Vorschneider

Montage / Editing / :
Reinaldo Pinto Almeida



Paul est un migrant du Cameroun. Il a fait son chemin vers la cte Marocaine Un pre tente de raviver sa relation avec son fils aprs des annes d'absence
o il vit maintenant dans une fort en attendant le bon moment pour traver- et un manque de communication. Il l'emmne dans un voyage en voiture au
ser la Mer Mditerrane. C'est l qu'il rencontre Jakob, cinaste de Berlin. Une nord de la Norvge, esprant qu'il ne soit pas trop tard.
amiti exceptionnelle entre Jakob et Paul se dveloppe dans le contexte des
dbats europens en cours sur les migrations.
Paul is a migrant from Cameroon. He has made his way to the Moroccan coast A father tries to fix his relationship with his son after years of absence and lack of
where he now lives in a forest waiting for the right moment to cross the Mediter- communication. He takes him on a road trip across northern Norway, hoping it is
ranean Sea. This is where he meets Jakob, a filmmaker from Berlin. An exceptional not too late.
friendship between Jakob and Paul grows in the context of the ongoing European
debates on migration.

Jakob Preuss Thomas Arslan

. . 1962
. " " "" . .
. :
Jakob Preuss est documentariste. Ses films sur lIran, la Bosnie et Thomas Arslan est n en 1962 Brunswick d'un couple Germa-
lUkraine ont t diffuss dans une dizaine de pays. The Other no-Turque. Il a pass une partie de son enfance Ankara. Il a tudi
Chelsea a gagn le Grimme en Allemagne. Jakob travaille aussi six ans la mise en scne au Berlin DFF. Son nom est associ ce-
110 dans le domaine politique, il a une Matrise en Droit (Sorbonne) et lui dAngela SchanelecetChristian Petzold,au renouveau de La 111
un Masters du Collge dEurope. Nouvelle Vague Allemande" (Berliner Schule).
Jakob Preuss is a documentary filmmaker. His films, shot in Iran, Bosnia, Thomas Arslan was born in 1962 in Brunswick from a German-Turkish
and Ukraine, have been broadcast in over ten countries. His last film couple. He spent part of his childhood in Ankara. He studied directing at
The Other Chelsea won the First Steps-Award and the Grimme-Award Berlin DFF for six years. His name is associated with Angela Schanelec
in Germany. Jakob Preuss is also engaged in political work. and Christian Petzold in the new "New German Wave" (Berliner Schule).
Weydemann Bros. GmbH Schramm Film Koerner & Weber;

Genre / : L.M Documentaire Genre / : L.M Fiction

2016 2017
Dure / Duration / : 87min Dure / Duration / : 142min

Pays / Country / : Pays / Country / :

Allemagne - Etats-Unis Sude- Allemagne
France - Danemark
Scnario / Script / : Casting / :
Philip Gnadt - Mickey Yamine Claes Bang- Elisabeth Moss
Dominic West- Terry Notary
DOP / : Christopher Lss
Niclas Reed
Scnario / Script / :
Montage / Editing / : Ruben stlund
Jutta Kurg
DOP / :
Fredrik Wenzel

Montage / Editing / :
Jacob Secher Schulsinger


. , . .

. , . .

Pris dans la plus grande prison en plein air au monde et rgis par la guerre, Christian est un conservateur apprci dun muse dart. Il fait partie de ces
une nouvelle gnration est attire par les plages. Malades de l'occupation et gens qui soutiennent les grandes causes. Il prpare son exposition autour
du blocage politique, ces jeunes trouvent leur propre libert personnelle dans dune installation incitant les visiteurs laltruisme. Mais il est parfois difficile
les vagues de la Mditerrane. Ils sont les surfeurs de Gaza. de vivre en accord avec ses valeurs : quand Christian se fait voler son tl-
phone, sa raction ne lhonore gure.
Trapped in "the world's largest open-air prison" and ruled by war, a new generation Christian is the respected curator of a contemporary art museum. He supports
is drawn to the beaches. Sick of occupation and political gridlock, they find their own good causes. His next show is The Square, an installation which invites passerby
personal freedom in the waves of the Mediterranean.They are the surfers of Gaza. to altruism. But sometimes, it is difficult to live up to your own ideals: Christians
foolish responses to the theft of his phone drags him into shameful situations.

Philip Gnadt Ruben stlund

. .2001
: - " "
Philip Gnadt a acquis ses premires expriences en tant qu'aide Ruben stlund commence par raliser des documentaires sur le
de camra pendant cinq ans dans les productions de tlvision et ski au dbut des annes 1990, pour ensuite tudier le cinma dans
de cinma, avant d'tudier l'Universit des mdias Stuttgart. la ville de Gothenburg d'o il sort diplm en 2001. En compagnie
112 En 2003, il a reu le prix de l'industrie cinmatographique de Ba- du producteurErik Hemmendorff, il fonde sa propre socit de 113
den-Wuerttemberg pour son documentaire Paula. production,Plattform Produktion, qui l'accompagnera tout au
long de sa carrire.
Philip Gnadt gained his first experiences as a camera assistant for five Ruben stlund started with documentaries on skiing in the early 1990s
years in TV and cinema productions, before studying at the Media Uni- and then studied cinema in the city of Gothenburg, where he graduated
versity in Stuttgart. In 2003 he received the sponsorship prize of the in 2001. With producer Erik Hemmendorff, he founded his own pro-
Baden-Wuerttemberg Film Industry for this documentary Paula. duction company, Plattform Produktion, who will accompany him
Little Bridge Pictures throughout his career. PLATTFORM PRODUKTION AB

Genre / : L.M Fiction Genre / : L.M Fiction

2017 2017
Dure / Duration / : 85min Dure / Duration / : 95min

Pays / Country / : Pays / Country / :

Finlande France, Belgique

Casting / : Casting / :
Sherwan Haji - Sakari Kuosmanen Fanny Ardant - Tewfik Jallab
Ikka Koivula - Janne Hyytiainen Nadia Kaci - Vronique Dumont
Nuppu Koivu Lucie Debay - Lubna Azabal

Scnario / Script / : Scnario / Script / :

Aki Kaurismki Nadir Moknche

DOP / : DOP / :
Timo Salminen Jeanne Lapoirie

Montage / Editing / : Montage / Editing / :

Samu Heikkila Chantal Hymans



Un restaurateur qui joue au poker et ancien vendeur ambulant, se lie d'amiti Quand sa mre est morte, Zino dcide de retrouver son pre, Farid.Mais,
avec un groupe de rfugis rcemment arrivs en Finlande. Farid est devenu Lola, il y a 25 ans.

A poker-playing restaurateur and former traveling salesman befriends a group of At the death of his mother, Zino decides to find his father, Farid. But, 25 years ago,
refugees newly arrived to Finland. Farid became Lola.

Aki Kaurismki Nadir Moknche

. 1957 ,)2004( : . 1965

. 18 . 2007 ") " 2012( ""
2003 " "
Aki Kaurismki est n en 1957 en Finlande. Il est l'un des cinastes Nadir Moknche est n en 1965 Paris, en France. Il est ralisa-
contemporains les plus acclams. Il a dirig 18 longs mtrages. Son teur et crivain, connu pour Viva Laldjrie (2004), Goodbye
style impitoyable et ses longues prises individuelles sont souvent Morocco (2012) et Dlice Paloma (2007).
114 115
cites comme une influence majeure sur le travail de Jim Jarmusch. Nadir Moknche was born in 1965 in Paris, France. He is a director and
Le ralisateur est le plus connu pour son drame "The Man Without writer, known forViva Laldjrie(2004),Goodbye Morocco(2012)
a Past" sorti en 2003. andDlice Paloma(2007).
Aki Kaurismki is born in 1957 in Finland. He is one of the most highly
acclaimed contemporary filmmakers. He has helmed 18 feature films.
His deadpan style and long single takes are often cited as a major in-
fluence on the work of Jim Jarmusch.The veteran director is best-known Blue Monday Productions (France)
Versus production (Belgique)
for his 2003 drama The Man Without a Past.
Sputnik Oy

Genre / : L.M Fiction Genre / : L.M Fiction

2017 2017
Dure / Duration / : 90min Dure / Duration / : 85min
Pays / Country / :
Pays / Country / : Wallonie-Bruxelles - Belgique
Casting / :
Casting / : Hiam Abbass - Diamand Abou Ab-
Swann Arlaud - Sara Giraudeau boud - Juliette Navis - Mohsen Abbas
Isabelle Candelier Moustapha AL Kar - Mohammad
Jihad Sleik
Scnario / Script / :
Hubert Charuel - Claude Le Pape Scnario / Script / :
Philippe Van Leeuw
DOP / :
Sbastien Goepfert DOP / :
Virginie Surdej
Montage / Editing / :
Julie Lna Montage / Editing / :
Gladys Joujou


. .

Pierre est leveur de vaches laitires. Sa vie sorganise autour de sa ferme et

ses vaches. Alors que les premiers cas dune pizootie se dclarent en France, Prise dans sa maison dans une ville sous sige, Oum Yazan, mre de trois per-
Pierre dcouvre que lune de sesvaches est potentiellement infecte. Il na sonnes, a transform son appartement en un refuge pour sa famille et ses voi-
pas dautre choix que la sauver. sins, essayant de les protger de la guerre l'extrieur. Lorsque les cours se
transforment en zones mortuaires, maintenir l'quilibre mince de la routine
Pierre is a breeder of dairy cows. His life is organized around his farm and his l'intrieur des murs devient une question de vie ou de mort.
cows.While the first cases of an epizootic are reported in France, Pierre discovers Trapped inside her house in a city under siege, Oum Yazan, mother of three, turned
that one of his cows is potentially infected. He has no choice but to save her. her flat into a safe space for her family and neighbors, trying to protect them from
the war outside. When the courtyards turn into deadly zones, maintaining the thin
balance of routine inside the walls becomes a matter of life and death.

Hubert Charuel Philippe Van Leeuw

. 1985 ,
".2011 "" ,)1997( " " .
: " 2006( " " ,)2013( "

N en 1985, Hubert Charuel grandit dans le milieu de l'agriculture. N Bruxelles, Philippe Van Leeuw a tudi l'INSAS avant de d-
Il dcide de prendre une autre voie. Il sort diplm de la Fmis mnager Los Angeles, o il a tudi la cinmatographie l'Ame-
en production en 2011. Paralllement son premier long mtrage rican Film Institute. Il est connu pour La vie de Jsus (1997),
116 Petit paysan il dveloppe un documentaire,Les vaches nauront Stable Unstable (2013) et Le dernier des fous (2006). 117
plus de nom. Born in Brussels, Philippe Van Leeuw studied at INSAS before moving
Born in 1985, Hubert Charuel grew up in the field of agriculture. He
decides to take another path. He graduated from Fmis in production to Los Angeles, where he studied cinematography at the American
in 2011. In parallel to his first feature film "Petit paysan", he deve- Film Institute. He is known forLa vie de Jsus(1997),Stable Uns-
loped a documentary entitled "Les caches sans nom de nom". table(2013) andLe dernier des fous(2006).


Genre / : L.M Documentaire Genre / : L.M Fiction

Dure / Duration / : 59min Dure / Duration / : 111min
Pays / Country / :
Pays / Country / : Grce - Bulgarie - France
Wallonie-Bruxelles - Belgique Casting / :
Victor Khomut - Valery Tsche-
Scnario / Script / : planowa - Thanassis Papageorgiou
Pablo Munoz Gomez Artemios Havalits - Areti Seintarid

DOP / : Scnario / Script / :

Erika Meda Elina Psykou

Montage / Editing / : DOP / :

Matthieu Jamet Dionysis Efthimiopoulos

Montage / Editing / :
Nelly Ollivault


. 11 . 2004
. , .

Les migrants nouvellement arrivs doivent suivre un cours d'intgration obli- Athnes, t 2004, lors des Jeux Olympiques d't. Misha, 11 ans, arrive de
gatoire en Flandre. Pour obtenir leur certificat, ils doivent apprendre les ha- Russie avec sa mre Sofia. Ce qu'il ignore, c'est qu'il y a un pre qui l'attend.
bitudes et les coutumes de la Flandre et de la Belgique. Avec humour et ten- Pendant que la Grce vit aux battements des Jeux Olympiques, Misha se
dresse, le film suit ces personnages tout au long de leur voyage. retrouve violemment confront au monde des adultes, compltement dsen-
Newly arrived migrants have to follow a mandatory integration course in Flanders. Athens, 2004 summer Olympic Games. 11-year-old Misha arrives from Russia to
To obtain their certificate, they have to learn the habits and customs from Flan- live with his mother, Sofia.What he doesn't know is that there is a father waiting for
ders and Belgium. With humor and tenderness, the film follows these characters him there. While Greece is living the Olympic dream, Misha will get violently cata-
throughout their journey. pulted into the adult world, riding on the dark side of his favorite fairy tales.

Pablo Munoz Gomez Elina Psykou

." " .
. .2013
" " 2016 .
Aprs des tudes de ralisation, Pablo Munoz Gomez rencontre Fils de Sofia est le deuxime long mtrage d'Elina Psykou. Elle a
le succs avec son film Welkom. Traitant avec humour les pro- commenc sa carrire de ralisatrice avec The eternal return of
blmes linguistiques propres la Belgique, le film est slectionn Antonis Paraskevas, qui a t projet en premire au festival de
118 dans une centaine de festivals travers le monde. En 2016, Pablo Berlin en 2013. Plus tard dans la mme anne, Psykou a t nom- 119
revient avec Intgration Inch'Allah, son premier documentaire . me parmi les10 ralisateurs Europens dcouvrir par Variety.
After his filmmaking studies, Pablo met success with his film Welk-
om. Dealing with humour about language related problems in Belgium, Son of Sofia is Elina Psykous second feature film. Her debut, The
he got selected to more than a hundred festivals over the world. In 2016, Eternal Return of Antonis Paraskevas premiered at the Berlin Film Fes-
Pablo comes back with Integration Inch'Allah, his first documentary. tival in 2013, and later that same year, Psykou was named one of the
10 European directors to watch by Variety.
Simple Production Heretic -

Genre / : L.M Documentaire Genre / : L.M Fiction

2017 2017
Dure / Duration / : 89min Dure / Duration / : 140min
Pays / Country / :
Pays / Country / : France
Qatar - Royaume-Uni Casting / :
Nahuel Perez Biscayart - Arnaud
Scnario / Script / : Valois - Adle Haenel

DOP / : Scnario / Script / :

Nazime Agoune - Joe Saadeh Robin Campillo - Philippe Mangeot

Montage / Editing / : DOP / :

Lauren Wellbrock -Anne Junemann Jeanne Lapoirie
Adam Sobel
Montage / Editing / :
Robin Campillo


. , . .

La Coupe des Travailleurs est instaure dans les camps de travail du Qatar, o
les stades de la Coupe du monde sont construits sur le dos des travailleurs
migrants. Le film suit une quipe de travailleurs. La nuit, ils participent un Dbut des annes 90, alors que le virus du Sida tue depuis prs de dix ans,
tournoi de football pour ouvriers. Chaque match leur offre une vasion mo- les militants d'Act Up-Paris multiplient les actions pour lutter contre l'indiff-
mentane de la nostalgie et de l'isolement qu'ils subissent. rence gnrale. Nouveau venu dans le groupe, Nathan va tre boulevers par
la radicalit de Sean qui consume ses dernires forces dans l'action.
The Workers Cup is set inside the labor camps of Qatar, where the World Cup sta-
diums are being built on the backs of migrant workers. The film follows a team of Early in the 1990s, while AIDS has been killing people for nearly a decade, activists
laborers. By night they compete in a workers football tournament. Each game offers of Act Up-Paris are making huge efforts to fight against general indifference. Na-
them a momentary escape from the homesickness and isolation they endure. than, a newcomer to the group, is going to be upset by the radicalism of Sean who
consumes his last forces in action.

Adam Sobel Robin Campillo

.2004 .

. 2013
2009 .)2013(

" " .
Robin Campillo est ralisateur, rdacteur et scnariste Franais.
Adam Sobel est un cinaste Amricain qui a pass 5 ans au Qatar. Son premier film They Came Back est sorti en 2004. Son film
Il tait producteur pour la tlvision et journaliste pour The Guar- Heading South a remport la Palme dOr au Festival de Cannes
120 dian, CNN, ITN. Travaillant sur linterculturalit, ses histoires per- en 2008. Quant Eastern Boys il a remport la Mostra de Venise 121
sonnelles sont riches en intimit, en dignit et en humour. The en 2013. En 2009, il a remport un Csar pour Entre les murs.
workers cup est son premier long mtrage.
Robin Campillo is French director, editor and screenwriter. His very first
Adam Sobel is an American filmmaker who spent 5 years in Qatar. film They Came Back was released in 2004. His film Heading Sou-
He has produced television and journalism materials for The Guardian, th won the Palme dOr at the Cannes Film Festival in 2008. As for
CNN, ITN. Working across cultures and continents, his character-driven Eastern Boys, he won the Venice Mostra (2013). In 2009, he got awar-
stories are rich with intimacy, dignity, and humor. The workers cup is ded with a Cesar for the film The class.
his first feature-film.
Mediadante/The Workers Cup Ltd.

Cinmas dAsie
Asian Cinema
Genre / : C.M DOC
Dure / Duration / : 15min

Pays / Country / :
Wallonie-Bruxelles - Slovnie

DOP / :
Shahrbanoo Sadat Yosep Anggi Noen
Montage / Editing / :
Marie-Hlne Mora Afghanistan Indonsie


Tauquir Ahmed Katsuya Tomita
Bengladesh Japon


Yuancheng Zhu Bakyt Mukul / Dastan Zhapar Uulu
". . Chine Kirghizistan
Ana Urushadze Deepak Rauniyar
Nora, la fille de Samira, est partie en Syrie. Depuis, sa mre remue ciel et terre Georgie / Estonie Npal
pour la faire revenir la maison.Ma fille Noraest une lettre de Samira
sa fille Nora. Le film suit Samira, son combat pour empcher dautres jeunes PARCHED RAUF
de partir, son voyage aux frontires syriennes et son douloureux quotidien, LA SAISON DES FEMMES Baris Kaya / Soner Caner
dchir entre lespoir et la peur de perdre sa fille dans la guerre en Syrie. Leena Yadav Turquie / Kurdisatn
Samira's daughter Nora suddenly left for Syria. Since then, her mother struggle to get Inde
her back home.Ma fille Norais a letter from Samira to her daughter, throughout
her everyday fight to prevent other young people from leaving. A trip to the Syrian
borders, torn between hope and fear of losing her daughter in Syrias war.

Jasna Krajinovic

. ,
INSAS 1999

Aprs avoir tudi la littrature, Jasna Krajinovic a rejoint l'Acad-
mie du film de Slovnie. En 1999, elle a eu son diplme de l'INSAS
Bruxelles et a commenc travailler comme documentariste
122 avec les frres Dardenne. 123
After studying literature, Jasna Krajinovic joined the Film Academy of
Slovenia. In 1999 she graduated from INSAS in Brussels and started
working as a documentarist with the Dardenne brothers.

Drives,Petit Petit production,CBA - Centre Bruxellois de l'Audiovisuel


Genre / : L.M Fiction Genre / : L.M Fiction

2016 2016
Dure / Duration / : 86min Dure / Duration / : 92min

Pays / Country / : Pays / Country / :

Danemark - France - Sude Bengladesh
Afghanistan Casting / :
Shahiduz Zaman Selim - Mo-
Casting / : sharraf Karim - Fazlur Rahman
Sediqa Rasuli - Qodratolla Qadiri Babu - Abul Hayat - Nipun Akhter
Amina - Sahar - Shatabdi Wadud
Scnario / Script / :
Shahrbanoo Sadat Scnario / Script / :
DOP / : Tauquir Ahmed
Virginie Surdej
DOP / :
Montage / Editing / : Enamul Haque Shohel
Alexandra Strauss
Montage / Editing / :
Amit Debnath



Un hameau de l'ethnie Hazara perdu dans les montagnes afghanes. Les en- Lhistoire du cercueil d'un travailleur expatri avec une fausse identit, aggrave
fants gardent le btail, les protgeant des loups. Les garons sentranent la crise lorsquon dcouvre le corps d'une autre personne l'intrieur.
la fronde, les filles imaginent leurs mariages. Sediqa, 12ans, est carte parce
quelle porterait malheur. Qodrat, un garon de son ge, est aussi rejet
cause de la situation de sa mre. Une amiti nat entre ces deux exclus.
A hamlet of the Hazara ethnic group is lost in the Afghan mountains. The children The coffin of an expatriate worker with manipulated identity intensify the crisis
keep the cattle, protecting them from the wolves.The boys train at the sling, the girls when another persons corpse is found inside.
dream of getting married. Sediqa, 12 years old, is excluded because she would bring
bad luck. Qodrat, a boy her age, is also rejected because of his mother's situation. A
friendship starts between the excluded pair.

Shahrbanoo Sadat Tauquir Ahmed

. . .1966
. . 2004 ,
. .2007 , .2006
2016 " " 2016
Ne en Iran de parents Afghans Shahrbanoo Sadat revient en Tauquir Ahmed est n en 1966. Il est architecte, acteur, crivain
Afghanistan et sinscrit en cinma luniversit de Kaboul. A 20 et cinaste. Il a dbut sa carrire dans le thtre et a ralis
ans, elle est invite par lAtelier de la Cinfondation du Festival de cinq longs mtrages. Joyjatra (2004), RupkotharGolpo (2006),
124 Cannes. Wolf and sheep a t slectionn par la Quinzaine des 125
Ralisateurs 2016, qui lui a dcern son Art Cinema Award. DaruchiniDwip (2007), et Oggatonama (THE UNNAMED)
en 2016.
Shahrbanoo Sadat is born in Iran. She came to live in Afghanistan and Tauquir Ahmed is born in 1966. He is architect, actor, writer and film-
studied cinema at the University of Kabul. At 20, she is invited by the maker. He started his career in theatre and directed five feature films:
Atelier de la Cinfondation at Cannes Film Festival. Wolf and sheep Joyjatra (2004),RupkotharGolpo in 2006, DaruchiniDwip in 2007
was selected by La Quinzaine des Ralisateurs in 2016, and won the Art
Cinema Award. and Oggatonama (THE UNNAMED) in 2016.
Trigon-film Tauquir Ahmed

Genre / : L.M Fiction Genre / : L.M Fiction

2016 2017
Dure / Duration / : 90min Dure / Duration / : 107min

Pays / Country / : Pays / Country / :

Chine Georgie -Estonie
Casting / : Casting / :
Wang Deshun - Yan Binguan Nata Murvanidze - Dimitri Tatshvili
Ramaz Ioseliani - Avtandil Makha-
Scnario / Script / : radze - Anastaisa Chanturaia
Yuancheng Zhu - Bo Wu Lasha Gabunia

DOP / : Scnario / Script / :


Montage / Editing / : DOP / :

Peng Dong Mindia Esadze

Montage / Editing / :
Alexander Kuranov

() ,
. . .

Une femme Mianhua "Cotton" trouve un emploi comme garde malade plein
temps chez un ancien boxeur ttu qui souffre de la maladie d'Alzheimer. Manana, une femme au foyer de 50 ans, se trouve devant un dilemme: elle doit
Elle est embauche par sa fille qui mprise toutes les gouvernantes. Lancien choisir entre sa vie familiale et sa passion pour l'criture qu'elle a rprime
boxeur prend Mianhua pour son ex-femme laquelle il doit une dette amou- depuis des annes. Elle dcide de suivre sa passion et se dvoue entirement
reuse. Soudain Mianhua dcouvre qu'elle est enceinte. l'criture, sacrifiant tout, aussi bien sur le plan moral que physique.

A woman Mianhua Cotton gets a job as a full-time caretaker of an old stubborn Manana, a 50-year-old housewife, struggles with a dilemma. She has to choose
boxer who suffers from Alzheimers disease. She is hired by his daughter who des- between her family life and her passion for writing, which she has repressed for
pises all nannies.The man believes that Mianhua is his ex-wife whom he owed a love years. She decides to follow her passion and plunges herself into writing, sacrificing
debt. Suddenly, Mianhua finds out that she got pregnant. everything to it, both mentally and physically.

Yuancheng Zhu Ana Urushadze

. , .1990
" " .2013
2012 " " 2017 " " : .
2010 ""
Yuancheng Zhu est le scnariste de Finding Suman, une srie t-
lvise sur le Sida, adapte du roman de Hong Li. Critique pour le Ana est ne Tbilisi, en Gorgie et est diplme du thtre Shota
magazine Film Stories Monthly et directeur excutif de From the Rustaveli et de l'Universit Nationale du Cinma. Elle a crit et
126 127
Same Roots, slectionn au festival de Tokyo, de Tribeca et Doha. dirig plusieurs courts mtrages et un premier long mtrage.
Yuancheng Zhu is the scriptwriter of Finding Suman, a series on AIDS Ana was born in Tbilisi, Georgia on September 11, 1990. She graduated
adapted from Hong Lis novel. Film critic for the magazine Film Stories from Shota Rustaveli Theatre and Film State University in 2013. She has
Monthly and Executive Director of The Same Roots nominated for written and directed several shorts and one debut feature film. 2017
the Tokyo Film Festival, the Doha and Tribeca . Scary Mother, 2012 One Man Loved Me, 2010 Ideas.
MovieView International Studio Artizm - LASHA KHALVASHI - -

Genre / : L.M Fiction Genre / : L.M Fiction

2015 2016
Dure / Duration / : 116min Dure / Duration / : 92min

Pays / Country / : Pays / Country / :

Inde Indonsie
Casting / : Casting / :
Tannishtha Chatterjee - Radhika Gunawan Maryanto - Marissa Anita
Apte - Surveen Chawla Eduwart Boang Manalu - Melanie
Subono - Dhafi Yunan - Joned
Scnario / Script / : Suryatmoko
Leena Yadav
Scnario / Script / :
DOP / : Yosep Anggi Noen
Russel Carpentier
DOP / :
Montage / Editing / : Bayu Prihantoro Filemon
Kevin Tent
Montage / Editing / :
Andhy Pulung


" " . 1996

. .

Inde, Etat du Gujarat, de nos jours. Dans un petit village, quatre femmes osent Juillet 1996, des meutes clatent Jakarta. Wiji Thukul, un clbre pote,
s'opposer aux hommes et aux traditions ancestrales qui les asservissent. Por- connu pour son activisme est suspect et contraint tre un fugitif. Aid par
tes par leur amiti et leur dsir de libert, elles affrontent leurs dmons, et des militants au cours de son voyage, il se retrouve dans une petite ville o
rvent d'amour et d'ailleurs. il trouve la paix. Mais son esprit et son cur restent avec sa femme et ses
enfants vivant sous surveillance Solo.
India, State of Gujarat, nowadays. In a small village, four women refuses patriarchy July 1996, riots break out in Jakarta. Wiji Thukul, a well-known poet, is designed
and the ancestral traditions that enslave them. Driven by their friendship and their as a suspect activist and forced to become a fugitive. Helped by activists along his
desire for freedom, they confront their devils, and dream of love and a better world. journey, he ends up in a small town where he finds peace. But his mind and heart
remains with his wife and children living under surveillance in Solo.

Leena Yadav Yosep Anggi Noen

.1971 " " .

" " 2005 . ." " 2013 . 2012
. " " 2010 . ." " 2014
2015 "" 2016 " "
Ne en 1971, Leena Yadav a fait son entre au cinma en ralisant
Yosep Anggi Noen est ralisateur et crivain. Son film Peculiar Va-
des publicits des programmes pour la tlvision. Shabd (2005)
cation and Other Illnesses (2012) a t prim Locarno. A Lady
128 est son premier film. Le deuxime film, Teen Patti (2010) et La 129
Caddy Who Never Saw a Hole in One a quant lui t prim
saison des femmes (2015) est son troisime long-mtrage.
Busan IFF 2013. Genre Sub Genre prim Arkipel.
Born in 1971, Leena Yadav started her cinema experience by advertising
and directed television programs. Shabd (2005) is her first film. The se- Yosep Anggi Noen is director and writer. Peculiar Vacation and Other
cond feature, Teen Patti (2010) and La saison des femmes (2015) Illnesses (2012) awarded in Locarno. A Lady Caddy Who Never Saw a
is her third feature film. Hole in One awarded at Busan IFF 2013. Genre Sub Genre awarded
in Arkipel I E D F 2014. Love Story Not. Solo, Solitude(2016).
Seville International Yulia Evina Bhara -

Genre / : L.M Fiction Genre / : L.M Fiction

2016 2016
Dure / Duration / : 183min Dure / Duration / : 112min

Pays / Country / : Pays / Country / :

Japon Kirghizistan
Casting / : Casting / :
Ubenja Pongkorn - Sunun Phuwi- Iman Mukul - Marat Alyshbayev
set - Chutlpha Promplang TaalaiKasymaliyev - Bakyt Mukul
Scnario / Script / : Amantur Abdysalam uulu - Tynara
Toranosuke Aizawa - Katsuya Abdrazaeva
Tomita Scnario / Script / :
DOP / : Bakyt Mukul - Dastan Zhapar uulu
Studio Ishi
Montage / Editing / : DOP / :
Takuma Furuy -, Takahiro Yama- Akzhol Bekbolotov
guchi - Seiji Nakamura - Katsuya
Tomita - Masahiro Mukoyama Montage / Editing / :
Aktan Ryskeldiev


. .


A Bangkok, la rue Thaniya est un haut lieu de la prostitution, frquent par des Vivant aux Etats-Unis depuis 15 ans, Azat senvole au Kirghizistan son village
Japonais. Luck, lune des reines du quartier, y retrouve Ozawa, ancien client familial pour exhausser le vu de feu son pre : rembourser largent quil de-
et amant Japonais dracin. Ensemble, ils vont tenter de vivre leur amour aux vait aux villageois. Azat retrouve la maison familiale abandonne et Choro, le
confins du pays, la frontire du Laos. Mais leur qute du paradis perdu se frre cadet de Murat, le mal aim du village, est emprisonn cause de Murat.
heurte aux traces encore fortement prsentes du pass colonial. Il se manifeste et le vu le plus important de Murat va tre exauc.
After living in the USA for 15 years, Azat flies to Kyrgyzstan to his family village. It
In Bangkok,Thaniya Street is a hotbed of prostitution, frequented by Japanese men. was his dying fathers wish Murat to pay back the money he owed to the villagers.
Luck, one of the queens of the area, meets Ozawa, a Japanese former client and Azat discovers the family home derelict and Choro, the younger brother of Murat,
lover.Together, they will try to live their love on the border of Laos. But their quest for who was not very popular among the villagers and was imprisoned because of Mu-
a lost paradise is hampered by the legacy of colonialism. rat. He shows up when the most important question about Murats will is decided.

Katsuya Tomita
Bakyt Mukul - Dastan Zhapar Uulu

2003 8 " " .1972 .1965

.16 2007 " 20 " .
.)2011( Bakyt Mukul, n en 1965, est acteur et cinaste. Il est membre de
lUnion des Cinastes de la Rpublique Kirghize. A Fathers Will
Katsuya Tomita est n en 1972 Kofu au Japon. Il ralise Above est son premier film.
Bakyt Mukul, born in 1965, is an actor and filmmaker. He was a member
the Clouds (2003) en8 mm. Il tourne Off Highway 20 (2007)
130 of the Union of Filmmakers of the Kyrgyz Republic. A Fathers Will is 131
en 16 mm. Il ralise Saudade (2011). Il est invit au Festival de
his debut film.
Locarno et remporte la Montgolfire dor au Festival des 3 conti-
nents de Nantes. .
Katsuya Tomita is born in 1972 in Kofu, Japan. He directed Above the Dastan Zhapar Uulu est diplm de linstitut de cinma. A Bakyt Mukul Dastan Zhapar
Clouds, 8mm in 2003. He shot Off Highway 20 (2007) in 16 mm. fatherwill est son premier film. Uulu
Saudade (2011). He was invited to Locarno and won the Gold Mont- Dastan Zhapar Uulu graduated from the Kyrgyz State Institute of Arts
golfire at the Festival of the 3 continents of Nantes. in the Theatre and Cinema Faculty. A Fathers Will is his debut film.
Terutar OSANA Kuzoku Inc. Elfilm Studio

Genre / : L.M Fiction Genre / : L.M Fiction

2016 2016
Dure / Duration / : 89min Dure / Duration / : 94min

Pays / Country / : Pays / Country / :

Npal Turquie
Casting / : Casting / :
Asha Magrati - Rabindra Singh Ba- Alenhuseyin Gursoy - Seyda Sozuer
niya - Sumi MAalla - Amrit Pariyar Yavuz Gurbuz - Muhammed Ubic
Dayahang Rai Veli Ubic

Scnario / Script / : Scnario / Script / :

Deepak Raunyiar / David Barker Soner Caner

DOP / : DOP / :
Mark Ofearghail Vedat zdemir

Montage / Editing / : Montage / Editing / :

David Barker Ahmet Boyacioglu - Baris Kaya
Ali Emre Uzsuz


. .

Chandra partisan anti-rgime confronte les obstacles physiques, sociaux et lge de 9 ans, Rauf tombe amoureux dune jeune fille. Il cherche tout prix
politiques pendant les funrailles de son pre. Sa recherche dune solution faire plaisir llue de son cur dans un monde qui, mme la lumire du
lamne des villages de montagnes avoisinantes et des rencontres avec la jour, perd peu peu de ses couleurs. Le rose est la teinte qui colore lhistoire
police et les gurilleros rebelles. de Rauf et que ce dernier recherche partout.

Anti-regime partisan Chandra confronts physical, social and political obstacles for his At the age of 9, Rauf falls in love with a young girl. He tries by all means to please
fathers funeral. His search for a solution takes him to neighboring mountain villages his sweetheart in a world which, even in daylight, gradually loses its shine. Pink is the
and encounters with the police and rebel guerrillas. color that tints Rauf s story.Therefore, Rauf seeks pink everywhere.

Deepak Rauniyar
Baris Kaya - Soner Caner
2016 Diplm en Cinma, Baris Kaya a ralis de nombreuses publicits. Il a
travaill comme co-ralisateur sur le film Nefes.
Deepak Rauniyar, son premier film High way a t projet en
A graduate of Cinema, Baris Kaya worked as film producer on numerous commer-
2012 au Festival International du film de Berlin. White Sun, a t
cials. He also worked as co-director for the film Nefes.
projet la Mostra de Venise en 2016. Il fut aussi prim Singa-
132 pour, Palm Spring et Fribourg. 133

Deepak Rauniyars High way (2012) premiered in Berlin Internatio- 2009
nal Film Festival. White Sun premiered at Venice International Film Form dans les technologies plastiques, Soner Caner est aussi d-
Festival (2016).The film won several awards at the Singapore Film Fes- corateur, maquilleur et directeur artistique. Prix du meilleur direc-
tival, in Palm Spring and Fribourg International Film Festival. teur artistique lAltin Koza Film Festival pour le film Nefes.
After a training in artistic technologies, Soner Caner worked in decor,
Deepak Rauniyar make-up and as artistic director. He got awarded as Best Artistic Direc- Baris et soner tor for the film Nefes.

Cinmas dAmrique Latine
Genre / : L.M Fiction
Latin American Cinema 2014
Dure / Duration / : 106min

Pays / Country / :
Casting / :

Scnario / Script / :

DOP / :
Julieta Ledesma Sebstian Sanchez Amuntegui Montage / Editing / :
Argentine / Uruguay Argentine / Mexique CARLOS ARMELLA


Kris Niklison Carlos Armella
Argentine / Brsil Argentine / Mexique .
. .

Jess Vallejo et son fils Juan Diego sont les seuls habitants restant dans la ville
fantme de La Estancia. Leur calme est perturb lorsquun cinaste arrive
pour faire un documentaire sur ces deux personnes. Une relation troite se
dveloppe entre les trois, mais elle ne dure que quelques jours, jusqu ce
que le cinaste part de nouveau. Beaucoup dannes passent avant quil ne
In the abandoned town of La Estancia, an unusual relationship develops between its
last two inhabitants, Jess Vallejo and his son Juan Diego, and the filmmaker documen-
ting their lives.Years later, the filmmaker returns to complete his unfinished work and
find his characters once again, but soon realizes that things have changed and can
never be the same.
Carlos Armella


2014 .2008
N en Mexico City en 1978, ralisateur, monteur et scnariste. Il a
tudi lcriture scnaristique au Centro de Capacitacin Cinema-
134 togrfica et ralisation au London Film School. Son court-mtrage 135
Tierra y pan a remport le Golden Lion du Festival du Film de
Venise en 2008. En 2014, il a ralis son film En la estancia.
Carlos Armella is born in Mexico City and is director, editor and scrip-
twriter. He studied Scriptwriting at the Centro de Capacitacin Cine-
matogrfica and filmmaking in The London Film School. His short film
Tierra y pan won the Golden Lion award from the Venice Film Festival
in 2008. In 2014 he released his feature film En la estancia .

Genre / : L.M Fiction Genre / : L.M Fiction

2015 2017
Dure / Duration / : 91min Dure / Duration / : 86min

Pays / Country / : Pays / Country / :

Mexique / Argentine Argentine - Brsil
Casting / : Casting / :
Flavia Atencio - Ana Maria Picchio - Camila Morgado - Maricel Alvarez
Sandra Burgos - Maria Alice Vergueiro - Daniel
Juan Gil Navarro - Catalina Saave- Fanego - Daniel Araoz
dra - Mario Bertone
Scnario / Script / :
Scnario / Script / : Kris Niklison
Flavia Atencio
DOP / :
DOP / : Kris Niklison
Juan Carlos Lazo
Montage / Editing / :
Montage / Editing / : Kris Niklison - Karen Harley
Roberto Bolado


. .


Histoire intime d'une petite famille. Mariana, fille unique des Di Mateo, re- Un deuil soudain amne une femme au bord de la folie. Les procdures fu-
tourne, aprs plusieurs annes passes au Mexique, dans sa ville natale de nraires, la chaleur et une voisine qui vient arroser les plantes, se runissent
Mendoza, pour voir son pre sur son lit de mort. Mais le but rel de son dans un priple motionnel dans lequel il est impossible de distinguer le rel
retour est de dvoiler les non-dits, enterrs par le silence d'une famille idale de lirrel.
faonne par la mre.
An intimate story of a small family. Mariana, the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Di A sudden mourning brings a woman on the verge of madness. Funeral procedures,
Mateo, returns, after several years of living in Mexico, to her hometown Mendoza, heat and a neighbor who comes to water the plants, lead her into a depressive state
to see her father on his deathbed. But the real purpose of her return is to say things in which it is impossible to distinguish the real from the unreal.
that were unsaid, buried under the silence of an ideal family moulded by her mother.

Kris Niklison
Sebastian Sanchez Amunategui



Sebastian Sanchez Amunategui est producteur de thtre depuis Kris Niklison est actrice, chorgraphe, auteure et ralisatrice de
plus d'une dcennie et producteur de films. What we never said thtre. Son premier long mtrage, Diletante a t prim Mar
del Plata et Cartagena. Vergel son deuxime film, a t slection-
est son premier long mtrage en tant que ralisateur. n au Festival de Gramado et au Festival do Rio.
136 137
Sebastian Sanchez Amunategui is a theater and cinema producer for
more than a decade. What we never said is his first feature as a Former actress, choreographer, playwright and theatre director Kris
director. Niklison travelled the world with her performances. Her first feature,
Dilettante was awarded at Mar del Plata and Cartagena film festivals.
Vergel her second was officially selected at Festival de Gramado, and
Festival do Rio.
Selva Film - Flavia Atencio BASATA FILMS -

Genre / : L.M Fiction

Dure / Duration / : 108min

Pays / Country / :
Argentine - Uruguay
Casting / :
Osmar Nez / Mirella Pascual -
Pablo Rios - Jogre Roman

Scnario / Script / :
Julieta Ledesma

DOP / :
Matthias Fleischer Focus Algrie
Montage / Editing / : Focus on Algeria
Valeria Otheguy

. Mohammed Lakhdar-Hamina Amor Hakkar Yacine Mohamed Benelhadj

Mohammed Chouikh TEUR TAHAR Fabrice Benchaouche
Moussa Haddad
Santiago se rveille en plein dsert et se dirige vers la maison de son pre qui EL WAHRANI YEMA
le reoit coups de fusil. Ernesto dcide de sacrifier Arn, le chien, mais des Lyes Salem LOTFI Djamila Sahraoui
apparitions fantasmagoriques secouent les relations familiales. Ahmed Rachedi
Basil Al-Khatib RACHIDA Said Ould-Khlifa
Santiago wakes up in the desert and goes to his father's house who receives him at Yamina Bachir-Chouikh
gunpoint. Ernesto decides to sacrifice Arn, the dog, but phantasmagorical appari-
tions shake the family's relationships.

Julieta Ledesma

. .
Julieta Ledesma est ralisatrice, designer d'images et de sons, di-
plme de l'Universit de Buenos Aires. Actuellement, elle fait par-
tie d'Irupe Cine o elle dveloppe des projets de longs mtrages.
138 At last, my darling!, moyen mtrage, figure parmi ses uvres 139
Julieta Ledesma is a director, an image and sound designer, graduated
from the University of Buenos Aires. Nowadays she is part of Irupe Cine
where she develops feature films projects. Among her works is the me-
dium-length film At last, my darling!.

Genre / : L.M Fiction Genre / : L.M Fiction

2015 2017
Dure / Duration / : 114min Dure / Duration / : 110min

Pays / Country / : Pays / Country / :

Algrie Algrie
Casting / : Casting / :
Samir Boitard - Nicolas Bridet - Youcef Sehairi
Laurent Hennequin
Scnario / Script / :
Scnario / Script / : Rabah Drif
Mohammed Lakhdar-Hamina
DOP / :
DOP / : Jamel Matar
Alessandro Pesci
Montage / Editing / :
Montage / Editing / : Talid Al Khatib
Herve Deluze - Marie Pierre Renaud


. /1889(
. )1940

Le film se passe pendant la Guerre d'Algrie. Un officier Franais, convaincu Le film traite des aspects de la vie du rformiste musulman Ibn Badis, natif de
que lAlgrie appartient la France, se retrouve confront un soldat refusant la ville de Constantine (1889-1940), et notamment de ses voyages l'tranger.
dexcuter un combattant Algrien comme on le lui avait ordonn. Le film commence par un vnement important de sa vie, qui est le dcs de
son grand pre en 1899.

The film takes place during the Algerian War. A French officer, convinced that Algeria The film depicts the life of the muslim reformer Ibn Badis, a native of the city of
belongs to France, is confronted with a soldier refusing to shoot an Algerian fighter Constantine (1889-1940), focusing on his travels abroad. The film starts with an
as ordered. important event in his life: his grandfathers death in 1899.

Basil Al-Khatib
Mohammed Lakhdar-Hamina
. 1934 26 1962 6
1975 .
1982 1967 1992

Mohammed Lakhdar-Hamina est n le 26 Fvrier 1934 M'sila, en Basil Al-Khatib est un ralisateur Syrien de films et sries tlvi-
Algrie. Il est ralisateur et crivain, connu pour Chronique des ses, n le 6 mai 1962 Hilversum, aux Pays-Bas. Il est diplm
annes de braise (1975) qui a obtenu la Palme dOr au festival de l'Institut National de la Cinmatographie Moscou et travaille
140 141
de Cannes, Le Vent des Aurs (1967) et Vent de sable (1982). depuis 1992 pour la tlvision et le cinma.
Mohammed Lakhdar-Hamina was born on February 26, 1934 in M'sila, Basil Al-Khatib is a Syrian director of films and television series, born on
Algeria. He is a director and writer, known for Chronicle of the years of May 6th 1962 in Hilversum, the Netherlands. He graduated from the
fire (1975) which won the Palme dOr prize at Cannes Film Festival, National Institute of Cinematography in Moscow and has been working
The wind of the Aures (1967) and Sandstorm (1982). since 1992 on television programs and film projects.

Genre / : L.M Fiction Genre / : L.M Fiction

2014 1989
Dure / Duration / : 128min Dure / Duration / : 95min

Pays / Country / : Pays / Country / :

Algrie Algrie
Casting / : Casting / :
Lyes Salem - Khaled Benaissa Djillali An-Tedeles - Khaled Barkat
Djemel Barek - Amel Kateb Fatima Belhadj - Assa Momo
Nawal Zaatar - Boumedienne Sirat
Scnario / Script / :
Lyes Salem Scnario / Script / :
Mohammed Chouikh
DOP / :
Pierre Cottereau DOP / :
Allel Yahiaoui
Montage / Editing / :
Florence Ricard Montage / Editing / :
Yamina Bachir-Chouikh


. ,


Durant les premires annes deuphorie qui suivent l'indpendance, deux Dans un village du sud oranais, Sidi, vendeur d'toffes et de vtements, est
amis, Djaffar et Hamid, sont promis un bel avenir dans une Algrie libre polygame. Son fils adoptif, Kaddour, rveur naf, tombe follement amoureux
jusqu'au jour o la trahison les spare. de l'pouse du cordonnier. Afin de s'octroyer les faveurs de la belle, il excute
un rituel recommand par un marabout.

During the first euphoric years of independence, two friends, Djaffar and Hamid, In a village in the south of Oran, Sidi, a clothes seller is polygamous. His adopted son,
are promised to a blooming future in a free Algeria until the day where treason Kaddour, a naive dreamer, is madly in love with the shoemakers wife. In order to win
separates them. the beautiful womans heart, he performs a ritual recommended by a marabout.

Lyes Salem Mohammed Chouikh

. :
.) 2003( .

2008 1988

Lyes Salem a suivi plusieurs formations d'acteur. Il ralise plusieurs Mohammed Chouikh commence comme comdien au Thtre
courts mtrages dont Cousines (2003) qui a reu le Csar du National Algrien et dans plusieurs films : L'Aube des damns,
142 meilleur court mtrage. Mascarades (2008) est son premier long Le Vent des Aurs et Les Hors-la-loi. Il crit et ralise des t- 143
mtrage, qui a reprsent lAlgrie aux Oscars. lfilms de long mtrage : L'Embouchure (1972) et Les Paums
(1974). Il s'oriente vers le grand cran avec La Citadelle en 1988.
Lyes Salem had several trainings to become an actor. With Cousines Mohammed Chouikh started as an actor at the Algerian National Thea-
(2003), he won numerous international awards and a Csar for the ter and in several films : L'Aube des damns, Le Vent des Aurs et
Best Short Film. In 2008, he directed Mascarades which represented Les Hors-la-loi. He wrote and produced television feature films: L'Em-
Algeria at the Oscars. bouchure (1972) and Les Paums (1974). He moved to the cinema
with The Citadel in 1988.

LA PREUVE Les vacances de l'Inspecteur Tahar

Genre / : L.M Fiction Genre / : L.M Fiction

2013 1973
Dure / Duration / : 95min Dure / Duration / : 110min

Pays / Country / : Pays / Country / :

Algrie Algrie
Casting / : Casting / :
Nabil Asli - Anya Louanchi Hadj Abderrahmane
Zineb Ahmidou Yahia Benmabrouk
Scnario / Script / :
Scnario / Script / : Hadj Abderrahmane
Amor Hakkar - Florence Bouteloup
DOP / :
DOP / : Rachid Merabtine
Jean-Marie Delorme
Montage / Editing / :
Montage / Editing / : Rachid Benallal
Juliette Picouleau




Ali, chauffeur de taxi, est mari Houria, veuve et mre de deux fillettes. Le L'inspecteur Tahar et son adjoint, sont invits par Ommi Traki, hrone po-
couple ne parvient pas avoir d'enfant. Ali va faire un test de fertilit, l'insu pulaire Tunisienne, passer leurs vacances Tunis. Avant de quitter Alger, ils
d'Houria. S'il est strile, le dira-t-il sa femme et son pre, qui attend de lui font halte dans un complexe touristique o un meurtre vient d'tre commis.
un descendant ? Les circonstances jouant contre lui, Ali se retrouve confron- L'enqute pleine de surprises et de rebondissements les mnera jusqu' Tunis
t un choix difficile. o ils retrouveront Ommi Traki et sa famille.

Ali, a taxi driver, is married to Houria, a widow and mother of two little girls. The Inspector Tahar and his assistant are invited by Ommi Traki, a popular Tunisian sit-
couple struggle to have children. Ali will do a fertility test, without telling Houria. If he com heroine, to spend their holidays in Tunis. Before leaving Algiers, they stop at a
is sterile, will he tell the truth to his wife and father, who is expecting him to have a touristic compound where a murder has just been committed.The investigation, full
descendant? Confronted with difficult circumstances, Ali faces a dilemma. of surprises and twists, will take them to Tunis where they will find Ommi Traki and
her family.

Amor Hakkar Moussa Haddad

, 1958 .1966

) 2013( ) 2007( .1967

Amor Hakkar, n le 1er Janvier 1958 dans les Aurs, est un com- Moussa Haddad commence sa carrire comme assistant ralisa-
dien et ralisateur Algrien connu pour La Maison Jaune (2007), teur sur le film La Bataille dAlger (1966). Il co-ralise, avec Enzo
et La Preuve (2013) qui a t slectionn au Festival Internatio- Petri, Trois pistolets contre Csar (1967). Il ralise galement de
144 145
nal du Film de Dubai. nombreux films dont El Fidaiyioune et Les Vacances de lIns-
pecteur Tahar.
Amor Hakkar, born on 1 January 1958 in the Aurs, is an Algerian actor Moussa Haddad started his career as assistant director in the film La
and director, known for The Yellow House (2007), and The Proof Bataille dAlger (1966). He co-directed, with Enzo Petri, Trois pistolets
(2013) which was selected at the Dubai International Film Festival. contre Csar (1967). He also directed numerous films, including El
Fidaiyioune and The Vacation of Inspector Tahar.

Genre / : L.M Fiction Genre / : L.M Fiction

2015 2002
Dure / Duration / : 170min Dure / Duration / : 100min

Pays / Country / : Pays / Country / :

Algrie Algrie
Casting / : Casting / :
Youcef Sehairi - Mestapha Laribi Ibtissem Djouadi, Bahia Rachedi,
Hassan Kechache Rachida Messaouden

Scnario / Script / : Scnario / Script / :

Sadek Bekhouche - Ahmed Rachedi Yamina Bachir-Chouikh

DOP / : DOP / :
Hamid Atouf Mustafa Ben Mihoub

Montage / Editing / : Montage / Editing / :

Fakhreddine Amri Ccile Andreotti
Yamina Bachir-Chouikh




Le film relate le parcours militaire et politique de Deghine Benali, une des plus Pendant la dcennie noire, Rachida, une jeune institutrice dAlger est violem-
grandes figures de la guerre de libration algrienne. ment prise partie par une bande de terroristes, dans laquelle se trouve un de
ses anciens lves. Il lui demande de placer une bombe dans son cole, mais
elle refuse d'obtemprer et on lui tire dessus. Elle survit et se rfugie, avec sa
mre, dans un petit village. Mais la violence rgne partout.

The film tells the story of Deghine Benali, one of the greatest figures in the Algerian During the black decade, Rachida, a young schoolteacher from Algiers, was violent-
war of Independence ly attacked by a band of terrorists, among whom one of her former students. He
orders her to put a bomb in her school, but she refuses to comply and is shot. She
survives and takes refuge, with her mother, in a small village. But violence still reigns

Ahmed Rachedi Yamina Bachir-Chouikh

. 1938 . 1954 20

1971 - . 1973

1983 1981 ) 2002( .

Ahmed Rachedi est n en 1938 Tebessa, en Algrie. Il appartient Yamina Bachir-Chouikh est une monteuse, scnariste et ralisa-
la premire unit de cinma du FLN. Il est ralisateur et scnariste, trice Algrienne, ne Alger le 20 mars 1954. Elle fait ses premiers
connu pour L'opium et le bton (1971), Ali dans le pays des pas dans le cinma en 1973 en entrant au Centre National du Ci-
146 147
mirages (1981) et Le moulin de M. Fabre (1983). nma Algrien. Sa premire ralisation Rachida (2002) connatra
un retentissement international.
Ahmed Rachedi was born in 1938 in Tebessa, Algeria. He belongs to the Yamina Bachir-Chouikh is an Algerian editor, scriptwriter and director,
first FLN cinema batch. He is a director and writer, known for Opium born in Algiers on March 20, 1954. She made her debut in the cinema
and stick (1971), Ali in Wonderland (1981) and The mill of Mr. in 1973 by enrolling at the National Center of Algerian Cinema. Her first
Fabre (1983). directed film Rachida (2002) will be internationally acclaimed.

Genre / : L.M Fiction Genre / : L.M Fiction

2014 2016
Dure / Duration / : 95min Dure / Duration / : 101min

Pays / Country / : Pays / Country / :

Algrie Algrie
Casting / : Casting / :
Omar Chouchane - Smail Bou- Mourade Zeguendi - Sid Ahmed
daoud - Idir Ihamichene Agoumi - Mounir Margoum
Myriem Akheddiou - Lotfi Yahya
Scnario / Script / : Jedidi
Yacine Mohamed Benelhadj
Scnario / Script / :
DOP / : Fabrice Benchaouche - Aziz Chouaki
Jean Philippe Touvenot
DOP / :
Montage / Editing / : Thomas Ozoux
Yacine Mohamed Benelhadj
Montage / Editing / :
Damien Keyeux



, . .


Omar est un voleur de voitures. Quand son fils demande un masque de gorille Jamel, archologue Franais dorigine algrienne, vient pour effectuer des
pour participer une pice de thtre de l'cole, Omar, qui ne peut pas se le fouilles sur les ruines romaines du village de Timgad. Le pass soffre lui, et le
permettre, dcide de voler une voiture. Cependant, la voiture quOmar vole prsent lui tombe dessus lorsquil est propuls entraneur de foot de lquipe
appartient un tueur. Un sac rempli de billets se trouve dans la voiture. Une locale. Jamel dcouvre les racines tortueuses et les jeunes pousses dune Al-
chasse lhomme commence. grie qui se rve rconcilie et championne de foot.

Omar is a car thief. When his son asks for a gorilla mask to participate in a school Jamel, a French archaeologist of algerian origins, comes to excavate the roman
play, Omar, who cannot afford it, decides to steal a car. However, the car Omar steals ruins of the village of Timgad.The past opens up to him, but the present falls on him
belongs to a mafia killer and contains a bag filled with currency notes, which the when he is suddenly hired as football coach of the local team. Jamel faces a country
killer does not want to give out. A mans hunt starts thereafter. with two dreams: a reconciled Algeria with an intricate past and a future football

Yacine Mohamed Benelhadj Fabrice Benchaouche

. 2003 .

.2008 .

Yacine Mohamed Benelhadj a travaill comme assistant ralisateur Fabrice Benchaouche est un ralisateur Franco-Algrien. Son pre-
sur le film From a tale to the other (2007) de Rabie Benmokh- mier court mtrage Tout Lunivers (2004) est slectionn dans
148 tar. Le premier court mtrage de Yacine en tant que ralisateur et plusieurs festivals franais. En 2003, il co-produit avec sa compagnie 149
scnariste est Eclipse totale (2008). Il a crit plusieurs scnarios Fada Productions, le court mtrage Un petit service qui sera s-
dont Aller rapidement, Le film de la mort, Le sens ultime lectionn Cannes dans Un Certain Rregard. Timgad est son
et Le puits. premier long mtrage de fiction.
He worked as an assistant director on Rabie Benmokhtars From A Tale Fabrice Benchaouche is an Franch-Algerian director. His first short film
To The Other (2007). Yacines first short as a director and screenwriter The Whole Universe (2004) is selected in several french festivals.
is Total Eclipse (2008). He has written several screenplays including To In 2003, he co-produced with his company Fada Productions, a short
Go-Quickly, The Movie Of The Death, The Ultimate Sense and The Well. film A Small Service selected in Cannes in the section Un Certain
Regard. Timgad is his first fic-tion feature film.


Genre / : L.M Fiction Genre / : L.M Fiction

2012 2012
Dure / Duration / : 90min Dure / Duration / : 100min

Pays / Country / : Pays / Country / :

Algrie Algrie
Casting / : Casting / :
Djamila Sahraoui - Samir Yahia Imad Benchenni - Nicolas Pignon,
Ali Zarif Khaled Benassa - Laurent Gernigon
Anne Richard
Scnario / Script / :
Djamila Sahraoui Scnario / Script / :
Said Ould-Khlifa - Azzedine
DOP / : Mihoubi
Raphael OByrne
DOP / :
Montage / Editing / : Marc Koninckx
Catherine Gouze
Montage / Editing / :
Jean Dubreuil


15 :1956

. .
: 19 . :1956

Une petite maison abandonne dans la campagne algrienne. Ouardia y re- 15 fvrier 1956 : Le gouvernement vote lusage de la guillotine contre les
vient pour enterrer son fils Tarik, un militaire qui a t tu par son propre nationalistes algriens condamns la peine capitale.
frre Ali, chef d'un maquis islamiste. Dans cet univers fig par la scheresse, 19 juin 1956 : Ahmed Zabana, trente ans, est excut laube Alger. La lame
la vie reprend peu peu ses droits. Mais Ouardia nest pas au bout de ses sarrtera deux fois, avant de dcapiter, la troisime tentative, celui qui de-
preuves : Ali, le fils maudit, revient, grivement bless. viendra le premier guillotin de la Guerre dAlgrie.
In a small abandoned house in the Algerian countryside, Ouardia is back for the 15 February 1956 : The government passed the law of using the guillotine against
funeral of her son Tarik, a soldier killed by his own brother Ali, leader of an Islamist the Algerian nationalists condemned to death.
group. In this world contorted with pain and drought stricken, life is gradually back 19 June 1956 : Ahmed Zabana, thirty years, was executed at dawn in Algiers. The
to normal. But Ouardias ordeals are not over : Ali, the acursed son, returns, seriously blade will stop twice before beheading him at the third attempt.The man will be the
wounded. first guillotined victim of the Algerian War.

Djamila Sahraoui Said Ould-Khlifa

.) 1991(

"" . .1989 1969

Djamila Sahraoui est une ralisatrice et scnariste algrienne, Son premier film Ombres blanches (1991) obtient le Premier Prix
connue pour ses documentaires et prime pour ses films de fic- du Festival d'Amiens (France). Il a t journaliste de 1969 1989
tion, consacrs en grande partie son pays natal. Son second long en Algrie puis en France. Metteur en scne de thtre, il a mont
150 mtrage de fiction "Yema" fait sa premire mondiale au festival de plus d'une dizaine de pices, dont Aux deux rives, crite partir 151
Venise de 2012. des textes d'Albert Camus et de Kateb Yacine.
Djamila Sahraoui is an Algerian director and screenwriter, known for her His first film, White Shadows (1991), won the First Prize at the Festival
documentaries and awarded for her fiction films, chiefly devoted to her d'Amiens (France). He was a journalist from 1969 to 1989 in Algeria
native country. Her second feature film "Yema" was premiered at the and then in France. A theatre director, he produced many plays, including
2012 Venice Film Festival. On both shores, based on the texts of Albert Camus and Kateb Yacine.

Genre / : L.M Documentaire

Dure / Duration / : 52min

Pays / Country / :
Casting / :

Scnario / Script / :

DOP / :
Focus Afrique du Sud
Focus on South Africa Montage / Editing / :

Beyond The River The Hangman

Craig Freimond SYNOPSIS Zwelethu Radebe SYNOPSIS

Zulu Love Letter The Suit ,

Ramadan Suleman Jarryd Coetsee ' ' ,

NoemMySkollie : Call Me Thief The Recce
Daryne Joshua Ferdinand Van Zyl travers le regard du charmant Shaka Sisulu, n en terre dxil, petit fils
des combattants de la libert Walter et Albertina Sisulu, ce portrait raconte
Kalushi : The Story Of Solomon Mahlangu A Tribute To The Frontline States lextraordinaire alliance des tats de la ligne du front, et comment trois g-
Mandla Dube Mandy Jacobson OU Barbara King nrations de le famille Sisulu se retrouvent aprs avoir vcu en exile pendant
des dizaines dannes.
Love By Chance
Mandla Dube Presented by the charming Shaka Sisulu, a child of exile himself, and grandson of
renowned freedom fighters Walter and Albertina Sisulu, this portrait recognises the
extraordinary alliance known as The Frontline States. It dramatically recounts how
three generations of the Sisulu family came to be reunited after living in exile for
over three decades.


1996 '' ' '
Mandy Jacobson est une Ralisatrice et Productrice sud-africaine.
Elle est Productrice Dlgue de The African Oral History Ar-
chive. Mandy est une cinaste multiprime qui a remport deux
152 Emmy Awards pour son 1er long mtrage documentaire, Calling 153
the ghosts (1996).
Mandy Jacobson is a South-African producer and director. She serves
as the Executive Producer of the African Oral History Archive. She is a
multiple award winning filmmaker, who won two Emmy Awards for her
documentary Calling the Ghosts (1996).
Indelible Media & Fix Post Production -

Genre / : L.M Fiction Genre / : L.M Fiction

2017 2016
Dure / Duration / : Dure / Duration / :

Pays / Country / : Pays / Country / : 107min

Casting / : Casting / :
EMILY CHILD Scnario / Script / :
Scnario / Script / :

DOP / : Montage / Editing / :


Montage / Editing / :

19 ,
, . ' ' .1967
2017 ' ' ' ' '

Deux hommes venant de milieux trs diffrent, sont amen grce leur d- En 1976, Solomon Mahlangu, marchand ambulant de 19 ans, est arrt et
trmination remporter la premire place dans lune des courses les plus battu par la police, durant les meutes de Soweto. Aprs avoir vcu en exil, il
difficiles au monde; Le DusiCanoe Marathon. Inspir dvnements rels, lhis- rejoint le mouvement pour la libration et devient une icne internationale
toire de Siseko Ntondini et Piers Cruickshanks, qui ont gagns ensemble la de la lutte contre l'Apartheid.
mdaille dor en 2014 Dusi.
Two men from vastly different walks of life are brought together by their determi- Solomon Mahlangu is a 19 years old activist, who is brutally beaten by the police
nation to win gold in one of the toughest river races in the world, the DusiCanoe during the 1976 Soweto uprisings. After hes been into exile, he joined the Liberation
Marathon. Inspired by the true story of Siseko Ntondini and Piers Cruickshanks, who Movement to fight against the brutal oppression of the Apartheid regime and ends
together won gold in the 2014 Dusi. up becoming an icon of South Africa's liberation.


. "" .
" " . . .
' ' '' .2004 '' " " " "
2013 2013
Craig Freimond est un scnariste et ralisateur Sud-Africain, de Mandla Dube est un ralisateur et scnariste Sud-Africain. KA-
Thtre, Tlvision et Cinma. Gums & Noses son premier LUSHI est son premier long-mtrage. Mandla a fait du thtre,
154 long mtrage a remport le prix du meilleur Film lApollo Film des documentaires, des courts et des longs-mtrages. Sobukwe: 155
Festival en 2004. Son troisime film MATERIAL a gagn cinq A Great Soul , dont il a tait le directeur photo, a remport le
prix au SAFTA Awards en 2013. SAFTA 2013 du meilleur film, montage et ralisation.
Is a south african writer and director in theatre, television and film. Mandla Dube is a South-African screenwriter and director. KALUSHI
Gums & Noses, his first feature film won The Apollo Film Festival is his first feature film as a director. Mandlas diverse body of work
Award for best feature in 2004. His 3rd feature film MATERIAL won includes documentaries, theatre, shorts and feature films. Sobukwe: A
five SAFTA awards in 2013. Great Soul , on which he worked as a cinematographer, won SAFTAs
Quizzical Pictures 2013 Best Film, Editing, Directing. -
Phambili Media

Genre / : L.M Fiction Genre / : L.M Fiction

2017 2016
Dure / Duration / : 104min Dure / Duration / :

Pays / Country / : Pays / Country / : 150min

Casting / : Casting / :

Scnario / Script / : Scnario / Script / :


DOP / : DOP / :

Montage / Editing / : Montage / Editing / :



. . " " .

Lorsque Abraham se fait arrter pour un crime, il arrive avoir un statut
Deux acteurs ambitieux dAfrique du Sud se retrouvent par hasard lors de
privilgi en prison grce a sa capacit de raconter des histoires captivantes
leur aventures aux USA pour essayer de percer dans le milieu extrmement
qui suscitent lintrt des prisonniers les plus durs. Il devient alors le cinma
difficile et satur de lindustrie Hollywoodienne. Entre les difficults des au-
de la prison. Quand il est relch de prison Abraham retrouve son amour de
ditions rates , grer les rejets quotidiens, la remise en question perptuelle,
jeunesse et commence une nouvelle vie en tant qucrivain, jusqu' ce que ses
les difficults financires, les amitis loufoques et les folles rencontres , Qui a
amis lenrlent pour commettre un meurtre
le temps pour lamour ?
Two aspiring actors from South Africa who are independently in America, trying to When Abraham gets arrested for a crime, he raises his status in prison by captivating
crack into an extremely difficult and over saturated Hollywood industry, meet by the hardened gangsters with his knack for telling stories. He becomes the prison
chance. But between the everyday struggle of auditioning, dealing with daily rejec- cinema. On his release from jail AB finds romance with his childhood sweetheart
tion, self-doubt, financial hardship, crazy friends and a mad dating scene, who has and starts a new path in life as a writer. But his friends rope him into a murder
time for love?


" "
Samad Davis est un ralisateur et producteur de Newark, New
Jersey, qui sest fait un nom dans le domaine de la ralisation et Daryne Joshua est un ralisateur, scnariste et producteur
de la production tlvisuelles ainsi quau cinma en Afrique et Sud-Africain. Il a commenc sa carrire dans la tlvision. il a r-
Hollywood. cemment ralis son premier long-mtrage NOEM MY SKUL-
156 LIE , avec lequel lAfrique du Sud a fait son entre officielle 157
Samad Davis is an international director and producer from Newark, lAcademy Awards 2017 pour la catgorie meilleur Film en langue
New Jersey who has quietly made a name for himself directing and trangre.
producing television and movies in Africa as well as Hollywood. Daryne Joshua is a South-African director, writer and producer. His
background is in television but he recently released his first feature film
NOEM MY SKULLIE which was South Africa's official entry to the 2017
Ergo company Annual Academy Awards for Best Foreign Language Film. - Maxi-d Productions - Stage 5 Films

Genre / : C.M Fiction Genre / : L.M Fiction

2017 2016
Dure / Duration / : 24min Dure / Duration / : 155min

Pays / Country / : Pays / Country / :

Casting / : Casting / :
MATLABE Scnario / Script / :
Scnario / Script / :
DOP / :
OFENTSE MWASE Montage / Editing / :
Montage / Editing / :


"" , ",
, ,"

Quand la vrit sur la disparition de son pre resurgit la veille de son execu- Aprs avoir t declar par erreur, mort derrire les lignes enemies par lar-
tion, Khethan, un gardien de prison Pretoria en Afrique du Sud doit choisir me Sud-Africaine, le jeune Henk Viljoen est livr a lui-mme et na que son
entre le pardon ou le regret de ne pas avoir russi accepter la vrit. talent et ses outils pour laider rejoindre sa femme endeuille.

When the truth of his Father's disappearance is brought to the surface on the eve After the SADF wrongfully declares young RECCE Henk Viljoen dead behind enemy
of his execution, Khetha, a prison warder in Pretoria South Africa must either choose lines, its up to him alone to use every skill and tool in his arsenal to make it back
forgiveness or live forever with regret of failing to accept the truth. to his grieving wife.


. , ,
" " " .

Ferdinand Van Zyl, est passion de Cinma depuis son plus jeune
Zwelethu Radebe, est un ralisateur Sud-Africain prim de multi-
ge. Il a tudi la ralisation en cinma et tlvision lUCT, o il a
ples reprises bas Johannesburg. Son court mtrage The Hang-
obtenu son diplme en criture scnaristique avec distinction. Il a
158 man , a remport le prix du meilleur court-mtrage et le prix 159
ralis plusieurs vidoclips, et deux court-mtrages avant de finir
Sembene Ousmane Award for Excellence in Filmmaking and Afri-
son premier long mtrage The Recce .
can Storytelling au Festival International du Film de Zanzibar,
et le meilleur court-mtrage au Festival International du Film de Ferdinand Van Zyls passion for film has roots in his youth. He studied
Durban. Film & Television directing at UCT, where he graduated with distinctions
Zwelethu Radebe, Is an award-winning South African commercials di- in Screenwriting. He has since directed countless music videos, and two
Tribal Media House
rector, based in Johannesburg. His short film The Hangman, won Best short films. The Recce is his first feature film.
Short Film and an Sembene Ousmane Award for Excellence in Filmma- Man Makes A Picture : Jac williams
king and African Storytelling at Zanzibar International Film Festival, and -
Best South African Short Film at Durban International Film Festival.

Genre / : C.M Fiction Genre / : L.M Fiction

2016 2004
Dure / Duration / : 29min Dure / Duration / : 105min

Pays / Country / : Pays / Country / :

Casting / : Casting / :

Scnario / Script / : Scnario / Script / :

DOP / :
Montage / Editing / :
BERNARD BRUWER Montage / Editing / :


, "" .

Pendant la destitution force du rgime de l'apartheid dans la ville de Sophia A Johannesburg, Thandeka, journaliste, vit dans la hantise du pass de son
en Afrique du Sud durant les annes 1950, un homme force sa femme infidle pays, au point de ne plus parvenir travailler. Dix ans plus tt, Thandeka a
traiter le costume de son amant en tant que personne. t tmoin de l'assassinat de la fille dune vieille femme, MeTau, par la police
secrte. Elle veut que Thandeka l'aide retrouver les coupables et o le corps
fut enseveli.
During the apartheid regime's forced removals in 1950s Sophia town, South Africa, Thandeka, journalist, lives in fear of Johannesburgs past. Shes so troubled that she
a man forces his unfaithful wife to treat her lover's suit as a person. cant work, One day MeTau, an elderly woman, arrives at the newspapers office.Ten
years earlier, Thandeka witnessed the murder of MeTaus daughter, by the secret
police. MeTau wants Thandeka to find the murderers and Dineos body.

Jarryd Coetsee Ramadan Suleman

. , 1955
" " 1990 " " 1985 ""
2017 "" ""
1997 ""
Jarryd Coetsee est un ralisateur et scnariste. Il a tudi la ra- N en 1955, Durban, Ramadan Suleman est un ralisateur et pro-
lisation Londres. Il a travaill Los Angeles avant de retourner ducteur Sud-Africain. il a ralis un documentaire EZIKHUMBE-
en Afrique du Sud pour fonder sa propre boite de production. Son NI (1985) et un court-mtrage THE DEVILS CHILDREN
160 court mtrage The Suit a remport le prix du meilleur court 161
(1990). Puis, il ralise son premier long mtrage FOOLS qui a
mtrage au SAFTA en 2017. remport plusieurs prix dont le Lopard dArgent (Locarno 97).
Jarryd Coetsee is director and screenwriter. He studied filmmaking in Born in 1955 in Durban, Ramadan Suleman is a South-African director
London. He worked in Los Angeles before returning to South Africa to and producer. He made a documentary film EZIKHUMBENI (1985)
found his own film company. His short film THE SUIT won the Best and a short-length feature THE DEVILS CHILDREN (1990).Then, He
Short Film Prize at the 2017 SAFTAs. directed his first feature film FOOLS which won multiple prizes inclu-
Mandala Collective ding the Lopard dArgent (Locarno 97).

Genre / : L.M Fiction

Dure / Duration / : 101min

Pays / Country / :
Core du Sud
Casting / :
Han Yeri - Yang Ikjune
Park Jung-Bum - Yoon Jongbin

Scnario / Script / :
Zhan Lu

Focus Core du Sud DOP / :

Jo Youngjik
Focus on South Korea
Montage / Editing / :
Lee Hakmin


Zhan Lu Shim Sung-bo
- - - .
Jang Kunjae
Park Geun-buem THUY Su-saek est un pauvre quartier Seoul. Ik-june, Jung-bum et Jong-bin sont
KIM Jae-han trois amis paums qui frquentent un bar et courtisent Ye-ri sa tenancire.
GRAND FATHER Un jour, Ye-ri leur apprend quelle a fait un rve o elle faisait lamour avec
Lee Seo chacun dentre eux.

Su-saek is a poor area in Seoul. Ik-june, Jung-bum and Jong-bin are three special
losers.They frequent a small bar to win the heart of a charming bar lady,Ye-ri. One
day, Ye-ri told them she dreamt she made love to each of them.

Zhan Lu

.2007 ) 2004(
) 2014(

Zhang Lu est n en chine en 1962 et vit en Core comme son personnage

dans Grain in Ear(2004). Il est auteur de nouvelles. Zhang est prim au
festival de Durban en 2007 et prim en tant que Meilleur Ralisateur pour
162 Gyeongju (2014) au AFCA de Core. 163

ZHANG Lu is born in 1962 in China and lives in Korea, like the main
character of his filmGrain in Ear(2004). Zhang is a novel writer.
He was awarded at the Durban Film Festival in 2007 as Best Director
forGyeongju(2014) .


Genre / : L.M Fiction Genre / : L.M Fiction

2015 2015
Dure / Duration / : 104min Dure / Duration / : 93min

Pays / Country / : Pays / Country / :

Core du Sud Core du Sud
Casting / : Casting / :
Kim In-kwon - Park Cheol-min - Kong Ye-ji - Park Ye-young- Han
Gang Il-su - Kim Hyoung-beom Seong-yong - Choi Bo-kwang

Scnario / Script / : Scnario / Script / :

Jo Chi-Un Park Geun-buem

DOP / : DOP / :
Bang Seon-hwa
Montage / Editing / :
Montage / Editing / :
Heo Seon-mi


. .
- . . . .

Sans travail, II-Bum doit payer les frais dhospitalisation de sa fille. Il com- Jin-sook est transfere dans une nouvelle cole suite des troubles psycho-
mence travailler dans un supermarch. Il essaye de satisfaire ses clients. Il logiques. Elle y rencontre Eun-young, qui partage la mme histoire de famille
rencontre une dame ge, Ok-Nim, qui vit seule avec un enfant perscuteur. malheureuse. Eun-young et sa mre passent la nuit chez Jin-sook. Le matin, la
mre dcouvre la disparition de ses conomies. Ils la cherchent et dcouvrent
quelle a un ami millionaire, Monsieur Cho.
Il-Bum a jobless man, has to pay his daughter's hospital bills and begins to work at Jin-sook is transferred to a new school after facing troubles, where she meets Eun-
a place that sells health food and supplies. He tries to make his customers, mostly young. They share their unhappy family story. Eun-young and her mother spend the
older women, happy. One day, an elderly woman named Ok-Nim comes into the night at Jin-sooks house.The next day Eun-youngs mother disappears with Jin-sooks
store. Ok-Nim lives alone and her son is a prosecutor. savings. They look for her and find out that the mother has a millionaire boyfriend,
Mr. Cho.

Jo Chi-Un PARK Geun-buem

. 2014 2013 2012


En 2014 Jo Chi-Un a travaill en tant que producteur excutif de PARK a remport plusieurs prix au Festival de Busan en 2012 et
Gods Eye View. Clown of salesman est sa premire fiction. Clermont-Ferrand en 2013 pour son court-mtrage Intruder
et a t invit dans plusieurs festivals nationaux et internationaux.
164 Son premier long mtrage Girl on the edge a bnfici du pro- 165
In 2014, JO Chi-un worked as a line producer on Gods Eye View. gramme de la Korean Academy of Film Arts.
Clown of salesman is his first feature film. PARK has won awards from Busan International Film Festival in 2012
and Clermont-Ferrand International Short Film Festival in 2013, and his
short film,Intruder, was invited to several national and international
film festivals. His first feature film,Girl on the edge is part of the
Advanced Program at the Korean Academy of Film Arts.
M Line-Distribution M-Line Distribution

Genre / : L.M Fiction Genre / : L.M Fiction

2016 2014
Dure / Duration / : 92min Dure / Duration / : 111min

Pays / Country / : Pays / Country / :

Core du Sud Core du Sud
Casting / : Casting / :
Geun-hyeong Park - Ko Bo Gyeol- Kim Yoon-seok
inyoung Jung Park Yu-chun - Han Ye-ri

Scnario / Script / : Scnario / Script / :

Lee Seo Shim Sung-bo - Bong Joon Ho

DOP / : DOP / :
Doo-Hoon Lee Hong Kyeong-pyo

Montage / Editing / : Montage / Editing / :

Min-kyeong Shin Kim Sang-bum - Kim Jae-bum


. . .

Ki-gwang, un vtran de guerre et vieux conducteur de bus, reoit un appel Kang dcide de racheter lui-mme le navire pour sauvegarder son poste et
lui faisant savoir le suicide de fils. Il rencontre sa petite fille de10 ans aux fun- son quipage. Mais la pche est insuffisante et largent vient manquer. En
railles. Soccupant pour la premire fois delle, il dcouvre quelle a t abuse dsespoir de cause, il accepte de transporter des migrants clandestins venus
par les amis de son fils. Il dcide alors de se venger sa manire. de Chine. Lors dune nuit de tempte, tout va basculer et la traverse va se
transformer en cauchemar.
Ki-gwang a war veteran and old bus driver, gets a call telling that his son has com- Kang, a captain, buy the large fishing boat to save the crews jobs. They attempt to
mitted suicide. He meets his teen-aged granddaughter Bo-ram at the funeral.Taking smuggle in illegal migrants in order to earn a living. But their plan goes wrong when
care of her for the first time, he discovers that Bo-ram is abused by his sons friends. they face a tragic accident while transporting the thirty or so illegal migrants on the
Enraged, he prepares the vengeance on his old way. ship in a heavy sea fog.

Lee Seo Shim Sung-bo -

.2004 ) 2003( -
) 2009( .

Lee Seo ralise son premier court mtrage Slope Spider en Shim Sung-bo est lun des plus clbres scnaristes de Core,
2004. Missing Person (2009) a t prim en tant que meilleur connu pour Memory of murder (2003) co-crit avec le ralisa-
film Jeonju International Film Festival et aussi Thessaloniki. teur Bong Joon Ho. Le film a remport de nombreux prix. Sea Fog
166 Haemoo est son premier film en tant que ralisateur. 167
Lee Seo releases Slope Spider his first short film in 2004. Missing
Person (2009) won Best Feature Award at Jeonju International Film Shim Sung-bo is famous for his film Memory of murder (2003) wrote
Festival and at Thessaloniki International Film Festival in Greece. with Bon Joon Ho the filmmaker awarded in many festivals. Sea Fog
Haemoo is his first feature.

Mline-distribution Contents Panda

Genre / : L.M Fiction Genre / : L.M Fiction

2014 2014
Dure / Duration / : 96min Dure / Duration / : 108min

Pays / Country / : Pays / Country / :

Core du Sud Core du Sud
Casting / : Casting / :
Kim Saebyuk - Iwase Ryo Ninh Duong Lan Ngoc - DONG
Lim Hyungkook Bang-woo - Lee Jiho

Scnario / Script / : Scnario / Script / :

Jang Kunjae KIM Jae-han

DOP / : DOP / :
Fuji Masayuky KWON Yong-guk

Montage / Editing / : Montage / Editing / :

Jang Kunjae - Lee Yeonjung KIM Sung-tai



Kim Taehoon est un ralisateur qui prvoit de tourner son nouveau film Thuy est Vietnamienne. Marie un Coren pour de largent, elle le rejoint
Gojo au Japon. Avec son assistant Park Mijeon, ils partent pour faire des re- en Core pour vivre avec lui. Elle essaye dtre sincre avec sa belle famille.
prages et interviewer les habitants. La nuit avant de quitter Gojo, il fait un Quand son mari flambeur meurt, elle demande quune enqute soit ouverte.
rve trange. Sa volont soppose au refus des villageois.

A Korean Filmmaker, Kim Taehoon plans to shoot his new film in Gojo, Japan. He Thuy is a Vietnamese married to a Korean for money. She came to Korea without
travels with his assistant Park Mijeong to develop the script of the movie. They travel knowing her husband, and tried to be sincere to him and his parents in law. When
through several villages and interview local residents. The night before leaving Japan, her gambler husband turns up dead, Thuy wants his death investigated. Her will
he has strange a dream. faced resistance from the rest of the village.

Jang Kunjae Kim Jae-han

. 1977 .
.)2012( . ) 2009( . . 2001
2012 .) 2014(
Jang Kunjae n en Core du Sud, est un ralisateur indpendant. Diplm du collge dArt de Busan, Kim Jae-han travailla sur des
Eighteen (2009) son long mtrage est prim Vancouver. Son se- pices de thtre. En 2001, il cra une cole darts visuels. A Silent
cond est Sleepless night (2012). A midsummers fantasia (2014) a Man (2011) est un premier film biographique. Thuy (2013) est son
168 t produit par Naomi Kawase. premier film quil a men terme. 169
Born in South Korea, Jang Kunjae is an independent filmmaker. KIM Jae-han graduated Busan Arts College and worked for play theater.
Eighteen (2009), his first feature was awarded at Vancouver IFF. His In 2001, he established a visual arts school. A Silent Man is a biogra-
second Sleepless night (2012) received many prizes. A midsummers phical first feature, unfinshed. Thuy (2013) is his second feature that
fantasia (2014), was coproduced by Naomi Kawase. JANG teaches at he finished for the first time.
Yong-In University since 2012.
Heeyoung Youn M-LINE Distribution

Genre / : L.M Fiction

Dure / Duration / : 77min

Pays / Country / :
Argentine - Italie
Casting / :
Elisa Carricajo - Rafael Spregelburd
Susana Pampin Esteban Bigliardi

Scnario / Script / :
Florencia Percia

Focus Argentine DOP / :

Focus on Argentina Lucio Boneli

Montage / Editing / :
Andrs Quaranta


Florencia Percia SYNOPSIS Hernn Guerschuny SYNOPSIS
Teresa Costantini Fernn Mirs .

Ariel Rotter Laura Casab Clara et Alejandro vont dmnager dans une nouvelle maison, mais Alejandro
part en mission et elle reste seule, entoure de tous ces cartons ferms.
COMO FUNCIONAN CASI TODAS LAS COSAS EL CIELO ESCONDIDO Ce dsordre la pousse vivre de nouvelles expriences qui l'amneront
Fernando Salem Pablo Csar remettre en question ce monde hermtiquement ferm dans lequel elle se
Emiliano Torres
Clara and Alejandro are moving to a new home, but soon he goes on a work trip
and she stays alone, surrounded by closed boxes. This mess pushes her to live new
experiences that will lead her to question the closed and hermetic world she lives in.

Florencia Percia

2014 2010 ,
Florencia Percia est ne Buenos Aires en 1984. Elle a crit et diri-
g les courts mtrages suivants : Minimercado champion (2010),
El Poblado (2014) et El mes del amigo prim BAFICI (2016),
170 entre autres. Ctaceos est son premier long mtrage. 171

Florencia Percia is born in Buenos Aires in 1984. She wrote and directed
the short films Minimercado champion (2010), El Poblado (2014)4
and El mes del amigo awarded at BAFICI 2016, among others. C-
taceos is her first feature film.


Genre / : L.M Fiction Genre / : L.M Fiction

Dure / Duration / : 98min Dure / Duration / : 100min

Pays / Country / : Pays / Country / :

Argentine Argentine - Namibie
Casting / : Casting / :
Veronica Gerez - Rafael Spregel- Pablo Padilla - Gift Uzera
bourd - Pilar Gamboa Esteban Whilzahn Gelderbloem
Bigliardi -Miriam Odorico - Marilu Patricio Bedoya - Amin Yoma
Scnario / Script / : Scnario / Script / :
Fernando Salem - Esteban Garelli Pablo Csar
DOP / :
Georgina Pretto DOP / :
Carlos Ferro
Montage / Editing / :
Emiliano Fardaus Montage / Editing / :
Liliana Nadal


. .
. .

Celina travaille dans un point de page lointain sur une route dserte, peu Herms est un anthropologue Argentin qui vit avec les membres d'un village
avant Nol, son pre meurt et Celina devient une vendeuse d'encyclopdies damara en Namibie. Cherchant des informations sur les connaissances qui
porte--porte pour gagner suffisamment d'argent et partir en Italie pour re- ont t transmises pendant des milliers d'annes partir d'une forme orale
trouver sa mre. Elle dcouvre alors que sa mre n'est jamais partie en Italie, de chaman chaman, Herms croit qu'il peut trouver un mystre li la puis-
mais quelle a refait sa vie et habite de l'autre ct du dsert. Avec l'excuse sance du son.
de lui vendre un livre, Celina frappe la porte de sa mre.
Hermes is an Argentinean anthropologist living with the members of a damara
Celina works at a remote tollbooth on a desert road. Few days before Christmas, village in Namibia. Looking for information on the knowledge that has been trans-
her father dies and Celina becomes a door-to-door encyclopedia saleswoman so she mitted orally for thousands years from shaman to shaman, Hermes believes he can
can earn enough money to travel to Italy and find her mom. find the mystery related to the sound power.

Fernando Salem Pablo Csar

. .
. 12 .35 1987
" .


Fernando Salem est n Buenos Aires en 1976. Il a tudi les sciences Pablo Csar est un ralisateur et producteur Argentin. Il a com-
de la communication et a ralis plusieurs courts-mtrages, documen- menc faire du cinma l'ge de 13 ans. En 1987 il a ralis son
taires, missions tlvises et spots publicitaires. How Most Things premier long mtrage et il en a fait 12 jusqu' prsent. Il est lori-
172 Work est son premier long mtrage. gine de nombre de coproductions entre l'Argentine et divers pays 173
d'Afrique et de l'Inde.
Fernando Salem is born in Buenos Aires in 1976. He studied Commu- Pablo Csar is an Argentinian filmmaker and producer. He started ma-
nication Sciences and directed several short films, documentaries, TV king cinema when he was 13 years old. In 1987 he directed his first
shows, and commercials. How Most Things Work is his first feature feature film and up to the moment he directed 12 long feature films.
film. The film obtained the INCAAs Opera Prima prize. Csar has developped co-productions between his home country and
multiple African coutries as well as with India.

Genre / : L.M Fiction Genre / : L.M Fiction

2016 2017
Dure / Duration / : 94min Dure / Duration / : 99min

Pays / Country / : Pays / Country / :

Casting / : Casting / :
Alejandro Sieveking - Cristian Paola Barrientos - Maria Onetto -
Salguero - Adrian Fondari - Pablo Daniel Lambertini - Fernn Mirs -
Cedron - Mara Bestelli - Raphal Dario Grandinetti - Jorgelina Aruzzi
Turrentz Scnario / Script / :
Scnario / Script / : Fernn Mirs - Roberto Gispert
Emiliano Torres - Marcelo Chaparo
DOP / :
DOP / : Mariana Russo
Ramiro Civita
Montage / Editing / :
Montage / Editing / : Anabela Lattanzio
Alejandro Brodersohn


. .

. .

Le vieil Evans a travaill toute sa vie dans un ranch isol en Patagonie. Rat- Gloria est une avocate qui, au cours de sa carrire, na jamais pu dfendre une
trap par son ge, il est renvoy et remplac par Jara, un homme plus jeune, personne non coupable. Son nouveau client ne semble pas si diffrent: un homme
bagarreur, qui veut sinstaller avec sa famillle. Mais celui-ci a du mal grer le accus de viol dans une petite ville o personne ne croit son histoire.
ranch quand arrive la neige. Quant Evans, il tente deffrayer Jara pour le faire
partir. L'affrontement entre les deux hommes est invitable.
Gloria is a lawyer who throughout her career has never been able to defend someone
After years of working on an estancia (isolated ranch) in Patagonia, Evans, an old
who was not guilty. His new client seems to be not so different: a man accused of
foreman is forced to retire and Jara, a younger worker replaces him. The two men
rape in a small town where no one believes his story.
struggle to survive as the change is difficult and challenging for both of them. Each
one must survive the oncoming winter and the confrontation between the two men
is inevitable.

Emiliano Torres Fernn Mirs

. 1971 .
: .
() . 2011 2001 1995 1998 ,98
Acteur et ralisateur, Fernn Mirs, est titulaire d'un Master en Arts
N en 1971 a Buenos Aires, Emiliano Torres a tudi lUniver-
Plastiques et Scnario. Il est la fois acteur de thtre et de cinma.
sidad del Cine Buenes Aires. Il a travaill comme scnariste et
Ses principales oeuvres sont: Verano del 98 (1998), Chiquititas
174 comme assistant ralisateur, collaborant avec plusieurs ralisa- 175
(1995), Culpables (2001) Verdades Verdaderas (La Vida de Es-
teurs. Patagonia, el invierno , est son premier long mtrage.
tela) (2011).
Born in 1971 in Buenos Aires, Emiliano Torres studied at the Universidad Both actor and director, Fernn Mirs holds a Master in Plastic Art and
del Cine in Buenos Aires. He has worked as a scriptwriter and assistant Scriptwriting. He was both a theatre and a cinema actor. Verano del
director collaborating with many other directors. El invierno (Winter) is 98 (1998), Chiquititas (1995), Culpables (2001) Verdades Verda-
his first feature film as a director. deras (La Vida de Estela) (2011) are his main movies.

Genre / : L.M Fiction Genre / : L.M Fiction

2015 2016
Dure / Duration / : 95min Dure / Duration / : 85min

Pays / Country / : Pays / Country / :

Argentine Argentine
Casting / : Casting / :
rica Rivas - Marcelo Subiotto Norma Aleandro - Guillermo Pfe-
- Susana Pampin - Elvira Onetto - ning - Jorge Marrale
Roberto Suarez Paula Brasca - Oliver Kolker Ale-
Rosana Vezzoni jandro Parilla

Scnario / Script / : Scnario / Script / :

Ariel Rotter Laura Casabe - Lisandro Bera

DOP / : DOP / :
Guillermo Nieto Mariano Suarez

Montage / Editing / : Montage / Editing / :

Eliane Katz Martin Blousson


. .
. .

Quelques semaines aprs laccident qui a cot la vie son frre et son mari,
A la suite dune dispute avec son amie, un peintre quitte la maison et se rend
Luisa revient peu peu la ralit. Un soir, elle fait la connaissance dErnesto,
chez son psychiatre, cherchant dsesprment de l'aide. Aprs avoir pass la
qui tombe aussitt amoureux delle. Dans le Buenos Aires des annes 60, il
nuit l-bas et trouv sa quitude, il dcouvre l'agenda secret de son docteur
nest pas facile pour une femme de prendre le temps daimer nouveau.
qui va tout changer.
Luisa, since her brothers and her husbands accident, has not been able to put her
life back together. But when she meets Ernesto, a seductive stranger who forcefully A painter leaves his house after a fight with his girlfriend and goes to his psychia-
proposes starting over, Luisa is confronted with the grieving process she had pre- trist's place, seeking help desperately. After spending the night there and finding
viously tried to avoid. peace of mind, he learns about his doctor's secret agenda, which changes everything.

Ariel Rotter Laura Casabe

. 1973 -
2007 : . 2016 2010 2010
2001 2015

N en 1973, Ariel Rotter est un ralisateur, scnariste et produc- Laura Casabe est ralisatrice et crivaine, connue pour El hada
teur Argentin. Aprs avoir ralis plusieurs courts mtrages, il ra- buena - Una fbula peronista (2010), La vuelta del maln (2010)
176 lise un premier long mtrage, Solo por hoy (2001). Un homme et La valija de Benavidez (2016). 177
charmant (2015) est son troisime long mtrage.
Laura Casabe is a director and writer, known for El hada buena - Una
Ariel Rotter is born in 1973 in Buenos Aires. He studied directing, art, fbula peronista (2010), La vuelta del maln (2010) and La valija
drama and photography at the Universidad del Cine in Buenos Aires. He de Benavidez (2016).
is known for Solo por hoy (2001). Un homme charmant (2015) is
his 3rd feature film.

Genre / : L.M Fiction Genre / : L.M Fiction

2017 2015
Dure / Duration / : 111min Dure / Duration / : 90min

Pays / Country / : Pays / Country / :

Argentine Argentine
Casting / : Casting / :
Mercedes Funes - Damian De San- Sebastian Wainraich - Carla
to - Esther Goris - Andrea Pietra Peterson - Soledad Silveyra Rafael
- Ludovico Di Santo Spregelburd - Maria Carambula -
Mario Pasik Justina Bustos

Scnario / Script / : Scnario / Script / :

Maria Teresa Costantini Hernn Guerschuny - Sebastian
DOP / : DOP / :
Hugo Colace Marcelo Lavintman

Montage / Editing / : Montage / Editing / :

Laura Bua Augustin Rolandelli


. .
. . . .

Parents de deux enfants, Leonel et Paola mnent une vie conjugale heureuse
Tita Merello tait une chanteuse et actrice de tango unique et inconnue qui
depuis 12 ans. Lui, est un clbre scnariste et elle, une psychologue qui perce.
est ne, a vcu et est dcde Buenos Aires. Elle a toujours dit qu'elle chan-
Mais cela ne signifie pas que tout va bien dans leur couple. Au cours d'un d-
tait par ncessit, non pas par vocation. Le film raconte l'histoire de Tita sur
ner, ils apprennent que leurs meilleurs amis vont se sparer. Ceci les force
un ton mlodramatique, plein de musique et de danse de tango.
faire face leurs doutes.
Tita Merello was a unique, never before known tango singer and actress who was
born, lived and died in Buenos Aires. She always said she sang out of hunger, not Proud parents of two kids, Leonel and Paola have been happily married for 12 years.
vocation. The film will tell Titas story in a fictional, melodramatic voice, full of tango He is a famous scriptwriter and she is a successful psychologist. But that does not
music and dance. mean all is good in their marriage. The news, over a dinner, that their best friends
are breaking up, pushes them to confront their doubts.

Maria Teresa Costantini Hernn Guerschuny
. .
) 2000( 2015 2016
.)1989( ) 2009(
1999 Hernn Guerschuny est ralisateur et producteur Argentin. Il a tu-
Maria Teresa Costantini est actrice, productrice, scnariste et ra- di la Cinmatographie au CIC. Connu pour El Critico (2013),
lisatrice. Ne Buenos Aires, elle est connue pour Acrobacias del Una noche de amor (2016) et Abzurdah (2015).
178 corazn (2000), Felicitas (2009) et Nunca Estuve en Viena 179
(1989). Elle est directrice artistique de Buenos Aires Producciones Hernn Guerschuny is an Argentinian director and producer. He studied
qu'elle a fond en 1987. Cinematography at the CIC. Known for El Critico (2013), Una noche
Maria Teresa Costantini is an actress, producer, scriptwriter and director. de amor (2016) and Abzurdah (2015).
Born in Buenos Aires known for Acrobacias del corazn (2000), Fe-
licitas (2009) and Nunca estuve en Viena (1989). She is the Artistic
Director of Buenos Aires Producciones, a company she founded in 1987.

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