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Genetics: Mitosis & Meiosis

1. The two types of cell division that occur in eukaryotic organisms are ____________________ and

___________________. The type of cell division used for reproduction in prokaryotes is


2. Organisms need new cells for ____________________, replacing old or damaged cells, and

____________________. Mitosis and meiosis ensure proper cell function by making sure new cells

have the appropriate amount of________.

3. Long, thread-like pieces of DNA in the nucleus are called ____________________.

____________________ are formed when chromatin condenses before cell division; humans have

_____ chromosomes in each cell.

4. The life span of a cell from its birth until it reproduces is called the ____________________.

List the two main phases of the cell cycle:

5. Briefly describe each of the 3 parts of Interphase.

G1 ____________________________________________________________

S ____________________________________________________________

G2 ____________________________________________________________

6. Draw a duplicated chromosome and label the chromatids and centromere.

7. Turtle Time Question: In which phase of the cell cycle is DNA synthesized?

8. Turtle Time Question: Why does DNA need to be synthesized before a cell divides?

2014 Science Island

9. The cell divides during the ____________________ phase. The two parts of cell division (or the

mitotic phase) are ____________________ and ____________________.

10. Mitosis is division of the ____________________ and ___________________. Cytokinesis is

division of the ____________________.

11. List the four phases of mitosis. __________________________________________________

12. The major events that occur during prophase include: chromatin condenses into

____________________, ____________________ breaks down, and the

____________________ forms.

13. The major events that occur during metaphase include: chromosomes line up in the

__________________ of the cell and __________________ are attached to the spindle fibers.

14. The major events that occur during anaphase include: ____________________ separate and start

to move towards opposite ends of the cell and the cell begins to ____________________.

15. The major events that occur during telophase include: ____________________ start to uncoil and

_________________________ forms around each chromosome region. During cytokinesis the

elongated cell begins to ____________________ at the middle. This happens about the same time

as ____________________.

16. Cytokinesis divides the cell into _______________ cells in both animals and plants, but

____________________ cells pinch in at the middle (cleavage furrow) and plant cells form a

____________________ to produce two daughter cells.

17. Turtle Time Question: In what phase of mitosis are the chromosomes lined up in the middle?

18. A summary of mitosis: mitosis happens in most regular ________________ cells, DNA is

replicated in the S phase of interphase, ____________________ are distributed equally into two

____________________ daughter cells.

19. Mitosis produces _______ identical daughter cells with the exact same ____________________

material as the parent cell.

20. Turtle Time Question: List the 4 phases of mitosis and briefly describe what is happening to the

chromosomes in each phase.

21. Explain how cytokinesis differs in animal cells compared to plant cells.

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22. _________________ is the name given to the diseases in which the body cells divide constantly.

23. When ___________________ develops, the orderly process of cell division breaks down and cells

become ____________________________ as old and damaged cells survive when they should die

and new cells form when they are not needed.

24. Cancer becomes ___________________________________________________________.

25. One important difference between cancer and regular cells is


26. Cancer cells can ignore signals that tell __________________________________________.

27. Cancer cells ___________________ the normal cells to feed the tumor.

28. ____________________ is a special type of cell division needed for sexual reproduction that

occurs only in the sex organs. Meiosis in the testes produces _________________ cells. Meiosis in

the ____________________ produces egg cells. Sperm and egg cells are different from other

cells because they only have ____________________ the original chromosome number.

29. Sex cells are called ____________________. Eggs and sperm have _______ chromosomes.

30. There are _______ types of chromosomes and you get one of each type from each parent; 23 from

_______________ and 23 from ______________, but they match or carry the same sequence of


31. Meiosis produces ____________________ cells, each with half the original

____________________ number. Humans have 46 chromosomes, so after DNA synthesis there

are _______ chromosomes in the cell. After the first division there are two cells that each have

_____ chromosomes. After the second division there are four cells with _____ chromosomes each.

32. Turtle Time Question: Why is it important for meiosis to produce cells with only half the original

amount of genetic material?

33. A ____________________ shows the 46 chromosomes of an individual in pairs, lined up from the l

____________________ to the ____________________, with the last pair being the

____________________ chromosomes.

34. The two chromosomes of each matching pair are called ____________________ chromosomes.

They are similar to one another because they carry the same sequence of

____________________ controlling the same inherited traits. They are different from one

another because the genes may be different versions of the ____________________ or gene.

35. An example of different versions of a gene would be if you inherited a chromosome from your Dad

that carried a gene for ____________________ eyes, but the matching,

____________________ chromosome you inherited from your Mom carried a gene for

____________________ eyes.

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36. Turtle Time Question: What is a display of a persons chromosomes called?

37. Cells are ____________________ if they contain homologous sets or two of each type of

chromosome. In humans the diploid number is _______. Cells are ____________________ if they

contain a single set of chromosomes or one of each type. All human cells are diploid except for

____________________ which are haploid.

38. Turtle Time Question: Some female geckos can go through parthenogenesis, which is the ability to

produce offspring from an unfertilized egg. Would you expect the offspring to be haploid or diploid?


39. ____________________ is the union or fusion of a haploid sperm cell with a haploid egg cell. A

____________________ is a fertilized egg; the first cell of a diploid offspring.

40. Diploid organisms form ____________________ gametes through ____________________

AND haploid ____________________ form ____________________ organisms through the

process of ____________________.

41. In meiosis, _______________ replicates once in the S phase of interphase, but two divisions of

the ____________________ occur. This produces _______ haploid cells, which will develop into


42. The names of the two cytoplasmic divisions that occur during meiosis are ____________________

and ____________________. The cells produced by meiosis only have half the number of

chromosomes and they are all genetically ____________________ from each other and the

parent cell.

43. The major events in Prophase I include: ____________________ (pairs of homologous

chromosomes) form and ____________________ occurs. The major event of

____________________ is tetrads line up in the middle of the cell.

44. The major event of Anaphase I is tetrads ____________________ and move towards

____________________ sides of the cell. The major events of Telophase I include

____________________ form around the two chromosome regions and cytokinesis begins about

the same time to separate the cell into _______ cells.

45. Meiosis I produces two cells with the same number of ____________________ as the parent cell,

but cells are no longer ___________________.

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46. In Prophase II, the ____________________ are still attached at the centromere. The major

event in Metaphase II is sister chromatids line up in the ____________________ of each cell.

47. The major event in ____________________ is sister chromatids separate. Telophase II produces

_______________ cells with _______________ the number of chromosomes of the parent cell.

48. So, the final product of meiosis is _______ genetically ___________________,

____________________ daughter cells.

49. Homologous chromosomes or ____________________ separate during Meiosis I.

____________________ separate during Meiosis II.

50. Turtle Time Question: Which phase of meiosis is most similar to anaphase of mitosis?

51. An organism that has 2 sets of homologous chromosomes, can produce _______ possible gametes

from each cell that undergoes meiosis.

52. There are around _______________ possible chromosome combinations in the gametes of a human.

53. The exchange of genetic material between homologous chromosomes is called


54. Crossing over can occur when tetrads form in ____________________.

55. Crossing over increases genetic variation because it produces a ____________________

chromosome that contains a new combination of genetic information from different parents, called

____________________. Crossing over can occur ____________________ times, in random

locations, between any ____________________ pair of chromosomes.

56. Turtle Time Question: Describe two factors that increase genetic variation in offspring.

57. Use the Venn Diagram to compare and contrast Mitosis and Meiosis.

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2014 Science Island

Draw and label Mitosis:

Draw and label meiosis:

2014 Science Island


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