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Juan Juan Daz Salazar Dcimo

Everth sanchez G. P.

1. How climate change started?

2. What is happening in the world?
3. Where are the place with more pollution in the world?
4. How we can help the world and stop the climate change?
5. What I need to do to change this in my house and in my city?

1. For Valeria Silva Coa, climate change started with the evolution of humanity. At first
the man focused on the development of tools which involve work which leads to
machines which are the ones that affect the actual climate change.
2. Our world is changing from bad to worse due to the contamination created by us
making a huge impact in biotic and abiotic elements.
3. For me, the most polluted place around the world is China.
4. First of all we need to make people aware of the impact that we are creating for the
future, start campaigns and focus more in new projects which helps our world such
as renewable energy.
5. By throwing garbage to the right places and not to the streets, avoid wasting of water,
creating my own campaign and so on.
Valeria Silva Coa
15 Years old

Unknown Person
1. Started because the humanity didnt know how to care about the ecosystem and the
2. The world is being purged of us, trying with natural disasters kick us from outside of
here and kill the parasite that are us.
3. The most polluted place in the world is United States.
4. Making more natural and safe forms with the environment, making people aware that
what they do is bad and being able to make the world better.
5. I would start enlisting a campaign that insists the people of the whole city, specifically
the children as they are the next generation. Ideas that can improve global warming
or in the most affected areas, such as the factories going to Bogota and so I think it
could improve what happened in the city.
Roberto Mejia Mendoza
Academic of Publicity
25 Years Old


1-Started by the so-called era of industrialization, increased greenhouse gases and as they
were finding new forms of energy was a result of increased fossil fuels. By requiring more
land for food and housing, there were logging and low numbers of plants which led to the
accumulation of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
Juan Juan Daz Salazar Dcimo
Everth sanchez G. P.

2- Is having an environmental crisis, leading to lack of resources, land and water among
3- More than countries are continents, especially the continents that are being in the
developing countries, as they have resources are those that are being overexploited.
4-. reduce the consumption of non-essential products such as: Clothing
. Use more reuse processes.
.Implement policies of proper management in food production
Keep certain protected areas of the hand of man.
5- consumption habits.
Making popular pressure for local governments to implement conservation ideas.
. Proper preparation of services from the house for a better recycling of materials.

Miguel Hurtado
Teacher of science
35 Years Old


1. It began because many factories started to enter countries like ours, being primary
places, they were affected with the arrival of the industrialization and the occupation
of natural space. But the most important factor is that because of governments that
do not know how to handle the countries.
2. At the moment what is happening is similar to what it was in the beginning, only as it
has already been increased more in our daily life, the earth is accelerating its natural
processes, such as tornados or the movement of tectonic plates , earthquakes, etc ...
For example: -Last happened in Mexico, the earthquakes that are living.
- Hurricane Irma, in Florida and along the coast.
3. The part that is most affected could be United States, because they have a los of
industries and very little natural space.
4. By forming campaigns against felling and more reserves of nature, to have a
government that does not think of money but the quality of life of human beings and
living beings.

5. Having trash cans that differentiate what is recycled to what is not, have a notion of
what we do, be able to share that knowledge with other people and not use
improperly the winds that propitiates the Earth.

Ignacio Prez Botero

70 Years Old

Family Member:

1.Climate change is the product of deforestation and the burning of fossil fuels among several
other contributing factors.
Juan Juan Daz Salazar Dcimo
Everth sanchez G. P.

2.Political problems around the world. Rising sea levels threaten the people in coastal regions
around the world.

3.According to the World Health Organization, Zabol, Iran is the most polluted city on Earth.
India and China are countries with major pollution problems.

4.Education should be the top priority in every countrys national interests. An educated
society is the best way to promote the lowering of its countrys carbon footprint.

5.I can practice better recycling habits, use less water and try to be more environmentally

Manuela Diaz Salazar


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