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The Sections of The Library Itis important that every book be placed in the correct place in the library. It isa tedious and detail oriented job but, if a book is misplaced than it take away the opportunity to be found and for the children to take these books for reading experiences. ‘The Main Sections of the EHB and MMS Library are The EASY section - this section is picture books that are stories. This section is for children in K-2 although every grade level is encouraged to enjoy the fun nature of this type of book. The Fiction Section- This section is stories that are of higher level elementary reading. Grade 3-5 are permitted to take these books. Resource for Cresskil Library Volunteers The Sections of The Library ‘The Easy Fiction/Chapter Books Section Resource for Crt The Sections of The Library Easy Fiction Section - This section was made for students in grade 1-2 that are more advanced readers. The call number has a red stripe. To indicate they belong in this section. This is a mixture of easy and fiction chapter books. “The Red Stripe, marking or sticker means EASY Chapter books. Generally these books are in the fiction section, Since we meet vith lower grades, these students arent yet ready for chapter books. These are chapter books that are used in grade 2-3 tis important students read at thelr reading level if they ead chapter books that are too dificult doesnot support the development as readers. Resource for Cressill Library Volunteers. The Sections of The Library ‘The Nonfiction Section - These are factual books and the Call Number is represented by a number. You will be given a handout that shows what each of the numbers in the call number indicate. Please read Dewey Decimal Picture book, Resource for Cresskil Library Volunteers Easy Non-fiction Section- These are non fiction books that have been seperated for our earliest readers who enjoy non fiction books. This section was oreated for grades k-3 The Green Stripe, marking or sticker means EASY nonfiction. This is nonfiction given forthe ‘arty learners that can not understand the more complex non-fiction text. Resource for Cresskil Library Volunteers The Sections of The Library The Biography Section- This book is probably the least used in the library and it has true life stories of people. The call number may be BIO or 092 in that it used to be part of the Dewey Decimal system but due to the amount of biographies it was converted to its own sectio Resource for Cresskil Library Volunteers

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