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CCMS Lesson Plan Template Name: Sudeepta Sridhara

Mathematics and Science Departments Date: 10.7.16

Standards (FfT 1c) NGSS.SCI.SEP.6-8-1 Asking questions (for science) and defining
(CCSS, NGSS, etc.) problems (for engineering)

NGSS.SCI.SEP.6-8-2 Developing and Using Models

NGSS.SCI.CCC.6-8.1 Patterns

NGSS.SCI.MS-PS1-1 Develop models to describe the atomic

composition of simple molecules and extended structures.

Data (FfT 1c) SLO data: 17/108 students showed mastery; 24/108 students scored
What data do you have to support proficient; 67 students scored basic on MS-PS1-1
aspects of lesson?
Objective(s) for this Lesson SW create models of compounds using information analyzed from the
(FfT 1c) periodic table

Prerequisite Knowledge (FfT 1c) Students will understand that the periodic table is organized by
a) Increasing atomic number (number of protons)
b) Grouping by similar properties
c) Increasing reactivity (left to right)

Students will be able to identify how many electrons, protons, and

neutrons an ion has by looking at the periodic table and the ionic form of
the element

Students can identify what a proton, electron and neutron is and can
place each one in a model of an atom

Potential Misconceptions or Students may be confused that the protons and neutrons do not interact
Procedural Mistakes when forming a compound; only the electrons react

Students may have difficulty with the math involved in the calculation

What questions can I ask to How many valence electrons does X element have?
check my students
understanding of the lesson Can element X form a compound with element Y?
objectives and outcomes?
(FfT 1f) Which column of elements can X form a bond with?
Questions should represent all levels
of cognitive demand.
Draw a model of element X

Draw a model of the compound formed by elements X and Y

CCMS Lesson Plan Template Name: Sudeepta Sridhara
Mathematics and Science Departments Date: 10.7.16

Resources (FfT 1e) Textbook: chapter 12 (background information); chapter 13 lesson 1

Engagement (FfT 1e/1f) Outcome(s): SW identify the number of protons and neutrons and
10 minutes valence electrons in element
Essential Question Activity/Assignment: SW complete the warm-up on their guided notes
Opening Activity

Recap from yesterday: where on the periodic table do you find the
number of valence electrons?

Which elements are most reactive? Which are least reactive?

What is the total number of electrons in the outer shell?

Identify the number of protons, neutrons and valence electrons in


SW read the objective, state in their own words and connect to

yesterdays lesson and the real world

5 minutes to complete individually, 2 minutes to go over as a

class, 1 minute to ask for questions/CFU, 1 minute to review

Grouping: Individual/whole class

Assessment: graded warm up (100% accuracy), asking for questions

about yesterdays material; connection between yesterday and todays
objective Students will answer at least 2 out of 3 questions accurately.

Exploration (FfT 1e/1f) Outcome(s): SW analyze the reactivity of various compounds

10 minutes
What cooperative learning Activity/Assignment:
strategies are used?
How will you model concepts for
SW be given pairs of electrons and identify whether they would make a
What questions will uncover compound or not; SW identify which compound will be more reactive
student misconceptions? out of the pair of electrons
Electron pairs
CCMS Lesson Plan Template Name: Sudeepta Sridhara
Mathematics and Science Departments Date: 10.7.16

1. Mg + O (yes)
2. H + Cl (yes)
3. C + C (yes)
4. Si + Si (yes)
5. Li + F (yes)
6. Al + N (yes)
7. Ca + O (yes)
8. Na + Br (yes)
9. K + Br (yes)
10. Be + S (yes)
11. K + F (yes)
12. Mg + S (yes)
13. S + F (no)
14. Be + I (no)
15. C + P (no)
16. B + Cl (no)
17. As + S (no)

5 minutes to work independently, 2 minutes to turn and talk, 2

minutes to review as a class; 1 minute for questions

Grouping: Individually/pairs
Pairs will be made of one student who got 2/3 on the exit ticket from
10/6 and one student who got less than 2/3

Assessment: 100% accuracy

Explanation (FfT 1e/1f) Outcome(s): N/A

0 minutes
How are misconceptions being Activity/Assignment: N/A
addressed and cleared?
How will students explain
Grouping: N/A
What strategies and tools will I
use to help students actively Assessment: N/A
formulate new vocabulary?
Elaboration (FfT 1e/1f) Outcome(s): SW create models of molecules
20 minutes
What questions can be asked to Activity/Assignment:
help students apply knowledge
and skills to new situations?
SW be assigned a molecule from the above list and draw it
What new experiences will I
CCMS Lesson Plan Template Name: Sudeepta Sridhara
Mathematics and Science Departments Date: 10.7.16

provide for students to expand -drawing must include a nucleus with protons and neutrons and clearly
their understanding and connect include the number of valence electrons in each model
to real-world situations?
-drawing should differentiate between the atoms of different elements

1 minute to pick compound; 2 minutes to pick symbols to

represent each atom; 4 minutes to draw each individual atom (8
total); 7 minutes to draw the compounds together; 3 minutes to
review whole-class

Grouping: Pairs will be made of one student who got 2/3 on the exit
ticket from 10/6 and one student who got less than 2/3

Assessment: SW hand in models at the end of class; 100% of

students should receive at least in all categories

Rubric will be on the back of students guided notes

Evaluation (FfT 1e/1f) Outcome(s): SW relate their understanding of the synthesis of

10 minutes molecules to real-world problems
How will it be determine that the
students have attained the Activity/Assignment: SW fill out the exit ticket at the end of their
learning objectives?
guided notes and summarize the lesson
How will students work identify
needs and be used to inform
future instructional decisions? SW fill out three post-it notes: 1) will ask to summarize the lesson in two
sentences, 2) will ask to connect the models to the real world and 3) will
ask for at least two further questions about the topic, or, if students do
not have questions, at least two things that they want to learn about
molecules in the future

Grouping: Individual

Assessment: Exit ticket will be graded; At least 80% accuracy for all

Homework (FfT 1e/1f) N/A

Differentiation (FfT 1c/1e) Students who scored lowest on the last exam were assigned easier
How will you differentiate for different molecules; students who scored highest on the last exam were
subgroups (Honors, General assigned more difficult molecules
Education, SPED, ESOL, etc.)?
CCMS Lesson Plan Template Name: Sudeepta Sridhara
Mathematics and Science Departments Date: 10.7.16

Additional Information

Reflection (FfT 4a)

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