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CCMS Lesson Plan Template Name Sudeepta Sridhara

Mathematics and Science Departments Date 4.3.17

Standards (FfT 1c)

(CCSS, NGSS, etc.) MS-LS3-1 Heredity: Inheritance and Variation of Traits: Develop and
use a model to describe why structural changes to genes (mutations)
located on chromosomes may affect proteins and may result in harmful,
beneficial, or neutral effects to the structure and function of the

MS-LS3.A: Inheritance of Traits: Genes are located in the

chromosomes of cells, with each chromosome pair containing two
variants of each of many distinct genes. Each distinct gene chiefly
controls the production of specific proteins, which in turn affects the
traits of the individual. Changes (mutations) to genes can result in
changes to proteins, which can affect the structures and functions of the
organism and thereby change traits.

NGSS.SCI.CCC.6-8.4: Systems may interact with other systems; they

may have sub-systems and be a part of larger complex systems.

NGSS.SCI.CCC.6-8.6:Structure and function. The way in which an

object or living thing is shaped and its substructure determine many of
its properties and functions.

NGSS.SCI.SEP.6-8.7: Engaging in an argument from evidence

Data (FfT 1c) Exit ticket data from previous class:

What data do you have to support
aspects of lesson? 0/3: 0/24
: 4/24
: 5/24
3/3: 12/24
Absent: 3/24

Test data from mitosis/meiosis test:

Proficient: 6/24
Mastery: 13/24
Objective(s) for this Lesson SW analyze the pros and cons of genetically modified organisms and
(FfT 1c) relate them to the cell cycle
Prerequisite Knowledge (FfT 1c) Mitosis, meiosis, chromosomes, DNA, cell cycle disruptions, mutations

Potential Misconceptions or Confusion about how GMOs come about; questions about whether
Procedural Mistakes students have eaten GMOs before or not; how to tell if food is or has a
CCMS Lesson Plan Template Name Sudeepta Sridhara
Mathematics and Science Departments Date 4.3.17

What questions can I ask to What are: DNA, mitosis, meiosis, chromosomes, genes,
check my students genetics?
understanding of the lesson How do genetically modified organisms relate to the disruptions
objectives and outcomes? in the cell cycle that we learned last week?
(FfT 1f) What are the pros and cons of GMOs?
Questions should represent all levels
In your opinion, are GMOs good or bad?
of cognitive demand.
What would you say to someone whose opinion differs from
Is there anything you will change about what you eat after this
Resources (FfT 1e) Article on Google Classroom; Nearpod presentation
Vocabulary terms: genetically modified organism + previously learned
Vocabulary vocabulary listed above
Engagement (FfT 1e/1f) Outcome(s): SW recall prior information
10 minutes
Warm-Up Activity/Assignment: SW complete a warm up on Nearpod asking
Essential Question them to define terms they learned during previous classes.
Opening Activity

Terms include: genetic, DNA, cell division, sexual reproduction, asexual


Grouping: Individual/whole class

Assessment: 100% of students will be able to articulate accurate

definitions for 5/5 words as seen on Nearpod assignment submission

Explanation (FfT 1e/1f) Outcome(s): SW define genetically modified organisms

6 minutes
How are misconceptions being Activity/Assignment: SW take notes on Nearpod about the definition
addressed and cleared? and goals of genetically modified organisms and connect these to prior
How will students explain
What strategies and tools will I
use to help students actively Question to answer: what is DNA, what are genetics, how do genetically
formulate new vocabulary? modified organisms relate to the disruptions in the cell cycle that we
learned last week?

Grouping: Individual/whole class

Assessment: graded notes; 100% of students will have written down 3

bullet points of information and accurately answered 3 questions listed
in the powerpoint
CCMS Lesson Plan Template Name Sudeepta Sridhara
Mathematics and Science Departments Date 4.3.17

Exploration (FfT 1e/1f) Outcome(s): SW identify pros and cons of GMOs and formulate their
15 minutes own opinions
What cooperative learning
strategies are used? Activity/Assignment: SW read an article posted on Google Classroom
How will you model concepts for
and create a pro-con chart with at least three pieces of evidence on
What questions will uncover each side
student misconceptions?
SW answer the following questions after engaging in a discussion with
their partner about each persons opinion of GMOs
1. In your opinion, are GMOs good or dangerous?
2. What does the person sitting next to you think?
3. What would you say to someone who disagrees with your
opinion, in order to make them believe you?

Grouping: pair; students are sitting with someone who scored within
5% of their mitosis/meiosis test score

Assessment: 100% of students will engage in a discussion with their

partner and use it to answer all three questions

Elaboration (FfT 1e/1f) Outcome(s): SW create a visual announcement to articulate their

30 minutes opinions about GMOs
What questions can be asked to
help students apply knowledge Activity/Assignment: SW create a public service announcement which
and skills to new situations?
uses at least three pieces of evidence and one counter/devils advocate
What new experiences will I
provide for students to expand argument to convince the public of their opinion on GMOs. Evidence
their understanding and connect must come from the text on Google classroom or texts read previously
to real-world situations? in class.

Grouping: pair; students are sitting with someone who scored within
5% of their mitosis/meiosis test score

Assessment: 100% of students will complete a PSA with 3 pieces of

evidence from the given text, one counter-argument, at least one picture
and a slogan declaring their opinion

Evaluation (FfT 1e/1f) Outcome(s): SW synthesize their opinions on GMOs and reflect on
5 minutes prior information
How will it be determine that the
CCMS Lesson Plan Template Name Sudeepta Sridhara
Mathematics and Science Departments Date 4.3.17

students have attained the Activity/Assignment: SW answer the following questions on Nearpod
learning objectives?
How will students work identify
1. After learning about GMOs, are you more or less likely to eat them?
needs and be used to inform
future instructional decisions? Did what you learn today surprise you?

2. Write down two questions you still have about cell division

Grouping: Individual

Assessment: 100% of students will complete both questions and

articulate their understanding with at least one piece of evidence and
will recall prior information about cell division in order to begin studying
for the next weeks test

Homework (FfT 1e/1f) N/A

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