Random Thoughts and Collection Including Medical Tips

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Tuesday 18th November 2008: Times of India
Mindbender: If E times ILE equals BANISH, and TE times T equals BOOK, what does TO
times IN equal? Choices: a. breathes b.teaser
c.rutabaga d.poison e.copper.128

Answer: POISON: (Replace every instance of the word ³times´ with an µX¶.)
cMy Pension Pay Order: PPO number:
c Mother:c c

If you smoke, particularly in your house, your children will likely suffer from more ears,
nose and chest infections from the second hand smoke than if you don¶t smoke.

The Hindu: What is the most common type of pain?

³That would be my husband«he¶s a pain in the neck´.
More people see a doctor for chronic back pain than any other kind of pain. Next are headaches
and migraines, neck and facial pain. The annual cost of chronic pain in the U.S. is 100 billion

The Hindu: What is the easiest way to avoid winter colds and flu?
Wash your hands often. Hand washing is important since disease is transmitted by touching
doorknobs, telephones, and desktops, where germs live. A 2005 study showed that hand washing p
cut children¶s risk of pneumonia and diarrhea in half.

Young world: Ablutophobia is the fear of cleaning or washing.

Newscape: New word entry:c, a word that suggests lack of enthusiasm, has beaten other
contenders to become the latest addition to the Collins English Dictionary.
cc ! ³Scintillating´ is pronounced µsin-ti-late-ing¶. The µC¶ is silent. - Word of
Latin origin, meaning µto sparkle¶. A conversation that is µscintillating¶ is witty, interesting and
What is the meaning of the expression Ñbeginning to grow on someone´?
When we meet someone for the first time, we may not like the person. As we interact with him
more and more, we slowly begin to like him. This is the meaning of this expression. This can be
used with things as well.
³The first time I heard the song, I didn¶t like it. Now it¶s beginning to grow on me.´

Times of India: To avoid back pain, make sure to sit up straight and keep your feet slightly
raised off the floor on a footstool, especially in front of a computer. Get up and walk around the
office or step outside for a break at least every half an hour.

The Hindu: What is the oldest health care system in the world?
Before TCM-Traditional Chinese Medicine- there was Ayurveda, the ancient medical system of
India.Ayurvedic medicine dates back to 6,000 years ago. Ayurveda roughly translates as ³The
Science of Life´.
Times of India: To avoid stress, express your feelings in a non-combative way to significant
people in your life. Don¶t wait for the pressure to build up and then blow your top. Catch the
anger or concern before it causes you stress.

†c" TOI, 21, Nov 2008: WHATZIT? ³ INVISIBLE INSANE´ and ³BLIND
IDIOT´. These simply remind us of the proverb ³Out of sight, out of mind´.

Dear Nandhu: 1. I am always excited 2. I tell people where things are at. 3. You can play a game
on me. 4. I am very rich. 5. I give percentages 6.I always look up. 7. And«8. I look like a
twinkling thing in the sky. 9. I keep your things to my right. 10. I keep your things to my left
safely. What are we?
Answer: The numbers 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 and 0 on a key board when you hold the shift button

Idiom a day: ³Trip the light fantastic´ is to dance. John Milton in L¶ Allegro originated the
expression. (1632):
³Come and trip it as ye go,
On the light fantastick toe.´
The idiom was given currency in James W. Blake¶s immensely popular song, µthe Sidewalks of
New York. (1894).

Dear Nandhu: TOI, 21-11-2008: ³Almost´ is the most commonly used longest word in the 
English language with all the letters of the word formed in alphabetical order.

Dear Nandhu: TOI, 22-11-2008: Mindbender; each sentence below contains a word that can be
anagrammed to answer or describe the sentence.
Example: Craft that might tip in the ocean.
Answer: Canoe (anagram of Ocean)
1 Writings of a steno: Ans: Notes (anagram of Steno)
2 They affix without paste: Ans: Tapes (anagram of paste)
Having less reason for fears: Ans: Safer (anagram of fears)
Animal that may need a shoer; Ans; Horse (anagram of shoer)

In 1883 the explosion of the volcano Karakatoa released so much dust into the earth¶s
atmosphere that sunsets appeared green and the moon appeared blue for almost two years.

Dear Nandhu: A joke: Q: How can you prevent diseases caused by biting insects?
A: Don¶t bite any.

Swimming regularly in chlorinated pools is not a good idea because you absorb more chlorine in
one swimming session than by drinking chlorinated water for a whole week. Chlorine intake has
been linked to cancer, birth defects, miscarriages and asthma.
Idiom a day: Ñ     indicates an impending disaster- alludes to the legend of
Damocles, a servile courtier to King Dionysius I of Syracuse. The king, weary of Damocles¶
obsequious flattery, invited him to a banquet and seated him under a sword hung by a single hair,
so as to point out to him the precariousness of his position. The idiom was first recorded in 1747.
The same story gave rise to the expression ³Hang by a thread´.

Some energy drinks contain the caffeine equivalent of 14 cans of Coca-Cola, yet the amount of
caffeine is often not specified. Scientists are now suggesting that energy drinks prominently
display the caffeine content on the label and also warn of potential health risks.

Times of India: 23-11-2008,Sunday: Idiom a day: ³Speak of the Devil´.

One speaks of the devil when the person just mentioned has appeared.
Old expression-³Speak of the devil and he¶s sure to appear, based on the superstition that
pronouncing the devil¶s name will cause his arrival on the scene. The first figurative use of this
expression is found in James Kelly¶s Scottish Proverbs. (1721).

Organic products cannot be irradiated and are not allowed to contain preservatives or flavour
enhancing chemicals. They also cannot contain traces of heavy metals or other contaminants in
excess of the levels set by the FDA.

Love is an act of endless forgiveness; a tender look that becomes a habit.

The only two animals that can see behind themselves without turning their heads are the rabbit ‰
and the parrot.

The Hindu, 24-11-2008,Education plus, Brainbytes: After which French man is the SI derived
unit of Young¶s Modulus and tensile strength named?
Answer: Blaise Pascal. The unit is Pascal.

Times of India, Monday, 24-11-2008:Dear Nandhu: ³ An iron horse with a flaxen tail. The faster
the horse runs, the shorter his tail becomes. What is it?
Answer: A needle and thread.

Avoid taking non-prescription pain relievers more than three times a week because you may get
rebound headaches. They are usually triggered once the effect of the reliever wears off,
prompting you to take another dose. Eventually, you get a headache whenever you stop taking
the medicine

The Hindu: Monday: How much water my body need each day?
According to Mayo Clinic, it takes an average of eight cups of water to replace what your body
loses every day. Add 1 to 2 cups when moderately exercising. Two to three cups for strenuous

Times of India:
Mindbender: If E times ILE equals BANISH, and TE times T equals BOOK, what does TO
times IN equal? Choices: a. breathe b.teaser c.rutabaga d.poison e.copper.
Answer: POISON: (Replace every instance of the word ³times´ with an µX¶.

If you smoke, particularly in your house, your children will likely to suffer from more ear, nose
and chest infections from the second hand smoke than if you don¶t smoke
³That would be my husband«he¶s a pain in the neck.
More people see a doctor for chronic back pain than any other kind of pain. Next are headaches
and migraines, neck and facial pain. The annual cost of chronic pain in the U.S. is 100 billion

PothigaiTv, 24-11-2008,Monday: Dear Nandhu: Uyirulla Juice?

Orange Juice: because it contains all vowels- i.e. Uyir Ezhuthukkal, aeiou.

What is Royal disease? Hemophilia is the answer. The blood will not stop oozing from an
opening. Queen Victoria was suffering from this. If father has this daughter is likely to inherit; if
mother has this, the son is likely to inherit. (Ibid).

Times of India: Dear Nandhu, ³What quality do the following letters have in common?
B D G J P R U Answer: They have a combination of curved and straight lines. C O and S
are mere curves. Q is circular with a tail. Other letters are formed with straight lines.

a a is a type of sandstone, flexible enough to bend, yet hard enough to sharpen
knives. ù

WILD YAM has anti-inflammatory properties and is used to help reduce the pain of rheumatoid
arthritis. Herbalists use wild yam to treat colic, flatulence and irritable bowel syndrome. It also
helps in relaxing muscles and reducing pain due to menstrual cramps and endometriosis.

Times of India: ³Wisetrack: ³ No one has ever loved anyone the way everyone wants to be

JOKE: ³World¶s smallest resignation letter?

³Respected sir, I love your wife´.

Fact of the matter: A chicken with red earlobes will produce brown eggs, and a chicken with
white earlobes will produce white eggs.
IDIOM-A-Day: BROWN BAGGER: ³ they are people who bring their own supplies. In U.S. a
brownbagger is a workman who takes his lunch in a brown paper bag rather than using the
cafeteria etc; or one who takes his own liquor to a club or a restaurant where alcoholic drinks are
not available

Health Facts: Aloe vera juice has natural detoxifying abilities. Drinking the juice regularly
improves bowel regularity and increases protein absorption, at the same time decreasing
unfriendly bacteria and yeast. It also adds a rich supply of building
materials to produce and maintain healthy skin.
The Hindu, Saturday: ³GRAFFITI´: µThe trouble with child psychology is that children don¶t
understand it¶.

Health capsules: How nutritious is white table sugar?

³Table sugar is BAD«Corn sugar is WORSE´
Ninety % of the vitamins and minerals present in the sugar cane plant are stripped away during
processing. Since white sugar has no fiber, it hits your blood stream like a freight train, sending
your blood sugar soaring. Think about that the next time you eat a candy bar.

Newscape: ³Green is good´: Even looking at images of greenery can improve mental process
leave alone spending time in the midst of nature, research has found.

Idiom-a-day: Times of India, Tuesday, December 23, 2008: ³Signed, Sealed, and Delivered´: is
to complete the job in hand, satisfactorily and completely.
Usage: ³I finally finished my research paper signed, sealed and delivered´.
This idiom refers to a legal deed duly signed, sealed with a wax seal, and delivered to the new
owner. Later it took a general meaning. Began its usage from mid 1900¶s.

Dear Nandhu: Learn an Idiom: The Hindu: Young World: Tuesday, December 23, 2008: ³Why
is Asha always wanted in the kitchen?
She has a head like a sieve.
A person who has a head like a sieve is extremely forgetful or has a short memory. A sieve is a
kitchen utensil.  
One more! ³What did Chetan tell the billiards player´?
I¶ll take my cue from you!
Following somebody¶s example or advice is known as taking a cue from that person. A cue is a
stick used to play the game of billiards.

Pothigai T.V, 24-12-2008: 7.00 p.m: From which plant is Vanilla Essence extracted?
Answer: From Poppy, known as Khas Khas popularly.

Dear Nandhu: Times of India, Thursday, December 25, 2008: While I am in air, I
am not in Oxygen. I am also in water, but not in Hydrogen. I am necessary in all animals, but
you won¶t find me in the zoo. Look in all brains and you will find me there too. What am I?
Answer: The letter µA¶.

The liver of a polar bear contains so much Vitamin A, that it can be fatal if eaten by a human.

A good joke: My wife has an electric blender, toaster, and bread maker. Then she said, µThere
are too many gadgets, and no place to sit¶, so I bought her an electric chair.
!##cc$%&'#($" An also-ran is a loser, failure or an unsuccessful individual. To
end up among the also-rans is to end up on the losing side.
Usage: Jim auditioned for the part, but he knew he did poorly and would end up among the also-
 c)* A teaspoon of the powdered pomegranate skin taken with water, early in the
morning will not only purify the blood but will also serve as a good de-worming agent.

 c  The Hindu, dated 27-12-2008, Saturday: µ Is it important to sleep in a dark
Darkness is a key factor in human health. Our bodies are designed to sleep in total darkness.
Studies show that the more your sleep is disrupted by light, the greater the risk of developing
cancer. (By Bron Smith.)

!##ccSaturday, December 27, 2008: Times of India: ³pick holes in¶: «is to find fault
with that thing. The older phrase was to pick a hole in one¶s coat, thus a hole in one¶s coat is a
blot on one¶s reputation.

There are around 3,000 snake species in the world, and about 375 of these are venomous.
†c" Times of India: Friday, 26-12-2008: µMindbender¶:
I am used to bat with,
Yet I never get a hit.
I am near a ball,
Yet it is never thrown,
Who am I? Answer: Eyelashes.

+!cc !##ccc,-cc.  « is to exceed the limits of what is normally done and
to be innovative. Sample usage: ³ they are really pushing the envelope in using these fabrics for ·
their winter line.´ This idiom comes from aviation

Wedding Galore! (Times of India, 28-12-2008,Sunday): ³Traditionally Yours¶;

The Unbreakable Vase: Northern Californian Custom:
In Northern California, a week or two before a priest marries the couple, the future husband¶s
parents make the wedding vase. INDIAN holy water is placed in the wedding vase and the vase
is turned around and given to the bride. She drinks from one side of the vase, turns it around
again and gives it to the groom, who then drinks from the opposite side. This ceremony unites
them as one. The couple will treasure the vase throughout their married life. (OUPASANA
PANAI in our culture is preserved throughout-S.S.)

Idiom-a-day: (Ibid). ³Drum Out´: «is to expel or dismiss publicly and in disgrace.
Usage: µThey drummed him out of the club because he was so disruptive¶.

A joke: µ What is the difference between a new husband and a new dog?¶
µAfter one year, the dog is still excited to see you¶.

Good Saying: ³ The truth is more important than the facts.¶

Idiom-a-day; Monday, December 29, 2008: Times of India: ³ cool one¶s heels´
Means µto wait or be kept for a long time, after an appointment has been given one¶.
Usage: I¶ve been cooling my heels in the doctor¶s waiting room for at least an hour.
(Very useful idiom-S.S.)

Dear Nandhu: (Ibid); What rare characteristic do these words all share?
DEVIL, SINNED, GOD, WARTS. Answer: Each word makes another word when spelled
backwards-µ lived, Dennis, dog, straw.

Ibid: The shortest war in history was between Zanzibar and England in 1896. Zanzibar
surrendered after 38 minutes.

Ibid: µwisetrack¶: No one is satisfied with his fortune, nor dissatisfied with his intellect.

The Hindu, 29-12-2008,Monday: Health capsules-by Bron Smith:

Are bananas the best source of potassium?
Figs are better than bananas for potassium content. Six figs contain 891-mg. of blood pressure
lowering potassium, twice the amount in a large banana.

Sanskrit lives on: Times of India, 29-12-2008, page15: Sanskrit originated about 4,000 years
ago. Professor Satya Vrat Sastry, recipient of Jnanpith (42 nd) Award this year-2008- is an
eminent creative and critical writer in Sanskrit, has published over 7,000 stanzas in Sanskrit. His
Sri Rama Kirti Mahakavyam has run into three editions of 1,000 copies each.
He says that new words are being coined in Samskritam, to keep up with the scientific
developments of today.
He says, Stethoscope is called URASSRAVA YANTRA and computer is called SAM
Prof. Sastri had taught the language to Thailand¶s Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn.
Monier Williams: Page217: Uras, means the chest, breast, bosom.
Monier Williams: Page343: Ganaka, means counting, enumerating, one who reckons.

Some notes from The Hindu (T.H) and Times of India (TOI), dated, Tuesday, December 30,
The cocoa plant¶s botanical name, THEOBROMA CACAO literally means µfood of the gods¶.

K.Y.E. (T.H.): What is the meaning ofc,!/! !+!0c

µHippopoto¶ comes from µhippopotamus¶. µ Monstro¶ comes from µmonstrom¶ meaning
µmonster¶. µSesquippedalio¶ comes from µsesquipedalian¶ meaning someone who loves to use
extremely long words. µSesquippedaliophobia¶ means the fear of long words. Therefore the
single word µhippo poto monstro sesquip pedalio phobia¶, means µthe fear of long words¶.

Tailpiece: ³ Politics is just show business for ugly people. (Jay Leno.³
Mars and Venus´: Ah, women. They make the highs higher and the lows more frequent. ±
(Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche). (For my ³VIVAHAM´ next edition.)

Dear Nandhu: A young scientist urged people to sign a petition demanding a ban on the
chemical µdi hydrogen mono oxide¶.
He said the chemical, is a major component in acid rain and can cause severe burns in gaseous
form and causes erosions and makes automobile brakes ineffective
Almost 86% of the people supported the ban; twelve per cent were undecided; only 2%
recognized the substance for what it was: WATER!
³How gullible are we´? was the title of the scientist¶s project.

TOI: Idiom ±a- day: ³ On the dot ³: To be on the dot is to be precisely or exactly on

time. A punctual man is always present on the dot.

Usage: ³ We have to be there at eight O¶ clock on the dot´. . The dot in the idiom is the

mark appearing on the face of a watch or clock indicating the time in question. It may

have originated from the earlier µto a dot¶ meaning µexactly¶, which was used in the

1700s, but is no longer heard today.

Health facts: Bitter gourd (pakar kaai-S. S) is highly beneficial in the treatment of blood
disorders like boils, scabies, itching, psoriasis and other fungal diseases. When taken with
lime juice, it improves general health.
From µThe Hindu¶ and µTimes of India¶ dated, Wednesday, December 31, 2008:
Health facts: Clinical trials conducted by scientists indicate that µgreen tea¶ increases metabolic
rates, speeds up fat oxidation and improves insulin sensitivity and glucose tolerance.

Health Capsules, By Bron Smith: What can I eat to lower my cholesterol?

Apples are good. Asian Pears are better. One large Pear has 10 gram of cholesterol-lowering
fiber. A large apple has about half that much.

Idiom-a-day: ³Wing it´: To wing it, is to improvise. A person called suddenly to perform on
stage has to wing it.
An example of its usage: ³ She didn¶t really have an explanation for her friend; she was just
winging it´.

Joke: µ Do pilots take crash-courses?

The reason why flamingos are pink is because they eat shrimp, which have a red pigment.

    From Vaidika Sri- January 2009 issue; Page 38.
The bridegroom¶s feet are washed with water as soon as he enters the marriage hall, by the
father-in-law to be, as the groom is considered as an incarnation of Mahavishnu. Yet, after the
ablution, the feet should be adorned only with sandalwood paste and never with saffron
(kumkumam.) The same is true while washing the feet of Suvasinis, Kanyas, and Sumangalis at
the time of performing Sumangali Prarthana etc. The feet of Vedic Acharyas also should not be
adorned with Kumkumam, on the occasion of performing Sraaddham. So say Dharma Sastras.
(Suvasinee poojai, Kanya poojai, Samaaraadhanai, Sumangali Prarthanai, Sraadham pondra
nikazhchikalil poojikka padupavar ukkum, Thirumanathil Mappillaikkum Kaal alambum podhu,
kaalkalil kumkumathai idak koodaathu. Chandanam mattum idalaam.)
(Suitable for my next Vivaham edition).

From Mangayar Malar, P!c 1 January 2009, page 186. (Suited for my next
Vivaham edition).
µPathu¶ poruthangal paarthu, µNava¶ Grahankalum aadharavaaha, µEnn¶ thikkilum irundhu
uravinarkalai azhaithu, µSapta¶ padhigal chutri, µAru¶ chuvai unavinai makizhnthu alithu,
µPancha¶ bhoothangal saakshiyaka, µChathur¶ Vedangal chirappaai olithida, µMoondru¶
mudichinai manamagalukku muditida, ³Iru¶ manamum inainthanave! µOru¶ manamaayitre,

From The Hindu and Times of India, January, 1st. 2009, Thursday:
Idiom- a- day: ³ Wild Horses´. When people say, µ wild horses couldn¶t drag me µ, they mean
that nothing or nobody could persuade them.
An example of its usage: ³Wild horses couldn¶t drag me to that movie- it¶s four hours long!´
This idiom is believed to have replaced µwild horses couldn¶t draw it from me¶, referring to the
medieval torture of using horses to stretch a ptisoner to force a confession.

Polar bears are excellent swimmers. They have been known to swim more than sixty miles å
without rest.

Health Facts: Peaches are wonderful to eat when on a weight loss programme because of their
diuretic, depurative and detoxifying properties. They help in reducing rheumatic pain and arterial

Wisetrack:´ Take care of the minute, for the hours will take care of themselves´.

The Hindu: ³Newscape´: Diapers for donkeys: Donkeys have been banned from walking on the
streets of Egypt¶s al- Wadi al- Gadeed governorates without wearing diapers, an official said.

Saturday, January 03, 2009: The Hindu: Health Capsules: Where is the best place on the plane to
avoid air-sickness?
Sit as close to the wing as possible to avoid airsickness. Avoid the rear of the plane because it is
the farthest from the center and you will feel more up-and ± down motion during turbulent

Dear Nandhu, (Times of India): ³They are three errers in this puzzle- what are they?´
Answer: Spelling for µerrers¶; it should be µthere¶ instead of µthey¶; there are only two errors.

The male howler monkey of Central and South America is the noisiest land animal. It can be
heard clearly from a distance of ten miles.
!c2 3c ³My girl friend and I are perfect for each other, she loves me and I love
myself too«´ (For my next edition).

Idiom-a-day: ³Hold the Fort´: To hold the fort is to keep things running during the absence of
others. Hold the fort is assuming responsibility, especially in another¶s absence and maintaining
a secure position.
Usage: µHarry did a good job of holding the fort until his mother returned¶.

Health Facts: Mulberries have a strong anti-inflammatory and antiseptic property. They are used
to clean the blood and fresh the system. People with acid saturated bodies, gout and arthritis are
advised to eat mulberries.

    (For my next ³Vivaham´ edition). From ³Narayaneeyam´, Canto
79,Marriage of Rukmini, Book, Page 240, Slokas 4,5,6 and 7.

³Kulavadhoobhirupetya kumaarikaa girisutaam paripoojya c (h) a saadaram /

Muhurayaac (h) ata tatpadapankaje nipatitaa patitaam tava kevalam // (4).
The princess in the company of noble women performed the worship of the Divine Mother with
great devotion, and prostrated at Her feet with the one prayer that Thou be her husband. -So
addresses Narayana Bhattatiri.
³Samavaloka-kutoohala-sangkule nrupakule nibhrutam twayi c(h)a sthite /
Nrupasutaa niraghaad Girijaalayaat suruc(h)iram ruc(h)iranjita-dingmukhaa //(5)
As the assembled kings stood in joyous expectation of seeing Rukmini, and as Thou didst remain p
aloof and silent, there came out of the temple Rukmini, handsome beyond description and
lighting up the quarters with her brilliance.
³Bhuvanamohana- rooparuc (h) AA tadaa vivas¶itaakhila-raajakadambayaa /
Twamapi Deva kataaksha vimokshanai: pramadayaa madayaankc (h) akrushe manaak//(6)
That attractive damsel, whose bewitching beauty held all the assembled kings spellbound, did
generate a trace of infatuation even in Thee by the frequent glances she cast at Thee. (Addresses
Bhattatiri to the Lord).
Kvanu gamishyasi C (a) ndramukheeti taam sarasametya karena Haran Kshanaat /
Samadhiropya ratham tvam apaahruthaa bhuvi tato vitato ninado dwishaam //(7)
µ whither do you go, O moon-faced beauty!¶ With these words of admiration, Thou didst lead
her by the arm and put herin Thy chariot, to be carried off by force, whereupon there arose loud
protestations from Thy rivals. (So addresses Bhattatiri, to the Lord)

Why do we yaaaaaaaaaawn? (From Vadapalani Talk, dated 4-10, Jan 2009.)

Yawn is an involuntary respiratory reflex, which regulates the carbon di oxide and oxygen levels
in the blood. Contagious nature of yawning is due to the power of suggestion. There is another
theory that yawning occurs to stabilize pressure on either side of the eardrums. The average
duration of a yawn is about six seconds.
Charles Darwin, in his book µThe Expressions of the Emotions in Man and Animals¶ has
mentioned that baboons yawn to threaten their enemies, by displaying large canine teeth. Snakes
yawn both to realign their jaws after a meal or for respiratory reasons. Dogs often yawn after
seeing people yawn.
The word µyawn¶ is an alteration of Middle English µyonen¶ or µyenen¶ and the Old English
word is µgeonian¶.
µPandiculation¶ is the term used for the act of µstretching and yawning simultaneously¶.

Times of India: Sunday, January 04, 2009: Dear Nandhu: Mindbender: µWhat does this rebus
Answer: ³twice removed´- - The letters ³TWICE´ have been removed from the alphabet, hence
the phrase.

Quote: µOne man with courage makes a majority¶.

Health Facts: Cranberry helps in treating urinary tract infections, particularly cystitis, in women.
Small amounts of cranberries may help lower levels of calcium in urine, thereby preventing
stone formation

Idiom-a-day: FLY BLIND: To fly blind is to feel one¶s way and proceed by guesswork.
Usage: ³ There are no directions for assembling this air plane model, so I¶m flying blind´.

Idiom-a-day: Thursday, January 08, 2009: Times of India: ³ To talk like a Dutch Uncle´: To
talk like a Dutch uncle is to reprove firmly but kindly. Dutch Uncle is a stern, candid critic or
Usage: µ When I got in trouble with the teacher again, the principal talked to me like a Dutch
Uncle¶. pp
This expression alludes to the sternness and sobriety attributed to the Dutch. It has been in use
since the early 1800s.

Health Facts: Brazil nuts have anti-cancer properties due to their exceptionally high levels of
Selenium. They are also very effective incurring anaemia, tuberculosis and malnourishment.

If darkness makes you shiver, then it may be a case of ACHLUOPHOBIA. Other children like
animals a lot, but if you don¶t, it is called AGRIZOOPHOBIA. Is it difficult for you to move
closer to the kitchen when the stove is burning? Then you may be suffering from
ARSONPHOBIA, fear of fire.
Fear of stairs of steep slopes is BATHMOPHOBIA
At school, children fear of being ridiculed or laughed at by their friends and classmates, that fear
Would you rather suffer from toothache instead of visiting your dentist? DENTOPHOBIA is
how that fear is called.
Are you afraid of your dad punishing you for breaking your new toy, it is POINEPHOBIA.

GRAMMAR GURU, Monday, 22.9.2008, Times of India, µMind Your Language¶:

Do you love frogs? Here is a nice poem for you.
What a wonderful bird the frog are!
When he stand he sit almost;
When he hop, he fly almost.
When he ain¶t got no sense hardly,
He ain¶t got no tail hardly either!
When he sit, he sit on
What he ain¶t got almost!
Unfortunately, we don¶t know who the author is. Whoever he might be, he deserves to be
congratulated on daring to violate one of the most fundamental rules of English grammar,
namely, Subject Verb concord.
English grammar is relatively simple, compared to Indian languages. Except in the case of third
person singular, the verb does not take the inflections. You can happily say, I go, We go, You
go., They go, until you come to he, she, it., where you have to say µgoes¶. Quite easy, isn¶t it?
Here is an example:
³ I don¶t think I look 35. Do you?´ she asks her husband. ³No, I don¶t,´ he says,´ but you used
However there are some contexts, which confuse us. We are in a dilemma and are not sure
whether to add an µs¶ or not. Here are a few guidelines.
Rule 1. When two or more singular subjects are connected by and, they take a plural verb.
(e.g.) Grandma and grandpa are stuck at Central Station. There¶s been a bomb scare.
Are they safe?
No. Bombs are really dangerous.
Rule 2. If two singular nouns refer to the same person, the verb must be singular.
(e.g.) When Jenny saw the tombstone with the inscription, ³A politician and an honest man lies
here´, she wondered how they managed to get two people into the same grave.
Rule 3. If there are two singular subjects preceded by µeach¶ or µevery¶, they take a singular
verb. p
(e.g.) Patient: Doctor, doctor, every nurse here ignores me!
Doctor: Next, please!
Rule 4. A collective noun takes a singular verb if we think of it as one whole; it takes a plural
verb, if we think of the different people who compose it.
(e,g.) The Tamilnadu Police has been quite busy this week.
Why, what happened?
Someone escaped from the central jail. The police are searching for the man with one eye called
What is the other eye called?
In the first sentence there is reference to the police as a single entity, In the second use of police,
on the other hand, we are referring to the different men, who constitute the police force.
Rule 5. When the subject of the verb is a relative pronoun, it should agree with the number of
the noun, which it modifies.
(E.g.) Mark twain: The man who doesn¶t read good books has no advantage over the man who
can¶t read them.
Rule 6: If two subjects together express one idea, the verb must be singular.
(e.g.) Bread and butter is preferable to idly sambar.
Rule 7: Words joined to a singular subject µby with¶, µtogether with¶, µin addition to¶ or µas well
as¶ do not affect the number of the verb, as they are parenthectical.
(e.g.) Ice cream with Gulab Jamuns is my favourite dessert.
Bored? Disgusted? Come, then, let¶s join the chairwoman from New York, who boasted, ³ When
I started to work here the floors was in bad shape. But since I¶s been doing them´ she said with
quite pride,´ three ladies has fell down´.

Fear of long words: Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia.
Fear of beds: Clinophobia
Fear of children: Paedophobia
Morbid fear of sleep and falling asleep: Hypnophobia
Morbid fear of insanity: Lyssophobia
Fear of crossing the road: Dromophobia
Fear of ugly people: Unatractiphobia
Fear of trivia about phobias: Phobatrivaphobia.

Swan Crime: A Muslim man who was so hungry while fasting during the holy month of
Ramzan that he killed a mute swan at a boating pond to eat was jailed for two months in Britain.
(Newscape, The Hindu).

From The Hindu and Times of India, Dated, 9 January, 2009:

Cinema plus: Page 7: In which European country is the city of Karlovy Vary known for its film
festival? Answer: Czech Republic.
What is the µPrix d¶ interpre¶ tation masculine¶? Answer: It is the best actor award at the
Cannes Film Festival.

Health Capsules, by Bron Smith: Do low- calorie diets extend life?
Over 2,000 studies support the premise that a calorie- restricted, optimal nutrition diet can extend
your lifespan by 30 to 50%. This is the primary reason that the people of OKINAWANS are
considered to be the world¶s longest living individuals.

Dear Nandhu: µMind bender¶: What is so incredible about the sentence below?
A rough-coated, dough-faced, thoughtful ploughman strode through the streets of Scarborough;
after falling into a slough, he coughed, houghed, and hiccoughed.
Hint: There are nine things you would want to notice.
Answer: There are nine occurrences of the letters µough¶ with a different pronunciation (though
it may depend on where you are from).

$(( $2c2$%'( GOD thought He couldn¶t be everywhere, so He made a mother. Then

the devil thought he couldn¶t be everywhere either, so he made a mother-in ±law.

Wisetrack: To live a creative life, we must lose our fear of being wrong.

Idiom-a-day: ALBATROSS AROUND ONE¶S NECK: An Albatross around one¶s neck is a

heavy burden of guilt that becomes an obstacle to success.
Usage: ³ The failed real estate scheme became an albatross around her neck, for then she could
not interest other investors in a new project´.
This idiom comes from Samuel Taylor Coleridge¶s narrative poem, µThe Rime of the Ancient
Mariner, (1798), which is based on the widespread superstition that it is unlucky to kill this large
white sea bird. In the poem, a sailor does kill a an albatross, and when the ship becalmes near the
equator and the crew runs out of drinking water, his shipmates blame him and force him to wear
the dead bird around his neck.
NOTE: In 1953, when I was studying in St. Xavier¶s college at Palayamkottai, µThe Rime of the
Ancient Mariner¶ was one of the longest µMinor Poems¶, prescribed for Intermediate Class, by
the Madras University. I remember the famous words of Coleridge: µWater, water everywhere,
but not a drop to drink¶, and the famous alliteration µFurrow followed free¶.

The planet PLUTO was named by 11-year old Venetia Phair (a girl) of Epsom Surrey, England,
in 1930.

Cupid¶s Cuisine:    

µAnything visually erotic automatically sets the brain in motion¶.
Forget Strawberries and chocolates, you can use almost anything from your kitchen cabinet to
put the spark back into sex, says Sreemoyee Piu Kundu.
Seductive starters: Asparagus: Three courses of asparagus were served to 19th century
bridegrooms in France, due to its aphrodisiacal powers.
Figs: An open fig was considered to emulate the female sex organs and traditionally believed to
be a sex stimulant. The ancient Greeks celebrated the fruit in rituals.
Almond: A symbol of fertility down the ages, its aroma induces passion in women.
Asafetida: (Perunkayam in Tamizh): A dried powdered herb, it was used as a sexual stimulant in pù
Ayurvedic medicine.

Banana: This common fruit is considered to have aphrodisiac powers ± not only because its
shape, but also its creamy lush texture. The enzyme Bromelain present in bananas enhances male
Chocolate: This contains both a sedative which relaxes and lowers inhibitions and a stimulant to
increase the desire for physical contact. Which may explain why it was banned from some
monasteries centuries ago.
Avocado: The Aztecs called the Avocado tree Ahuacuatl, which literally translated means
µtesticle tree¶.
Basil: Sweet basil is said to stimulate sex drive and boost fertility. It¶s also touted to produce a
general sense of well being for the body and mind.
Coriander: The Arabian Nights narrates a tale of a merchant who¶d been childless for 40 years
was cured by a concoction that included coriander.
Garlic: The µheat¶ in garlic stirs sexual desires.
Ginger: Ginger root raw, cooked or crystallized stimulates the circulatory system.
Honey: Many Egyptian potions were based on honey, including cures for sterility and impotence.
Medieval seducers plied their partners with Mead, a fermented drink using honey. Lovers on
their honeymoon drank mead considered to µsweeten¶ marital ties. Compare, µMadhuparkam¶,
offered to the bridegrooms on the day of the marriage²(S.S).
Mustard: Believed to stimulate the sexual glands and increase desire.
Nutmeg: (Jathikkai in Tamizh): Highly praised by Chinese women as an aphrodisiac. In quantity
it creates a hallucinogenic effect.
Perfumes made of natural foodstuffs like almond, vanilla, Chinese herbs and spices act as a
pheromone to communicate emotions by smell. The scent and flavour of vanilla increase lust.
Bunker Pia Jha, says µRaspberries and strawberries are perfect for hand feeding your man. High
in vitamin C, they make for great post-sex stimulants. Both are described in erotic literature as
fruit nipples. Caffeine too, in small amounts, stimulates the body and mind for an µall-nighter¶.

Times of India, Dated 11 January 2009, Sunday: Idiom-a-day: ³According to Hoyle´:

According to Hoyle means in keeping with established rules; on the highest authority.
An example of its usage²µThe tax records are in excellent order, all according to Hoyle¶.
Edmond Hoyle (1679-1769) of England, author of books of rules for card games, was so highly
regarded that numerous writers used his name on their own rulebooks, even for games that had
not been invented by the time of Hoyle¶s death, so that his name became synonymous with any
rules. Edmond Hoyle¶s µA short Treatise on the Game of Whist¶ remained the standard authority
on the game for many years.
Quote: ³ Thoroughly to teach another is the best way to learn for yourself´.

Health Facts: µPumpkin seeds are used to enlarge the prostate glands. They also reduce the
formation of calcium oxalate crystals, which lead to bladder stones. Zinc in the fruit is also vital
to the immune system as it helps in improving resistance and wound-healing capacity.

On October 12, 2008, Joey Chestnut of San Jose, California, USA, ate 45 slices of Pizza in 10 p 

Grammar Guru: Times of India, Monday, January 12, 2009:

I read the following anecdote of K. Beverley¶s in the Reader¶s Digest:
Recently I overheard my teenage son on the telephone ordering flowers. Dictating the card to the
florist, he said, ³To my one and only. I can¶t wait to see you again.´
It was so romantic, it was al I could do to keep from crying.
That is, until I heard him say, ³And I need to send that to three girls.´
The verb NEED is used here as the main verb with the implication require. . Like DARE, need is
also anomalous. It functions as an auxiliary, mainly in questions and negative statements, in the
sense of asking for, or giving permission.
µYou need not work today,¶
³Need I come again?¶
Pit Corder outlines three contexts in which NEED is used:
(i) In the simple present tense, NEED could be used both ad regular and anomalous verb.
µ I don¶t need to tell you how sorry I am¶
³You need not be so rude to her, need you?¶
(ii) In the past the absence of necessity can be expressed in two ways.
µYou needn¶t have woken me up so early. I don¶t need to go to work today¶. [but you did and it
was not necessary.]
µ I didn¶t need to tell him¶ [and I didn¶t, because I realized that it wasn¶t necessary.]
In the first one, we use the present tense of NEED, because it is now, after doing something that
we find our action to have been unnecessary. We use the past in the second one, because we
realized before doing it that it was unnecessary.
(iii) If we wish to express the absence of necessity, (i.e. that something is unnecessary,) we use
needn¶t or do not need.
µWe needn¶t take an umbrella, because it is not raining¶.
On the other hand if we wish to express an obligation NOT to do something, we use mustn¶t.
µYou mustn¶t tell her. She mustn¶t know about this¶.
Michael Swan refers to yet another use of NEED. After NEED an µing¶ form can be used with
the same meaning as a passive infinitive, especially in British English.
µThe sofa needs cleaning again¶.
Now for a brainteaser. There is something wrong with the following sentences. Would you like
to correct them?
Romeo, you needn¶t marry Juliet, as she is our enemy.
You mustn¶t work tomorrow, if you don¶t want to.
Answer: A. Romeo, you mustn¶t marry Juliet as she is our enemy.
Answer: B. You needn¶t work tomorrow if you don¶t want to.

A good Joke from The Hindu, Dated 12-1-2009, Monday, from Metroplus pages/ page2.
Announcement with a twist: Some welcome message, this from the pilot!
³ We are pleased to have some of the best flight attendants in the industry. . . Unfortunately none
of them are on this flight . . .!´
Occasionally, airline flight attendants make an effort to make the ³in-flight safety lecture´ a bit
more entertaining. Here is one. p·
³ There may be fifty ways to leave your lover, but there are only six ways out of this airplane . .

The pilot again. ³ Folks, we have reached our cruising altitude now, so I am going to switch the
seat belt sign off. Feel free to move about as you wish, but please stay inside the plane till we
land . . .it¶s a bit cold outside, and if you walk on the wings it affects the flight pattern.´ And,
then, these came after landing.
³ As you exit the plane, please make sure to gather all of your belongings. Anything left behind
will be distributed evenly among the flight attendants. Please do not leave children or spouses.´

From Times of India, Monday, January 12, 2009 Wisetrack: You will always find time to do the
things you want to do.

Health Facts: Coconut is good to develop the thorax and has a terrific effect on the nerves. It is
also good for arteriosclerosis problems. It plays an important part in the metabolic process of
polyunsaturated fatty acids and prevents the development of free radicals,
Random Thoughts and Collection including C0llections, including Medical Tips.

Tuesday 18th November 2008: Times of India

Mindbender: If E times ILE equals BANISH, and TE times T equals BOOK, what does TO
times IN equal? Choices: a. breathe b.teaser c.rutabaga d.poison e.copper.
Answer: POISON: (Replace every instance of the word ³times´ with an µX¶).

If you smoke, particularly in your house, your children will likely suffer from more ear, nose and
chest infections from the second hand smoke than if you don¶t smoke. p

The Hindu: What is the easiest way to avoid winter colds and flu?
Wash your hands often. Hand-washing is important since touching doorknobs, telephones, and
desktops, where germs live, transmits disease. A 2005 study showed that hand washing cut
children¶s risk of pneumonia and diarrhea in half.

Young world: Ablutophobia is the fear of cleaning or washing.

Newscape: New word entry: ³Meh´, a word that suggests lack of enthusiasm, has beaten other
contenders to become the latest addition to the Collins English Dictionary.

Know your English: ³Scintillating´ is pronounced µsin-ti-late-ing¶. The µC¶ is silent. - word of
Latin origin, meaning µto sparkle¶. A conversation that is µscintillating¶ is witty, interesting and
clever.ty, interesting and clever.

What is the meaning of the expression µgrow on someone¶?

When we meet someone for the first time, we may not like the person. As we interact with him
more and more, we slowly begin to like him. This is the meaning of this expression. This can be
used with things as well.
³The first time I heard the song, I didn¶t like it. Now it¶s beginning to grow on me.´
Times of India: To avoid back pain, make sure to sit up straight and keep your feet slightly
raised off the floor on a footstool, especially in front of a computer. Get up and walk around the
office or step outside for a break at least every half an hour.

Dear Nandhu: The Hindu, Education plus, Nov 17/24, 2008:After which Frenchman is the SI
unit of Young¶s Modulus and tensile strength named?
Answer: Blaise Pascal. The unit is Pascal.

The Hindu: Where in America do people live the longest?

Jovially«´In Nursing homes.Eh!
The seventh day Adventist community of Loma Linda, near Los Angeles, is a longevity enclave.
Adventists, who practice a health-conscious VEGETARIAN lifestyle, are America¶s longest
living subgroup. Adventist men live almost 10 years longer than the
general male population; women 6 years longer.

Times of India: The average adult loses about two quarts of water daily through
perspiration,urination,bowel movements and breathing. This water needs to be replaced because
the body does not store an extra supply. To keep your body well hydrated, drink eight to twelve
cups of water throughout the day.

Idiom-a-day: OUT of WHOLE CLOTH: When something is out of whole cloth it is based
entirely on falsehood, fabrication and fiction.
In 1800¶s it was common practice for tailors to deceive the customers and, instead of using
whole cloth, actually made garments from piece goods. Their advertising slogan,´ Cut out of p’
whole cloth´, thus came to mean, ³made up, false.

Dear Nandhu: TOI: My first is in ocean, but never in sea.

My next is in wasp, but not in a bee.
My last is in glider and also in flight.
My whole is a creature that haunts
through the night. Answer: An Owl.

The Hindu: Young World: Thirty ducks are going to the pond. If eight of them got lost, five go
astray and seventeen reach the pond, where are the remaining ducks?
µThere are no remaining ducks! Heh, heh!¶

The long, straight rod used to play billiards and snookers is called a CUE. You know
what a queue is.
PHOBIA: RANIDAPHOBIA: A person who is terrified of frogs is said to suffer from

The phrase ³all the rage´ means very fashionable or trendy. ³Rage´ also means anger.

Which metal is named after the Greek word for colour?

Answer: Chromium (Cr)
Know Your English: Tuesday: The Hindu: What is the meaning of ³pigeonhole someone?´
The word is pronounced µpij-in¶. When you pigeonhole someone, you put him in a particular
category without really considering all his qualities.
Example: Kuntala¶s grandson has been unfortunately pigeonholed as a problem child.

Is it okay to say that something is ³frightfully good´?

Yes. It is. µFrightfully does not mean µfrightening¶. It simply means µextremely good¶-mostly
heard in British English- considered old fashioned.
Example: The movie is frightfully good. 2.We are frightfully sorry about the commotion we
caused last night.

Nandhu Dearest: ³If you add up all the digits in 0123456789, you will get 45. If instead you
multiply all the digits, will the product be more or less than 100?
Answer: Because 0 comes, the product will become Zero.

There¶s something wrong in the way this proverb has been written. How?
Answer: The first letters of the words have got interchanged. The proverb is´ When the cat is
away the mice are at play.´

PHOBIA: A person who is terrified of computers suffers from ³LOGIZOMECHANOPHOBIA´

(All the above three are from The Hindu, Young World, dated, Saturday, August 21, 2010}.

Times of India: Idiom-a-day: ³Can of worms´: This refers to a complex unexpected problem or
an unsolvable dilemma.
Usage: Tackling the budget cuts is sure to open a can of worms.
Allusion: Refers to a container of bait used for fishing, which when opened, reveals an
inextricable tangle of worms.

Ibid: Mangosteen contains compounds that have anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties.
Research indicates that it acts against several cancer cell lines, including breast cancer and
leukemia. Also, the fruit exhibits anti-histamine and anti-inflammatory properties. (Remarks by
S.S: Mangosteen is available/grown only in Kuttalam, in the Western Ghauts and in Indonesia,
and nowhere in the world. Mangustan Pazham is its local name.)

Times of India: Idiom-a-day: ³Bleed someone white´: means µto extort money.¶ You bleed
someone white when you take whatever little still belongs to the person.
Usage: µThat contractor would have bled the department white, but fortunately he was
apprehended in time.¶ Presumably this term alludes to losing so much blood that one turns pale
(and perhaps also to the idea that money is the life blood of commerce.

IMPORTANT NOTES TO REMEMBER: My father¶s Sraadham falls on Krishna Trithiyai (K3),

in Margazhi month.
My mother¶s Sraadham falls on Krishna
Sashti (K6), in Aani month.
My periyamma¶s Sraadham falls on S¶ukla
Chaturti, (S4), in Panguni month.
My Pension Pay Order: 13568. Balachandar¶s mother¶s PPO:(Kalpagam V): 981.

Times of India: (Sunday, December 21, 2008): ³If I could rearrange the alphabets, I¶d put U and
I together´. (Fit for my ³VIVAHAM´ next edition ±S.S).

Health Facts: Some of the fats in chocolate do not impact our cholesterol levels. The fats in
chocolate are 1/3 oleic acid, 1/3 stearic acid, and 1/3 palmitic acid. Oleic acid is a healthy
monounsaturated fat that is also found in olive oil. Stearic acid has a neutral effect on
cholesterol. Palmitic acid alone raises cholesterol.

Dear Nandhu: µfact of the matter¶: GADFY¶ written by Earnest Wright in 1939,is a 50,000+
word book, which does not contain a single word with ³e´ in it.

Idiom-a-day: Clean Bill of Health: It is a report confirming the absence of fault or guilt in a
person or a thing.
Usage: He had a foolproof alibi so the police had to give him a clean bill of health.
This term comes from a 17 th-century practice of requiring ships to produce a medical document
(bill) attesting the absence of infectious diseases on board, before docking.

Strange translation of words not heard so far: S. S: Dina Malar: Sunday, December 21,
2008,Page15: ³ Vazhakku chollil µDHOOMARADHANDI¶ ennum oru chol undu. Aanaal adhu
,c†! endru koorappada vendum. Adhan porul, µvaravukku minchiya selavu 
cheyyum oodhaari penn enpathaam.
In English ± ³a woman who is a spendthrift´.
Note: My mother often had used the slang µdhoomaradhandi¶ on the undisciplined and irregular
girls and ladies. I am not sure whether she knew the real meaning as we have learnt now.
THETRUPPAL: The equivalent English term is-SNAGGLE TOOTH.

The Hindu, 24-12-2008,Wednesday: Health Capsule: ³How many germs are on my hand´?
³150 different species of bacteria? µYUK¶.
The average human hand harbors 150 different species of bacteria. After taking samples from the
palms of 51 college students, researchers were able to identify 4,742 species of bacteria.

From The Hindu and Times of India: Monday, January 05, 2009:
Health Capsules: How can I get the best power nap?
First jovially! µ Whatever you do, don¶t let anyone catch you asleep with your mouth gaping
Now seriously: Unplug phones. Make the room as dark as possible. Find a comfortable place to
rest. Try to take your nap in the early or midafternoon.

Dear Nandhu: Mindbender: µ It has a mouth but does not speak or bite; it has a
bed but does not sleep. What is it?
Answer: River.
Heath Facts: Tangerine, due to its high phosphorous and calcium content, benefits the
development of the skeleton. Since it also contains magnesium, it tonics the articulation and
flexibility of muscles. It also benefits the intestines and the nervous system.
Idiom-a- day: ³DAVY JONES¶S LOCKER: It is the bottom of the sea, specifically the grave of
those who died at sea.
Usage: µ Caught out at sea during the hurricane, they thought they were heading for Davy
Jones¶s locker.
Davy Jones is a name given to the evil spirit of the sea²first recorded in 172.6.

GRAMMAR GURU: The nagging wife said to her husband, ³Look at Rajan next door. He
blows his wife a kiss every morning as he leaves home! I wish you could do that!´ The worried
husband replied, I daren¶t do so darling! I hardly know that woman!´ Well, there are quite a few
things we¶d love to do but dare not!
There are certain verbs in English, which are said to be anomalous. They defy the regular rules.
One such verb is DARE. Its archaic form is Durst. In modern English, dare is not a very common
verb. In informal style, people generally use expressions like,¶ he is afraid to say what he thinks¶,
rather than, µ he dare not say what he thinks.
What is anomalous about DARE?
First of all, it functions both as an auxiliary and a main verb. According to the American
Heritage Book of English usage, when we use DARE:
As main verb, we place the infinitive TO after dare.
³ I dare to complain to the Principal, even if it gets me into trouble´.
To make negative statements and positive questions we use the auxiliary DO with DARE as in
the case of any other regular verb. p
³ I do not dare to face him´.
³ Do I dare to defy the rules´?
When dare functions as an auxiliary, it need not agree with the subject.
³He dare not come here without my permission´.
³Dare we tell her the truth?´
However, dare as main verb agrees with the subject.
³If he dare to come, I¶ll be surprised´.
As a main verb, DARE has the meaning, ³be brave enough to¶ or µ to have sufficient courage¶.
³The reporters dared to go to the trouble spot´
In the transitive form as main verb, DARE means challenge.
³I dare you to disobey me´.
As an auxiliary, the verb DARE emphasizes attitude and involvement.
Compare the following:
³How dare she take the exam without ever once coming to class?´
³How did she dare to take the exam without ever once coming to class?´
The first sentence expresses indignation at such an act., whereas the second sentence is merely a
genuine request for information.
MICHAEL SWAN lists a number of special occasions when DARE is preferred.

³Don¶t you dare!´ is sometimes used to discourage people from doing unwanted things.
³How dare you´ is sometimes used as an indignant exclamation!
³I dare say´ is used to mean ³ I think probably´, ³I suppose´:´I dare say it will rain soon´. ³ I
dare say you are ready for a drink´.
Children use ³ I dare you to challenge each other to do frightening things´ ³ I dare you to run
across the road with tour eyes shut´.
Now do you dare to use dare? I dare you do it! You shall not dare to use dare. .

Marriage Galore! From Reader¶s Digest, November 2008,Page 105:

Wedded Blitz; ³ The minute I walked into the post office, the postmaster noticed the new
earrings my husband had given me.
µ Those must be real diamonds¶, she said.
µYes¶, I said. ³ How could you tell?¶
µBecause¶, she said, µno one buys fake diamonds that small¶. - - Deborah Caudel

And one more, ibid, page113: At a Mumbai school-leaving party, senior girls were asked a
contest question: ³Would you marry a fabulously rich man with no brains or a brilliant one with
little money?´
The girls gave all kinds of answers substantiating them with elaborate pros and cons.
But the winner said, ³The rich one, µcause I¶ve got the brains´.

Tuesday, January 06, 2009: From The Hindu and Times of India:
Idiom-a-day: BLACK LIST: Black list is a list of persons or things considered undesirable or
deserving punishment. Black list is the list of those in disgrace, or those who have incurred
censure or punishment. A list of bankrupts for the private guidance of the mercantile community.
Usage: ³ Japanese beetles are on my black list of garden pests´. 

Health Facts: Sesame seed is excellent for underweight and malnourished people. It is used in the
relief of colitis, gastritis, heartburn, and indigestion. Sesame seed oil is used in the treatment of
complicated fracture wounds.

HEALTH CAPSULES: BY BRON SMITH: Does working in the yard qualify as rest?
Your one-day rest per week should not include working in the garden, cleaning house, or even
cooking meals.
Restful activities include: Meditation, Reading, Watching a movie, Going out for lunch or
dinner, or spending time with children, family and friends.

XENOPHOBIA: Xenophobic - Fearing foreigners or strangers. µRoxanne is so xenophobic, she

hid in her room the entire time she vacationed in France¶. (R.D, Nov.2008, page 48, Topic: Word

Wednesday, January 07, 2009: Times of India: ³Idiom ±a- day´: .All roads lead to Rome¶: ³
when many different methods produce the same result and all efforts of thought converge in a
common center, then we say that all roads lead to Rome´.
This idiom is based on the vastness of Roman Empire and to importance of Rome at that time.
The metaphor was already being used in the 1100¶s.
Health Facts: Hawthorn berries are rich in vitamin C and bioflavonoids and have pulp that is
high on sugar and low on protein and fat. These berries are used in the treatment of heart
palpitations, angina and stroke. This action is attributed to the bioflavonoids and vitamin C
present in the berries.
Health Facts: Times of India, 9 January, Friday: Passion fruit, also known as purple granadilla,
is rich in vitamin C and A, iron and potassium. If eaten with the seeds, it is an excellent source of
dietary fibre. Taking the fruit before going to bed helps in inducing sleep. They also have anti-
fever properties.

$(( $2c2$%'(3 ³Traditionally Yours´ ³Under an Umbrella´-- Sudanese Custom:

According to a Sudanese custom, the bride and groom have to sit next to each other in front of
the entrance to their future home with a veil covering both their heads. An umbrella is held over
the couple¶s heads, serving not only a very practical purpose by also symbolizing esteem and
respect that they will share for the rest of their lives. (From Times of India, Sunday, 11.5.2008).

$--4cPc†$4 March 14 was P day. How did it happen? (By Fay Kaufhold, Young World,
The Hindu, Friday, 28.3. 2008, Page5).
Confused? P is one of the most important numbers in mathematics. It is the ratio between the
circumference ( C ) and diameter ( d ) of any circle.
C/d = P = 3.14159 26535 89793 23846 26433 83279 50288. The digits of P go on forever and
have no pattern!
When you use, you have to use an approximation. Often we use 3.14. March 14 is written as
3/14 in the U.S date format. So March 14 is P-day!

If you want to be more accurate you could celebrate Pminute, that is March 14 at 1:59. What
about P- second?
In 2006 a Chinese man called Akira Haraguchi recited the first lakh digits of P from memory
without error. (Does not his name sound like a Japanese name?²S.S) It took him 16 hours. How
did he do it?
HE memorized stories. How could this sentence help you to remember more digits?
³ How I wish I could recollect pi easily today!´
Why don¶t you write a longer sentence of your own to help you remember more digits? (**)
To learn more about P and the amazing world of mathematics visit www.heymath.com
(**) CLUE: Count the number of letters in each word of your¶wish¶.
Health Capsules: ³ How do I use honey to speed healing of wounds?
Apply far honey (not commercial brands that are heated). To sterile gauze and wound, change
dressing every 24 hours. This can be used for superficial wounds, cuts and burns. Studies show
burns treated with honey healed 4 days faster than those without it. (By Bron Smith)

JOKING? ! µThe best remedy for insomnia is a good night¶s sleep¶.

Health Capsules: by Bron Smith: The Hindu, Dated 8-1- 2008, Tuesday: µ What benefit
do I get from eating onions?
Onions offer powerful cancer protection. People who ate at least 2 per week had 38% lower
colorectal cancer risk, 43% lower ovarian cancer risk and 56% lower throat cancer risk. But
you¶ve gotta really like onions to eat 2 per week.
Marriage Galore! µMars and Venus¶: The Hindu, Saturday, 22.12. 2007: ³ In my house I am
the boss, my wife is just the decision maker. (Woody Allen).

Health Capsules: by Bron Smith: What is $0

Also known as Indian Ginseng for its Ginseng-like properties, As¶wagandha demonstrated in a
study that it could lower cholesterol, raise red blood cell count and improve sexual function. It
also has been shown to combat stress, ease arthritis and act as an anti-inflammatory. (The
Hindu, Health Capsule, Tuesday, 4.9.2007).

Times of India, Saturday, January 10, 2009:

Fact of the matter: Some sharks have eyes similar to those of cats. A mirror-like layer in their
eyes allows them to see better in the water. This allows the shark to hunt both in clear seas and
murky water.

Idiom-a-day: PYRRHIC VICTORY: This is a victory won at too heavy a price; a victory that is
offset by staggering losses.
Usage: ³ They lost so many soldiers in battle that, even though they won the war, it was a
Pyrrhic victory´.
This expression alludes to King Pyrrhus of Epirus, who defeated the Romans at Asculum in AD
279, but lost his best officers and many of his troops. Pyrrhus then said: ³another such victory
and we are lost.´ In English, the term was first recorded (used figuratively) in 1879.

$(( $2c2$%'( Commerce Professor to student: ³What is the most important source of
finance for starting a business´?
Student: ³Father-in-law´.

Health Capsules: by Bron Smith: The Hindu, Saturday,

10 th. January 2009.
What is the primary reason that people suffer from Arthritic knees and hips?
Knees, hips, ankles and the lower back all suffer from the strain placed on them as a result of
over-eating or gluttony. These conditions include: Heel spurs, ankle problems, bunions,
degenerated discs, as well as Arthritic knees and hips.

16-1-2009: c$c!.!c#c&5c ³It was about 4:00A.M. I am not sure about the
time. I stand in front of an age-old temple with lot of splendorous architectural marvels. I soon
realize that OUR Veeralakshmi Amman Koil that was in that shape, a few centuries ago. Our
Veeralakshmi appears huge to a height of about forty feet, with proportionate girth of body
structure. She appears to be taller than Nanganallur Anjaneyar, in my dream. She is so huge in
sitting posture itself.
From somewhere there appears, the Great KUZHANTHAI ANANDA SWAMIGAL. I am
astonished. He says,´ You saw a very charming, great and powerful temple, just now in your
dream. But, don¶t you find the temple, quite un-attended, and poorly maintained these days? No
doubt, the Goddess, Our Mother is extremely powerful. People do not care to maintain this
powerful temple and do not realize Her enormous powers. It is a pity indeed´.
At this time Sri Veeralakshmi, richly attired and well bedecked with jewellery comes and sits
with us, taking the form of a human lady, and joins our conversation. I am not able decipher
what she spoke to us. She was very casual in talking to us.
Finally, She commands, ³ Do something for the temple´.
My dream also comes to close. I report this to Amma and Appa, in the morning itself´

January 16, 2009, Friday: The Hindu: Newscape: µSadness for Health: An American study
suggests that sadness is good for human health; it serves an evolutionary purpose and helps us
learn from mistakes

January 16, 2009, Friday: Times of India: Health facts: Linseeds strengthen the body¶s defense
system. They also reduce high levels of oestrogen in blood, a risk factor in breast cancer. They
contain mucilaginous fibre, which soothes the delicate linings of the stomach and digestive tract

Nandhu Dear: ³ I can only live when there is light, although I die if the light falls on me. Who
am I? ³ Answer: A shadow
Gorillas are considered apes, not monkeys. The difference between them is that, apes do not have

Idiom-a-day: ³ a piece of cake´; something that is very easy to do is µa piece of cake¶. Example:
³ Can you finish your homework in ten minutes?´ Reply: ³It will be a piece of cake.´ µ a piece of
cake¶ is something that is so easy to do that is like eating a piece of cake. Example: ³ how was
your test today?´ Reply: ³ it was a piece of cake¶. You say µpiece of cake¶ to illustrate how easy  
it is for you to do something. Example: ³I¶ve always had a hard time studying history, but math
is a piece of cake´. You are very confident that you can do something, which you think is a
piece of cake. Example; ³Do you expect to win your tennis match today?´ Reply: ³It will be a
piece of cake¶.
Times of India, 20-1-2009, Tuesday: µIdiom-a-day¶: ³An arm and a leg´:
³An arm and a leg´ is a high price to pay. Example: ³How much did you pay for that watch?
Answer: ³An arm and a leg´.
Something that costs you an arm and a leg costs you too much. Example: ³I have to move out of
this hotel. It is costing me an arm and a leg´. If it cost you an arm and a leg, it was very
expensive. Example: ³Be careful with that phone. It cost me an arm and a leg.

Dear Nandhu: ³Can you think of a word that changes both number and gender when you add the
letter µS¶. Answer: PRINCES.

Marriage Galore! ³God made man. . .and then He thought of something better. So He made

Health Facts: Apple, if eaten regularly, can reduce blood cholesterol levels. It also counters
constipation and diarrhoea. Apples are also traditionally used to cure arthritis, rheumatism and
From µYoung World¶, The Hindu, Dated, 20.1.2009, Tuesday:
The word µVerb¶ is a noun.
The word µbig¶ is small.

A person who is afraid of theatres suffers fromc,P+!

A new word: TRANSUMER is a consumer in transit. (e.g.) A person who shops while waiting at
the airport.
BAGGRAVATION: Anger one endures if one¶s baggage has not arrived and others¶ have.

We got them from animals: to follow or chase: to hound.

To imitate foolishly: to ape.
To dip or plunge: to duck.
To cheat or confuse: to fox.
The number eight is considered to be a lucky number in China. The Chinese word for eight
sounds similar to the word for wealth. So many believe this number is connected with prosperity.
It is no surprise that the Beijing Olympics held last year (2008) began at 8: 08: 08 p.m on

Wednesday, January 21, 2009: Times of India: Idiom-a-day: ³A Wolf In Sheep¶s Clothing:
This refers to a dangerous person pretending to be harmless. Example; ³ I want you to stay away
from that boy. He¶s a wolf in sheep¶s clothing´.
µA wolf in a sheep¶s clothing¶ is a person who plans to do something bad (a wolf) while ·
pretending to be good and innocent (µin sheep¶s clothing¶). In the past, wolves had a reputation
of being wild and dangerous, and killing sheep. µ A wolf in sheep¶s clothing¶ is a very dangerous
wolf because we are unprepared for the attack.

Health Facts: Walnuts help in maintaining heart health. The linoleic acid in them can reduce
blood cholesterol levels. They also prevent blood clots. The high calorie concentration and their
substantial nutrient levels, make them god for people with small appetites.
³Experience without learning is better than learning without experience´.

Om Anugraha Roopāya Vidmahé Bhoomiputrāya Dheemahï /
Tannō Vāstu Prachōdayāt //
(From Avall Vikatan, 30-1-2009 issue.), Page 33.

Times of India, Thursday, January 22, 2009 : Page 15.

Jokes on you, Mr. President:
³There was a little confusion at the meeting there at the White House when President Bush was
told that Obama was coming. He said,¶Oh, you mean we caught him?¶´

³Oprah Winfrey just announced that she¶s planning to attend Barack Obama¶s inauguration.
Oprah says she¶s very excited to see Obama become the second most prominent person in the
From Page 17; ³A medical Marvel´ µAround the World¶. ³92- year-old woman, pregnant for 60
years since 1948 stuns docs´.
Doctors treating an elderly Chinese woman for stomachache were stunned when they found that
she had been carrying an unborn child for 60 years. Ninety-two-year old Huang Yijun of
Huangjiaotan, revealed that her child had died in the womb back in 1948, and that she did not
have it removed because doctors would charge £ 100 for the job.

WISETRACK: ³Laughter is the closest thing to the grace of God´.

Health Facts: Wheat grass juice is rich in Chlorophyll, enzymes, minerals and fiber. It is very
effective in preventing and curing cancer. It purifies the blood and raises the hemoglobin level in
the blood. Hence excellent for radiant and glowing skin.

The Hindu, Dated 22-1-2009 : Health Capsule: (By Bron Smith). µWhy do bananas raise blood
sugar faster than apples?¶
³Apples are a better choice for diabetics´.
Apples contain mainly Fructose, which raises blood sugar slowly, whereas bananas contain both
Fructose and Glucose, causing blood sugar levels to rise quickly.

Times of India, Friday, January 23, 2009: µMindbender¶: µWhat does this sentence mean? ³
There¶s no value to be derived from demanding attention by loud screeches over fallen white 
liquid from the lactic glands of a female bovine´.
Answer: Don¶t cry over spilled milk.

µThere are no blossoms on the branches of a fig tree, instead they are inside the fruit¶.

Health Facts: Carrots have vitamin A and are very good for the eyes. They are one of the richest
sources of ß- carotene. Carrot juice, if taken in the morning on an empty stomach is very
beneficial. It develops immunity, prevents premature ageing and has anti-cancer properties.

Idiom-a-day: µTo add insult to injury¶: It is to upset someone and then to deliver a second insult,
to make an already bad situation worse by a second insulting act or remark.
Some authorities claim a very ancient origin for this phrase, tracing it back to a book of fables by
the Roman writer Phaedrus from about 25 B.C. The fable in question is The Bald Man and the
fly in which a man attempts to squash an insect, which has just stung him on his bald patch by
delivering a smart smack. The fly escapes the blow and mocks him for wanting to avenge the
bite of a tiny insect with death. To the injury of the sting he has only succeeded in adding the
insult of the self-inflicted blow.

The Hindu, Friday, January 23, 2009: µHealth Capsules¶, By Bron Smith:
Which fruits raise blood sugar quickly?
Dates, Watermelon, Pineapple, Raisins, Papaya and Apricots are listed on the top of the
Glycemic index. These fruits raise blood sugar quickly and should be approached with caution
by diabetics.
Note: The Doctors here, (Dr.CLK or Dr. Jana) say that Papaya is acceptable. Controversy to be

Times of India; Saturday, January 24, 2009:

Idiom-a-day: The Acid Test: Acid test is a foolproof test for assessing the value of something.
A sure way to find out whether a metal was pure gold, was to test it with aquafortis, or nitric
acid. Most metals are corroded away by nitric acid but gold remains unaffected.
Although the original acid test has been known for centuries, the phrase in its figurative use is
only a hundred years old. If something survives the acid test it has been proved beyond the
shadow of doubt.

WISETRACK: ³Art is man¶s nature; nature is God¶s art.´

Health Facts: Lemons protect your heart, control your blood pressure and is excellent for the
skin and hair. It also acts as a bleach for the skin. Lemon juice mixed with warm water and
honey can be taken, first thing in the morning to have a clear complexion. It can also be taken for
weight reduction.

Monier I: Grandson: Son¶s son: Poutra: / Daughter¶s son: Dauhitra: Putrikaputra:

Great grandson: Prapoutra: /Great great grandson: Paraprapoutra:
Granddaughter: Poutree, Naptree; / Daughter¶s daughter: Dauhitree; / Great granddaughter: ’
Prapoutree, Pratinaptree. (Page 317,col 1).

An easy sloka on Lord Dattatreya, from Vaidika Sree: December 2008 issue, page6.
³ Ādau Brahmā Madhyĕ Vishnurantĕ deva: sadaS¶iva: /
Mūrtitraya swaroopāya Dattātrĕya namostu Te´ //
All the three primordial deities offered themselves to the great Sage Atri, in the form of infants.
Hence, they acquired the name µ Dattatreya¶. Datta means µoffered¶ and Ātrĕya means µ to the
sage Atri¶.

Sunday, January 25, 2009: Times of India:

Health Facts: µA teaspoon of the powdered pomegranate skin taken with water early in the
morning will not only purify the blood but also will serve as a good de-worming¶.

³We think in generalities, but we live in details´.

Idiom-a-day: ³At the drop of a hat´: If you would do something quickly and easily, without
thinking about it, you would do it at the drop of a hat.
Example: ³Would you travel around the world if you had the money?´
Reply: ³At the drop of a hat´.
Example: ³I would take a job like that at the drop of a hat´.

The Hindu, Monday, January 26, 2009: Health capsules, By Bron Smith:
What is the most important nutrient to maintain blood pressure?
A diet high in potassium can keep blood pressure in the normal range. Eating a banana a day can
help. Studies have shown that 5,000 m.g of potassium per day may lower the risk of high blood
pressure by 25%

Times of India: Mindbender: Can you find the hidden country in the following sentence?
µ I really fear lions and tiger, but the animal I fear most is the mouse¶.
Answer: In the words: µthe ani (mal I)¶ the hidden country µMali¶ is found.

Health Facts: For chronic cough and chest congestion, boil 3 cups of water with 2 fresh betel
leaves and 4 crushed peppercorns, till the water is reduced to half. Strain and drink every
morning and night with a teaspoon of honey.

µThe true measure of a man is how he treats someone, who can do him no good¶.

Idiom-a-day: ³Every cloud has a silver lining´: This means that you should never feel hopeless,
because difficult times always lead to better days. Example: ³ What am I going to do? My
girlfriend has left me again´. Reply: ³ Don¶t worry. It will be all right. Every cloud has a silver
Difficult times are like dark clouds that pass overhead and block the sun. When we look closely
at the edges of every cloud, we can see the sun shining through, like a silver lining.
It also reminds us that every difficult situation has a bright side.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009: The Hindu: Know Your English: å

What is the meaning of¶webinar?¶
The word is a combination of µweb¶, and µseminar¶. A µwebinar¶ is a seminar that is transmitted
over the web. The term can be used to refer to a presentation, lecture or workshop that is
broadcast over the web. [I learn a new word-S.S.]

Pronunciation of the word µoust¶: µou¶ like µout¶, µshout¶ and µbout¶.
µSt¶ like the µst¶ in µsting¶ µstep¶ and µstump¶.
When you oust someone, you force the individual to leave a position of power; you remove the
person from the position he/she has occupied.

Tailpiece: ³If it¶s sent by ship, then it¶s cargo; if it is sent by road, it¶s shipment´-DAVID
ALLEN. [How strange! - S.S].

Beautiful Pun; find it out! ±S.S. ³If your Scotch is good nobody worries about your English´.
[µPun on µScotch¶-. Remember, ³Boswell¶s µ Life of Johnson¶; Dr. Johnson had extreme love
for the English, while he hated the Scottish people very much. He even ridiculed ³ Oats are
grains that are fed to the horses in England, while it is a staple food for the men in Scotland´.]

Tuesday, January 27, 2009: Times of India:

Marriage Galore! ³ Marriage is the triumph of imagination over intelligence´.
Health Facts: For those suffering from urinary infection, drinking a glassful of water with a
pinch of cardamom powder can prove very helpful.

³Work is man¶s most natural form of relaxation´. [Comments by me: Indeed it is! I felt like that
all through my professional career, and I loved my job.]

Idiom-a-day: ³To beat around the bush´. To beat around the bush is to avoid or delay talking
about something unpleasant or embarrassing. If you beat around the bush, you don¶t say
something directly to people, because you are worried about their reaction and don¶t want to
upset them. This saying came about when people used to hunt for game. The birds were chased
and scared out of their hiding place, normally a bush. They were then captured and killed. We
now say µdon¶t beat around the bush¶ meaning don¶t procrastinate, like the birds did when they

Young world, The Hindu, Tuesday, January 27, 2009: Quiz:

The city of Salzburg saw the birth of a famous composer on this date in 1756. Name him.
Answer: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. [Note by S.S: And who can easily forget Maria (Julie
Andrews) and captain¶s children running gaily all over the meadows on the Alps, near the city of
Salzburg, again near Vienna, the Capital city of Austria, singing, µdo¶, a deer, female deer; µre¶, a
drop of golden sun; µmi¶, a name I call myself, and captivating our minds and soul?]

What does an emetic medicine do? Answer: Induces vomiting.

Who among the last five U.S. Presidents had the nickname µPoppy¶? ‰
Answer: George Herbert Walker Bush.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009: Times of India:

Health Facts: ³ Curd or Yogurt is a lactic fermentation product of milk. It provides protein,
calcium, essential vitamins and minerals. Curd is ideal for those with sensitive digestive systems,
especially young children and older people.

Idiom-a-day: µWild horses couldn¶t drag me¶: When one says µWild horses couldn¶t drag me¶,
one means that nothing or nobody could induce or persuade me.
An example of its usage; ³Wild horses couldn¶t drag me to that movie- it¶s four hours long´.
The idiom, always in negative form, is believed to have replaced wild horses couldn¶t draw it
from me, referring to the medieval torture of using horses to stretch a prisoner and thereby force
a confession. [First half of 1800s!]

Jovially! ³ If I agreed with you, we¶d both be wrong´.

Thursday, January 29, 2009: The Hindu: Health Capsules: By Bron Smith:
Are mothballs safe?
Mothballs use the chemical Naphthalene to repel moths. Studies have shown that after prolonged
exposure, Naphthalene can damage or destroy red blood cells.

Times of India: Dear Nandhu, 29th January, Thursday, Mind Bender:

I have one, you have one,
If you remove the first letter, a bit remains.
If you remove the second, bit still remains.
After much trying, you might be able to remove the third one also, but it remains,
It dies hard!
Hint: Remaining part is most important:
Answer: ³HABIT´ [Remove µh¶- a bit remains; Remove µa¶- bit remains; Remove µb¶- it
remains.] [Habit indeed dies hard; isn¶t it, Nandhu?]

Health Facts: One spoon of fresh honey, mixed with the juice of half a lemon in a glass of
lukewarm water, taken first thing in the morning, is an effective remedy for constipation and

³You are not defeated unless you believe you are´.

Idiom-a-day: Your ³ Nose is out of joint´ when the look on your face and the way you act shows
other people that you are upset. Example: ³ What¶s wrong with him?´ Answer: ³ His nose is out
of joint because we forgot to invite him to the party´.
³What happened was an accident; there is no reason for you to have your nose out of joint´.
³We were only joking; don¶t get your nose out of joint´.

Friday, January 30, 2009: A beautiful howler pointed out by The Hindu in their own papers in
µCorrections and clarifications¶ in Page 13.
>> An item ³111-year old reptile sires offspring´ (³Snapshots-Science & Technology´ page,
January 29, 2009) said that the Tuatara, a New Zealand reptile, and his mate, 70-80 years old, ‰p
have laid 12 eggs, of which 11 hatched.
³Only the female lays eggs´

Health Capsules: How common is the use of chemicals in everyday life?

In the last 50 years 70,000 to 100,000 different chemicals have been introduced into our daily
lives, with 1500 new ones added each year

Karunas, the actor can play the harmonium, piano, tavil and other percussion instruments. He has
composed music for 22 albums. His wife is Grace. Karuna is a musician, comedian, hero, music
director and at times film distributor.
Friday, January 30, 2009: Times of India: ³ If I was a painter, you would be my painting. If I
was an author, you would be my story. If I was a poet, you would be my poem. But,
unfortunately I¶m a psychiatrist´.

Health facts: Milk is the most perfect food from nature. A litre of milk provides calcium,
phosphorous, vitamins A and C, one third of protein, iron, and much more. Ninety nine per cent
of milk fats are digestible. It improves blood circulation.

Good for thinking: ³ A man cannot be too careful in the choice of his enemies´.
Idiom-a-day: µ The pot calling the kettle black¶. You are the pot calling the kettle black when
you point to another person and accuse that person of doing something that you are guilty of
doing yourself. Example: ³You are accusing me of being lazy? Ha! That¶s the pot calling the
kettle black´.
µThe pot¶ (for cooking) and µthe kettle¶ (for boiling water) sit on the stove over the fire and
become black from the flames. The pot and the kettle are like old friends who have turned black
with time; the pot only sees the blackness, which is on the kettle; he doesn¶t see the black on
Example: ³Here comes the guy who is always late for work´. Answer: ³Aren¶t you the pot
calling the kettle black? You are usually the last person to show up!´
[Comment by S.S: There is an almost identical proverb in Tamizh. ³Aada Theriyaathaval
Theru konal Endraalaam´.]

The Sloka to be chanted at the time of feeding a cow with grass: From µVaidika Sri:¶January,
2009 issue:
³Sourabhěya: sarvahitā: sarvapāpa prannās¶ina: /
Pratigrhnnantu mĕ grāsam gāva: trilōkya mātara:´ //
³O, sacred cows! That give all comforts and that destroy all sins.
Please accept the grass, O, Cows, being the mother of all the three worlds´.
[Translated by S.S in English.]

And another sloka from µVaidika Sri: October 2008 issue, Page10, on the subject of feeding a
cow with grass:
³Surabhi tvam Jaganmāta Devi Vishnupadé stithā / ‰
Sarvadévamayé grāsam mayā dattamimam grasa" //
O, Surabhi, the sacred cow! You are the mother of the Universe. (Revered Devi), You reside at
the feet of Lord Vishnu, being the form of all deities. Please chew the grass offered by me.
[Note: Grasa means µSwallowing¶, µa mouthful¶, MonierII, Page371, column 2.
English translation by S.S]

Saturday, January 31, 2009: Indian Express, µExpresso¶, page 3.´Rudraksha´

³A Rudraksha with 32 faces is the only one existing at present in the world.
There is historical evidence, only for 29 faces, but the above one is very rare.
The Gouri Shankar Rudraksha symbolizes Lord Shiva and the Goddess Parvati. It is a rare one.
A mala consisting of all 1 to 14 faces is called µSiddha Mala and a rare round single faced one is
known as µSavari¶.
Naga Rudraksha signifies health and wealth. [Condensed by S.S]
Saturday, January 31, 2009: The Hindu: µHealth Capsules¶ (By Bron Smith):
Are laser printers dangerous?
A 2007 study revealed that some laser printers give off ultra fine particles that can cause serious
health problems. Another study revealed that laser and ink-jet printers can release volatile
organic compounds (VOCs) and ozone particulates. All of these chemicals have been linked to
heart and lung disease.

Saturday, January 31, 2009: Light emitted from the Sun takes about eight minutes to travel
through space until it reaches the Earth.
Health Facts: Fresh fig consists of a good amount of moisture and a little protein, fat and
carbohydrates. It is considered as a restorative food, which helps, in quick recovery after
prolonged illness. It endows the body with renewed vigour and is an excellent tonic for the weak,
who suffer cracks in the lips, tongue and mouth.

There are no facts; only interpretations of facts.

Idiom-a-day: µIcing on the cake¶: When one great thing happens, then another great thing
happens on top of it, the second thing is the icing on the cake.
Examples: ³ Today I was promoted to head of the department! And they decided to raise my
pay!´ Answer: ³Wow! Icing on the cake!´
³Your wife is beautiful to look at and she is a wonderful person!´
Answer: ³True; it¶s icing on the cake.´
³We won the case and they are going to pay our legal expenses¶.
Answer: ³That¶s the icing on the cake´.
I¶ve been accepted by the University, and they¶ve offered me a position in the basketball team!´
Answer: ³ That¶s wonderful! icing on the cake´.


Agasthiar: Ananthasayanam
Kumbha Muni: Kumbheswarar temple in Kumbhakonam ‰‰
Pulasthiar: Papanasam (Avudaiyar kovil)
Thirumoolar: Lord Nataraja¶s temple in Chidambaram
Thirumoolar Nokkam: Melai Chidmbaram
Chattai Muni (Chattanathar): Seerkazhi
Gorakkar: Trikonamalai in Sri Lanka
Karuvoorar: Tiru Kalathi (Kalahasthi)
Padanjali: Azhakarmalai in Madurai District
Azhukannar: Nagapattinam
Naradar: Thiru Idai Marudur
Ramadevar: Azhakar malai
Machamuni: Thiruparnkundram and Thiru Anaikka
Markandeyar: Karuvainallur
Konkanavar: Thirupati
Pampatti Chittar: Vriddachalam
Punnakkeesar: Nannacheri
Kasyapar (Kasipar): Rudragiri
Varadar: Thenmalai (On the ghaut road from Shencottah to Trivandrum)
Kanni Siddar: Perunkavoor
Bogar: Thirukazhukundram
Boganathar: Pazhani
Idaikattu Siddhar (Gauthamar): Thiru Annamalai
Nandhi: Kasiyampathi
Aha Pei Siddhar: Ettukkudi
Kalangi Muni: Siddhar kovil, near Salem
Kanjamalaiyan: Thirukadaiyur
Kamalamuni (Sundaranandhar); Madurai
Sundarar: Vaarishtam
Kaduveli Siddhar (Sivakami Siddhar); Kanchipuram
Dhanvanthari : Vaidheeswaran koil
Aatru Swamigal: Poondi, Near Thiru Annamalai

Sunday, February 01, 2009: Times of India: Length of a day on the planet Pluto is about the
length of a week on the Earth.

Health Facts: Orange is nature¶s finest gift. It is considered as the most popular citrus fruit and is
a rich source of protective food ingredients like vitamins A, B, C and calcium.

6ccc$c)c!cby µChris Prentiss¶: [Extracted from Tattvaloka, February 2009

issue: Starting page: 56]
³Zen is a Japanese word derived from the Sanskrit word meaning meditation (dhyana in Sanskrit,
ch¶am in Chinese, and Zen in Japanese).
If you really know how to live, what better way to start the day than with a smile? . . .
Smiling helps you approach the day with gentleness and understanding . . .Smile with your
whole being.- - - Thich Nhat Hanh.
³The Universe does not make mistakes´. ³You are the Universe. . . a part of it´.
³Your worst enemy cannot harm you as much as your own thoughts, unguarded. But once ‰ù
mastered, no one can help you as much´.- - -The Dhammapada.
³Even if it is painful and lonely, associate with worthy companions´.- - -Dogen.
Some 2000 years ago, the Greek physician Hippocrates, who is considered to be the father of
medicine, told his students that negative emotions cause disease and that positive emotions are a
crucial factor in recovery.
³A situation only becomes favourable when one adopts to it´. [Idukkan varumkaal nahuha -
Thiruvalluvar, S.S]. Misfortune may rise like a flood; but bold thoughts will quell it. If you
refuse to be grieved by grief, then grief itself will grieve.
³The true source of happiness is within each of us´.
³The miracle is not to fly in the air or to walk on the water, but to walk on the earth. [Chinese
³The universe always strikes at your weakest point because that is what most needs
³The present moment is a wonderful moment´.
³Healing the past enables you to be happy in the present´.
Never say, ³I cannot;´ for you are infinite. Even time and space are as nothing compared with
your nature. You can do anything and everything.
³Events are the language of the Universe´.
The most obvious of those events are what we call coincidence. We are thinking of someone, the
phone rings, and it is that person. We are trying to locate someone whose address we have lost
and we meet a friend who says, ³Guess who I saw yesterday?´ Even as you are asking who your
frend saw, your friend speaks the name of the person you are trying to find and is soon supplying
you with that person¶s address and telephone number.
No. Communication from the Universe. It was a Universal event and µit happens to all of us all
the time¶. [Remember, Santhanam could not get ³Venkateswara Boli stall´, Boli, but when Giri
came, he carried Thenkai Boli and Paruppu Boli, to our amazement and wonder, right from the
very shop. We never knew that Giri was coming; nor anybody had mentioned anything about
Boli at any time to him. This happened on 31 Jan. 2009.].
How can you acknowledge these communications? Just a simple knowing smiles enough, a nod
of the head, an inward saying of ³thanks´. Once you have put acknowledgement into practice,
the results are powerfully gratifying.
³Everything comes at the appointed time´- - -From, 6000 year old Chinese text I-Ching. This is
not new to us. All our texts in Hinduism always tell this very significantly- [S.S].

Times of India [1-2-2009].

Idiom-a-day: ³Add fuel to fire´: You add fuel to fire when you do something that makes a bad
situation worse.
Examples: ³When those two are fighting, I don¶t get involved. It only adds fuel to fire.
³I wanted to help, but I was afraid I would add fuel to fire´.
Sometimes you get involved because you want to help, but your involvement only makes the
problem worse, adding fuel to fire.
Example: ³Please don¶t talk to him when he is in a bad mood. It just adds fuel to the fire´.

Monday, February 02, 2009: Times of India: Idiom-a-day: µWhen pigs fly¶: ‰ 
This is an informal way to joke that you will never do something.
Example: ³Do you think you will ever work at that company again?¶
Reply: ³When pigs fly.
When pigs fly is a time that will never come because pigs will never fly.
Another Example: ³Will you ever take heron a date?´
Reply: Sure! When pigs fly!

Health Facts: Cinnamon is a small evergreen tree 10-15 metre tall and a spice obtained from the
inner bark of this species. Cinnamon is known to significantly reduce blood sugar in diabetics,
and improve cholesterol, LDL- cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Hot milk with cinnamon is
good for nerves.

JOKING! µEveryone needs belief in something. I believe I¶ll have another.

2($$(c27(7 Times of India: Monday, February 02, 2009:

A snippet from an English classroom:
Teacher: Navin, are you joining the excursion?
Navin: No, I ain¶t going, madam.
Teacher: You shouldn¶t say, ³I ain¶t going´. Navin. You should say, I¶m not going, he¶s not
going, they µre not going.´
Navin: Gee! Ain¶t anybody going?
There are a number of contractions in the above conversation. Contractions are quite common in
speech. In English, as in most languages, we have the habit of slurring our words together. This
has resulted in a number of words habitually contracted to form a new, combined form. These
are scrupulously avoided in formal, academic writing, as they create a bad impression.
There are two major contexts where we use contractions:
Verbs with µnot¶ (e.g.) I don¶t; we can¶t; they haven¶t.
Combinations of pronouns and auxiliaries:
You¶re sixteen, going on seventeen, I¶ll depend on you.
Many a thing you¶d like to tell her. . .
If they call, I¶ve got to go . .
There are some contractions, which don¶t fall into the above categories. µWon¶t¶ is the
contraction for ³will not¶, but no one really knows why it has been contracted in this way. We
just have to accept it. Another example is the very frequently used ³let¶s´, a shorter form for let
us. ³Ain¶t for µam not¶ is quite common, but is looked down upon by sticklers for purity. In
questions, µam not¶ is usually contracted as ³Aren¶t´. (e . g.) I¶m late aren¶t I? TEN O¶ CLOCK
is a contraction for ³ten of the clock´.
The problem child that trips most of us is the pair µits¶ and µit¶s. The logical possessive form for
the pronoun µit¶ should be µit¶s¶; however we do not use the apostrophe. We prefer µits¶ as
The dog jumped from the roof. Its leg is fractured.
When is µit¶s¶ permissible? When we contract ³it is´.
Hurry up please, it¶s time«
Here is a simple rule to help you. A) If you can replace µit¶s¶ with µit is¶, then you are using it
correctly; if not, it is a possessive form and you must remove the apostrophe. Here are two ‰·
Customer: Waiter, there¶s a fly in my soup!
Waiter: Yes, sir, it¶s the heat that kills them!
John: How¶s business?
Elevator operator: It has its ups and downs.
Remember to avoid contractions of auxiliaries at the end of clauses.
It is wrong to say, for instance, ³Yes, You¶re´. But negative contractions can occur at the ends of
Do contractions confuse you? They needn¶t! Not anymore!

Monday, February 02, 2009: The Hindu: ³Health Capsules´: By Bron Smith:
How can I improve my night vision?
It takes about half an hour for your eyes to fully adapt to complete darkness. Use your peripheral
vision to look for movement, shape and contour rather than colors. Scan the area you¶re looking
at. Don¶t allow your eyes to rest in one place.

Tuesday, February 03, 2009: The Hindu; µHealth Capsule¶: Is it safe to drink coffee while I¶m
No. Just 2 cups of coffee during your entire pregnancy, not per day, may be enough to affect
fetal heart development, and reduce the lifespan of your child. It may also lead to higher body fat
with males.
Just Joking: A couple drove several miles down a country road, not saying a word. An earlier
discussion had led to an argument, and neither wanted to concede their position. As they passed a
barnyard of mules and pigs, the wife sarcastically asked: ³Relatives of yours?´
³Yep´, the husband replied, ³In-laws´.

Dear Nandhu: µHow many times can you subtract 5 from the number 25?
Answer: Only once. Because after you subtract, it is not 25 anymore!

From Avall Vikatan, 13-2-2009 issue: Page 57, a skit by R. Abhinaya, I B.Sc. Government Arts
College, Chidambaram : (MARRIAGE GALORE).
³ Ella pennkalum ippadithaan Prarthikkirarkal´
³Kadavule. . . enakku vaaiththathai vida en makalukku nalla kanavar vaaykka vendum´
³Kadavule. . . ennaippolave oru nalla manaivi en makanukku kidakkavendum´.
Translation by me: ³O, God! Give my daughter a better husband than I have for me!´
³O, God! Give my son a good wife just like ME!´

Dear Nandhu: Ramu; µSoman, how was your exam?¶

Soman: It was okay, but I didn¶t remember the past tense of µTHINK¶.
I thought, thought, thought and finally wrote µThunk¶.

³COLOUR, COLOUR´: Colours are associated with innumerable human activities. Can you fill
in the blanks?
You turn ------------- with envy. (Green)
When things go wrong, you feel ------------(Blue) ‰
In a desperate situation you hunt for a --------------lining. (Silver)
When you¶re frightened, you turn -----------(White)
When you are angry, you flush---------- (Crimson)
And when you get mad, you turn ---------with rage. (Purple)
On a fun trip, you paint the town ------------(Red)
A tragedy marks a-----------day. (Black)
When you are old, you---------- (Grey)

What is a moggie? It is slang for a cat!

In which country would one see the volcano µPOPOCATÉPETI¶? Ans: In Mexico.
Qantas Airways is from Australia.

Ragam: The beautiful Meera Bhajan, a popular song sung by many, in North India, ³Paayoji
main ne Ramu rasan´ is sung in µMisra Pahadi¶ ragam.

Wednesday, February 04, 2009: Times of India: µHealth Facts¶: The juice of pomegranate with a
little saffron helps allay thirst. The sweet varieties of the fruit are good laxatives, while those in
between are valuable in curing stomach inflammations. It acts on the liver, heart, and kidney and
tones up their functions.

Idiom-a-day: µA chip on your shoulder¶: A person who has µa chip on his shoulder¶ is angry
because of something that happened in the past.
Example: ³He lost his game this morning and now he has a chip on his shoulder´.
You can use the definite article,¶the¶ which sounds more general (³a chip on the shoulder´), but
more often people use the personal pronoun (his, her, their) to say that, that specific person has µa
chip on his shoulder¶.

This morning, 4-2-2009, at about 1145 hours, I was telling Tara and Seatha that Vatral
Kuzhambu (Sundaikkai added) might be prepared, tomorrow, as I have sumptuously eaten
Vegetable Briyani today. Then, we were watching µThiruppaavai¶ serial in Sun T.V. To my
wonder, actor Kathadi Ramamurthi, spoke this dialogue:´ Manni, Innikki Vattal Kozhambu,
chundaikkai vatthal pottu Vechudunko, Onga kayyala chappittu ethanai naal achu? The ladies
present in our house were also equally astonished.
Again at 20-15 hours, in Cho¶s serial, Neelu dejectedly says to his wife that his daughter-in-law
at Tiruchy ill-treated him, by serving him with mere Sundaikkai Vatral Kuzhambu and chutta
apppalam only.
Is it a coincidence?
No! It is communication from the Universe, as expounded in ³Zen and the art of Happiness´.
[Note: I had it too, on 5-2-2009,Thursday; but it was not upto the mark of my expectation.]

KYE, The Hindu, dated, 10-07-2007; µWhat is the difference between µstammer¶ and µstutter¶.
µStutter¶ is used to refer to a person who has a chronic speech defect. µStammering¶, on the other
hand, is considered temporary. All of us have µstammered¶ sometime or the other. Human beings
can stammer or stutter. Speech therapists in Britain prefer to use µstammer¶, while those in
America and Canada prefer µstutter¶.
Aristotle, Aesop, Darwin, Napoleon and Marilyn Moroe are some famous people who stuttered. ‰’
TAILPIECE: ³The tongue is the only instrument that gets sharper with use´--µWashington

American resident Indian software engineers and share market investors are stated to be terribly
scared of SWITCH, after µSatyam¶ scam. Then what is SWITCH?
Switch is an acronym stated to have been coined by American resident Indians, as S for Satyam,
W for Wipro, I for Infosys, T for Tata (information technology), C for Cognizant Technologies,
H for HCL. (From Indian Express, a letter from a reader.)

Thursday, February 05, 2009: µTimes of India¶:

³Even during hard times, a heart of gold and million-dollar smile never lose their value´.
³Life would be pleasant if it were not for its enjoyments´.

Idiom-a-day: µBurning the candle at both ends¶: You are burning the candle at both ends when
you are working long hours without resting. Your energy is burning down and you are growing
more and more tired, when you are burning the candle at both ends.
Examples: ³Would you like to go to a party tonight´? Reply: ³ I can¶t. I¶m way too tired.
I¶ve been burning the candle at both ends all week´.
³Ever since this new project started I have been burning the candle at both ends. I can¶t take
much more of it´.
I read this interesting wall plaque in Sri Mithai, Chetput, Chennai, when I recently went with
Balachandar, Srimathi and Seatha.It was educative: [S.S]
³We can¶t spell ³Security´ without µU¶. Please take care of your belongings´.

-------And a little bit of cinema from The Hindu, 6-2-2009, Cinema plus, page11:
M.G.R¶s µAnbe vaa¶, is an adaptation of which Rock-Hudson starrer? [³Come September´].
What was the actual name of R.S.Manohar? [R.S.Lakshminarasimhan.]

Friday, February 06, 2009: Times of India:

µYou can tell a turtle¶s gender by the noise it makes. While the males grunt, the females hiss.

Idiom-a-day: Out of the blue: µSomething that happens out of the blue is sudden and
unexpected. You are surprised and unprepared when something happens out of the blue.
Examples: ³They seemed to be talking calmly, when out of the blue she slapped him in the face´.
³Did you know they would move you to a different project?´ Reply: ³ Not at all. It was
completely out of the blue´.
From Cho¶s Engay Brahmanan? Serial, 6-2-2009, Friday. Jaya T.V. 2010 hrs:
³Srāddham na vistarĕt dheemān´/ meaning, µa clever man does not perform a sraaddham

Marriage Galore! :
³Neenga Tirupathila poyi kalyanam pannareenga! Angeyum Agni Saakshi taan! Balaji
saakshikku varuvatu illai!´ [Cho elaborately explains the significance of Agni and how it carries
the ablutions and offerings made here, to the respective Devatas] ‰å

Thus Spake Dr.Samuel Johnson: ³ Ornithological specimens of identical plumage from exotic
lands commence to congregate with rapturous melody of shout´. [I remember this from my
Intermediate days.]

Saturday, February 07, 2009: The Hindu: µHealth Capsules¶: By Bron Smith:
Is there a safer alternative to Mammograms?
Breast thermography, which uses a heat-sensing scanner to detect variations in the temperature
of breast tissue, is a viable and safe alternative to traditional mammograms, and is gaining
broader acceptance in the medical community.
³Today we can¶t afford the luxuries we could when we were poor´.

TIMES OF INDIA: From Mindbender: Dear Nandhu, what are the peculiarities of these words?
Calciferous; Cupellation; Education; Lactiferous; Outdistance; Abstemious.
Answer: All these words have all vowels in them.

Idiom-a-day: ³Dog eat dog´: Dog-eat-dog describes a world in which people fight only for
themselves and will hurt other people. Dog-eat-dog means that a person is like a dog that will eat
another dog.
Examples: ³I have been in this business for twenty years. It¶s dog-eat-dog. The competition is
always trying to steal your customers´.
³That school is dog-eat dog. The students cheat and even destroy each other¶s work
to get better grades´.
There is no letter µs¶ at the end of any of the words in dog-eat-dog.

2($$(c27(7 Times of India, 21-11-2008, µMind your language¶.

³Yo mom so fat Nasa plan 2 use her 2 shore up the hole in the ozone layer´.
³Yo mom-in ±law so dirty she lost 2 kilo after taking a shower´.
This is the kind of English favoured by youngsters sending frantic SMS missiles to each other.
Bookshops are making huge profits selling SMS joke books.
³If a emale is writon with speeling mestakes and gramtickal errors, you mite git the meaning,
however, the messige is not as affective or smoothly redable´.
The grammar and spelling of emails and SMS alarm the language pundits. According to Judith,
poor writing is equivalent to someone speaking with spinach between their teeth. Listeners and
readers concentrate on the spinach, not what is being said.
SMS or Short Message Service is an answer to the challenge of the small screen size. Its limited
chacter space has motivated the evolution of an even more abbreviated language than that which
emerged in chat rooms. This language does not follow Standard English grammar. Slang is often
preferred. Single letters, single digits and abbreviations are its characteristic features. Here is a
WYSIWYG : What you see is what you get.
UROK : You are Okay.
HAND: Have a nice day. ù
GLTU: Good luck to you. (Coined by me-S.S.- I believe, if it is not there already.)
CWOT : Complete waste of time
Commission in Ireland states that Irish 15 year olds are unduly reliant on short sentences, simple
tenses and a limited vocabulary. The commission feels that text messaging with its phonetic
spelling and little or no punctuation seems to pose a threat to traditional conventions in writing.
For instance, does this look like English?
Reporter: Sir, Wats the secret of ur suces?
Bank Prez: Rite decisions.
Reporter: How d¶u make rite decisions?
Bank Prez: Thru xperience.
Reporter: N how d¶u git xperience?
Bank Prez: By taking rong decisions.
On the other hand, a study in Toronto says, ³SMS represents an expansive linguistic renaissance
evolved by the Gen next kids. It is a robust mix of colloquial and formal language´.
Does SMS language spell the end of good grammar? Does it betray the English language?
Should we join hands with the tech savvy youths who love it or support the older language
purists who hate it? The choice is yours. At least let¶s have some fun with it. Some deft
definitions to amuse you:
TOMORROW: 1 of gr8est laborsaving devices of 2 day.
BOSS: Sum1 whos early wen u r late n late wen u r early.
CANNIBAL: Sum1 whos fed up wid people.
Sunday, February 08, 2009: 16:33:11: Idiom-a-day: ³Out of the frying pan and into the fire´:
To go out of the frying pan into the fire is to get out of one difficult situation only to end up in
another. We sometimes want so much to get out of one difficult situation that we end up jumping
into another that is even worse, going out of the frying pan and into the fire.
Examples: ³I worked too hard on that last project. But on this new project I am working even
harder!´ Reply: ³Out of the frying pan and into the fire´.
³ They think they work hard now. Wait and see how much harder they have to work after they
graduate´. Reply: ³Out of the frying pan and into the fire´.

Health Facts: Coconut oil is one of the best natural nutrition for hair. Regular massage of
coconut oil helps prevent dandruff and gives shine to the hair. It acts as an effective moisturizer
on all types of skins including dry skin. There is no chance of any adverse side effects on the
skin with the application of coconut oil.

³Russia has eleven time zones´.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009: The Hindu; Just Joking: µFour-letter bad words:
$(( $2c2$%'(cc
³A young couple got married and left on their honeymoon. When they got back, the bride
immediately called her mother. Her mother asked: ³How was the honeymoon?´
³Oh, Amma,´ she replied. ³The honeymoon was wonderful! So romantic. But, Amma, as soon as
we returned Suresh started using these awful four-lettered words. You¶ve got to come get me and
take me home. Please´.
³Calm down´, said the mother, ³What four lettered words?´ ùp
Sobbing, the bride said: ³Words such as dust, wash, iron, cook.´

Monday, February 09, 2009: 09:33: The Hindu: Graffiti: µThere is a crying need for baby-
Health capsules: How can I break the sugar habit?
Start by diluting fruit juices and sweet beverages. Substitute sweet snacks with fruits. Gradually
reduce the amount of sugar you add to foods, and you will adjust to the change.

Times of India: 2/9/2009 9:44 AM: Health facts: Bitter gourd (Pakarkkai), is rich in iron, has
twice the ß-carotene that broccoli has, twice the calcium that spinach has and twice the
potassium that bananas have. It is used to treat blood disorders like blood boils and scabies, as
well as ringworm infections.
Idiom-a-day: ³Absence makes the heart grow fonder´ means that time you spend away from the
one you love makes you love that person even more.
The word absence means to be away.
To grow fonder is to care more.
When someone you care for is away, you miss that person and think about him/her very often,
and that feeling makes you want to be with him/her even more.
Example: ³Does it bother you that your husband goes away on long business trips?
Reply: ³No. The time we have spent apart has been good for us. Absence makes the heart grow
Young World: Tuesday, February 10, 2009: µWhat is the English name for Rava or Suji?¶
Answer: µSemolina¶.
µPertussis¶ is the medical name for which childhood disease? Answer: Whooping cough. [I
remember there used to be a medicine called Syrup Pertussol, when I was a small boy, reading
sixth or seventh class in Srivaikuntam. My Periyamma and I used to take that Syrup for
Asthmatic cough and dry cough respectively. Either Dr. Mrs. Cheriyan or my elder brother
Nataraja Anna used to prescribe this to me or to his mother.]

Times of India: Health Facts: Radish is an excellent source of vitamin C. Radish leaves are
good source of calcium. The sulphur based chemicals present in radish increase the flow of bile.
This improves the functioning of the gall bladder. It also protects against ailments like jaundice,
piles, urinary disorders, weight loss, cancer, lucoderma, skin disorders, kidney disorders and
insect bites.

Idiom-a-day: ³GREAT MINDS THINK ALIKE: This means that great people think about
things in a similar way.
Examples: ³I was just thinking of calling you, then the phone rang and it was you calling me´.
Reply: ³Great minds think alike´.
³This summer I¶ve decided to take scuba diving lessons´. Reply: ³Really? Me too. I have already
paid for the course´. Answer: ³Great minds think alike´.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009: The Hindu, Health Capsules:

Why is it best to use raw honey?
Commercial honey is heated, which turns its natural sugar Levulose, into a fast-releasing sugar ù
similar to glucose. This raises its glycemic index. Also honey¶s natural enzymes are destroyed in
the heating process.

Times of India: ³Anything you¶re good at contributes to happiness´.

Health Facts: ³Cabbage helps cure ulcers and prevents colon cancer. It is rich in fibre and low in
calories. The fibre content helps the intestines stay healthy. It also prevents thyroid disorders.
The ß-carotene content helps prevent cataract.
³I can resist everything except temptation´.

Idiom-a-day: ³Word of mouth´: ³Something that you heard from other people you know by word
of mouth. But you are not specific about whose mouth you heard it from; just that you heard it
from another person´.
Examples: ³How did you hear about this party?´ Answer: ³Word of mouth´.
³Did you hear they finally arrested that guy?´ Reply: ³Yes, but that¶s only word of mouth´.
³There has been talk at school about cancelling the concert´. Reply: ³ Really? Whom did you
hear that from?´ Answer: ³Just word of mouth´.

Thursday, February 12, 2009: The Hindu:!" #    Page9.

%c !1 a funny article from Shahnawaz Alam, Final year, CSE, A.M.S Engineering
English is a crazy language. Sometimes it seems all native English speakers should be committed
to an asylum for being verbally insane.
In which other language do you have a running nose and smelly feet? In which other language
can a woman man a station; but a man cannot woman one? A kingdom for a kingdom; but what
about queendom? If the plural of man is men, why isn¶t the plural of pan pen?
Here¶s to more madness: Apartments are all built close together; hardly apart?
If you choose to be bad forever, you choose to be ³bad for good´?
If µpro¶and µcon¶ are opposite, shouldn¶t Congress be the opposite of Progress?
Look into it closely and there¶s endless fun: A fire- fighter fights a fire, what does a freedom
fighter fight?
We say, ³what¶s going on?´ why not ³what¶s coming off?´
If harmful is opposite to harmless then why are shameful and shameless behaviour the same?
How can invaluable objects be less valuable than valuable ones?
You say ³ a hot cup of coffee´. Who cares if the cup is hot? Surely you mean a cup of hot coffee.
You say, ³It¶s neither here nor there. Then where is it?
A waiter does not wait in a restaurant; rather it¶s the customers who wait.
If you choose to wear only your left shoe, then your left one is right and your right one is left.
Surely by now you¶ve caught my point: English is a crazy language. Last but not the least
never board a non-stop bus, you¶ll never get off.

Health Capsules: Does coffee really perk me up and increase my energy level in the morning?
A Bristol University study says, µno¶. The study revealed that the first cup of coffee in the ù‰
morning doesn¶t make those who drank coffee feel any better than those who didn¶t. The coffee
simply relieved the caffeine withdrawal symptoms.

Times of India: ³ Laughter---the most civilized music in the world´.

Health Facts: Cauliflower contains allicin, which is good for the heart and reduces the risk of
strokes. It contains Selenium, a chemical that works well with vitamin C to improve the
immunity of our system. It can also help maintain cholesterol level. It is an excellent source of
fibre and keeps bones healthy.

Idiom-a-day: ³Cross Your Fingers´: An old superstition says that if you cross your fingers
(usually two fingers of the same hand) it will bring good luck.
Example: ³ I don¶t know what I will get for my birthday, but I am crossing my fingers that it will
be a bicycle.
You cross your fingers when you try to make something to happen by wishing that it would
happen. A common saying: ³Let¶s cross our fingers and hope for the best´.
Example: ³Good luck on your test tomorrow. We¶ll be crossing our fingers for you´.
Reply: ³Thanks´.
The meaning of don¶t cross your fingers changes a bit. It means don¶t hope too much for what
you want to happen, because there is a strong chance that it might not happen. It means that you
should not have expectations that are too high.
Example: ³We are hoping that John will get accepted to medical school, but we are not crossing
our fingers´.

66Say  c%'8c4'7cinternationally!
*Afrikaans---Ek het jou life
*Albanian---Te dua
*Bengali---Ami tomake bhalobashi (pronounced: Amee toe-ma-kee bhalo-bashee)
*Cambodian---Soro lahn nhee ah
*Mandarin---Wo ai ni
*Croatian---Volim te
*Czech---Miluji te
*Dutch---Ik hou van jou
*Elvish---Amin mela lle (from The Lord of The Rings, by JRR Tolkien)
*Filipino---Mahal kita
*French---Je t¶aime, Je t¶adore
*German---Ich liebe dich
*Greek--- S¶agapo
*Gujarati---Hoo thunay prem karoo choo
*Hindi--- Main tumse pyar karta hoom
*Indonesian---Saya cinta padamu
*Irish---Taim I¶ngra leat
*Italian---Ti amo
*Japanese---Aishiteru (or) Anata ga daisuki desu ùù
*Kannada---Naanu ninna preeti suttene
*Latin---Te amo
*Malayalam---Gnnaan ninne premikkunnu
*Maltese--- Inhobok
*Marathi---Me tula prem karto
*Romanian---Te iubese
*Russian---YA tebya liubliu
*Sindhi---Maa tokhe pyar kendo ahyan
*Spanish---Te quiero / Te amo
*Swedish---Jag alskar dig
*Tamizh---Naan unnai nesikkiren
*Telugu---Nenu ninnu premistunnanu
*Turkish---Seni Seviyorum
*Ukrainian---Yu tebe kahayu
*Welsh---Rwy¶n dy garu di
*Yiddish---Ikh hob dikh
*Zoruba---Mo ni fe

Friday, February 13, 2009: 11:07 AM: Times of India:

³The muzzle of a lion is like a human fingerprint. No two lions have the same pattern of
³One of the best ways to persuade others is with your ears´.

Health Facts: Cherries contain anthocyanin, the red pigment which helps reduce pain and
inflammation. They also contain high levels of melatonin, which is important for the proper
functioning of the immune system.
Cherries are low in calories, low in fat and contain a high percentage of water.

Idiom-a-day: ³Everything But Kitchen Sink´:

It is what you bought with you when you included almost everything you could think of, to
bring. When we are deciding what to bring with us, we try to take everything possible. But some
things, like the kitchen sink, are just not convenient. Everything but the kitchen sink means that
you included almost everything you could think to include.
Examples: ³Wow, your suitcase is huge. What do you have in there? Everything but the kitchen
³Every time we go camping, my wife packs everything but the kitchen sink´.
³My dad¶s new luxury car is great. It has everything but the kitchen sink´.

Friday, February 13, 2009: 13:17: µA little bit of cinema¶: The Hindu:
*Kanniyin Kadhali, the debut film for Kannadasan, was an adaptation of which Shakespeare¶s
work? Answer: ³Twelfth Night´. [I had for my S.S.L.C, this story as a piece of textual lesson.
(from µLamb¶s tales from Shakespeare¶). My English teacher, the great S.V Purushottama
Iyengar said about this, that Kanniyin Kadhali was from Twelfth Night.]
*In Peter Brook¶s µThe Mahabharata¶ who played Draupadi? Answer: Mallika Sarabhai´. ù 
Health Capsules: Does coffee improve academic performance?
A recent study of 1,500 students revealed that excessive coffee consumers (five or more cups a
day) had higher levels of anxiety than abstainers, and had more stress- related medical problems.
They also had weaker academic performance.
Saturday, February 14, 2009: 10:43 AM: Times of India:
Health Facts: Tomatoes are the best source of vitamin C; they also contain vitamin A and
Potassium. The red pigment in tomatoes is called µlycopene¶ and is an excellent antioxidant.
Though raw tomatoes are rich in ß-carotene and lycopene, cooking them a little releases their
health benefits in entirety. They also do not lose any of their nutritional values when cooked or

³A smile is a curve that can set things straight¶.

³A group of geese on the ground is a gaggle, a group of geese in the air is a skein´.

Idiom-a-day: ³Under the gun´: You are under the gun when you are working under tremendous
Example: ³Everyone at the office has been under the gun since this new manager arrived´
You are forced to work extra hard when you are under the gun.
Example: ³We are under the gun to get this project finished at work´.
Working under the gun is working hard under pressure to meet deadlines.
Example: ³I feel I work harder when I am under pressure´. Reply: ³Me too. I get much more
done when I am under the gun.
Sunday, February 15, 2009: 10:49: The Hindu, µNews cape¶: ³Printer Peril´
A new Australian study has shown that toners used in laser printers release potentially harmful
ultra-small particles.

Times of India (Sunday Times): Page 11.

³He who has not learned to obey cannot be a good commander´.
[My comments: I prove to be a typical example. Don¶t I? Others who read this may think about
my life pattern, and me as to how I have lived.]
³Work spares us from three evils: boredom, vice, and need´. [Yet another typical µme¶.]

³There are dolphins that live in the Amazon River, that are the color pink´
³About 70% of blue-eyed white cats are deaf´

Health Facts: Muskmelon juice is effective in treating conditions like lack of appetite, weight
loss, urinary tract infections, constipation, acidity and ulcer. It reduces body heat to a great
extent, relieves fatigue, enhances appetite and is an effective laxative. It is also a great source of
vitamin A, B, and C, and Potassium which is a nutrient that may help control blood pressure,
ensure regular heart beat and possible prevention of strokes.

³Idiom-a-day´. ³You can¶t judge a book by its cover´: This means that before you can judge
something, you need to take a deeper, closer look at it. The value of something is not always
obvious from what we see on the surface, so we should save our judgments until we have more
experience. ù·
Examples: ³He dresses in plain clothes and drives an old car. Who would know he is the richest
man in town? Reply: ³You can¶t judge a book by its cover´.
³That professor may seem slow and awkward, but don¶t judge a book by its cover. He is one of
the brightest minds in his field´.
³Don¶t go falling in love with that girl so fast. Wait until you get to know her better. You can¶t
judge a book by its cover´.

Monday, February 16, 2009: 9:15 AM: µTimes of India¶:c2c2

Look at the following lines from Nissim Ezekiel¶s poem, µGoodbye Party for Miss Pushpa, T.S:
Miss Pushpa is smiling and smiling,
Even for no reason,
But simply because she is feeling.
Ezekiel is here satirizing the excessive use of the present progressive, on the part of Indian
speakers of English. They are not aware of the grammatical restrictions on its use. On the other
hand, we find creative writers frequently violating the rules of grammar- not because they don¶t
know the rules- but because their thoughts are too much for the words. In the case of literary
artists, we often find rules ³more observed in their breach´, as Hamlet would put it.
Such MISTAKES are not called mistakes, but are known as DEVIATIONS. A deviation is the
breaking of rules which others obey. Terry Eagleton says, ³Literature transforms and intensifies
ordinary language, deviates systematically from everyday speech´. Especially poetry, as a genre,
is deviation from the ordinary language. Let us consider some interesting examples.
In Paradise Lost, Book 9, when Eve tastes the forbidden fruit, Milton bemoans the event: SHE
PLUCK¶D, SHE EAT. The sequence of tense and concord are irrelevant at this historic moment
of original sin. We find an instance of linguistic audacity in Dylan Thomas¶ phrase, A GRIEF
AGO. One would normally expect a noun of time measurement before µago¶, but Thomas¶
phrase beautifully brings out the agony and intensity of a grief-stricken person.
The interior monologue from James Joyce¶s ULYSSES deviates from the syntax of normal
Bloom looked, unblessed to go.
Got up to kill: on eighteen bob a week.
Fellows shell out the dibs.
Want to keep your weather eye open.
Those girls, those lovely.
By the sad sea waves.
Chorus girls¶ romance.
Letters read out for breach of promise.
What a graphic reproduction of the stream of consciousness!
The language of Gerard Manley Hopkins defies description. Here¶s how he creates a fascinating
word picture of the flight of the wind hover;
Dapple dawn drawn falcon
Of the rolling level underneath him steady air striding.
What sort of a compound is this? One is lost in breathlessness.
Poets have the licence to play with grammar; they immortalize language through a gross
violation of basic principles of grammar. But for us lesser mortals there are no such privileges!
Let us in all humility, observe the rules of grammar until such day, when we are metamorphosed ù
into poets.

WISETRACK: ³No one can make you feel inferior without your consent´.

Idiom-a-day: ³The Bigger They Are, The Harder They Fall: This means that it is more difficult
to beat stronger opponents, but we can beat them, and when they lose, they suffer a bigger loss.
The word harder has two meanings here. First, it is harder (more difficult) to beat them; and
second, when they lose they go down harder (more painfully).
Example: ³Those guys thought they would never lose. But we finally beat them. And look at
them crying now´. Reply: ³The bigger they are, the harder they fall´.
You can say this to encourage a smaller competitor.
Example: ³Good luck, and remember: The bigger they are, the harder they fall.

The Hindu: ³Health Capsules´: ³Is there a world standard for daily nutrient allowances?
No. Standards are set from country to country. There may be as much as ten fold difference from
one country to the next in terms of recommended levels of nutrients. Furthermore, nutrient
requirements may vary significantly from one individual to the next.
Today, 16-2-2009, at about 12-45 hours, I was just thinking, that it was long time since I had
spoken to Sudha Andal, and in fact wanted to give her a telephonic call in the evening. To my
amazement, Sudha herself called me at 16-05 hours. What a coincidence! Is it rather a coincident
happening or µcommunication from the Universe¶ as expounded in Japanese Zen philosophy?
(Vide: Zen and the art of Happiness.)
On 12-2-2009, Shankar had a wonderful Divine dream. Shankar goes to a Shirdi Sai Baba
temple that he himself is not aware as to its location. The statue of Baba is quite big and
charming. In that temple he sees a great grand old man who looks like a µSiddha purusha¶. His
fingernails are long and crooked and curved. That man calls Shankar to come near him. He says
to Shankar, ³Your great great grand parents have offered worship and rendered service to Baba,
when he took several Avatars, before, in the past. It is perhaps His desire, that I should meet you
in His Sannidhi today and convey this message to you. By the Grace of Baba, and by the
blessings of your ancestors, you will be well placed and live with grace. Before leaving this
sacred temple, make a circumambulation´.
Shankar also obeys the great man¶s command. While circumambulating Shankar sees a huge
Anjaneyar, in a corner of the temple, and worships the Lord. Perhaps his dream comes to a close
with that, in that morning.
[My thought waves, while typing this episode: From the description Shankar made of the age old
man, Pichu Mama, comes to my mind, who was also a Siddha Purusha, that we didn¶t know
about him then, when he was with us, but realize now.]

Tuesday, February 17, 2009: 6:44 AM:

Dear Nandhu, ³In whose honour and memory, the doll µTeddy bear¶ is named so?
Answer: The former U.S. President, Theodore Roosevelt.

³Mazhai peyyum pothu oray oru kay mattum nanaiyadhu. Athu enna kai?
Answer: Kudai milagai thaan! Athukku thane kudai irukku!
The Hindu: Page17; ³Know your English´
*How is the word µguerdon¶ pronounced?
The ¶uer¶ sounds like the µir¶ in µbirth¶, µshirt¶, and µbird¶.
µO¶ is like the µa¶ in µChina¶. The word is pronounced µGER-din¶. This rather old fashioned word
can be used as a noun and verb.
As noun it means a reward. A guerdon is something that is given to someone µin return for a
service or an accomplishment¶.
As a verb it means µto reward¶.
In last year¶s National Spelling Bee Contest held in the U.S, Sameer Mishra was crowned the
champion when he succeeded in spelling the word µguerdon¶ correctly.
The headline in one of the papers read: National Spelling Bee winner takes the guerdon!
*How is the word µadieu¶ pronounced?
The µa¶ in the first syllable is like the µa¶ in µchina¶, and the following µdieu¶ sounds like the
word µdue¶. The word is pronounced µe-DUE¶ with the stress on the second syllable, and it
means µgood bye¶. Remember the song µSo long, farewell¶ from the movie µSound of Music¶?
The word µadieu¶ is used in it quite a few times.
*Tailpiece: ³What is the difference between a boy friend and a husband?
About 30 pounds!´²Cindy Gardner.

Health Capsules: How much nutrient value is lost in the refinement of flour?
Twenty-five nutrients are removed in the refining process that turns wheat grains into white
flour. Only four nutrients (Iron, B1, B2, B3) are added back. About 87% of the essential
minerals, including Zinc, Chromium and Manganese are stripped away.

From Young World: Specially for Nandhu!

Who are these Sages?
#He was the husband of Ahalya --- Gautama
#He asked Rama and Lakshmana to stand guard while he performed a Yagna---Viswamitra.
#He was the author of Ramayana, the first poetic work in Sanskrit---Valmiki.
#An Avatar Of Vishnu, and carries an axe---Parasurama.
#This sage authored a work on classical dance---Bharata Muni.
#He composed the Mahabharata, the great epic---Veda Vyasa.
#This mighty sage drank up the ocean---Agasthya.
#He was renowned for his short temper---Durvasa.
#This son of Vyasa recited the Bhagavatam to king Parikshith---Shuka Brahma Maharshi.
#Shakuntala was his foster daughter----Kanva Maharshi.

YW Quiz: What normal activity in the eye is caused by the muscle µOrbicularis oculi¶?
Answer: µClosing of the eye¶.
Tongue Twisters; (1). I thought a thought, but the thought I thought wasn¶t the thought I thought
I thought. If the thought I thought I thought had been the thought I thought, I wouldn¶t have
thought so much.
(2). Peter piper picked a peck of pickled peppers. If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers,
where is the peck of pickled peppers that Peter Piper picked? ùå
Tuesday, February 17, 2009: 4:04 PM: Times Of India: ³Wisetrack´: ³Politeness is good nature
regulated by good sense´.

Health Facts: Mangoes are excellent nutritional sources, containing vitamins, minerals, and
antioxidants. They are rich in vitamins A, B and C as well as potassium, calcium and iron. They
also have high water content. The potassium makes them ideal for hypertension patients.

Mindbender: Using the digits 1 to 9, create two numbers which when multiplied together give
you the highest number. For example, 12345678 5 9 = 111111102. Clearly there are higher
products. What is the highest?
Answer: 9642 5 87531 = 843,973,902. [My comment: What is the mathematical procedure to
arrive at this?][My analysis: See the integers reducing by µone¶ in an orderly manner, on the left
and right sides respectively.]

Idiom- a- day: ³Wear your heart on your sleeve´: People who wear their heart on their sleeve
express their emotions freely and openly, for all to see.
Example: ³She is kind of player who never hides how she is feeling. One look at her and you
know if she¶s winning or losing´. Reply: ³ She wears her heart on her sleeve´
Another example: ³She¶s a shy person. She¶s never been one to wear her heart on her sleeve´.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009: 8:46 AM: The Hindu: ³Newscape´:

Diktat at Rail Station: Seeking to avoid commuter delays caused by romantic farewells and
embraces, a railway station in England has put up a µNo Kissing¶ sign at its drop-off zone.
Health Capsules: µCan taking supplements make me smarter?
In one study, 90 school children were given a high-strength multivitamin and mineral
supplement, a placebo, or nothing.
Seven months later the IQ scores of those taking supplements were 10% higher than
those in other two groups.
Times of India: ³There is no way to peace. Peace is the way´.

Health Facts: Whole wheat is a lot healthier. It offers more fiber, which helps reduce the risk of
heart disease, stroke, cancer, diverticulosis and diabetes, to name a few. Always try to reach for
products that are made from oats, barley, buckwheat, bulgur, rye, brown rice, millet and wheat,
rather than those made from white flour.

Idiom-a-day: Cold Turkey: You go cold turkey when you suddenly stop taking a drug which you
had been taking regularly.
Example: ³Did it take you a long time to quit smoking? Reply: ³No. I just went cold turkey, and
never I smoked again´.
It can be uncomfortable (cold) at first even painful, for a person to go cold turkey.
Example: ³ My doctor gave me morphine for pain after the surgery, but he gave me less each day
so I would not need to go cold turkey´.

³Lonsdaleite is hardest material´: A rare natural substance, called lonsdaleite, which is formed  
of carbon atoms just like diamond, has emerged as 58% harder than the gemstone, according to a
report in New Scientist. (Times of India, 18-2-2009, page 13.)

Thursday, February 19, 2009: 09:19: The Hindu: µHealth Capsules:

Why is locally grown produce best?
It is possible to buy an orange in the supermarket that has no vitamin C left in it! By the time it
arrives and sits in the produce department for several days, it can be almost completely devoid of
nutrients. It is best to buy locally grown produce and eat it quickly.

Times of India: Wise track: ³Genius does what it must and talent does what it can´.

³The best judgment comes from experience. Most experience comes from bad judgment´ (For
humor only!)

Idiom-a-day: IN AND OUT: In and out is the way you know something when you know it very
Example: ³I¶ve been in this business for thirty years. I know it in and out´.
³ I know this city in and out´.
When you add the µs¶ and say the ins and outs, you are talking about the special ways that you
know to do something, when you know it very well.
Example: ³I hope you can help me. I want to learn the ins and outs´.
Grammar Point: In and out acts like an adverb²³I know this in and out´.
The ins and outs acts like a noun---³´Teach me the ins and outs´.
One more example: ³My friend Jeff has worked in publishing for fifteen years. He knows all the
ins and outs´.

Health Facts: Adding green tea to your daily diet has several health benefits. It aids the
metabolism of fat, ease of digestion and is a good source of flavonoids. Another benefit is that
tea is a natural diuretic, that is extremely mild and gentle on the system.

Friday, February 20, 2009: 9:07 AM:

Shankar¶s saying comes true: It has been given to me to understand, that Shankar said to
Sandhya, when she went to witness Shivaratri Pooja last year that she would hear something
good and great, before the advent of next Shivaratri. He meant that Sandhya would find herself
in the family way. This becomes true in her, and Shankar¶s, prediction appears to become true, as
positive medical symptoms of pregnancy are seen.

Times Of India: Wise track: µThe eye sees only what the mind is prepared to comprehend¶.
µThe temperature of milk when it leaves the udders of a cow is 101 degrees Fahrenheit¶.
Dear Nandhu: Mind bender: ³What is black when you get it, red when you use it, and white
when you are all through with it? Answer: µCharcoal¶.

!c2 3 (Simply joking²S.S.):´My bride- to-be got a mudpack and looked great for
two days. Then the mud fell off. . ..´

Idiom-a- day: ³Rock the Boat´: ³To rock the boat is to risk upsetting a group situation.  p
Example: ³ We have to work together on this project. I don¶t want anyone rocking the boat´.
People in a group on a small boat need to work together. If one person moves suddenly, the
whole boat could rock dangerously. Example: ³Everyone wants to go except for you. Why do
you have to rock the boat?´
We cause trouble for other people when we rock the boat, because people need to find new
positions to µmake the boat¶ steady again. Example: ³ I hate to rock the boat, but I do think we
need to rewrite this report´.

SIGN LANGUAGES ON A CHAT SITE: (From The Hindu, Dated 1-11-1999.)

Symbols and their meanings:
:-) A smile or joking remark.
:-D A laugh.
:-O Explanatory.
:-5 My lips are sealed
:-@ A scream.
:- ( Cry.
;- ( A frown, when you are upset or depressed.
;-) click eye.
:-* A kiss.
>:-> A devilish remark.
>:-< You are mad or angry.
*<\ :- ) X-mas Santa Claus.
ROFL Roll on the floor laughing.
IMHO In my humble opinion.
BTW By the way.


$$($c$† &$% (From Nrisimhapriya, English Edition, May 2003, Page 47.)
Kalyanavaradan, popularly known as Appu, joined the Thirumadapalli, (sacred kitchen) of the
Ahobila Mutt, when he was fourteen years old. Now in his seventies, Appu is the master chef of
the Thirumadapalli and shares his mouth-watering recipe with us.
Akkara Adisal: Ingredients:
Raw rice (Paccharisi) 2 Aazhakku.
Kadalai Paruppu ½ Aazhakku.
Paytham Paruppu ½ Aazhakku.
Ghee 1 Kilogram.
Boiled Milk 4 Litres.
Soda uppu a small pinch.
Jaggery 1 kilogram.
Cashews As desired.
Raisins As desired.
Jadhipatri (leaf) 1 ½ teaspoon
Water to cook rice.
Method: Fry the rice in about 200 grams of pure ghee, until a golden brown colour is reached.
Add hot water and boiled milk to the rice. Simultaneously in another pan pour one Aazhakku of
ghee and fry both the dals. Add it to the rice and let it cook together till it becomes soft.  
Remember to stir continuously. After ensuring that the jaggery is devoid of impurities, add it to
the rice and stir. In a separate kadaii (saucepan), heat the remaining ghee. Fry the cashewnuts
until golden brown, then add raisins. Now, for the exclusive ingredient a special tip straight from
the head cook of the kitchen: add 1 ½ teaspoons of jadhipatri (leaf) and stir it. Add the seasoning
to the rice and mix well.
GHEE: This is indeed fattening, but not when used sparingly. It adds to the taste and aroma and
gives the body certain fat-proteins that are essential too.

Saturday, February 21, 2009: 8:44 AM:

(cThe popular song µBho Sambho¶ has been composed by H.H. Swami Dhayananda
Saraswati, and is sung in †+!ccraga; it was originally, as debut sung in U.S.A, and
released there. Dr. Padma Subrahmanyam choreographed this and danced to the lyrics of the
song in U.S. itself.

The song µMuruganin Marupeyar Azhagu, is composed by Swami Surajananda, and sung inc
There is a raga called ,!5 in µTamizh Isai. It is more popularly understood as ,9!.!
in Karnataka tradition
[These information about Ragas were culled out from µDina Malar, dated 20-2-2009, Chennai
supplement, page 2.]

Times of India: µWise track: ³Of all feats of skill, the most difficult is that of being honest´.
Marriage Galore: ³Before marriage, a man Yearns for the girl he loves. After the marriage the
³Y´ becomes silent. [WHY? ²S.S.]
Fact of the matter: µThe underside of a horse¶s hoof is called a frog. The frog peels off several
times a year with new growth¶.
Mind bender: Dear Nandhu: Two thieves rob a bank. They hop into a car and scurry off to their
hideout 32 kilometers away and realize that one of their tyres has been completely flat all along.
How did they get to their hideout without noticing?
Answer: The flat was the spare tyre in the trunk
Idiom-a-day: ³ALL IN THE SAME BOAT´:
People who are all in the same boat must work as a team because they face the same challenges
Example: ³We can¶t fight against each other. We need to work together. We¶re all in the same
When people forget that they are part of a team, we can remind them by saying, ³We are all in
the same boat´.
Example: ³I¶m so busy. I don¶t know how will you get this done´. Reply: ³You¶re not the only
one with a lot to do. We are all in the same boat´.
We are all in the same boat means that we are all like people who are in the same boat so we
need to cooperate in order to succeed.
Example: ³These may be difficult times, but we¶re all in the same boat. We can get through it

Sunday, February 22, 2009: 2:15 PM:

Today I had been to Sandhya¶s house, with sweets (Mysorepak prepared in our house) and fruits  ‰
and flower. I took wonderful lunch there, cooked by Sandhya herself. The menu was:
Cauliflower Poriyal, Onion Sambhar, Garlic Rasam; the taste was no way less than that in a star-
hotel. Okay!
I heard there an audio C.D. sung by Sudha Raghunatan. Title: µ Sri Garbha Rakshambika¶ The
C.D. was presented to her by her friend Vishnupriya, just only yesterday. A booklet was also
attached with the C.D. I read this following Gayatri on the Mother Deity in that booklet.
—Om, Garbha Rakshāmbhikāyai c (h) a vidmahé
Mangala Dévatayai c (h) a dheemahi |
Tanno Dévee Prac (h) odayāt | |
While I was reading this in the booklet, the following two Gayatris flashed to me spontaneously.
—Om, Garbha Rakshāmbhikāyai c (h) a vidmahé
Meenalōc (h) anāyai c (h) a Dheemahi |
Tanno Mahā S¶akti Prac (h) o dayāt | | and,
—Om, Garbha Rakshāmbhikayai c (h) a vidmahé
Kunda pushpa vana sthitayai c (h) a Dheemahi |
Tanno Varadāyee Prac (h) odayāt | |
[Note: µKundapushpavana sthitayai¶ means, the Devi is resident in Mullaivanam, and the Lord
consort is called µMullaivana Nathar¶. The place is called µTiru karukavoor, in chaste Tamizh,
meaning, the place where the deity protects the pregnancy.]

Times of India: Dated, 22-2-2009:

6The largest type of penguin is the Emperor Penguin which can stand to be almost 3 ½ feet tall
and weigh more than 90 pounds.
6 ³He dares to be a fool, and that is the first step in the direction of wisdom¶.
6Health Facts: Berries are actually good for you and contain plant nutrients called
anthocyanidins. These are incredible anti-oxidants and some have high levels of resveratrol,
which help fight heart diseases and cancer. The next time you want something sweet, juicy and
good for you, reach for blueberries, grapes, or strawberries, and do not feel guilty.
6Idiom-a-day: Burning the Midnight Oil: You are µburning the midnight oil¶ when you are
working hard and late into the night.
Example: ³ I could see the light in your window last night. It looks like you have been burning
the midnight oil´.
Before they had electric lamps, people used oil-burning lamps to read or work in the darkness at
night. When you are working very hard until late at night you are µburning the midnight oil¶.
Another example: ³Has your son been working hard to prepare for his final exams?´
Reply: ³He sure has. He¶s been up each night burning the midnight oil´.

Monday, February 23, 2009: 8:23 AM: µTimes of India¶.

6Idiom-a-day: ³Can¶t cut the Mustard´:
When you are not able to perform at the required level, you can¶t cut the mustard.
Example: ³Did you hear that Williams got fired?´ Reply: ³Yes. He couldn¶t cut the mustard´
It is as if µcutting the mustard¶ were some test that you had pass, in order to belong. If you can¶t
cut the mustard, you are not allowed to participate.
Example: ³Bob dropped out of medical school´. Reply: ³Why?´ Answer: ³He just couldn¶t cut
the mustard´.
If you don¶t work hard enough, or if you just aren¶t good enough, you can¶t cut the mustard.
Example: ³So, do you think you will be able to cut the mustard?´
6Health Facts: Pumpkins contain 90% water and are loaded with the antioxidant- -carotene,
which has been shown to improve immune function and reduce risk of diseases such as cancer
and heart disease. In addition pumpkins also contain many vitamins and nutrients. A cup of
pumpkin contains only 50 calories and three grams of fiber.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009: 7:36 A.M: Times of India:
Wise track: ³Maturity is the capacity to endure uncertainty´.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009: 7:40 A.M: The Hindu:
6Health Capsules: How long can a human remain conscious without getting blood to the brain?
While joking: µI don¶t think Mr. Harry is getting enough blood to his brain . . .He spends most of
his time semiconscious in front of the T.V¶.
Now seriously: If your brain loses blood for 8 to 10 seconds you will lose consciousness.

6From Young World: The Barbie doll has become world famous. Barbie has a friend named
Midge and a little sister Kelly. Barbie has turned 50 this year. Yet she is very youngish looking--
- [S.S]
6Y.W. Quiz: Which type of flower is also called a Lent Lily? Answer: µDaffodil¶.
6Know Your English: µDoes the word µbreakfasted¶ exist?¶
Yes, it does. The word µbreakfast¶ can be used as a verb.
³The children breakfasted on idlis and poories´.
The words µlunch¶ and µsnack¶ can also be used as verbs. Strangely enough, the word µdinner¶ is
not used as a verb.
³My wife lunched with her friends in a five star hotel.´ ³While watching the movie, I snacked
on potato chips´.
How is the word µaskance¶ pronounced?
The word is pronounced µes CANS,with stress on the second syllable.
When you µlook askance at someone¶ you usually look at him/her with disapproval or distrust.
What is the opposite of µcomedian¶?
µA tragedian¶. The word is pronounced µtre-JEE-dien¶, with the stress on the second syllable.
An actress who specializes in comic/tragic roles is sometimes called µcomedienne¶/ tragedienne¶.
The words are pronounced µke-mee- di-EN¶ and µtre-jee-di-EN¶ respectively.
Tail- piece: ³ A poet who reads his verse in public may have other nasty habits´. [Robert
[My comments: Absolutely true! We see a number of them in cine field and political fields like
µdiamonds¶ and µtreasures¶.] S.Upendran, upendrankye@gmail.com
Wednesday, February 25, 2009: 9:12 A.M: Times of India:
6³Success brings growth and growth means change´.

´With a good percentage of fiber kiwi fruit acts as a mild laxative, aiding in the prevention of
colon cancer. The fiber produces an acid called sodium butyrate, which blocks the activity of a
cancer-causing gene. The fiber also helps remove toxins from the body and reduces cholesterol
levels, leading to the lowering of heart diseases and heart at attacks.
Idiom-a-day: µEarly bird catches the worm¶. This means that the person who arrives early will
be successful. ³I always come early to work. The early bird catches the worm´.
When the bird s are competing to catch the worm, the bird that arrives early will catch the worm.
³From now on, I am waking up at six. The earl bird catches the worm´.
At times there is only one µworm¶ and only one µbird¶ can catch it, so the bird which arrives early
catches the worm.
³My brother started investing money when he was sixteen years old. Reply: ³The early bird
catches the worm´.

Thursday, February 26, 2009: 08:52: The Hindu: µMetro Plus¶:

Jack Fruit: ³The English name for Jack Fruit is derived from the Portuguese µjaca¶, which is
derived from Malayalam µchakka¶. The jackfruit is a species (Moraceae) of the
Mulberry family. (Artocarpus heterophyllus).
Jackfruit root is a remedy for skin diseases and asthma. An extract of the root is used to treat
fever and diarrhoea. Jackfruit provides a good supply of proteins, carbohydrates and vitamins.
Times of India: µMindbender: Dear Nandhu, ³Which is larger, the number of seconds in a day or
the number of hours in ten years?
Answer: The number of hours in ten years! There are 24ȋ60ȋ60=86, 400 seconds in a day. But,
there are 365x24x10= 87,600 hours in 10 years, leap years not considered here. If they are also
considered the number of hours will be more. [Explanatory answer by S.S.]
¿Idiom-a-day: µBeat a dead horse¶: You are beating a dead horse when you insist on talking
about something that cannot be changed. Example: ³I¶d like to talk with you again about what
happened. Reply: ³Oh come on. Let¶s not beat a dead horse´.
Another example: ³Dad, are you sure we can¶t get a new computer for the upstairs?´ Reply:
³Son, we talked about this and the decision was µno¶. You are beating a dead horse´. [Comment
by S .S: In Tamizh, they say µChettha Paampai Adippathu Pola¶.]

February 27, 2009: 08:34: Times of India:

6 Health Facts: Tea is rich in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, antioxidants are dietary
substances that include nutrients like Beta-carotene and vitamin C and E. They prevent and
repair cell damage and also reduce the risk of cancer. Using loose leaf tea as opposed to bagged
tea, provides greater health benefits and flavor.
6WISE TRACK: ³ People, like pins, are useless if they lose their heads´.
6A rhinoceros¶s horn is made of the same stuff found in our hair and fingernails---µkeratin¶. It
also contains a compound called gelatin.
6 Idiom-a-day: ³Start from Scratch´: You are starting from scratch when you start a project
from the very beginning.
Example: ³How are you going to build your business?´ Reply: ³Just like everyone does; starting
from scratch´.
You start from scratch in cooking when you cook a meal starting with only the smallest food
Example: ³ This cake is excellent. Where did you buy it?¶ Reply: ³Actually my mother made it
from scratch´.
Example: ³My father is excellent with cars. He started with spare parts and built this engine from
scratch´. When you do or make something using the smallest parts, you start from scratch.
Example: My computer crashed and I lost all of my work´. Reply: ³That¶s terrible. What will
you do?´ Answer: ³I¶ll do it again, starting from scratch´.
Times of India: 28-2-2009, Saturday: ³The greatest of all faults is to imagine you have none´.
6 Health facts: An important medicinal herb in Middle Eastern, African and oriental cultures:
Cumin seeds are rich in iron and are used to treat a wide range of ailments, from cold and flu
symptoms to allergies. Research on the oil from black cumin seeds has shown it significantly
reduces allergy symptoms and is also effective in neutralizing certain breast cancer cells.
6 Idiom-a- day: ³Turn over a new leaf´. When you decide to do something different to change
your life for the better, you are turning over a new leaf.
Example: ³This year I have joined a gym and I am exercising every day. I am turning over a
new leaf´.
Turning over a new leaf is like turning over a new page (leaf) in your life and seeing what is on
the other side. Example: ³ Wow! Look how polite your son has become´. Reply: ³Yes. We had
a long talk with him and he has turned over a new leaf´.
You turn over a new leaf when you commit to changing your life for the better.
Example: ³I¶m turning over a new leaf: I¶ve decided to quit smoking´.

6 Times of India: Sunday, March 01, 2009: 13:57: ³In 1386, a pig in France was executed by
public hanging for the murder of a child´.

6Health Facts: It is known that spicy foods are good in clearing up sinuses and a stuffy nose.
What most do not realize is that spicy foods break up the mucus of chest congestion. The hot
spicy ingredients do wonders for those who are suffering from chest congestion.
6Idiom-a-day: ³Finding Your Feet´. You are µfinding your feet¶ when you are learning what to
do and becoming more comfortable acting in a certain type of situation.
Example: ³I¶ve only been at this job for a few months. I¶m just finding my feet´.
It takes time to find your feet, because you need to learn what to do and becoming comfortable
doing it.
Example: ³I was at that job for over a year before I really found my feet´.
You have gained the needed skills and are performing tour job well, once you have found your
Example: ³Don¶t worry about it. We will help you until you find your feet´.
66Monday, March 02, 2009: 9:27 AM: The Hindu: µHealth Capsules:
Can men get breast cancer? Yea. In 2007, two thousand men were diagnosed with breast cancer.
450 died from the disease. Men have poor survival rates from breast cancer because routine
screening in men is almost nonexistent.
66Times of India: µHealth Facts¶: Black pepper stimulates the secretion of stomach acid, which
improves digestion and helps prevent intestinal gas. It also has antibacterial properties and is a
good source of antioxidants. It is a diuretic that promotes urination, helping to prevent water
retention. Additionally, it stimulates fat cell breakdown, which aids in the maintenance of a
healthy weight.
6Idiom-a-day: ³Sink or Swim´: It is a situation where you will either fail or find a way to
succeed. If you are thrown into the water, you will either sink to the bottom or you will swim to
Examples: ³Sales is not an easy job here. We give you two weeks training, then it¶s sink or
³How do you interview new teachers here?´
Reply: ³We just put them in with the kids, and see how they do. It¶s sink or swim´.
6Just Joking: ³Pizza is the only known antidote for a ketchup overdose´.

663/3/2009 1:00 PM: The Hindu: ³Know Your English´: µHow is the word vase pronounced?¶
In India, most people tend to make this word rhyme with µface¶, µlace¶ and µcase¶. Americans
too! The British pronounce it differently. The word is pronounced µvaaz¶. The final µe¶ is silent.
6Does the word µbirding¶ exist? Yes. It does. µBirding¶ and µbird watching¶ are
interchangeable nowadays. A µbirder¶ is one who watches birds (of the feathered kind, mind
you!) in their natural habitat.
Example: My former chairman in the Tamilnadu Electricity Board, Sri B.Vijayaraghavan is a
good birder. Mr. Salim Ali is a well-known birder of international repute.
6´I don¶t want to meet her, period. What is the meaning of this µperiod?¶
Americans refer to what we in India call µfull stop¶ as period. It means it is the end of the
sentence. ³I¶m not going to give you a raise, period. The µperiod¶ here refers to the end of the
6³A comedist is a person who writes comedies´.
6-$($&$8†$P( $-'9& would dread a particular day-date in February and March
this year, 2009.What is it a fear of?
Friday the 13th. For that matter any Friday, the 13th, of any Month, any Year.
66Times Of India: µHealth Facts¶: A staple of Ayurvedic Medicine, Fenugreek helps to stabilize
high blood sugar levels, as well as offering anti-cancer and anti-microbial properties. It is also
believed to help with stomach complaints and aid in weight loss by reducing fat-absorption and
curbing appetite. Fenugreek can be incorporated into dishes or simply be made into a tea.
6What a beautiful joke! Reminds me of Kushwant Singh jokes that I read long ago!
³My Doctor wanted to discuss µantioxidants¶ and µfree radicals¶. But I am tired of talking about
6 Idiom-a-day: ³Lost His Head´: ³You lose your head when you get upset and lose control of
your actions. You are overcome by emotions (especially anger) and lose control of your actions
when you lose your head. A person who loses his head is not in control of his actions because he
is not thinking clearly.
Examples: ³I got so angry yesterday. I completely lost my head´.
³I¶m really sorry about what I did. I lost my head´.
³Okay, I¶ll tell you what happened. But first promise that you won¶t lose your head´.
³He lost his head, so they threw him out of the game´.
66 A good joke from ³Aval Vikatan´, dated, 13-3-2009, Page 48, contributed by Ms. Krishna
Prabha, Padmavani Women¶s Arts and Science College:
Teacher: µWhat is the name of Gandhi¶s son?¶
Student: µDineshan¶, Sir.
Teacher: µDon¶t be idiotic. Who said like that?¶
Student: µSir, you only said like that, Sir¶. Yesterday, you said Gandhi is the father of
Teacher: ? ? ? ? ?

66Wednesday, March 04, 2009: 3:11 PM: The Hindu: µHealth Capsules: µHow can I cut my
risk of stomach cancer?
Chew Mastic Gum. It is available in capsule and chewing gum form. Mastic gum kills the H.
Pylori bacteria that cause ulcers and other digestive disorders. The World Health Organization
now considers H.Pylori to be a Carcinogen.

66Times of India: Health Facts: Low in calories, Asparagus shoots are rich in -Carotene,
vitamins B, C and E, potassium, zinc and iodine. It is particularly rich in folate, the vitamin that
helps prevent neural tube birth defects and is therefore recommended for pregnant women. Seven
spears of Asparagus provide about 70% of the daily-recommended allowance of folate.

6Idiom-a-day: ³When it rains it pours´: This describes how after there has been no rain for a
long time, it suddenly rains a lot all at once. When there is a lot of rain all at once we say that it
is pouring. Some people say, ³it never rains, but it pours´.
Example: ³Sometimes we have no customers for two or three hours, then suddenly we get 20
people all at once´. Reply: ³It never rains, but it pours´.
Thursday, March 05, 2009: 9:53 AM: From The Hindu:
SHALLOTS, full of Flavonoids: Shallot or Eschallot belongs to Allium Species. French grey
shallot or Griselle, is considered the true shallot pertains to µAllium Oschaninii¶type of species.
Unlike onions, where each plant normally forms a single bulb, shallots form clusters of offsets,
rather in the manner of garlic. Shallots taste sweeter than the mildest onion.
Shallots contain two sets of compounds- sulphur compounds and flavonoids. Flavonoids cause
reduced risk of cancer, heart disease and diabetes, since they are anti-cancer, anti-bacterial,
antiviral, anti-allergenic and anti-inflammatory.
Eating shallots daily helps in the growth of bone tissue and reduces the risk of developing
osteoporosis by 20%. The sulphur content in shallots makes skin look younger.
6´Well said by Bruce Lee´. Notice that the stiffest tree is most easily cracked, while the bamboo
or willow survives by bending with the wind. [Have they not said it Tamil or Samskrit many
centuries ago? What is new in Bruce Lee here? ±S.S.]
6´Freedom is not free- it¶s priceless´.
6³I wanted to attend the memory-training seminar; but I forgot all about it´.
6 Health Capsules: ³What minerals are toxic to humans?´
µEverything is toxic! What are we supposed to do?´
Now factually! ³ Toxic minerals include Aluminum, Cadmium, Copper, Lead, Mercury and
Arsenic. Studies show that toxic minerals tend to accumulate with age. There are many sources:
Antacids contain Aluminum, as do toothpaste tubes, pots and pans, Aluminum foil and water.

66 From Times of India: About the 50-year young µBarbie¶:

Inspired by German doll µBild Lily¶, Mattel Founders Ruth and Elliot Handler introduced Barbie
(named after daughter Barbara) in 1959.
Best-selling Barbie doll is ³Totally Hair Barbie´ (1992), with hair from head to toe.
Barbie has been outfitted by more than 70 famous couturiers.
Barbie has had more than 100 careers and has been produced as scores of different native
Barbies from all over the world.
6¶Laughter is the closest thing to the grace of God¶.
6´What number is three quarters of eight ninths of one half of 2001?´
Solution by S.S: ¾ x8/9x½ of 2001 comes to 667.  å
6Health Facts: Mustard seeds protect against gastrointestinal cancers and also provide anti-
inflammatory effects. The magnesium and selenium content helps to lessen the symptoms of
inflammatory conditions such as asthma and arthritis. Mustard seeds are also a source of Omega-
3 (3), fatty acids, iron, zinc, calcium, manganese niacin, dietary fiber and protein.
6Idiom-a-day: ³Cry over Spilt Milk: This is to remain upset about a past loss. When milk is
spilled, it is wasted and cannot be used. There is no reason to keep complaining over the loss.
Note that either of the words µspilled¶ or µspilt¶ can be used.
Parents often tell their children to stop crying over spilt milk.
Example: ³I can¶t believe I lost my favourite toy!´ Reply: ³Oh, stop crying over spilled milk.
You have other toys to play with´.
66Friday, March 06, 2009: 8:40 AM: Times of India;
The average four-year old child asks over four hundred questions a day.
6´Focus on making things better- not bitter´.
6Idiom-a-ay: ³Practice makes perfect´: This means that the more you practise , the better you
will become. Practice makes perfect is said to encourage people to keep practicing.
Examples: ³See how fast you are getting better at the piano? Practice makes perfect´.
³Come on guys, do it again! I want to see you getting this right. Practice makes perfect´.

66Translation by S.S: from Chiruvar Malar: Supplement to Dina Malar daily, dated, 6-3-2009:
Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose named Mahatma Gandhi as the father of Nation.
The National Anthem of Greece is the longest in the world.
Ethylene supports the fruits ripen fast artificially.
Elephant is an animal that does not know how to jump.
66 The Hindu: Cinema Plus : ³Singanalluru Puttaswamayya Muthuraju is better known as Dr.
Rajkumar, the veteran Kannada actor.
RAGA: In which Raga is K.V. Mahadevan¶s evergreen -c" from Thiruvilayaadal
cinema set to? Answer: 2!!.
6 Health Capsules: ³How do people become Copper-toxic?´
From copper pipes. Add to that copper pots and pans. Birth control pills and even copper IUD¶s.
(Intra Uterine Devices-S.S)
66: Saturday, March 07, 2009:8:17 AM: From Times Of India:
Mind bender: ³ When she is one year older than she is now, Janet will be twice as old as she was
two years ago. How old is Janet?´
Solution by S.S: Let her present age be x.
If she is one year older, she will be x+1.
Two years ago, she was twice as old. That is, she was 2 (x-2).
Hence, 2(x-2) = x+1. Or, 2x-4 = x+1. Or, x+1-2x+4 =0
Or, -x = -5 or Janet is just 5 years old now. [Dear Nandhu, I solve it in a simple and elaborate
manner for kids of your age of today, to understand it easily. ²S.S].
6MARRIAGE GALORE: ³ I do what the voices in my wife¶s head tell me to do´.
6´It¶s choice not chance, that determines your destiny´.
6Health Facts: Prunes are very high in copper, another anti-aging benefit. Copper is a mineral in
our system that plays a number of important roles. It maintains the health of our tissues and
bones, it helps get rid of those pesky free radicals and it also aids in the production of collagen
and elastin, the two substances that give us that youthful skin. ·
6Idiom-a-day: ³CRYING WOLF´: To cry wolf is to call for help when you are not really in
Example: ³Mom, Dad! Can you come to my room? I think there is something under my bed.´
Reply: ³Son, you just go back to bed, and stop crying wolf´.
Crying wolf mostly results in other people not believing you when you really do need their help.
[Remember the story of the lad who cried µwolf, wolf¶ to make fun of others, until he was really
killed by the wolf, when nobody came to rescue him thinking that the boy was still lying. ²S.S].
66 From The Hindu: Health Capsules: What is the best way to remove toxic minerals from the
³Take vitamin C and get the LEAD out! [ ³Nice pun on the term ³LEAD´- -S.S]
In one study of lead toxicity, vitamin C lowered lead levels in the blood by 22%. Vitamin C is
very effective in eliminating lead, arsenic and cadmium. It¶s an important part of any Detox
6 ³Mr. Tushar Gandhi is the great grandson of Mahatma Gandhi´.
66Sunday, March 08, 2009:10:44 AM: ³Times of India´: ³Faith is taking the first step even
when you don¶t see the whole staircase´.
6Believe it or not: ³Incredible-Inedible´: ³Pierre Girard of Golden Valley, Minnesota, USA,
has a fruitcake that was baked in 1911´.
6Health Facts: Paprika, a milder form of Cayenne, is high in - Carotene, flavonoids and
vitamin-C. It is believed to have antibacterial properties and has been used to treat high blood
pressure and varicose veins. It is good for the circulatory system as it promotes blood vessel
6 Idiom-a-day: ³Put your best foot forward´: It is stepping forward and doing your very best.
Example: ³This week the division manager will be in town. I want every one of you to put your
best foot forward´.
To show others your best effort is putting your best foot forward. Example: ³ Don¶t be shy, son,
I want you to get out on that field and put your best foot forward´.
You say put your best foot forward to encourage others to try hard and do their best. Example:
³If every man/woman puts his/her best foot forward, we will achieve great success. [Example by
66Monday, March 09, 2009: 8:22 AM: ³THE HINDU´: µHealth capsules:
Is peanut butter a high-calorie food?
A little peanut butter goes a long way. Peanut butter contains 95 calories per tablespoon. About
the same calorie count as butter. But it is high in protein, high in healthy monosaturated fats. And
relatively inexpensive.
66Times of India: Wise Track: ³I care about you. Say it, mean it, and live it´.
6Idiom-a-day: ³Go for broke´. To µgo for broke¶ is to risk everything in one chance to win big.
Example: µAre you sure you want to bet all of your money on that one horse?´
Reply: ³Yes. I¶m going for broke´.
µGo for broke¶ means take a risk, try your best, and give all of your energy to something.
Example: ³The way to be successful is to decide exactly what you want, then go for broke´.
66Tuesday, March 10, 2009: 8:28 AM: The Hindu: µKnow Your English¶:(in condensed form):
³Updation is a legitimate word. µUpdation¶ and µupdate¶ are interchangeable´.
³Plugging away at it? What does it mean´? ³It means I am working hard at it´. You can also say
µpeg away at¶ something. The boy next door has been pegging away at his English lessons for
several months.
³When you say that someone is learning the ropes, what you mean is that the person is learning
how a particular job or task is done´. Example: ³Once I learn the ropes, my boss will take notice
of me´.
³Waste not, want not´: ³This means if one never wastes anything, one will never be short of
anything´. My grandmother used to say the same thing . She always reused envelopes. Waste
not, want not is what she used to say.
³My father never throws away old rubber bands. It¶s a case of waste not want not´.
Tailpiece: ³The great thing about democracy is that it gives every voter a chance to do something
stupid´. ---ART SPANDER.

6Health Capsules: What are the main causes of free radicals?

Free radicals can result from exhaust fumes, radiation, frying or barbecuing food, sunlight, and
even from normal body processes.
6From Young World: More about P: ³Hindu Young World´:
P is an irrational number i.e. it can¶t be expressed in the form m/n where m and n are non-zero
integers. So the decimal representation never ends or repeats. This means the value 22/7, which
we use for P, is an approximation.
What is the value of P then?
In the earlier days, the approximate value was used. The Indian text µShatapatha Brahmana¶
gives the value of P as 339/108 = 3.139.
[Comment by S.S: S.L. Loney in his book ³Trigonometry´ has given this value to be 355/113.
He says: µWrite first three odd numbers two times each²like 1 1 3 3 and 5 5. Divide the last
three digits, namely, 355, by the first three digits, namely 113. He gives this as a mnemonic,
enabling one to remember the proportion quite easily. I learnt it during my Intermediate class in
St. Xavier¶s College, Palayamkottai. Sri. P. Sudalaimuthu was my Trigonometry professor. More
easily it is 113) 355(.]
It was Archimedes who worked rigorously in estimating the value of P. He made an estimate that
P= 3.1419. Later Liu Hui developed a quicker method to estimate the value of P and gave the
estimate as 3.1416. Many researchers are working on estimating the value of P. The current
estimate of P runs to 1,351, 100,000,000 decimal places. A famous Japanese mathematician,
Yasumasa Kanada and his team did this work.
It is important to mention that Srinivasa Ramanujan in the year 1910, found a method to compute
the value of P, which could give its value up to 8 decimal places. This method was used as the
base by Yasumasa Kanada to develop the quickest algorithm that computes the value of P. The
value of P is 3.14159265 correct to 8 decimal places.
P-day is celebrated on 14 th March every year. In the American format, the month is written first
followed by the date. American format 14 th March is 3/14 which the value of P corrected to two
decimal places. Also 22 nd July is celebrated as P- approximation day. [22/7 is an approximate
value of P not in American format. -S.S]
The word P is derived from the Greek word for perimeter, ³P
³. It was coined by
William Jones in 1707 and was popularized by Leonhard Euler in 1737. It is also known as
circular constant, Archimedes¶s constant or Ludolph¶s number.
6What is the maximum number of Friday 13 th that can occur in a year (which is not a leap
year), and in which months will they be?
Three times . February, March and November. ·
66Tuesday, March 10, 2009: 11:58 AM: Times of India :
6Health Facts; ³Oregano, a great herb for pizza, pasta, sautéed vegetables, omelettes, garlic
bread and salad dressings has an antioxidant capacity that is up to 20 times higher than any other
herb. It provides antimicrobial activity against certain nasty pathogens such as E coli. Oregano is
also a source of vitamins K, A, and C, as well as manganese, iron, Omega-3, fatty acids, calcium
and dietary fiber.
6Idiom-a-day: ³One for the Road´. ³One for the road´ is one last thing you do before leaving
some place.
Example: ³ Are you sure you won¶t have one for the road?´ Answer: ³Sorry, I can¶t. If I leave
now I will just make it on time´.
³To have µone for the road¶ is to have one more and stay just a little bit longer´.
66Wednesday, March 11, 2009: 8:37 AM: Times of India:
Wise track: ³A positive attitude triggers enthusiasm´.
6 Health Facts: Rosemary provides a variety of benefits, including stimulating the immune
system, improving digestion, and enhancing circulation. It also contains compounds that are
beneficial for those who suffer from inflammatory conditions such as asthma and arthritis .It is
also a source of dietary fiber, iron, and calcium. It is delicious on meats and potatoes, as well as
in omelettes, soups, white breads and tomato sauce.
6 Idiom-a-day: ³The Apple of Your Eye´: ³The apple of your eye is that person, or thing, that
you care for the most.
Example: ³He sure does love his little girl´. Reply: ³She¶s the apple of his eye´
One more: ³You got me the bracelet I wanted´. Reply: ³Yes, I know it was the apple of your
The meaning of the apple of your eye is the pupil, or the round black spot in the middle of your
Example: ³Everyone knew they would get married someday. She was always the apple of his
It makes you feel good to look at the person who is the apple of your eye.
From a famous love song: ³You are the apple of my eye. That¶s why I¶ll always be with you´.
[My comments: In Tamizh also the same meaning is conveyed, in addressing children, and
sweetheart. ³Enthan Kannin Maniye, Kannamma´, says Subramania Bharathi in his famous
µKannamma En Kaathali´ song. So do many other poets.]
6Sacred Space: c$(( $2c2$%'(c³ Riding a parrot, surrounded by bees and butterflies,
KAMA, like the Greco-Roman Eros, was a charming god who used a sugarcane bow to shoot
love-arrows into the hearts of all creatures---Vasanta, the spring god, was Kama¶s inseparable
companion and dearest friend. And so when spring arrived
love arrived too´. [Devdutt Pattanaik]
6 Today, (11 March 2009), is Holi. It is also Sri. Chaitanya¶s birth anniversary.
66Thursday, March 12, 2009: 9:30 AM: Some good thoughts from µThuglak¶, dated, 18-3-
2009: From article by Vinodh, Page 33 of the weekly:
³No matter how thin you slice it, there are always two sides´.
³Don¶t talk about yourself; it will be done when you leave´.
66 Times of India: Dated 12, March 2009: 9:37 AM: ³Health Facts´: Thyme offers a number of
health benefits, including protecting against bacteria and fungi. It also has a high antioxidant
load, vitamin K. manganese, iron, and calcium. Thyme is tasty in vinaigrette salad dressings and
other uncooked foods. It also goes well with foods like pasta, beans, soup and fish´.

6 Idiom-a-day: Biting the hand that feeds you: This is to harm someone who has been helping
Example: ³We treat each of our customers with the greatest respect here. We never bite the hand
that feeds us´.
If you feed an animal and it bites you on the hand, you will probably not feed it again. If you
forget that a person has been doing something to help you, and you harm the relationship, you
are µbiting the hand that feeds you¶.
Example: ³We have been your best customers for years. And suddenly you treat us so rudely?
You should never bite the hand that feeds you´.
[My Comments: There is an identical expressive idiom in Tamizh also. It is read, as ³Unda
Veettukku Irandaham Cheyvathu Pol´ There is also another expression, similar to
this to convey the meaning: ³Uppittavarai Ullalavum Ninai´.]
66 Friday, March 13, 2009: 8:55 AM: The Hindu: Health Capsules:
What¶s the best kind of salt to use?
Use µSolo Salt¶ instead of the mineral-deficient commercial brands. It has half the sodium of
regular brands. But more potassium, and magnesium. Use it sparingly.
66 Times of India: Wise track: ³Be detachable. You don¶t know everything´.
6 Idiom-a-day: ³Bite Off More than You Chew´.
To take on a responsibility which is too large for you to manage is µbiting off more than you can
When eating food, you first bite off a piece, then chew it, and swallow it. If you bite off more
than you can chew, you have taken a bite so large that you are not able to chew it.
Examples: ³I thought I could finish this report within a month, but I bit off more than I could
³I went skiing last weekend and I went down the most difficult hill first. I bit off more than I
could chew´.
³I want you to think carefully about how many people you need for this project. Be sure not to
bite off more than you can chew´.
66March 14, 2009: 8:09 AM: Times of India: ³the human body has seven energy chakras-
Crown Chakra, third eye Chakra, throat Chakra, heart Chakra, Solar plexus chakra, hara chakra
and root Chakra. They dispense energy to the whole body.
6 Bill Gates house was partially designed using a Macintosh computer.
6A good joke: Psychiatrist: What is wrong with your brother?
Sister: He thinks he is a hen.
Psychiatrist: How long has it been?
Sister: Three years. We would have come in sooner, but we needed the eggs.

6Health Facts: Red vegetables and fruits include watermelon, beetroot, red grapes, cranberries
and tomato. Beetroots are considered an excellent blood purifier. The red produce contains
anthocyanidins and lycopene, powerful antioxidants that help fight heart disease, cancer and
ageing. When it comes to tomatoes, and cooked tomatoes and tomato sauce are well known for
promoting prostate health.
6Idiom-a-day: Curiosity Kills The Cat:
It reminds us that being too curious can be dangerous. Cats are curious animals that like to
investigate, but their curiosity can take them places where they might get hurt.
Children especially, like cats, are curious and like to test to find out what is dangerous.
Examples: ³What do you think is down that dark street´? Reply: ³I would rather not find out.
Curiosity kills the cat´.
³My son stuck his finger into the electrical outlet and got a huge shock! He said he wanted to
find out how it would feel´. Reply: ³It¶s God¶s grace that he was neither hurt, nor lost his life!
Curiosity would have killed the cat´.
66Sunday, March 15, 2009: 6:58 AM:
Raga: The song µVasanta mullai mele asaintu adum penn purave, maayamellam naan arivene¶
coming in cinema µSarangadhara¶ and sung by µT.M.Soundararajan, is set to Raga c
5! Vide: µEnnodu paattupaadungal¶-Jaya T.V. conducted by Dr. S.P.
Balasubramaniam, on 14-3-2009 at 20:23 hours.
6 From Times of India: Page 15. SOUND SMART: ³New Age Meanings of New and Old
Coffee: the person upon whom one coughs.
Flabbergasted: appalled over how much weight you have gained.
Esplanade: to attempt an explanation while drunk.
Willy-nilly: impotent.
Negligent: describes a condition in which you absentmindedly answer the door in your
Lymph: to walk with a lisp.
Balderdash: a rapidly receding hairline.
Testicle: a humorous question on an exam.

6´India used to be the richest country in the world until the British invasion in the early 17 th
6 Blue and purple vegetables and fruits include blueberries, grapes, plums, prunes, blackberries
and raisins. These are high ORAC value foods, rich in flavonoids. Flavonoids are another form
of antioxidants that fortify your cellular walls, protecting them from oxygen radicals that cause
DNA problems. They also support heart health, prevents cancer, reduces blood pressure and
staving off memory loss
6³All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them´.
6Believe it or not: µLife imitates Art¶: On November 18, 2008, officials in Hamelin, Germany--
-Home to the µPied Piper Legend¶ announced that the town was overrun with RATS.
6Idiom-a- day: ³Truer words were never spoken´.
You say this when you strongly agree with what the other person has just said.
Example: ³ I find that the earlier I get up, the better the day I have´. Reply: ³Truer words were
never spoken. The morning hours are definitely the best hours of the day´.
Truer words were never spoken is often used as a single sentence response to support the other
person, showing how strongly you agree.
Example: ³ This is the best cake I have eaten in years´! Reply: ³Truer words were never
When someone says something that you find to be very true and which applies in many different
situations, you can say, ³Truer words were never spoken´.
Example: ³You are lucky to have such a wonderful wife´. Reply: ³Truer words were never
[S.S.¶s Tamizh version: ³Sariyaka chonnaai! Idhaivida Unmai Vaeru Illai´.]

66Monday, March 16, 2009: 8:29 AM: The Hindu: Travel Quip: ³People travel to far away
places to watch, in fascination, the kind of people they ignore at home´. ---Dagobert D. Runes.

6: How does transcendental meditation work?

Owmm«Owmm«TM trains you to block out distractions, creating calmer yet more powerful
brain patterns. Experienced practitioners show brain waves similar to those found during sleep.
TM may also have positive effects on blood pressure, insulin and blood sugar.
66 Times of India: ³The meaning of life is to find value in what we do´.
6What relationship to you is your father¶s only brother¶s wife¶s only brother-in-law?
Answer: He is your father.
6 ³The trouble with being punctual is that nobody is there to appreciate it´
[My comments: I disagree. At the venues concerned, whenever opportunities arise, either
Shankar or I, would be present, to appreciate. We are indeed very proud of our culture of being
punctual, this.]
6Health Facts: Lemons and oranges are high in Vitamin C. They are also rich in -carotene,
which the body needs to produce vitamin A. But if you¶re a smoker, don¶t go overboard with the
beta-carotene foods. High doses can increase the risk of cancer.
6Idiom-a-day: Variety is the Spice of Life: This expresses the idea that it is good to try and do
different things.
Example: ³We were planning to go to Mexico on our vacation, like we did last year, but we
decided to go to Egypt instead. Variety is the spice of life´.
Just as a cook uses different spices to create the flavors in a great meal, a person who tries
different experiences will have a great life.
Example: ³I don¶t think I would be able to do Yoga´. Reply: ³Why not? Give a try. Variety is
the spice of life´.
One more example: ³This year my wife and I are going to take a dance class and learn the
Tango´. Reply: ³That¶s great. Variety is the spice of life´.
66Tuesday, March 17, 2009: 8:34 AM: From The Hindu: µMetroplus¶: Page5: Just Joking: c
!c2  ³As she hears the wedding march, three things are foremost in a bride¶s mind:
aisle, altar, hymn- - -³I¶ll alter him´!
[My Comments: µaisle¶ in our custom may represent the marriage hall or µVivaha Mandapam¶,
µaltar¶ may mean the dais where marriage rituals are performed and µhymn¶ is the chanting of
µVedic hymns¶ by the purohits. Yet the bride¶s mind set-up is the same everywhere.]

6Health Capsules: What is biofeedback?

Biofeedback teaches you to use the power of your brain to control autonomic body functions
such as blood pressure, pulse rate, stress response and brain waves. Sensors monitor body
functions, which are displayed on a screen. By controlling your thoughts, you learn to control
your body functions.
6Know Your English: ³Nowadays, there is a tendency among native speakers of English to use
µinvite¶ as a noun.
³Harish was disappointed because he didn¶t get an invite to the party´.
Careful users of the language, however, frown upon this. They prefer the use of µinvitation¶.
³Cast-iron-guarantee´. What does it mean?
The guarantee that can be trusted completely.
³I need a cast-iron- guarantee that you won¶t exceed the budget´
Is it okay to say, µHe¶s been depromted?
No. it isn¶t. The correct usage is µdemoted¶.
What is the past tense of µslay?
µSlayed¶ and µslew¶ are often used as the past tense of µslay¶.
Slay can also be used to mean to µdelight or amuse immensely.
³The stand-up comedian¶s jokes slayed the audience´.
Tailpiece: ³We hang the petty thieves and appoint the great ones to public office´. -Aesop.
6From The Hindu, Young World:
ÿ  $ is a term that indicates µvolcanic smog; while µsmog¶ describes a combination of smoke
and fog. ( latter definition by S.S)
The first woman to become a pilot was Baronne de la Roche. She qualified as a pilot on 8 th.
March 1910.
Dear Nandhu: A good problem: I started two watches at the same time. It turned out that one of
them went slow by two minutes per hour, and the other went fast by one minute per hour. When
I looked at them again, the faster one was exactly one hour ahead of the other. How long had the
watches been running?
[Answer: The faster watch gains on the slower one at the rate of three minutes every hour. Thus,
after 20 hours, the faster one will be ahead by one hour.]
6Where is Simplon Tunnel? It is a road tunnel that connects Italy and Switzerland.
66: Times of India: ³Gravitation cannot be held responsible for people falling in love´.
Marriage Galore: ³Are we really happy together---or just too tired to fight?´
6Idiom -a- day: ³An About Face´: You do an about face when you begin facing one direction,
then you turn completely to face in the opposite direction.
Example: ³If you ever discover that you are walking down a dangerous street, it is best to do an
about face and walk in the other direction.
The term µabout face¶ is used in the military: The drill sergeant shouts ³About face!´ and all of
the soldiers turn in one step to face the opposite direction.
To µdo an about face¶ is also to change your position on something and take the opposite
position. {Akin to µabout turn¶; isn¶t it? ²S.S.)
6Health Facts: Green vegetables and spinach are packed with healthy phytochemicals and
nutrients. Folate or folic acid is important for developing red blood cells and protecting against
cancer. Indoles help lower estrogen levels, which can reduce the risk of estrogen-related breast
cancer, while lutein protects eyesight

66Wednesday, March 18, 2009: 9:43 AM: The Hindu: µHealth Capsules:
How does acupuncture work?
Jokingly: ³So what happened to you?´ ³My acupuncturist forgot to remove a needle!´
³Acupuncture involves strategically placing needles into the skin along streams of energy, called
µQI¶ (Chee), that flow through the body. The needles improve energy flow, thereby reducing
symptoms. Acupuncture has been shown to be effective for a number of ailments, including
Tennis Elbow´.
66 Times of India: Wise Track: ³Improvement always starts with µI¶.´
6Health Facts: Lentils are legumes that are great for the heart. People with diet rich in legumes
show an 82% reduction in the risk of heart diseases. They contain 26% protein, are low in fat,
high in good carbs and are a great source of iron. Lentils also have a high content of vitamins and
minerals, including foliate, vitamin B1, magnesium, phosphorous, copper and potassium´.
6Idiom-a-day: ³AS SICK AS A DOG´: ³You are as sick as a dog when you are very sick with a
cold, flu, or stomach problem.
Examples: ³I don¶t know what I ate this morning. I have been as sick as a dog all day´.
³ I heard you were uncomfortable yesterday´. Reply: ³Uncomfortable? I was as sick as a dog´.
You are much too sick to do the things a normal person does when you are as sick as a dog.
Example: ³Sorry, but I am not going to be able to come in to work today. I¶m as sick as a dog´.

6Golden Saying by the Great Philosopher S.S:

³There are a few things that cannot be restored back to the original; the time spent wastefully, the
words spent on others and the tooth paste or shaving cream drawn excessively from the tubes´.

6A beautiful early morning dream, I had today. (18-3-2009).

The venue is Shencottah house. I see my brother-in-law Ramakrishnan, who is fairer and more
handsome than he used to be. I tell him that it is too long since I saw him. He acknowledges and
says, ³Yes, indeed about a year or so´. The scene vanishes and he is not further seen in my
The same house. A very charming, very fair, healthy, plump baby girl, less than about a year old,
crawls slowly. The baby is so beautiful that anyone shall certainly fall in love with the child. A
strange thing, that I observe in the child is, that she wears a brilliantly shining nose ornament,
perhaps studded with a diamond that particularly dazzles like a bright star as the child moves her
beautiful head here and there. The child crawls from the dimly lit corner wall of the so-called
µRezhi¶ or µKoodam¶ where the pictures of all the deities are hung.
I am astonished to see the nasal ornament on the nose of such a tender child, and I try to clear my
doubt through Bhama. I believed even in the dream, that Bhama would give a fitting reply very
convincingly in such matters.
Actually Bhama is not visible in the dream, but her voice is heard from somewhere, convincing
about the child¶s wearing the jewel on its nose at that tender age. Though the voice is clear as
though coming from Bhama, the words are not well decipherable; nor Bhama is seen anywhere.
With this my dream ends. My dream lasts barely for three to four minutes.
I ask Shankar about the significance of my dream. He says the child is none other than, Devi in
Her child form. Shankar says he will think well and tell the significance of Ramakrishnan
coming in the picture.
66Thursday, March 19, 2009: 8:02 AM: Times of India: Idiom-a- day: ³When in Rome´:
When in Rome, do as Romans do means that when you are visiting a new place, you should try
to do as the people who are from the place do.
Example: ³I can¶t eat that´. Reply: ³Oh, give it a try. When in Rome, do as the Romans do´.
People from different places have different ways of acting, so it is important to try to do things
the way people do who are from the place that you are visiting. ·’
Example: ³Are you sure we can eat this with our hands?¶ Reply: Why not? All of these people
are. When in Rome, do as Romans do´.
The city of Rome was the capitol of the great Roman Empire. There were many strange and
interesting things to do when visiting (µin¶) Rome.
Example: ³Back home, we never sing in front of other people´. Reply: ³Oh, come on. Give it a
try. When in Rome, do as Romans do.´
6Health Facts: Asparagus has tumor reducing properties, a study showed, as the saponins in it
inhibited the growth of human leukemia cells. It is low in calories, rich in beta-carotene, vitamins
B, C and E, potassium, zinc and iodine. It is particularly rich in folate, the B vitamin that helps
prevent neural tube birth defects and is therefore recommended for pregnant women. It is also
high in vitamin K, essential for blood clotting and bone health, and oxalic acids.

66 : The Hindu: Metro plus: ³Ready for a Chuckle fest?´

Laughter, these stalwarts say is the shortest distance between two people. So let us laugh
Crazy Mohan, playwright-actor: He says laughter is the salt of life.
His joke of the day: My friend told me I was hit by recession long before the world faced it.
I asked him how. And he replied with a straight face, µLook at your hairline¶.
Madan Bob, actor-anchor: He says laughter is the best cure for all ills. It bonds people.
He adds that laughter is µinternal jogging¶. Take laughter more seriously.
Joke of the day: Boy: Dad, finally, I¶ve passed my exams.
Father: Really? Great.
Boy: Dad, it¶s Fool¶s day!
Vivek,comedian: He says comedy increases blood circulation.
Bosskey, RJ-stand-up comedian: His saying: If you don¶t give importance to humor, you will
end up visiting psychiatrists.
His humor for the day:
One Rajni fan to the other: Our thalaivar¶s µAvoid everything white¶ policy has become popular
even in America.
Second fan: Really?
First fan: Yes, they elected Obama.
Ophelia Aka Imsai Arasi: RJ, in BIG FM.: She asks: Do you know a smile makes you prettier?
Her joke of the day: What do Alibaba and Forty Thieves become in recession times?
Answer: Alibaba and thirty thieves.
[My comments: Perhaps Ophelia¶s joke is the best among those that are published here today.]
6B.Sumathi Hariharan Aiyar is India¶s first woman Cricket Umpire.

66 From Thuglak, dated, 25-3-2009: Vinod¶s, page: Page28 of the journal:

Raga: ³Krishna nee begane bharo´ is sung in ,4c !craga.
He quotes Dr.Samuel Johnson: µMusic is the only sensual pleasure without vice¶.

A police officer comments to a scoundrel about his mother: µI bet your mother found it harder to
bear you, after your birth, than before.¶

66 Friday, March 20, 2009: 8:23 AM: The Hindu: µCinema plus¶:
A little bit of cinema also: µBalan¶, released in 1938, was the first film with a sound track in
which Indian language?
Answer: µMalayalam¶.
66 Times of India: ³The largest cereal company in the world is Quaker Oats, located in Cedar
Rapids, Iowa, USA.´
Idiom-a-day: µAll Bark and no Bite¶:
People who are all bark and no bite threaten to do things that they are not really willing or able to
They are like dogs that bark to make you afraid, but they will not bite you.
Examples: ³That new manager threatened to fire me again, but I know he won¶t do it. He¶s all
bark and no bite´.
³Don¶t listen to my brother when he gets angry, he¶s all bark and no bite.´
Health Facts: Peanut butter is very high in calories, but yet is one of the healthiest foods. In
general raw peanut butter is better than the refined version, because it retains many of the
beneficial nutrients found in the peanut skin. It contains fairly high quantities of dietary fiber,
amounting to about eight percent, which helps in regulating both blood cholesterol and blood
sugar levels.
66Friday, March 20, 2009: 7:03 PM: Gemology: Interview with Smt. Parveen Sikkander: Jaya
T.V.18-3-2009, 17:45 hours:
American diamond is nothing but Zircon.
When Palladium is added to Gold, then it is called, µWhite Gold¶.
The so-called KDM is a binding metal to join small gold pieces together. KDM is a misnomer. It
is actually µCadmium¶ in powdery form. [I know it already- - S.S].
66Saturday, March 21, 2009: 8:32 A.M: Times of India:
Which English cricket captain could have said, µI¶m that clean hero!¶
Answer: µMichael Atherton¶. (Anagram of µI¶m that clean hero¶.)
6: Health facts: To prevent constipation, drink lots of water²at lest 8 glasses daily. Foods such
as prunes, figs, cereals, fruits and nuts which are rich in dietary fibers, also help. Eat an apple
with its skin and a guava with the seeds regularly. Avoid starchy foods and reduce intake of
sugar and white breads.
6Idiom-a-day: ³ If you had a certain number of µeggs¶, it would be safest to put those eggs in
different µbaskets¶ and not µput them all in one basket¶. To µput all your eggs in one basket µ
would be to risk losing all of your µeggs¶ in case you drop that one µbasket¶.
The idiom µto put all your eggs in one basket¶ is to risk losing everything all at one time.
Examples: ³ My father is a very careful investor; he never puts all of his eggs in one basket´.
³The best way to gamble in Las Vegas, is to only bet small amounts of money and never put all
your eggs in one basket´. [Note: The term µLas Vegas¶ is my inclusion.]
66´Kalaignar T.V., 21-3-2009,Saturday: 0810 hours; µVairamangai¶ Quiz programme:
Who built the µBalaji¶ temple in µTirupathi?¶ Answer: ³Krishna Deva Rayar´.

6Ragam: Sri. Purandaradasa Kriti µÆama Mantra Jabiso¶ is in ,:!c(. (Vide: Pothigai
T.V, 21-3-2009, 0945 hours, presented by D.D. Trivandrum Kendra. Three violinists, including
one lady, performed extremely finely, and they rendered this song. I could not note their names.

66Sunday, March 22, 2009: 9:06 AM: Times of India: µBelieve it or not¶: The dragon millipede
of Thailand has bright pink coloration and glands that produce µCyanide Poison!¶
6´Life without love is like a tree without blossom or fruit´.
6Health Facts: To prevent acidity and heart burn take a mixture of two teaspoons of natural
APPLE CIDER VINEGAR and two teaspoons of raw honey in a glass of water before meals.
Eating a banana daily will prevent such conditions. Avoid fried foods, pickles, hot spicy foods,
vinegar, chocolate, raw salad of vegetables like onion, cabbage, radish and peppers. Avoid
unripe, high pectin fruits such as unripe apple. Chew the food properly. Do not skip meals. Stop
smoking and cut down on alcohol.
6Idiom-a-day: ³Taken aback´: To be taken aback is to be surprised or startled by a sudden turn
of events. µAback¶ means in a backward direction²toward the rear. It is a word that has
fallen almost into disuse, apart from the phrase µtaken aback¶.
Originally µaback¶ was two words: µa¶ and µback¶, but these became merged into a single word
in the 15 th century.
The word µaround¶ and the new archaic µadown¶ were formed in the same way.
µTaken aback¶ is an allusion to something that is startling enough to make us jump back in
A use of this word was recorded in the London Gazette in 1697: ³I braced my main topsails
aback´. The sails of a ship are said to be µaback¶ when the wind blows them flat against the
masts and spars that support them.
Charles Dickens also used it in his American Notes in 1842: ³I don¶t think I was ever so taken
aback in all my life´.
66The Hindu: The Cherry Blossom flowers are known as µSAKURA¶ in Japan and they
symbolize Japanese culture. They have also blossomed forth in µUeno¶ park in Tokyo. The
flowers started their blooming in the early March of this year in the southernmost island of
Okinawa and have been traveling northward. Thus the Cherry blossom season for this year has
officially begun in Tokyo, Japan.

66 Monday, March 23, 2009: 8:28 AM: The Hindu: Health capsules: ³What is the risk of
having an Angiogram?
One out of 1,000 people die from the Angiogram test, also called the µHeart Catheterization¶.
6Education Plus: Brain Bytes Quiz:
^^ In which Indian city is the Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar International Airport? [Nagpur]
^^ Which Greek mythological creature¶s name was µAsterion¶? [Minotaur]
66Times of India: Wise Track: ³It takes courage to originate- - not imitate´.
6Idiom-a-day: µA Bird in Hand¶: µA bird in the hand is worth two in the bush¶ means it is better
to have a small actual advantage than the chance of a greater one.
The earliest English version of the proverb is from the Bible and was translated into English in
Wycliffe¶s version in 1382, although Latin texts have it from the 13 th century: Ecclesiastes IX- -
³A living dog is better than a dead lion´.
Alternatives that explicitly mention birds in hand come later. The earliest of those is in Hugh
Rhodes¶ µThe Boke of nurture or Schoole of good Manners, circa 1530: ³A byrd in hand²is
worth ten flye at large´.
The term bird in hand must have been known in the USA by 1734, as that is the date when a
small town in Pennsylvania was founded with that name.

662($$(c27(71 23-3-2009: Times of India:

G.K. Chesterton was reported to be absent- minded. Once on a trip, he wired his wife: AM IN
Mrs. Chesterton replied: HOME. You cannot blame her for her misunderstanding (deliberate?)
for the language of the telegram is quite cryptic, because of the ellipses. And daily conversation
is full of elliptical statements. Consider this one for instance:
I was arrested in the zoo yesterday.
Arrested? For what?
Feeding the pigeons.
But what is wrong with that?
I was feeding them to the lions.
The second line is a shorter form for ³I¶m surprised that you were arrested. For what reason were
you arrested?´ However, many of the words have been left out and the statement is made shorter
and crisper. This is known as ellipsis, which is defined as follows: We often leave out words to
avoid repetition, or, in other cases, when the meaning can be understood without them. This is
what is called µellipsis¶. (Michael Swan).
Let us consider ellipsis in dialogues. Quirk and Greenbaum talk about three types of ellipsis:
repetition, expansion and replacement.
REPETITION: Have you spoken to the doctor?
(Yes,) I have (done so).
EXPANSION: Will they lose the game?
Probably (they will lose the game).
REPLACEMENT: Who told your father?
Mary (told my father).
According to Close, there are certain contexts where ellipsis is not permitted.
(i) Ellipsis does not normally occur with the verbs BE, HAVE and DO if they are used as
auxiliaries in one clause and as full verbs in another.
Mary was terrified and was clutching my hands.
That man had a gun and had threatened to use it.
(ii) The object cannot be omitted at the end of a sentence but can take the form of a pronoun.
My father planned all these houses and my elder brother built them.
(iii) The subject and verb of a subordinate clause cannot be ellipted.
The headmaster was kind to us although he disapproved of the way we dressed.
Famous quotations are often remembered easily because they are elliptical; their authors have so
exploited the language as to get the maximal meaning out of minimal number of words. Here are
some for instance:
Experience: A comb life gives you after you have lost your hair.
To err is human, to forgive, divine.
Men are born to succeed, not fail.
Arguing with a fool proves there are two.
Be careful to avoid elliptical bloopers like this sign in an Indian maternity hospital:

66Tuesday, March 24, 2009:8:44 A.M: The Hindu:

Marriage Galore: µJust Joking: A classified ad which read ³Wife Wanted´ received hundreds of
responses, all from men saying: ³You can have mine!´ 
One more: Mars and Venus: ³Wild horses couldn¶t drag a secret out of most women. However,
women seldom have lunch with wild horses.- - -Ivern Boyett.
6: From Young World: Emperor Jehangir, who legend says was so captivated by Kashmir¶s
beauty that he exclaimed, ³AGAR FIRDAUS BA-RU-I-ZAMIZ AST, HAMIN AST U HAMIN
AST¶ (If there is a paradise on Earth, it is here, it is here).
6 Dear Nandhu: µA farmer, his daughter, the policeman and his wife won the lottery, and
divided the prize into three. All of them got an equal share. How?¶
Answer: The farmer¶s daughter is the policeman¶s wife.
One more: µA doctor gives you three pills telling you to take one every half an hour. How long
would the pills last?¶
Answer: One Hour only. (You take the first pill at the start of the hour, one after 30 minutes and
one at the end of the hour.)
Y.W.Quiz: In which continent is Patagonia? Answer: South America.
>What is the capital of the country where one can visit the temple of Karnak?
Answer: Cairo (Egypt).
6KNOW YOUR ENGLISH: ³When I asked my boss for a raise he µgot on his soapbox¶ about
the importance of «´
This expression is mostly used in informal contexts. The term means that the person expressed
strong opinions about something.
Another example: µA week ago, my uncle got on his soapbox about the evils of the Internet.
³When you take a stroll µdown memory lane¶, you recall some of the happy events that happened
in the past´. It is also possible to say µtake a trip down memory lane¶.
A µsteadfast friend¶? Who is he? µHe is a loyal friend¶. µA dependable friend¶
The word µfast¶ has many meanings. One of them is µsteady¶ or µfixed¶. For example people talk
about µfast colors¶.
Maybe we should ask for µfast politicians¶.
³Oh, we already have those! µFast¶ in some contexts means µwithout moral principles¶.
Tailpiece: ³In politics, absurdity is not a handicap´. - - -Napoleon Bonaparte.
66Times of India: µWise track¶: ³There is nothing like a dream to help plan your future´.
6Health facts: Some great healing foods for diabetes are Bengal gram, bitter gourd (karela),
Fenugreek (methi seeds), grapefruit, Indian gooseberry (Amla), groundnuts, jambu fruit (jamun),
kidney beans (rajmah), lime, lettuce, mango leaves and soybeans.

6Idiom-a-day: µBunch of Fives¶:

A bunch of fives represents a fist. The fives are five fingers.
The phrase appears in print in 1825, in Charles Westmacott¶s, µThe English Spy¶. Says: ³With
their bunch of fives´.
It is also reported as appearing, slightly earlier, in Boxiana by Pierce Egan, 1821. Boxiana is a
classic work on boxing history and folklore, and just the place to look for such a reference. It
isn¶t easy to obtain copies of it these days, so that hasn¶t been confirmed here as yet.
6Marriage Galore: ³Smile, it¶s the second best thing you can do with your lips´.

6Wednesday, March 25, 2009: 4:54 PM: Times of India:

Wise track: µLeadership is about stewardship, not ownership¶.
6 Health Facts: µThe most common medicinal uses of tamarind- - and the ingredients for which ‰
it has been used in the pharmaceutical industry- - are for digestive symptoms and to lower body
temperature during a fever. Tamarind pulp is known for its use as a laxative, and to relieve
indigestion and gas. It is also used to treat inflammation, arthritis, sore throats and sunstroke.
6 Idiom-a-day: µDaniel Come to Judgment¶: A Daniel come to Judgment is someone who
makes a wise judgment about something that has previously proven difficult to resolve.
This doubtless alludes to the Biblical character Daniel, who was attributed with fine powers of
judgement. In Daniel 5:14 (King James Version) we have ³I have even heard of thee, that the
spirit of the gods is in thee, and that light and understanding and excellent wisdom is found in
The first use of the phrase as we now know it is from Shakespeare¶s µThe Merchant of Venice¶,
1596: SHYLOCK: ³A Daniel come to judgement! Yea, a Daniel. O wise young judge, how I do
honour thee!´
[My notes: Shakespeare¶s µThe Merchant of Venice¶ was prescribed in original and in full for my
Intermediate class, Madras University, in St. Xavier¶s College, Palayamkottai.]

6 Dear Nandhu: The following problem is easy to solve, if you read it carefully.
Mind bender: µHow much money would I have had if, in spending 1/5 and then 1/5 of the
remaining, I had altogether spent Rs.36? [Answer: Rs 100/= only.]
My solution to the problem:
Assume that I had x rupees.
Originally I spent 1/5 of it, that is 1/5 x Rs.
Therefore, the balance is x-1/5 x =4/5xRs.
From this balance left with, I spent 1/5 of this. That is to say, I spent 4/5 x multiplied by 1/5 that
comes to 4/25x.Rs.
Hence totally I spent 1/5 x + 4/25 x = 5/25 x + 4/25 x or 9/25 x. Rs.
The amount spent is given as Rs. 36. i.e. 9/25 x = Rs. 36, from which x = Rs.100/ =.
Check: Originally, 100 multiplied by 1/5 = Rs.20. Balance is 100- 20 = Rs. 80.
Later, 80 multiplied by 1/5 = Rs. 16. Totally spent = 20 + 16 = Rs. 36.O.K
66 Thursday, March 26, 2009: 9:11 AM: The Hindu: Health Capsules:
What are some examples of µPhytochemicals¶?
The most commonly known Phytochemicals are:
Capsaicin : Found in Chili peppers.
Beta-carotene: Found in Carrots.
Curcumin: Found in Curry.
Lycopene: Found in tomatoes.
Phyto Estrogens: Found in Soy.
Proanthoycyanidins: Found in Berries.
Probiotics: Found in Yogurt. And
Sulforaphane: Found in Broccoli.
6Times of India: Wise track: µHesitate in giving advice unless you are asked.¶
6Health Facts: µ Plenty of green vegetables, which contain high amounts of vitamin C will
improve immunity. Drinking enough water is fundamental to good health. A regular flow of
water makes it difficult for harmful bacteria to breed inside the body. Lemon is a superb cleanser
and has many antiseptic properties to flush out the system. Cutting back on refined sugars and
processed junk foods is also essential in order to allow the body to fight infection.

66Times Of India: 27-3-2009:Friday:
³Solve the anagram to get the name of a famous U.S.actor: µSlovenly steel star¶´.
Answer: µSylvester Stallone¶
6An-idiom-a-day: ³A Dish Fit for the Gods´: It is an offering of high quality. It originates from
Shakespeare¶s Julius Caesar, 1601.

66Saturday, March 28, 2009:10:55 AM: Health Facts: ³Aloe can purportedly do so much more
than soothe irritated skin. Taken internally, it can be used as a laxative and can destroy certain
bacteria or parasites in the intestines. Claims include that it can help heat ulcers and settle a
queasy stomach. The gel from the plant has the ability to heal sin, control the accumulation of
fluids, and reduce pain.´
6Idiom-a-day: µA Fate Worse Than Death¶: It is any misfortune that, would make life unlivable;
especially something like rape. The phrase was formally a euphemism for rape. This attested to
the belief that a dishonored woman was better off dead. It is still used, but ironically of late. That
earlier view was expressed in Gibbon¶s µDecline and Fall of The Roman Empire, 1781:´ The
matrons and virgins of the Roman Empire were exposed to injuries more dreadful, in the
apprehension of chastity, than death itself´. The current version of the phrase was used in several
works from 1810 onwards but was probably brought into public use via Edgar Rice Burroughs¶s
widely read µTarzan of the apes, 1914: ³The ape threw her roughly across his broad, hairy
shoulders, and leaped back into the trees, bearing Jane Porter away toward a fate a thousand
times worse than death´.
66The Hindu: µHow can pepper help my digestion?
³Black pepper contains piperine, which is effective in improving the uptake of nutrients. Piperine
can greatly increase nutrient uptake. So shake that pepper shaker.´

66Sunday, March 29, 2009: 9:11 A.M: Times of India:

Ragging is known as ,;! in U.S.
6¶If you spray an antiseptic spray on a polar bear, its fur will turn purple¶.
69 !.c!cc µCarmine¶, a red pigment used in paints, inks, and food coloring is collected
from crushed insects¶. [AYYE! Horrible! - -S.S]

6 !## ,$c< c!cc'! ³It is a small but irritating flaw that spoils the whole
thing. These days ointments are chiefly used for medicinal purposes. In earlier times though,
ointments were used in creams or oils with a cosmetic for ceremonial use. Literally ointment was
the substance one was anointed with. The phrase has a Biblical origin²Ecclesiastes 10:1, King
James Version.
66: Pc! Oats, the High Energy Food: µAdding oats to your daily diet could be the key
to controlling diabetes¶.
Make your Idli more nutritious by adding oats to it.
Use rolled oats or crushed bran cereal instead of breadcrumbs.
Dry oats uthappam, oatbran upma, oat paratha, toast with oats, oatmeal porridge are suggested.
Oats contain-
Rich source of Vitamin B complex²good for nervous system and for strengthening bones.
A high concentration of Calcium, protein, magnesium, iron, zinc, copper, manganese, thiamin
and Vitamin E, compared to other whole grain foods such as wheat and rye.

It is power packed with Phytoestrogens, Phytochemicals to help fight diseases and
Flavonoids that help prevent heart disease and cancer.
Oats are rich in beta-glucan, a soluble fiber that helps lower cholesterol.
66Monday, March 30, 2009: 8:18 AM: The Hindu: Brain bytes Quiz:
Who wrote the acclaimed work µTo Kill A Mocking Bird that was also made into a famous
film? Answer: Harper Lee.
To a Japanese, what day of the week is µgetsuyoubi¶? Answer: Monday.
Which letter of the alphabet is used to denote impedance in A.C. circuits? Answer: µZ¶.
6 Dina Malar: Computer Malar: Page 11: Dear Nandhu, µwhat is Yahoo?
It is not a word that you shout when you are in a joyful mood! It is an abbreviated form for, µYet
Another Hierarchical Officious Oracle¶.
Two scholars doing their Doctorate in Stanford University in the U.S. found this technology and
named it and abbreviated it as µYahoo¶.
Their names are: David Pylo and Jerry Yang. [Yang¶s name suggests that he might be a
Chinese- - S.S.]

6P!c)c !c, !#c#cc ³A fool¶s Paradise´: A fool¶s paradise is a state of happiness

based on false hope. An early phrase, first recorded, in the Paston Letters, 1462: ³ I would not be
in a µfolis paradyce¶´. Shakespeare later used it in µRomeo and Juliet¶.
62c2 30-3-2009, Times of India:
Two families were settling the terms and conditions of a matrimonial alliance.
The bride¶s representatives asked, ³ What make of fridge would you like?´
The bridegroom¶s uncle replied, ³We possess the latest brand´.
³Microwave oven?´
³We already have one´.
³We have theatre-size´.
³What about an A.C?´
³Don¶t worry. By God¶s grace we have all electrical gadgets.´
³Then what should we give with our daughter?´ asked the worried father.
The bridegroom¶s father replied, ³Just give us a generator to run all these items.´
The above story is from Khushwant Singh¶s Joke Book VI. This provides an excellent example
of economy of language use, facilitated by ellipsis.
If you would like your speech to sound crisp and natural, you must avoid verbiage at all costs.
Good speakers adopt the principle of economy and scrupulously avoid unnecessary repetition.
We, Indians often sound non-native, because we haven¶t mastered the nuances of being short and
Let us consider some ways of using minimal language to achieve maximum impact. As we have
seen earlier, ellipsis is a good technique. We omit words not strictly necessary, to avoid
repetition. Here are some ways in which ellipsis could help us.
In informal speech, we can leave out unstressed words-like articles, possessives, personal
pronouns, auxiliary verbs and the preparatory, µthere¶.
Car¶s damaged. (The car . . .)
Wife¶s in Dubai. (My wife. . . )
Must rush. (I must . . . )
Seen David? (Have you seen . . . )
Nobody here. (There is nobody. . . ) ·
Auxiliary verbs can be left out before personal pronouns except µI¶ and µIt´.
You ready? ( Are you ready?)
She want something? ( Does she . . . )
But you can¶t say, µI late?¶ or µIt raining?¶
In British English ellipsis is quite common in sentences that have some sort of a tag in the end.
Can¶t swim myself.
French, aren¶t you?
(It¶s a) Nice day, isn¶t it?
(She was) Talking to my husband, wasn¶t she?
Instead of repeating a whole infinitive, we could simply use µto¶.
Are you and Shivani getting married?
We hope to.
Have a good time.
I¶ll try to.
A word of warning. Be careful in using ellipsis. Otherwise you may land in a soup, as the
following examples show.
Laugh at your problems. Everyone else does. [It doesn¶t rather mean that everyone enjoys when
you face problems²S.S]
Two Soviet ships collide. One dies. [Ship or a sailor?- - S.S]
Squad helps dog bite victim. [Does the squad help the dog to bite, or prevent the victim against
dog bite? - - S.S]
Enraged cow injures farmer with axe. [Does the cow carry an axe to injure the farmer? - -S.S]
A sign at a lady doctor¶s clinic: ³Specialist in women and other diseases´. [Do women form part
of diseases?- - S.S]

66Tuesday, March 31, 2009: 9:37 AM: P!c)c !c,!c+ †c" Which
does not belong in this group: Apple, grape, banana, cherry, pear?
Answer: Banana- - It is the only one that needs to be peeled.
6 !##cc$c<c cPc† It is an introduction or way in to something, made in
order that progress may be made later.
This may be just describing someone who steps over the threshold of a property, or someone
putting a foot in the door in order to prevent it from closing and so continue a conversation.
We now use µfoot in the door¶ in a figurative sense, with a similar meaning to µthe thin end of
the wedge¶. It was the technique of jamming a foot in the door to prevent it closing.
All the early examples of this are from the U.S.A.
6Pc!ccc !c How is the word µPorsche¶ pronounced?
Like- - µPOURSH¶ or µPOUR-sha¶. Either way the stress is on µpour¶. Porsche is the name of a
German car manufacturer, producing luxury cars. Ferdinand Porsche founded the company in
What is the difference between µacademic¶ and µacademician¶?
µAcademic¶: The word is pronounced µa-ke-DEM-ik, with stress on the third syllable.
µAcademician¶: This word is pronounced µe-ka-de-MISH-en¶, with stress on the fourth syllable.

Both µacademic¶ and µacademician¶ mean the same. They refer to someone who µteaches at a
college or studies as part of his job. Careful users of the language, however, prefer µacademic¶ to
µacademician¶ to refer to such a person.
Which is correct? µI think I¶m going to lay down for a while¶ or µI think I¶m going to lie down
for a while¶?
When policemen surround the bad guys, the first thing they say is, µWe have you surrounded.
Lay down your weapons¶: meaning µput down your weapons¶.
If you are planning on getting some sleep or merely stretching yourself out on the bed, then you
are planning to µlie down¶.
The word µlie¶ s normally used when you wish to change from a vertical to a horizontal position!
If you would like to place or put something somewhere, then you use the word µlay¶.
³Vrinda laid the plates on the table.´
The past tense of µlie¶ is µlay¶ and this often creates a problem.
What is the meaning of the expression µin clover¶?
When people are µin clover¶ they are µextremely content¶. They are living in comfort, and have
no financial worries.
³They struggled for over twenty years, and now they¶re in clover´.
Tailpiece: ³Women who seek to be equal with men lack ambition´- Timothy Leary.
6!c2 3 [Mangayar Malar, April 2009, Page28] An American lady, Erica, has
recently married the famous Eiffel Tower of Paris, France. She has also changed her name as
µErica la Toure Eiffel¶.
Such people who are crazy and fall in love with inanimate objects are known as ,'+=*c
&>  [Translation by S.S.]
66Wednesday, April 01, 2009: 7:48 AM:
Joking! : ³I am not a schizophrenic, neither am I.
6Idiom-a-day: A Friend in Need: This means µsomeone who needs your help becomes friendly
in order to obtain it. Most people understand it to mean, µsomeone who helps you when you are
in need is a true friend¶.
A version of this proverb was known by the third century B.C. Quintus Ennius wrote: ³Amicu
Certus in re incerta cernitur´. This translates from the Latin, as µa sure friend is known when in
The Oxford Dictionary of Quotations lists it as existing in English from the eleventh century.
The earliest version that can be found is from Caxton¶s Sonnets of Aymon, 1489.
³It is sayd, that at the need the friende is knowen´.
Whenever one thinks of friendship one thinks of Damon and Pythias.

66Thursday, April 02, 2009: 8:08 AM: Times of India: µIdiom-a-day¶:

On a hiding to nothing: ³On a hiding to nothing is to be faced with a situation which is pointless,
as a successful outcome is impossible. This is usually expressed in terms of a sporting contest in
which one of two outcomes is foreseen, either a hiding or nothing.
The µto¶ in the phrase indicates alternative outcomes, as in terms like µ6 to 1¶ or µdollars to
The phrase is known from the early twentieth century and originated as horse racing parlance.
6From µThuglak¶, dated, 8-4-2009: µVinod¶s pages¶; Page 34 of the journal:
A sports runner (sprinter) boasted himself and exclaimed: ³ I can run faster than my own

³One crowded hour of glorious life is worth an age without a name´, says, Sir Walter Scott.
66Times of India: 3-3-2009, Friday: A galactic year is 250 million earth-years. This is the time
it takes for our solar system to make one revolution around the Milky Way Galaxy.
6 The Hindu dated 3-3-2009, Friday: How can I protect my bones from Osteoporosis?
Take low-dose Aspirin. Research shows it helps protect bone stem cells and prevents resorption.
³World¶s shortest sermon: ³KEEP RIGHT´.
66Saturday, April 04, 2009: 8:52 AM: Times of India: ³To improve is to change; to be perfect
is to change often.
6The Hindu, 4-3-2009: ³After you make your habits, your habits make you´.

66Sunday, April 05, 2009, 9:18 AM Times of India: Page11:

³God is the experience of looking at a tree and saying, µAh. . . !¶´. - - Kahlil Gibran. [Vide:
What is a staycation? [Page 15]: A staycation is a neologism in vogue, where a person or
family stays home instead of taking expensive and stressful vacations to exotic locations. It is a
new travel word.
³Winning is not everything, it¶s only thing´.
Idiom-a-day: ³Little Knowledge´: The proverb µa little knowledge is a dangerous thing¶
means that a small amount of knowledge can cause people to think they are more expert than
they really are.
This proverb was first used by Alexander Pope (1688-1744) in µAn Essay on Criticism¶, 1709:
³A little learning is a dangerous thing; drink deep, or taste not the Pierian spring; there shallow
draughts intoxicate the brain, and drinking largely sobers us again´.

66: Monday, April 06, 2009: 8:06 AM: Times of India: c,2c2
³Who does it belong to the blue of the sky
On a beautiful morning in September?
Who does it belong to the singing of the bird
In the trees by the river?
Who does it belong to the smile on your face
When we happen to meet among the crowd?
This poem, copyright of Longman Group, UK Ltd. 1992, has been used as a model text to teach
the use of µwho¶ in µCreative Grammar Practice¶.
If my sixth standard teacher had come across this poem, she would have struck the word µwho¶
every time it occurred, and neatly written on top, µwhom¶.
For, till about 50 years ago it was fashionable, nay, correct, to say, µto whom does it belong?¶
However, today we accept, or rather prefer µwho does it belong to?¶
According to Michael Swan, µwhom¶ is unusual in modern English. He would be perfectly
happy with what little Sue¶s mom says:
Mom: Who are you writing to?
Sue: Myself.
Mom: What does the letter say?
Sue: I haven¶t received it yet.
We say that one of the characteristics of language is that it keeps changing. No more do we å
speak the language of Shakespeare or Milton. But change occurs mainly in relation to vocabulary
or pronunciation.
Rules of grammar hardly ever change. However they can, and do, change as the above instances
I asked a group of English teachers to correct the following sentence, if necessary.
³Everybody contributed their share´.
All of them felt it was wrong and came up with the following corrections.
³Everybody gave his share¶. This was vetoed by the feminist teachers who suggested,
³Everybody gave her share´.
The neutral teachers came up with a compromise:
³Everybody gave his or her share´.
Native speakers have rejected it on the grounds that it is rather cumbersome, and settled for
µeverybody gave their share¶, even though the rule of concord is broken between the singular
pronoun µeverybody¶ and the plural pronoun µtheir¶.
We are all too familiar with another usage, as seen in the following conversation:
Teacher: Where did you disappear yesterday?
Sam: Joe and me had gone to the hospital.
Teacher: Say Joe and I.
Sam: No, you were not there!
The use of µme¶ instead of µI¶ is common today. IT¶S ME to IT¶S I, though our teachers taught us
differently. Some of the well known quotes from yesteryears show the subtle change grammar
has undergone through the ages.
³Come, all ye faithful.
Forgive them; they know not what they do.
If thou thou¶st him thrice, it shall not be amiss.
Who steals my purse, steals trash´.

6Wise track: ³Be flexible. Stiffness is a sign of µrigor mortis¶.´

6Health Facts: Vitamin A is vital for vision, particularly night vision. It repairs tissues and
bones and is involved in reproduction and fetal development. Vitamin A helps the immune
system to fight off infections from bacteria and viruses. The best food sources of vitamin A are
milk products, non-fat and low-fat dairy products, dark greens and rich yellow/orange frits and
vegetables, especially carrots, cantaloupes and sweet potatoes.
6 Idiom-a-day: µA No Brainer¶: A no-brainer is something that requires little mental effort or
intelligence to perform or understand. The term is often applied to decisions which are
straightforward or sometimes to people who appear to lack intelligence.
No-brainer is American in origin and first began being used there in the 1950¶s.
This is from Tom Alibrandi¶s 1979 novel µKillshot¶: ³I¶ll unanimously be voted the no-brainer-
of-the ±month award´.
6From µDinamalar¶, µComputer Malar¶: April, 6th 2009: Page22:
The µQWERTY¶ key board on a type writer is 130 years old.
The longest English word, which is in alphabetical order, is µAlmost¶.
You have to keep quiet, and hear what others say: That is you have to be µSilent¶ and µListen¶
to others. Strangely both the words contain the same English letters.
6The Hindu: Education Plus: Brain Bytes: ’
Who are known to speak a dialect called µMuderschprooch¶? [Answer: The Amish]
In what country is µIndian ink¶ said to have originated? [Answer: China]
66 An important information and requirement: Guidance from Dinamalar, Computer Malar,
Dated, 6-4-2009, page 20and 21:
Dial * # 06 # and you can identify your fifteen digit cell phone identification number, called
IMEI, or International Mobile Equipment Number.
Thus the cell phone number, 99 520 31 102, in my name, S.Subramanian, has IMEI number 354
820 015 259 107, and
Seatha¶s cell phone number, 98 40 21 17 08, has IMEI number, 352 958 001 647 067.
66 Tuesday, 7 April, 2009: 8:34 AM: The Hindu: ³Know your English:
How is the word µstatute¶ pronounced?
Like µSTA-choot, with the stress on the first syllable. A statute is a law in general, especially
applicable to the rules that govern educational institutions.
What is the meaning of µpet peeve¶?
µPeeve¶, rhymes with µleave¶, or µweave. It means that you don¶t like the activity or behavior at
all. You, in fact hate it. It is something that you complain about quite frequently. It is also
possible to say, µpet hate¶.
³Students coming late to class. It¶s Meera¶s pet peeve.
What is the meaning of µprofundity¶?
Firstly, the word is pronounced µpre- FUN-de- ti¶, with the stress on the second syllable. It is of a
statement that runs deep. The person who has made the remark has a clear and deep
understanding the problem.
What is the difference between µharbor someone¶ and µhouse someone¶?
The nouns µharbor¶ and µhouse¶ can be used as verbs as well. When you µhouse¶ someone or
something, you are providing shelter to the person or thing.
³It is not possible to house all your relatives in this small flat of ours´.
The word µharbor¶ when used as a verb has a negative connotation. When you harbor someone,
you are performing an illegal act. You are providing shelter to someone who is wanted by the
law. Fugitives and criminals are harbored.
³Harish didn¶t know that he was harboring a terrorist´.
Is it okay to say, µHe returned back home¶?
There is no need for you to say µreturn back; the word µback¶ is redundant. It is okay to say
µcome back¶. µturn back¶, and µget back¶, but not µreturn back¶.
³Please return the book to the library by this evening´
Tailpiece: ³Society, my dear, is like salt water, good to swim in but hard to swallow´.- - Arthur
6Dear Nandhu: Young World: µMathemagic´: Meena has to climb 100 steps to reach the
entrance of the temple. She offers flowers at every step- - 1 on the first step, 2 on the second step
and so on. How many flowers should Meena carry before she begins to climb?
The sum of µn¶ consecutive numbers is n (n+1)/2. We know it and have even derived it.
In this case: Number of steps=100. So the total number of flowers= 100(100+1)/2 or 100
multiplied by 101/2, that gives us the result 5050 flowers.
6 Times of India: µWise track: µManage yourself, lead others¶.
Health Facts: The flesh of cucumbers is primarily composed of water but also contains ascorbic ’p
acid (vitamin C) and caffeic acid, both of which help soothe skin irritations and reduce swelling.
Their hard skin is rich in fiber and contains a variety of beneficial minerals including silica,
potassium and magnesium.
Dear Nandhu: Mind bender: Assign every letter of the alphabet its numerical value: A=1, B=2,
C=3, and so on up to Z=26. Can you think of a familiar seven-letter word whose letter values
total only 21? Answer: CABBAGE.

Idiom-a- day: ³Pig in a poke´: It is an offering or deal that is foolishly accepted without being
examined first. A µpoke¶ is a small sack or bag that would be useful for carrying a piglet to
market. The word µpoke¶ is the origin for the word µpocket¶. The word is still in use in several
English- speaking countries, notably Scotland and USA.
A pig that is in a poke may turn out to be no pig at all. If a merchant tried to cheat by substituting
a lower value animal, the trick could be uncovered by letting the cat out of the bag.
Fraser¶s Magazine (1858) reprinted a piece from Richard Hill¶s (or Hille¶s) Common-place
Book, 1530, which gave this advice to market traders: ³When ye proffer the pigge open the
66Wednesday, April 08, 2009: 7:31 AM: µTimes of India: Idiom-a-day: ³A Sea Change:
µA sea change¶ is a radical and apparently mystical change. The origins of the phrase are from
Shakespeare¶s µThe Tempest¶, 1610:
Ariel [sings]
³Full fathom five thy father lies;
Of his bones are coral made;
Those are pearls that were his eyes;
Nothing of him that doth fade,
But doth suffer a sea-change,
Into something rich and strange.
Sea-nymphs hourly ring his knell´.
6Dear Nandhu: Mind Bender: µFind a number whose double exceeds its half by exactly 99¶.
Answer: 66.
Solution by S.S: Let that number be x.
Its double is 2x.
It exceeds its half, i.e. (x+2x) 2 or 1.5 x.
This is given to be exactly equal to 99. That is to say 1.5 x = 99, or, x, the number in question is
99 1.5=66. [Actually the twist of the problem is in the wordings only- - S.S]

66Thursday, April 09, 2009: 9:06 AM: Times of India: Idiom-a-day:

$c&c!cc$ µA shot in the arm¶ is a stimulus. Origins lie in the invigorating effect of an
injection of drugs. A shot is of course US slang for an injection, either of a narcotic or medicinal
drug. The term has been in use since around the beginning of the 20th century.
6Thuglak, 15-4-2009, Vinod¶s pages: page 37 of the magazine:
A little bit of cinema: The late Gemini Ganesan could sing very well. His voice would resemble
that of the famous north Indian singer Saigal¶s of yester years. The information was given by
none other than P.B.Srinivas, who could compose songs in many languages and sing sweetly too.
A rare and new information not heard of so far. [Even Dr.Kamala Selvaraj, daughter of µGemini¶
has not revealed this so far. - -S.S]
Vinod about P.B.S: ³The secret of the man who is universally interesting is that he is universally
66 Friday, April 10, 2009: 1:02:09 PM: Times of India:
 c<* Celery contains vitamin C and several other active compounds that promote
health, including phthalides, which may help lower cholesterol, and coumarins, that may be
useful in cancer prevention.
The word µdiamond¶ comes from the Greek word µadamas¶, which means unconquerable.
!##c$c&c&!c A µsorry sight¶ is something which is regrettable and
unwelcome aspect or feature. Now also used to mean something or someone of untidy
The origin is from Shakespeare¶s Macbeth, 1605:
Macbeth: Hark! Who lies I¶ the second chamber?
Lady Macbeth: Donalbain.
Macbeth: This is a sorry sight. [Looking on his hands]
Lady Macbeth: A foolish thought, to say a sorry sight. The picture shows an artifact from The
National Museum of Iraq, which is now a sorry sight.

!#?c@6Ac Did you ever wonder where in Chennai distances were measured from?
No, it is not from the Central Station or from the CMBT. The next time you pass by the
Muthusami Iyer Bridge ±the one that connects Island Grounds and Fort Station ± stop at the
center of the bridge to read the milestone. It says Chennai-0, [NH45]. It is from here that all
distances in Chennai are measured. [This is indeed a very useful information.]
$c ! c+!c)c!c$+c&!c& She says: ³I can¶t say which is my home town. I
grew up in Hardwar, went to school in Dehra Dun, college in Delhi and now, I live in Mumbai.´
$c2c:5 A Sardarji took a few small Bengali kids from his residential colony for a walk.
On way, his friend asked the Sardarji who the kids were. Our Sardarji introduced the kids to his
ÑSee, this kid is Chatter; this boy is Banner; and this small boy is Mukher´.
Sardarji¶s friend had not heard names like that before, and therefore Sardarji explained to him,
that the boys were so small, that he was reluctant to add ÑJI´ after their names, and make them
look big.
[Venkatraman, Surabhi¶s friend at IPCL said this joke to me, at Baroda, long ago probably in the
year 1992. O, what nice days!]
66Saturday, April 11, 2009: 8:38 AM:
Dear Nandhu, ³ I scream for ice-cream. Do you also want to scream?´ [S.S]
Times-of ±India: !#P*5c ³The mind grows by the books it feeds on´.
!#+ Solve the anagram µCalamity to a Soul´, to get the name of a famous English
authoress. [Answer: µLouisa May Alcott¶.]
!##c&!c)c&ccA µsight for sore eyes¶ is a welcome visitor- - someone you
are glad to see. This phrase was first recorded by Jonathan Swift, in µA complete Collection of
Genteel and Ingenious Conversation, 1738: ³The sight of you is good for sore eyes¶.
P!cc cc$cc=5 Professor Seetharama Iyer Sir comes to my father-in-
law at Shencottah and asks him: ³Dei, Mooka! I heard, Ramakrishnan¶s wife has delivered of a
baby at Kalakkad. Have you become a grandfather or grandmother?´
[My father-in -law said this joke that had really happened on him. What Seetharamier Sir wanted
to know is whether Ramakrishnan¶s wife had given birth to a baby boy or baby girl or in other
words whether a grandson or granddaughter had been born to µMookan¶. - - S.S]
Ñ appiness or sorrow-
whatever befalls you,
walk on
untouched, unattached´.
A tough, old time Indian fighter came struggling back into camp seven shone arrows piercing his
chest and legs. A doctor examined him and remarked, ÑAmazing stamina! Don¶t they hurt?´
The old timer grunted, ÑOnly when I laugh´.
6 Æ % Ñ ! 

³You can see that one day is sandwiched between two nights, and you can also see two beautiful
days sandwiching one small night.
Choose how you want to feel- to be in Heaven or hell´.
66Sunday, April 12, 2009: 7:18 AM:
6 Ñou were born as nobody and you will die as nobody
And between these two points of nobodiness
ou remain nobody, just deceiving yourself that
ou are this and you are that´.
6Truth knows no fifty-fifty
It has to be a hundred per cent pure;
Otherwise it is worse than a lie.
6 Sunday Times: 2c&!c³If you want others to be happy, practice compassion; if you
want to be happy, practice compassion. [Dalai Lama].
³An average city dog lives approximately three years longer than an average country dog´.

!##c$cP!5c†c A µTinker¶s damn¶ is something that is insignificant or
worthless. There is some debate over whether this phrase should be µTinker¶s dam¶- a small dam
to hold solder, made by tinkers when mending pans.
The phrase is often used in the negative sense as ³don¶t give a tinker¶s dam about something´,
meaning µbe absolutely indifferent about it¶.
c$+c1cc!c!cc, Madras Tamizh¶ is quite distinct from the language spoken
in Madurai or Coimbatore, for its liberal (mis) use of words from other languages and contexts.
When something is µOSSI¶ in Chennai, it means it is free of cost. W ?
OCS in Æailway jargon stands for µOn Company Service¶ and these parcels traveled free on the
trains. That got shortened to OC.
Similarly, KD (meaning a petty crook) comes from the old Chennai Police abbreviation for
µKnown Delinquent¶.
[My comments: For OC, I have heard people say it as µat Other¶s Cost¶ and for KD, it is µKnown
Depredator¶, meaning a plunderer.]
# Chennai has five sister cities- Volgogard, Denver, Cairo, Frankfurt and San Antonio.
µSister cities¶ is a concept whereby towns with similar size and demographics are paired to
foster cultural links at a municipal level.
$cc*!c8!.5c Vivekh holds a Master¶s degree in Commerce, and a Bachelor¶s
in law. e quit his job as an Assistant Section Officer in the Secretariat.
Off screen, Vivekh believes in God and destiny.
In recognition of his socially-relevant comedy, the Government of India honors him with a
Padmashree title on the Tamizh New ear Day, falling on April 14th this year, 2009.
Vivekh is now 47-years old and has acted in nearly 100 films.
[My views: He holds Dr. Abdul Kalam, Former President of India, in greatest esteem. Dr. Kalam
loves him too and likes his socially relevant humor very much.]

66<cc&!c:5c95c-c Cc
A semi-literate but rich business man intending to make a bequest to a co-educational institution
was dissuaded from doing so by one who wanted the money for his own boys¶ school.
ÑDo you know that in the co-ed school boys and girls share the same curriculum?´ he asked the
donor. Moreover they matriculate together´. To drive the point home, he added: ÑAnd worse
than that they spend most of their time in Seminars.´
The bequest was never made.
Professor Viswanathan from Mangalore writes about his English teacher¶s advice that the
µJorality¶ of the composition lies in the µDadabudality¶ in the usage of words. (Page: 66.)
is joke book-vol3: Page 12: In Pune cantonment they have a separate mess for officers of the
Intelligence Bureau. The signboard reads: ÑINTELLIGENCE MESS´.
The best is the signboard on a bakery:
ÑBakery Number One´
Dilruba & Sons
ÑThe biggest loafers in Town´
66Monday, April 13, 2009: 8:25 AM: The Hindu: Brain bytes: Quiz:
On whose work was Satyajit Ray¶s µApu Trilogy¶ based? [Bibhutibhushan Bandopadhyay]
Papeete is the capital of. . . ? [French Polynesia]
Which dwarf planet has the satellites Nix and Hydra? [Pluto]
Name the comic book cowboy known to shoot faster than his shadow. [Lucky Luke]
William Frederic Cody is better known as . . .? [µBuffalo¶ Bill ]
6Times of India: Idiom-a-day: ³Across the board´: This means embracing all classes or
categories without exception.
Ibid, page 10: The custom of preparing Vishu Kani has been followed for generations. The
women take a large dish made of bell-metal (Venkala Uruli), arrange in it a Grantha (palm-leaf
manuscript), a gold ornament, a new cloth, (new clothes-S. S), some flowers from the Konna
Tree (Konnai Maram-S.S (Cassia Fistula), some coins in a silver cup, a split coconut, a
cucumber, some mangoes and a jack-fruit. On either side of the dish are placed two burning
lamps with a chair facing it. Family members are taken blindfolded and then their blindfolds are
removed and they view the Vishnu Kani. A huge feast to celebrate the NEW YEAR follows this.
c2c2 I had been sitting in the Doctor¶s waiting room a long time. Every chair was
filled and some patients were standing. There was desultory conversation, but after a while
silence fell and we sat waiting, waiting, waiting. Finally an old man stood up wearily and
remarked, ³Well, I guess I¶d  go home and die a natural death´.
According to Tim Bowen, rather is a rather odd word. It is an adverb of degree derived from an
old adjective rathe, which means quick .The comparative form of the adjective, rather, has
stayed on with us to this day. Rather is fairly used in British English. Its usage is less common in
American English.
The word rather is used in different contexts with different meanings. Here are some of the most
popular uses of the word:
As an adverb of degree it means quite or fairly but is more emphatic. It can suggest µmore than
is usual¶ or µmore than is expected¶.
The stressed out store clerk quits and becomes a cop. ³How is the new job?´ his friend asks.
³Rather good. Of course the pay is bad and the hours are awful, but I love that the customer is
always wrong.
The expression rather than is normally used in parallel structure and shows preference.
³I prefer starting early rather than leaving things to the last minute´.
µWould rather¶ means µwould prefer to¶. ³Shall we get married?´ ³I¶d rather remain single´
³Will you marry me?´ ³I¶d rather not risk my freedom´.
We can also use would rather to say you would prefer someone to do something.
Wife to husband: ³I¶d rather you got up and saw why the baby is not crying´.
³My wife would rather we did not see each other any more´.
Notice here we have used the past tense form of the verb to indicate present or future meaning.
Æather could also be used to express an opposite opinion.
³A truthful woman is one who won¶t lie about anything, but rather avoid telling you her age,
weight, her husband¶s salary´.
³The ending of the war is not a cause for celebration, but rather regret that it ever happened´.
People often use rather to correct themselves.
³I¶m an imbecile or rather an idiot´.
In old-fashioned British spoken English rather was used to express agreement with someone.
³Don¶t you think grammar is the biggest joke of language?´
³Don¶t worry rather too much about rather. You can still speak rather good English without
rather, but I¶d rather you understood others when they used rather!´

66Proverb: Making hell out of the heaven or heaven out of the hell it¶s all up to us. [My Darling
Nandhu typed this and the following things.]
Joke: What type of underwear packs a punch?
Answer: Boxer shorts
Joke: Teacher: What¶s the difference between an African and an Indian elephant?
Answer: There is about 1000 miles.
Joke: Visiting her family, Mrs. Lord enquired, ³Is it true that certain kinds of vegetables will
stop a child from growing´?
³That depends´, replied the physician, ³on where you put the vegetables´.
Quiz: What were the full names of the three investigators in the Alfred Hitchcock mystery
Answer: Jupiter Jones, Pete Crenshaw and Bob Andrews.

66Tuesday, April 14, 2009: 10:27 AM: The Hindu: Know your English:
How is the word µlitterateur¶ pronounced? ’·
Like µlit-er-re-TIR¶ with the stress on the final syllable. It comes from the Latin µlitterator¶
meaning µcritic¶. A µlitterateur¶ is a literary person; he is usually a man of letters; a professional
What is the difference between µcallous¶ and µcallus¶?
Firstly both words are pronounced µKA-les. µCallous¶ is to be rather cruel. One who has no
sympathy for other people.
³It may sound callous. But I don¶t think you should lend her the money´.

Mars and Venus: ³ Some women hold up dresses that are so ugly and they always say the same
thing: µThis looks much better on¶. On what? On fire? - - RITA RUDNER:
Young World: Whose official residence in London is Lambeth Palace? [Answer: Archbishop
of Canterbury.]
What does µE&OE¶ at the bottom of bills and invoices stand for? [Answer: Errors and
Omissions Excepted.]
 Times of India: Mind bender: Dear Nandhu: James had 17 rings and all but 9 were dropped
down the drain. How many did he have left? [Answer: Nine! Nandhu read the question again
carefully; the catch is in the wordings of the riddle.]
Health Facts: Sweet potatoes are an excellent source of Vitamin A. They also contain good
amounts of Vitamin C and Manganese. In addition, sweet potatoes are a good source of copper,
dietary fiber, vitamin B6, Potassium and Iron

66Wednesday, April 15, 2009: 7:48 AM: Times of India:

Wise track: µGod gives every bird its food but never drops it in their nest¶.
 Health Facts: Turnip greens are an excellent source of Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin E,
Vitamin B6 and folate. They are also an excellent source of minerals like calcium, copper and
manganese. In addition, turnip greens also have healthy levels of dietary fiber.

6Thursday, April 16, 2009: Times of India: Mind Bender: Solve the anagram-- µI am a right
death case¶, to get the name of a famous crime writer. (Answer: Dame Agatha Christie.)
Health Facts: During pregnancy, a woman¶s body needs more iron to produce all the blood
needed to supply nutrition to the placenta. Good sources of iron are green vegetables,
strawberries, muesli and wholemeal bread. Also, iron is better absorbed if taken in conjunction
with Vitamin C.
Idiom-a-day: ³Against the Grain: To do something against the grain is to do it in opposition to
one¶s inclination or preference.
This metaphor refers to the natural direction of the fibers in a piece of wood, called its grain;
when sawed obliquely, or µagainst the grain¶ the wood will tend to splinter. Thus to do µagainst
the grain¶ is to go against the natural order of things.

2))3c(3c !*3c2!3 [Reader¶s Digest, November 2008: Page 104:]

We were really confused. While transcribing medical audiotapes, a colleague came upon the
following garbled diagnosis: ³this man hasc )
Knowing nothing about that particular condition, she double-checked with the doctor. After
listening to the tape, he shook his head.
³This man,´ he said, translating for her, ³has fallen from a tree.´
What does a painting by Pablo Picasso have in common with a vote in the House of
µAyes¶ to the right and, µnoes¶ to the left.´ [Ibid, page134.]

66Friday, April 17, 2009: 8:24 A.M: Times of India:

Wise track: µDoubt whom you will, but never doubt yourself¶.
Mind Bender: µWhich is warmer, a two-inch thick blanket or two blankets one inch thick each?
Answer: µTwo blankets one inch thick each, because the air between them also acts as
Idiom-a-day: ³Put a Bug in Someone¶s Ear: ³It is to give a person a hint about something.
Example: ³Janet put a bug in her husband¶s ear about getting the children a dog for Christmas´.
Although this idiom has been in use since early 1900¶s, the etymology is not very clear.
6 The Hindu: Friday Review: Singer: ½  &     Her father µKulasekaran¶ was
a disciple of Chittoor Subramania Pillai. Mother- - µPoompaavai.¶ Bhushani was first named as
µKulabhushani¶, name of a Raga, a Janya Raga of Keeravani. By age five she had memorized
µShivapuraanam¶. She had completed Sangeeta Vidwan course (Veena and Vocal, two years
each) in 1976 from the Madras Music College. She married Thanjavur Kalyanaraman in 1982.
Her advice to students: ³Listen to different µBaanis¶, but sculpt an individual style.´
And a lot of µCinema¶ today- - from ³Cinema plus: ³Shriya Saran´: µWhat she says¶:
Right now I¶m reading Amitav Ghosh¶s ³Sea of Poppies´. Sometimes, I read three books
I collect books and clothes. I eat a lot. So I don¶t skip my Yoga routine.
I can¶t stay away from my friends. I have always µdance¶ in my mind.
Issur Danielovitch is better known as . . . ? [Answer: Kirk Douglas.]
Which film star was elected to the Lok Sabha from the Tiruchendur Constituency in 1998?
[Answer: Ramarajan.] c
Æ'  She hails from Srirangam. Having lost her father at an early age, and being the eldest,
she had to take care of the family. So she came to Chennai in 1985 in search of work. She joined
Komal Swaminathan¶s drama troupe. She has acted in over 75 Malayalam films. Actor Geetha
introduced her to K.Balachndar, for small screen acting.
She has married K.Kumaran, Chairman and Managing Director of µAloha India¶, which conducts
advanced ABACUS and Mental Arithmetic Programmes. Today it has 1200 centers in India. She
has received µNandi Award¶ in Andhra Pradesh, Ugadi Puruskar award, and Onida Pinnacle
Award for a TV serial µKadhal Pagadai¶.
[My Notes: Shankar saw µPorutham¶ to Renuka and Kumaran, and predicted excellent future for
both of them after their marriage. Shankar¶s prediction comes true. Renuka¶s younger brother
µParasuraman¶ was my staff in West Mabalam Section of the TNEB, when I was SE/South. I
pleaded for his permanency a few months before my retirement. I don¶t know what is his present
position. Renuka used to be very cordial and jovial too. She used to perform µNamaskaarams¶
five times to me and to Seatha, in typical Vaishnav style whenever she used to come to our
house. Seatha and myself attended her marriage.]

66Sunday, April 19, 2009: 12:38 PM: Times of India: ³Fact of the Matter´: ³Being unmarried
can shorten a man¶s life by ten years´.
Quote: ³A quitter never wins and a winner never quits´.
Idiom-a-Day: ³Ankle biter´: Ankle Biter means a small child. It is also applied to small dogs. ’’
This phrase has a contemporary feel, but it was first recorded in the mid 19th century. First
spotted in Harper¶s Magazine, September 1850, the line read, ³And how are you, John? And
how¶s Molly, and all the little ankle biters?´ The phrase then seemed to disappear from sight for
over 100 years.
[My comments: We see in our Pooja Rooms, a beautiful child Krishna lying elegantly on a
banyan leaf (All ilai Krishnan)and biting his own tender thumb of His ankle. We remember Lord
Krishna when we come across this phrase.]
ibid, page 18: What is ,+!0
A prebituary is an obituary composed or published prior to a person¶s death; it isa write up of the
lifetime achievements of famous personalities to mark their 65th birthdays. Most newspapers and
media new-works keep such obituaries of famous people ready.
What is 9 ?
Burundanga is the other name of the drug &* !, used for criminal activities like rape or
robbery. The drug is passed on to the victim through business cards pamphlets, etc. Even if the
skin, through touch, absorbs just a very small quantity of the drug it has the desired effect. The
drug is also administered through tablets added to drinks. This is known as the ,!c

66Monday, April 20, 2009: 8:09 A.M: Times of India:

Idiom-a-day: ³As happy as a Clam: This means, µto be very happy and content¶. Open clams
give the appearance of smiling. The phrase originated in the northeastern states of the USA in the
early 19th century.
µAs happy as a clam at high waters¶ is a very common expression in those parts of the coast of
New England where clams are found.
[Note: µClam¶ is defined as µany of numerous edible marine molluses (e g a scallop) living in
sand or mud²may we call it ³Chippi´ in Tamizh? - -S.S]
The Hindu, Brain Bytes Quiz, April, 20, 2009:
1.¶Agnes Dei¶ is one of the titles given to Jesus in the New Testament. What does it mean?
[Answer: Lamb of God]
2. If one was visiting the city of µFunafuti¶, in which country¶s capital was one in? [Answer:
3. What is the real name of the terrorist µCarlos the Jackal¶? [Answer: Ilich Ramirez Sanchez]
4.Nick Leeson was responsible for bringing down which bank in the mid 1990¶s? [Answer:
5. Gout (metabolic arthritis) is caused by the elevated levels of which acid?[Uric acid]

2($$(c27(7c ÑTimes of India, dated, 20, April, 2009:

Most of us are unsure of capitals, as our languages, Tamizh or Hindi, for instance have no
concept of capitalization. However, if we don¶t master the rules of capitalization, our writing
looks rather odd and uncouth, even if the grammar and vocabulary are excellent. Let¶s go down
memory lane, and refresh our memory on when to use capitals and when to avoid them.
Of course all of us know that all sentences in English begin with capital or uppercase letters. So
do lines in poetry. However some modern poets experimenting with free verse avoid capitals at
the beginning of new lines. As the computer is old fashioned in this regard, I had a hell of job
typing some lines of a poem.
Here are some more instances where we use capital letters:
MThe names of dates, months and public holidays (but not seasons).
µThe Fifteenth of August is celebrated as Independence Day in India¶. ’å
µIf winter comes, can spring be far behind?¶
MNames of people, institutions and places, stars and planets (except the earth, sun, and the
µDuring the lunar eclipse, when the moon became totally invisible, I found Venus and Sirius
shining in all their glory, from my observation post in the Birla Planetarium¶.
MNouns and adjectives referring to nationalities and regions, languages and ethnic groups,
religious as well as people¶s titles.
µNoam Chomsky, Professor at M.I.T. and Jewish by birth, is the best linguist today¶.
M I often get confused with regard to words like south and north. Michael Swan says we should
use capital for such words if they refer to well established place names. In other cases, we use
small letters.
µYou should take a holiday in the Far East. It is charmingly different from the western world¶.
Monday, April 20, 2009: Sun T.V. ³Who, what, where, why and how´, 19:15 hours:
µHow many times does a woodpecker, peck a tree in a minute? [Answer: 20 times.]

66 Tuesday, April 21, 2009: 8:42 AM: Times of India: µWise track: The best way to escape
from a problem is to solve it.
Idiom-a-day: ³As Fit as a Fiddle´: This means very fit and well. Of course the µfiddle¶ here is
colloquial name for violin. When this phrase was coined µfit was used to mean µsuitable, seemly¶,
in the way we now might say µfit for purpose.
6Pc!ccc !c
What is the meaning of µc*0c
An arm candy is a remarkably attractive individual, either a male or female, who accompanies
someone to a public function. They are called µarm candy¶ because when they are in public, they
are constantly clinging to the arms of the person they are with.
[Now a days politicians and cricket players always go with arm candies, wherever they tour- S.S]
Why is the South African cricket team called as ,0
Proteas is the national flower of South Africa. It has a cone-like head. The flower itself got its
name from the Greek god µProteus¶, a sea god capable of assuming different shapes.
Earlier the South African team was called ,!+5, the name of the µjumping antelope¶, and
the national animal of South Africa.
Is it okay to say µRahul gave away a vote of thanks¶?
No, it isn¶t. A vote of thanks is µgiven¶, not µgiven away¶. When you give away something, you
ask a person to take it; you don¶t ask payment for it.
Tailpiece: ³why is it drug addicts and computer aficionados are both called users?´--- Clifford
´Corrections and Clarifications´: (page 11): A young elephant is called µa calf¶ and not a cub,
as mentioned in a report µTusker on the rampage calms down¶.
Health Capsules: ³How fast does my body make blood?´
Your body is a super-fast and efficient blood-cell factory. Every second, your bone marrow
produces 2.5 million red blood cells to rush oxygen (Oë ), to the cells throughout your body.
!c2  Don¶t change: The new bride was being welcomed at the husband¶s home
in a traditional manner. As expected she gave a speech: ³My dear family, I thank you for å
welcoming me in my new home and family´, she said. ³Firstly, my being here does not mean
that I would want to change your way of life, your routine. No, I will never do that, never in a
million years´.
³What do you mean, my child?´ asked the father-in-law.
³What I mean, dad, is (looking at her father-in-law): Those who used to wash dishes must carry
on washing them; those who used to do the laundry must carry on doing it; those who cooked
shouldn¶t stop at my account; and those who used to clean should continue cleaning.´
³Then what are you here for?´ asked the mother-in-law.
³To entertain your son!¶
†c"1c)c4c  A man is 20 years old plus half his present age. How old is
Solution by S.S: Assume that his present age is x.
Half of his present age will therefore be ½ x.
According to the problem, 20 + ½ x is his present age = x.
In other words 20+ ½ x = x. Or ½ x=20, or x= 40. Therefore his present age is 40 years.
Check: 20 + ½ of his present age, namely 20, added gives his present age as 40.

66Wednesday, April 22, 2009: 8:10 AM: Times of India: µWise track¶: It takes a great person
to make a good listener¶.
Mind bender: Solve the anagram given below to get the name of an old-time Hollywood
actress. ³Nicely Male Hairs´: Answer: Shirley Maclaine.
Idiom-a-day: ³Back Seat Driver´: Back seat driver is someone who criticizes from the
sidelines. This comes from the annoying habit of some people of giving unwanted advice to
vehicle drivers. This emerged in the USA in early 20th century.
The expression must have been in common use, in the UK, at least by 1930, when P.G.
Wodehouse used it in µVery Good Jeeves! µQuite suddenly and unexpectedly, no one more
surprised than myself, the car let out a faint gurgle like a sick moose and stopped in its tracks. . .
the back seat driver gave tongue. ³What µs the matter? What has happened?´
I explained: ³I¶m not stopping. It¶s the car.´

¶ ¶ P 5cC#D#C??c8!cc-c
c)cc= c
³We need men who can dream of things that never were´- J.F.Kennedy.. [While Vinod
eulogizing actor Shivakumar, discoursing µKamba Raamaayanam¶ in a ladies¶ college in Erode,
which was also telecast in Vijay T.V.: Title: µKamban en Kadhalan´.]
³It is what you don¶t say that makes you look smart´, says a great man [While praising Vivekh,
for his discussion about µMusic Therapy¶ during a discussion with A.R. Rahman, in Sun T.V.
Lord Emerson says: ³God enters by a private door into every individual´ [Praises S.P.
Balasubramanian¶s belief in God, and who (SPB) snubs Vairamuthu (Vijay T.V.telecast) for his
disbelief in God and His existence.]
A genius says: ³You must do a crazy thing once in a while to keep from going nuts´.

Thursday, April 23, 2009: 9:36 AM: P!c)c ! Mind Bender: ³Are there more square
inches in a piece of carpet 15 yards by 5 yards or feet in a 20 mile walk?´ åp
[Answer: ³Feet in 20 mile walk¶.]
Solution by S.S: Area of carpet: 15 ×5=75 square yard, or 75×9=675 square feet, or
675×12×12= 97,200 square inches.
One mile is 8 furlongs or 8×220=1,760 yards or, 1760×3=5280 feet or 5,280×12=63,360 inches.
Thus 20 miles would be 63,360×20= 105,600 inches.
Hence numerically, 20-mile walk is more.
*Health Facts: Dried peas are an excellent source of molybdenum. They are also a very good
source of dietary fiber and a good source of protein, manganese, folate, vitamin B1, potassium
and phosphorus.
*Idiom-a-day: ³Badgered to Death´: To badger someone or something to death is to bother and
annoy someone or some group.
³If you don¶t tell him what he wants to know, he will badger you to death until he finds out´.
To badger someone into something is to pester someone into doing something.
³Don¶t try to badger us into doing it´.
³My brother and I were badgered into cleaning out the garage´
Pc!c c 
How much does a human brain weigh?
Jokingly: Three-pound brain?
You have not met my Fred! His brain is weightless!
Now seriously: The brain is a 3-pound thought factory, comprised mainly of fat and water. Your
brain contains a trillion nerve cells, with new connections constantly forming.
#D#C??1cPc .!c!c$!1c.! !c c ??ccc
She is a pretty looking youthful girl; looks more like a college student in her teens. She is the
granddaughter of the great musician Gopala Pillai, of yester years (of Trivandrum) and daughter
of yet another musician Krishna Pillai, from the same place naturally.
She is indeed trained in Carnatic music, naturally, by her grandfather and her father. Having been
fascinated by Western Classic music and Hindustani Sangeeth, she learnt both vigorously, and
can confidently give solo violin performances. In fact, Shehnai maestro Ustad Bismillah Kahn
once insisisted that Adhirai should accompany him on the violin.
Adhirai started to give solo performances even at the age of eight, and continues to do so. She
had been giving solo concerts all over Kerala, till she completed 10th standard in Trivandrum.
During those periods she had given performances in foreign lands like Russia, Uzbekistan, and
various places in the Middle East.
She feels proud that she is able to perform for the cancer patients in various cancer hospitals and
do service to them. She is happy that she could play for spastic children and in µmental homes¶.
Thus she says, she is able to propagate µMusic Therapy¶.
A great achievement by her: She had continuously performed for 32 hours in Trivandrum, Kerala
under the auspices of ³Sun charirties´. This is indeed a miraculous achievement by a young girl
like Adhirai.
When the interviewer enquired if she knew 901 Ragas, she acknowleged it without any ego.
She can sing vocally; she is able to compose music; no doubt she is indeed born along with a
violin; she can write poetry and she can do sketching from nature.
She performed ³Vande Mataram´ (not A.R. Rahman¶s tune, but traditional old tune in Desh å
raga.), a gypsy music [Middle East classical] piece and an Irish Fusion music piece for the
entertainment of Pothigai viewers. She holds an MBA, degree.
Finally she gave a beautiful saying: ³Paper and a pen are the best media´.
[This has always been my best tools too. - -S.S]

¶ Thursday, April 23, 2009: Sun T.V. ³Why, where, how, when´, 19:10 hours:
³How many pillars are there in the Parliamentary house, in New Delhi, at the outer periphery?´
[Answer: 144.]
My assessment: at an arcular distance between two adjacent pillars, subtending an angle of 2½Û
at the center. [360Û/144= 2½º]

¶ ¶ Friday, April 24, 2009: 8:28 AM: The Hindu: µCorrections and Clarifications:
³A train driver is now called a µpilot¶.
*And a bit of µcinema¶: ³Which work was the first to win the National award for best feature
film in Tamizh? [Answer: Malaikkallan, starred by M.G.R and Bhanumati.]
If the Thomas Alva Edison-backed motion picture camera was called ,5!1 what was
the viewing machine dubbed as? [Answer: ,!*]
6From µDinamalar¶, µSiruvar Malar¶, dated 24-4-2009, page27: [Some general knowledge]
Mesopotamians were the first ones to make glass vessels.
Akbar, the greatest of Mogul emperors, did not know to read and write.
Napoleon Bonaparte designed the National flag of Italy.
6Times of India: What does this rebus represent?
J.Big travels 1 K.m
C.Medium travels 5 k.m
A.Little travels 1,000 k.m [Answer: µA little goes a long way¶.]
A Good Joke: ³A man went to an eye specialist to get his eyes tested and asked, µDoctor will I
be able to read after wearing glasses?¶
µYes, of course¶, said the doctor.
µOh good! I have been illiterate for so long,¶ said the patient.
Idiom-a-day: ³Back to Square one´ ³To be back to square one is to be back to the beginning
or to start again. Many people report that the phrase refers to Snakes and Ladders or similar
board games. The earliest citation of the phrase in print is currently 1952, from the Economic

66Saturday, April 25, 2009: 8:49 AM: Times of India:

!c9c Daniel has the same number of brothers as sisters. His sister, Laura, has twice as
many brothers as she has sisters. How many boys and girls are in the family?
[Answer: There are four boys and three girls.] Catch is in the word formation only²S.S
<*c)cccBefore air conditioning was invented, white cotton slipcovers were put on
furniture to keep the air cool.
!cP*5cµHearing is with the ears, but listening is with the mind¶.
!##†c9*5c+ Backroom boy is one who works in anonymity in an
organization while others take on more public roles. First used to describe the anonymous
technicians and scientists who worked behind the scenes in the UK, during World War Two.
Lord Beaver brook coined it in a speech in March 1941.
³To whom must the praise be given? To the boys in the backrooms. They do not sit in the
limelight. But they are the men who do all the work. Many of them are civil servants´.
Note that a related word ± ,+))!1calso emerged around the same time: The (London) Times,
Sept.1945²³A band of scientific men who performed their wartime wonders at Malvern and
apparently called themselves µthe boffins¶.

Sunday, April 26, 2009:9:04 AM: Times of India: <*c)ccc The color blue has a
calming effect. It causes brain to release calming hormones. [God knows this! So he gave µblue¶
color to the ocean and to the sky- - philosopher S.S]
69 !.c!cc"c Nepal is the only country that flies a non-rectangular flag.
6P!ccc !c 21 for men and 18 for women.
-5!c 18 for men and 16 for girls
4cMinimum marriageable age of 15 was revoked a decade ago.
&!c$+!cClerics have justified the marriage of girls as young as nine.
7&$cChildren 16 and over may marry with parental consent.
Most countries set 16 to 18 as the minimum age to marry.
In Ethiopia and Nigeria, over 50% girls are married before the age of 15.
In Niger and Chad, over 70% girls are married before the age of 18.
In South Africa, traditional laws are respected, so that a girl can be married off when she is as
young as 12.
6 !##c,9c95cTo be in someone¶s bad books is to be in disgrace or out of favor.
To be µout of someone¶s books¶ meant you were no longer part of their life and of no interest to
The phrase has been used figuratively from 1785 (i.e. as a form of disfavor, but where no actual
book was in evidence.
66†! c,8c c1cC #D#C??1c&c$+c†9  !5!c
He says: ³I lost my mother when I was an infant, just 14 days old. When I was in my mother¶s
womb, probably, I used to hear the melody of µVeena¶ being played by my mother; and that
perhaps inspired me to Carnatic Music. I have received nine Doctoral titles, when I have not
even gone to a school. It rather astonishes me.
I am now 78 years old. Even now I am a student, learning music. My ambition is that I should be
going on gaining knowledge in Music till I breathe my last´.
[My views: Once, when I was in service, I was in Chennai airport to travel by an early night
flight to Calcutta and I was sitting in the lounge. Shri. Balamuralikrishna himself came to me and
spoke a few words of wishful message exclusively to me (to my dire astonishment and
amazement) and offered his priceless autograph. I was exhilarated and thanked him profusely. I
did not have a regular autograph book; yet BMK was happy to give his valued autograph of his
own accord in a scrap scribbling- pad, and I preserve it with great care. He said he was waiting
for Hyderabad flight]
6 <c!c>1c&1cC #D#C??1c c
The µfathers¶ of the world famous intellectuals were not great men like their sons.
William Shakespeare¶s father was maintaining a stable, where horses were kept.
Thomas Alva Edison¶s father was a poor boat builder.
Benjamin Franklin¶s father was a poor sales man who was selling candles in the streets.
Hitler¶s father was an ordinary bricklayer in buildings.
Monday, April 27, 2009: 8:42 AM: The Hindu: ³Health Capsules: Ninety percent of lower back
pain sufferers can improve without surgery.
Which place of worship is the subject of a poem by William Wordsworth and several paintings by
J.M.Turner? [Tintern Abbey]
Name the ancient Egyptian official considered by many experts to be the first Engineer, Architect
and Physician in history to be known by name? [Imhotep]
The Norwegian Parliament is called- - -? [Storting]
What type of animals are µServals¶ and µCaracals¶? [Cats]
Which Swiss founder µAnalytical psychology? [Carl Jung]
And a piece from µDinamalar¶, µChiruvar malar¶ dated-20, Feb. 2009:
Where is the biggest palace in the world situated? [Answer: It is in Beijing, China. It is called the
³ Imperial Palace´.]
Times of India: !cP*5 ÑThe best way to learn to do a job is by doing it´.
!c2 cDon¶t kiss your bride behind the garden gate- - love is blind, but the
neighbors are not.
!##c9c9 If you wait for something with bated breath, you feel very excited
or anxious while you are waiting. Bated breath means breathing that is subdued because of some
emotion or difficulty.
The earliest citation of the phrase is from Shakespeare¶s µMerchant of Venice¶, 1596: ³With
bated breath, and whispering humbleness´.
Bated is just a shortened form of abated (meaning- - to bring down, lower or depress)? So
µabated breath¶ makes sense and that is where the phrase comes from.
 c<*c Soybeans are an excellent source of Molybdenum. They are also a very good
source of protein and Manganese. In addition, Soybeans are a good source of Iron, phosphorous,
dietary fiber, Omega-3 fatty acids, Magnesium, copper, vitamin B2 and Potassium.
2($$(c27(7cLanka¶s mighty emperor Ravana¶s queen Mandodari¶s son¶s name was
Indrajit. I found this in a children¶s version of the Ramayana. Quite a bit to chew, isn¶t it?
Would it be somewhat less cumbersome if we put it a bit differently?
Indrajit was the name of the son of Mandodari, queen of the mighty emperor Ravna of Lanka.
Certainly more manageable, though there are too many irritating of¶s. In English there are two
ways of indicating possession:
The¶s genitive: The bride¶s mother.
The of genitive: The mother of the bride.
The good news is that the genitive case is used less and less frequently in English today.Of
these, the of genitive is more common than the µs genitive.
According to Quirk, the µs genitive can be used with inanimate nouns. For instance, the
children¶s toys or dog¶s tail.
It should be remembered that we cannot use both the genitives indiscriminately.
We cannot say for example, the door¶s knob. We have to say the µknob of the door¶.
Similarly it is wrong to say the µhat of John. We should say John¶s hat.
When the genitive µs is affixed at the end of a noun group, it is called µgroup genitive¶.
(e.g) someone else¶s house; an hour and a half¶s discussion. In casual talk, you can even say old
man what-do-you-call-him¶s house. In writing, however, such µs genitives are replaced by of
genitives. å 
Don¶t use µs genitive with nouns which are not names of people, animals, countries etc.The
of genitive is more common in such cases.
(e.g) The name of the street (not the street¶s name)
The top of the page (not the page¶s top)
What is often confusing is the double genitive- - a combination of the of genitive and the µs
(e g) a symphony of Mozart¶s.
A painting of Ravi Varma¶s.
My work is no business of your¶s
Have you heard the new idea of the boss¶s?
The double genitive is common in English when we wish to emphasise the person who
possesses rather than the thing he possesses.
Quirk also talks about the genitive with ellipsis. The noun modified by the µs genitive may be
omitted if the context makes its identity clear.
(e g) His memory is like the elephant¶s (memory).
My car is faster than John¶s.
I shall be at Bill¶s (house)
Harrod¶s are very good for clothes.
I buy my grocery at Johnson¶s.
Which of the following sentences would you prefer? Why?
I. (1). A husband¶s last words should always be, Okay, you buy it!´
(2) The last words of a husband should always be ³Okay, You buy it!´
II. (1) Communication¶s three fastest means: telephone, television, tel a woman.
(2). The three fastest means of communication: telephone, television, tel a woman.
?cc .!!cc(.!c!c .!c
Revathi Krishna was born and brought up in Madurai. Her father was a doctor in Madurai, and
was a Principal in Madurai Medical College. He was a flautist too. Revati¶s mother was well
versed in vocal music and a violinist. Her great grandfather was a music scholar. No doubt, being
born in such a family, Revathi is born with a µVeena¶ in her hands!
Revathi says that she was well groomed in the rudiments of vocal music even when she was five
years old. Then she took µVeena¶ in her hands. When she was 11 years old she started
undergoing training from a very strict Guru, Madurai Sundaram Iyer. He would not spare his
disciple until she perfected all the four µKaalaas¶ of a piece, say a µKeerthana¶. Such harsh
strictness made this girl into a perfect µVainika¶.
In Revathi¶s house at Madurai, music scholars used to gather on Sukhla Panchami day of all
months and sing µThygaraja¶s and others¶ kritis; thus honoring the music trinities.
Her debut performance was in a Rama¶s temple at Madurai itself, when she was just 16 years
After her marriage, she has settled in Chennai. Once Yagnarama Iyer, formerly Secretary of Sri.
Krishna Gana Sabah happened to hear her Veena performance. He was magnanimous to present
her performance in his Sabah. He was also very happy to introduce her to the Secretaries of other
sabhhas as well, and thus she became famous to the audience of Chennai, (the sabah birds and in
houses too.)
Revathi Krishna says with all happiness that she was fortunate to perform in the µMaha
Periyavaal Centenary Celebrations¶. å·
The important points one should take seriously from her: ³Guru is very necessary; he can only
teach the grammar of music.
³First train the child in vocal music; then, only after learning the nuances of music the child may
be trained in instruments of his/her liking´.
The µPothigai¶ channel telecast (Veena) video clippings of her ³Vande Mataram´ in traditional
style in µDesh¶ raga (not A.R. Rahman¶s.) and ³Raghupati Raghava Raja Ram´, in Gandhi¶s
Ram Dhoon style and the popular song ³Saravana Poigail Neeradi´
The lady who compered the interview was very young too, (Mrs. Subhashini), who appeared to
have good music knowledge.
Revathi is not astonished to say that there are people who can bring out four or five µSwaras¶ in a
single µfretting¶.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009: 8:07 AM: µTimes of India¶: Wise Track: ³Visions of the future are
better than dreams of the past´.
Health Facts: Sunflower seeds are an excellent source of vitamin E. They also contain a high
amount of vitamin B1, Manganese, Magnesium, Copper, Selenium, Phosphorous, vitamin B5
and folate.
Idiom-a-day: ³Bats in the Belfry´: To have µbats in the belfry¶ is to be crazy or eccentric. Bats
are of course, erratically flying mammals and µbelfry¶ is a bell tower, found at the top of a
µBats in the belfry¶ refers to someone who acts as though, he has bats careering around his
topmost part, i.e., his head.
The phrase comes from the USA.
The use of µbats¶ and µbatty¶ is to denote odd behavior, originated at the same time, the main
phrase that we have been discussing today.
6The Hindu: ³Health Capsules´: About 20% of Americans have Varicose Veins in their legs.
Eighty seven per cent have never had them examined by a doctor because they don¶t consider
them to be serious. Varicose veins may put you at risk for leg ulcers, bleeding and blood clots.
!c2 cc c !5c
A newly wed couple is dining in. The husband is slowly picking in the spaghetti on his plate.
The wife asks him: ³Do you love me?´
The husband replies: ³Yes, I do! You have been asking me that, every day since we got married.
But you have never asked me if I love spaghetti!´
Young World Quiz: $+ +!c! the fear of which normal activity? [Answer: Walking]
Which common flower is considered the symbol of secrecy? [Answer: Rose]
c4c ! How is the word µlugubrious¶ pronounced?
Like loo- GOO- bri-es, with the stress on the second syllable. The word is mostly used in formal
contexts to mean µsad¶.
³What is wrong? Why are looking so lugubrious?´
Is it okay to say, µThe school is putting an unnecessary pressure on the children?
No, it is not. µYou do not 
  pressure on him. You put pressure on him; the indefinite article
µa¶ is not to be used in these contexts.
Tailpiece: ³An autobiography is an obituary in serial form with the last instalment missing´. - -
½ '  a significant contributor to the world of astronomy and mathematics, was also a å
poet like many Indian mathematicians of his time. He had the habit of posing his questions in the
form of interesting riddles. Here is one such question. Try solving it.
O girl! Out of a group of swans, 7/2 times the square root of the number are playing on the shore
of a tank. The two remaining ones are playing with amorous fight, in the water. What is the total
number of swans? [$cPc+c)cc!c& HP"Ic
6 ³Aval Vikatan. Dated, 8-5-2009: Page 55: Manikkavalli, a student from, Yadhava College,
Madurai, writes: [Translated by S.S.]
A is 1; B is 2; C is 3 - - - and finally Z is 26. If this system is adopted,
L+O+V+E will be 12+ 15+ 22+ 5= 54. and,
F+R+I+E+N+D+S+H+I+P, thus would become, 6+ 18+9+5+14+4+19+8+9+16= 108.
What do you deduce from this?
Friendship has two times as much strength as love.
And one more piece from that journal: Contributed by S.K.Maragatham, II M.A. of the same
college: (Translation by S.S):
Maragatham goes to a pet shop to buy a parrot.
³What is the price of this parrot?´
³Madam! Five hundred rupees.´
³O, it¶s very costly. Why so much?´
³Madam, the parrot can speak well. Besides it knows how to operate a computer´.
³Then, this one in this cage?´
³It costs one thousand rupees´.
³Why so much? What is the specialty?´
³Madam, it can speak. It can develop softwares independently, using advanced languages´.
³O, I see, then what about the bird in that cage, near the shelf?´
³Madam, it costs one thousand five hundred rupees´.
³O, is it so much? What is its specialty, and how is it better than the other two?´
³Sincerely, Madam, I don¶t know how it is better qualified than the other two. But, these two
parrots normally call him µThalaivare¶ and at times call him µboss¶. That is why this much cost´.
 The great philosopher, S.S wants to know, whether it is µIce wear´ or ³I Swear´.

66Wednesday, April 29, 2009: 8:30 AM: Times of India: µWise Track¶: ³Nothing great was
ever achieved without enthusiasm.´
 !##cc$*cc2!c2cTo act the giddy goat is to behave foolishly.¶ Giddy¶ has
been used to mean foolish or stupid since the first millennium.
The behavior of goats can well be called µgiddy¶; they are certainly capricious- - µcapra¶ is Latin
for goat. [Longman Family Dictionary defines µCaprice¶ as follows: A sudden and seemingly
unmotivated change or series of changes. (Example: the caprices of the weather). Hence, the
adjective, µCapricious¶.]
Thursday, April 30, 2009: 9:19 AM: Times of India: !cP*5 ³Speaking without thinking is
like shooting without taking aim.´
? ³Anagram of which tennis champion¶s name can aptly be: µVariant rival to a man¶?
? ³When he asks for a bottle of your finest red, he means ketchup.´
?c !#cJcc$c9)c9c The phrase µAge before beauty¶, implies that older
people should be given precedence over the younger, and y implication more beautiful. This is
normally used jocularly often by the older person in order to flatter the younger. The origin of
the phrase is not known.
Nurse: ³Doctor, Doctor, the man you¶ve just treated collapsed on the front step. What should I
Doctor: ³Quick! Quick! Turn him round, so it looks like he was just arriving!´
?c c!c³Until you make peace with who you are, you¶ll never be content with what you
have.´- - - Doris Mortman. [My view: Thus all Indian great saintly men also speak; thus spoke
the Great Ramana Maharshi. ±S.S]
?c'($calso known as lady¶s finger, bhindi or gumbo, is a flowering plant valued for its
edible green fruits.
Okra is a powerhouse of nutrients, nearly half of which is soluble fiber in the form of gums and
pectins. Soluble fiber helps to lower serum cholesterol.
The other half is insoluble fiber which helps keep the intestinal tract healthy, decreasing the risk
of some forms of cancer, especially colorectal cancer.
Nearly 10% of the recommended levels of vitamin B6 and folic acid are present in half cup of
cooked okra.
Friday, May 01, 2009: 6:57 AM:
During the preview of ³Ayan´ film programme telecast in Sun T.V. on 30-4-2009, at 20:35
hours, actor Shiva Kumar said: ³I always like AVM Sharavanan very much and I respect him
always It is the reason that I named myfirst son as µSaravanan¶. Later on, the film world
converted his name as ³Surya.´
66Pc!c, c cHow can I lower my risk of type II diabetes?
³Drinking fruit juice raises blood sugar! But I love my morning O.J!´
Seriously! Eat more leafy green veggies. You will lower your risk by as much as 9%.
Avoid fruit juice and eat the whole fruit instead. You¶ll lower your risk by up to 18%.
?cP!c)c !c!c9cHow long is a rope that is two metres shorter than another
rope that is three times the length of the first rope? [Answer: one metre.]
Solution by S.S: Let the length of the first rope be x metres.
It is shorter than the second by 2 metres. That is the second rope is longer than the first by 2
Therefore, the second rope is x+2 metres long.
It is also given that ,the second rope is 3 times longer than the first one.
Therefore, the length of the second rope is 3x metres.
Hence, 3x=x+2; from which x= 1, or the length of the first rope is 1 metre.
[Dear Nandhu, this puzzle is tricky worded. ± S.S]
?cc &cP($cAlways listen to your inner thoughts for advice - - not to others.´
?c<*c)ccc The greatest mountain range is the Mid-Ocean Ridge, extending 64,374
km from the Arctic Ocean to the Atlantic Ocean.
?c !##ccc$!cGcAir quotes is a gesture with raised pairs of fingers when making
a statement, to simulate quotation marks. It indicates that what is being said is ironic or otherwise
not to be taken verbatim. This originated in the USA in 1989.

6610:18 A.M, Sunday, May 03, 2009: Dinamalar, Varamalar, dated 3-4-2009, page8:
The initials of these actors explain why they were called so:
Thirukambuliyur Rangarao Ramachandran. åå
Tirunelveli Subramania Pillai Balaiah.
Pollachi Ch(S)inna Mudaliar Veerappah.
Kumbakonam Ramabadra Chettiar Ramaswamy.
Mayavaram Krishnamurhy Asari Thyagaraja Bagavathar.
Nagercoil Sudalaimuthu Pillai Krishnan.
Madras Kandaswamy Radha.
Akkammapettai Paramasivam Nagarajan.
Karaikal Arunachalam Asari Thangavelu.
Shencottah Vellaiyan Asari Subbiah.
The first Sunday of May of any year is celebrated as  c%c† Thus, today is the
%†. Let us laugh heartily.

Tuesday, May 05, 2009: 8:15 AM:

9!c9cG!;1cPc!1c1cD# #C??c
Who is the only entertainer to have Stars in all categories in the ollywood Walk of fame?
[Answer: Gene Autry.]
Which organization in the world of business has its  at One Liberty Plaza, 165 Broadway,
New ork? [Answer: NASDA]
If the mother was Æevati and the progeny Nisatha and Ulmuka, then who was the father?
[Answer: Balarama.]
In Æussian folklore, which astronomical phenomenon was associated with the µOgnenniy Zmey¶
(fire dragon), who seduced women in the absence of their husbands? [Answer: Aurora Borealis]
In shipping industry, what is caulking? [Answer: Sealing the seams in wooden vessels to make
them watertight.]

Pc!cc # #C??ccc !c
How is the word ,+!1cpronounced?
Either like, µBO-ne-mi, with stress on the first syllable or like, baa-ne-MEE, with stress on the
final syllable. Either way, the 'h¶ remains silent. This word is of French origin and it literally
means, good (bon), man (homme). Used formally to mean, µhappy good natured friendliness¶.
 Is it okay to say, µRahul Gandhi denied to speak to the waiting media persons¶?
No, it isn¶t. It should have been, µdeclined¶ instead of µdenied¶. Decline here means µrefuse to
speak¶. Also it is not correct to say µdenied to speak¶; the word µdeny¶ is seldom followed by
µto¶. One can µdeny speaking to someone¶, but not µdeny to speaking to someone¶.
 Does the word 4  cexist?
Not in any dictionary indeed. It is a combination of µyell¶ and µcelllular¶.
When someone gets a call on his cell phone, and the connection is bad, he usually µshouts¶.
Doesn¶t he? This act of shouting in the hope that you will be audible is called µyellular¶.
Example: µSome idiot on the train went yellular at three in the morning¶.
³Many people complain that I always go yellular, when I speak to others using my cellular
phone. [S.S] c
P! #c!*cPoliticians and diapers need to be changed for the same reason.´- - Bumper
+,-,.//0 +)
Husband: ³You have to admit that men have much better judgment than women´
Wife: ³You¶re right, dear. You married me and I married you.´
 MARS & VENUS: ³Women are like elephants. Everyone likes to look at them but no-one
likes to have to keep one.´ - - W.C. Fields.
 c c8!c$33cc
ow bad is red meat for my health?
A new study showed that over 10 years, eating the equivalent of a quarter pound burger a day
gave men in the study a 22% higher risk of dying of cancer and a 27% higher risk of dying of
heart disease. Women: 20% cancer; 50% heart disease.
ü<c4c cIn which European capital, would one visit the beautiful -*cc
!/!0 [Answer: Brussels.]
What does the phrase ANNUS MIÆABILIS mean? [Answer: It is a Latin phrase meaning µYear
of Wonders.¶]
How many ,!*cto a metre? [Answer: Million]
Into which sea does the Thames flow? [Answer: North Sea.]
What is the common term for the fruit tree 2*!!c !*0c[Answer: KOKUM. I have tasted
plenty of juice made from its syrup, when I had been in Nagothane, Raigad District,
Maharashtra, for holidays and vacation.]
( ††%&cWhy is the longest human nose on record only 11 inches long? [Answer: Because
if it were 12 inches long it would be a µfoot.¶
 Why did the three little pigs leave home? [Answer: Because their father was a big µboar¶]
66P!c)c !c<*c)cc The letter µJ¶ does not appear anywhere on the Periodic
Table of the elements.
!c2 cLove is not blind, it makes you blind.´
;!0ccc(cKc cLc&MNccc[This means a calculated risk!]
!##cc$ c%c&cµAuld Lang Syne¶, is a Scottish phrase which means old long-
since or old- long ago in its Anglicized form or the English µonce upon a time.¶ Of course, the
best known use of the phrase is Robert Burns¶ poem µAuld Lang Syne, the words of which are
sung in English speaking countries around the world each New Year¶s Eve, to a tune that Burns
said he transcribed from an old man¶s singing of it.
 c<*cPassion fruit is an egg-shaped tropical fruit that is also called purple granadillas.
They are rich in vitamin C, vitamin A, iron and potassium.
The seeds are an excellent source of fiber. Passion fruit has sleep inducing properties, and when
taken before going to bed they are effective in relaxation and a restful sleep.
They also help reduce body heat.

662($$(c27(71cP!c)c !1c1cD# #C??c

Here is a lovely little poem on lies from Creative Grammar Practice:
I said,´ How interesting!´ when she showed me her new machine,
But I thought a computer was the last thing I would buy for myself.
I said, ³Marvellous!´ when she explained all the details,
But I thought it was most boring.
I said, ³Wow!´ when she played a game on the screen,
But I thought that
Playing chess with a machine was awful.
But I felt good about my lies
Because she is such a lovely girl!
What makes the poem attractive is the delightful blend of Direct and Reported speech. When we pp
report people¶s thoughts, words, beliefs etc., we can give the exact words that were used. This
kind of structure is called Direct Speech. We can also make somebody¶s
Words or thoughts part of our own sentence, using conjunctions like that and changing
pronouns, tense and other words where necessary. This kind of speech is known as Indirect
Speech or Reported Speech:

  A husband used to keep his wife¶s photograph in his purse. One day his wife saw
this and asked him, ³Do you love me that much?´ The plain speaking husband said, ³ `No .It is
not due to that.
³Then what is the reason?´ she asked
He replied, ³Whenever I face a problem I look at your photo and tell myself that if I can face
you, I can face any problem in life.´
 A husband used to keep his wife¶s photograph in his purse. One day his wife
saw this and asked him whether he loved her that much. The plain speaking husband replied in
the negative that it was not due to that.
She asked what the reason was then.
He replied that whenever he faced a problem he looked at her photo and told himself that if he
could face her, he could face any problem in life.
The major differences between the two versions are: tense change, pronoun change and change
of place references.
Remember that Direct and Indirect speech are not freely interchangeable There are contexts
where Direct Speech is more appropriate and occasions when Indirect Speech is preferred. You
have to make the choice.
Try changing the following text into indirect form of narration.
A professor, driving near a university campus saw a student being chased by three dogs. He
stopped the car and shouted, ³Quick! Get in!´
³Thanks´, said the student, ³most people don¶t give me a lift when they see I have three dogs.´
6 $c ccc!cPc!1c #D#C??c
It is Swine flu! The heading of a report (Andhra Pradesh, May 5, 2009) was Ñ igh Power Panel
to Tackle µ&!c< c
ü c cHow much sunlight do I need to get enough vitamin D?
Ten minutes of sunlight on exposed arms and legs, 2to 3 times a week are enough to give you
adequate levels of vitamin D. [Is the suggestion for us or people in USA or UK? - - S.S]
66 Times of India: !##cc$c!>cc&. To be at sixes and sevens is to be in a
state of total confusion and disorder, or of disagreement between parties. The derivation of the
phrase is rather difficult to trace.

 c<*cTangerines are an excellent source of vitamin C and flavonoids. They are also a
very good source of fiber and B vitamins, which comprises vitamin B1, B2and B6. It also
contains pantothenic acid, carotenes, pectin, potassium and folic acid.

66Thursday, May 07, 2009: 8:34 AM: The Hindu: Page11:

Bardhaman district in West Bengal is the name of what was 9 in the British period.
6The word aerobics comes from two Greek words: 1cmeaning µability to¶ and +!*1cmeaning p
µwithstand tremendous boredom¶.c
6Times of India: $cSolve this anagram to get the name of a classic novel:
,†!c!c*cc[Answer: µCrime and Punishment¶.]
ñ !##cc$c% To be at loggerheads with someone is to be in dispute with
that person. It is of UK origin.
The singular µloggerhead µ occurs as a name in several contexts- - as a species of turtle, a bird
and as a place¶s name.
Originally this term was first used with the meaning of µa stupid person or a blockhead¶.
Shakespeare used it that way in µLove¶s Labours Lost¶, 1588:
³Ah you whoreson logger-head,
You were borne to do me shame.´
A µlogger head¶ was literally a blockhead. A logger was a thick block of timber, which was
fastened to a horse¶s leg to prevent it from running away.

Friday, May 08, 2009: 08:34: Pc!c!c  

Which famous vocalist¶s only on-screen appearance was in µKrishna Bhakti¶ where she sang
µc8cc'c(.ccc0c [Answer: M.L.Vasantakumari.]
The real name of yester year comedian &&55 was µ- !c&!!. c"!c
Having been trained in a circus, he used to do quite a few acrobatic feats. One of his popular acts
was throwing up a cigarette and catching it between his lips before lighting it! Unfortunately, his
career in films faded fast, and, broken hearted, he committed suicide. Today only old-timers
remember him. [My comments: My brother Mahadeva Anna, used to say that S.S Kokko, always
used to keep his lower jaw of his face and lips in a crooked way. SSK and P.U. Chinnappa, my
brother used to say, exhibited their µhop-step and jump¶ style in films, especially PUC, while
performing even love scene sequences.]
Times of India: !c*5c,Don¶t learn Safety Æules simply by accidents.¶
:5c µHandy guide to Modern Science: if it is green or wiggles, it is Biology; if it stinks, it is
Chemistry; if it does not work it is Physics.¶
<*c)cccToronto was the first city in the world with a computerized traffic signal
!##c†(( "2#†'cIt means a brave or heroic act. Sir Walter Scott¶s use of
µderring-do¶ as a single word in the hugely popular novel µIvanhoe¶, 1820, cemented it into the
language: µSingular he again muttered to himself, if there be two who can do a deed of such
³derring do!´

66Saturday, May 09, 2009: 8:45 AM THE HINDU: ³HEALTH CAPSULES´:

µCan Hypnosis help Dementia?¶
Jokingly: ³My name? I dunno. . . I guess the hypnosis hasn¶t kicked in yet. . .!
³Dementia patients who used hypnosis to treat their condition experienced improved
concentration, relaxation, memory and social skills.
´Forbidden fruit often leads to bad jams.´
Times of India:c$c:!c-.+cÑ A mother understands what a child does not say.´
Pc! cc-1c(c !*c*c
ail Mary, Full of Grace,
The Lord is with Thee,
Blessed are Thou. p‰
Amongst Women, And
Blessed in the fruit of
Thy womb, Jesus; oly
Mary, Mother of God,
Pray for us sinners,
Now, and at the hour of our death,
[When I was a student in St. Xavier¶s college, Palayamkottai, a Catholic Jesuit Institution, every
morning, the Catholic Christian students sing in chorus this prayer, along with the Christian
professor or µFather.¶ But other students of different faiths were not forced to join them in their
,½Bill, John and Fred are going to marry Betty, Joan and Sally. Find out which
girl is going to marry which man if the following facts are considered:
Bill is a lawyer.
Betty is not engaged to the Engineer.
The doctor¶s would ± be wife is not Joan.
John is engaged to Sally.
Fred is the Engineer.
[Answer: i. Fred and Joan. ii. John and Sally. iii. Bill and Betty.]
Delusions of Grandeur are false and exaggerated belief about one¶s status or importance.

66Sunday, May 10, 2009: 8:58 AM: P!c)c !c!c9c

³A miller was accustomed to take as toll one-tenth of the flour that he ground for his customers.
How much did he grind for a man who had just one bushel after the toll had been taken´?
[Answer: There must have been one bushel and one-ninth, that the customer brought, which after
taking the one-tenth as toll, would leave the customer, exactly one bushel after grinding by the
miller. Dear Nandhu, this is a good puzzle.]
[My Solution to this problem:
Let us assume, a customer brings µx¶ bushels to grind. The miller takes a toll of x/10 of the flour
and therefore returns 9/10 x of the product.
If the customer requires a full µx¶ of his stuff, then he should bring 10/9 x (reciprocal of 9/10 x),
of raw material to be ground. That means, if he requires one bushel of flour to carry home then
he should bring 1 and 1/9 bushel of the raw grains.][In other words, if a man brings 10/9 bushels,
he will give 10/9 5 1/10 =1/9 bushels as toll and take back home, 10/9-1/9 = 9/9 or one bushel.]
6<*c)cc To make one pound of butter, 29 cups of milk are needed.
6 !##c†c*c+*c ³Dead cat bounce is a small and temporary recovery in a
financial market following a large fall. When a financial market suffers, and when prices are at
the lowest buy stocks hoping for a bargain, they may contrary to one¶s expectation, fall or
decline again. Even a dead cat will bounce if you drop it from a great height.
66 2 Every tonne of paper eats away 17 trees!
But, remember the trees save our lives!
An average tree absorbs 4.5 kg of air pollutants every year, just to save us!
' Æ ' 
Æ ' 
May this be our New Upanishad! [Details gathered from different
sources. The new Upanishad: These wordings were found in all vantage points at the hills of
Tirumala, from Alipiri point to the temple reach, during the regime of Chandrababu Naidu,
when he was the Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh. After his tenure these boards are not seen.]

66Monday, May 11, 2009: 8:04 AM: The Hindu: Brain Bytes: Quiz:
Fill in the blank: In World War II, Hitler¶s invasion of the USSR in June 1941 was called - - - -
?[Answer: Barbarossa]
What is bariatrics? [Answer: The field of medicine concerned with weight loss.]
Name the character from µThe Hitchhiker¶s Guide to the Galaxy¶ who won an award for shaping
the coastline of Norway? [Answer: Slartibartfast.]
Under what popular pseudonym did Helen Goff write? [Answer: P.L.Travers.]
In which Shakespeare play do these famous lines come: ³All the world¶s a stage and all the men
and women merely players. . . . ? [Answer: As You Like It.]
Health Capsules: Is organic food healthier than regular food?
A review of nearly 100 studies shoed that nutrient levels in organic fruit, vegetables and grains
are 25% higher than in regular foods.
P!c)c !c !##c,†+ cc
It is a double blow or setback. A whammy was originally an evil influence or hex. It originated in
the USA in the 1940¶s and is associated with a variety of sports.
Wise track: ÑAn intelligent plan is the first step to success.´
Recently I came across this poignant lyric of George Michael¶s:
Can anybody find me
Somebody to love?
Each morning I get up I die a little
Somebody find me somebody
Find me somebody to love
Can anybody find me
Somebody to love?
This is the moving plea of many a senior citizen who has been shunted to an old age home for no
fault of his. What is of interest to us, mundane grammarians, is the use of  and  or their
derivatives, somebody/ anybody, something/anything, somewhere/anywhere, someone/anyone,
 and  are classified as determiners as they determine the extent of the reference of the
noun that follows. They are also known as quantifiers as they quantify the noun. suggests
an indefinite quantity or number. It is used when it is not important to say exactly how
much/many we are thinking of.
(e.g.) Some are born great, some achieve greatness and some have greatness thrust upon them.
 also indicates an indefinite amount or number and is used in the same way. Look at these
lines from an old ballad where a girl bemoans the death of her lover.
Is there any room at your head, Saunders?
Is there any room at your feet, Saunders?
Is there any room at your side, Saunders?
Where fain, fain would I sleep?
What then is the difference between and  3
 means a little, a few, a small number or amount.
 would refer to one, some or all. We use in affirmative statements, offers and requests.
I need some fresh air.
Would you like some tea? p 
Could you lend me some money?
We also use in questions when we expect the answer, µyes.¶
Are you voting for that party? [I expect you are.]
On the other hand,  is used in negative statements and questions.
We did not have any problems going through the customs.
Have you got any sense?
Here is a verse highlighting the contrast between something and anything.
For my birthday you can give me
Something to read or something to listen to
Or you could take me out to a restaurant
But don¶t give me another umbrella or purse
And please don¶t give me anything to wear
You know, I hate taking things back.

ññP1cc C1cC??cP!c)c !c !##†c†c!cc†

To be down in the dumps is to be unhappy or depressed. µThe dumps¶ does not mean a place, but
refers to dejection, melancholy and depression.
Down in the dumps, low-spirited, melancholy: jocularly said to be derived from Dumpos, a king
of Egypt, who died of melancholy.c
ücPc!cc4c !cc
³When you tell someone µto get his act together¶, you are asking him to get organized so that he
can do things in an µeffective manner.´
³When you say that someone lives µin cloud cuckoo land¶, what you mean is that the person
believes all his wishes will come true´
³When you tell someone µto get his head out of the clouds, you are requesting him to get a µhold
of himself¶; to see things as they are.´
³When you make a killing on something, you µmake a lot of money on it.¶ You make it in a short
period of time without putting in too much effort.
Example: According to news report, the actors µmade a killing¶ at the racetrack.

  , ³When I was born I was so surprised that I didn¶t talk for a year and a half - - Gracie
:c:5!c!c2 c My wife won an all expense paid trip lottery for two to
Hawaii- - and she went twice.´
 ! ÿ  $  *a!! (pronounced Kak- e- nate)- - laugh loudly.
 µTo write with a broken pencil is pointless¶.
µI couldn¶t quite remember how to throw a boomerang, but eventually it came back to me.¶
5Can you list five words ending with the letters µle¶, that are synonymous with
laughter? [Answer: Giggle, chuckle, chortle, cackle and smile.]

6 5 U7To the nearest hundred, what is the maximum number of votes that can be
cast in EVMs? [Answer: 3800, to be exact 3840.] [EVM is Electronic Voting Machine.]
Many of us use $cas an alternative to which edible thing? [Answer: Sugar.]
Which Greek mythological character¶s giant gold-colored statue would one find at the
Rockefeller Plaza in New York City? [Answer: Prometheus]
IIWednesday, May 13, 2009: 9:11 AM: Times of India: *

Leeks have similar nutritional benefits to onions and garlic. They are a good source of fiber, folic
acid, vitamins B6 and C, manganese and iron. Leeks can improve the immune system, lower
cholesterol levels and fight cancer.
c$. c8!5cCC1c1cC??c!c-c
c+ c2 c,.c
Kavya acted in K.B¶s µSahana¶, a tele-serial, wonderfully. Now she is acting in µSollathan
Ninaikkiren¶ another tele-serial.
She is married to µSatyadas¶, who is connected with an advertising agency in London. It was a
love cum arranged marriage. The couple has a small tender baby. While Satyadas belongs to
Chennai, Kavya hails from Mysore. Now Kavya is settled in Chennai. The love between Kavya
and Satyadas blossomed forth when Kavya was acting in K.B¶s serial, and when Satyadas came
for doing an advertising project. Satyadas at that time proposed his love to her. The marriage
took place in 2005.
Kavya is a talented classical dancer. She has fully choreographed the entire dance sequences in
this serial.
[Comments by S.S: µKavya is our Ananth¶s brother-in-law¶s, brother-in-law¶s wife. Machaanin,
Machaanin manaivi]

66Thursday, May 14, 2009: 7:39 A.M: Times of India:

 c<*c'5c@ c)!1c+!!A is low in calories and is good source of many
nutrients including vitamin B6 and C, fiber, calcium and folic acid. It is also effective in the
prevention of neural tube defects, which affect developing fetuses. [See, 30-4-2009, Thursday,
topic also]
!c*5cÑUntil you try, you don¶t know what you can¶t do.´
ü!c9cBimal has twice as many cousins as Ramesh. Ganesh has 5 cousins, which is 11
less than Bimal has. How many cousins does Ramesh have?
[Answer as given in the paper: µWork backwards to find the solution. Ganesh has 5 cousins,
which is 11 less than Bimal has; therefore, Bimal has 16 cousins. Bimal has twice as many
asRamesh has, so half of 16 is 8. Ramesh has 8 cousins.]
My (S.S) way of working it out:
Assume that Ramesh has x cousins.
So, Bimal will have 2x cousins.
It is given that Ganesh has 5 cousins, which is 11 less than Bimal has.
Therefore Bimal has 16 cousins.
Hence 2x= 16, from which x= 8.
Therefore Ramesh has 8 cousins. Is it not easy now, Nandhu?
6The Hindu: 5  ³The secret of staying young is to live honestly, eat slowly, and lie
about your age.´ (Lucille Ball.)
    Is Antibacterial soap better than regular soap?
It is best to use regular soap and water. Antibacterial soaps don¶t kill viruses. Experts believe that
by killing only some of the bacteria, antibacterial soaps may give rise to the growth of more
dangerous bacterial strains.

66: Times of India: Friday, May 15, 2009: 9:27 A.M c

!c*5cLife is a dream for the wise, a game for the fool, a comedy for the rich and a
tragedy for the poor.´
ü $cc=5c
cSon: Dad, are you getting taller?
Dad: No, why do you ask?
Son: Because your head is growing through your hair!
Solve the $cÑTÆ PEÆT C ATTEÆ´ to get the name of popular Sci-fi author.
[Answer: µTerry Pratchett.¶]
üü <cP 51cC?# #C??1c-c
µPower corrupts, but lack of power corrupts absolutely¶, says Adlai Stevenson.
,Imagination is more important than knowledge.¶- -Emerson.
[The first quotation is while commenting about the people¶s eagerness about election, and the
poor µcrowd shows¶ for the election meetings convened by P.Chidambaram in his own
Sivaganga constituency.
The second is a praise for the making of the cartoon characters ÿ that appear for the
µVodafone¶ advertisements in small screen. They are in fact neither cartoons, nor animated
characters. They are intelligent conversion of actors who had performed in reality, but later
transformed to look like small and short caricatures, as though formed with mere eggs. They, and
their action are interesting to view and enjoy.] [S.S]
$cc)cc!)!cc!1c)cPc!1c1cC # #C??1c1cc c
<irst of all it is spelt as µZoozoos¶. Zoozoos are characters created by Bangaluru based adman
Prakash Varma¶s production house ÑNirvana Films´. Zoozoos are alien-like characters with
bulbous heads and stick-like hands and legs. The characters played by real people, are made to
look like animated characters. In 2001, Prakash and his wife Sneha set up this production house-
-Nirvana in Bangaluru. Prakash was born in Alappuzha, and he is a graduate. is works include
ads for Titan, yundai Santro, Chevrolet Optra, Frooty, Lee Jeans and Ponds. e shot the films
in Cape Town.

Saturday, May 16, 2009: 6:23 AM: The Hindu: *

66Does an electric toothbrush work better than a regular one?
Power-assisted toothbrushes are more effective at removing plaque than when brushing by hand.
Times of India: &*c&*cc ! c2!+, says:
³We choose our joys and sorrows long before we experience them.´

Wise track: Ñ Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply
gives you courage.´
üc !##c†5c4 Donkey¶s years indicates a very long time. Is the British
slang term for µa very long time¶, donkey¶s years or donkey¶s ears? Donkey¶s years is now the
more commonly used slang term when meaning µa long time¶.
´The dot that appears over the letter µi¶ is called a ÿ

üc c<*cRadishes and their greens are excellent sources of vitamin C and calcium. They
are also a very good source of the mineral molybdenum, potassium, folic acid and copper. They
contain cancer-protective properties and they have been effective when used as a medicinal food
for liver disorders, Radishes also contain a variety of sulphur-based chemicals that increase the
flow of bile. p’

66&1cc E1cC??c??c$cP!c)c !c!c9c$c  !c;; c)c

³There are six men and they each have six baskets. Each basket has six cats inside and each cat
has six kittens. All are whole and healthy. How many legs are there?´
[Answer by S.S: Six men, each has six baskets, means 36 baskets in toto.
Each basket has six cats; so totally 3656= 216 cats, and each cat has 6 kittens.
So 21656= 1296 kittens. So, cats+ kittens would be 1296+216= 1512 and each cat and each
kitten has 4 healthy legs.
Hence, the number of legs will be 151254 = 6048 legs. Okay!
O, Nandhu, you forgot to add the 12 legs of the six men who carried the baskets!
The right answer is 6048+ 12= 6960 legs.]
ÑTouching and stroking a plant will aid in it growing healthy.´
w:'c If a cat crosses you when you are going somewhere, what does it mean?
It means that cat is also going somewhere!
ÑLiquor! What!! I don¶t even know who she is. . . !
Žc !##c cc  To be in the doldrums means to be in low spirits; feeling
dull and drowsy. The Doldrums is the region of calm winds, centered slightly north of the
equator and between the two belts of trade winds, which meet there and neutralize each other.
In the 19 th. Century, µdoldrum¶ was a word meaning µdullard¶, µa dull or sluggish fellow¶ and
this was probably derived from µdol¶, meaning µdull¶ with its form taken from µtantrum¶.
³ I am now in the doldrums; but when I get better, I will send for you.´
 Actress ±director Æevathy was born as Asha Kelunni in Kochi, Kerala.
(c:cP8c&-9cc-c- 1c&1c # #C??1cC?C?cc
ÑThe melodious and famous song µMUKAT IL MUKAM PAÆKALAAM¶ sung by TMS, is in
ÿ&6!aÆ$)´[The lyric is by µKannadasan¶: µMukathil mukam paarkalaam, viral
nakathil pavazhathin niram parkalam¶]
$c+cc)c!ccc)c;!c)cP! c
[From µDinamalar, Vara Malar, dated, 17-5-2009, page6]
Maya drew pictures for Manian¶s short stories and serial stories. Maya¶s real name is
Mahadevan. Latha, actually a male artist, had been drawing pictures for Chandilyan¶s works.
Among lady artists, Kumudha had done lot of work in drawing pictures for short stories
appearing in Kumudam journal. She is the eldest daughter of former editor of Kumudam, Late
Punithan. Kumudha is the wife of famous comedy actor Pandu. Now a days Kumudha is not in
the field drawing pictures for magazines.
Lalitha, another lady artist draws pictures for the English edition of the journal µGokulam¶,
published by µKalki¶ group. [Translation by S.S]

   $  ''    ) 89,+,.//0

Ñaarum illaadha kadaiyil, yaarukku tea aathurei nee?´
Is this not a new pazhamozhi? O! this is also an oxymoron! New, pazhamozhi!

Monday, May 18, 2009: 7:50 AM: The Hindu: Brain Bytes Quiz:
Name the creator of the comic book heroes The Phantom and Mandrake. [Lee Falk.]
Which element was once code-named µTube Alloy Metal¶? [Plutonium]c
What does the new-age word µmancation¶ mean? [An all-male group holiday]c
Who has taken the most Grammy Awards, record 31 trophies personally won? [Sir Georg Solti.]c på
What is the µvaporetto¶ in Venice? [The Powered water taxis.]c
P!c)c !c !#c#cc c.ccc* c
This little phrase, at first does not appear to be an idiom at all. µI haven¶t got a clue¶, obviously
means I am without any knowledge or understanding of the matter under discussion.
Turnips are a µstarch¶ vegetable. Turnips provide an excellent source of vitamin C
and A, fiber, folic acid, manganese, pantothenic acid and copper, They also offer a very good
source of calcium, copper, thiamine, potassium, niacin, and magnesium. In addition, they are a
good source of vitamin B6 and E and riboflavin.
!cP*5c,Time is the wisest counselor of all.´
man went to the lawyer and said, ³I want a divorce. My wife hasn¶t spoken to me for the past
six months.´
The lawyer advised him, ³Better think it over. Wives like that are too hard to get.´
Well, the too. . . . .to construction which can be transformed to so. . . . . that structure is a
universal favorite amongst English grammar teachers. Pcis a word often used and also
µmisused¶. It has several connotations.
(i) Used alone, it means more than is good, reasonable or accepted, more than enough, ore than is
necessary, more than is wanted. This is true of informal speech, where it is similar to .
Example: I hear you were born on April 2, a day too late!
Why did you throw away your Math book?
It had too many problems.
However we cannot replace µvery¶ by µtoo.¶ For instance you cannot say,
µI was too happy to receive your letter today.¶ You can only say,
µI was very happy to receive your letter today.¶
The former sentence would suggest the opposite, namely
µI was so happy that I did not receive your letter today.
Consider the conversation below:
Student: I couldn¶t get to school on time because I started too late.
Teacher: Why didn¶t you start earlier?
Student: It was too late to start early.
What are the contexts for usingc?c
Pcdoes not occur at the beginning of a clause. It usually goes at the end of a clause.
Doctor: I have examined you thoroughly. All you need is rest.
Patient: But I feel sick. Why don¶t you look at my tongue?
Doctor: That needs rest too!
P is used in imperatives and short answers.
Give me some bread too.
I have a headache.
I have too.
In very informal speech, we use ccas a short answer.
I love her. Me too!
When we use two negatives one after the other, we must not use  We should only use  . . .
. . !c
It is wrong to say:
You can¶t have a cake and you can¶t have an apple too. pp
You should say,
You can¶t have a cake and you can¶t have an apple either.
However, after mentioning an affirmative (non-negative) fact or an idea, we can add a negative
point by using not. . . . . too.
You can have a cake, but you can¶t have an apple too.
Here is a brain teaser for you:
Why are men like Government Bonds?
Because they take too long to mature!

1, While Zakir Hussain plays the Tabla, Pundit Shivkumar Sharma plays the Santoor.
2. A standard acoustic guitar has six strings and the name of the wood piece that is attached to
the mouthpiece of a saxophone is called µreed¶.
3. Bill Clinton, the former American President loves to play the saxophone.
4.Sherlock Holmes was known to play the Violin, says the author Sir. Arthur Conan Doyle.
5.P!5 c!5 c ! c1cthe famous nursery rhyme was composed by Mozart, I mean,
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.


When someone goes off the deep end, he becomes angry or hysterical, or the person loses his
cool or temper.
Example: ³My aunt went off the deep end when her daughter came home well past midnight.´
How can dinner be µon¶ someone? You can have dinner µwith¶ someone. Can¶t you?
No, I will make it clear. When you inform someone that dinner is on you, you are telling him that
you are treating him.
In other words, you¶ll be paying for the meal. It¶s your treat.
³I know quite a few people. Some of the dreams that my friend has are as long as a feature film.´
³And that¶s what a ,!) !> is. A long, complex dream.
³When he hired Sujatha, the boss probably thought she would become his µecho chamber.¶
An ,*c*+ is someone who agrees with everything another person says.
Example: ³I am told Shankar is his wife¶s echo chamber.´
³Do you remember Veeru? He is my neighbor. He died as a very rich man.´
³One does not die as something. One simply dies. Veeru died a rich man.´ This is the correct
P! !* ³The New England Journal of Medicine reports that 9 out of 10 doctors agree that 1
out of 10 doctors is an idiot.´  )
:' "23cO$(( $2c2$%'(Ic
After the wedding, the husband decided it would be a modern marriage, and that the couple
would play equal roles. So, the first morning after their honeymoon, he brought the wife
breakfast in bed.
However, she wasn¶t impressed by his culinary skills. Looking disdainfully at the tray, she
snorted: ³Poached eggs? I wanted scrambled!´
Undaunted, the following morning, the man brought his new bride scrambled eggs. But she said:
³I wanted them poached this morning!´
Determined to please her, the next morning, he brought two eggs- - one poached and one ppp
³Here, my darling, enjoy,´ he said cheerfully. The wife was infuriated. ³You scrambled the
wrong egg!´ she screamed.
 c c Which flowers are edible?
Peonies, Pansies, Carnations, Chamomile, Chrysanthemums, Daylilies, Gardenias, Geraniums,
Gladioli, Lavender, Lilies, Nasturtiums, Primroses, Roses, Squash Blossoms, Sweet violets, Pot
Marigolds, and Yucca Blossoms [Lotus left out in this list! Many parts of the lotus are edible²
perhaps the Daylilies are nothing but lotus! - -S.S]
cc8 ³A woman¶s mind is cleaner than a man¶s- that¶s because she changes it more
2($<< P c ³Legislate SIESTAS. They are energy savers!´
<c4c cG7 6c
1.Which country¶s name originates from a line of latitude? [Answer: Ecuador.]
2. Which of these colors is not found on a standard Rubik¶s cube? [Answer: Pink.]
3. Name the U.S. President on Mount Rushmore who was also a Nobel Laureate. [Teddy
4.What is an adult male kangaroo called? [Answer: Boomer.]
5.Which confection consists primarily of sugar and almond meal? [Answer: Marzipan.]
6. Two of India¶s neighboring countries are µland locked¶ ± (i.e. without direct access to the sea.)
Name both. [Answer: Nepal and Bhutan.] cc
( ††%&c†c"c Why did the one-handed man cross the road? [to go to the second-
hand shop,]
Which driver can never be arrested for speeding? [screwdriver.]
Why did the orange stop? [it ran out of juice!] (Pun in the word µjuice¶, also means energy)

1ccC?1cC?? C c$cPc!c c c
Are some medicines still good after their expiration dates?
es, about 90%, according to FDA tests. But remember, some critical medications, like nitro-
glycerin and insulin do lose their effectiveness after the expiration date. cc
P!c)c !c!cP*5c³Plans are good intentions unless they immediately degenerate
into hard work.´
³Ever wonder how people who tell you to calm down are the same ones who got you mad in the
first place!!´
³For speedy relief of stress, depression and anxiety, 4 out of 5 doctors recommend money.´
 c<*cGreen Rooibos tea is caffeine free and is rich in naturally occurring trace
elements. It also contains healthy amounts of Iron, Magnesium, Potassium, Fluoride, Manganese,
Zinc, Calcium, Vitamin C and fair amounts of alpha-hydroxy acid, which is known to promote
healthy skin. Green Rooibos tea has anti-viral, anti-spasmodic and anti-allergic properties.
!##c† !c(++c
Daylight robbery is blatant and unfair overcharging. This is not used to describe actual robberies-
- whatever time of day they might take place. It is a figurative phrase that associates an instance
of unfair trading without actual robbery. Not just any old robbery, but one so unashamed and
obvious that it is committed in broad daylight. pp

Thursday, May 21, 2009: 8:54 AM: The Hindu:c

2))!!cÑFatal accidents happen only once.´
 c  What¶s a safe bug killer?
Boric acid is an effective bug killer. It does not evaporate into the air or pose serious health risks,
when compared to synthetic insecticides.
P!c)c !c!c*5cµAlways write angry letters to your enemies. Never mail them.¶
!c9c$cSolve this: ÑÆousing Mortals´ [Answer: Louis Armstrong.]. e
happens to be a jazz legend.
Sesame seeds are a great source of copper, manganese, calcium, iron and zinc.
Foods that contain a good supply of minerals help to strengthen the bones, nails, hair and eyes.
!##c†c†cDog days are very hot days of the season. [March, April and May, in
our country] But the ancient Romans noticed that the hottest days of the year, i.e. in late July and
early August, coincided with the appearance of Sirius- the Dog Star, in the same part of the sky
as the Sun. The ancients believed that the star contributed to the heat of the day.
The adjective Canicular means µpertaining to Sirius¶, so Dog days are also called Canicular days.
* Æ
veryday I wake up with a sense of pride
Thinking whose pains and suffering,
I will ease with my stride.
I feel relieved whenever I see
That someone is alive
Today because of me.
Sometimes I am hard
Sometimes I am strict
Sometimes I cry because
I can¶t save them all;
God sometimes won¶t let us interfere when he calls
But whenever suffering causes emotional drain;
I try to hold them tight and ease their pain.
I¶ll work relentlessly so that they can enjoy
The world¶s beauty because I believe
That¶s my job and that¶s my duty.
[From Piramal Health Care, compliment to Dr.CLK, at his consulting room.] .
Friday, May 22, 2009:8:41 AM: Times of India:
8!5c(5!c(5!cEvery summer, the skyline of Chennai city bursts into color as trees
bloom. Today is µInternational bio-diversity day. We, therefore introduce µThe City¶s Flowering
Chenai has four kinds of trees, like native mangoes; naturalized trees brought from other
countries, but have adopted to local conditions like gulmohar; non-native trees that have to be
replanted each time; and invasive species.
There is an organization known as ³NIZHAL´, founded by Smt. Shoba Menon. This
organization creates awareness about trees.
The IIT campus alone has about 110 species of trees and the city has about 150. pp‰
Most trees in Chennai are non-native naturalized trees from tropical areas in S.E.Asia, Africa,
South America, West Indies and Australia says Harish Krishnamoorti, a resource person for
Cassia, also known as µSarakonrai¶, is a wild species native to South India and typically flowers
in April and May. It sheds all its leaves and flowers only remain!
Other native trees that are quite beautiful are µLannea Coromandelica¶ known as Odhiya Maram
in Tamil. The µVaagai Tree¶ is in full bloom now. The pods are papery and flat and rattle in the
wind, which gives its common English name as µMother-in-law¶s tongue.¶
The Gulmohar (Delonix Regia) is an all time favorite which is native to Madagascar and
naturalized here,
The Pride of India (Lagerstroemia Reginae), locally called µPoomaruthu¶, has its soft ruffled-
looking flowers in shades of purple and pink.
Trees, their Botanical names and their Nativity:
Common Name: Mauve Tabebula.
Botanical: Tabebula rosca.
Native: Tropical America.
COPPER POD / Peltophorum pterocarpum / Sri Lanka.
GULMOHAR / Delonix Regia / Madagascar.
INDIAN LABURNUM / Cassia Fistula / Indian native.
FRANGIPANI / Plumeria Rubra / Tropical America.
!c+ ÑA slight inclination of the cranium is as adequate as a spasmodic movement of
one optic to an equine quadruped utterly devoid of any visionary capacity.´ Translate.
Answer: ÑA nod is as good as a wink to a blind horse.¶
Boss: We are very keen on cleanliness. Did you wipe your feet on the mat as you came in?
New employee: Yes, sir.
Boss: We are keen on truthfulness also. There¶s no mat!
<*c)ccc The first bicycle that was made in 1817 by Baron von Drais didn¶t have any
pedals. People walked it along.
 c<*c†ccontain oil, Ca, S, Fe, K, P, Mn, Cu and Mg. They are also high in fiber,
which makes it an ideal snack. When eaten regularly, dates protect against the building up of
cholesterol. They are a natural remedy for those suffering from giddiness due to low blood sugar
level and low blood pressure. Dates can help strengthen bones.
!##c†+ c†*c
Double Dutch means nonsense- -a language one cannot understand. The English used to hold
the Dutch in very low regard, on account of the hostilities between the two countries in the
seventeenth century. As a consequence of the previous antagonism, there are numerous English
phrases, which portray Dutch items in a poor light:
Dutch comfort± Cold comfort.
Dutch concert± pandemonium.
Dutch courage± the courage of drink.
Dutch crossing± crossing the street slant.
Dutch treat± each pays for his or her own expenses.
Going Dutch± sharing the bill.
Double-Dutch is also the name of a children¶s skipping game in which two rope are used. The ppù
game is still played, both on the street and at tournament level, most commonly in the USA,
where skipping has the more descriptive name of µjumping rope.¶
Why is 14 March 1931 an historic day in Indian films? [Answer: The first talkie   was
&cc+c*c8!.5 Vivek holds an M.com from American College, Madurai plus a
B.L degree. His father was an Inspector of Schools. He had all his education mostly in
Government Schools only as desired by his father. Thus he had his school education in Coonoor,
Santhome- Chennai and in Cathedral School in the Nilgiris and a private school called Santhi
Vijaya, whenever his father faced transfer in his Government service. Vivek says: ´Most of my
class time, I spent staring out of the window admiring the beauty of the forests and the greens of
the Nilgiris!´
 ½ 1 the Newsreader in small screen and actor in films and stages says:
³I was very interested in films even as a child. But I was afraid of telling my father and family
that. So I took news reading. Acting soon followed. Recently my father asked me why I was not
doing many croles. I smiled at the irony.
[The irony: Meaty in Hindi means 'sweet¶- - S.S ]
8 5!cc"!*!@cc,8cc,c"1c*!. 1c!cc>c+ Ac
Phe Dancer couple has won this year¶s (2009) Sangeet Natak Akademi Award.
A versatile artist, µ N¶, is noted for his expertise in vocal music, mridangam and nattuvangam
besides his proficiency in Kuchipudi and Bharatanatyam. µV¶ is an able and efficient
colloborator to her husband. µV¶ is known as much for her mastery over the arts as for her
cultured and articulate persona.
The µN¶s¶ are renowned gurus, performers and choreographers.
Narasimhachari is the president of $9$ 1 (All India Association for Bharatanatyam
 c cWhat is a healthy alternative to chemical drain cleaners?
A sink plunger can work wonders at unclogging drains. If you use a drain cleaner, choose one
that¶s bacteria-based. They µre not fast acting as chemical drain cleaners, but they¶re effective
and environmentally friendly.
 ! ( 2    
Who is the first lady pilot who flew for maximum number of hours? [Answer: Captain Dhurbha
Banerjee, who flew a maximum of 18500 hours in 29 years of her service.]
Which country respects the jack tree (Palaa Maram), as its National tree? [Answer: Bangladesh.]
Which is the first anti-biotic discovered? [Answer: Penicillin.]

Saturday, May 23, 2009: 8:07 AM: Pc "†7cc c c
What¶s a safe alternative to chemical bathroom cleansers?
Wipe surface with vinegar. Then sprinkle on baking soda. Let stand for a few minutes. Then rub
with a damp sponge and rinse. Vinegar is a mild acetic acid. When it reacts with baking soda, it
helps loosen surface scum.
P!c)c !c!c*5cEquality is the soul of liberty; there is, in fact, no liberty without
 c<*c Rambutan is a rich source of vitamin C. A key antioxidant, vitamin C helps
protect cells from free radical damage and improves the absorption of iron. Rambutan also pp 
contains small amounts of copper needed for the production of red and white blood cells and
manganese, which the body uses to help manufacture and activate certain enzymes. [Rambutan is
a fruit available in Singapore. I read about this fruit, probably when I was reading in the eighth
class in Srivaikuntam, and when µDevan¶ was writing a serial in Ananda vikatan. I tasted this
fruit in Srimathi¶s house a couple of years ago, when she brought these fruits from Singapore. I
remember the names of characters in Devan¶s serial writing: Kantamani (heroine), Kalyana
Sundaram Pillai, a rich philanthropic millionaire in Singapore, µSavukku¶ ennum Saranathan, a
reporter of a journal, a miserly person. The title of the serial is ³Lakshmi Kataksham.´]
a!½!Æ Two clocks register midnight at exactly the same time. One clock loses a
minute an hour while the other one gains a minute an hour. When will they again tell the same
time? [Answer: They will both register six O¶ clock 360 hours later.]


The OLYMPIC was the sister ship of the Titanic, and she provided twenty-
five years of service.

<ccc90c[Scene: Cho in his office- to the producer:] 22-5-2009, 20:14
ÑSahasram vada / Ekam maa likha // [ou may tell thousands. (But) don¶t write (even) one
(thing).] Implied meaning: ou may speak thousand irrelevant things. But you should be careful,
not to commit yourself in writing
Ec$c†! c8c c-Cc
What are the important points to be observed, when taking sacred bath in the temple tanks?
Avoid bathing at mid-night. Face the temple, while you dip yourself in the tank/ pond.
8!.cThe µSaivites¶ now a days celebrate their 60 th and 80 th birthdays in Thirukadayur.
Parallely, the Vaishnavites celebrate their birthdays in Nachiyarkoil, near Kumbakonam. The
place gets its name, in honor of the resident goddess Nachiar. The huge stone Garuda is famous
here, exhibiting the iconic grandeur of Tamilnadu. [Translation by me S.S]
Refer: www.dhivyadeshams.com
(From Dinamalar, 24-5-2009, page 10.)
The ancient name of this village was µThiru Naraiur. The goddess is µVanjulavalli¶. She stands
adjacent to the Lord Srinivasa, (Thiru Naraiyur Nambi) in the form of a bride at the time of
marriage. [Kalyana kolam]
The lord performed the µSamasrayanam¶ to the great µThirumangai Azhwar¶.
This µKshetra¶ is just 9 k.m from Kumbakonam.
Thirumangai Azhwar has sung 110 verses (Pasurangal) in praise of this Lord.
(Details gathered from ³ 108 Divya Desa Yatraa Divyanubhavam´, Page 195. Chozha Nattu
Thirpatigal, S.No 14.)
P!c)c !c&cP!c'c&*cCD# #C??c-c Dc
c!c!5c 0c
The term µpink elephant is used to describe something obvious and uncomfortable, but which
nobody wants to talk about. At the work place or business communications, it is something that
is buried under the carpet when things go wrong. It refers especially to a situation of unhealthy
relationships between women colleagues - - one woman may try to bully the other woman out of pp·
rivalry, to stay in control. Broaching such a topic may be embarrassing to all, so it is called a
µpink elephant in the room.¶ (Rohit Agarwal, Lucknow.)
ccc)!c!*c*c!cc 0c
The origin of ice cream can be traced to the fourth century B.C. Early references include Roman
emperor Nero who ordered ice to be brought from the mountains and combined with fruit
toppings, and King Tang (A.D 618-97) of Shang, China, who had a method of creating ice and
milk concoctions, Ice cream was brought from China back to Europe. [Manasvi Mehta,
c!cc !c*0c
The golliwog act is a flexible contortion of the body in a dance form to create an impression that
the contortionist is a doll. The name is taken from a literary character created by Florence Kate in
her novel µThe Adventures of two Dutch Dolls and a Golliwog.¶ [P.Esakkimuthu, Mumbai.]
$cc ! c+!c)c*!c3c
Actor Asin (Asin Thottumkal), from Kerala, recently moved out of her parents¶ Lokhandwala
apartment (in Mumbai) and has shifted to her own house at Green Acres, which is in the same
locality. She has planned to do the interior design by her own to her own taste.
Incidentally, Sridevi and Tabu live in the same society.
[When I was a student in St. Xavier¶s college at Palayamkottai, a young Jesuit Catholic Father
by name Æev. Fr. Thottungal S.J. used to take classes (minor poems and non-detailed text, µThe
Iliad¶) for us.]
c!cc$cmere 2% drop in body water can trigger fuzzy short-term memory, trouble with
basic math, and difficulty focusing on the computer screen. [Kinley Advt.]
Monday, May 25, 2009: 8:01 AM: Times of India: !c9c Jagdish scored 85, 92 and 95
in his Science tests. What does he need to earn on his next Science test to have an average
(arithmetic mean) of 93%?
Dear Nandhu! This is a good question. I give the answer: To earn an average of 93% in all four
tests, the sum of those four tests must be 9354 ±372
The sum of the first three tests is 85+ 92+ 95±272. The difference between the needed sum of
four tests and the sum of the first three tests is 100. He needs a 100 to get an average of 93%
ÑExcuse my French Ñ is another way of saying µPlease forgive my swearing.¶ This has its origin
in the mid twentieth century.
The precise phrase comes just as later in S.P.E. Tract IV; 1940: µExcuse my French! (Forgive
my strong language).´
2($$(c27(7c Here are some creative innovations that should prove very useful to
Bananas and oranges with edible peels so you don¶t have to peel them.
Golf holes that expand, so your ball always reaches them in one stroke.
A bank that loans money to kids, so they don¶t have to ask the parents for advances against
pocket money.
Invisible braces, so people can have their teeth straightened without looking ugly.
The two letter word  is one of the most versatile in English vocabulary. It adds punch to a
simple statement in speaking. The Merriam Webster¶s dictionary raises an interesting question:
Is it a distinctively female failing?
The American Heritage Book of English Usage lists several uses of c pp
cor cccin purpose clauses:
Professor: Boys, I am dismissing you ten minutes early today. Please go out quietly so as not to
wake up the other classes.
cor ccccin result clauses:
c as connective in narratives:
³So that distinguished looking man is your leading citizen, eh? Has he received many degrees
from college?´
³Why, he has received so many degrees that we call him the Human Thermometer!´
cas intensive, meaning, to a great degree or extent:
Professor: You can¶t sleep in my class!
Student: If you didn¶t talk so loud, I could!
We often hear people saying, ³I am so happy´, ³She was so tired.´, ³The coffee is so good!´
This is pardonable in informal conversation, but not allowed in formal speech or writing.
Romantic lover: Just one kiss! Love makes the world go round!
Sturdy co-ed: So does a smash on the jaw!
Here are some common errors in the use of 
Since it is his birthday on Monday, so he¶s having a party. [Wrong.]
It is his birthday on Monday. So he is having a party. [Right.]
During the summer all the hotels are so busy. [Wrong.]
During the summer all the hotels are very busy. [Right.]
I don¶t think we should do it so. [Wrong.]
I don¶t think we should do it in that way. [Right.]
We use the informal expression cc1 when we can¶t remember a name: What has happened
to old so and so?
&ccccmeans neither good nor bad.
How are you feeling?
So . . . so!
So long, farewell!
The people of which race claimed that they came from a place called µAztian¶ or áztati tiantii¶?
[Answer: The Aztecs.]
With a take on the µPeter Principle¶ which principle states µthat incompetent employees are
promoted directly to management?¶ [Answer: Dilbert Principle.]
Who created the holistic detective ³Dirk Gently¶? [Answer: Douglas Adams (of µThe
Hitchhiker¶s Guide to the Galaxy¶ fame.]
In Phillip Pullman¶s µNorthern Lights¶, what is the term used for the armored polar bears?
[Answer: panserbjșme.]
What astronomical term, which is a portmanteau word, is equivalent to 3.26 light years or
206,265 Astronomical units? [Answer: Parsec.]
Pc!cPc!! c cc+c !c-c c
c³Members of the public are urged to report crime without fear of any follow-up action.´ So the
police will sleep on the complaints? (K.Balakesari, Chennai.)
³They were discharged from hospital after giving first aid.´ They got or were given first aid?
(P.V.Mohan, Kochi).
³He hospitalized after complaints of delirium and dehydration.´ He was hospitalized with pp’
symptoms, not complaints. (Dr. K. Ahmed Anwar, Perintalmana, Kerala.)
³Mr. Subba Rao withdrew his remarks as they tantamounted to character assassination.´
µTantamount¶ is not a verb and has no derivative. (Jagannada Rao Pannala, Kakinada, Andhra
A report on Prime Minister Manmohan Singh¶s heart surgery refers to ³removal of blocks in Dr.
Singh¶s heart.´ The blocks are in the arteries. (S.Gurumurthy, Chennai.)
³Stripped naked by the mob and her virginity grossly violated in public, without any help from
the police present there.´ Should the police have helped the mob?
The mother being in no position to feed the baby, was reluctant to take him as she was in no
position to feed him.´
A reminder of how long the Old Printer¶s Devil has been with us. Printer¶s devil is an assistant
or errand boy in a printer¶s office and does not mean a printing mistake. (Dr. John K.Mammen,
³Clarify on Kasuri¶s statement. Chidambaram and MEA sing different tune´. (tunes.)
ÑAbstains from Parliamentary Board Meeting´ (abstain is not absent.)
³Engine hits man, dies.´ How did the engine die, asks K.Krishnamurthy, Srirangam. He also has
these: ³Imports from China will have to accompany a certificate.´(what should accompany
what?) ³Absentees rise.´ (How can they?)
³Ry. Zone for State still a far cry.´ ³A far cry´ means ³something very different.´(A.N.Balan,
³Kannan comes out with flying colors.´ It should be comes off, and not µflying colors¶, when
the report says ³thin majority of 3312 votes.´ (P.V. Ramana Rao, Guntur.)
³Congress building bridges with estranged allies´. ³Bridges to´ (M.V. Subba Rao, Vijayawada.)
You can depend on a crossword compiler to discover meanings for words that you did not know
existed. A wrong usage I cited in my last column, instigate for initiate, is not wrong, points out
C.G.Rishikesh (Chennai). Generally µinstigate¶ is used to mean µcause something to happen¶ but
it also means µto initiate¶ according to some dictionaries.
(Title of the Topic that appeared in the paper: *!ccccJcc !c!c
'cc)cPc!1ccC # #C??1cPc
³Iran, Pakistan link gas pipeline deal,´ (May 25, 2009, page1) said that the construction of the
56-!*c!*5cpipeline would be completed in five years. (It is 56-inch diameter pipeline.)
P1ccC 1cC??cE c$cP!c)c !cc
!c9c@†c"AcWhich of the following represents a composite number?
11; 29; 41; 91. (Answer: 91; A composite number is a whole number greater than one that has
other factors besides 1 and itself; in other words, it is not prime. Each of the answer choices is
prime numbers except 91, which has factors of 1, 7, 13 and 91.)

Idiom-a-day: ³Economical with the truth.´

To be economical with the truth is to covey an untrue version of events by leaving out the
important facts. A euphemism for µlying¶ in short.
Recorded from the 18 th. Century, although rarely used.
In 1796 Edmund Burke wrote: ³Falsehood and delusion are allowed in no case whatsoever: but,
as in the exercise of all the virtues, there is an economy of truth.´
The Hindu dated 26-5-2009, Tuesday, 21:50 hours: &6  
#How is the word µhomage¶ pronounced?
Like µHO-mij¶ with the stress on the first syllable. When you µhomage¶ to someone, you usually
show respect to him and say nice things about him.
#Which is correct? µNone of you have/has answered the question correctly¶.
Both are correct. Nowadays, it is okay to use either a singular or a plural verb with µnone of¶. In
formal contexts, the British prefer a singular verb. The Americans, on the other hand, mostly use
plural verb after µnone of µ.
³None of my father¶s articles have/ has been published in that journal´.
#What is the meaning of the expression µbeyond his ken¶?
The word µken¶ is Scottish in origin, and it means µto know someone or something¶. Therefore
when you say that something is µ beyond your ken¶, what you mean is that you do not know
anything about it. It is something that is beyond your understanding.
³Please do not talk to me about politics. It is just beyond my ken.
#How do you refer to someone who in his 60s?
A µSexagenarian¶. It should be pronounced like ³sex-a-ji-NAI-ri-en with the stress on the fourth
³The teenager said she was in love with a sexagenarian´.
#Is it okay to say, ³He does not want to go to anywhere´?
No, it isn¶t. The word µanywhere¶, like µsomewhere¶ is not preceded by prepositions like µin¶,
µat¶, and µto¶. It is also important to remember that the words µthere¶, µhere¶, µupstairs¶ and
µdownstairs¶ are never preceded by µto¶ either.
³The children are too tired to go anywhere.¶
#What is the meaning of µgreased lightning¶?
What would happen if lightning were to be greased? It would move even faster. When you say
that someone moves like µgreased lightning¶, you mean he moves very fast. This expression,
which originated in the U.S., can also be used to mean µpowerful¶.
³Don¶t let the dented body fool you. This little car is greased lightning.
## TAIL PIECE: ³Nothing is often a good thing to say, often a clever thing to say.´ - - Will
†c"c4c cPc!cC # #C??1cPc
@ If the sister of your mother¶s only brother has an only child, what is that child¶s relationship to
you? [Answer: The child is yourself.]
@ Should you stir your tea with your right hand or left? [Answer: Neither! Use a spoon.]
@Y W Quiz: Which part of the body is affected by µ2!!.!!0 [Answer: The gums or mouth.]
@What was the first name of the famous artist Gauguin? [Answer: Paul.]
@ On which river does Lisbon stand? [Answer: Tagus.]
@ For which wild cat is !cthe adjective? [Answer Leopard.]
@ Who is a )) in a movie production? [Answer: The head of the electrical department or
chief electrician.]

Wednesday, May 27, 2009: 7:06 AM: Times of India:

!c9c What number comes next in this sequence: 1/1, 3/2, 7/5, 17/12, 41/29, =?=
Answer: 99/70: Each successive term better approximates the square root of two and is formed
as (a+2b)/ (a+b). p



 c<*cLemongrass can reduce toxins, excess fats, cholesterol and uric acid in the body.
It also stimulates lactation, blood circulation and digestion. A good cleanser, lemongrass can
detoxify the digestive tract, bladder, kidney, pancreas and liver. It is also good for treating gas
and indigestion.
!##c(cccRough and ready means simple but good enough. Rough or
crude but effective for a purpose or use. As used in this expression, rough basically means simple
or unrefined. By adding the word µready¶, the expression suggests that despite a lack of
sophistication, something can still be effective.
EALT CAPSULES: Does green tea lower blood pressure?
ÑCAMELLIA SINENSIS: the bush that green tea leaves come from:
No studies have shown that green tea lowers blood pressure. But !+!*cPcdoes. In a recent
study, participants saw their systolic B.P. lowered by 7 points in six weeks. They drank 3 cups of
ibiscus tea daily.

Thursday, May 28, 2009: 8:58 AM: P 5c

# #C??c!1c8!cc-c
Harbhajan Singh blames Tendulkar that because of him only the µMumbai team¶ lost the game.
Vinod comments: ³Do not think you are the only pebble on the beach!´
@ About Vijaykanth competing all the 40 Lok Sabah seats in the recent election: ³A light purse
is a heavy curse.´
@ ³Teach yourself how to think, not what to think.´
.:,+,.//0  4 8;)
ÑEating for two´ during pregnancy not advised:
There is more medical evidence that pregnant women should steer clear of advice to Ñeat for
Women who consumed extra calories, as well as fried foods and dairy, had excessive gestational
weight gain.
:Pc$ (($<Pc && '" ³Why do we see a gap between the jet aircraft and the linear
stream of fumes it emits´? [N.Sadasivan Pillai, Guntakal, Andhra Pradesh.]
Sometimes the exhaust from a jet engine becomes visible due to the water vapor condensation.
These µcondensation trails¶ are called ³CONTRAILS.´
In a jet engine the air taken in at the intake is compressed and consequently its temperature
increases. The temperature goes up further due to burning of petroleum fuel. This hot air at
around 1,500º C, is allowed to expand through a turbine and then through a nozzle.
The jet exhaust let out is at a temperature of around 500º C and it contains water vapor due to
condensation. The exhaust slows down due to air friction, increases in diameter, mixes with the
surrounding air and cools further.
If there is sufficient water vapor in the jet exhaust to reach saturation when cooled, it condenses
as droplets and further as tiny ice crystals.
These crystals may grow in size due to water vapor condensation from the ambient air or may
diminish in size. We see the white streams mainly due to the ice crystals.
The black smoke in the jet exhaust seen briefly during take off or landing has nothing to do with
the contrails- - which are found only at high altitudes from 8 km. to 12 km.where the
temperature is - 40ºC and lower.
Apart from the contrails, vortices at the wing tips may also become visible due to water vapor pp
condensation due to low pressure and temperature in the vortex core if the humidity is high. Such
vapor trails are formed only at low altitudes and are short lived.
In a jet exhaust it takes a little while for the air to cool and the ice crystals to precipitate. Hence
the contrails are seen only after a gap. Their subsequent length and life span depend on ambient
temperature, humidity and wind conditions. [Mohan D.Deshpande, M.S. Ramiah School of
Advanced Studies, Bangaluru.]
P!c)c !c c<*cMandarin Oranges are just as vital to your health as apples are.
The vitamin C found in this citrus fruit is extremely important in preventing the onset of colds
and helping keep the immune system in top shape. Vitamin C also helps the body protect itself
from certain types of cancer and helps to keep cholesterol levels down. It is also instrumental in
preventing liver diseases.
!##cc cc5cTo be in the know is to know about something which most people
do not know about, is to be well informed about something. In the modern information-based
workplace, if you¶re not ³in the know´, your chances of advancement will be limited.
Te list of idioms, phrases and expressions relating to knowledge is long. Here are a few:
^Know the score: µto know all the important facts in a situation, especially the unpleasant ones.¶
^ Know the ropes: µto know how to perform a particular job or task.¶
^ Know your stuff: µto know a lot about a subject or to be very good at doing something.¶
^ Know your way around: µto be familiar with a place or to have knowledge about how
something works.¶
^ A know it all: µsomeone who seems to know everything and annoys other people by showing
how clever he/ she is.¶
$c ! c+!c)c!cPc!!c&!c&c
Ms. Saran is these days disposed towards meditation, that took seed in Leh and has grown roots
in Puthucherry. [Is it also due to the influence of Æajini? - -S.S.]
She says: ÑI met a monk at a temple in the imalayas and told him about my interest in
meditation. e told me what I should do, and when I asked him where I¶d get the beads to
meditate with, he said that I¶ll have to buy it in the shop.´
But Shriya was in for the biggest surprise when the next day, she was handed a set of same kind
of beads by a total stranger. e too was a monk.
Ms.Saran adds: ÑThat monk just came to me and handed me the beads and said that the beads
should not be bought, µthey should be given to you.¶ I was dumbstruck by the coincidence, but
accepted the beads gratefully.´
Shriya has now gone deep into meditation after visiting Pondy. She adds: ÑI spent a lot of time
meditating at MATÆI MANDIÆ. I was totally at peace.
[See Page 134 and Page 127, for some earlier details about the lady.]
<!1ccC1cC??c C
c$cPc "†7c!c- c
Pcayne Allwine, who died on May 18, and his wife Æussi Taylor are known as the voices of
which famous cartoon couple? [Answer: Mickey and Minnie Mouse.]
@ Which famous writer wrote µThe Dream Merchants¶ in 1949 about the ollywood film
industry? [Answer: arold Æobbins.]
@ ALFÆED ITC COCK says: ÑThe more successful the villain, the more successful the
@ The actor Tejashree became a hit because of her role in the song sequence µChinna Veeda
Varattumaa¶. Teja has learnt µKathak¶and dances on stages.
@ Actor Shakthhi Kumar: He is basically an aircraft maintenance Engineer. He has done about p
half-a-dozen serials such as µKulavilakku¶, µAlaigal¶, and µAhalya¶. He has also appeared as
Rajini¶s brother in µArunachalam.¶
P &c'<c "† $c !##cc- c-c
To play possum is to pretend to be dead or asleep. Possum is short for µopossum¶, a nocturnal
marsupial belonging to the Didelpidae family (Didelphi morphia order) that can be found in
North and South America. Some varieties of opossums emit an unpleasant smell, hiss and rock
from side-to-side when threatened, a common tactic of this species is playing dead. Thus the
idiom ³playing possum´ is used in a figurative sense.
 % $ 
 1    ' She has recently released an album
³Abhirami Andati.´ The songs are set to 10 ragas that include Ananda Bhairavi, Saveri, Abhogi,
Saraswati, Sahana, Hindolam, Karaharapriya, Revati, Sama and Shanmukhapriya. This is her
fourth album.
She hails from a family of musicians. Her mother, brothers and sisters are all talented singers.
Initially, Meenakshisundaram, a disciple of the great GNB, trained Shoba in Carnatic Music.
Later she joined The Tamilnadu Government Music College. Currently, she is learning music
from Brinda Tyagarajan, daughter of late Maharajapuram Santhanam.
Shoba says: ³My favourite raga is µRevathy¶ and most of my concerts feature a song in that
Raga. I have sung quite a few songs in my husband¶s movies and also with my son Vijay in his
$c=5c!cc)! cc-!c
ÑI met a man with a wooden leg, named Smith.´
ÑWhat is the name of the other leg?´
@ One day I was seeing the film µ atari¶ in my computer. They were hunting very fast running
herd of animals with stripes all over their bodies. Nandhu was inquisitive to know the name of
that animal. She asked me, ÑThatha, what is that animal called?¶
At that instant, I also could not remember the name.
I said spontaneously that they were ÑStriped orses´. Later, when she reached her home, I
remembered the name, that they were µZebras¶. I phoned to Nandhu and said the correct name.
[Just joking. All the incidents in this episode are not true, and they are just fictitious.]
@´ Cherry is not actually a fruit. It is in fact a flower of rose family.´ [Vijay T.V. 21-4-2009,
11:35 hours, Kitchen Kiladigal programme.]

?1cC??c  Cc$cP!c)c !cc
!c9cSolve the Anagram: ÑONL I CAN T ÆILL´ to get the name of an ex-White
ouse celebrity resident. [Answer: illary Clinton.]
@ µNeptune¶ is the first planet in our solar system to be discovered by mathematics.¶
!##cc'"cPc<( P6cOn the fritz is said of something which is not working in the
usual way or not working at all. On the fritz is an American expression that is used to describe
something that is broken or has ceased to work. The British equivalent is µon the blink.¶
 c<*cPcc! c Tea Tree Oil is antibacterial, anti-fungal and anti-viral. It is used to
treat cuts, bites, blisters, acne, athlete¶s foot, ringworm, nappy rash, thrush and infection of nails.
Inhale it from a tissue or put it into hot water to help relieve symptoms of cold, cough, flu and
croup. Add it to a bath to treat sore muscles. Add it to Aloe Vera lotion to help sunburn. It helps
treat dandruff and head lice when used in shampoos. Massage lotions with Tea Tree Oil
stimulates the immune system. p‰
Pc "†7c cc3c
Letter from a reader: ÑIs it not necessary for Ministers who take oath to pronounce the words
properly, in keeping with the spirit of perfection? In the English version of the oath, four words
were mispronounced frequently - - µbear¶, µsovereignty¶, µconscientiously¶, and µsolemnly.¶
µBear¶ became µbeer¶ often, and µsovereignty¶ became µsovereign-ei-ty¶.µConscientiously¶ was a
tongue-twister for many. The ,!*cc!*cwas µsolomonly¶ for µsolemnly.¶
[Letter from S.Krishnan, Chennai.]
ÑMany stumbled over words. There were many who obviously did not understand the meaning of
what they were mechanically reading out. Could they not have spent a few minutes before the
ceremony trying to understand what they were supposed to affirm solemnly? [Letter from
B.Sasisekar, Kottayam.]c
,Pc!c5c!c !c!5c3c
The name of former Union Home Minister SHIVRAJ Patil was misspelt as ³SHIRVAJ Patil, in
Editorial section itself. (Editorial, May 29, 2009.)
4a!½ *4a! Indian-American teenager Kavya Shivshankar (13) has won
the prestigious Scripps Spelling Bee Contest, after she correctly spelled µ !* which
means lukewarm or indifferent in religion or politics.
She is an eighth grader student from ' cin Kansas. After her success in the contest, she was
hugged by her father Mirle, mother Sandy and little sister Vanya.
Ms. Kavya , who took home more than $ 40,000 in cash and prizes besides the huge champon¶s
trophy, looks forward to becoming a neurosurgeon.
:cP8Bc&-9cc-c- BcC?DCcBc
?# #C??1c&c
When one participant, Smt. Lalita Sarath completed singing the most popular Tamil song
ÑMuthu Kulikka Vaareegala´, very beautifully, SPB appreciated her singing and informed that
the song is compiled in SPANIS cum POÆTUGUESE style. [The late actor Nagesh and Aachi
Manorama excelled themselves, in the music (score) sequence in the film.] SPB himself hummed
for a few seconds and demonstrated some notes on Spanish cum Portuguese style of singing. Ñ
TMS Anna and L.Æ. Easwari did their full justification, by singing this song wonderfully´, says

Sunday, May 31, 2009: 8:39 AM: Pc "†7

May 31 st. is a good day! That day is ³WORLD NO TOBACCO DAY.´ Today happens to be
that day!
a!Æhe St. Stephen¶s tower in London, England accommodates the Parliament
House. The tower has 16 storeyes, and rises to a height of 314 feet. It also accommodates the
world famous µBig Ben¶; the clock celebrates its 150 th. Birthday today.
P &c'<c "† $c What is a flipbook?
A flipbook is a small book with a series of printed images that create an illusion of motion when
its pages are rapidly flipped. Typically, a flipbook is held in one hand while the thumb of the
other flicks the pages and the user concentrates on the middle of each page.
The flipbook relies on a basic optical principle known as persistence of vision to create an
animated image. In addition to being amusing, flipbooks also laid the groundwork for motion
pictures and could be considered one of the earliest forms of animation.
In India, flipbooks were were very popular in the seventies, when cola majors brought out
flipbooks of cricketers in action, given free exchange for a specified number of crowns. pù
[I had a flipbook with Sunil Gavaskar in action. I think I gave it to Shankar, for he is a great
lover of Cricket.]
$(( $2c2$%'(3ccc#!# c!cc
 always knew my mum-in-law was a pest. Now, I know she¶s part of a global epidemic.´
@ ³Well, my mother-in -law and I were happy for 25 years.´
³Yes. . for 25 years, we were very happy. . .then we met each other. I got married.´
@ ³Hmmm... Incidentally, if you rearrange the letters ³mother-in-law´ you get ³woman
.!c-!cis used to treat premenstrual syndrome (PMS). It helps to treat cramps,
depression, breast pain, bloating, headache and irritability. It is also used to treat eczema and
other skin conditions. Evening Primrose Oil is believed to activate the immune system and block
the release of damaging enzymes, which cause pain and inflammation. It is also used in a wide
range of cosmetics to combat dry skin.
<*c)cccPeter enlein of Nuremberg invented the watch in 1510.
1cC??cC?D cc
Kushboo questions: ÑWe know the famous µTennis Williams Sisters.¶ One of the sisters has
established a diamond jewellery shop and calls itc,$cWhat does the term Aneres mean?
Neither the team from Thyagaraja Engineering College, Madurai, nor the team from ueen
Mary¶s college, Chennai could answer this. But a lady in the viewer¶s gallery answered it
$,$c!c&cc c.c
1c:c? 1cC??c ?CDc$cPc!c9!c+cG!;cc
1. According to Sir Thomas More, in which ocean was the fictional island of 7!0cO$c
$ !*c'*I
2.About whom did Sherlock Holmes remark to Dr. Watson as µoccasionally he is the British
government?cO$c*)c Ic
3. In which city can one visit the P5!c- *0cO$c + Ic
4. Which painter was born Jeroen Anthoniszoon van Aken?cO$c!c9*Ic
5. In which year was the µYom Kippur War¶ fought?cO$c'*+c E

P('-%7&c ow safe is Liposuction?

ÑNo, I¶m not pregnant. I¶ve got <<9&3cÑFast Food Belly Syndrome!´
Liposuction is a relatively high-risk surgery, with 19 deaths per 100,000 procedures. The
generally accepted rate for elective surgeries is one death per 100,000. The most common cause
of liposuction death is blood clots.
T!c)c !c !##c *cc&cc
To clutch or grasp at straws is to be willing to try anything to improve a difficult or
disadvantageous situation, even if it has little chance of success. Clutching or grasping at straws
comes from the old proverb µa drowning man will clutch at straws¶.
The proverb is found in varying forms: µa drowning man will clutch at a straw;¶ µa drowning p 
man snatches at straws;¶ etc.
The famous banker Henri de Rothschild told the author Tristan Barnard, ³People tell me you are
witty, so please make me laugh.´
Barnard replied, ³People tell me you are very rich. So please lend me 100,000 francs.´
We Indians are very fond of the word . We keep using it even when it is not allowed, and
quite often blissfully forget it, when it should be used. We love repeating it for emphasis.
For instance, we say, ³Give me very very hot coffee. I¶m dying of headache.´
On the other hand, we exude gratitude, saying, ³thank you sooo much´ when we should actually
say ³Thank you very much.´
In grammar books, very is classified as an intensifier - - an adverb used to modify adjectives and
adverbs. It is not used to modify verbs. It has little meaning of its own, but provides force and
intensity or emphasis to another word - - as in the example below:
A man complained to a psychiatrist, ³you have got to help me. I keep dreaming of bats,
creatures, demons, monsters and vampires.´
³Very interesting,´ remarked the doctor. ³Do you always dream in alphabetical order?´
Look at the following sentences:
³The traffic jams in Chenai are very terrible.´
³By the time I got home, I was very tired.´
The first sentence is wrong, but the second one correct. Why?
We should not use µvery¶ with adjectives, which already have a strong meaning. For example,
terrible (very bad); huge (very big); exhausted (very tired).
With adjectives, which do not have a strong meaning, we can use very or extremely but not
absolutely or completely. The correct form of the first sentence would therefore be:
³The traffic jams in Chennai are absolutely terrible.´
8cmay be used with past participles that are like adjectives and refer to a state. For example
very bored/ worried/ pleased.
One young author boasted, ³I am very pleased with what I write; and can happily live on it.
³Really,´ asked another in their creative writing class, ³What do you write?´
³Begging letters to my father for financial help´ came the reply.
But past participles with a strongly passive meaning are usually modified by greatly or very
much. (e.g.) Your services are greatly/ very much appreciated by the community.
We also need to be careful about where we place very much in a sentence. It is awkward if you
³I enjoyed very much your after dinner speech. It put me to sleep. Thanks for curing my of my
We should say, ³I enjoyed your after dinner speech very much.´
The rule is: do not put µvery much¶ between a verb and its object. When the object is not too
long, place µvery much¶ at the end of the sentence. If the object is very long, µvery much¶ goes
before the verb.
³I very much hope you and your family have a safe journey.´
8ccould prove very irritating, if not used very carefully:
Customer: ³Look out! You have got your thumb in my soup!
Waiter: ³Don¶t worry. It isn¶t very hot!

Tuesday, June 02, 2009: 8:00 AM: Pc!ccc !c
How is the word , pronounced?
Like PEE.en, with the stress on the first syllable.
A µpaean¶ was originally a song sung in honor of the Greek god Apollo. Nowadays, the word is
used to refer to any work - - film, song, piece of writing, etc. - - which praises someone or
³The song is a paean to love and commitment.´
@ What is the difference between , >candc,* 0c
APOPLEXY: The word is pronounced µA-pe-plek-si¶ with the stress on the first syllable. When
someone has a fit of apoplexy, he becomes extremely angry.
³In a fit of apoplexy, the CEO threw the paperweight at the plasma TV.´
The word can also be used to refer to a stroke caused by a brain haemorrhage. µApoplexy¶ comes
from the Greek µapoplexia¶ meaning µdisable/ cripple by a stroke.¶
APOCALYPSE: This term is pronounced µe-PO-ke-lips¶ with the stress on the second syllable.
When you talk about µthe Apocalypse¶, you are talking about the total destruction of the world.
³Some people became uncomfortable when the priest talked about the Apocalypse.´
The word can also be used in everyday contexts to refer to an event, which brings about
destruction and radical change.
³The documentary was about what happens after a great nuclear apocalypse.´
@ What is the meaning of µstraw in the wind¶?
If you were to leave a straw in the wind, it¶ll probably get blown away; but in the process, it will
give you an idea about the direction in which the wind is blowing. A straw in the wind is that it is
a sign of things to come; a small hint of what is likely to happen in the future.
³The constant bickering is a straw in the wind indicating future problems for the newly married
@ What is the meaning of µmedical tourism¶?
It is the practice of visiting other countries for medical reasons. Visiting a doctor has become
very expensive these days. Therefore many choose to pack their bags and set off to a
µdeveloping¶ country like India where they can get the procedure done for a fraction of the cost.
People who visit other countries for medical reasons are called ,!* c!c
P$ %c- c!c2 cÑFalling in love consists merely in uncorking the imagination
and bottling the common sense.´* Æ )
 c ccc+*!c5cc5cc! 0c
A new discovery reveals that bacteria actually communicate with one another using a chemical
language known ascGc&! When they have multiplied to adequate numbers, they
act as a synchronized group and attack their host. If they are successful you¶ll get a bacterial
Ñ(6 5 
Whose coronation took place on this date (viz: June, 2.) in 1953? [Queen Elizabeth]
Which famous automobile company owns the VOLVO brand? [Ford Motor Company.]
In the Arctic region, what would one do with a ,5 50 [Wear them. They are soft boots
traditionally made of reindeer skin or sealskin.]
Where are the  . ! found in the human body? [Lungs.] p
Which Nobel Laureate was gunned down by Yigal Amir? [Yitzhak Rabin.]
What is the capital of the country whose citizens would sing the ³La Marcha Real´ (µThe Royal
March¶) as the National Anthem? [Madrid.]
Which popular American beverage has variatios such as Cherry, Vanilla and Zero? [COCA-
If tarantula is a spider what is , 0 [A southern Italian couple folk dance.]
 a (
The first session of the fifteenth Look Sabah began on Monday, 1st. June, 2009,with members
taking oath in many languages including Sanskrit1cO&!c=1c9:-Ic
The first time MPs include Shruti Chaudhary (Cong.), Shatabdi Roy (TMC), Mohd, Azharuddin
(Cong.), Kailesh Singh Deo (BJD), Youngest MP (lady MP) Hamdullah Sayeed, 26, (Cong),
Harsimrat Kaur Badal (Akali Dal) and Jayant Chaudhary (RJD)
 c<*c Calcium, an essential mineral that helps to build healthy bones and teeth, is found
in many foods including dairy products and green vegetables. Make sure your diet is rich in
calcium and vitamin D as the vitamin is necessary to help your body absorb calcium properly.
It¶s found in milk foods.
a, , Ñ*  
$(( $2c2$%'(ccTo hold a torch for someone (British)
or to carry a torch for someone (American) is to be in love with someone without them knowing
it or to be in love with someone who is no longer in love with you.
The torch has long been associated with passion and love.
The ancient Greeks and Romans used the torch in marriage ceremonies. Brides customarily
carried a torch to light the hearth in their new home. Hymen, the god of marriage ceremony is
often represented in paintings as a youth holding a torch. And let us not forget Venus, the
goddess of love, who is frequently depicted with a torch.
ÑBetter to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all
Wednesday, June 03, 2009: 6:24 AM Pc!cc
 c cWhere are my core muscles?
Jovially: My core muscles! They are down there under my core FAT:
Your body has 29 core muscles located in your back, abdomen and pelvic areas. This group of
muscles provides the foundation for movement throughout your body.
GRAFFITI: ³How to Get Rich´ books are now filed under fiction´
BOTTOM LINERS: ³It¶s getting dangerous on Wall Street. I just heard the bull ate the bear.´
P &c'<c "† $cc
&$(†c&-$c³The main thing is keeping the main thing the main thing´ [German
 &cP($c³Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a

 "†c9"†(cWhat am I? I¶m valuable to all. Some are treasured forever. You gain some
new ones each day. Some are meant to be lost. Some are lost in time but want to be found. By
losing it all will make you somewhat a new person. What am I? [Answer: Memory.]

To take someone to the cleaners is to get a lot of money from someone, usually by cheating them
or to defeat someone by a very large amount. The expression ³take someone to the cleaners´ is a
modern version of the older phrase ³cleaned out´, which refers to losing a lot, if not all of one¶s
money. p’
This originated from the idea of emptying one¶s pockets or ³cleaning out one¶s pockets.´
You take someone to the cleaners; they first have to empty the pockets of their clothes before
handing them to be cleaned.
Thursday, June 04, 2009: 9:07 AM: THE HINDU: ³Metro Plus, Page 7: Letter from
N.Srinivasan, Alwarthirunagar about Sri Koteeswara Iyer:
³Noted vageyakara and staunch Muruga devotee Sri Koteeswara Iyer was fond of coffee and
used to drink three-four tumblers daily whenever he thought of composing kritis. His formula for
making coffee is different. He would drink coffee made with fresh decoction using plantation
coffee powder taken from a tightly packed container and mixed with fresh, hot milk. When he
was residing at Vellala Street, Purasawalkam, musicians and well-wishers would assemble to
chat with him about music at around 4 p.m. daily.
One of his friends requested him to minimize the intake of coffee and if possible give up the
habit. Iyer gradually put a full stop to drinking coffee.
To mark this, he composed a song inc:!!!1c2c$c- meaning
when there is Skandan¶s ,2 amudham why go after other paanams! This kriti is
popularly sung at concerts and lecture demos.
ŽŽTHUGLAK: Vinod¶s Pages: (Page 37 and 38 of the journal):

³Nothing tires a man more than to be grateful all the time.´

³A healthy body is a guest chamber for the soul.´
³Thinking is the exercise for the mind.´
³Many of life¶s lessons involve some form of pain.´
Friday, June 05, 2009: 9:42 PM: Times of India: Idiom-a-day: ³Whatever Floats Your Boat:
Whatever floats your boat is used to say to someone that they should do whatever makes them
happy. This is a strange American expression.
To understand how it¶s used, it essentially means, ³float your boat however you want to.´ In
other words, do what makes you happy, do it however you want to do what ever you think is
right. The expression is often used in a sarcastic tone as if to say, ³do what you want, because I
don¶t care.´
Instead of ³whatever floats your boat ³ you could also say ³whatever brews your tea´ or
³whatever rings your phone.´ A typical usage for the idiom: He asked me three times today if we
could change the layout of the marriage invitation. I finally said,´ whatever floats your boat,

A species of dolphin is born naturally blind in the Indus and the Ganges.
These dolphins have a highly sophisticated sonar system and swim using only one side of their
Pc!c!c- cGRAFFITI: ³Laughter is a great tranquilizer- - and it has no side
** 4   ow can eating fat help me to shed fat?
ÑNuts contain healthy fats. But don¶t eat too many. . . they are high in calories.´
It depends on the kind of fat you eat. A diet high in monosaturated fats prevents the
accumulation of belly fat. Mono-fats are found in nuts (especially pecans), seeds and avocados.
&1c:c? 1cC??c ??Ec$cP!c)c !c<*c) cc
The Sears Tower consists of nine framed tubes, which connects nine skyscrapers to make it one
 "†c9"†(c Solve the anagram ³INDUCE JADED RIPPER´ to get the name of a classic på
novel. [Answer: Pride and Prejudice,]
!##ccPc+c*c!5c To be cat¶s whiskers is to be better than everyone else.
The cat¶s whiskers is one of those nonsense catchphrases that were popular in America in the
1920s, many of which compared something of excellent quality to some part of an animal.
Cat idioms: The cat¶s pyjamas: Something that is great.

Look at what Other examples are: bee¶s knees, elephant¶s adenoids, bullfrog¶s beard gnat¶s
elbows, monkey¶s eyebrows, and a more recent addition from Britain, dog¶s bollocks.
A list of other the cat dragged in: an insulting way of saying that someone has just arrived and
looks like a mess.
Like a cat on a hot tin roof: To be nervous and unable to keep still.
Cat got your tongue? : Something you say when you are annoyed with someone who won¶t talk.
Grin like a Cheshire cat: a very wide smile.
Curiosity killed the cat: Something you say when someone asks too many questions.
There is more than one way to skin a cat: There¶s more than one way to achieve something.
Let the cat come out of the bag: To tell people secret information, sometimes without intending
$P6 P0ccÑ! êÑ     

 /9.//08//0Ñ a 
GccIf you judge people, you have no time to love them´.
<*c)cccBulletproof vests are made of plastics called liquid crystalline polymers.
 c<*cBitter gourd has excellent medicinal properties. It has antidotal, antipyretic,
stomachic, antibilious, and laxative properties. Bitter gourd is specifically used to treat diabetes.
Researches have established that it contains a hypoglycemic or insulin-like principle, designated
as µplant-insulin¶, which is beneficial in lowering the blood and urine sugar levels. The juice of
bitter gourd leaves is also used to treat alcoholism. It is an antidote for alcohol intoxication.
!##cPc'%c2$7PcThis means the whole range of things that can be
included in something. The whole gamut is actually a redundant phrase, since the word gamut
already implies the whole or the entirety of something. It nevertheless is frequently used. Gamut
(circa 1530) originally referred to the lowest note in the medieval musical scale in the system of
notation devised by Guido of Arezzo. It¶s a contraction of the Medieval Latin ³gamma ut´,
which derived from the Greek letter Gamma, indicating a low G, and ut, first note of the lowest
hexachord. Ut derived from the first word in a Latin hymn to Saint John the Baptist, the initial
syllables of successive lines of which were sung to the notes of an ascending scale CDEFGA.
%%c&$ †cc
ÑSit quietly, doing nothing, spring comes, and the grass grows by itself´ [Zen Saying.]
ÑDream as if you¶ll live forever, live as if you¶ll die today.´ [James Dean.]
ÑAt the height of laughter, the universe is flung into a kaleidoscope of new possibilities.´[Jean
ÑWe are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a
human experience.´ [Tellhard de Chardin.]
ccPc9!!cP5c She is the first woman (Rajasthan cadre) IPS officer (1996
batch) to guard an Indian Prime Minister. She is known for leading the crackdown on the drug
mafia, together with Punjab and Haryana police. She is now Assistant Inspector General, at her
30s, and works in police training center in Jaipur. She will continue with her Ph.D. in zoology, p‰
besides guarding the P.M.
This is a new business concept where solutions can come from crowds, and marketers are turning
to them as a database. The changing economy brought in this concept to tap expensive or even
unavailable information and it goes beyond surveys and crowd sourcing. [Ashwin Hegde,
c!cc!c)cc *cccc)ccc . 0c
This is done with the help of an µaltimeter¶ which is basically a barometer without mercury, and
instead of the pressure graduating in a barometer, the corresponding heights are graduated.
[Parna Sahana, via e-mail.] c
ccc+! cc.!+0c
There is a small motor fitted in a cell phone. This motor is unevenly weighted on its output shaft.
When this motor rotates, the rotating uneven weight causes the mobile to vibrate. [Astha Jain,
ÑOur babus are perhaps the only people in the world who can say absolutely nothing and still
mean every word of it.´
ÑThe three golden rules of bureaucracy have always been: When in charge, ponder; when in
doubt, mumble and when in trouble, delegate.´
ÑI have always wondered how bureaucrats get promoted: That¶s easy. . .it works much like a
septic tank . . . it¶s the really big chunk that rises to the top.´

 /:.//0;88*#½ 1
8)With which U.S.President would one associate the µFala Speech¶ and who or what was
Fala? [Answer; Franklin D.Roosevelt and Fala was his dog.]
2.Of which African Nation is Bujumbura, the capital city and main port? [Answer: Burundi.]
3.Which beverage¶s less popular species are Liberica, Excelsa, Stenophylla, Mauritiana, and
Racemosa? [ Answer: Coffee.]
4.Currently how many National Olympic Committees are there in the IOC? [Answer: 205.]
5.To which famous visionary-writer is the quote µThe Moon is the first milestone on the road to
the stars¶ attributed? [Arthur C.Clarke.]

Mind Bender: Dear Nandhu: When Sheila went to get a passport, she had to give her real date of
birth, but under all other circumstances, she refused. When somebody asked how old she was,
she said she was twenty-one, mentally omitting all Sundays. Sundays she didn¶t work, so
naturally she didn¶t get any older. How old was Sheila really?
[Answer: Sheila was twenty-four. She subtracted one-seventh of her real age.]
 Chromium is found in asparagus, beetroot, black pepper, cheese, whole grains,
potato skins, brewer¶s yeast and vegetables. It is also found in hard water, and drinking moderate
amounts will give you about half of your daily requirement of chromium. It also helps to process
fats and carbohydrates, and helps cells respond to insulin. It controls cholesterol and is involved
with the hunger center of the brain. It makes you feel full; a fact made use of in some dietary
a, ,  ³ Nest Egg´: Nest egg is a sum of money that has been saved or kept for a special
purpose. Nest egg refers to money or investment earmarked for some future purpose. The term p‰p
most commonly refers to retirement savings.
Nest egg conjures the image of a mother bird caring or its young offspring until they hatch.
[My comments: Even in Tamizh similar idea is conveyed, when one says, ³Avan Thirupathikku
povatharkku Kuruvi cherpathu pol cherthu varukiraan.´
A maidservant, who was learning English from the lady of the house, informed her over the
phone, ³Mem Sahib, I will not come for work today as I have headache in my stomach.´ In this
story contributed by J.P.Singh Kaka to Khushwant Singh¶s joke book, we should really
appreciate the maid¶s grammatical competence in one specific area: she knows the subject is
followed by the verb.
There are occasions, however, when the order is reversed; that is, the subject is placed after the
Burchfield lists several major contexts where this happens, in Pc"c< cc
 !c7 We are all familiar with routine questions where the subject comes after the
verb. In expletive construction which begins with here or there, this happens again. Look at this
Lecturer in temperance: Here¶s an argument from nature. If I lead a donkey to a pail of water and
also a pail of beer, which will he drink?
The unconverted alcoholic: The water.
Lecturer: Correct! Why?
Alcoholic: Because he is an ass!
In creative writing as well as informal talk, we find subject-verb inversion after the word µso.¶
In Shakespeare¶s Merchant of Venice, we find these unforgettable lines:
How far that little candle throws its beams!
So shines a good deed in this naughty word.
When a sentence begins with certain specific adverbs like µseldom¶, µhardly¶, µrarely¶ etc. the
verb is placed before the subject, as in the famous speech:
³Seldom has so much been owed by many to so few.´
Poets extend this licence to sentences beginning with adjectives and adverb particles, to create an
amazing literary effect. We find these beautiful lines in the eternal favourite, Scott¶s %c)cc
Soft is the note and soft the lay
That mourns lovely Rosabelle.
Look at these lines from Tennyson¶s c)cc%!c9!
Into the jaws of death
Into the mouth of Hell,
Ride the six hundred.
We also find such conversation common in negative constructions. These are rather formal
according to Michael Swan.
ÑNot until much later did she learn who her real father was.´
³Under no circumstances can we cash the cheque.´
In formal, conditional clauses, an auxiliary is placed before the verb.
³Were I a millionaire I would have traveled all over the world.´
In storytelling, the subject often comes after the reporting verbs, like µsaid¶, µasked¶, µsuggested¶
Banta rushed back angrily to the grocery shop from where he had purchased a packet of butter a p‰
few minutes ago. ³Where is my free gift?´ he shouted at the shopkeeper.
³But there is no free gift on the purchase of butter´ answered the shopkeeper softly.
³Don¶t fool me,´ replied Banta, ³It¶s clearly written on the packet of butter- Cholesterol Free.´

Tuesday, June 09, 2009: 9:33 PM: THE HINDU: Know Your English:
- !cPulling teeth means that it is very difficult to do a thing. Getting information from
government office is like pulling teeth.
³Getting my cousin to clean his room is like pulling teeth.
9!!c ³When you say that someone is always a bridesmaid and never a bride, you mean
that the person never fulfils her ambition. The person is never the winner; always the runner up.
³My cousin is a wonderful actor. But unfortunately, she¶s always a bridesmaid, and never a
ccc)c&c³When you say you haven¶t done something in a month of Sundays, it
means you haven¶t done it in a long time.´
Ñahaven¶t seen my cousin in a month of Sundays.´
³I haven¶t talked to my friend Vijay in a month of Sundays.´
:!ccc!When two people are joined at the hip they are inseparable. The expression
can also be used with things. The two companies have been joined at the hip ever since the first
multinational company entered the market.´
P! c!*c!c2 c ³Many a man who falls in love with a dimple makes the mistake
of marrying the while girl.´ [EVAN ESAR.]
 a a, , Ñ(

To put one¶s foot in the mouth is to say something embarrassing, foolish or tactless. The phrase
dates from about 1900 and is sometimes expressed as having foot-in-mouth disease such as µHe
has a bad case of foot-in-mouth disease.¶
 c<*c Copper is needed by the immune system for fighting infections. It helps in iron
absorption and haemoglobin production. It is a co-factor in many enzymes and also has a role in
transmissions to the brain. You get it from a range of foods such as whole grains, pulses, nuts
and potatoes. (Flour refining removes 70 % of copper.) Copper water pipes have been the source
of much of our copper, although plastic is replacing copper.

1c:c ?1cC??c 
c$cP!c)c !c
Mind Bender: What phrase is shown in the figure that adjoins? S- - n- - o- - w
Answer: µDashing through snow.¶
Iodine is found in sea salt, seaweeds and milk. Iodine is needed by the thyroid
gland to produce hormones. These hormones help produce energy from fat, control cholesterol
levels and keep the body weight stable. They also are involved in reproduction, nerves and bone
and keep skin, hair, nails and teeth in good condition.
a, , 2!.cc 5!c
To give a talking to someone is to give him or her a severe talk for having done something
wrong. It means to criticize them, and not with just a quick ³don¶t ever do that again´ lecture.
Here are some interesting alternatives:
1.To read someone the riot act.
2.To give someone hell.
3.To dress someone down.
4.To give someone a piece of your mind. p‰‰
5.To jump down someone¶s throat.
6.To rake someone over the coals.
7.To take someone to task.
8.To chew someone out. [My comments: ³Kopathil avanay kadithu, thuppinaan´, in Tamizh.]
9.To tell someone off.

Thursday, June 11, 2009: 3:59 PM: Times of India:

 c<*cIron is in every red blood cell and is also involved in the immune system and
detoxification process. Iron is found in many foods such as asparagus, fruits, parsley, soya beans,
whole grains pulses, nuts and dark green vegetables. Vegetarians can get more iron from their
diet than most non-vegetarians.
!##c! To whitewash is to make something bad seem acceptable by hiding
the truth. It also means to defeat a player or team completely especially while preventing them
from scoring any points or winning any matches.
c!@$ c)c,! c.!c!cc.!cc!c!cP!Ac
³Research has shown one glass of water shuts down midnight hunger pangs.´
³A reduction of 4-5% in body water will result in decline of 20-30% in work performance.´
³Even MILDcdehydration will slow down one¶s metabolism by as much as 3%.´ (3-7-2009.)
³Half the world¶s population is chronically dehydrated.´<2-7-2009.)
³Drinking water helps burn more fat and build more muscle.´ (1-7-2009.)
³Studies have linked depression and chronic fatigue syndrome with dehydration .So drink up.´
³Experts recommend approximately 2.7 litres (8 glasses) for women and 3.7 litres (12 glasses for
men, of water each day. (30-6-209.)
³Drinking water reduces your risk of heart attack.´(17-6-2009.)
³The water and sanitation crisis claims more lives through diseases than any war claims through
³Water contains no calories, fat or cholesterol and is low on sodium.´ (22-6-2009.)

Friday, June 12, 2009: 8:16 AM:    Chiruvar Malar: Page: 10: Eureka!
†c" ³Babylon was its ancient name. What is its new name? [Iraq.]
*: ³Health Capsules.´ 5hat is so good about oats?
Eating oats is shown to reduce the risk of heart disease. Plus, oats can cut your risk of high blood
pressure and Type 2 diabetes. For power-up oatmeal add raisins and chopped walnuts.
!c2  ÑLove is the Movie- - Marriage is the book.´
 a !c2 3cI¶m my wife¶s personal ATM machine!
!#ccÑ  **a A smash hit is something that is a huge success, typically in the
entertainment industry. The first instance of the word ³hit´ to mean a successful theatre play or
song is from around 1811. As far back as 1400, ³to hit the mark´ was used to denote success.
This expression originated from archery to describe hitting the center of a target.

Saturday, June 13, 2009: 7:32 AM: Times of India:

 c<* Manganese is found in all kinds of plant food, vegetables, pulses, nuts, whole
grains, avocadoes, pears, bananas and pineapple. It is also found in tea and coffee. It is needed
for making hemoglobin, strengthening bones, cartilage and hormones; it is essential in
maintaining blood and sugar levels, proper brain function and a healthy nervous system. It also p‰ù
supports the efficient use of vitamin B1, C, E and biotin.
'1c!cc)* The aorta, which is largest artery located in the body, is about the diameter of a
garden hose.
!##c&  To stonewall something is to delay or block by refusing to answer
questions or by giving evasive replies, especially in politics. In cricket stonewalling is defending
doggedly - - not losing one¶s wicket, but not scoring many runs either. The verb stonewall comes
from the idea of a stonewall as an obstruction. It is primarily used in the context of refusing to
co-operate or to answer questions in an effort to delay something or keep the real truth about
something from coming to light.
!cP*5 ³Dreams are the touchstones of our character.´

Sunday, June 14, 2009:12:12 PM: Times of India:

 c!c³The most pitiful among men is he who turns his dreams into silver and gold.´- -
Kahlil Gibran.
³Saying µthank you¶ is more than good manners. It is good spirituality´ - -Alfred Painter.
³I realize that patriotism is not enough. I must have no hatred or bitterness towards anyone.´ - -Edith Cavell.

³The rule is not to talk about money with those who have much more or much less´- -Katherine
³Can anybody remember when the times were not hard and money not scarce?´- -Ralph Waldo
³We all have a voice inside us that will guide us. It may be God. But if we shut out all the noise,
clutter from our lives and listen to it, it will tell us the right thing to do.´- - Christopher Reeve
³To sin by silence when they should protest makes cowards of men.´- - Abraham Lincoln.
Gc³Education is an ornament in prosperity and a refuge in adversity.´
 c<*: Molybdenum is found in whole grains, pulses, sweet potatoes, rice, green vegetables and fruits. It helps in metabolizing food and
aids healthy growth. It is involved in the chemical reactions that form bone, cartilage and blood.

!##cPc7c&!*5 To up sticks is to take all the things that you own and go and live in
a different place.
9 !.#c!cJ# Tungsten melts at 6,192îF, a temperature three times hotter than a volcano¶s
molten lava.
Europe¶s Water Spider spends its entire life under water and builds a silk Diving Bell to store
<*c)cc: ³Soldiers disease is a term for morphine addiction. The civil war produced
over 400,000 morphine addicts.´
:$4$cP8 D# #C??1c55 c$c8!c-c
A girl by name K.Dhanalakshmi, living in MGR Nagar, near KKNagar, spoke wonderfully about
the city pollution including noise pollution, in this programme. At about 11:58 hours (in the
telecast), she faltered with a sort of µchoking¶ feeling. Visu asked her to drink some water. The
girl did so. Then he asked her to smile and the girl did so. Then Visu asked her to talk a little bit
and then raise her hands. Out of modesty, the girl raised her left hand only with some hesitation.
Then Visu explained that this is a technique called S T R known as Smile, Talk and Raise
technique that is usually adopted when somebody loses control and becomes uncomfortable.
If one is able to smile normally, talk normally and be able to raise hand comfortably, then the
person is normal. Otherwise the person is feeling uncomfortable and needs attention.
Dhanalakshmi¶s parents and grandmother are making a poor living, doing sundry vegetable
selling in µKothwal Bazaar¶, while Dhanam a girl of just 18, realizing her responsibility, studies p‰ 
First Year in a college near her parent¶s business locality. She was all along very jovial when she
expressed herself in the programme.
She spoke wonderfully. Her smile was very appealing and alluring. (I was repeatedly telling
Seatha about her smile- -S.S). At the close of the programme, Visu himself praised her smile,
equating it to the smile of K.R.Vijaya. (I differ from Visu. This girl¶s smile is more alluring than
K.R.Vijaya¶s). My thought about her smile and Visu¶s thought curiously coincided.
&cP81c D# #C??1c  Cc: News Time:c!1c1c$1c55
There is a city that contains 118 small islands within itself. Name that city. [Answer: Venice.]
Ibid. ³ Finland is known as a land of 1,000 lakes.´

4   )  : Common colds are dreaded ones, causing all discomforts.
Generally it gets cured after a long week¶s duration with medication of all sorts; but it gets
totally cured within a short span of seven days, without any medication whatsoever.

Monday, June 15, 2009: 8:10 AM:cPc!c

½ ½
1.Which are the closest capital cities of two sovereign countries?
2.Which famous painting is also called µThe Blue Cloak¶ or µThe Topsy Turvy World¶?
3.What is the term used for the small flat tool used to pluck or strum a stringed instrument?
4.Which biological family is divided into Canini and Vulpini?
5.What is the name of the Icelandic manuscript in which the Poetic Edda is preserved?
3,,a $

    : Does air temperature relate to infection?
Researchers have learned that the number of some kinds of urinary tract and gastrointestinal
infections rise as much as 17% for every 10î jump in the outside temperature. Warmth plus
moisture equals bacterial growth. That¶s why bacterial infection is more of a concern in the

P!c)c !*
Phosphorus, a mineral that is abundant in the body, is vital for
energy production and enables B vitamins to work properly. It is found in seeds. Colas and other
fizzy drinks contain a lot of phosphorus as well.
a, ,  Pcc': To mete out is to distribute by or as if by measure; allot; mete out
justice or punishment.
Mete comes from the old English µmetan¶, meaning to measure. The noun form was used to
describe a goal or boundary.
Metre is believed to have been derived from mete.
The verb mete out is usually applied in reference to handing out punishment or justice.
An example of its usage: ³Jim does not believe in meting out punishment. Whenever a rule is
broken, he prefers to discuss the reasons and to make it a learning experience.´

I recently came across some quotable quotes:
³If my film makes one more person miserable, I have done my job.´- -Woody Allen.
³I found there was only one way to look thin- -hang out with fat people.´- -Rodney Dangerfield.
³One of the symptoms of approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one¶s work is terribly p‰·
important.´- -Bertrand Russell.
All these writers seem to be fond of the word , and have used it with different meaning. In
fact, the word one is a bee in the bonnet, a rather disturbing word to most of us. We are not quite
sure where to use it and where to avoid it. As a result we merrily make many mistakes. Look at
these for instance:
³One cannot succeed unless he works hard.´ [Wrong.]
³One cannot succeed unless one woks hard.´ [Correct.]
In British English (unlike American English), it is not possible to change from one to he/she/it.
However most speakers find the repetition of one awkward, as in the following example.
³One doesn¶t see much of one nowadays, does one?´
So we generally try to avoid the repetition of µone¶ with structures like the following:
³One cannot succeed without working hard.´
³Success calls for a lot of hard work.´
One usually functions as a substitute for a noun as in this story:
³Two women were comparing their husbands. One said, ³My husband can talk on any subject
for hours,´
The other said, ³Mine can talk for hours without any subject!´
In British English, one is used as a numeral, but in Indian English, we often substitute it for
µa/an¶. We therefore come up with sentences like, ³Give me one book.´ instead of saying ³Give
me a book. Look at the use in British English:
Professor: ³Tell me one or two things about John Milton.´
Student: ³Well, he got married and wrote Paradise Lost. His wife died and he wrote Paradise
@<!c)c!c2 cP!*#c#&&A

³The florist has two children; one is a budding genius and the other a blooming idiot!´
³He was so embarrassed when he was asked to take off his mask at the party.´
³He was not wearing one!´
Let us conclude with two more pieces of wisdom:
³Argument may win the situation, but not one¶s heart.´
³There is one thing certain, namely that we can have nothing certain. Therefore it is not certain
that one can have nothing certain.´

Tuesday, June 16, 2009: 8:37 AM: The Hindu: Young World:
What do giraffes have that no other animal has? [Answer: Baby giraffes!]
$c!* c< *c
Where is the fallacy, when a mathematician tried to prove 1=2?
Proof and the fallacy:
Let a=b.
Then a²=ab. Multiplying both sides by µa¶.
a²-b²=ab-b² subtracting b² on both sides.
(a-b) (a+b) = (a-b) b factorizing both sides.
and hence, (a+b)=b. by canceling (a-b) on both sides. p‰
Because we have a=b, b+b= b.
Or, 2b=b.
ence, 2=1.
Fallacy: In step 5, we cancel (a-b) on both sides. But a-b is zero.
4c cG!;c
1.On this date in 1963, 8 !c8 !!.cP5. became front-page news round the
world. What was her achievement? [Answer: She became the first woman to fly into space.]
2.What is the maximum number of solar eclipses (partial, annular or total per year? [Answer: Five.]
3.Which famous center of learning¶s motto isc†!c !cc(Latin for µThe Lord is My Light¶)? [Answer: University of Oxford.]

4.In which Indian State is the beautifulc2c 50c[Answer: Sikkim.]

"'c4'7(c"2% &c
What is the meaning of ,*! c!0
When we write with a pencil, we know it is something that can be erased; it is not permanent. If
you µpencil in¶ an appointment for someone, you are making a temporary appointment for that
individual. It is not definite; the appointment can be changed to a later date. Example: ÑThe
dentist said he would pencil me in for next Thursday.´
2. ow is the word , pronounced?
The word, meaning µconsisting of gas or gases¶, can be pronounced GA-si-es or GA-si-es.¶
ÑThe teacher told us that steam is water in gaseous form.´
3.What do you call someone who goes to someone¶s party without being invited?
e is ac,*¶ Such people are said to µcrash¶ the party.
ÑWe ran out of food because there were too many gatecrashers.´
4.What is the difference betweenc,* c)cand ,* c0
When you µcall on¶ or µcall upon¶ someone, you pay a visit to the person. ou let the person
know in advance that you are coming. Of the two, µcall upon¶ is considered to be formal.
ÑWhile he was in Delhi, the former Prime Minister called upon the President.´
ÑIs it okay if we call on your neighbours this evening?´
When you µcall for¶ someone or something, you usually shout for the person or thing.
ÑMaya stood in front of her house and kept calling for her dog.´
5.Is it okay to say , c.!*0c
The word µnovice¶ is pronounced µNO-vis¶ with the stress on the first syllable. When you say that
someone is a novice, you mean that the person is a beginner; he has no real experience.
> cWhen it comes to tennis, Vijaya is a complete novice.´
6.What is the meaning of the expression , c!cc0c
f an elephant were standing in your room, it would be impossible to ignore it. When you say that
a problem is an elephant in the room, you mean it is a very serious problem that everyone is
aware of, but chooses to ignore.
Another expression, which has the same meaning, isc,! c!cc
ÑCorruption. The elephant in the room that no politician is willing to talk about.´ c
P$ %c- c$c) cccccc*#c#c c( c

P!c)c !*

Potassium is found in fruits, vegetables and whole grains. The list includes apricots, bananas,
melon, citrus fruit, asparagus, potatoes, green beans, cauliflower, lentils and peas. It regulates the
normal balance of water throughout the body. It helps maintain the blood pressure, makes your p‰’
heart and muscles work properly, keeps the intestines moving and works with sodium to transmit
nerve impulses.
aa,,6 2!c- *c We are going places means we will soon be successful or that
we are on the path to success.
The origin is unknown, but is noted in the nomadic nature of the American workforce.
(American workers put more faith in packing up the family and driving 2,000 miles across
country to find a better job or to simply begin a new life.)

Wednesday, June 17, 2009: 5:16 PM: The Hindu:

Bottom Liners: ³In lieu of health coverage, everyone will get an apple a day to keep the doctor
    How many calories does dark chocolate contain?
Just two bites and you¶ve put away about 50 calories. Dark chocolate¶s bitter taste helps the body
regulate appetite, and the stearic acid in dark chocolate can slow digestion, making you feel
fuller longer.
½ Dear Nandhu: I have a drawer full of socks. There are 10 socks of each color,
red, green, brown and grey, evenly mixed. In the morning, when it is very dark, I need to pull out
a pair of socks of the same color. How many must I pull out of the drawer to ensure that I have at
least one pair of matching socks?
[Answer: It¶s so simple Nandhu! I have to pull out just 5 socks. The first four may be one of
each color; the fifth one must then match one of the others.
We get Selenium from plants, and the amount depends on where they are grown.
Foods like kidney beans, grains, seeds, tomatoes, garlic, onions, celery, mushrooms, broccoli and
Brazil nuts contain Selenium. It helps to maintain healthy skin, hair and eyes. It helps male
fertility and protects against arthritis. It also has a role in thyroid hormone function and improves
the immune system)
a, ,  2!)c)cc2+ The gift of the gab is the ability to speak easily and
consistently in a way that makes people want to listen to you and believe you. According to the
Morris Dictionary of Word and Phrase Origins, the expression gift of gab is apparently of
Scottish origin, gab meaning µmouthful¶ or µmouth¶ in that dialect.

Friday, June 19, 2009: 6:43 AM: Times of India:

!c9 If a metal nut is heated, will the hole in the center get larger or smaller?
Answer: Larger. The entire object will increase in size, including the diameter of the hole.
!c*5 ³A person without a sense of humor is like a wagon without springs. It is jolted by
every pebble on the road.´

The Hindu: Cinema plus supplement: *

At what exercise speed will I burn the most fat?
Jovially: ³No more jogging! Now I am a walker! Thanks for the info!´
Great News! Slow down from a knee-pounding jog to a brisk walk. You burn the most fat at a
walking speed of 3.1 miles per hour.

Saturday, June 20, 2009: 1:35 PM: The Hindu:c

2))!!c*c>!c†ccccc*!**c p‰å
 c  What¶s the best way to burn off blood sugar?
To quickly move blood sugar from your blood to your muscles, go all-out on an exercise bike for
a full 3 minutes. Your insulin metabolism will increase about 23% by using this easy method.

Times of India:  c<* Sulphur is found in protein foods such as garlic, lettuce, onions,
raspberries, cabbage, turnip, kale and Brussels sprouts. It has a detoxifying activity, and has been
used in acne treatments. It also helps in boosting immunity and counteracting diseases such as
arthritis. It is a constituent of protein, biotin and vitaminB1.
!##†   Odds and ends are various items of different types, usually small
and unimportant or of little value. The expression is also used in a figurative sense to mean lots
of small tasks that have to be completed (sometimes also referred to as ³loose ends´).
In American slang, a person who is required to perform menial tasks is often called a gofer. This
derives from the words ³go for´, which can be used when instructing someone to fetch
something (go for coffee, go for sandwiches etc.)

Sunday, June 21, 2009: 10:23 AM: Times of India:

9 !.c!cc" Only 20% of mined diamonds are made into jewelry. The rest are used

 To cement ties is to form a close relationship, usually in business or
politics. The phrase is used primarily to describe business partnerships between companies. This
saying was adapted from Shakespeare¶s play µThe Tempest¶.c
 c<* You get vitamin A from milk. Carotenoids are found in fruit and vegetables such
as peaches, mangoes, pineapples, apricots, carrots, broccoli and kale.
It keeps the eyes in good condition, it boosts the immune system and it reduces the risk of
cancer. You need to increase your vitamin A intake if you smoke or drink too much, if you are
on special low fat or on vegan diets or if you are stressed or live in heavily polluted areas.

*a (A monthly from µHigginbotham¶s¶): ³Thoughts for the month.´

1.Ninety per cent of the politicians give the other ten per cent a bad reputation. - -Henry
2.We don¶t give our criminals much punishment, but we sure give them plenty of publicity. - -
Will Rogers.
3.Corruption is nature¶s way of restoring our faith in democracy. - - Peter Ustinov.
4.If you want something said, ask a man. . . If you want something done, ask a woman. - -
Margaret Thatcher.
(All from the book '7"P($-7"P': An assortment of viewpoints: The Times of India

Sunday, June 28, 2009:11:02 AM: WITHOUT DATES, MOSTLY:

Water Wise: The water stored in your spinal disc core supports about 75% of the upper body¶s
weight. (From Kinley advt.)
At any given time, half of the world¶s hospital beds are occupied by patients suffering from pù
water-related diseases.

4)Æ %  a professor of English Literature, 

    Chennai shares some   
  and essays he came across in the answer sheets: [TOI, 23-6-2009.]
Correcting (not to be confused with valuing) the composition notebooks is certainly a laborious
and thankless job. Yet there is enough pleasure in doing such a job. The tedium of going through
their uninterestedly and negligently composed essays is quite often compensated by the hilarious
passages we find in their coxcombical writings. These essays whether composed ignorantly or on
purpose, God only knows, are capable of producing ³laughter for a month and a good jest
When asked to write an essay under the title µO Man! Look Back¶, a student at the undergraduate
level without any second thoughts completed the essay by adding one more line to the title. And
that was: ³Too much of dirt on your back.´
While writing another essay titled ³Shakespeare, Raphael and Beethoven´, a few outstanding
students wrote in their own funny ways. The one who wanted to show off his knowledge of
grammar concluded his essay thus: ³Raphael was a good drawer. Beethoven was a better
magician. And Shakespeare was the best Nobel Prize winner for peace¶´
Another student poured out his opinion on these three giants in a single sentence: ³Shakespeare
was a great painter who painted Raphael¶s music and Beethoven¶s dramas.´
And the third one under the influence of a movie dismissed the topic in just a couple of lines of
comment: ³These are creatures the world forgot. But the syllabus makers and the lecturers make
the students remember them in classrooms.´
When asked to write a letter to a friend inviting him to participate in his birthday celebrations, a
student wrote:
Friend of my dear,
I am in the well and I hope you are also in the same well. As my birthday is going to fall down
on May 30, I humbly request you not to forget to poke your face on this particular date. You can
just show your face to my birthday and walk away with it, if you are very busy.
Read below three short essays the students wrote under the heading ³The Assassination of
Mahatma Gandhi:
1.Gandhi divided the people into Hindus and Muslims. Therefore a Christian killed him.
2.Gandhi did not support the Hindus. So a Muslim named Michael Godsay assassinated him.
3.Gandhi began preaching his policy of µfast unto death¶ right and left, and so he was forced to
commit suicide.
Well! It is too difficult to imagine what would happen to the unfortunate teachers of English
destined to correct composition notebooks and value the examination answer books, if there are
no student humorists.

&!56Æ!a *<.=,;,.//0>
How do you answer the question, µWhat time of the day do you like to go swimming?
When someone asks this question your reply could be, µIn the mornings/evenings¶.
2.What is the meaning of ,!c>0
Nowadays an individual¶s life revolves around this wretched instrument called cell phone! In our
country, it is not uncommon to see people texting while driving a car or a motorcycle. A
µdesignated texter¶ is someone who sits next to the driver and reads aloud all the messages that
the driver gets on his cell phone during the journey. He also sends messages that the driver wants pùp
him to. He makes sure that the driver doesn¶t take his eyes off the road.
3.How is the word ,! pronounced?
The word is pronounced ³spe-GET-i´. The last µi¶ is like the µi¶ in µit¶, µbit¶, and µkit¶. The stress
is on the second syllable
It comes from the Italian µspago¶ meaning µthin string¶ or µtwine¶. I guess eating twine or little
strings is better than eating µlittle worms¶: which is what µvermicelli¶ means!
4.What is the meaning of µadd insult to injury¶?
This means µto make a situation that is already bad, worse.¶
Example: ³First of all, he was driving on the wrong side of the road, and then to add insult to
injury, he proceeded to abuse me for driving slowly.´
5.What is the meaning of ,0
First, let us know its pronunciation: The µu¶ is like the µu¶ in µcut¶ and µbut¶. The final µh¶ is
silent. When someone says something, and you respond by saying µduh¶, you are telling the
person that what he has just said is obvious. You are being sarcastic, It is your way of saying,
³tell me something I don¶t know.´ The word is a slang. Used in American English in informal
³Do you know that Ramesh and Sujata are planning to get married?´
TAILPIECE: ³Never accept a drink from a urologist.´- - Erma Bombeck.
Dear Nandhu: What does a puppy become after it is seven days old?
Answer: Eight days old!
One of the following words is different from the others. Which one is it?
Nom-de-plume; surname; pseudonym; pen name.
Answer: Surname. Surname is a hereditary name common to all members of a family, while the
other words mean fictitious names, especially of an author.
2($<< P  (The Hindu, dated 24-6-2009:) ³It¶s redundant to name a Dalmatian Ñ 4)

4cG!; At what temperature is water said to boil on the top of Mt. Everest? [Around 68-70
degrees Celsius]
Which famous Indian city lies on Salsette Island? [Mumbai.]
In Gulliver¶s Travels, what is the Capital of Laputa? [Lagado.]
What is the collective noun for a group of apes? [Shrewdness.]
In an opera, the songs by the soloists are called- - - ? [Arias. (Italian for µair¶)
In geology, what is a µlongshore drift? [Process by which sediments such as sand move along a
beach shore.]

Times of India: 28-6-2009: ³WATER COOLER MOMENT´:c

cc  ³Hey, how¶s everything, dude? Cool, huh?´
³Are you kidding? It is so hot even the cows are giving powdered milk!´
³In fact there¶s hot water coming out of both taps in my washbasin now.´
³At least you have water! Most people are thirsting for it!´
³Well, my loaf of bread became toast by the time I got home from the shops. So, there is some
saving on electricity at least!´
³Don¶t worry, the bijli people ensure we get electricity only for 3-4 hours a day.´
³True! That¶s why nothing in my house works anymore- the fridge, the AC, even my wife!´
The Hindu: ³Young World, 23-6-2009: Puzzle: (Dear Nandhu!)
³My friend just returned from a holiday. When I visited him, he posed a puzzle to me. He said pù
the number of the room in which he stayed was a special one. When divided by 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and
7, it left a reminder of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 0 respectively.
He also said that there were 400 rooms in the hotel.
Can you find the number? [Answer: 119.]
&-%% "2c† << 7%P4c
A new study has shown that a majority of Brits find it difficult to properly spell the word
,)!!  The 10-letter word of English language topped the list of commonly misspelt words as most of them mix up the second µI¶ with an
The second place went to ,*! !, where people often get confused over whether
it has an µE¶ or µI¶ in the middle.c
, !* which is often misspelt as µindite¶, came third followed by ,. at the fourth
place. Britons often face problems due to the proximity of the µO¶ and µE¶ to each other.
,9** was fifth, which is awkward because of the inclusion of so many vowels.
,9** !1c,- 1c,-=!*1c,cc,7* wrapped up the top ten. The
survey led by www.OnePoll.com showed that nearly one in ten thought , was spelt
µmorgauge¶ and seven per cent often spell ,* as µspeech¶. Moreover, 90% couldn¶t spell
 c  What is the best position for taking blood pressure? (The Hindu, 23-6-2009.)
Jovially: ³Not standing on your hands!´
The next time your blood pressure is checked, make sure you are sitting in a chair with your back
supported, feet flat on the floor and arm extended at heart level. A study revealed that his
position can result in a 13% lower systolic and a 6% lower diastolic blood pressure.
 c cHow many germs live on my body?
Germus Armpitus! (Armpit germs!)- Jovially!
In a new study, about 1,000 species of bacteria that live on the human body were identified. Each
variety has adapted to living on a certain part of the body. It is believed that we could not live
without bacteria inhabiting our body, inside and out.

 a .-,;,.//0a, , 

( 2 French leave is an informal, unannounced, or abrupt departure. To take French
leave is to be absent from work or duty without permission.
French Leave goes back to the common practice in 19 th century France of leaving a party early
without bidding formal farewell to the host and hostess. The British frowned upon this practice.
5 Absent Without Leave: Meaning to abandon one¶s ship or army post without
permission. The acronym AWOL is still in use today.
In France, to take French leave is said to be called ³filer à l¶ anglaise´, literally meaning ³to take
English leave.´

$  Sod¶s Law or Murphy¶s is a humorous axiom that states, ³If anything can go wrong, it will.´ Apart from describing an unpleasant or
annoying person, the British term sod is applied to people for whom one feels sympathy- - µThe poor old sod is sick again¶.
The Sod¶s law is an appropriate name for the adage, ³If anything can go wrong, it will.´

From ÿ   2  $ pù‰

In which country was Mother Theresa born? [Albania.]
Name the animal that spits on a person that it does not like? [Llama.]
Which country is known as the battlefield of Europe? [Belgium.]

4  ½ ½
1.Which state has the most representatives in the Rajya Sabha after Uttar Pradesh? [Maharashtra]
2.Thomas Bruce is synonymous for the removal of marble sculptures from Greece to the U.K.
How is he better known? [7 th Earl of Elgin (of Elgin Marbles fame).]
3.Apart from the CJI, what is the upper limit to the number of judges appointed by the President
of India to the Supreme Court? [Not more than 25.]
4.Who is in-charge of Department of Atomic Energy and Department of Space in the present
council of ministers? [Dr. Manmohan Singh.]
5.In Macbeth, name the two sons of Duncan. [Malcolm and Donalbain.]

a a!aa, , ,1  

This idiom is used to describe anything, which is unbelievable or astonishing. The word boggle
means to cause someone or something to have difficulty imagining or understanding something
or to be very surprised and uncertain about how to deal with something.
³The rise in the company¶s share price this year has been simply mind-boggling.´

Find a word that can be used as a prefix to the following three words:
µComing¶, µComputer¶, µGround¶.
Answer: ³Home.´

 little girl came home from school and told her mother, ³Mommy, today, in school, everyone
was punished for something they did not do. ³The mother exclaimed, but that is terrible! I¶m
going to have a talk with your teacher about this, By the way, what was it that they didn¶t do?´
The little girl replied, ³Their homework.´
The guardians of grammar would strongly object to the sentence, ³Everyone was punished for
something they didn¶t do.´
The rule they quote is: You should not use plural pronoun to refer to a singular pronoun
preceding it. In other words, as everyone is singular, you should not use they to refer to it, as
µthey¶ is plural. However this usage has been in vogue since Shakespeare¶s times as in his
famous line,c2cc.c!cc!This grammatical structure has been
legitimate in the history of English language and has become quite acceptable today.
What is the alternative suggested by our grammar experts?
Everyone was punished for something he didn¶t do.
However this breaks the rule: µHe¶ is masculine and cannot be used with feminine reference.
Feminists, who have ushered in words like chairperson for chairman, herstory for history and
homemaker for housewife, protest loudly. They would prefer-
³Everyone was punished for something she didn¶t do. What does one do if the class has both
boys and girls? The only solution seems to be:
³Everyone was punished for something he or she didn¶t do.´
In this regard, Mignon Fagerty, hosting the website 2cGirl has this to say: pùù
³He seems sexist; one seems archaic. I¶d add that exclusively using she also seems sexist. The
hybrid µhe¶ or µshe¶ seems silly and awkward and switching between µhe¶ and µshe¶, downright
confusing to readers.´
Back to square one?  *
   µhe¶ or µshe¶.
On the other hand,Æ * 
  as well as( $    
prefers µthey¶.
Joseph Williams, professor of English and Linguistics, University of Chicago, feels, ³Most of the
grammar rules are already dead or dying,´ Perhaps we could accept Grammar Girl¶s advice:
³Use µhe¶ or µshe¶ if you want to feel safe; use µ they¶if you are bold and prepared to defend
The best solution is the avoidance strategy: use the plural or the pronoun µyou¶ as in the
following case:
A biology teacher was giving a class on observation. He took out a jar of yellow colored liquid
and said, ³This is urine. To be a good doctor, you should be a keen observer of things around
you; for example, colour, smell, sight and taste. Then he dipped his finger into the jar. He put his
finger into his mouth.
The class watched in amazement and disgust. But being good students, when the jar was passed
round, all of them put their fingers into the jar and then into their mouth. At the end, the teacher
shook his head: ³If everyone had been observant, you would have noticed that I put my second
finger into the jar, but my third finger into my mouth.´

Tuesday, June 30, 2009: 8:37 AM: Times of India:


 Thomas Edison designed a helicopter that worked with gunpowder. It ended
up blowing up and also blew up his factory.
'Question: Why do women live longer than men?
Answer: Because shopping never causes any heart attacks, paying the bills does!
 '3 Men lose about 40 strands of hair a day, while women lose around 70.
a, , Ñ ½'
To go for broke is to risk everything in order to achieve the result you want. The phrase is
liberally used in sports, business or any kind of personal endeavour.
Typical examples: ³A company that invests lots of money in a risky product strategy might also
be ³going for broke.´
³What about a the adventurous person who sells everything and moves to a foreign country to
begin a new life? Going for broke. . . !
 'ÑHonesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom.´

The Hindu:  




     How many calories can I burn per day by fidgeting?
Simply by bouncing your knee at your desk, pacing while you talk on the phone, or shifting
positions frequently in your chair, you can burn up to 350 calories per day.
In which east European country would one be if the national currency was ,.0 [Answer:
.)In Greek mythology,  is the God of . . . . . ? [Answer: Sleep.] pù 
3.Where in the human body is the  !c* 0c[Answer: Shoulder.]
In New Zealand, the number of cows is twice the number of humans!
 !   There are three gentlemen in a meeting: Mr. ellow, Mr. Green and Mr.
Brown. They are wearing yellow, green and brown ties. Mr. ellow says: ÑDid you notice that
the color of our ties is different from our names?´
The person who is wearing the green tie says, Ñes, you are right!´
Do you know who is wearing what color of tie?
Answer: It is obvious that Mr. ellow was not wearing a yellow tie because he said so. e also
was not wearing the green tie because the one wearing the green tie agreed with him. Therefore,
Mr. ellow was wearing a brown tie
1.How is the word ,!++  pronounced?
The word is pronounced µSHI-be-leth¶. Some people drop the µo¶ in the second syllable and
pronounce the word µSHIB-leth. µShibboleth¶ comes from the Hebrew µsibbolet¶ meaning
µwater¶ or µear of corn.¶ A shibboleth is a word, phrase, or custom which one can use to prove
that he/she is a true member of a group.
2.Is it okay to begin a letter with µhi¶when you are writing to someone you don¶t know?
µHi¶ is a greeting which is normally used in informal contexts with people you know. If you are
introduced to someone who looks about your age, you may be able to get away with a µhi¶. If he
is older than you, then a µhello¶ or µhow do you do?¶ is preferable. If you are writing to someone
you don¶t know, it¶s better to play safe. Have a formal beginning: µDear Sir¶.
3.Does the word ,! exist?
Yes, it does. When something is µmissent¶, it is usually sent to the wrong destination; it is sent to
the wrong person/ address. [You may invariably find this word used in several Government files-
- S.S]
   ³University politics are vicious precisely because the stakes are so small.´- -Henry

Wednesday, July 01, 2009: 9:12 AM: The Hindu: *

How can I strengthen the arches of my feet?
Go barefoot. Walking without shoes strengthens toe and arch muscles and improves balance.
Wearing shoes weakens foot muscles.

Times of India:5 
 ' ³Every noble work is at first impossible.´

 Vitamin E (tocopherol) is found in many foods such as sunflower and olive oils;
nuts, beans, bananas, apples, lettuce, spinach, onions, and Brussels sprouts. It helps fight against
a wide range of conditions associated with ageing, heart disease, stroke, arthritis, diabetes,
Alzheimer¶s disease and cancers. It helps improve stamina and endurance and boosts the immune
system against infections.

aa,,6('$†c($2cRoad rage is anger or violence between drivers, often caused
by difficult driving conditions. The term was coined in the United States in the mid 1980s. Road
rage can take the form of tailgating, honking and flashing the lights as well as screaming, yelling
and obscene gestures. In extreme cases, it can result in accidents and violence. pù·

Thursday, July 02, 2009: 8:45 AM:*

5   ³Where there is no struggle, there is no strength.´ - - -Oprah Winfrey.
     Can I lose weight without running?
Brisk walking actually reverses aging of the heart, a study reveals. 50 to 60- year olds who
walked briskly for 45 minutes to an hour daily lost an average of 22 pounds without dieting.
Their hearts pumped as efficiently as those of people in their 30s and 40s.
 a  Ñ5  'ÑBashfulness is an ornament to youth, but a reproach to old age.´

* ?& ³A 20-minute power nap can make you more productive- - but not if you
take one every hour.´
Vitamin H is found in small amounts in foods such as nuts, brewer¶s yeast and
dairy products. It helps to make the best use of fats and proteins. Vitamin H also helps to keep a
steady level of sugar in the blood.

Ñ    ÿ
a, , P*cc
It is commonly thought that touching wood or knocking on wood has been a superstitious action
to ward off evil throughout history. Some believe it has its roots in the Christian faith and
referred to touching a wood crucifix when praying for good fortune.
The expression is usually used in the hope that a good thing will continue to occur after it has
been acknowledged.
In the Arab World it¶s said ³Emsek El Khashab´ and the meaning is similar; a wish that
something will or will not occur. Muslims use a similar phrase in Arabic saying ³Masha Allah´.
Although it does not mean µtouching wood¶ literally, it means µas per Allah¶s desire¶.
³Nauzubillah min zalik´ is commonly used to say ³May Allah protect us from that (in case of
( ':,9,.//0 
$   <4  =9 =:)>
While eulogizing, Subramaniam Swami: ³An intellectual is a man who takes more words than
necessary to tell more than he knows.´
³The family is the source of all discontents´, while quoting Gandhi Kannadasan, eulogizing his
father Poet par excellence, Kannadasan.
³Imperfections make life exciting´, while talking about Director Anita Utheep, who looks like a
typical actress (in Vinoth¶s terms). Her film is titled strangely as³Kulir Nooru Degree´.

Friday, July 03, 2009: 8:11 AM: *


1.Which actress was married to Mickey Rooney, Artie Shaw and Frank Sinatra? (Answer: Ava
2.Name the Tamil flick of whichc+55c /cis a remake? (Answer: Pammal
3.Which scion of the TVS family acted in Rajiv Menon¶s 5!c5!0
(Answer: Anita Ratnam.)
4.Josy¶s New Delhi starring Mammooty is based on which Irving Wallace novel? (Answer: The
Almighty.) pù
    Should wounds be kept uncovered to heal faster?
Not covering a wound can delay healing time up to 50%. Keep wounds moist and covered to
encourage faster healing. Petroleum jelly works well to keep the wound moist.

Times of India: ( 

issued a stamp in 1973 that looked like a record
and actually would play the Bhutanese national anthem if placed on a record player.
' ³Who are the most decent people in a hospital?´
³The Ultrasound people!´
 ' ³Anger is a wind, which blows out the lamp of the mind.´
a, , cPc5c
To eke out is to supplement with great effort (to eke out an income by working two jobs); to get
with great effort or strain (to eke a bare existence from farming in an arid area); to make (a
supply) last by practicing strict economy (outdated).
Eke originated around 1200, from eken, meaning to increase or lengthen. As the etymology
explanation points out, eke originally meant increasing, supplementing or extending something
in order to make it last longer. Today, the word is used almost exclusively in combination with
& is found in green vegetables, cereals, and cheese. Vitamin K is needed
for the blood to clot properly and for teeth and bones to form correctly.
Saturday, July 04, 2009: 8:41 AM: The Hindu: Metro Plus: Week End
    Is Hydrogen Peroxide @ë c'ë A good for wounds?
Though Hydrogen Peroxide kills bacteria, it also destroys white blood cells that repair wounds,
thereby slowing healing. Rinse the cut with water, soap and rubbing alcohol also irritate a
Times of India:
(This is an excellent saying, especially to all connected with Electricity.>

 2  2?



 Antarctica is the only land on our planet that is not owned by any country.
a, , ÑÆ 
To ride shotgun is to guard a person or thing while in transit to
ride in front passenger seat of a car or truck.
In the American Wild West, on a trip across the plains, the driver would hold the reins of his
horse team and concentrate on driving.
As a defensive measure, one person sat next to the driver with a shotgun ready to fend off the
 6!* is found in milk, yoghurt, whole grains, nuts, ginger, mustard, chilli powder
and black pepper. Zinc is necessary for us to have a healthy immune system and it helps in
wound healing. It is necessary the synthesis of DNA and for proper function of many hormones
such as insulin, growth and sex hormones.

The following Sloka, by the Divine Blessings of Sri. Yoga Nrusimha Moorthy, resident at
Courtallam, in Mouna Swamigal Mutt, became materialized to me, on 26-6-2009, when I went
for worship there, at His Sannidhi:
ÑPrahlaada vallabhaaya narasreshtaaya pù’
Mruga rajendraaya deerga damshtraaya ca/
Paschima giri moola nivaasaaya
oga nrusimhaaya Æamaa priyaaya/
Mama hrudaananda kaarakaaya namasthubhyam
Namasthubhyam namo nama://´

Sunday, July 05, 2009: 9:01 AM: Times of India: Chennai Times:
*    ;ÑÆ
&   ''  1   (This is a good pointer to
think about- S.S.)
  4 88 ³God does not ask your ability, or your inability. He asks only your
availability.´- - µMay Kay Ash¶
 ³Dream no small dreams for they have no power to move the hearts of men.´
½ 2
 Modern surgical robots move with such precision, they can peel the skin from
a grape.

 -*5!! refers to the ability of moving objects through psychic


a, , $ccc)c*5c Ducks love the rain. A good day for ducks is a humorous
way to describe a rainy day.
Other variations: a fine day for ducks; nice weather for ducks; good weather for ducks; nice day
for ducks etc.
Remember, the music genius and lyric composer of yester years, G.S. Ramanatha
Iyer? We have unfortunately lost such a genius in our films today. But, he has left another
genius in his family. I mean the Veena exponent Rajesh Vaidhya. He is GSR¶s younger brother¶s
son. (Note prepared by S.S. Information gathered from Jaya T.V. Ragamalika programme, on 5-
6-2009 at 9-25 am.)
$+c9c<c8 !c 51c # c: cC??c
Bats are present throughout the world and they perform a vital ecological role by pollinating
flowers and also serve an important role in seed dispersal. Many tropical plants are entirely
dependent on bats. There are more than 1,000 species of bats and they live on every continent of
the world except Antarctica.
Many myths are associated with bats as saying µblind as bat¶. But they can see quite well. Bats
are not destructive pests like rats and mice and in fact a colony of bats could cut down on
unwanted mosquitoes around the house.
Bats have amazing abilities. Hibernating little brown bats can stop breathing for almost an hour
The Little Brown Myotis is called the little brown bat and can be found very nearer to people¶s
homes. They catch insects with their wings and the tail membranes and transfer them to their
mouths. Big brown bats can live for 19 years or more.

Monday, July 06, 2009:11:22 AM: The Hindu: ½ ½

1.About which bird did Lord Tennyson write: ³He clasps the crag with crooked hands, close to
the sun in lonely lands´? [Answer: Eagle.] pùå
2.With which author would one associate the characters Big Daddy Pollitt, Blanche Du Bois or
Stanley Kowalski? [Answer: Tennessee Williams.]
3.In botany, what is ! !0[Answer: The bleaching of plant leaves due to light deprivation.]
4.What first in the world of genetics did Herman the bull achieve? [Answer: He was the first
genetically modified mammal in the world.]
5.What would be the volume of a cube whose edges total 96 cms? [Answer: 512 cubic
Anita Kuppusamy says: ³I come from a conservative Aggarwal family. My grandfather never
entertained girls singing. The only song we were allowed to sing was ³Om Jai Jagdeesh Hare.´
But I secretly pursued music. I however convinced my family and pursued my Masters in Music
at the University of Madras, Chennai. I met Pushpavanam Kuppusamy, also a student of music,
and Cupid struck and we became life partners.´
³I love our folk music for its simplicity and the grammar of this music is bound by our soil¶s
culture and tradition.
³As a tribute to my grandmother, I have recently started a school named after her, the Poonam
Industrial School in Kumbakonam.´
Times of India:
5 3In 1918, he was the first Indian to be elected as a Fellow of the Trinity College,
Cambridge. Yet he failed his degree exam in Fine Arts in India. Yet we know he was a genius.
Though he did most of his schooling in Kumbakonam, he was briefly enrolled in a school in
Madras, but he disliked it. His family even enlisted a local constable to make sure he would stay
in school. Who was he?
He was none other than the brilliant mathematician Srinivasa Ramanujam!

Mother: Did you thank Mrs. Mala for inviting you to the party?
Son: No. The boy before me thanked her and she said, ³Please don¶t mention it.´ So I didn¶t.
Many of us do feel embarrassed when someone thanks us and we hurry to say, ³No mention>´
However this is c** and sounds c The proper way of acknowledging a ³Thank
you´, as Mrs. Mala did, would be to say - cc!c!c
There are many occasions during informal conversation when we unconsciously blunder into
incorrect utterances. When we meet someone and they ask us ³How do you do?´ most of us say,
³Quite well, thank you.´ Or ³Fine.´
³What about you?´
Pc!cc c+cccc0c cc
Do you remember that delightful song in the film Ñ  3ÑYou are sixteen, going
on seventeen, baby it¶s time to think.´
Well, I have heard many say, ³I¶m running sixteen´ or ³I am in my sixteenth year.´cP!c!cc
**+ Another favourite mistake is to say, ³I am sixteen complete.´ The !  to
express it would be, ³ cc.c!>
Look at this conversation:
Suma: Will you have some coffee?
Priya: I don¶t mind.
According to native speakers, ³I don¶t mind´ used in this way is he reply connotes p 
indifference and suggests that the person invited does not care whether she drinks coffee or not.
This expression should be used  cc!c!c!!+ cc!!*ccc)*1 as
in the following case:
Prem: Shall we walk or take a cab?
Shyam: I don¶t mind either.
Here is an appropriate use of the structure:
Doctor: I am sorry I made you wait so long.
Patient: I don¶t mind the wait so much, but I think you would like to treat my illness at its early
Often people say, ³No please´, when an offer is made to them. P!c!c c.
4c cc"c5cccc !c ! while accepting and declining some
"c&!is a polite reply to a question asking for information. For example, when the boss asks
you ³Has the letter gone?´ the proper reply would be ³No, sir.´
Here is an example of the correct use:
Boy: Mom! Mom! I have just swallowed a spider!
Mom: Shall I call the doctor to give you something for it?
Boy:c"1cP5c Let it starve to death.

  ;,9,.//0 .
Mr. Abdul Latheef, a NRI, hails from Kayangulam of Kerala State. His daughter is Miss.
Rahmath. (21). In fact Mr. Latheef encouraged his daughter to study ³Vedanta´ in Sanskrit, for
her University Studies. The girl took keen interest in Sanskrit studies and got first rank in the
University, through the college run at Kollam, by the HR&CE Department of the Kerala
Government .It is to be specially stated that Ms. Rahmath had studied only µArab¶ till her school
final but took Sanskrit as her second language for her +2 studies. Her achievement is highly
Two or three students of Islamic culture join the Sanskrit course every year; even they go up to
post graduate level and specialize in Vedanta and other studies in Sanskrit. Many Muslim
students also make research on these hard-core subjects.

 a 5  '³Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.´
½Solve the anagram: ³SIT WRITE ME A LULLABY´ to get the name of a
famous English poet. [Answer: William Butler Yeats.]
 Leek is low in saturated fats, sodium and cholesterol. It is high in Vitamin A, C
and vitamin K, folate, manganese, dietary fiber, Vitamin B6, iron and magnesium. Leeks are
believed to fight cancer, especially colon and prostate cancer.
a, , Ñ?

To queer someone¶s pitch is to spoil a chance or an opportunity for someone often on purpose.
This is a British expression of 19 th. Century English. Pitch is the name for a position on a street
market where the trader sets up his stall. The word queer has been used for centuries to mean
µpeculiar¶, µodd¶, or µstrange¶ (and is likely related to the German ³quer´.)
To µqueer someone¶s pitch¶ describes as spoiling the business opportunity of other traders. This
was accomplished in any number of easy such as telling customers bad things about a rival trader
or yelling louder than the next closest merchant.
The expression meanwhile is applied to any situation where a person ruins someone else¶s or p p
their own chances at something.

Tuesday, July 07, 2009: 10:35 AM:  a c

!cP*5 ³Experience is the child of thought, and thought is the child of action.´
 c<*c Alfalfa Sprouts (or sprouted alfalfa seeds) are low in saturated fat, sodium and
cholesterol. It is high in dietary fiber, Vitamins C, K, riboflavin, folate, magnesium,
phosphorous, zinc, copper, manganese, protein, Vitamin A, thiamin, pantothenic acid, calcium
and iron.
!## 1

Carbon footprint is the total amount of greenhouse gases emitted directly and indirectly to
support human activities, usually expressed in equivalent tons of either carbon or carbon dioxide.
Carbon footprints are calculated by countries as part of their reporting requirements under the
Kyoto Protocol, as well as by companies, regions or individuals. The calculations include both
direct greenhouse gas emissions such as tailpipe emissions ofc'ë from motor vehicles and
methane from landfills and indirect greenhouse gases like those that arise from coal and other
fossil fuel based energy generated to power residential and commercial activities. Indirect
emissions also result from fuel combustion used in the manufacture, transport, storage, disposal
and recycling of commodities and manufactured products. The use of the word µfootprint¶ has its
origins in the term µecological footprint¶. This phrase was coined by ecologists William Rees and
Mathis Wackernage to describe the total ecological impact (the amount of land, food, water and
other resources) to sustain a person or organization. It is usually measured in acres or hectares of
productive land.
     How much difference does a healthy life style make in life span?
Those who eat lots of fruits and vegetables, don¶t smoke, exercise regularly and drink in
moderation can expect to add 14 years to their life.

Professor K.S. Viswanathan, ofc 551 was Former Head of Department of Physics, Kerala
University, Trivandrum. He was a student of &!c8c( We lose KSV, who died on 5-7-
2009 at 6:45 p.m. in Chennai.

c4c !
1. What is the meaning and origin of ,.c+cc+ 0c
When you are saved by the bell, a difficult situation suddenly comes to an end: before you have
to say or do anything.
Example: The principal wanted to know who had broken the window. Before we could answer,
his cell phone rang. We were saved by the bell.
One more: Luckily the guests arrived before I could say anything. Saved by the bell.
The idiom comes from the sport of boxing. Every round in a boxing match lasts for three
minutes, and each round begins and ends with the ringing of a bell.
When a fighter hopes that before he gets knocked out, the bell signaling the end of the round
rings. If it does, he has been literally ,.c+cc+ 
2.How is the word ,+*  pronounced?
The word is pronounced µday BAA kl¶ with the stress on the second syllable. It means a total
disaster. It is a fiasco.
³Keshav¶s first performance as a stand-up comedian was a debacle: the audience kept booing p 
3.What is the meaning of ,*!+0c
µChairdrobe¶ is a combination of two words: µchair¶ and µwardrobe¶. There are people who are
too lazy to put away their clothes in their cupboard. They prefer to leave their washed and
unwashed clothes on a chair, instead. The piled up clothes on the chair is called µchairdrobe¶.
³Go through my chairdrobe. You¶ll find the shirt you¶re looking for.´
P! !*ccÑI take a very practical view of raising children. I put a sign in each of their rooms:
³Checkout Time is 18 years.´  ½1'
(6 5 Pc†c"
1.There are three houses in a straight row. One is red, one is blue, and one is white. The red
house is left of the middle. The blue house is right of the middle. Where is the white house?
[Answer: In Washington.]
1.In U.S. currency, how may dimes to six nickels? [Answer; Three.]
2.Which famous German commander in World War II was called ,Pc†c<>0 [Answer:
Erwin Rommel.]
3.Of which planet are Ariel, Oberon and Umbriel satellites? [Answer: Uranus.]
4.In the United Kingdom, who also has titles like Baron Renfrew and Great Steward of
Scotland? [Answer: The Prince of Wales.]
5.Which Arabic phrase appears 22 times on the flag of Iran and once in the Iraqi flag? [Answer:
The µTakbir¶.]
6.In which U.S. state is Cincinnati? [Answer: Ohio.]
7.In which western African country, once known as µGold Coast¶ is µCedi¶ the unit of currency?
[Answer: Ghana.]
8.In the context of an opera, what is , !+0 [Answer: The text of the opera.]
9.When organs get inflamed when one has ,!!0[Answer: Kidneys.]

Wednesday, July 08, 2009: 7:56 AM: Times of India:

 '3!c2 3c
In ancient Babylon, the bride¶s father would supply his son-in-law with all the mead (fermented
honey beverage- - equivalent to our µMadhuparka¶ - -S.S- -) he could drink for a month after the
wedding. Because their calendar was lunar or moon-based (our¶s also for fixing auspicious
times- -S.S), this period of free mead was called the µhoney month¶, or what we now call the
 '³Faith consists in believing when it is beyond the power of reason to believe.´
½³You do not want to have it. But when you do have it, you do not want to lose it.
What is it? [Answer: Lawsuit.]
 Arrowroot is low in saturated fat, cholesterol and sodium and high in vitamin B6,
folate, thiamin, niacin, iron, phosphorus, potassium and manganese. The nutritional value of
arrowroot makes it ideal for weight loss and helps maintain optimum health.
a, ,  $cccc* A dog and pony act is visually interesting business
presentation. Dog and pony act (or show) means a presentation, usually done by a corporate to
bring attention to itself or one of its products.
The derivation probably is from the circus world .In a three-ring circus there is always the act
that has the ponies parading in a circle while there are little dogs jumping from horse to horse in p ‰
a counter clockwise motion. It has a negative implication also to mean that the presentation has
no substance. Just a shallow and cheap entertainment or cheap thrill.
When talking about a µdog and pony show¶ it¶s important to adopt a world-weary manner, as in
³Oh, we have to put on a dog and pony show for the financiers.´

The Hindu:c c What is the best way to know for sure if I have the µflu¶?
Ask your doctor for an X tag swab. The doctor will swab the back of your throat. You can get
results in six hours. The X tag test only tests for viruses, not bacteria.

?It takes 8,460 bolts to assemble an automobile, and one nut to scatter it all over the
:c:5! A preacher dies, and when he gets to heaven, he sees a cab driver who has more
crowns. He says to an angel. ³I don¶t get it. I devoted my whole life to my congregation.´
The angel says, ³We reward results. Did your congregation always pay attention when you gave
a sermon?´
The preacher says, ³Once in a while someone fell asleep.´
The angel says, ³Right. And when people rode in this guy¶s taxi, they not only stayed awake, but
they usually prayed!´

Thursday, July 09, 2009: 8:32 AM: Times of India:

!c9 Homonyms are words that sound alike, though they are spelled differently
(Example: to, two, too.). One pair of homonyms has meanings that are precisely opposite, and
need not be stretched. What are the two spellings of this homonym? (Answer: Raise and raze,
which mean µto erect¶ and µraze down¶.
$cc=5c Wife to husband: ³I am pretty sure your arteries are clear. Every morning I put a
tiny drop of µdrain cleaner¶ in your coffee.´
 c<*c Artichoke is low in saturated fat, cholesterol and sodium and high in dietary fiber,
Vitamin C and K, folate, magnesium, niacin, Vitamin B6, iron and phosphorous. The nutritional
value of artichokes makes them ideal for weight loss and helps maintain optimum health.

*  c  Is there an option to hip replacement surgery?

First jovially: Have you had your hip replaced yet?
No, my wife says first I need my brain replaced.
Ask your doctor about hip resurfacing. More bone is left in tact than with replacement, which
makes any future hip procedures easier to perform. Pain relief improves by 98% with hip
 !c-!ccc+ c !c-cC? - 1c:cc!c
Situated on the banks of the icy Lidder Æiver, a 900-year ±old Shiva temple is perhaps the only
major Hindu shrine in the Kashmir valley, which has Muslim priests.
After the migration of Kashmiri Pundits from a nearby village, two priests- Mohammad
Abdullah and Ghulam Hassan ± kept the doors of thec 5c  open and bells
continued to toll.
³We not only took care of the temple but also held µaartis¶ everyday,´ Hassan told.
Besides ensuring the safety of the 3-feet-long black stone ,&!.c%! the priests have ensured
that no devotee goes without µprasad¶.
Built by Raja Jai Suria, the temple was once a stopover for pilgrims going to the Amarnath cave p ù
shrine in south Kashmir Himalayas.
The temple is the property of the State archaeology, archives and museum department and a
protected monument.
Both Abdullah and Hassan say: ³We have faith in Lord Shiva. We not only maintained the
temple, undertook repairs but also ensured that the temple remains fully functional despite
threats from the militants.´
³We have fulfilled our duty of guarding this shrine for Kashmiri pundits. It is theirs. We wish
they return and take back the control of the temple,´ they said.
The temple, which has images of Ganesha, Parvati and Hanuman carved in stone, also houses a
natural spring.
G!cc@-c AcP+c !c&

Question asked by Sri Harsha from Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh: Answered by
R.Jagannathan, Luminescence Group, CECRI (Central Electro chemical Research Institute),
The role of a starter in a tube-light is to initiate or start striking of electrical discharge along the
column or length of the tube. Basically a conventional tube-light called as fluorescent lamp is a
low-pressure mercury vapor lamp, a type of electrical discharge lamp.
When electrical discharge strikes through the column of the tube, a lot of invisible ultra-violet
radiation is generated. This invisible ultra-violet light is converted to useful visible light by the
process, fluorescence, with the help of fluorescent material called phosphors seen as a white
coating in the inner wall of the tube.
In order to first initiate the discharge process a high surge current should be sent through the
circuit, which is achieved with the e ballast-choke-starter combination. An ordinary fluorescent
lamp uses a glow-switch type starter made of a tiny bulb enclosing a set of two small closely
spaced electrodes, of which at least one is made of a bi-metallic strip.
The bulb is filled with a mixture of rare-gases usually Argon-Neon mixture.
As the mains voltage supply is closed, first discharge occurs between the electrodes of the
starter. This discharge makes the bimetallic strip hot and hence deflects the bi-metallic strip
towards the other electrode and thereby short-circuiting and hence breaking of the circuit.
So again discharge strikes between the electrodes of starter, again breaking and so on. This
repeated momentary closure, breaking of the circuit through the starter generates lot of surge
current to establish self-sustainable discharge along the column of the lamp-tube. Once the
discharge is built-up in the lamp tube the starter becomes redundant.
In the initial stage of lamp switching on, the discharge across the electrodes of the starter is seen
as flickering, a pale red glow seen through the translucent enclosure of the bulb.
Of late with the advent of improved electronics lots of improvements in the lamp-design have
become possible like flicker-free compact fluorescent lamp )


3 [The same query asked by C. Patchai
Karthibhan, Madurai and duly answered by Prakash.V, Senior Lecturer, Electrical and Electronic
Engineering, Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai, Tamilnadu.] [The Hindu, 6-8-2009,
Fluorescent tube-lights convert an electric discharge in the mercury vapor present in the tube,
into visible light at the phosphor coating inside the tube. But this discharge cannot take place of
its own when the normal supply voltage is applied, because this voltage is not sufficient to cause
ionization of the gas in the tube. In order to strike this discharge, an ingenious combination of a p  
set of filaments (at the ends of the tube), a choke (inductor coil) and a starter is used.
The common fluorescent tube starter itself is a glow tube but filled with a mixture of gas that can
ignite at the supply voltage. It incorporates a switch which is normally open and has a small
space between its contacts. One of the contacts of the switch is on a bimetallic strip.
When power is switched on to the tube light circuit, a glow discharge takes place in the starter
which heats the bimetallic strip. The strip bends and closes the contacts of the switch. When the
contacts of the starter close, a glow is not possible. Once glow extinguishes, there is no longer
any heating of the bimetal. The bimetal strip cools, retracts and opens the contacts of the starter
The current through the choke is interrupted abruptly. Due to its inherent inductance property,
the inductor opposes any abrupt change in current through it and as a result, a very high voltage
(of the order of 1,000 Volts) is developed across the choke. This high voltage in combination
with the supply voltage applies across the filaments of the tube.
Earlier, the current flow through the filaments during the period of glow and closing of the
contacts in the starter, causes electron emission by the filaments in the fluorescent tube due to
thermionic process. These two processes cause ionization of the mercury vapor inside the tube
and an electric discharge is initiated. If the inductive kick is not enough, the process repeats and
the glow in the lamp is established. After the discharge, the voltage across the tube is lower than
the supply voltage since there is a voltage drop across the choke. This voltage is enough to
maintain the discharge in the tube. .
P 5c†c #E#C??c-c

A humorist says: ³Since we have to speak well of the dead, let us knock them while they are
alive´: This is the comment of Vinoth while speaking about Michael Jackson, who is believed to
have died mysteriously and even when he was living he was not so very well spoken about by a
few people.
³The kite flies because of its tail.´ This is how Vinoth comments about the excellent
µperformance of challenges¶ (Savaal-in Tamizh), of ³Bablu´ alias Prithviraj in Singapore.
³Though the ant works its heart out, it can never make honey´: Vinoth¶s commentary on the
behavior of the opposition AIADMK party staging frequent walkouts from the Assembly in

Friday, July 10, 2009:11:23 AM: The Hindu: Cinema Plus:

$c ! c+!c)ccc*! The legendary Indian sportsperson who acted in the Marathi
film Savli Premachi turns 60 today. (10-7-2009.). Name him/her. [Answer: Sunil Manohar
2))!! Ñ

 c c Is electric shock therapy still used?
Electroconvulsive shock therapy or ECT is still used to treat depression. It¶s a viable alternative
to antidepressant medication, boasting relief from symptoms in 83% to 95% of cases. A general
anesthesia is given and the treatment lasts only a few seconds. The patient wakes up a few
minutes later.

Times of India: !c*5c$cc)!c.cc!ccc cccc+c

 c<* Bamboo shoots are low in saturated fat, cholesterol and sodium, high in dietary p ·
fiber, Vitamin C, thiamin, Vitamin B6, phosphorous, potassium, zinc, copper, manganese,
protein, Vitamin E, riboflavin, niacin and iron.
<*c)cc ³The adult human body requires about 88 pounds of oxygen daily.´
!## $c+ c** A snowball¶s chance is no chance at all, zero chance. This
is the often heard shortened form of the idiom ³a snowball¶s chance in hell´. Hell is an immense
and very hot place, a snowball is small and cold. Its chance of survival in such an inhospitable
environment is therefore zero. Often used in business when a situation is completely hopeless:
³He doesn¶t have a snowball¶s chance in hell of getting the job.´
³The target of 2004 for completing trade talks was already highly optimistic. Now I don¶t see
that it has a snowball¶s chance in hell of being met.´ (BBC News-22 nd. May 2002.)c
$c>!1c+cc+5cc!c.! ³To say the least, this book is unputdownable and
a very racy read.

What is the difference between ,!!!* and ,!*0
Deliberate display of insincere and rather exaggerated emotion is called µhistrionics¶.
The word comes from the Latin µhistrio¶ meaning µactor¶, and it is usually used to show
Unlike in the case of µhistrionics¶, the emotions you display are spontaneous, not planned. The
word comes from the Latin µhystera¶ meaning µwomb¶.
* Cut out the histrionics. Will you? We know that you are not as crazy as you pretend to be.
*The new man gave a brilliant performance. He has us in hysterics.
2.How is the word , *!cpronounced?
The word is pronounced ³PUL-kri-tyud´ with the stress on the first syllable. It means µgreat
physical beauty¶, and in most cases the word is used to refer to the attractiveness of a woman.
*The speaker said that it was not actress¶ pulchritude that fascinated him.
*Actually, Shriya Saran¶sc *! does not fascinate me. Her knowledge, her love for books,
her interest in philosophy, her eagerness in practicing Yoga, her ability to perform various
traditional styles of dancing and her skill in trekking on the Himalayas fascinate me most. (S.S)
3.Is the word µpolice¶ followed by a singular or a plural verb?
The word µpolice¶ is a plural noun. Therefore it has to be followed by a plural verb. It does not
have a singular form.
The police were unable to stop the murder from taking up.
4.Is it okay to say, µThe father was extremely jealous about his daughter¶s popularity¶?
No, it isn¶t. You are not µjealous about¶ something. You are µ= c) something or someone.
*The Manager was jealous of his colleague¶s achievements.c
P! !*c )cc!)ccc ccc!.1ccc!cc#c#c&c
1.What is the capital of the U.S.State of Florida? [Answer: Tallahassee.]
2.In Greek myth, what action led to Ajax losing his mind? [Answer: Agamemnon giving
Achilles¶s armour to Odysseus.]
3.What does the name of the game µMah Jong¶ mean?[Answer: Little sparrow.]
4.Fill in the blanks: The three races that make up the µTriple Crown¶ in American horse racing
are Kentucky Derby, Belmont Stakes, and - - - -? [ Answer: Preakness Stakes.]
5.In Mozart¶s Symphony #38 is Prague, what is Symphony #36? [Answer: Liz.] p 

<cP!c)c !1c.!c#.!c!*
 ! ½ ³Find three words which contain two consecutive ³i´-s.
[Answer: Radii; Skiing; Taxiing.]
Fact of the Matter: ³Peanut butter is an effective way to remove chewing gum from hair or
Husband: From the day we got married, I¶m unable to eat, smoke, drink, go to races etc.
Wife: How sweet, are you madly in love with me?
Husband: No. You got me bankrupt.
 Chicory greens are low in saturated fat and cholesterol and high in Vitamins A, C,
E, K and B6, riboflavin, folate, pantothenic acid, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorous,
potassium, copper, manganese, thiamin, niacin and zinc.
a, , 5
½ '
 A wet blanket is a pessimistic person, also an action or event
which depresses the mood of a situation.
³I¶m a bit of a µwet blanket¶ when it comes to the whole business of space travel, Captain Pikard,
the µStar trek, actor, said in a BBC interview.
a, , '
A Greek is a gift, which is a trick. This refers to the famous
Wooden Horse said to be a gift of offering to the gods for a safe return from Troy, but was in
reality a tactic for the destruction of the city. A µGreek Gift¶ is therefore a dangerous or
treacherous gift.
English is rich in synonyms; however these synonyms do not have exactly the same meaning.
There are subtle shades of difference. Often we commit errors due to our ignorance of the
nuances. Let us look at one such group of words: 1c 1c51 and  5
Here¶s an example of how to use say and tell:
³I am lonely´, Adam told God in the garden of Eden. ³I need to have someone around for
³Okay,´ replied God. ³I am going to give you the perfect woman-beautiful, intelligent and
gracious. She¶ll cook and clean for you and never say a cross word.´
³Sounds good,´ Adam said, ³but what is she going to cost?¶
³An arm and a leg.´
³That¶s too much,´ countered Adam. ³What can I get just for a rib?´
Notice the difference between say and tell here. You say something, but you tell somebody
(e.g) I forgot to say goodbye.
(e.g) Eventually he told me the truth.
To say means to utter a special remark; to tell means to relate an occurrence.
Speak and talk are often used interchangeably. This is not correct.
To speak means to utter words, especially to make a speech.
To talk means to hold a conversation with someone. The following anecdote brings out the
A professor who collected birds went to an exotic pet shop and said, ³I want a parrot that talks.´
³I have just the parrot for you´, said the owner, and he led the man to a cage where a very
distinguished looking parrot stood on a perch. p ’
³Speak, Philmore,´ said the pet shop owner. Without missing a beat, Philmore spoke in a
classically trained voice. ³Where there is a will, there is a way. Crime does not pay. Money is the
root of all evil.´
³Pretty good, huh?¶ said the shopkeeper.
³How much?´ asked the professor.
³Three thousand dollars.´
³Forget it,´ the professor said as he made his way to the door. ³For that kind of money, I want a
parrot that writes his own stuff.´
When ccdoes most of the talking, either speak or talk may be used.
When two or more people have a conversation, usec 5, c5
Would you like to correct the following sentences?
She said to me to ask you to phone her.
I couldn¶t talk English in those days.
We spent the whole night speaking.

*8-,9,.//0(6 5 
 ! 54 Find the words with the help of the given clues (each word contains
four letters.)
When the word is reversed:
µthe poet¶ becomes µdull¶. [Answer; Bard- - Drab.]
utensils become what red signals on the road mean [Answer: Pots- - Stop]
the hoofed animal becomes a plant which grows in water or on marshy ground. [Answer: Deer- -
6 5 U7
1.Which river is said to have irrigated the Hanging Gardens of Babylon? [Answer: Euphrates.]
2.Which four-legged herbivores are used in the genre of theatrical show called µHippodrama¶?
[Answer: Horses.]
3.Where in the human body is the , * found? [Answer: Behind the elbow.]
4.Which animal has the largest brain of all animals? [Answer: Elephant.]
5.Which Asian capital city was once called ,0 [Answer: Seoul.]

5   8+.//0:80 a 

9c )c³When channel-changing becomes an Olympic sport, you¶ll discover that you¶re
married to the greatest athlete who ever lived´- (Wife to husband.)c
:.! 3c ³I talk to myself because I like dealing with a better class of people!´
 c<*c Horseradish is low in saturated fat and cholesterol. It is high in dietary fiber,
vitamin C, folate, pantothenic acid, magnesium, potassium, manganese, riboflavin, vitamin B6,
phosphorous and copper.
!##c$ ccP+* To apply the thumbscrews on someone is to put heavy
pressure on someone. The thumbscrew or pilliwinks is a torture instrument which was first used
in medieval Europe. It is a simple vice, sometimes with protruding studs on the interior surfaces.
The victim¶s thumbs or fingers were placed in the vice and slowly crushed. The thumbscrew was
also applied to crush prisoner¶s toes, while larger, heavier thumbscrews were used for crushing
knees and elbows. This torture was extremely painful and usually forced out confessions of the
victim. p å
You can use the phrase in conversation when suggesting extreme psychological pressure. ³You
have to apply thumbscrews whenever you want him to do something.´

     Is Mustard healthy?
Mustard seed is healthy. It is rich in Selenium, a mineral thought to offer anti-cancer benefits.
Both plain yellow and Dijon mustard are low in calories, and fat-free yellow is lower in sodium
at 165 mg. Dijon is loaded with sodium-369 mg.
,,   Ñ    


4 4
 ) )Ñ4
4 8+,9,.//0.8=/ #a

Aditya is a student of D.K.Jayaraman; he loves the style of Brinda-Mukta school. He is an
exponent in the singing of µJavalis¶ and µPadams¶. Aditya had a unique opportunity to sing
µpadams¶ for dance performances of Sudharani Raghupathy's disciples. He was associated with
Kalaimamani K.S.R. Aniruddhan, in the singing of Tamil songs in Mylapore temple. KSR
Aniruddhan incidentally is Professor. Sudharani's son. Aditya¶s mother and grandmother were
dancers of yester years. Aditya is setting a foot to U.S.A for higher studies. Aditya indeed sings
wonderfully and for the viewers he sang a Bhairavi Raga Keerthanai, composed by Saint
Thyagaraja and a µJavali¶ ³Varalaadi Bo´, in µBehag¶ Raga composed by Tirupathi
Narayanaswami. Aditya says that Javali and Padams are mainly intended to depict Nayaka-
Nayaki Bhavas and it is somewhat difficult to sing µPadams¶ because the singer should in his
singing bring out the emotions and expressions; and µpadams¶ especially should be sung in
Vilambham. Another youngster M.Vijay, on the violin, accompanied Aditya. He indeed handled
the instrument deftly and gracefully. Varuna Ramaswami, an youngster in this group, assisted
Aditya in Mrudangam. Aditya says that he can give neat, pure and sublime music to his audience
and they may expect a soulful performance from him.

Thursday, July 16, 2009: 8:44 AM: P 51ccCC#E#C??c8!c-c

³There are two kinds of women- - goddesses and doormats´, says the famous painter Picasso.
Vinoth says this while appreciating the story written by Sujata (Mudhal Manaivi) and telecast in
Jaya T.V in µIdhayam Thotta Kathaikal¶.
2.Vinoth appreciates the way in which Dr. Seshaiyya, the famous diabetologist, who appeared in
Tamil G channel, answering patiently all the participants¶ queries in the programme. Vinoth
says: ³When a man has pity on all living creatures then only he is noble.´
3.´Not what we give but what we share makes us good.,´ says Vinoth while praising the
compeer¶s way of answering to a lady who wanted to come to Chennai and act in films.
(Kalaignar Channel, Nakaichuvai Dharbar programme.)
4.´No one can censor your thoughts´, says Vinoth, while the Honorable Minister Poonkothai
(widow of Aladi Aruna) was daringly (!) yawning, being just seated behind the CM and while
the Chief Minister giving his Assembly speech. Raj News channel however telecast this µlive¶.

Times of India: '3The largest cork tree in the world is known as µThe Whistler
Tree¶. This tree is located in Alentejo region of Portugal and averages over 1 ton of raw cork per
harvest, enough to cork 100,000 bottles of wine.

  Actor Srikanth and his wife Vandana have named their four-month -old
son, Aahil. Aahil means Prince in Persian, says Vandana. p·
 '³A successful marriage requires falling in love many times,
always with the same person.´
a, , 
  Artful dodger is someone who is skilled at avoiding
responsibility or the consequences of their actions. The Charles Dickens classic ' !.cP!ctells
the tale of a young orphan who runs away from miserable conditions in Victorian England and
heads to London. During his journey, he meets Jack Dawkins, also known as the artful dodger,
who introduces him to Fagin, a criminal who employs bands of young children as pickpockets.
Dawkins, a skilled pickpocket who leads the gang of criminals trained by Fagin, is known as the
µartful dodger¶ because of his ability to constantly avoid arrest.
µArtful¶ means clever or cunning. µDodger¶ comes from the verb to dodge, which means to avoid
something by shifting or moving quickly aside and is also used in the sense of evading
something through trickery or deceit.
[The whole novel, Oliver Twist, of course abridged, was my non-detailed text for my SSLC,
when I was studying in Srivaikuntam. - - S.S]

Friday, July 17, 2009:8:45 AM: The Hindu: !c 

1.What is the relationship between brothers Premnath and Rajendranath to the thespian Raj
Kapoor? [Answer: Brothers-in-law.]
2.Fill in the blank: Sankaran, Muthuswami, Shanmugham and Bhagavathi were known as µ- - -
Brothers¶. [Answer: T.K.S. Brothers.]
3.The Los Angeles branch of which European association holds its own awards ceremony each
year called the ³Britannia Awards´? [Answer: Brutish Academy of Film and Television Arts
4. Name the music composing sons of Chitragupt. [Answer: Anand Milind.]
³Cinema is a matter of what¶s in the frame and what¶s out.´²$ +c&*!;
 c  Can I meditate in several short sessions rather than one long one?
New studies say µyes¶. Opt for five 3-minute deep breathing or relaxation sessions, as opposed to
one 15-minute session.
Times of India:c c<*
Mung beans are low in saturated fat, sodium and cholesterol. It is high in dietary fiber, Vitamin
C, K, riboflavin, folate, copper, manganese, protein, thiamin, niacin, Vitamin B6, pantothenic
acid, iron magnesium, phosphorous and potassium.
!##c"cc ccc
To have not a leg to stand on is to have no excuse and hence no hope of getting away with it. A
person without sound argument is compared to one who is so unsteady on his legs that he cannot
stand up.
Example: ³In spite of being so unpopular, he is sure that he will win the elections, but he has n¶t
a leg to stand on.´
³The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog´ is commonly believed to be the only English
sentence devised to include all the letters of the alphabet. However, typesetters have another such
sentence- - ³Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs.´

Saturday, July 18, 2009: 8:39 AM:**

Can late-night light affect my sleep?
It depends on the kind of light. Staring at the computer monitor late at night can confuse your
body¶s sleep-wake cycle. Most people don¶t get the same effect from late night T.V. because
they sit further away from the T.V. than the computer. Late night reading is better.
Times of India: †c"c!c9c
What is the smallest number that, when written out, uses all the vowels A, E, I, O, U and even Y
one and only one time each in its spelling?
[Answer: 6020: sIx thOUsAnd twEntY.]
<*c)cc The male howler monkey of Central and South America is the noisiest land
animal, which can be heard clearly from a distance of ten miles.c
!cP*5 Birds sing after a storm; why shouldn¶t people feel as free to delight in whatever
remains to them?
P#&!c/ ³Quit Smoking! Take air pollution direct!! [Very sensible indeed- - S.S.]
!##c&c!cc* If you describe a situation as being a storm in a teacup, you
think that a lot of fuss is being made about something that is not important.
Tempest in a teapot (in American English) or storm in a teacup (in British English) is an idiom
meaning a small event that has been exaggerated out of proportion.
There are also lesser known variants, such as storm in a cream bowl, storm in a wash-hand basin,
though they are now almost obsolete. The phrase is at least a century and a half old.
Both the American English and British English phrases are long preceded by Cicero¶s Latin
³Excitabat enim fluctus in simpulo´, meaning, literally, ³He was stirring up billows in a ladle.´
[De Legibus, III, 16.]
Sunday, July 19, 2009: 12:02 PM:cP!c)c !c†!cc50 Long nails on women are
considered sexy by many people, but there is caution. According to a study done by Shelly
McNeil, M.D., an infectious-disease specialist at Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia,
nails longer than three centimeters are five times more likely than trimmed nails to carry the
pesky pathogens that cause staph and yeast infections.
2.The original name of actor Dhanush is Venkatesh Prabhu.
<*c)cc Octopus and squid are thought to be the most intelligent of all invertebrates.
!##c9#!c Bad-hair day is a difficult day when everything seems to go wrong.
 c<* Shallots are low in saturated fat, cholesterol and sodium. It is high in Vitamins A,
B6, C, Manganese, folate and potassium.
G ³It is madness for sheep to talk peace with a wolf.´
!c9 What is represented by KCART? [Answer: Back track.]
9 !.c!cc According to her official documents, Sakhan Dosova, of Prishaktinsk
Kazakhstan lived to be 130 years old. (1879-2009.)
2.Ninety seven year old Millvina Dean, the last survivor of the sinking of the Titanic, was just 9
weeks old when the ship sank in 1912.

Monday, July 20, 2009:8:41 AM: Pc!c9!c9ccG!;

1.For whom did Walt Whitman write the elegy ³When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom¶d?
[Answer: Abraham Lincoln.]
2.How many Member States are there in the United Nations? [Answer: 192.]
3.In which three events did the gritty legend Emil Zatopek win Olympic Gold in 1952? [Answer:
5,000 & 10,000 metres and the Marathon.] p·
4.In which music band was John Deacon the bassist and the drummer Roger Taylor? [Answer:
5.Which is coldest national capital in the world? [Answer: Ulan Bator.]
 c  How much does stomach acid decrease as I age?
About 1/3 of digestive enzymes are gone by age 40. As we age, it¶s wise to take digestive
enzyme supplements.
!*c2 cIt was Kanniks Kannikeswaran from Cleveland, Ohio, revealing what his
research had found, namely that a tenth of Muthuswami Dikshitar¶s compositions were Sanskrit
Religious lyrics written to the popular tunes the British military bands played in Madras of his
time. Everywhere Dikshitar went he listened to the airs there, the British military bands played at
public performances in the evenings, and out of that listening there came the 39 µColonial
Interludes¶, compositions that are a part of his 400 classical compositions.
Carnatic music historian V. Sriram told that besides Dikshitar, there were other instances of
British ±Indian connections in the music field. Ghanam Krishna Iyer sang on Sir Thomas Munro
(a song that is now lost.)
Ramanathapuram µPoochi¶ Srinivasa Iyengar got a gold medal for his Satatamu Brovumayya,
which is a prayer to Rama to protect King George.
In the 1930¶s Papanasam Sivan composed µDevi Vasante¶ on Annie Besant, which is even now
sung in Besant School. Besides this, there is the George Deva Shatakam a set of 100 verses on
King George V, composed in 1911 by Mahamahopadhyaya Lakshmana Suri, father of Sangeetha
Kalanidhi T.L. Venkatarama Iyer (Justice, Supreme Court of India) and uncle of Sangita
Kalanidhi Harikesanallur L.Muthiah Bagavathar.
It would be great if some of these songs were performed in public today. It is also disappointing
to see the lack of appreciation of these superb historical contexts. (Edited and condensed by S.S,
from The Hindu article titled as ³From Do-Re-Mi, to Sa-re-ga-ma.)
P!c)c !c!c9 Solve the following anagram to get the name of a classic
novelist: ³Torn love-bite sourness.´ [Answer: Robert Louis Stevenson.]
P#&!cG ³Where there is a will there are five hundred relatives.´
!## ½  '(  Ballpark figure is an approximate amount. The main sense of
ballpark is ³an acceptable, expected or approximate range.´ In this sense the word is almost
always found in phrases of the sort ³In the ballpark´ or ³Out of the ballpark.´ Ballpark is used as
an adjective meaning ³approximate´ (³a ballpark estimate´)
- you will often hear this usage in business.
c c<* Silver beet is low in saturated fat and cholesterol. It¶s high in dietary fiber,
vitamins A, C, E, K, B6, riboflavin, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorous, potassium, copper,
manganese, thiamin, folate and zinc.
*c3c& !c!5c*c.c* c
Respected Sir/Madman,
I am hereby attackingcmy resumay for your mind persual. If you think that my bio-data is suited
for the vacancy in your esteemed organization, please do let me no. I will be more than glad to
begin my carrier form your organization.
our¶s truly, XYZXYZ.
&ccc! c)!cQQ
I¶m attacking my résumé for you to review.
Following is a grief overview of my skills.
Have a keen eye for derail. p·‰
A full-time collage student.
I¶m a carrier-oriented person.
I¶ve none years of experience.
2($$(c27(7 America and Britain are said to be two different countries divided by one
language. The Americans have tried their level best to Americanize English whereas the British
have been desperately eager to preserve the purity of English. Unfortunately both have failed
miserably. There are of course some differences between the two varieties, but they are
peripheral, not central.
Let us look at some of the variations in grammar. Where the British use as if, Americans prefer
like, as in the story below:
Some tourists in the museum of Natural History were marveling at the dinosaur bones. One of
them asked the curator, ³Could you tell me how old these dinosaur bones are?´
Pat came the reply, ³They are three million four years, six months old.´
³You talk !5 you bred them! How can you tell their age so precisely?´
The curator replied, ³Well, the dinosaur bones were three million years old when I joined this
place, and that was four and a half years ago.´
Our grammar teachers ask us to use  with the first person and! cwith the second and third
persons. Americans flout this rule. For them, shall does not exist.
A British professor said, ³I shall now illustrate what I have in mind,´ and he erased the board.
An American professor would have used will instead.
Adverbs of indefiniteness like just, already and yet are used with the present perfect tense in
British English. The Americans use these words with the present perfect as well as past tense.
Consider this conversation:
Patient: Everyone hates me.
Psychiatrist: Don¶t be ridiculous. Everyone did not meet you 3
2is a hot favourite with Americans. They use it except when get means have. For the
British, gotten is vulgar. The following conversation is acceptable in both varieties.
Joe: What sort of a car has your dad got?
Jay: I can¶t remember the name. I think it starts with T.
Joe: Really? Ours starts only with petrol.
Notice the difference:
He has gotten a purse. (He possesses a purse.)
I got two sisters. (have,)
Collective nouns like committee for instance, could be ether singular or plural as the situation
demands as per British grammar.
The committee is unanimous in their decision.
The committee are divided in their opinion.
In American English, all collective nouns are singular always.
The distinguished Reception committee at Harvard University is searching in vain for Sir Walter
Raleigh, descendant of the famous personage in English and American history, due for a course
of lectures at Harvard.
Seeing an impressive looking stranger, the committee accosts him. ³Pardon me, Are you Sir
Walter Raleigh?´ the chairman asks.
³Thunders, No!´ he answers with emphasis, ³I¶m Christopher Columbus. Sir Walter Raleigh is p·ù
in the next room playing cards with Queen Elizabeth.´

Tuesday, July 21, 2009: 12:48 PM: Pc!ccc !c

What is the difference between µtake part¶ and µpartake¶?
The word µpartake¶ comes from the Middle English. The meaning is µto take part in¶. People say
the word is old fashioned. The word is pronounced µpar-TAKE¶ with the stress on the second
³Sujata and Ramesh refused to partake in the wedding of their cousin.´
When people µpartake of something¶, they share their food or drink with their friends or guests.
³We were invited to partake of their simple meal,´
2.What is the meaning of µas good as it gets¶?
When you tell a person that something is µas good as it gets¶, what you mean is that his present
situation is the best he can hope for.
³There is no point in shouting and getting upset. This is as good as it gets.´
The expression can also be used to mean µthe best¶.
³S.S always says that when it comes to vacation, Thekkady is as good as it gets.´
3.How is the expression , c.  pronounced?
The word is pronounced µno-lenz VO-lenz¶ with the stress on µvo¶. This Latin expression means
µwhether unwilling or willing¶. One is compelled to do something whether one wishes or not.
³When the market crashed, the CEO was compelled nolens volens to quit his job.´
4.Which is correct: µclose proximity¶ or closed proximity¶?
The first is preferable to the second. It is always µclose proximity¶, µclose lipped¶ and µclose
minded¶. Careful users of the language, however say that both µclose proximity¶ and µclosed
proximity¶ are wrong. They feel that the word µclose¶ in µclose proximity¶ is redundant: after all,
the word proximity means µnear¶.
Another common error we all make is µherewith enclosed¶. µEnclosed¶will do; you don¶t need
5.What is the meaning of ,!0c
The word is pronounced µNOY-sem¶ with the stress on the first syllable. It means µvery
disgusting¶ or µoffensive¶.
³The noisome odour made quite a few guests throw up.´
The word can also be used to mean µharmful¶ or µdangerous¶.
³The scientists did everything they could to stop the spread of the noisome fumes.´
P! !* ³It is better for civilization to be going down the drain than to be coming up it.´- -
*  )c
c Water is known by many names in different parts of the world:
8!;cin Hungary; " by the Greek: ("cin Sanskrit and " in Tamil.²S.S)
! in Hebrew; $/ in Italy and 8 in Russian.
 c  How much can cinnamon help with my blood sugar?
³Cinnamon is derived from the bark of the small evergreen tree, Lauraceae, native to Sri Lanka.´
In a recent study, cinnamon extract taken daily reduced blood sugar by 10%. Study subjects took
1-gram capsules of cinnamon extract everyday.
cc8 ³Even if a man could understand women he still wouldn¶t believe it.´#c#c$c
Times of India: !cP*5ÑTime is a dressmaker specializing in alterations.´ p· 
P#!cGcÑAn apple a day keeps the doctor away. But if the doctor is handsome, keep the
apple away.´c
!## $c9c ! A busman¶s holiday is a holiday which is really work. A
busman¶s holiday is a vacation where you do the same things you do at work- in other words, it¶s
no holiday at all! This phrase comes from the idea that a bus driver would spend his holiday
traveling somewhere on a bus. The phrase dates to the 1890s and originally referred to horse-
drawn buses.

From Pc!  Volume II: Issue 12: July 2009:Newsleter from Higginbothams: Page12:
1.Demcracy is a kingless regime infested by many kings who are sometimes more exclusive,
tyrannical and destructive than one, if he be a tyrant. - - ½
2.There are three faithful friends: an old wife, an old dog and ready money.- -½% 
( ' )
3.There are two times in a man¶s life when he should not speculate: when he can¶t afford it and
when he can. - -  ' )
4.Knowledge is nothing but finding unity in the midst of diversity.- -   2'   )
5.If we encounter a man of more intellect, we should ask him what book he reads. - -Æ 5)

5   ...//0:/9*

  In the past, many ghost stories were in circulation. There were people who
believed Mount Road was a haunted place. A tree located where G.N.Chetty (Gopathi
Narayanaswami Chetty) street now meets Mount Road was said to be sheltering a spirit. (From
the article titled ³A Tale of Two Cities´, written by Ashokamitran, eminent Tamil novelist born
in 1931 and still going full steam.)
Times of India: Idiom-a-day: c!ccc+c!c)cc.c
When something has ended badly, it is easy to say what should have been done to ensure
success. Foresight is being wise before the event; being wise after the event is called µhindsight¶.
Many people are gifted with hindsight!
How many times have you heard. . . ³If I had been in Sachin¶s place I would have. . . ³
³You went wrong when you . . . ³
³Why on earth didn¶t he . . . ³
³It sticks out a mile that instead of. . . ³

Thursday, July 23, 2009:10:50 AM: Times of India:c†c"c!c9c

As a test of intelligence a school teacher sits two candidates in a closed room. The invigilator
has three stickers; two white and one black. Upon each of their foreheads he places a sticker at
random, so that the candidates can¶t see their own sticker. The candidate who identifies his own
sticker first will be promoted to the next level. After a few minutes, one of the candidates figured
he had white sticker. ow?
[Answer: The candidate surmised that if he had a black sticker, then the other candidate would
know he had a white sticker as there was only one black sticker. Therefore both the candidates
were having white stickers.]
!##c c!c&!c p··
To be in dire straits is to be in a very difficult or dangerous and hence desperate situation. The
word µstrait¶ is from 14 th. Century and means a comparatively narrow passageway connecting
two large bodies of water (the Straits of Florida, the straits of Malacca). These difficult to
navigate passages have always been a source of concern for sailors.
µDire¶ is from the Latin µdairus¶, akin to Greek µdeinos¶: terrifying.
A dire forecast is a warning of disaster. Dire days are very bad times and dire straits is a very
difficult or dangerous situation.
(c%!ccOn 23-7-2009, in Pothigai T.V. (11:45 hours), the old masterpiece of
M.L.Vasanthakumari,c$cc7 was beautifully rendered by a sister and
brother duo, with more µSwara Prastaarams than that is rendered in original music by M.L.V.
The song is composed in ÑLatangi Æaga´, in all its purity and full genuineness. The good-
looking girl sang wonderfully indeed.c
!c! How do we measure the height of a mountain? Is the sea level same for all
The height of a mountain is related to the barometric pressure, which reduces with increasing
height, by an established formula. A height of about 115 metres reduces the atmospheric pressure
by 10mm of mercury. Thus the atmospheric pressure provides the height. There are several
disadvantages in this method. 1. One needs to go up the hill. 2.The barometric reading depends
on the atmospheric temperature and a complete temperature profile along the height of the
mountain needs to be known.
Another method: The angular elevations of the tip of the mountain are noted from two points on
the ground along a line passing through the base of the mountain. Such a line is easily identified
by joining the shadow of the tip of the mountain at two different times of the day.
Use of trigonometric tangent ratio of the two angles of elevation and the accurately measured
distance µd¶, between the two points of observation gives the height. In this method the MSL¶s at
the chosen points should be the same. Because µd¶ is in the range of 500 metres, the MSL does
not differ significantly. This method gives more accurate value than µbarometer¶ method.
Next point: The MSL of all oceans is not the same. The MSL at the south-east end of the Panama
Canal, in the Pacific Ocean, is seen to be higher than at the north-west side in the Atlantic Ocean.
The oceanic currents, atmospheric pressure, temperature and local salinity cause these variations.
In the same ocean itself the earth rotation alters the MSL at different latitudes. Also due to tidal
conditions. [Question by: Raj Thakur, Chandigarh and Answer by: H.K. Sahu, Scientific Officer,
Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research, Kalpakkam, Tamil Nadu.]

Friday, July 24, 2009:9:11 AM: P!c)c !c!cP*5 ÑIt is sad to grow old, but nice to
!##c†c9cc This means ³don¶t keep that for yourself- share it.´
To Bogart something is to use or consume (something without sharing.)
³To Bogart´ is a reference to Humphrey Bogart, the popular Hollywood star of yester years, who
was rarely seen without a cigarette in his mouth and never shared it around. This is an interesting
example of the movie star to this expression.
The expression is nice to know and makes a good discussion topic. If you use it actively though,
be prepared to explain ic
P#&!c*c³Two rights do not make a wrong or more right. They make an airplane.´ p·
The Hindu:c!c-  ³Memories Come Alive´ is the English version of which famous
singer¶s autobiography? [Answer: Manna Dey.]
2.Which State Government gives the µLata Mangeshkar Award? [Answer: Madhya pradesh.]
3.One of the mildly and tastefully and melodiously Western tuned Ñ  
Mullaippooovm Venuma? Thottalum Kai manakkum poovum pattana Rojapoovum, Kadambam
Venuma? This song reminisces my Karaikudi days. My senior Uma Shankar used to sing it so
melodiously! This song comes in ÑÆ %&   released in 1954. The cast in the movie
was T.R. Ramachandran, Jr. SriRanjani, Sriram, and S.V.Ranga rao, J.P.Chandra Babu,
V.S.Sushila, K.R. Chellam, T.P.Mthulakshmi, T.E.Krishnamachari and V.P.S.Mani. (See µblast
from the past¶, The Hindu, Cinema Plus, by Randor Guy@ Rangadurai.) I wish I heard the song
again! This picture is a poignant adaptation of      $  
(1931.). The
music director for this song was S.Hanumantha Rao, while R.Balasaraswathi sang it)

  .+.//0:-=Pc!c c c
What can I take for my Arthritic Knees?
Jovially: ³What is wrong with my knees? They wobble when I walk!´
³You need ginger.´
Try ginger extract. It significantly reduced pain in all 124-study subjects with Osteoarthritis of
the knee.
Times of India:  c<*c
Being rich in potassium, jackfruitc been found to be helpful in lowering blood pressure. It is a
good source of vitamin C. The fruit contains isoflavones, antioxidants and phytonutrients; all of
which are credited for their cancer-fighting properties. Jackfruit also contains anti-ulcer
properties and is good for those suffering from indigestion. It serves as a good supply of proteins,
carbohydrates and vitamins.
What is the difference between men and women?
A woman wants one man to satisfy her every need. A man wants every woman to satisfy his one
<*c)cc Cotton crops can be sprayed up to 40 times a year making it the most
chemical-intensive crop in the world.
!##c†+ c9! A µdouble bind¶ is a special dilemma. It¶s a psychological impasse
created when contradictory demands are made of an individual, such as a child or an employee,
so that no matter which directive is followed, the response will be construed as incorrect. Also, a
situation in which a person must choose between equally unsatisfactory alternatives; a punishing
and inescapable dilemma. British anthropologist Gregory Bateson developed the double bind
theory in the 1950s as a way to explain schizophrenia. The theory was based on the idea that a
person receiving two contradictory messages or demands is unable to make a right decision.
Although originally scientific in nature, the phrase has expanded to mean any difficult situation
that cannot be resolved. Joseph Heller¶s brilliant novel *cCC is full of double binds.
(c†!c".+cC?? c-cDE#D cc-
H+!*c adjective: (ze-nuh-foh-bik): ³Fearing foreigners or strangers´ [Roxanne is so
xenophobic she hid in her room the entire time she vacationed in France.] p·’

Sunday, July 26, 2009: 9:26 AM: Times of India: c)!51c@.+A

Meaning: To move briskly and playfully. Also, to search (a person) for something concealed,
especially a weapon, by passing the hands quickly over clothes or through pockets.
A frolicsome person is called frisky, which is also colloquially used to describe someone who is
lively and flirtatious.
A few incidents: All hell broke loose when it was discovered that the former President APJ
Abdul Kalam was frisked by Continental Airlines at Indira Gandhi International Airport at New
Delhi in April, 2009.
Exactly one year ago when the same airline tried to frisk Palau president Tommy Remengasu at
the Manila airport. The ambassador was in the Philippines on an official visit and refused to be
frisked, causing great embarrassment to the host nation.
In 2003, the then New Zealand prime prime_minister Helen Clark was frisked at Sydney airport
on her way to Dubai. She was subjected to a body scan to ascertain if she were a bomb-carrying
terrorist. This left the Australian government red-faced.
What is !>!*0c
This is a term given to those people, especially teenagers, who are addicted to texting and
reading messages, especially when they drive. It is take-off from the word intoxicated. A British
study has found that intexticated drivers are worse than intoxicated ones.
<*c)cc Queen Elizabeth I always wore a necklace with a little perfume bottle
attached, everywhere she went.
9 !.c!cc" Conquering her $+!1c40-year old Sue Curtis of South Shields, Tyne
and Wear, England left her house for the first time in 18 years, in early 2009.
[Incidentally, Agoraphobia means µabnormal fear of open places¶. - - S.S]
A dovish person is a person who advocates peace, conciliation or negotiation in preference to
confrontation or armed conflict. An cof dovish person is a 5!c
Dovish derives from dove, a bird that has served as a universal symbol of peace since Biblical
As a bird of prey, the hawk signifies aggression and is used to describe those who advocate war
to achieve political goals and also people who represent more conservative opinions.
The Hindu: %!)c**!cc2)! c ³Always try to be optimistic . . . . . not that it will
help.´ (Seriously! This is a humorous saying indeed! S.S)

Monday, July 27, 2009: 08:18: Pc!c9!c9cG!;c

1.Which legendary English footballer was called µWizard of Dribble¶? [Answer: Sir Stanley
2.Funafuti is the capital of - - -? [Answer: Tuvalu.]
3.Who was the last man to walk on the moon in December 1972? [Answer: Eugene A. Ceman.]
4.Which cuddly animal¶s scientific name in Latin can be interpreted in English as µash-colored
pouched bear? [Answer: Koala.]
5.Which place in Australia was once called µVan Diemen¶s Land? [Answer: Tasmania.]
 c cWhat¶s the healthiest honey?
Locally produced raw honey, not pasteurized, is best. The darker the honey, the higher the
antioxidant level. p·å
$c!) c!cccc c)cc*cc!c9 c
&5!c cc c!cc ccc!
[Appeared in TOI, 26-7-2009, captioned as ¶Signs of the times¶, and contributed by the winner
reader Ajit]
Times of India: 27-7-2009: !c9cSolve this anagram, to get the name of an Oscar
winning actress of the 1960¶s.
³I WANTED A LOO´ [Answer: Natalie Wood.]
 c<*c Mulberry is low in saturated fat, cholesterol and sodium and is high in vitamin C,
K, iron, dietary fiber, riboflavin, magnesium and potassium.
!## †!+cc+ÿDribs and drabs µ mean one little piece at a time.
³The strategy will probably be published in January but essential details will come out in dribs
and drabs.´ (BBC News-24 th. November 2005.).
The noun µdrib¶is a shortening of driblet for ³drop´ or ³tiny quantity´. µDrab¶ means a small sum
of money.
An example of the usage: ³He owes me a lot of money, but I¶ll get it paid back by dribs and
³One of the things which usually comes in dribs and drabs is justice.´c
2c2 Even though he could not tell time, my three year old grandson was wearing a
watch when I visited him. Later, when I was putting on my coat to leave, I asked him what time
it was. He looked at his watch blankly and then brightened. ³It is time for you to go!´he said.
Those of us who can tell time can¶t be smart enough to find such escape routes.
Often we commit mistakes when telling time. This is because we do not realize that there are
different ways of expressing time in speech and writing. Usually, in writing, we use figures, for
example, 6.30, 5.45 etc. This method is followed in time-tables and official notices. The minutes
are always given in relation to the previous hour.
Notice in writing we use figures and also abbreviations like a.m. A.M is abbreviation of Latin
c!!1 which means before midday. P.M. stands forcc!!, that is after midday.
In speech, we don¶t use these abbreviations but would say five o¶ clock in the evening or ten in
the morning, for instance.
In speech, minutes up to thirty are expressed in relation to the preceding hour. For example, half
past four; quarter past six. Some say half six too. Minutes between thirty and sixty are expressed
in relation to the next hour. For example, 1.50 would be ten to two and 5.43, seventeen minutes
to six. Fifteen minutes past an hour is called quarter past, and thirty minutes after an hour, half
past. But forty five minutes after an hour is quarter to the next hour, (e.g.) 6.45 would be quarter
to seven.
The exact hour is referred to as o¶ clock (short for, of the clock). You should say five past eleven,
not five past eleven o¶ clock.
For 12.00 hours and 24.00 hours, we use noon and midnight.
Here is a brain teaser: ³What is two to two to two two?
The answer is four minutes to two; two to two means two minutes before two o¶clock. Two two
stands for two minutes after two o¶clock.

Tuesday, July 28, 20098:30 AM Pc!c4c cG!; Page11: p

1.Which British Overseas Territory¶s capital city is Hamilton? [Answer: Bermuda.]
2.Name the present head of the Travancore Royal family. [Answer: Uthradom Thirunal
Marthanda Parma.]
3.Which is the smallest three digit prime number? [Answer: 101.]
4.In wich sea is the mouth of the Tiber? [Answer: Tyrrhenian Sea.]
5.What is µtachophobia¶? [Answer: Fear of speed. Remember the µtachometer¶ that was used to
measure the speed of rotating machines in Electrical Engineering laboratory, in Karaikudi as
student or in Sankar Polytechnic as Lecturer.]
6.Who wrote the famous opera ³The Magic Flute?´ [Answer: Wolfgang Mozart.]
7.What is a male adult kangaroo called? [Answer: Boomer.]
8.In which island is Mount Fuji? [Answer: Honshu.]c
c- ccc8 ³A misogynist is a man who hates women as much as women
hate each other.´ - - H.L. Mencken.
 c  ³What is the best cough medicine for kids?
Jovially: ³Cough--- Mom, I need some more cough--- Honey!´
A study of 105 children with coughs revealed that 1 to 2 tsp. of Buckwheat honey worked better
at easing the coughing and promoting sleep than µDextro Methorphan µ based cough medicine.
Honey coats the throat to soothe irritation and is rich in Antioxidants.
c4c !cWhat is the meaning of ,!*0
Firstly the word is pronounced µpas-TEESH¶ with the stress on the second syllable.
The word means µto imitate¶. When a writer or a musician deliberately chooses to imitate the
style of a particular author/ musician, it is called pastiche.
Example: The play was a witty pastiche of Shakespeare¶s Othello. The audience loved it.
2.What is the meaning of ,c0
The word µgross¶ means µdisgusting¶. It could be the smell, the looks, the taste, etc. The
expression µgross out¶ is mostly used in American English to mean µto fill someone with disgust.
It is slang, and should be avoided.
Example: ³The murder scenes in the movie were very graphic. They grossed me out.´
3.Does the expression ,## exist?
Yes. It does. People who have older brothers or sisters will certainly know what µhand-me-
downs¶ are. There are usually clothes which the older child has outgrown, and which the parents
give to the next in line.
A hand-me-up is the opposite of ,## In this case, it is the younger generation,
which passes things on to the older generation: parents, grandparents, etc. Young people today
are very fond of gadgets: computers, iPods and cell phones are some of the things they must
have. They can¶t survive without them. Once a particular model becomes outdated, they hand it
over to their elderly parents who are less tech savvy. This handing over of used gadgets to the
older generation is called µhand-me-up¶.
Example: ³I got this laptop from my daughter. It is a hand-me-up.´
4.What is the difference between ,c)c! and ,c)c!0
A politician is a man of promises; he is not to be believed or trusted.
Example: ³Why do you waste your time with the MLA? He is a man of promises.
A µman of promise¶ is someone with the potential of becoming good at something; he¶s a person
with a bright future.
Example: ³Keep an eye on Raman. He¶s a young man of promise.´
   ³Telling lies is a fault in a boy, an art in a lover, an accomplishment in a bachelor, pp
and second-nature in a married man.´- - -Helen Rowland.
 a c!c9 ³Find one word which can be associated with: µHockey¶,
µWalking¶and µDrum¶.´ {Answer: ³Stick´.) [Hockey stick, Walking stick and Drumstick]
 c<* Chickoo is low in saturated fat, cholesterol and sodium and high in dietary fiber
and vitamin C. Both the fruit and tree have medicinal benefits and various parts of the plant are
used in home remedies to treat health problems. A mixture made of chickooo flowers and fruits
can bring relief and can prevent pulmonary problems. A concoction made with the old chickoo
leaves can prevent cough and cold as well as diarrhoea.
!##c#- µEasy-peasy¶ is something which is really easy and simple. Easy
peasy is a children¶s expression. It originated as part of the phrase ³easy peasy, lemon squeezy.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009:7:52 AM: P!c)c !c !##c .c-!*c

µElevator Pitch (or elevator speech) is a very short and convincing sales talk. The word µpitch¶
means µto attempt to promote or sell, often in a high-pressure manner¶.
It is said that many important decisions made on the floor of the U.S. House or senate are made
³in the time of an elevator ride´, as staff aides whisper into a Congressman or Senator¶s ear
while they head down to the floor to cast their vote.
!c9cFind the anagram ³INSATIABLE´. [Answer: µBanalities¶.]
9c )c³My boss came up with a great solution. Now he wants me to find a great problem
to go with it.´
*cc- c$c ! c+!c)c! Once, while recording for a Sivaji-Jayalalitha
starrer, Kavignar (Kannadasan) couldn¶t come up with suitable lyrics for a tune I
(M.S.Viswanathan) had composed. When Sivaji came to know about it, he called me and
dictated a few lovely lines. He requested me (MSV) to pass it on to Kavignar as my own. Later,
when the song became a hit, Sivaji revealed at a function that those lines were actually Ammu¶s.
M.S. Viswanathan: Born in 1928, is popularly known as Mellisai Mannar (King of light music).
He learnt classical music from Neelakanda Bhagavathar. He has composed music for over 1,000
films in Tamil, Telugu and Malayalam. He is an expert on the piano and harmonium. He has
sung about 500 songs and has acted in a few films. He has also composed music for many
 c  Do potatoes make you fat?
If you watch portion sizes, (one medium-sized potato per meal) potatoes make a satisfying,
nutrient-rich addition to a meal. Researchers have discovered that potatoes contain 60 different
vitamins and phytochemicals, including quercetin.
2))!!c³Never has the dollar had suchÿ ,1  $ power.´


( c†.! is the only batsman to have scored a century in all Test-playing nations.
Friendship:Ñ72    means µlove your friends¶ in French.
Friend in different languages of the world: Spanish- - Amigo. Italian- - Amico. French- - Ami.
Norwegian- - Venn. Danish- - Veninde. Turkish- - Arkadas. Persian- - Dust.
German- - Freund. Dutch- - Vriend. indi- - Mitr. Urdu- - Dost. [Tamil- - Nanban; Thozhan,
Thozhi. Sanskrit- - Mitram, Sakha, Sakhi.- - -S.S] p
cG!ccc&  Why does steel glow when it is hot? (Question: J.Jeykrishnan,
Tiruchirapalli. Answer: J.Krishnamoorthi, Senior grade lecturer, Department of Metallurgical
Engineering, PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore.)
In general, all metals glow when they are taken to hot temperatures. It is an intrinsic property of
metal; the color of glow depends on the temperature and the nature of the metal.
This is due to the vibration of atoms with high energy caused by heating. If the steel/metal is
kept at lower temperatures, there is no glowing as the atomic vibration is of lower energy.
As the steel/metal is heated, the atomic vibration increases with higher and higher energies to
glow in different colors varying from dark red, cherry red, orange red, straw yellow, yellow
white to brilliant white. This special characteristic glow is used in infra- red pyrometer, an
apparatus used to measure hot metal temperature.c
P!c)c !c!cP*5c³Faith is taking the first step even when you don¶t see the whole
 c<* Date is a laxative food. It is highly beneficial in the treatment of constipation as
the roughage it provides, stimulates sluggish bowels. Dates are also an excellent remedy for
alcoholic intoxication and weak hearts. Dates soaked overnight in water and crushed in the same
water in the morning after removing the seeds, should be taken at least twice a week to
strengthen the heart.
9c ) ³What¶s wrong with my manners? Did I use the wrong fork to scratch my foot?´
(At the dining table in a posh hotel)
!##c<*c !! Fecund imagination is a lot of imagination. A typical
usage of fecund will be: ³The phonograph and the electric light were but two of the fruits of
Thomas Edison¶s µfecund¶ mind.
Fecund and its synonyms, µfertile¶, µfruitful¶ and µprolific¶ all mean producing or capable of
producing offspring or fruit, but each carries that sense a little differently.
Fertile implies the power to reproduce or to assist in production and growth, while fecund
emphasizes abundance or rapidity in bearing fruit or offspring.
Fruitful adds the implication that the results attained are desirable or useful, while prolific
stresses rapidity of spreading or multiplying.
P 5c8!c1cc
1c?)c # #C??c!
³He who follows another is always behind.´
³When a man comes to me for advice, I find out the kind of advice he wants, and I give it to
him.´ Thus says a wise man.

Pc!c@ # #C??1&Ac c c

Does corn contain high fructose corn syrup?
Corn has little in common with high-fructose corn syrup. One large can provides 15% of your
daily fiber needs. Corn also contains heart-healthy folate, which helps lower dangerous
homocysteine levels. Corn is a good source of both lutein and zeaxanthin, both beneficial to your
P!c)c !c@
#E#C??1c<!Ac!c2 cc
Meaning of marriage for a woman: Sacrificing admiration of many men for the criticism of one
(Seriously: Could it not be changed like this? S.S.)´Sacrificing criticism of many men for the p‰
admiration of one man!´c
<*c)ccSome birds have been known to put ants into their feathers because the ants
squirt formic acid, which kills parasites
2. (Saturday, 1-8-2009): To be born on Sunday was considered a sign of great sin during the
Puritan times.
$cc=5c Man: With the new pair of glasses, you look like an owl.
Wife: But I don¶t have a new pair of glasses.
ccccccccccccccccMan: But I do.

Sunday, August 02, 2009: 9:12 AM: P!c)c !c!c9 What does this Anagram
say? It is the mane of a classical Novel. ÑEXCITE TAÆT ON PAGES.´ (Answer: Great
 c<*c (A good recipe especially for women- - S.S.) Mint decoction along with lime and
ginger juice, and honey can ease morning sickness. Mint juice can also be applied externally on
ulcerated skin to heal it. It also frees skin blemishes. Mint leaves¶ infusion is also useful in
stimulating menstruationc
G ³Until you try, you don¶t know what you can¶t do.´
..//0$c ! c+!c)c*!
Shriya Saran refuses any offer to become a brand ambassador to any product if that product is
harmful to men and animals. Kudos.
What is ,* 0c The cyclotron developed by Lawrence and Livingston in 1932, is a
machine that accelerates charged particles like protons, so that they can be used in atom-
smashing experiments. Because the principles of this accelerator are involved in the cyclic
motion of charged atomic particles in a uniform magnetic field, the device is called cyclotron.
(Open Space: P' 1c&1c$c?C1cC??, Answer to a query by a reader provided by,
Prof.Oza, Morbi.)
8!=cP81c ??c$cC# #C??1c&: Dindigul Leoni, for the sake of describing the
similarity of raga sang ³Enn Veettu Thottathil Poovellam Kettuppaar´ and the song´Nadha
Vindhu Kalathee Namo Nama.´ Both the songs pertain to the same raga, from the way he
demonstrated by singing them.

Monday, August 03, 2009: 8:48 AM: Pc!c9!c9cG!;

8)Where is the Lebowski Fest held annually? [Answer: Louisville, Kentucky.]
2.Under what name did the Nobel Laureate, born Neftali Ricardo Reyes Basoalto, write?
[Answer: Pablo Neruda.]
3.What is the French equivalent to the Commonwealth Games? [Answer: Jeux de la
4.Who was the first winner of the µMiller-Compton¶ medal in cricket? [Answer: Andrew
5.Which apparel brand did Viju Mahtaney and Rajan Mudaliar start? [Answer: ColorPlus.]
$cc:5 A tourist in Vienna is going through a graveyard when he hears some music. e
finds it is coming from a grave with a headstone that reads ÑLudwig van Beethoven, 1770-
1827´. e realizes the music is the Ninth Symphony and that is being played backward!
Puzzled, he leaves and returns with a friend. Now, the Seventh Symphony is being played, again pù
The men return with a music scholar; now the Fifth Symphony is playing. The expert notices that
the symphonies are being played in the reverse order in which they were composed.
Just then the graveyard¶s caretaker ambles up. Asked for an explanation for the music, he says:
ÑDon¶t you get it? e¶s decomposing.´
2))!!c$c! c!c !5cc9#c#cPccc!c c*c+*5ccc
 c cWhat are the risk factors for pulmonary embolism?
Sitting on an airplane for long periods of time is a risk factor. Also: Oral contraceptives,
hormone therapy, some cancers, heart disease, pregnancy, paralysis, surgery and being
overweight. On long plane flights, do leg exercises in your seat.
On long flights, get up and move around.
P!c)c !c!c2 3c"c ccc) c&c! c!c+* c
9c )cÑMy doctor told me to be more active, so I gave my coffee a couple of extra stirs.´ (I
am reminded of one of Sujata¶s stories where he writes: ³That Marwari fellow had one great
exercise to do. He used to wind his watch everyday two times. Now he has learnt one more
exercise after becoming friendly with - - -³.)
And one more from TOI, 7-8-2009, Friday: ³If we get a better cable T.V. package, I¶ll have more
channels to click and that will burn more calories.´
c<* Strawberries provide us with 210 mg. of potassium. This helps in regulating the
electrolytes in our body and hence lowers the risk of heart attacks and strokes. They are also high
in folate, a key ingredient in the manufacture of red blood cells.
!##c<!c To keep one¶s fingers crossed is to hope for good luck. If I
cross my fingers, I wish for good luck or I wish to succeed. This comes from the superstition that
keeping your fingers crossed kept away evil and bad luck. Some children believe that if you
cross your fingers when you lie, it does not µcount¶.
There is a beautiful poem of Alan Maley¶s, entitled ³Good Bye´.
³Don¶t lie,´ she said,
³I try´, he said.
³My life,´ she said,
³Don¶t cry,´ he said.
³I¶ll die,´ she said,
³Oh, my!´ he said.
³Goodbye,´ she said.
Goodbye according to F.T.Wood is used between people on familiar terms when they are parting
from each other. For example, a man to his family or vice versa, as he leaves home to go to
work; close friends or relatives, after a visit, or after an outing together; one person seeing
another off on a journey.
Cheerio and So long are slang terms for goodbye. They are used only on the most informal
occasions by very close acquaintances. Farewell is used instead of goodbye but very rarely. Do
you remember the famous song in Pc&c)c!*?
³So long, farewell, auf wiedershchen, goodbye!´
Bye is an informal version of goodbye. Children often use bye-bye. Other greetings common
while parting on informal occasions are: Cheers, Take care, See you; it was nice meeting you,
etc. p 
We use goodnight on several occasions: when retiring to bed for the night; on parting from
someone in the evening; on taking leave of colleagues at the end of the day¶s work, whether it be
late afternoon or early evening.
Remember, we use goodnight, only when we leave, not when we meet people.
Here is poignant poem by Richard Hill on Mrs.O¶ Neill:
Every evening
Before she went to bed
Mrs. O¶Neill said
To the nice announcer
On her small T.V.
Because she was eighty
And very much alone.
And when she died
He never even went
To her funeral.
What should we say when meeting people? In formal contexts, we could say Good morning/
afternoon/evening, depending upon the time of the day. If you would like to be informal say
hello. And for very informal occasions, hi would be appropriate.
Make sure you do not use   with your superiors
When we meet people we know, we often ask politely about their health or their general
situation. For example: How are you? / How are things? / How is it going?
The proper formal answers for such greetings would be: Very well. Thank you. And you? / Fine,
Thank you.
Informal responses would be: Fine, thanks/OK/All right/ Not too bad/ So-so? / (It) Could be
worse/ mustn¶t grumble.
We also use some French greetings like bon voyage, adieu and au revoir.
Nit: During the hols (holidays) I learnt French, Spanish and Algebra.
Wit: Then say goodbye in algebra.

Tuesday, August 04, 2009: 8:58 AM:cPc!cc4c !c

How is the word ,+! pronounced?
It is pronounced µbi-SEEJ¶ with the stress on the second syllable.
When soldiers, besiege a town, they surround it. They prevent people and supplies from entering
or leaving the town. When a person is besieged, he is surrounded by other people.
³The moment Tendulkar walked out of the stadium, he was besieged by reporters.´
The word can also be used to mean, µto make many requests or complaints¶ about something.
³The radio station was besieged with telephone calls from angry women.´
2.Is it okay to say, µHe wascc! President¶?
No, it is not. You can either say, µHe was sworn in¶ or µHe was sworn in as President¶.
³Barack Obama was sworn in as 44 th. President of the United States.´
³My friend will be sworn in tomorrow evening.´
3.What is the meaning of ,) c))cc 0
This expression is of American origin. When you say that someone flew off the handle, you
mean he lost his temper. He became extremely angry about something you said or did, and
started shouting. p·
³The CEO flew off the handle when he heard that the workers were going on strike.´
4.What is the meaning of ,0
Firstly the word is pronounced µKNEE-o-fight¶ with the stress on the first syllable.
Neophyte comes from µneo¶ meaning µnew¶ and µphytos¶ meaning µplanted¶.
A beginner or someone who is new to something is usually referred to as a neophyte. The word
also can be used to refer to a newly ordained priest or someone who has recently converted.
³Sahana has been taking sitar lessons for over five years. She¶s not a neophyte.´
P! !*cÑIf you die in an elevator, be sure to push the UP button.´ Sam Levensonc
4c cG!; In Air Force slang what is a µlaundry bag¶? [Answer: Parachute.]
What weapon does the human in the Oscar statuette hold? [Answer: Sword.]
c- c c  How common is depression in children and teens?
It is estimated that 1 in 10 children and adolescents suffers from depression. Look for warning
signs: Changes in eating or sleeping habits, withdrawal from family and/or friends, feeling of
worthlessness or guilt, headaches, drops in grades or quitting activities.
P!c)c !c!cP*5c
³Minds are like parachutes. They only function when they are open.´
†c"c!c9c Find one word that can be associated with: SET; RISE;
FLOWER. (Answer: Sun.) (Sunset, Sunrise, Sunflower.)
c/c³Ninety percent of all women are beautiful; the remaining 1% are in my
!##c')c<!c When something is µof first water¶ it is of highest quality or
standard. This interesting phrase comes from the gem trade. The clarity of diamonds is assessed
by their transparency. The more the water, the higher the quality. (Our Tamilnadu jewelers call it
µNeerottam¶. - - S.S.)
³Of the first water¶ has two meanings:
1.The highest degree of quality in a precious stone, especially diamond.
2.The best grade or quality.
³The first water in diamonds means the greatest purity and perfection of their complexion. When
diamonds fall short of this perfection, they are said to be of the second or third water till the
stone may be properly called a colored one¶.
 c<*c Common beans are rich in cholesterol-lowering fiber. They prevent blood sugar
levels from rising too rapidly after a meal. They also contain significant amounts of anti-
oxidants, folic acid, vitamin B6 and magnesium, which are good for the proper functioning of the
Wednesday, August 05, 2009: 9:04 AM: (Avani Avittam.): Pc!c2))!!
³The door to success reads PUSH, not pull.´
P!c)c !cc$c ! c+!c)c*!3c
Nakul, actor is Devayani¶s younger brother. Both hail from Mumbai. Deayani is eleven years
older than Nakul. Devayani says: ³When Nakul was born I was in my seventh grade.´
†c"c!c9c Two girls have the same parents and were born at the same hour
of the same day of the same month, but they are not twins. How is this possible? (Answer: They
were not born in the same year.)
;!0Ñ *{(Answer; Match point.)
 c<* Legumes have high levels of both protein and starch. Sprouting them helps in p
reducing the acid-alkaline imbalance in them. Sprouted legumes have high phosphorous content,
and help in increasing alertness and mental abilities.
!## < c!cc A flash in the pan is something which disappoints by failing
to deliver anything of value despite a showy beginning.
Thursday, August 06, 2009:11:20 AM: The Hindu:c$c ! c+!c)c!c< !*!!cc
Director K.Balachandar said: ³M.S.Viswanathan is undoubtedly the biggest gift Kerala has given
Rahul Dev Burman, a great composer (of Bollywood) once said: ³I composed µYaad aa rahee
hain¶, after being inspired by MSV sir¶s µYaar andha Nilavu¶.
Y.G.Mahendra said in the function: ³The composer, MSV, had come up with brilliant songs
applicable to each stage of one¶s life, right from birth to death, ranging from the masterpiece
lullaby µMalarndhu Malaraadha¶ to the moving µChatti Chuttathada¶. (I feel sad that all these
people forgot Kannadasan, who wrote every one of the masterpieces. - - S.S)
Once actor Sivaji Ganesan had playfully asked MSV, ³Why don¶t you compose something like
Cliff Richards?´ Thus was born the stylish µYaar anda Nilavu?¶ TMS lent his voice to this song.
[Kannadasan wrote the lyrics - -S.S]
 a ½ Solve this anagram, to get the name of an Oscar-winning actress
of 1960¶s: ³I WANTED A LOO´: [Answer: Natalie Wood.]

Of all the vegetables, beet contains he most sugar.

%2 ÑDon¶t steal. The Government hates competition.´
5  'ÑAn ounce of discretion is worth a pound of wit.´
Sweet potatoes are good for boosting energy, promoting a healthy heart and skin.
They are rich in antioxidants and also help to lower blood pressure. They contain more vitamin E
than any other low fat food. It¶s a good source of potassium and iron.c
!##c$c2cc!ccc<! This is a modern-day proverb, espousing the
difficulty of finding a suitable male partner.
Eddie Green, as the title of his song µA Good Man Is Hard To Find¶, coined the phrase. (1918).
A god man is hard to find
You always get the other kind
Just when you think that he is your pal
You look for him and find him fooling round some other gal
Then you rave, you even crave
To see him laying in his grave
So, if your man is nice
Take my advice and hug
Him in the morning
Kiss him ev¶ry night
Give him plenty of loving
Treat him right
For a good man nowadays is hard to find
A similar outlook is expressed in the Bible, Micah 7:2 (king James version): ³The good man is
perished out of the earth: and there is none upright among men: They all lie in wait for blood:
they hunt every man his brother with a net.´

Friday, August 07, 2009:8:55 AM: Today is a beautiful day. Exactly when the clock shows 12: p’
34: 56, this day gives all the numerals 1 to 9 in right order. Write 12 34 56 (time), 07 (date), 08
(month), 09 (year) and enjoy the beauty of this day. Many countries plan to celebrate this strange
occurrence, with gala lunches etc. We may have to wait for another 100 years to see such a
wonderful day. (Gathered from †! 1 of today¶s issue, page 19.)@†c"Ac
Pc!1c!c cWhose last film role was a cameo as an angel in Steven Spielberg¶s
µAlways¶? [Answer: Audrey Hepburn.] (See my µRoman Holiday¶ collection in this computer. - -
 c  What is C-reactive protein?
CRP is a protein found in the bloodstream. High levels of CRP are linked to inflammation, which
can lead to heart disease, cancer and Alzheimer¶s disease. Just 30 minutes of walking, five days a
week, has been shown to lower CRP levels.
P!c)c !c c<* Vegetarians are at a high risk of developing vitamin B12
deficiency because this important micronutrient is not found in any plant food source. It¶s
therefore necessary for vegetarians to take vitamin B12 supplements.c
!cP*5 ³It takes time to save time.´

<*c)cc Even if you eat food standing on your head, the food will still end up in your
!##c†*c$*c' µTo dance attendance on¶ is to wait upon someone in an
overly assiduous or sycophantic manner. This refers to someone shuffling and tapping his/her
feet impatiently while waiting to be summoned
Saturday, August 08, 2009: 8:53 AM: The Hindu: &5c4c
The sage Kapila explains the Sankhya yoga to his mother Devahuti. He speaks of 25 Tattvas.
Kapila an incarnation of Lord Narayana says He created all the Tattvas and lists them.
There is the Prakriti, the Universe. There are the Pancha Bhutas- - Prithvi or earth, Apas or
water, Tejas or fire, Vayu or air and Akasha or ether, all of which can be understood through our
sense organs.
There are five Tanmatras- - Gandha (smell), Sparsa (touch), Rupa (color, form, light), Rasa
(taste), and Sabdha (sound).
The sense organs are five: sense of smell, taste, sight, touch and sound. They enable us to be
receptive to the Pancha Bhutas and the Tanmatras.
There are five organs that help us carry out various tasks: the hands that enable us to work, legs
that help in locomotion, the vocal organs that help us to talk, the excretory organs that remove
impurities from our body and the genital organs.
The next three to be considered are Manas, Ahankara and Mahat. Manas means mind, Ahankara
is our ego and Mahat the intellect. Kapila says that having created these 24 Tattvas, he washed
his hands and created the $ This Atma constitutes the 25th Tattva. The qualities of Satva,
Rajas and Tamasare present in every one of us. The one with Rajasic qualities is prone to anger
and ha(s)te. The one with Tamasic qualities is slow-witted and lazy. The one with Satvic
qualities is free from anger, envy, haste, irreverence, and he has his mind under control.
The mind can be controlled through Ashtanga Yoga. The eight components of this yoga are
Yama (self control), Niyama (proper conduct), Asana (proper posture), Pranayama (breath
control), Pratyahara (not focusing on material objects), Dharana (focusing on the Lord), Dhyana
(meditating on the Lord¶s beautiful form) and Samadhi (realizing God.). If one practices this
yoga, he begins to see God in everything. på
And once one sees God everywhere and in everything, one¶s mind has no other thoughts, but
those of the -+ - - and that is the path to liberation.
[Excerpts from the discourse by Srivatsa Jayarama Sarma, appeared in Religion column of
today¶s issue.]
2))!!c )c.!cc)cc1ccc!cc+)0
 c  Why is sauerkraut healthy?
Jovially: Because it tastes so horrible!
Sauerkraut is fermented cabbage. Fermentation gives it probiotic qualities like in yogurt. But
heat process kills the healthy bacteria. So look for µraw cultured¶ sauerkraut at your health food
store. It is healthiest when warmed, not baked or boiled.

Times of India: †!c4c Abraham Lincoln once said, ³It has long been recognized
that the problems with alcohol relate not to the use of a bad thing, but to the abuse of a good
!c9c†c" Find three common nine-letter words, which can be formed on an
upside-down calculator, assuming you have a calculator, which can show nine digits! What is the
longest word, which could be formed?
[Answer: Illegible; eggshells and bobsleigh. The longest word is bibliologies with 12 letters.]
[The numerals in a calculator will be keyed in, in the following manner, for each word
respectively: Illegible: 378193771; Eggshells: 577345993; Bobsleigh: 461375808; Bibliologies:
531607017818. I worked out all these with an electronic calculator- -S.S]
!cP*5cÑA sincere compliment is one of the most effective ways to motivate someone.´c
<*c)cc An ear of corn consists of 80% of water.
 c<* Morning sickness normally starts during the first four to six weeks of the
pregnancy and ends by the sixteenth week. To ease the problem, avoid foods that are fatty,
greasy, rich or spicy. Also herbal tea, mint, peppermint and hop tea have been found to help calm
the stomach.c
!##c†.! cP5cPc! This is a proverbial phrase that those who lag behind
will receive no aid. The Oxford Dictionary of Quotations lists ³Every man for himself and the
Devil take the hindmost´ as an early 16th century proverb.
Example: ³At first we tried to help each other study for the exam, but soon it was every man for
himself, and the dead take the hindmost.

Sunday, August 09, 2009: 9:39 AM: P!c)c !c c<* To relieve pain caused by
kidney stone, place a hot castor oil pack on the painful area. Alterbatively, mix water and vinegar
and heat. Soak a towel in the mixture to make a hot vinegar pack and place the pack over the
affected area to relax tense muscles. This will also make it easier for the stone to pass.
G ³Hatred is self punishment.´
P#&!cG (Jovially-S.S.) ³There is too much blood in my alcohol system.´c
!c9 Solve the anagram given below to get the name of a famous author: ³SMASHED
URINAL.´ [Answer: Salman Rushdie. - - How beautifully this suits his name! - -S.S.]
<*c)cPc Polar bears can eat as much as ten percent of their body weight in less than
one hour. p’
Pc †1c  Dope originally meant a thick liquid lubricant. As slang, it means
narcotic/illicit drug. In sport, the use of performance-enhancing drugs is commonly referred to as
Origin: One theory goes that µdope¶ is derived from µdop¶, an alcoholic drink used as a stimulant
in ceremonial dances in 18th century South Africa. According to another theory, µdope¶ is of
Dutch origin , from the word µdoop¶, which is a thick dipping sauce.
&!c&*5 They are stocks of companies, which manufacture or deal with cigarettes, alcohol,
weapons and sex-related products. They could be directly involved in the business or associated
with such activities. Such companies are also called µsin business¶.
   ,Æ, , ,4 , ,!/;-+)  0,:,.//0( The song
³Rathiryil Poothirukkum Thamaraiyo´ is composed in ,!c(While MSV and
Nithya Sri performed as judges for this show, Nithya revealed the name of the Raga to the
contestants who sang this very melodiously.
:cP8c:*5, conducted by Kushboo, 08:40 p.m:The audio animation for the mouse in
Mickey Mouse was provided by Walt Disney himself.
The Egyptians invented key for the door.
:cP8c)c? cccc!c .! with 8!: She has very beautiful and
melodious voice. She is conversant with Hindi and Sanskrit. Her pronunciation in both the
languages is excellent. She says she had cut more than 100 albums, including something like 50
Sanskrit devotionals. She says she is very fond of listening to M.S. Subbulakshmi and Bombay
Jayashri. She sang a beautiful Ghazal and µKurai Ondrum Illai Kanna¶ both very melodiously.
With all that, she is good to look at. She smiles heartily, laughs and giggles very beautifully,
without exhibiting any ugliness. She is born in a Brahmin family. She also sang a stanza from
µVaidyanathashtakam¶ in two different notes (styles) one palatable to our tradition and the other
for people settled abroad. She also sang the following film songs very beautifully: 1.Palakattu
pakkathile oru appavi Raja 2.Sorgame endralum adhu nam ooraipola varuma- -Ilaiyaraja fame
3.Pudhu vellai mazhai pozhikiradhu, from film µRoja¶ 4.Ninnai Charan Adainthane 5. Pani
vizhum malar vanam, un parvai oru varam 6.Malarkale malarkale 7. Meettatha oru veenai enai
mayakkum neram, both sung by Hariharan. Vinaya generally speaks good English, with neat
pronunciation; yet she makes one or two mistakes here and there.
Vinoth after seeing µMega T.V. interview¶ with her writes his review in Thuglak, (19-8-2009
issue, page33): ³She sang µMahishasuramardini Stotram¶ and µNeelakantaya¶ very melodiously.
Her nickname is ³Suppose Vinaya´ as her µsuppose¶ song in the film became a very popular hit´.
He finally writes about her (in English): ³Happiness is not something you find; it is something
you create.´[I missed to see this interview.]

Monday, August 10, 2009: 8:14 AM: P!c)c !c!cP*5 ³If liberty has any meaning,
it means freedom to improve´.
 c<*cChickpeas are a good source of folic acid, fiber and manganese. They can help
lower cholesterol and improve blood sugar levels. They also contain molybdenum, a trace
mineral that is needed for the body¶s mechanism to detoxify sulphites.
!##c†c cPc This idiom is used for a spiteful and mean spirited person.
People often begrudge others what they cannot enjoy themselves. The phrase is proverbial, p’p
referring to people who spitefully prevent others from having something that they themselves
have no use for. A typical example is the child who discards a toy- until a sibling tries to play
with it. Then the first child becomes possessive about something it no longer wanted.
Pc!c*!c- c9!c9cG!;cC 
1.What type of oil is generally used in oil paintings? [Answer: Linseed.]
2.Which train, made famous by an Agatha Christie novel, was called µKing of Trains and Train
of Kings¶? [Answer: Orient Express.]
3.What five-lettered word is commonly used for groups like yeasts, molds, and mushrooms?
[Answer: Fungus (Fungi).]
4.What is the term used to signify the Sahitya of the Carnatic composition? [Answer: Maatu.]
5.Name the goalkeeper done in by the infamous µHand of God¶ goal by Maradona? [Answer:
Peter Shilton.]

Tuesday, August 11, 2009: 8:11 AM: Times of India:5  '!c2 cLove is
about open arms. If you close your arms around love, you will be left holding only yourself.
P#&!cG µAlways remember, you are unique- - - just like everyone else.¶ [My comments:
This is a positive way of thinking, that everyone is unique in his/her own way. This can be safely
spread when you greet others on occasions or even meeting casually.
 c<*cButterbeans are a good source of cholesterol lowering fiber. They also provide
virtually fat-free high quality protein. It is a good choice for diabetics suffering from insulin
resistance. They are also a good source of iron and are highly recommended for menstruating
!## Pc+c+cc,†.! ccPc†c9 c& is to be in difficulty faced with
two dangerous alternatives. The explanation is from the usual meaning of Devil, i.e. the supreme
spirit of evil. The Devil is bad and falling in the deep sea is bad, so when caught between the two
would be in difficulty.
In Greek mythology, Homer¶s Odyssey refers to Odysseus being caught between Scylla (a six-
headed monster) and Charybdis (a whirlpool)
The Hindu: 4c cG!;
1.Allium Cepa is the biological name for which common vegetable? [Answer: Onion.]
2.What is the speciality of an *!*c?c[Answer: The first letter of each of the lines when
read together spell out a word.]
3.Wat spectacular water feature can one see at the Canaima national park in 8; 0
[Answer: Angel Falls.]
4.According to the Shakespearean play, in which city did Æomeo fall in love with Juliet?
[Answer: Verona.]
5.What does one test using a & c*?c[Answer: Eyesight.]
6.With regard to guns, what is the Ñcaliber´[Answer: The measurement of the length of a gun to
its diameter.]
What is !0c It is the grammatically incorrect version of English spoken in countries like
Japan and China, where µL¶ is pronounced as µR¶. McDonald for example, is µMakudonarudo¶ in
 c  What is pasteurized milk?
Pasteurization involves heating the milk to 150 degrees and keeping it there for at least a half p’
hour. Pasteurized cow¶s milk is the number one allergen in the U.S. Raw milk, however, does
not have the allergy-inducing qualities of pasteurized milk.
c4c !
1.What is the meaning of µrain check¶?
If someone invites you to dinner, and you are unable to go, you can always ask for a µrain check¶.
What you mean by this is that circumstances do not permit you to accept the invitation; you are,
however, willing to go out with the person some other time.
³I can¶t go to the beach with you this weekend. How about a rain check?´
2.Trees and hedges are sometimes cut in the shape of animals. Is there a word for it?
Yes, there is. The word is called ,! The word is pronounced µTOPE-ye-ri¶ with the stress
on the first syllable. Topiary comes from the Latin µtopiarius¶ meaning µornamental gardener¶.
3.What is the meaning of the expression ,c0
The expression is pronounced µadd NAU-zi-am¶ with the main stress on the first syllable of
µnauseam¶. When someone talks about something µad nauseam¶, he talks about it so much that it
becomes extremely boring for the listeners.
³The Minister talked ad nauseam about his achievements.´
4.What is the meaning of µget to the bottom of something¶?
When you try to get to the bottom of something, you do everything you can to find the truth
about it.
³The investigators need to get to the bottom of this fraud.´
5.What is the difference between µavoiding taxes¶ and µevading taxes.
Most people try to avoid taxes, not evade them. When you evade paying taxes, you are doing
something illegal. Evasion suggests dishonesty. When you avoid paying taxes, you make use of
the rules and regulations and you find ways of paying less taxes or not paying anything at all. In
this case, you are not doing anything illegal.c
P! c-!* ³An intelligent test sometimes shows a man how smart he would have been not to
have taken it.´

Wednesday, August 12, 2009: 7:56 AM: The Hindu:  c 
Can I lose weight by eating slower?
Jovially! ³I just finished breakfast- - now it is time for lunch!
Seriously: Studies have shown that you can lose up to 20 pounds in a year just by eating slower.
It takes 20 minutes for your brain to register that you¶re full. If you eat fast, you can eat past the
point where you¶re actually full. So slow down.
Times of India:c!cP*5 ³Ignorance of ignorance is the death of knowledge´.
 c<* Honey is an excellent purifier. It can soothe and encourage the healing of sores in
the mouth or vagina. Mix one glass of warm water with two teaspoon of honey and one teaspoon
of lemon juice. Take this preparation every day. It will purify the blood, reduce fat and clean
your bowels.
<*c)cPc The only flying saucer launchpad in the world is located in St.Paul, Alberta,
;!0 ³ROOSTER TAURUS TALE´: (Answer: Cock-and- bull story.)
!## † cc means a certainty. This is an American phrase and hence the
US spelling µdonut¶ is used. (We spell it as µdoughnut¶.) This is a pseudo betting term, pseudo in
that it didn¶t it didn¶t originate with actual betting involving donuts, but just as a pleasant- p’‰
sounding alliterative phrase, which indicated short odds- - dollars are valuable but donuts are not.

³The ceremony associated with the learning of alphabets was performed by the Mohammadans
also. Humayun, the Moghul emperor, was admitted into a Maktab when he was four years, four
months and four days old, and the occasion was solemnized with due ceremonies. (Tazkiratul
Sacatin, Shah-I-Jahan Namah.)
From, R!c&51 by Rajbali Pandey, ChapterVII, ³The Educational Samskaras´,
1.The Vidyarambha (learning of Alphabets), Page 110. Book published by Motilal Banarsidas
Publishers Private Limited: 120, Royapettah High Road, Mylapore, Chenai 600 004. (Chennai
address only entered here.)

Thursday, August 13, 2009: 10:34 AM:cP 51c # #C??c8!c page 38:
ÑJudges ought to be more learned than witty´, says Bacon. Vinoth gives this comment on the
judge who delivered the verdict in the Supreme Court of India, that it is not a criminal offence
when the mother-in-law kicks her daughter-in-law or the husband threatens the wife that he
would divorce her.
Times of India:  c<*cAlmonds have an extremely high nutritive value (they contain
copper, iron and vitamins) and are used as a remedy for anemia. They provide nutrients that help
in increasing the bone mineral density, which in turn, help in strengthening he skeletal system.
They can also be considered as a remedy to cope with osteoporosis.
!c9 What is represented by this Brain Bat?
L O N G.
(Answer: µLong¶ under µWear.¶)

Friday, August 14, 2009:8:42 AM: Pc!c!c- 

Which Carnatic musician entered films with Bhama Vijayam (1934)? [Answer:
G.N.Balasuramaniam, popularly known as GNB.]
 c cWhat causes dandruff?
Jovially: ³I didn¶t know it was snowing outside- - oh, it¶s just your dandruff!´
Seriously: Dandruff is usually caused by a fungal infection, specifically called µPityriasis
Capitis¶. The fungus lives in your scalp, feeding off of skin oils. The popular brands of dandruff
shampoos have been shown to be effective in treating dandruff.
P!c)c !c!c*5 ³The greatest of all faults is to imagine you have none.´
!c2 c
After marriage, husband and wife become two sides of a coin; they just can¶t face each other,
buy still they stay together.
2.´Marriage is one of the leading causes of divorce.´
!##c†c* c1c c* c This is a polite way of saying µDon¶t bother you
pursue your application further.¶ Anyone hearing this line can reasonably expect not to need to
wait by the phone. It is a recent phrase- - mid 20th century American.
It is sufficiently clichéd now to be often shortened to µdon¶t call us¶ and widespread enough to be
used as a team of rejection in a variety of circumstances.
 c<*c Grapes are naturally high in vitamin A, C and B6, along with folate, calcium,
potassium, manganese, zinc, copper and iron. People who eat grapes frequently appear to be at
reduced risk of macular degeneration and other eye conditions. Grapes also reduce the levels of p’ù
bad cholesterol in the body and benefit heart health.
&*c&* (Today is Janmashtami.) Why Krishna? Krishna means Shyam, the dark one and
not exactly black. It is said that Krishna was born on the dark night of Ashtami; hence he came to
be called Krishna. µKrishna¶ apart from the well-known meaning µthe dark one¶, also has another
meaning- - µthe attractive One¶. The Sanskrit root is µkarsh¶ which means µto pull¶, µto attract¶,
which has come down to Hindi and other Indian languages in words like µakarshan¶. [From a
religious discourse.]

Saturday, August 15, 2009: 9:27 AM:cPc!c2))!! Ñ& 


 )(A beautiful pun indeed.)
 c c What are the most common compounds found in drinking water?
Jovially: Great! I have not put saccharin in my tea- - it¶s in the water!
Seriously: There are many. Here are five: 1.Atenolol, a beta-blocker used to treat heart disease.
2. Atrazine, a herbicide. 3. Carbamazepine, a drug used to treat bipolar disorder. 4.Estrone, an
Estrogen hormone. 5.Gemfibrozil, a cholesterol drug.
Times of India: !cP*5 ³Success is the ability to get along with people and ahead of
<*c)cc ³The first Olympic games had only one event- - a foot race.´
 c<* Moderate intake of flax seed can lower total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol (the
bad one) levels. It may also help lower blood pressure. Research reveals that the lignan in flax
seed may actually help fight cancer.
:' Husband: I want a divorce. My wife hasn¶t spoken to me in six months.
Lawyer: Think about it once again. Wives like that are hard to get.
:.! c&! ³Copy from one, its plagiarism; copy from many, its research´
µDon¶t keep a dog and bark yourself¶ means that if you pay someone to do a task for you it is
unnecessary for you to do it yourself.
1670 J. Ray English proverbs81: What? Keep a dog and bark myself. That is, must I keep
servants, and do my work myself?
Typical usage: Ellen: The cleaning lady washes my floors every Tuesday, but I always wash
them once again.
Jane: Don¶t be silly, Ellen. Why keep a dog and bark yourself?

Monday, August 17, 2009: 8:30 AM: Pc!c2))!! ³Think you¶ve got somebody eating
out of your hand? Count your fingers.´
 c  Is alcohol the main cause of liver damage?
No. The number-One cause of liver failure is acetaminophen, the key ingredient in Tylenol,
Excedrin and many other pain medications. Do not exceed the dosing instructions when taking
Acetaminophen products. It could cost you your liver.
1.Demerara sugar gets its name from which country¶s river? [Answer: Guyana]
2.Who is the protagonist in the dystopian novel µ1984¶? [Answer: Winston Smith, a phlegmatic
3. ow many square metres in 10 hectares? [Answer: 100,000]
4.What are µpacemaker¶ cells in the human body? [Answer: The cells that create rhythmical
impulses, which control the contractions of the heart.] p’ 
5.Which is the only non-U. S team in Major League Baseball? [Answer: Toronto blue jays]

Times of India: (Page 12.) !c2 c Sujata Bajaj, a Paris-based painter of Indian
origin, is known for her use of scriptures in her abstract paintings.
She says: ³I very much see red as a positive color; color of Indian marriage, faith and so on.´
 c<* The presence of vitamin A in passion fruit helps in the removal of free radicals
from the body thereby preventing various cancers as well as skin disorders. In addition, presence
of vitamin A in passion fruits also aids in the enhancement of vision.
!##³Doom and Gloom´: This phrase indicates a feeling of pessimism and
despondency, often with regard to business or political projects.
³I told you that gold could only bring you doom and gloom, gloom and doom.´
2c2 Could you imagine the longest sentence in English? You simply can¶t, because
a sentence could extend up to infinity with the help of conjunctions.
Let¶s imagine you are narrating the story of a recent Tamil film. You could say it in one long
sentence: the hero met the heroine and fell in love with her and then the villain came and fought
with the hero but the hero killed the villain and saved the heroine and married her and they lived
happily ever after.
What are conjunctions? They are words that join two sentences or two clauses.
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood
And I chose the one less traveled by
The woods are lovely, dark and deep,
But I have promises to keep.
To be, or not to be,
That is the question.
In the above famous quotations, you find the conjunctions 1c+andcThey are called co-
ordinating conjunctions as they join two main or co-ordinate clauses.
$suggests addition.
³Is that police?´ asked a frantic voice at the other end of the line.
³Yes, sir,´ this is the police station,´ replied the inspector on duty.
³Oh! Thank God! I want to report a robbery in the neighborhood and the thief is trapped in an
old lady¶s bedroom. Please come quickly,´ said the voice.
³And who is calling, please?´ the inspector asked. There was a momentary silence at the other
end. Then the voice whispered, ³The Thief!´
In informal American English, and is sometimes dropped after the base form.
³Let¶s go see if Anne¶s here.´
³Go jump in the river!´
³Come sit beside me.´
9 is used to indicate contrast as seen in the text below:
Management Notice To Employees:c
This will be accepted as an excuse, but we would like two weeks notice as we feel it is your duty
to teach someone your job prior to or after death.
When you would like to suggest an alternative, you use or.
Teacher: Is America farther away from us or is the moon at a greater distance?
Student: America.
Teacher: America? Whatever gave you this idea? p’·
Student: Simple! We can always see the moon, from India, but not America!
When expressions are joined by 1c+1c, we often leave out repeated words or phrases of
various kinds.
Antique or modern furniture
In France, Germany or Spain
She can read, but can¶t write.
The food and drinks are ready.
Phil and Sally washed the dishes.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009: 9:40 AM: Times of India:

!cP*5 ³It is better to deserve an honour and not get it, than to get one, and not deserve it´.
Gc@AcI don¶t believe in miracles. I rely on them.´
 c<* Apples contain flavonoids, which help in improving the functioning of the lungs.
Hence, people suffering from chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases (COPD) (that leaves a
person gasping for breath) should have an apple everyday. It reduces he incidences of coughing
and breathlessness.
!##c$!#<!If something is µairy-fairy¶ then it is not practical or based on reality.
The great British poet Alfred Tennyson, much of whose verse was based on classic mythology,
used µairy-fairy¶ in an 1830 poem titled µLilian¶:
Airy, Fairy Lilian,
Flitting fairy Lilian,
When I ask her if she loves me,
Claps her tiny hands above me,
Laughing all she can;
She¶ll not tell me if she loves me,
Cruel little Lilian.
*5!c (Jokes):
1.Charles Dickens walks into a bar and orders a martini. The bartender asks, ³Olive or
2.How many Marxists does it take to screw a light bulb?
None, the seeds of revolution and change are within the light bulb itself.
The Hindu:  c  Is milk the best calcium source?
On a calorie-for-calorie basis milk is at the bottom of the list. 100 calories of turnip greens has 3
times the calcium of milk. Collard and other greens have as much or more calcium than milk by
the cup.
Young World:c†c" $cc!
ÑHow much wood would a wood-chuck chuck
If a wood-chuck could chuck wood?
P ³If a man smashed a clock, could he be accused of killing time?´
Answer: ³Not if he could prove that the clock struck first.´
2.If I were in the sun and you were out of it, what would the sun be?
Answer:³Sin´. (A good teaser- -S.S.)
2cccFind one word for the phrase µa square peg in a round hole¶.
Answer: ³Misfit.´
- ! A palindrome is a word or sequence, which reads the same backwards as forwards.
For example, the phrase µI prefer pi¶. Tell me another one. p’
Answer: ³Never odd or even´.
³Malayalam¶ is the longest palindrome single word.c(S.S.)
%ccc8)c quare the circle 2.Weave a rope of sand 3. Build castles in the air 4.Set the
Thames on fire 5. Catch a weasel asleep.
All the phrases mean doing something considered impossible, like constructing a square equal in
area to a given circle.
4c cG!;
1.How many nanoseconds to a second? (Answer: One billion.)
2.If the capital city were Maputo, the country would be - - - (Answer: Mozambique.)
3.What is the main ingredient in the Italian dish µrisotto¶? (Answer: Rice.)
4.Which famous poet described µAll good poetry¶ as µthe spontaneous overflow of powerful
feelings? (Answer: William Wordsworth.)
5.Who is the mother of Cupid, the Roman god of love? (Answer: Venus.)
6.What type of musical instrument is a tuba? (Answer: A brass instrument.)
cc !c
1.What is the difference between ,! and ,!+.!0
First of all µmisdemeanour is pronounced µmis-di-MEAN-e¶ with the stress on the third syllable.
Both the words in question mean µbad unacceptable behaviour; an act which breaks a rule. Of the
two misdemeanour is considered to be formal.
³The young bride wasn¶t aware of her husband¶s past misdemeanours.´
Misdemeanour is also used in the context of law. When you commit a µmisdemeanour¶, you are
breaking the law; you are committing a crime, which is not very serious. Petty theft, simple
assault, trespass, etc are all examples of misdemeanours. A µfelony¶ is a serious crime.
2.What is the meaning of , c c+5c 0
This American English expression is mostly used in informal contexts. µHell¶ is associated with
chaos. When you say µall hell broke loose¶, it means that the situation went completely out of
control. There was a pandemonium; people started shouting and screaming at each other, and at
times resorted to violence.
³All hell broke loose when the CEO saw the article in the magazine.´
3.Is there a word to describe a driver who slows down in order to have a good look at the
accident that has happened?
Yes! Such drivers are called ,++*5
³I was delayed because there were several rubbernecks ahead of me intent on staring at the
4.How is the word µ+ / pronounced?
The word is pronounced µbur-LESK¶ with the stress on the second syllable. A burlesque is
usually a parody; it is something written or enacted, and its aim is to make people laugh, usually
by making fun of something. The word comes from the Italian µburla, meaning µjoke, fun,
mockery. When used as a verb, the word can mean, µto make ridiculous¶.
5.What is the meaning and origin of the expression , c0
The expression comes from the cruel world of fox hunting. When a hunter sighted the fleeing
fox, he shouted µtally ho¶; this was supposedly to alert the dogs (hounds), which had been
brought along to chase and kill the fox. Tally-ho is actually a corruption of the French expression
µty-hillaut a qui forheur¶; this was shouted by hunters in France when they spotted a deer. p’’
P! !*c ³What¶s the point in going out? We¶re going to wind up back here anyway?´- -
*  )
*80,:,.//0Do antibiotics have side effects?
Fluoroquinolone antibiotics, namely CIPRO, are commonly prescribed, but have a number of
side effects: Pain, Tingling, Numbness, Headache, Anxiety, Memory loss, Psychosis, Tendonitis,
Joint swelling, Tinnitus, Rapid heartbeat, Chest pain, Hair loss- - and that is the short list.
 a 80,:,.//0c†c"c!c9
There is a word in English language that is a measure of time. Take off a letter, and it means
belonging to us. Why, you add, makes it belong to you. What is it?
Answer: Hour (measure of time.). - - Our (take off the µH¶- -belonging to us). Your (add µY¶
(why), belonging to you).
 c<*cWatermelon is a good source of the potent carotene antioxidant, lycopene. This
antioxidant travels throughout the body, neutralizing the free radicals that cause fat related health
problems. It also reduces the risks of prostate cancer.

Thursday, August 20, 2009: 9:27 AM: Pc!c c 

How dangerous is the swine flu?
The swine flu has killed 429 pe0ple worldwide as of this writing. The regular flu has killed
approximately 13,000 people in the United States alone since January. The swine flu is a
headline-grabber (An Electronic media hype- - S.S), but not the killer that the regular flu is.
(This is the first time encouraging report I read- - S.S.)
P!c)c !c†c" ½
Anne likes 225 but not 224. She likes 900 but not 800. She likes 144 but not 145. Does she like
1,600 or 1,700?
Answer: She likes 1,600, because she is fond of perfect square numbers.
5  'ÑKind words can be short and easy to speak, buy their echoes are truly endless.´


Dates get digested easily and hence, they are used for supplying quick energy and
repairing cellular damage. Also, when consumed regularly, they help in checking the growth of
pathological organisms and also help in the growth of friendly bacteria in the intestines.
!##c<#<*c  µFar-fetched idea¶ is an idea that is fantastic and implausible. It
is something, which is not readily believable because of improbable elements therein: a far-
fetched analogy; a far-fetched excuse; a far-fetched idea.
One of Cagliostro¶s servants was once asked to confirm his master¶s age. ³I can¶t´, the man
replied. ³I¶ve only been in his service a hundred years myself.´

Friday, August 21, 2009: 9:38 AMcP!c)c !c!cP*5: ³There are no facts; only
interpretations of facts.´c
!c2 c:5
Question: Why are men with pierced ears better prepared for marriage? Answer:
They have experienced pain and also bought jewellery.

<*c)cc There are approximately 100,000 miles (1,60,000 kilometres ) of blood

vessels in the human body. p’å
!!* Girly Anto is the original name of of µAutograph¶ fame ³Gopika.´
!##c<c': To µfathom out, means to come to understand something. Fathom is
a unit of length equal to 6 feet (1.83 metres), used principally in the measurement and
specification of marine depths. To fathom is to penetrate to the meaning of nature of;
comprehend; also to determine the depth of sound.
It is interesting to know that, by chance a little over 1,000 fathoms for the geographic mile, i.e.
the distance between two points on a meridian separated by 1 minute of latitude The actual value
of this distance is very close to the modern standard for the international nautical mile (INM), of
1852 metres (6076 feet), so about 1,013 B1 fathoms.
Pc!c c  How can I get rid of canker sores?
Try this home remedy. Dip a tea bag into boiling water, squeeze out most of the water, and allow
it to cool. Then apply to the canker sore for 3 minutes. Repeat as needed until the sore
disappears. The tannic acid in tea is an astringent, and may help to dry up canker sores and
relieve pain.
!c8!=c@  ?Ac&c*!c! One song in Krishna Vijayam sung by N.C.
Vasantha kokilam became a hit. The song, µNavaneetha Kannaney¶ was sung by NCV, inc
&!c9!.!1 (music by C.S. Jayaraman and lyric by K.P.Kamakshi.) The song µEnnadi
Aniyayam Idhu adi Yasodha¶ also comes in this film. (Sung by a group of playback singers,
including P.Leela, K.V.Janaki, T.V. Ratnam and T.R. Bagirathi.)c
'cc! During the 1950¶s, when a handsome, young man from Andhra named
Nandamuri Taraka Rama Rao donned the celluloid avatar of Krishna, he literally became the
Lord Krishna of the movies. When a temple was built in a small town in Andhra Pradesh
dedicated to Lord Krishna, the face of the presiding deity resembled that of N.T.Rama Rao.

Saturday, August 22, 2009: 9:59 PM: P!c)c !c c<*

Eating vitamin C-rich fruit such as 5!! may confer a significant protective effect against
respiratory symptoms associated with asthma such as wheezing. Children who had asthma when
the study began appeared to benefit the most, and effects were evident even among children who
ate fruit only once or twice a week.
<*c)cc Chewing gums while peeling onions will keep you from crying.
!##c<c)c c
To have feet of clay is to have a personal weakness that is not immediately visible.
Sample Text: ³Internet giants have µfeet of clay¶, says the Belgian le Soir while La Libre
Belgique remarks in its headline that the hackers action ³shows up the vulnerability of the
internet´ (BBC News- - 10 February, 2000.)

Sunday, August 23, 2009: 3:21 PM: 8!c!cP!c)c !c-c 

1.What is !0
Weisure time is when work is done during leisure time. Sociologist Dalton Conley coined this
word, having observed that 9-5 jobs are giving way to this new life-style.
2.What iscc).0
Hay fever is a form of allergy belonging to a group of maladies including hives, asthma and skin
problems caused by protein sensitization. During certain seasons, many plants, grasses release
their pollens into the air in large quantities. A person is said to have hay fever when he/she is
sensitive to these pollens and other substances present in the air. på
3.How do c*  convert sunlight into electricity?
Solar cells use photovoltaic cells to convert sunlight directly into electricity by converting
photons (light particles) into electrons (negatively charged particles). Photo voltaic cells are
made of semiconductors and silicon, mixed with other materials
†c"c$c>* c=5c
Teacher: Tell me a sentence that starts with an ³I´.
Student: I is the- - -
Teacher: Stop! How many times have I told you that the verb µis¶ does not come after µI¶?
Student; OK, Sir! I am the ninth letter of the alphabet.
!## Foot the Bill: To foot the bill is to pay for something. By the early 19th century,
µfoot¶ had acquired its modern meaning - - µto pay up or settle a bill¶.c
<*c)cPc A bean has more DNA per cell than a human cell.
Answer: HARD: Using the first letter of the first word, the second letter of the second word and
so on.
9 !.c!cc 1.Forty nine year old Apa Sherpa has climbed Mount Everest, the world¶s
tallest peak, 19 times.
2.A kangaroo uses less energy hopping at 20 miles per hour than it does when it is walking

Tuesday, August 25, 2009: 10:20 AM:cP!c)c !

!c9 ³Solve the  below to get the name of a famous British actor: ANNOY
SCREEN: (Answer: Sean Connery.) [Ian Fleming¶s 007 fame. - - S.S]
!##c<c-c5 µFor Pete¶s sake¶ is an idiom which is used to express irritation,
annoyance or surprise. This idiom has religious origins.
Imagine you are having an argument with your partner in public. Perhaps outside a steak
restaurant that you would like to eat at, but your partner is in the mood for sushi. The argument
escalates, it gets loud and you want to scream, ³for God¶s sake¶, can¶t we for once eat where I
want?´ Suddenly a nun or a priest passes by. As a show of respect, you replace the word God
with something else like Pete for instance. Thus was the phrase ³For Pete¶s sake!´ born.
says: ³Thou shall not take the Lord¶s name in vain!´
But why Pete? We can¶t be sure. One unproven theory is that Pete refers to St. Peter.c
 c<* <!c! cc!ccontains the amino acid- - methionine- - which is lacking in
the diet of people who live on starchy staples such as polished rice or maize meal. Ragi is used as
a medicine for women when they give birth. It¶s also recommended for infants of six months and
above, because of its high nutritional content.
The Hindu:c4c c4cG!;: Mount Kosciusko is the highest mountain in - - - ?
[Answer: Australia}
< What can you break with just one word? [Answer: Silence.]c
c- c c : What herb can I use for bladder inflammation?
Alfalfa is a natural diuretic and is often used to treat urinary tract infections. Drink at least 8 to
10 glasses of water daily to flush out the bladder. Avoid alcohol or caffeine, which may cause
bladder irritation.
Venezuela made history at thec!c7!.cC??ccby winning the crown for the second
year running. påp
Eighteen-year-old &)!c<; was crowned Miss Universe 2009 by incumbent holder
and compatriot Dayana Mendoza, on Sunday (23-8-2009).
Venezuela has won six Miss Universe titles, five Miss World and five Miss International
crowns- - more than any other country. [This is the corrected version after seeing the paper,
dated 29-8-2009, Saturday, Page11.]
The judges included actor Dean Cain and supermodel Valeria Mazza.
Miss China, Wang Jingyao, was named Miss Congeniality, and Miss Thailand, Chutima Durong
dej, won the Miss Photogenic title.
The First runner-up was Miss Dominican Republic, Ada Aimee De La Cruz.
(From Los Angeles, by Press Trust of India, PTI and after due correction from this paper, as
described above.)

Wednesday, August 26, 2009: 10:39 AM:cP!c)c !c c<*

Consuming a lot of nuts, whole milk and beans stops hair fall because they contain a good
amount of copper. Eating food rich in zinc also helps as it prevents graying of hair. It¶s also
important to consume food rich in iron (like spinach) as they bring shine to your hair.
!##c<c!5 µForty winks¶ is a short sleep. A wink is a blink of the eye. You
may come across another English idiom with the same meaning, µa bit of shut eye¶
2cP: ³Speak with one voice and make your resolution with one mind.´-Æg.Veda.
³All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered; the point is to discover them.´
³I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason and
intellect has intended us to forgo their use.´ [Both said by Galileo Galilei].
(Today is the 400th anniversary of Galileo¶s telescope).
$c+c2 ! cc
1564:Born in Pisa, Italy.
1609:Used improved telescope to observe heavenly bodies. (Thus 2009 is its 400th anniversary-
- S.S)
1616: Church tells him not to propagate his views µon earth¶s motion around the sun¶ and finally
Papal Court declares him guilty of his views in 1634.
1638:Goes blind.
1642:Dies in Arcetri, outside Florence.
Main contributions: Confirmed Copernican theory that earth and planets move around the sun;
discovered lunar craters; four of Jupiter¶s moons; Saturn rings; stars in milky way; sun spots;
stated that bodies of unequal weights also experience same force of acceleration when falling to
earth; developed maths of parabolas; developed various devices. Wrote books on his theory.
Pc!cc- cP!c)cPc@!c)cAcc
For the Anglo-Indians, being in the Railways was a matter of pride. Some bought µbrasso¶ out of
their pocket to burnish the engines.
³When an Anglo-Indian official questioned a ticket collector caught taking a bribe, the latter lost
the ability to frame sentences. This is all he managed to say: ³Please be kind to me, sir! I am a
child of many fathers!´
[Probably, he wanted to say that he was father of many children! - - S.S]
$cG! ³An employee at the automobile factory was fired for taking a brake.´²)

 .c på
2))!! ³Today it¶s hard for two to earn enough for one.´c
 c  What is a herbal remedy for dandruff?
2  ³Yeah, right- - who¶s gonna rub an aloe leaf into their hair? Not me!´
! Aloe Vera softens the skin and may help alleviate dandruff. It appears to be most effective
when a freshly cut leaf is rubbed onto the affected area.

Thursday, August 27, 2009: 9:32 AM: P!c)c !c;!0cO†c"I

TIME (Answer: ³Turn up on Time´.)c
$cc:5c@†c"A Teacher: Isaac Newton was sitting under a tree when an apple fell
on his head and he discovered µgravity¶.
Student: Right. Had he sat in class he wouldn¶t have discovered
$ 2  ³Sir, had the apple, happened to fall on your head, you would not for sure, have
discovered anything. Also you would have cried in pain and cursed the apple, the tree, the
gardener and the owner of the ranch in all multiples of unprintable language!´]
!##c<!c9)! µFringe benefits¶ are compensations made to an employee
beyond his/her regular salary.
Some examples of fringe benefits: Paid holidays, retirement plans, life and health insurance
plans, subsidized cafeterias, company cars, stock options and expense accounts. For most part,
fringe benefits are not taxable to the employee, though they are generally tax deductible for the
Key executives in large companies might also enjoy fringe benefits like use of time-share
condominiums (apartments), paid continuing education, use of a company jet, use of a company
credit card, discounted or free health club memberships and a significant amount of paid
In some companies generous fringe benefits are simply part of the culture.
Pc!cG!c Arabs like and drinkc* c! 5 How is it different from cow¶s
(Question by T. Soundararajan, Chennai and answer given by Prof. G.Krishnamurthy, Joint
Director of Collegiate Education (Retired), Ministry of Higher Education, Tamilnadu.)
Leave freshly-milked camel and cow¶s milks separately at room temperature.
Camel milk remains fresh for over 48 hours, whereas its counterpart only lasts 12 hours.
Antibacterial and antifungal compounds slow it from turning sour. While slightly saltier than
cow¶s milk, camel milk is highly nutritious.
Designed after all for animals that live in some of the roughest environments, it is three times as
rich in Vitamin C as cow¶s milk. It is rich in Vitamin B also, and has unsaturated fatty acids. It
has 10 times more iron than cow¶s milk.
Camel milk contains only 2% fat, which is polyunsaturated and completely homogenized.
Lactose is present in concentrations of 4.8 % but is easily metabolized by those suffering from
lactose intolerance.
Camel¶s milk is closest milk to human mother¶s milk. Our bodies not only tolerate it well, also
our bodies thrive on it. Camel¶s milk has ten times the amount of antibacterial and antiviral
properties found in cow¶s milk. Camel¶s milk contains an insulin like protein that survives the på‰
digestive tract and may benefit people with certain forms of diabetes.
Camel milk¶s water volume is very high, preventing dehydration in baby camels and nomads.
The only thing camel milk lacks is fat; it has only 2% fat compared with 4.5% in cow¶s milk. As
a final selling point, even people with lactose intolerance can drink it, even though it contains
about as much as lactose as cow¶s milk. The fat content in camel¶s milk is not only low, but also
healthy unsaturated fatty acids and linolenic acids (LA). are present. Its fat molecules are much
smaller, making the milk more digestible and more cardiovascular friendly and nutrients more
Camel milk colostrums are of superior nutritional value, making them potent immune boosters
for convalescing patients and sufferers of nutrient deficiencies and bone loss.
Bedouins treat many diseases and disorders with camel milk. These range from osteoporosis,
rickets, hepatitis, digestive ulcers and disorders, spleen problems, tuberculosis, asthma, flu, and
other respiratory diseases to controlling heartbeat, hypertension and diabetes.

Friday, August 28, 2009: 8:26 AM: Pc!c2))!! ³When the joke teller starts to blush,
it¶s because he forgot the punch line.´c
 c  What¶s a good herbal remedy for dry skin?
Lotions containing aloe are helpful in restoring skin moisture. Evening primrose oil, black
currant and borage oils are also known to promote healthy growth of skin and nails.
P!c)c !c!cP*5 ³The art of being wise is the art of knowing what to overlook.´
$c:5 ³Hey friend remember that without stupidity there can be no wisdom and without
ugliness there can be no beauty.´
Friend quickly retorts: ³So the world needs YOU very much after all.
 c<* Pumpkins contain an abundance of antioxidants, vitamins A and C, as well as zinc
and alpha-hydroxy acids, which help in reducing the signs of ageing. Unlike the widely used
anti-inflammatory drug indomethacin, pumpkin seeds do not contribute to the progression of
!##: $cc)c A µhouse of cards¶ refers to any insecure arrangement. The
term is an allusion to a children¶s game of constructing a toy house with playing cards. It is
rather difficult to imagine anything more fragile and insecure than a house of cards. It will all
come tumbling down even if you breathe on it.
:cP8 11:30 hours: -#c#c(c !5: Judges: Uma Ramanan and Anuradha
Sriram: & ³Katril Varum Geethame; En Kankalai Nee Arivayaa? This song was composed
by Ilaiyaraja, and is in ,4c !c

Saturday, August 29, 2009:8:11 AMcP!c)c !c<*c)ccc
The Mongol emperor Genghis Khan¶s real name was Temujin.
!#cc<#†Rc ³Fuddy-Duddy´ is a person who is very old-fashioned or highly
conservative. A fuddy-duddy is a person with fussy, hyper-critical ways.
Pc!cc- cPc5cc
2))!! ³Bikes can¶t stand alone because they¶re Two-Tired.´
 c  What¶s an herbal remedy for eczema?
Creams or ointments containing stinging nettle are said to alleviate the itchiness and oozing
lesions of eczema. Some herbalists recommend systemic treatments with chamomile tea or påù

Sunday, August 30, 2009: 8:38 AM: P!c)c !c

c<*c)cc Ancient Egyptians used the spice, thyme, to help preserve mummies.c
;!0 ³PIETY HYGIENE´: (Answer: Cleanliness is next to Godliness.)
G ³If we had no faults we should not take so much pleasure in noticing them in others.´
 c<* "!!*c'>!ccontrols the circulation of blood, transmits messages between nerve
cells and is a mediator of inflammation. It helps dilate blood vessels, prevent blood clots and
regulate blood pressure. It also helps inhibit the accumulation of dangerous arterial plaque. It
may help prevent heart disease and stroke by expanding blood vessels. Some foods that contain
nitric oxide are walnuts, peanuts, milk and its products.c
!##c<c9 µFunny bone¶ is a special nerve in the elbow which makes your
whole arm tingle when you hit it. The µfunny bone¶ got its nickname because of that funny
feeling you get after you hit it. But your funny bone is not actually a bone at all.
Tapping your funny bone does not do any damage to your elbow, arm, or ulnar nerve. But it sure
feels strange! People sometimes mention the funny bone when they talk about their sense of
humor. Maybe you¶ve heard someone say µthat really tickled my funny bone.¶ We¶ll leave you
with a joke and hope that it tickles yours: ³What¶s a bone in your body that you can never break?
Your funny bone!´
@If leaves get their color from Chlorophyll, c!.c) c!c* 0
Plant cells have cells organelles known as plastids, which are coloring agents. There are three
types of plastids- - chloroplasts (contain green pigment chlorophyll), leucoplasts (white or
colorless plastids) and chromoplasts (contain other pigments). All cells have varying proportions
of these. Flowers have a majority of the third type and get their colors from these.
@How is ac*5! different from a cocktail?
Cocktail is a style of mixed drinks, and usually contains one or more types of liquor and mixers,
such as bitters, frit juice or herbs. Mocktail is a non-alcoholic cocktail. Mocktail is also known as
µvirgin cocktail¶.

Monday, August 31, 2009: 9:33 AM: P!c)c !c$+c95

³A book is like a garden carried in the pocket.´ - -  21.
†c" !c9 Find one word which can be associated with: ALIKE; DIRTY;
SHARP. [Answer: ³Look.´- - Look alike; dirty Look, Look sharp.]
 c<*: When attempting to lose weight, make sure you have a banana a day. It is full of
nutrients, low in calories and fat, and has high water content and potassium. Diet high in
potassium and lower in sodium can also help reduce water weight.
!#c#cc<c< µFunny farm is a slang for a psychiatric hospital and is
considered a derogatory term by some people.

Tuesday, September 01, 2009: 2:20 PM: $. c8!5c

?# #C??c-c c$c,$.! by
.2 ³Normally when liquids are heated, they tend to become vapors. But, there is one
substance in the form of liquid solidifies when heated up. What is it? [Answer: Idli Mavu- -
Batter for idli.]
Pc!cc4c !c
1.What is the meaning of the word ,+0
First, let us know the pronunciation of this formal word. This is pronounced µAB-ni-gate¶ with på 
the stress on the first syllable. When you abnegate something, you give up your claims on it; you
deny yourself the pleasures of something.
³The ailing king was unwilling to abnegate his powers to his son.´
The word can also be used to mean µto renounce¶ or µdeny¶.
³We were shocked when everyone in their family abnegated their god.´
2.What is the meaning and origin of ,.cc!c0
The word µnod¶ in this context means to µfall asleep¶. What the idiom means is µnobody is
perfect; even Homer ended up making mistakes in his two epics.
³When I told Anjali there were a couple of errors in her report, she replied that even Homer
sometimes nods.
3.What is the meaning of ,!*5cc)0
This idiom means that things are coming at you very quickly and in great numbers. Another
expression, which has the same meaning, is µfast and furious¶.
³During the press conference, the questions came thick and fast.
4.How is the word ,**!!  pronounced?
³Con-shi-EN-shes-li´ with the stress on the third syllable. Politicians have real problems
pronouncing this word. Understandable I guess, because the word means µputting a lot of effort
into your work¶ We all know how much work a politician puts in once he¶s been elected!
³The Minister said that he had been carrying out his duties **!! 
P! c-!* ³Learning is not a spectator sport.´ - - Anonymous.
 c  How should I eat to control my blood sugar?
Fill half your plate with vegetables and/or fruit. Fill the rest with roughly equal amounts of
whole grains and other high-fiber carbs, lean protein and healthy fats like olive oil.

4c c†c"c$ An anagram is a word that is formed by rearranging

the letters of a word or phrase to form new words or phrases. Can you find an anagram for
[Answer: The Classroom]c
4c cG!; 1.What color is liquid and solid oxygen? [Answer: Pale blue]
2.Which country¶s flag has a cedar tree in the center? [Answer: Lebanon]
3.Which famous Greek mathematician, physicist, engineer, inventor, and astronomer was from
the southern Italian city of Syracuse? [Answer: Archimedes]
P!c)c !c!cP*5 ³Rudeness is the weak man¶s imitation of strength.´
G ³Time flies when you don¶t know what you¶re doing.´
!##c&*c<´: To get off Scot-free is to escape without punishment.

Wednesday, September 02, 2009: 7:44 AM:cP!c)c !c!cP*5: ³Success is the ability
to get along with people and ahead of others´c
 c<* To lose weight, powder and grind horsegram and add nicely heated sour
buttermilk. Make a paste of them and apply it onto the fat deposits on the body. Massage
vigorously in upward strokes. Horsegram is known to reduce body fat very effectively. Take hot
water bath after an hour.
<*c)cc: In one year, an elephant can drink 15,000 gallons (57,000 litres) of water.
!## 2!.c c$c!  To give something a whirl is to try the thing out, especially
attempt to do something, often for the first time.c på·
G: How much sin can I get away with and still go to heaven?
c;!c@†c"A Find the familiar phrase, saying or name in this arrangement of
³5Æ ! a![Answer: Put it in writing]
Pc!c$cG!: ³I now a lot about cars, man. I can look at any car¶s headlights and tell
you exactly which way it¶s coming.´- - 
*1 )
2))!!c@!c2 A ³In the war between the sexes, there¶s too much collusion with the
 c : How much soda do Americans drink?
Americans drink an average of 18 ounces or two full glasses of soda per day. Soda is actually
µliquid candy¶, and has replaced white bread as the number-one source of calories in the
American diet.

I feel sad to record the sudden demise of $85+!1c $&c@(!), on 01-09-

2009 at his daughter¶s residence at E-81, West end Heights, DLF Phase V, Gurgaon, Haryana
(Phone 0124-4050540). He held various positions in Tamilnadu Government as Secretary,
Transport, Food and co-operation, Planning and development, Development Commissioner-
Rural Development, and in Government of India as Joint Secretary, Cabinet Secretariat, Director
General ±Supplies and Disposals (DGS&D). He was also a public activist campaigning various
public causes and a Member of Catalyst Trust. The funeral will be taking place at Gurgaon on 3-
9-2009 morning. This obituary note was given to the press (The Hindu) by Mrs. Lakshmi
Venkatasubramanian, Mrs. Nirupama Subramanian, R.Rajesh, Niranjana Subramanian and
Ramesh Balasubramaniam.
AKV was regularly contributing to The Hindu, on Election Reforms and other Rural Upliftment
articles. In fact The Hindu had given a special coverage in his honor (2-9-2009). At the time of
his death he was only 69 years old. He died of a heart attack. His wife and two daughters survive
him. He was a 1964-batch IAS officer. He edited µKudimakkal Murasu¶, the Catalyst Trust
magazine. He was a Puritan. He never smoked, never drank and had no other vices.
A.K.Venkatasubramanian was born in Srivaikuntam, my native place. His father A.K. Krishna
Iyer was our Physical Education teacher. His house was just exactly 180º opposite to my house at
Srivaikuntam. His mother was Smt. Vaikuntam Ammal, a typical native of Srivaikuntam.
Venkat¶s father A.K.Krishnier hails from Athazhanallur, a village near Tirunelveli. AKV¶s
mother¶s father was a Sanskrit Pundit, popularly known as Kuppa Sastrigal.
We studied in the same school at Srivaikuntam. He had one elder brother A.K. Kulathu, who
incidentally is my classmate in Karaikudi Engineering College. He had one younger brother A.K.
Varadarajan (Raju), who is also an Engineer. His sisters are Jayalakshmi (Jaya) and the other
Kamala. AKV studied in St. Xavier¶s college Palayamkottai, and then St.Joseph¶s college,
Trichy, (Masters in Mathematics).
I remember the days I used to play with him in the street and inside our house etc.
His mother was very much helpful to my mother, as she was left alone, when I used to stay in the
hostel at Karaikudi. Vaikuntam Mami had once visited my house when we were in West
Mambalam, Babu Rajendra Prasad Road. I also remember the time when A.K.Krishnier used to
send my hostel fees, along with the money for his son A.K.Kulathu.
AKV attended Srimathi¶s marriage held in µDharmaprakash¶. I had chances to meet him in the
Secretariat, a few times and once or twice in his Besant Nagar house. på
I was then EE/Egmore. Harrington Road Sub-way work was about to start. For realigning
underground cables and to co-ordinate with Corporation officials, I was called to site for an on-
the-spot inspection with AKV and Shanta Sheela Nair, IAS, then Commissioner, Corporation of
Madras. After the inspection work, all the three of us had a good chat also.
Srivaikuntam is now deprived of a very charming, efficient and honest and sincere Indian
Administrative Service officer.

Thursday, September 03, 2009: 7:54 AM:cPc!c-cc*!cc

³Decision on equitable standard education not unilateral: Minister´ (Tamilnadu, August 31,
2009, page1, third paragraph): This had an expression ³Cross the river when it comes- - - Ñ The
phrase is ÑCross the bridge when one comes to it´, which means ³to deal with a problem when
and if it arises´.
2.A bomb is defused and not diffused as said in the heading and text of a report ³Bomb diffused
near Jha¶s residence´ (³International´ page, August 30, 2009).c
c- c:c:5!c†!c>*´:
1.If you drink a diet soda with a candy bar, the calories in the candy bar are cancelled out by the
diet soda.
2.Only eat things that have been broken into pieces; that way, all the calories fall out.
2))!!: ³Bakers never loaf before they make their bread.´
 c  What¶s wrong with drinking soda?
Soda corrodes teeth, confuses appetite-regulating hormones in the digestive tract, depletes
calcium in the bones, and encourages organ breakdown and insulin sensitivity that can lead to
diabetes. And this is the short list.
P!c)c !c!cP*5 ³Time is a dressmaker specializing in alterations.´
!c9c†c" How do you write µtwelve thousand, twelve hundred and twelve?
[Answer: Actually it is 13,212, like this: 12,000+ 1,200+ 12= 13,212.]c
<*c)cPc The greatest mountain range is the Mid-Ocean Ridge, extending 64,374 km
from the Arctic Ocean to the Atlantic Ocean.c
P 5c†c##C??c8!cccE
³Einstein¶s theory of relativity, as practiced by politicians, simply means getting members of
your family on the pay roll´, says a great economist. Vinod says this when he eulogizes Mr. Irai
Anbu, I.A.S., who (the latter) always says meaningful short stories, as he delivers his lectures.
2.´It is human nature to think wisely and act foolishly.´ The French writer Anatole France, who
won Nobel Prize for literature, says this. Vinod says this quotation when he appreciates the new
comedy serial µSabash Meera¶, coming in Jaya T.V.

Friday, September 04, 2009: 7:56 AM: P!c)c !c!cP*5ÑThe young man knows the
rules, but the old man knows the exceptions.´c
 c<* The health benefits of anise essential oil can be attributed to its anti-epileptic, anti-
hysteric, anti-rheumatic, anti-septic, anti-spasmodic, aperient, carminative, cordial, decongestant,
digestive, expectorant, insecticide, sedative, stimulant and vermifuge properties.
<*c)cPc: ³People drank gold powder mixed in water in medieval Europe to relieve på’
pain from sore limbs.
!##cPc†!c cc:When the µdie is cast¶, the decision is made and a course of
action is revocably taken. The metaphor is widely believed to have come from games of chance.
µDie¶ is the singular of µdice¶, but is not often used except in this phrase.
The die is cast, the step is taken and there is no drawing back. So said Julius Caesar when he
crossed the Rubicon- -Jacta alea est! Die here is ultimately from Latin, datum, given.
Slave! I have sent my life upon a card,
And I will stand the hazard of the die. (Æichard III, V, iv, 10).
Pc!c- ccP!*c*!cc !)!*! (The following information is
found-S.S.) -*.1 famous in Kerala, consists of Thimila, Maddhalam, Ilathalam,
Kombu and Edaikka.
!c- :
1.Expand the initials of K.V. in the famed music composer K.V.Mahadevan¶s name. [Answer:
Krishnankoil (Nagercoil) Venkatachalam.
I attended his Sathabishekam,held in Vijay Sesh Mahal. There I met S.P. Balasubramaniam; had
chat with him for about 20 minutes and took photographs with him. I met K.R. Vijaya also there
and had one or two minutes exchange of greetings..
2.Who was nicknamed µPancham Da¶? [Answer: Rahul Dev Burman]
3.Which Smita Patil film has the title of a famous Shaivaite temple town? [Answer:
P! 51c 
 Star Cast: M.K.Thyagaraja Bagavathar, Serukalathur Sama as Shiva,
Thirunelveli Papa as heroine, N.S. Krishnan, T.A.Mathuram, T.S Durairaj, R.Balasaraswati and
S.S.Rajamani.This movie was MKT¶s own production, directed by Raja Sandow.The following
songs are evergreen in one¶s memory:
µDheena Karunakarane Nataraja! Neelakantane!¶ (Composed by Papanasam Sivan).
µCharacharangal Varum Chuzhandrae¶
µMaraivai Puthaitha thiru odu ( In Srivaikuntam, my friend Gopala Thatham used to sing this
very well-S.S)
µUn Azhagai Kaana Iru Kankal Pothathe¶ (A breezy duet featuring MKT and the heroine
Tirunelveli Papa) and
µOru naal oru Pozhuthakilum¶
Actor Sarath Babu¶s (Mullum Malarum fame) only son Deepak is doing MBA in Boston.
 c c@-c AcCan Folic Acid reduce cancer risk?
Folic acid is very effective at reducing cancer risk. A fifteen-year study revealed that those who
took folic acid in the form of a multivitamin, cut their colon cancer risk by a whopping 75%. To
lower risk, take 400 micro grams per day.

Saturday, September 05, 2009: 7:55 AM: P!c)c !c !##c-cc9*5

To pass the buck is to shift responsibility to someone else or to make a scapegoat of someone
else. An American phrase, coming from the game of poker. The µbuck¶, perhaps a piece of
buckshot or a µbucktail¶, was passed from one player to another as a reminder that the recipient
was to be the next dealer. The earliest recorded use of the phrase is by Mark Twain in 1872. påå
Pc!cc  What¶s a good food source ofc& !0
Brazil nuts contain extremely high amounts of selenium. One ounce of Brazil nuts contains ten
times the RDA for Selenium. One Brazil nut a day is all you need to meet your RDA for
Selenium. Two could lead to added benefits.

Sunday, September 06, 2009: 8:05 AM: P!c)c !

Who is a >0
A sexer is a professional in a hatchery who can tell a male chick from a female. They are also
known as chick sexers.
2.what does µ!* !; on a radio set signify?
Heat and humidity are the greatest enemies of any electronic equipment, so in tropical countries,
such equipments are manufactured to withstand those climatic conditions. In a radio set
'tropicalized¶ means coating the electrical windings with resin, sealing the speaker hole with
acoustically transparent cloth, installing felt washers on the control knobs, and sealing openings
for the antenna and earth connectionsc
<*c)cc Studies have shown that slow background music (they call it BGM, in cine
field- S.S) can make a person eat food at a slower rate.c
 c<*cc! is used as an emollient and skin softener. It is also used for the
treatment of gastrointestinal problems, lacerations, and other skin disorders such as psoriasis. It
is found in many skin care products and also boosts the immune system.
G ³For every minute you remain angry, you give up sixty seconds of peace of mind.´
!##†c5c$c9 !c<: µTo make a beeline for¶ something or somebody is to
move swiftly in a direct, straight course. The phrase µto make a beeline¶ stems from the belief
that a bee always returns to the hive in a straight course. And flying fast as well, right? Not quite.
The honeybee can fly six to nine miles per hour loaded with pollen, and eight miles per hour
when empty.
Bees beat their wings at a rate of around 11,400 times per minute. A honeybee¶s average flight
radius from the hive is 2 miles or about 8,000 acres. It flies a total of around 500 miles during its
lifespan of 28 to 25 days. During its brief life, a worker bee will produce 1/12 th of a teaspoon of
honey. To make one pound of honey, the workers in a hive fly 55,000 miles and tap two million
flowers. Theoretically, the energy in one ounce of honey provides one bee with enough power to
fly around the world.
Bees can perceive movements separated by 1/300 th of a second. Humans can only sense
movements separated by 1/50 th of a second. If a bee were to enter a cinema, it would be able to
differentiate each individual movie frame being projected.
:cP8cR( !5c- 09:30+ H0urs: Anuradha Sriram and Uma Ramanan
appear as judges: c
( ³Amma Endrazhaikaatha Uyir Illaye´ is in Kalyani Æagam.

09/07/09 : 02:28:04 PM :!c9c†c" Solve thec$cgiven below to get

the nane of a famous fictional personality: ³DEMON JABS´. [Answer: James Bond].

!##c5cc c&cTo make a clean sweep is to win a competition or an

election very easily or to win all the prizes in a competition.

The expression 'make a clean sweep' comes from the idea of sweeping something so that is
totally clean.
The expression is also used when a company or organization replaces a group of key employees,
usually managers with a new team.

2c2cHow many times have you been forced to eat your words and say, ³Sorry, I
didn't mean that!´. Quite often when we want to mean something, we say something else. The
issue is further complicated when our listeners don't get our exact meaning. Look at this famous
example from Linguistics:

Joe: Do you know the way to the post office?

John: Yes. I do. (walks away).

Here John has not understood that Joe's question is a polite request for directions to the post
office. Communication often breaks down because we are not aware of the hidden implications
of an utterance.

People have certain presuppositions when they talk. If you are not aware of these
presuppositions, you just don't get their meaning. For example, in the Indian social context, if
you ask someone, ³how many children do you have?´ the presupposition is that the person
addressed is married.

There are rules of use, just as there are rules of grammar. We could call them the grammar of
use. When we violate these rules there is communication break down, often resulting in hilarious
humor. p

Consider this exchange:

Maya: What's your profession?

Mary: I'm a criminal lawyer.

Maya: Thanks for being so honest.

When someone says, ³I'm a dental surgeon´, you interpret it as someone who performs surgery
for teeth. Here Maya jumps to the conclusion that Mary is a criminal as well as a lawyer.

In the following instances, the speaker means something, but the listener understands something
else because they have different presuppositions.

*Raj: Did you know that deep breathing kills germs?

Ray: Yes, but how do you get them to breathe deeply?

*Bina: I got a beautiful dog for my husband.

Tina: Boy! That was a good swap!

*Wife: I don't think I look 35, do you?

Husband: No, I don't think so. But you used to.

The misunderstanding could be deliberate or unconscious. Judge for yourselves in the following
cases, where the implications are misunderstood.

*Patient: Doctor, Doctor, I have only thirty seconds to live!

Doctor: Just a minute please!

*Another Patient: Doctor, Doctor, How can I stop myself from dying?

Doctor: Stay in the living room.

*Third Patient: Doctor, Doctor, I have broken my arm in two places!

Doctor: Don't go back to either of them!


1.Under what title was the Agatha Christie classic 'Murder on the Orient Express' first published
in the U.S?[Answer: Murder in the Calais Coach].

2. Which unit of English currency was deemed to be, back in the Anglo-Saxon times, to be the 
value of a cow in Kent or a sheep elsewhere? [Answer: Shilling].

3The phrase 'saved by the bell' comes from which sport? [Answer: Boxing].

4Which country is named after a landmark considered the second among the highest mountain
peaks of Africa? [Answer: Keya].

5What is the name given to the current geological epoch? [Answer: Holocene].

2))!! ³A loser receives junk mail with postage due!´

 c  Will drinking fruit juice raise my risk of diabetes?

Fruit juice is high in natural sugar(Fructose). Yet one study revealed that fruit juice does not
raise diabetes risk. Researchers speculate that natural sugars have different metabolic effects than
added sugars. Drink fruit juice in moderation.

9!cRukku and Ramani inform at about 21:15 hours that 2Tcwife -c-! was
delivered of a girl baby at 08:21 hours today at !1c!*!c7&$cThe baby's name is
$c&+!) Both the child and mother are safe, while the baby was delivered
through Cesarean Section. After checking with chart, the birth lagna is found to becc11 deg
54 min and c(.!c!c1 incc(! ( Revathi 40.05% left).c!cP!!!c
20.04% left. Sunrise 6h 33m 22s and Sunset19h 16m 53s. Janma Ghati 4.4847 after Sunrise.c
!1c!*!c 1CD1?D1c !ccD
1c !cAt her birth Mercury
Dasa is ruling, (till 27-06-2016).

On a brief analysis, Shankar says that this is a good 'Jatakam'. As Mercury is exalted in his own
house, and lagnam is [with Mercury] there, the baby will be very clever generally and will be
very good at studies. The baby will grow as a charming and fair girl , as Venus is posited in
eleventh. As Mars is in tenth, she will grow to be a bold girl, capable of tackling any situation.
Also she will be good in mathematics and related subjects. She can be trained in music, even at
the very young stage of babyhood, and she will become very well versed in music, as she
grows,because of the position of Venus. Encourage the child at the very infant stage itself in

09/08/09: 08:12:42 AM: &*c&*c-!*cc!* ³An elegant representation of

the creation of the universe at the beginning of each cosmic cycle is the comic dance of Shiva as
Nataraja, the Dance King. In the upper right hand is a drum whose sound is the sound of
creation. In the upper left hand is a tongue of flame, a reminder that the universe, now newly
created, billions of years from now, will be utterly destroyed. These profound and lovely images
are a kind of premonition of modern astronomical ideas)<    


³You live in time, we live in space. You're always on the move; we're always at rest. Religion is ‰
our first love; we revel in metaphysics. Science is your passion; you delight in physics. You
believe in freedom of speech; you strive for articulation. We believe in freedom of silence; we
lapse into meditation´. <*  4 4   >

G@:.! c4c!cc)*
, ) > ³The more people I meet- - the better I like my dog!´

;!0cRIO DE !IRO; C!!S; HONO)Find the familiar phrase, saying or

name in the preceding arrangement of letters. (Answer: Don't you find the names of girls in
every port city?)

 c<* Like other nuts, * too has obesity and gallstone-fighting properties.
Presence of high amounts of magnesium ensures healthy bones and teeth structure, while the
copper produces energy and increases capability of antioxidant defenses. It also greatly reduces
heart-related diseases, diabetes and obesity. The iron content helps to control red-blood cell
function and enzyme activity.

!##†c5c$c! !c'To make a killing ' is to easily earn a large profit on

something. The Cassell's Dictionary of Slang defines making a killing as: To make a profit by
gambling, whether at the races, on the stock market, in a casino etc. Today, the phrase is not
limited to making money by gambling. It can be applied to any situation where a large profit is
made usually quickly and without much effort.
There are several other ways to express making a lot of money: 'break the bank', 'clean up', 'hit
the mark', 'rack up', 'rake in', 'score', 'strike it rich'.

Pc!c c  Can Soda hurt my teeth?

Soda works like a corrosive acid on your teeth. It dissolves, the mineral content of tooth enamel,
making the teeth weaker, more sensitive and more susceptible to decay. Soda's acidity is even
worse for teeth than the sugar in candy.

4c cG!; 1) What is the common name for the  >cin the human body? [Answer:
Big toe]

2A$+! is the fear of which everyday thing around us? [Answer: Air]

3)Who was the   in the fabled 1001c$+!c"!0c[Answer: Scheherazade]

4)How many letters are there in the 25c +0c[Answer:Twenty four letters.]

5)According to the saying, what is the mother of invention? [Answer:Necessity]

c4c !

What is the meaning of Tc T0

A dragon is a powerful animal; therefore, a 'dragon lady':should be a woman who is very
powerful. The term is used to refer to a powerful woman who goes about her business in a

I have been working for a a dragon lady for twenty years. (Indeed it happened to me. I had
worked for a dragon lady, Ms. Mary Matthew, when I was EE/Hydro, and she was my Chief

The term can also be used to refer to ac ccwho has a seductive quality about her:
a female fatale. (All promises, Ms. Mary Mathew does not respond to this sense at all; she was
quite uncouth; perhaps that made her remain to be a miss; perhaps no one came forward to
propose to her, in spite of her qualification, in those days and her Governmental position)

2.Is it okay to say T.c+*5T0

We very often hear people using the word 'back' with both 'revert' and 'return'.

³We will be returning back to Chennai on the 20th´.

³The software company has asked us to revert back to the older version.´
In both these sentences, the word 'back' is unnecessary. When you revert to something, you are
'returning' or 'going back' to it. There is no need to use the word 'back' with 'revert'.

In legal contexts, the word 'revert' can be used to mean 'to become the property of a person again.

³If I lose the case, the property will revert to my brother.´

3.What is the difference betweencT c!c TccT cc T0

.When you say, 'All in all, it's been a really bad week', what you earn is that everything
considered, it's been a terrible week. The expression can also be used to mean 'everything'.

³Cricket has become the 'all in all' for Ananya.

Dictionaries do not list 'all and all'.

P! #-!*c³The only imaginative fiction being written today is income tax returns.´- - Herman

09/09/09:07:44:03 AM: P!c)c !c!cP*5 ³All the things one has forgotten scream
for help in dreams.´
!##c c!c!! If something is 'in mint condition. It is perfect, as if new.
Something which is undamaged as if freshly minted. Anything which is in an unused state can be
called to be in mint condition.

To mint money is to earn lots of money as if one owns the Government mint.

Pc!c c  How important is Selenium in cancer prevention?

With Cartoon: ³Nuts are the best source of Selenium.´

In one study, those taking a daily 200 micro gram selenium supplement had a 46% lower risk of
lung cancer, 63% lower risk of prostate cancer and a 58% lower risk of colorectal cancer.

†!c c<c Today is a beautiful and a 'fortune' day. Many marriages are to be
celebrated today in the USA.
In the morning of today and at night, exactly at 09 hours, 09 minutes, 09 seconds, the wondrous
instant happens. Just write: 09: 09:09:09: 09:09 for the year, month , date, hour, minute, and
second, and enjoy this day and this night.

?c ³The old beautiful cinema song, 'Ennai yaar enru, enni enni nee
parkirai, idhu yaar padum padal enru nee ketkiraai', is composed in &!c9!.!cragam.´
">c6cP!;c  16:45 hours:´The old beautiful ever green song 'Thesulavudhe
Thane Mazhaiyale' is in :! ragam.

09/10/09: 08:21:11 AM: Pc!c c cHow much vitamin D should I take?

Experts say that current vitamin D recommendations need to be updated. The optimum level is at
least 1,000 I.U, may be as high as 2,000 I.U. Studies show these amounts are safe to take. Take a
vitamin D3 supplement. This is the kind your body receives from sunlight.

P!c)c !c !##cTc%cThis law relates to the tendency of computer chips

to double in power every 24 months. Moore's law describes a long term trend in history of
computing hardware. Rather than being a naturally-occurring 'law' that cannot be controlled,
however Moore's law is effectively a business practice in which the advancement of transistor
counts in some chips(such as processors) occurs at a fixed rate. Since the invention of the
integrated circuit has increased exponentially, doubling approximately every two years. The
trend was first observed by Intel co-founder Gordon E. Moore in a 1965 paper. It has continued
for almost half a century and in 2005 was not expected to stop for another decade at least.
Almost every measure of the capabilities of digital electronic devices is strongly linked to
Moore's law: processing speed, memory capacity, sensors and even the number and size of pixels
in digital cameras. All of these are improving at (roughly) exponential rates as well. Moore's law
describes this driving force of technological and social change in the 20th and early 21st centuries.
If Moore's law continues, then a computing device equivalent to the power of the human brain ·
will cost you just $ 1,000 in the year 2019.

&*c&* ³Music is the mediator between the spiritual and the sensual life.´- - 2 

³Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life´.- - ½
 1 )

P 5c ##C??c-c

c8!Tc- G.K.Chesterton ridiculed thus: ³Journalism
largely consists in saying, 'Lord Jones Dead', to people who never knew Lord Jones was alive.´

³Knowledge is ruin to my young men´, said Hitler and Germany became ruined. [Did not in
those days Periyar E.V.. Ramaswmi Naicker, say ? ³I want fools and idiots only to my party!´- -

³An economist is an expert who will know tomorrow why the things he predicted yesterday did
not happen today´.- - (Who said this? Vinod does not mention this in his page.)

09/11/09 :07:55:38 AMcP!c)c !c<*c)ccc³In 1810, Peter Durand invented the

tin can for preserving food.´
 c<* Goat's milk is rich in calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorous and sodium. It
is also rich in vitamins A,D and choline. Additionally, it reduces the symptoms of ear infections,
asthma, eczema, and rheumatoid arthritis.It is also good for healthy bones and cardiovascular

!##†c"+#-+cThis is used to describe someone or something which is very

weak and lacking strength and courage.

Ambrose Philips, a little-known 18th -century poet whose verse was strongly criticized by his
contemporaries Alexander Pope and Henry Carey. In making fun of some children's verse
written by Philips, Carey used the nickname Namby Pamby. The first part of Carey's phrase
'Namby' came from Amby or Ambrose. 'Pamby' repeated the sound and form but added the
initial of Philip's name.

Namby-Pamby went on to be used generally to describe people or things that are insipid (fad,
ohne Geschmack), sentimental or weak.

Some other synonyms for numby-pamby are: spineless, wishy-washy, gutless.

Pc! c cWhat can I eat to relieve constipation? 

The humble raisin can work wonders at speeding up time it takes food to pass through your
body. In one study, those who ate 1 ½ small boxes of raisins, three times a day, increased their
transmission time from 2 days to 1 day.

2))!! ³Smart dieters don't count calories they subtract them.´

$c!c!*cc(c+c* c D
 Starring: P.U.Chinnappa, Papanasam
Sivan (as Kuchela), P.S.Govindan (as Lord Krishna), T.R.Rajakumari(created by Lord Krishna
from a flower), S.R.Janaki, R.Balasubramaniam, D.Balasubramaniam, N.S.Krishnan, T.A.
Mathuram, M.K.Meenalochani, 'Pulimoottai' Ramaswami, L.Narayana Rao, T.S Durairaj,
P.G.('Alwar') Kuppuswami, T.V Annapoorani,and E.Krishnan.

The film had excellent music by Carnatic musician Kunnakkudi Venkatarama Iyer, with lyrics
by Papanasam Sivan and Udumalai Narayana Kavi. The movie had 17 songs, including comic

T"!c 5c5Tc(sung by Chinnappa and written by Narayana Kavi-


' !c*c.c !5Tc(voice Chinnappa, (A


T1c1c(composed and sung by Papanasam Sivan in !).But no

gramaphone disc of this rare song by the icon was recorded.

Kubera Kuchela had excellent cinematography²Marcus Bartley-- and was shot at Newtone
Studios, Kilpauk, Madeas, now Rajaji Vidhyashramam.

The film was released during the height of the Second World War when soldiers were milling
around the city on motorbikes, heavy army trucks and cars. To attract them, the producers came
up with an innovative poster, a horizontal strip which contained the lines only in English- -
³Who is rich? Kubera or Kuchela? Watch the Movie!´

09/12/09: 08:15:44 AM: Pc!c c cHow much nutrients are lost in juicing?

 ³It's better to drink the whole fruit.´

When nutrients in juiced vegetables were measured, it was discovered that phytonutrient levels
in the juice dropped by 30-60%. The lost vitamins were found in the pulp. It's best to use a juicer
that pulverizes the pulp into the juice, like a vita-milk.

P!c)c !c<*c)cccContrary to the popular belief, chocolate does not cause ’

!##c")  'Newfangled' describes something which is recently made for the
first time, but not necessarily an improvement on what existed before. A car can be termed as
'newfangled' because it is just without all doors.

Circa 1470: Newfangled was formed from the Old English adjective 'neufangel'(from around
1250), which literally meant to capture (fang) something new (neu).

Fang is a derivative of the Old English 'fon', meaning 'to capture'. The context of something
recently-coming into fashion was first recorded around 1533.

Sample Text: U.S. Congresswoman Jean Schmidt of Ohio had trouble operating her 'newfangled'
electronic voting machine.

'Newfangled' software may revolutionize procurement, but not without some old fashioned re

 c<*c&Tc! 5cis rich in calcium, magnesium, phosphorous, potassium and sodium.
It is also rich in vitamins A,C and folate. It has small amounts of thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, and
vitamins B6, B12 and pantothenic acid. Sheep's milk also reduces cholesterol and is more than
cow's milk or goat's ilk.
-!!cP8c$*!c& c& c c+c†c CD cc

Some viewer from Kulasekaranpattinam mentioned about 'Kulasai Vattal Kuzhambu and
Tirunelveli special Payasam, made with 'Karuppatti.' Next time when I go there I should ask
Krishnan about this and taste them and find what is special about them and know the preparation.


( ÑMullai Malar Mele Moikkum Vandu Polei Ullam Uravaaduthu Ungal Anbhale´:
c(cSung by TMS and P.Susheela: Acting: Padmini and Sivaji.

³Chinnanchiru Vanna Paravai Ennatthai Solluthayya´:†+!cc(c$!c&!.=!c

*c< c*c+c:0 Sung by Susheela and TMS.

09/13/09: 08:27:34 AM:cP!c)c !c<*c)cc A new born porcupine's quills are

very soft.

:5c&!c!cc ³Drinking water in this establishment has been personally

passed by our Manager.´

G ³Contempt is the weapon of the weak and a defense against one's own despised and
unwanted feelings.´ å

!c9 Solve the anagram below to get the name of old time Hollywood star: ³Has
Nobler Scorn.´ [Answer: Charles Bronson].

!##c"c&!c$*c'With no strings attached' means without any


Possibility is that it relates to the simple animal trap, which is a cage or box propped up by a
stick with a string tied to it. The animal is lured by placing food under the cage/box. When it
tries to get the food, the string is pulled to remove the stick and the trap falls onto the surprised

9 !.c!cc" In the United States, 'PAPER' money is made of fabric, not wood pulp. It is
25% linen and 75% cotton.

 c<*T&! !Tcis extremely rich in potassium and sodium. It has good amounts of
magnesium, phosphorous, iron and calcium. It is also rich in choline with good amounts of
vitamin A, C, E and niacin. Spirulina fights fatigue, cancer, reverses signs of ageing and helps
build resistance. Chlorophyll in spirulina soothes the body tissues and heals them. It also stops
the growth of harmful bacteria in the body.
Monday, September 14, 2009: 8:15 AM:cPc!c9!c9cG!;cC

1Which bestseller begins ³The great fish moved silently through the night water, propelled by
short sweeps of its crescent tail´?

2In which classic do the animals sing µBeasts of England¶?

3. Which alcoholic spirit is known as µmother¶s ruin¶?

4. Which animal¶s nest is called a µvespiary¶?

5. When were the Winter and Summer Olympics last held in the same year?

P!c)c !c c<*c& cc! is antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, anti-phlogistic,

anti-spasmodic, astringent, cicatrisant, carminative, diuretic, disinfectant, emollient, expectorant
and hypotensive in properties. It also boosts memory and can be used as a sedative in rare cases.

!c9c†c"cFind one word which can be associated with : DIVISION;

BEFORE; JUMP. [Answer; µLong¶]. (Long Division; Before Long; Long Jump)c

<*c)cccThe Olympic torch weighs about 3 pounds. (1.36 kgs) only.

!cP*5cHumor brings insight and tolerance .Irony brings a deeper and less friendly
understandingc p

!##†c"c-5cc"c-5cHe is a person who involves himself in the

affairs of other people. A person who is overly interested in finding out information about other
people. A nosy person is someone who likes to µstick their nose¶ in other people¶s business.

In his 1989 book µWicked Words¶, ugh Æawson suggests that nosy Parkers were actually people
who lurked around Hyde Park (London-S.S) spying on µamorous¶ couples. Supporting this
theory is the fact that park keepers in England were once called ³parkers´.

Grammar Guru: The famous dramatist, Bernard Shaw, is noted for his brilliant wit. But many
don¶t know that he was a not too handsome bachelor. A beautiful lady once approached him and
said, ³Mr. Shaw, would you like to marry me? Then our children would be as intelligent as you
are and as charming as I am. Won¶t that be wonderful?´

Saw thought for a moment and said, ³I would rather not, madam. I¶m afraid they might turn out
to be as intelligent as you are and as handsome as I am!´ Wel Shaw¶s presuppositions were quite
different from those of the lady.

There are instances where we make statements with certain presuppositions. However, in the
very act of translating our thoughts into words, we miss the bus somewhere on the way, and our
listeners get a message quite different from what we intended.
Let us look at some notices collected from hotels and restaurants (Courtesy:c%!cc
+c-cAcccc³If you consider our help impolite, you should see the manager.´ [What
the notice wants to convey is that impolite behavior on the part of the hotel staff should be
reported to the manager. But the unintended message, which the reader actually gets, is that the
manager is even less polite than the staff.]

2.´Guests are expected to complain at the office between the hours of 9 am and 11 am´. [It looks
as though every guestcccomplain during this period. The more appropriate way of saying this
would be: µGuests may complain at the office, if they need to, between 9am and 11am daily. In
the above instances, the structure of the sentence played the mischief. Often the choice if a
wrong word might lead to confusion.]

3.´In case of fire, do your utmost to alarm the hotel porter.´ [What the writer intended was to
µalert¶ the hotel porter. The word alarm conveys the meaning µfrighten¶.]

4. ³You are invited to take advantage of the chambermaid.´ [To take advantage, here, have
sexual connotations. But the innocent meaning is: You can take the help of the chambermaid.]

Would you like you to set right the following notices?

c ³It is forbidden to steal hotel towels please. If you are not person to do such thing, is
pleased not to read notis.´
c If your order is not satisfactory, please return the product to the counter and we will
replace it with a smile.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009: 9:14 AM:cP!c)c !c!c9c†c" Find a

three letter word which can fill in the dashes to make three common English words:

G - - -ER; ST - - - ED; UN - - -E. [Answer: ³RIP´; Griper; Striped; Unripe.]

!##†c"!cPc!cc$+ When something is µnothing to write home

about¶ it is something which is not very good or exciting. It is something that is ordinary or
unremarkable. One could imagine a soldier writing something like, ³We caught sight of the
enemy yesterday but it¶s nothing to write home about.´ c

Pc!cc c c&!c!c2  ³Keep your eyes wide open before
marriage, and half-shut afterwards.<½% ( ' >)c

 c  Do I need to drink milk to get my daily calcium?

Why are humans, the only creature that must drink milk from another mammal to
get enough calcium? µGood question!¶

By having yogurt and orange juice for breakfast, a cheese dish for dinner, and cocoa for a night
cap, you can obtain 1,000 milligram of calcium necessary for bone health.c

4c c&cc&c@-c A A Doordarshan boss says to an Advertisement

Agency Manager: ³It¶s a deal! You are giving us more and more of advertisements of headache-
stopping tablets- - - and we¶ll broadcast programs to cause more and more headaches!c

4cG!; 1.If one had hypoglycaemia, he or she would have abnormally low concentration of
what in the blood? [Answer: Sugar].

2. Which common foodstuff has the =*!.c,+!*0 [Answer: Butter].

c4cc ! 1.What is the meaning of the expression ,c c)*0 p

When you say that someone has µlost face¶, you mean that the individual has lost some of the
respect that others had for him. When you lose face, you are usually publicly humiliated.

The idiom µlose face¶ is actually a translation of the Chinese expression µtiu lien¶ meaning µlose

2. How is the word ,)* pronounced?

Either like µFEE-kend or like FE-kend. The stress is on the first syllable. The word µfecund¶
comes from the Latin µfecundus¶ meaning µfertile¶ or µfruitful¶.

   Fecund soil: may enable crops to grow throughout the year.

Fecund animals: may overrun the fecund vegetation!

Fecund imagination means that the individual has a vivid imagination.

3. What is the meaning and origin of ,c !5cc!0

This means to perspire profusely or excessively.

³When I met Shriya for the first time, I was so nervous that I sweated like a pig.´
Pigs do not have sweat glands, and therefore do not perspire like humans do. However when a
pig is roasted, fat oozes out, and it is this fat that is referred to in the idiom.c

!*c!c** Monday through Friday or Monday to Friday?

Both are correct. The former is mostly used in American English while the British prefer
µMonday to Friday¶.

P! c-!*c³Here¶s to our wives and girlfriends: may they never meet.´<a 

Wednesday, September 16, 2009: 8:51 AM:Pc!c- c*!cc


 !* It¶s the cymbal (musical instrument) and not the symbol as given in
the seventh paragraph of a report ³Fascination for instruments draws them to the profession´
(Early editions, Tamilnadu, September 1, 2009).

The Maraca, referred to in the report, is a hollow gourd or gourd-shaped container filled with
beans, pebbles, or similar objects, forming one of a pair and shaken as a percussion instrument in
Latin-American music.

P!c)c !c c<*c-!cccommonly known as c is yellow colored

legume. It is rich in potassium, phosphorous, magnesium, and calcium. It has a good amount of
iron, selenium, vitamin A and niacin. It cures cough, poisoning, gas troubles, acidity, stomach p‰
pain and piles. It also quells swelling of internal organs and with water cures intoxicationc

!##†c"c&!c!*5 The phrase µno spring chicken¶ is used to describe

someone who is not young any more.

-!!cP8c-c- c-c? ?cc!* c!.!c!c&! c

2!!c His guitar is uniquely designed with two sets of three strings each one set for high
pitched note and the other set for low ones..(Sa-pa-sa in high and low pitches respectively).

He played in guitar, Purandara dasar Kriti, 85c* c"! c8!5c8c

-5=c"c!c,&!c9!.!c(cvery beautifully.

He composes some good songs; and he played one such song composed in two ragas, P! 
and 5!

On hearing Shailendra¶s maiden concert performance, Rajkumar Bharathi voluntarily took him
as his disciple.

Shailendra was accompanied in Mridangam by an youngster by name R.Surendran, and in

Ghatam by yet another youngster, S.Krishnan.


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