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CCMS Lesson Plan Template Name Sudeepta Sridhara

Mathematics and Science Departments Date 12/3/16

Standards (FfT 1c) NGSS.SCI.6-8.SEP-1: Asking questions (for science) and defining
(CCSS, NGSS, etc.) problems (for engineering)
NGSS.SCI.6-8.SEP-3: Planning and carrying out investigations
NGSS.SCI.6-8.SEP-8: Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating

Data (FfT 1c) Unit V Post-Test Data

What data do you have to support 46% of students- basic
aspects of lesson? 39% of students-proficient
16% of students-mastery
Objective(s) for this Lesson SW design a lab to distinguish between metal and non-metal objects;
(FfT 1c) Students will review for the re-assessment of Unit V

Prerequisite Knowledge (FfT 1c) Properties of matter, properties of metals, Nature of Science unit

Potential Misconceptions or Difference between chemical and physical properties

Procedural Mistakes

What questions can I ask to What is the difference between a metal and a non-metal?
check my students What are key properties of metals?
understanding of the lesson How can you identify a metal by each of the four senses?
objectives and outcomes? Where can you find metals in daily life, and in the earth?
(FfT 1f)
Questions should represent all levels
of cognitive demand.
Resources (FfT 1e) Textbook Chapter 13 lesson 2
Texts Manipulatives- objects which are metals and non-metals
Engagement (FfT 1e/1f) Outcome(s): SW recall the difference between metals and non-metals
7 minutes
Warm-Up Activity/Assignment: SW be given five known substances at their
Essential Question tables and write down whether they are metals or not
Opening Activity

SW turn and talk with an elbow partner to review their answers

Partners will write on a mini white-board and hold it up to the class to

determine whether everyone is on the same page

(3 will be metals, 2 will not)

Grouping: individual/pair
CCMS Lesson Plan Template Name Sudeepta Sridhara
Mathematics and Science Departments Date 12/3/16

Pair work will be done with one student who scored proficient/mastery
and one who scored basic on the Unit V exam

Assessment: White boards; 100% accuracy for all students

Exploration (FfT 1e/1f) Outcome(s): SW create a scientific question for an experiment

7 minutes
What cooperative learning Activity/Assignment: SW be given a scenario: what if the objects were
strategies are used? unknown substances, how would they know whether the objects were
How will you model concepts for
metals or not?
What questions will uncover
student misconceptions? SW come up with a scientific question for an experiment which tests
whether something is a metal or not

Based off of the question, students will write a list of materials they will

Grouping: individual

Assessment: checking for accuracy and relevance of question; 100%


Explanation (FfT 1e/1f) Outcome(s): SW predict a response to their question

15 minutes
How are misconceptions being Activity/Assignment: SW use their prior knowledge of metals vs. non
addressed and cleared? metals to predict an answer to their question, and write it in the form of
How will students explain
a hypothesis using justification
What strategies and tools will I
use to help students actively Answers cannot be in the form of numbers, ex. cannot say i predict that
formulate new vocabulary? three out of five are metals; answers have to include information about
properties of metals
Ex. i predict that all of the magnetic objects are metals because metals
are magnetic

Grouping: individual/whole group

Assessment: at least 3 students will read their questions and

hypotheses out loud to the class

Elaboration (FfT 1e/1f) Outcome(s): SW compose a lab to compare metals and non-metals
CCMS Lesson Plan Template Name Sudeepta Sridhara
Mathematics and Science Departments Date 12/3/16

27 minutes
What questions can be asked to Activity/Assignment: SW complete the methods, materials and
help students apply knowledge variables sections of their experiments
and skills to new situations?
What new experiences will I
provide for students to expand Methods: SW articulate how they will complete the experiment
their understanding and connect Materials: what will students need to complete the experiment?
to real-world situations? Variables: SW identify what their independent, dependent and control
variables are

Grouping: individual

Assessment: one student per section will read a portion of their lab out
loud; checking students work as they complete it; 100% accuracy

Evaluation (FfT 1e/1f) Outcome(s): SW assess the effectiveness of others labs

10 minutes
How will it be determine that the Activity/Assignment: SW switch labs with their elbow partners, elbow
students have attained the partners will correct each others labs
learning objectives?
How will students work identify
needs and be used to inform Elbow partners will correct for accuracy of information, feasibility of lab,
future instructional decisions? organization; students will only provide comments and not grades;
comments should be written in paragraph form and not directly on the

Grouping: Pair, students are grouped with someone who was within
ten points of them on the chapter test

Assessment: labs will be collected and graded; 90% accuracy

Homework (FfT 1e/1f) N/A (no weekend HW)

Differentiation (FfT 1c/1e) Section : a higher number of Section : front two tables of
How will you differentiate for different high-performing students; honors students are lowest performing in
subgroups (Honors, General english class will write a synthesis the grade; they will be able to work
Education, SPED, ESOL, etc.)?
of their lab in addition to the lab with each other to come up with
outline the elaboration section

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