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Inside this issue:
IN SUMMARY: The Law of: 2
Significance, The Big
John C. Maxwell, who is known as Picture, The Niche
Americas expert on leadership and founder
of the INJOY Group, an organization dedi- The Law of: 3
cated to helping people maximize their per- Mount Everest, The
Chain, The Catalyst
sonal and leadership potential, offers in his
book The 17 Indisputable Laws of Teamwork The Law of: 4
many insights into teamwork and team- The Bad Apple, The
building. Maxwell writes in a very practical Compass, Countability
and down-to-earth fashion that makes for
How many drivers??^$^%#^)
The Law of: 5
an enjoyable and relatively easy read. The Bench, The Price
Maxwell outlines all seventeen laws of Tag, The Scoreboard
teamwork in an approach which allows
readers to easily grasp and retain them.
The Law of: 6
Identity, Communica-
Every chapter of the book outlines one of tion
his seventeen laws. Each of the laws has
been given a catchy title, many of which are The Law of: 7
The Edge, High Morale
metaphorical in nature, followed by a short
quip which in a single sentence captures the
heart of each law. In every chapter, Maxwell The Law of Dividends 8
breaks down the important parts of each Conclusion
law and then follows up in each chapter
with a real life story that relates to and per-
sonalizes each law. These real life stories One steak, eleven hamburgers;
are effective at bringing more meaning to One water, eleven cokes.
the reader. a group of volunteers or simply the team
that includes just you and your better half,
In the science context, a law is an all-
encompassing description of observed these laws hold true for any type of team. CAN DO
events. Maxwells laws of teamwork are As Maxwell explains, The wonderful thing GREAT
all-encompassing in two important ways. about a law is that you can depend on it.
First, they encompass all people because No matter who you are, what your back- THINGS.
everyone belongs to a team in one form or ground is, or what circumstances you face,
another. And secondly, it doesnt matter you can take these laws to the bank.
what type of team you belong to, these laws The fact that these laws apply to every- -MOTHER
of teamwork effectively encompass every body and can be used by anybody no matter THERESA
type of team there is. Whether it be a what type of team you are associated with
sports team, a school staff, an organization, makes this book a valuable read.
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THE LAW OF SIGNIFICANCE The belief that one

person can do
One Is Too Small a Number to Achieve Success something great is
a myth.
The Value Of Teamwork: Why Do We Stand Alone?
You cannot do anything of real value alone. 1) Ego- it marks a big step in your development
when you come to realize that other people can
If a team is to reach
Why Teams Are Important: its potential, each
help you do a better job than you could do alone.
Teams involve more people.
2) Insecurity - some individuals fail to promote player must be willing
Teams maximize a leaders potential. teamwork because they feel threatened by other to subordinate his
Teams provide multiple perspectives. people. personal goals for the
Teams share credit for victories and blame 3) Naivete - some people naively underestimate good of the team.
for losses. the difficulty of achieving big things.
Teams keep leaders accountable for the goal. 4) Temperament - some people are not very There are no
outgoing and simply do not think in terms of
Teams can simply do more than an individual
team building and team participation.
problems we can-
not solve to-
gether, and very
THE LAW OF THE BIG PICTURE few that we can
The Goal Is More Important Than the Role solve by our-
Whats In It For Me? Whats Up With Big Picture Teams?
People tend to lose sight of the big picture. In 1) Look Up at the Big Picture - everything starts - Lyndon Johnson
fact, some people seem to believe that they are with vision you need to have a goal.
the entire picture; everything revolves around 2) Size Up the Situation - see large tasks as large
their needs, their goals and their desires.
Its All About The Team
If you think
3) Line Up Needed Resources
Winning teams have players who put the good of
4) Call Up the Right Players you are the
the team ahead of themselves.
Seeing The Big Picture
5) Give Up Personal Agendas - whats best for the
rest ?
entire picture,
Every person on a team has a role to play. Good
leaders continually keep the vision of the big
6) Step Up to a Higher Level - achieving something you will never
greater than yourself.
picture before themselves and their people. see the big
Place Where They Add The Most Value When you dis-
Great things happen when all the players on the Put People In Their Place
cover your
team take the roles that maximize their strengths - 1) You Must Know the Team - know the teams place, you will
their talent, skill and experience. vision, purpose, culture or history. say, Theres
When People Are In The Wrong Place 2) You Must Know the Situation - know where no place like
Wrong person in the wrong place = Regression the team is and what the situation requires.
3) You Must Know the Player - evaluate skills,
this place any-
Wrong person in the right place = Frustration
Right person in the wrong place = Confusion
experience, attitude, passion, potential, disci- where near this
pline and emotional strength of players.
Right person in the right place = Progression
place, so this
Start By Finding the Right Place For You
Right person in the right place = Multiplication To find your niche: Be secure, Get to know your-
must be the
self, Trust your leader, See the big picture, Rely place.
on your experience.
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Your Team Must

THE LAW OF MOUNT EVEREST As the Challenge Be The Size Of
Escalates, the Need For Teamwork Elevates Your Dream !

Whats Your Everest? Changing Challenge...Fast, Flexible Team When the team you have
1) What Is My Dream? - Nothing much happens Long-term Challenge...Determined Team doesnt match up to the
without a dream. team of your dreams,
Diversified ChallengeComplementary Team
2) Who Is On My Team? - Your potential is only then you have two
Everest-sized ChallengeExperienced Team choices: Give up your
as good as your current team.
3) What Should My Dream Team Look Like? - How To Grow A Team dream or grow up your
Its better to have a great team with a weak Develop Team Members team.
dream than a great dream with a weak team.
Add Key Team Members
Focus On the Team Not the Dream - the The challenge
challenge determines the kind of team you need to Change the Leadership
of the moment
build Remove Ineffective Members often determines
New Challenge..Creative Team the leader for
Controversial Challenge...United Team that challenge.
Unpleasant Challenge...Motivated Team

You lose the

THE LAW OF THE CHAIN The Strength of the
respect of the
Team Is Impacted by Its Weakest Link
best when you
Your Team Is Not For Everyone - they dont see the big picture dont deal
- they wont work on personal weakness
1) Not Everyone Will Take The Journey - some
people dont want to change, grow or con- - they wont work with the rest of the team with the
- they cant fulfill expectations for their area
quer new territory. worst..
2) Not Everyone Should Take The Journey -
The Impact of a Weak Link
some people have different plans or agendas
1) The Stronger Members Identify the Weak
and where youre going isnt the right place
Catalysts are get-
for them.
2) The Stronger Members Have to Help the it-done-and-then
3) Not Everyone Can Take The Journey Weak One
- they cant keep pace 3) The Stronger Members Come To Resent the -some people
Weak One
- they dont grow in their area of 4) The Stronger Members Become Less Effective
responsibility 5) The Stronger Members Question the
Leaders Ability
Catalysts are not
Winning Teams Have Players Who Make Things Happen ommend a
Three Kinds of Players Characteristics Of A Catalyst course of action.
1) Intuitive 6) Initiating
1) People Who Dont Want the Ball 2) Communicative 7) Responsible They take re-
2) People Who Want the Ball But Shouldnt 3) Passionate
4) Talented
8) Generous
9) Influential sponsibility for
3) People Who Want the Ball and Should 5) Creative making it hap-
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THE LAW OF THE BAD APPLE Talent is not enough to

bring success to a
Rotten Attitudes Ruin A Team team. Good attitudes
among players do not
The following 5 truths about attitudes clarify how3) Bad Attitudes Compound Faster Than guarantee a teams suc-
they affect a team and teamwork: Good Ones cess, but bad attitudes
1) Attitudes Have the Power to Lift Up or 4) Attitudes Are Subjective, So Identifying
A Wrong One Can Be Difficult
guarantee its failure.
Tear Down a Team
Someone with a bad attitude may not do
Abilities + Attitudes = Results
anything illegal or unethical but his attitude
Great Talent + Rotten Attitudes = Bad Team Theres only one thing
may be ruining the team just the same. Some
more contagious than a
Great Talent + Bad Attitude = Average Team common rotten attitudes that ruin a team are:
- an inability to admit wrongdoing good attitude and thats
Great Talent + Average Attitude = Good Team a bad attitude.
- failure to forgive
Great Talent + Good Attitude = Great Team - petty jealousy
2) An Attitude Compounds When Exposed
To Others
- the disease of me Most bad
- a critical spirit
Several things on a team are not contagious. Tal- - a desire to hog all the credit attitudes
ent. Experience. Willingness to practice. But you
can be sure of one thing: Attitude is catching.
5) Rotten Attitudes, Left Alone, Ruin
are a result
of selfish-
Vision Gives Team Members Direction and Confidence Great vision precedes great
Check Your Compass ! previous teams in the organization.
A team should examine the following 6 compasses 4) A Directional Compass ( Look Ahead ) - vision
before embarking on any journey: provides direction for the team. Part of that di- Vision without strat-
rection comes from a sense of purpose and an- egy is little more
1) A Moral Compass ( Look Above) - it helps all
other comes from having goals, which bring tar-
teammates to check their motives and make
sure they are laboring for the right reasons. It gets to the vision. than a daydream.
brings integrity to the vision. 5) A Strategic Compass ( Look Around ) - a goal
2) An Intuitive Compass ( Look Within) - the true
wont do a team much good without steps to You must have a long-
fire of passion and conviction comes only from accomplish it range vision to keep you
within. 6) A Visionary Compass ( Look Beyond) - getting from being frustrated by
people to reach their potential means challenging short-range failures.
3) A Historical Compass ( Look Behind) - it
should make use of anything contributed by them. - Charles Noble

We dont work for each

THE LAW OF COUNTABILITY Teammates Must Be other, we work with
each other. - Stanley C.
Able To Count On Each Other When It Counts Gault

Countability is the ability and de- The Formula For Countability: There is no substitute for
sire for teammates to work to- 1) Character - countability begins with char- character. You can buy
acter because it is based on trust; if you cannot
gether toward common goals. trust someone, you will not count on him.
brains, but you cannot
buy character. -R.Cook
Team members who can depend on 2) Competence
each other only during the easy 3) Commitment
Theres an old saying when
times have not developed count- 4) Consistency
it comes to teams: Either
5) Cohesion - the ability to hold together no
ability. Its being able to have faith in matter how difficult the circumstances. were pulling together or
your teammates no matter what become. were pulling apart.
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THE LAW OF THE BENCH A great starter

Great Teams Have Great Depth alone is simply not
enough if a team
The Bench Is Indispensable Todays Actions Build Tomorrows wants to go to the
Reasons to honor and develop the players who may not
The future of your team can be predicted by highest level.
be considered starters:
1) Todays Bench Players May Be Tomorrows 3 things:
Stars 1) Recruitment: Who Is Joining the Team? When a team has a
2) Training: Are You Developing the Team?
2) The Success of a Supporting Player Can Multi- 3) Losses: Who Is Leaving the Team? great bench, the op-
ply the Success of a Starter Phases Of An Organization And Its Re- tions are almost end-
3) There Are More Bench Players Than Starters volving Door
A team will always have gains and losses. Peo-
4) A Strong Bench Gives the Leader More Op-
tions ple are constantly coming into an organization
5) The Bench Is Usually Called Upon At Critical while others leave it. The key to its future You cannot
Times for the Team success is gaining a more effective person solve tomor-
6) A Bench Player Placed Correctly Will At with each loss. rows prob-
Times Be More Valuable Than a Starter
lems with to-
days solu-
Reach Its Potential When It Fails to Pay the Price If everyone doesnt
pay the price to win,
then everyone will pay
Price Points: There are really only two kinds of teams who the price by losing.
violate the law of the price tag: those who dont
1) The Price Must Be Paid by Everyone
realize the price of success, and those who
2) The Price Must Be Paid All the Time know the price but are not willing to pay it.
Your team will reach its
Some people mistakenly believe that if they can potential only if you reach
accomplish a particular goal, they no longer have to 4) The Price Never Decreases your potential
grow. This destination disease makes us believe
that we can stop working , stop striving, stop paying The Price of Teamwork:
the price - yet still reach our potential. 1) Sacrifice There are no victories at
3) The Price Increases If The Team Wants 2) Time Commitment bargain prices.
To Improve, Change or Keep Winning 3) Personal Development - Dwight D. Eisenhower
4) Unselfishness
When you give your
best to the world the
THE LAW OF THE SCOREBOARD The Team Can world returns the favor
Make Adjustments When It Knows Where It Stands - H. Jackson Brown

Why The Scoreboard?

If a team is to accomplish
1) The Scoreboard Is Essential To If you want to become better , you have to change its goals it has to know
in the right direction. You can only do that if you
Understanding where it stands.
are able to evaluate yourself and your teammates.
2) The Scoreboard Is Essential To
3) The Scoreboard Is Essential To Decision
Evaluation The scoreboard pro-
The scoreboard gives you continual feedback. vides a snapshot of
Growth= Change. But when it comes to growth , 4) The Scoreboard Is Essential To
the game at any
change alone is not enough. Adjusting
given time.
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THE LAW OF IDENTITY Just as personal values

influence and guide an
Shared Values Define The Team individuals behavior,
organizational values in-
fluence and guide the
Defining The Team: 4) A Compass - when individuals embrace strong
values, they possess a moral compass that helps teams behavior.
Weve all seen teams that have a common goal yet
lack common values. Everyone on the team has them make decisions.
different ideas about whats important. The result is 5) A Magnet - a teams values attract people with
chaos. If everyone tries to do things his own way like values to the team. A team can-
the team breaks down. 6) An Identity - values define the team and give it not share
The Value of Values Shared values are like: a unique identity. values if the
1) Glue - values hold people together. Values Add Value to Your Team: values have
2) A Foundation - values provide a stable foun- Go through the following process with your team: not been
dation which makes performing well and shared with
1) Articulate the Values
growth possible.
2) Compare Values with Practices the team.
3) A Ruler - values help set the standard for the
teams performance; values are often expressed 3) Teach the Values
in a mission statement. 4) Practice the Values
The single great-
est way to im-
5) Institutionalize the Values
pact an organi-
6) Publicly Praise the Values
zation is to focus
on leadership

Interaction Fuels Action

Communication Culture: they want direct and honest communication Effective teams
Ideally you want an organization where from their people. have teammates
cooperation and communication are perva- -besides directness, team members also need who are constantly
sive so that trust develops among all mem- to display respect when communicating with talking to one an-
bers. their leaders.
Creating positive change in an organization 3) Among Teammates
requires communication. -be supportive Unless its
Communication increases commitment and -stay current dangerous or
connection; they in turn fuel action. -be vulnerable develop relationships that go
deeper than our masks of composure.
illegal for us
Communication On Your Team:
4) Between the Team and the Public
to share it,
Good communication has to be developed
in four areas on every team: -when approached by people from outside the we share it.
1) From Leaders To Teammates
group, team members must remember they -Gordon Be-
- good communication is never one-way; it
need to be : thune
should not be top-down or dictatorial. -Receptive
-the best leaders listen, invite and then -Responsive If I had to name a single
encourage participation. -Realistic all-purpose instrument
of leadership, it would
-be consistent , be clear , be courteous. -when it comes to communicating to people
who are not on the team, the most important
be communication.
2) From Teammates To Leader -John W. Gardiner
quality a team can display is unity.
-good team leaders never want yes-men ,
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THE LAW OF THE EDGE The Difference Look at any team that
has achieved great
Between Two Equally Talented Teams Is Leadership success, and you will
find that it has strong
Finding The Edge Turning the Tables On the Tables
Leadership is the edge that determines the suc- Two misconceptions about leadership:
cess of the team. It is all about understanding play- The myth of the head table - the notion that on a
ers, bringing them together, and getting them to particular team, one person is in charge in every
work as a team to reach their potential. situation. Everyone
Need A Lift? The challenge of the moment should instead
Leaders are lifters. With good leadership every- often determine the leader for that challenge be- is impor-
thing improves. Leaders push the thinking of their cause every person on the team has strengths that
teammates beyond old boundaries of creativity. come into play. tant but
They elevate others performance, making them The myth of the round table - is the belief that
better then theyve ever been before and they everyone on the team is equal, all opinions count everyone
raise the expectations of everyone on the team. the same, and a team can function without leader-
-Leaders transfer ownership for work to ship. isnt equal.
those who execute the work. A team that tries to function like a democracy
-Leaders create an environment where each never gets anything done.
team member wants to be responsible.
-Leaders coach the development of personal
Giving the Team a Head Start
Leadership is like a running head start for the
The greater the
capabilities. team. They can anticipate whats going to happen challenge, the
-Leaders learn quickly and encourage others and they get the team moving in the right direc-
to learn rapidly. tion ahead of time. And the more leaders a team greater the
develops , the greater the edge from leader-
need for the
many advan-
tages that lead-
THE LAW OF HIGH MORALE ership provides.
When Your Winning Nothing Hurts
Really high morale helps the team to perform at 5) High Morale Is the Great Emancipator
its best. High morale can be a crucial difference 4) High Morale The Leader
-high morale releases the team or frees it up to
maker. When a team has high morale, it doesnt Must Do Little Things
reach its potential. The team then takes that
just have to do deal with whatever circumstances Keep the team focused and on
breathing room to take risks and try out new
get thrown at it. It creates its own circumstances. course, Communicate successes,
ideas , new moves or new concepts that it other-
Remove morale mashers and Allow
High Morale Is Great wise wouldnt.
others to lead.
1) High Morale Is the Great Exaggerator The Four Stages Of Morale
-when an entire team is positive and all the 1) Poor Morale The Leader Must Do Eve-
players feel good about themselves, everything rything When the Law of High
seems good. -Investigate the situation, Initiate belief, Create Morale is working at
2) High Morale Is the Great Elevator energy and Communicate hope. its best, the leader
-when a team possesses high morale, the 2) Low Morale The Leader Must Do Pro- boosts the morale of
performance of its people goes to a whole new ductive Things the team and the team
level. -Model behavior that has a high return, Develop boosts the morale of
3) High Morale Is the Great Energizer relationships with people of potential, Set up small the leaders.
victories and talk people through them and communi-
-no mountain seems too high; no project
cate vision.
seems too difficult. Leaders are
3) Moderate Morale-The Leader Must Do
4) High Morale Is the Great Eliminator dealers in hope.
Difficult Things
-because of the momentum and energy that
come with it , problems just seem to disappear
-Make changes that make the team better, Receive - Napoleon
the buy-in of team members, Communicate commit- Bonaparte
no matter how big they are.
ment, Develop and equip members for success.
THE LAW OF DIVIDENDS Deciding that the
Investing In The Team Compounds Over Time people on the team
are worth develop-
How To Invest In Your Team ing is the first step
1) Make the Decision to Build a 6) Give Credit for Success to the in building a better
Team This Lifts the Morale of the
Team This Starts the Investment in
the Team.
2) Gather the Best Team Possi- 7) Watch to See That the Investment
ble...This Elevates the Potential of the in the Team is Paying Off This Brings
The time ,
Team. Accountability to the Team.
money and ef-
3) Pay the Price to Develop the 8) Stop Your Investment in Players
fort required to
Team This Ensures the Growth of the Who Do Not Grow.
develop team
9) Create New Opportunities for the
4) Do Things Together as a Team Team This Allows the Team to members dont
This Provides Community for the Stretch. change the
Team. 10) Give the Team the Best Possible team overnight,
5) Empower the Team Members with Chance to Succeed This Guarantees but developing
Responsibility and Authority This the Team a High Return. them always
Raises Up Leaders for the Team. pays off.

Where theres a
In Conclusion: will theres a
way ; where
theres a team
The 17 Indisputable Laws of Teamwork provide the reader with a
comprehensive set of how to s and attitudes for building a successful
theres more than
team. The laws apply to all people on all types of teams. one way.
What separates two equally talented teams from each other, in
terms of one being successful and the other not , is often said to be chemistry
Even when
- team chemistry. There is no law of chemistry , however, contained in
Maxwells book. Why? There is no law of chemistry because team chemistry youve played the
is a complicated matter, made up of many component parts , that cannot be game of your life,
simply defined in short. Great team chemistry is really an amalgamation of its the feeling of
many, if not all, of the seventeen laws of teamwork outlined in this book. This
teamwork that
book contains all of the ingredients that go into creating great team chemistry
in the form of Maxwells seventeen laws. The more of these laws of team- youll remember.
work that a team can assimilate into its arsenal then the greater the teams
chemistry will be and, therefore, the more successful the team will be.
If you are the leader of a team of talented people and you desire Ken Morrison
your team to be successful in whatever you are doing, then you will want to 3037 Eagle Crescent
Prince Albert, Sk S6V 7P9
build great team chemistry. The first step in building great team chemistry is
knowing what the ingredients are that make it up and you will find them in Phone: 306-922-0454
Maxwells seventeen laws of teamwork! Happy team-building!

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