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Example1 1

Student Example 1


AP Language

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Immigration Debate

In The New York Times debate, Is Immigration Really a Problem in the US? writers

submitted their opinions and findings on what issues there were, if any. Some writers believed

there were no problems occurring, however the majority found conflict in some way or another

surrounding immigration. Anne-Marie Nuez claimed that immigrants were not a problem in the

US; they were even helpful members of the society. They contributed to economic growth and

innovation. She clarified that immigrants did not take away jobs from US born workers. Nuez

even classified immigrants as better than US born, citing census reports as well as peer essays.

However, James Meza Jr. would disagree. Meza wrote a column which elaborated on the

problems that schools discovered with immigrants. He explained how [u]ndocumented

childrenare usually at least two grade levels behind. The children, who were not fluent in

English, created a problem for schools because they needed extra resources. These resources

could be difficult to procure or justify. Rather than looking at schools, Daniel Costa illuminated

the problems which arose in the work force. Bosses of workers would take advantage of their

precarious state. According to Costa, workers were severely underpaid and, if they complained,

immigrants were threatened with being reported as illegal. This created a chain-effect which

resulted in everyone in that job field being underpaid. It seems as though people do not yet agree

on what problems are caused by immigration in the US, if any. However the majority find

various problems in the way they are treated, or need to be treated.

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Works Cited

Saavedra, Marco, Jan Ting, Karthick Ramakrishnan, James Meza, Anne-Marie Nuez, and

Daniel Costa. Is Immigration Really a Problem In the U.S.? The New York Times. 3

Sept 2015. Web. 26 Oct 2015.

Example2 1

Student Example 2


AP Language

R4D Summary

When Elephants Exit the Big Top

Recent efforts to ban elephants from the popular Ringling Brothers Circus sparked

controversy among experts, animal lovers, and circus enthusiasts across the nation, fueling a

debate in The New York Times. Some are jumping for joy, while others fear losing a beloved

tradition. Katherine Applegate, an animal rights author, is a strong supporter of the removal of

elephants from circuses everywhere. According to Applegate its taken us too long to reach this

point. There is no excuse for elephants to stay in the circus, Applegate points out, because we are

fully aware of the physical and emotional pain suffered by animals at the hands of their trainers.

In Applegates words, [Attending circuses] is an act of complicit cruelty, and we are enabling

these atrocities with each ticket we buy. On the other hand, there are those like the author,

researcher, and zoo animal trainer Grey Stafford, who hold a different opinion. Stafford supports

the end of cruelty that results from this decision, but brings attention to its other possible

repercussions. Because these circuses provide funding for worldwide elephant conservation, he

believes that the money will disappear and leave the rest of the worlds elephants in danger.

Stafford argues that this is a small win in the grand scheme of things, and that it could be

beneficial for elephants to remain in circuses if alternative training methods are used. Another

supporter of the Ringling Brothers decision, Virginia Morell, argues that circuses strip elephants

of their natural beauty and give an inaccurate representation of these animals. Morell proposes

that families visit elephant sanctuaries instead so that they can learn to be kind to animals, which
Example2 2

she believes is not taught in circuses. In her opinion, people need to gain exposure to elephants in

ways that do not objectify or harm them, and there are plenty of ways to accomplish this.
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Works Cited

Applegate, Katerine, Grey Stafford, Virginia Morell, and Dominique Jando. When

Elephants Exit the Big Top. The New York Times. 6 Mar 2015. Web. 26 Oct 2015.
Example3 1

Student Example 3


AP Language

R4D Summary

The Testing Regime in American Public Schools

In a New York Times Room for Debate article entitled, Is Testing Students the Answer to

Americas Education Woes? two individuals debate whether or not the testing regime, which

has essentially been in effect for over a decade, is working in the U.S today. Kevin Welner, a

professor of education and the director of the National Education Policy Center at the University

of Colorado Boulder, argues that the testing system for American public school children set forth

by the No Child Left Behind policy is doing more harm than good. Welner claims that this policy

of standardized testing is not a smart way to enhance educational opportunities, especially in less

advantaged communities. He contends that test scores are being pursued at the expense of

broader learning, and students in these low-income areas arent showing any progress in reading

and math, contrary to what proponents of this policy believe. Welner establishes that children

learn when they have opportunities to learn, and he suggests that these opportunities shouldnt

be narrowly focused on dry, unengaging test preparation. Patricia Levesque, chief executive

officer of the Foundation for Excellence in Education, contradicts Welner by claiming that

determining what children need to know, and measuring their progress and holding adults in the

system accountable, is the way to go. Levesque clarifies that state policies, rather than federal,

are what drive learning. She furthers this argument by providing examples of such policies as

those in Florida, Massachusetts, and Tennessee. Levesque supports broader learning, similarly as

to Welner, but argues that students cannot expand to such broad learning if they dont have basic
Example3 2

skills that which she believes standardized testing promotes. Welner attacks this claim by

arguing that tests dont teach. Thus, he fully supports the opt-out movement of parents

withdrawing their consent from testing to hinder the test-based accountability machinery from

growing. Levesque rebuttals by claiming that tests are what provide crucial information upon

whether or not children are falling through the cracks, adults are doing their jobs, and reforms are

working. As a result of this claim, Welner asserts that he fears Levesque is embracing annual

assessments as just another way of saying we need to continue excessive testing. Both

Levesque and Welner ultimately agree to disagree, by acknowledging the validity of each others

arguments but recognize their different ideals.

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Work Cited

Levesque, Patricia, and Kevin Welner. Is Testing Students the Answer to Americas Education

Woes? The New York Times. 4 May 2015. Web. 26 Oct 2015.
Example4 1

Student Example 4


AP Language

R4D Summary

Will 3D Printers Change the World?

3D printers have the capability to change the world, but not all people believe this. Nick

Allen, founder of 3D Prink UK claims that 3D printing is likely to change the world, but not in

the way people believe. Allen argues that 3D printing isnt a rival for mass production, that its

a slow process and is expensive. He compares 3D printers to our everyday Inkjet printers as an

example to elaborate on the fact that we wouldnt print hundreds of papers off using our Inkjets.

There are better and cheaper ways to get paper, Allen states. He believes that while three-

dimensional printing can allow us to create new things, it will never compare to mass production.

However, Mick Ebeling suggests that 3D printing can in fact change the world. Ebeling

elaborates by taking the example of a young man in a Sudan refugee camp who had his arms

blown off. Thanks to 3D printing, the creation of prosthetics came into existence. Now the young

man can now feed himself. Ebeling contradicts Allen as he also points out that not all 3D printers

are expensive; some cost as low as a couple hundred bucks. He claims that 3D printing will

allow people to create ideas that can quickly become tangible. Kacie Hultgren, a set director,

uses three-dimensional printers to create set designs. She clarifies that 3D printing is impacting

[the] theater industry. Hultgren states that this form of printing has created a new form of

craftsmanship, allowing designers to bring their ideas to life. She claims that it enables

designers take their creativity to a whole new level.

Example4 2

Works Cited

Hamermesh, Daniel, Nick Allen, Mick Ebeling, Kacie Hultgren, Alison Nordt, and Luke

Heemsbergen. Will 3-D Printers Change the World? The New York Times. 11 Aug

2014. Web. 26 Oct 2015.

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