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Environmental Problem at Unisel

It reflects the character of the person. Just as the character of students, lecturers
and staff of university itself may reflect individual performance and evaluation of rural
poor against the Selangor industry university. As we know, every university is the
problems that arise among students or the lecturers themselves. But others occur in
Selangor industry university, problems arise not only due to the students themselves. It
is a safety and environmental problems at the university. This problem is often said and
questioned by the students until the occurrence of chaos at the top itself. Problems that
arise can result in a decline in the percentage of university students, and standards of
excellence within the university itself. The effect can be seen and we want to discuss
problems in their own universities. Many complaints that we can hear that safety and
the environment at the university is not safe and many of the dubious. we're feeling so
when we see what happens in their own universities.

Security at the university is expected to be quite difficult. Most security guards

are not doing good work. Although security guards patrolling the area at a particular
university, but still many students who commit disciplinary offenses or traffic offenses
within the university. Although these errors can result in the student sued but the
security guards on duty to take it easy by letting the guilty students indiscriminately. As
we know, the main entrance of each university should be strictly controlled and any
vehicle that comes into the university needs to be examined. But the other place in the
university, security guards on duty just sit and chat with each other. There is also the
only show of hands when there are vehicles in and out of the university. In addition,
security guards are also rarely do patrols around the university area. This effect can be
seen when many students still fail to comply with traffic rules even be in the university
area. If the security guard duties given to the best, certainly the students will observe all
traffic rules or other disciplinary rules, this is because students are afraid if sued or
charged penalties.
Other universities in the area of safety, do not forget safety in residential areas.
There are a lot of complaints about cases of theft and house burglary. This problem
may be caused by students' own self-neglect charge of the goods. But the security
guard to the hostel also concerned about what happened at the hostel recently. Cases
of theft and burglary occur frequently it is done by outsiders who have nothing to do with
the university itself. The cases that occur, it is the responsibility of the safety or security
unit known university arbitrary to outsiders out to enter the university. There is a case
that occurred at the university involving outsiders. It happened in the last semesters
which a student was true by outsiders who only ride motorcycles and escaped with the
only exit through the main gate with no place for their inspection. This is a mistake that
only security guards duties till.

The university or security units to take seriously what is happening in universities

or in the hostel itself and to take action against the offender who committed the offense
behavior. Security at the hostel be tightened further or increase the number of guards
available that can perform a given task well. There should be patrolling every 15
minutes or 30 minutes in the vicinity of the hostel. Nevertheless, the safety or
maintenance of the hostel to add security systems like closed circuit camera that can
see the movements and activities of students in the dormitories. Security at the
university also needs to be strengthened further. Need to carry out inspections at the
main entrance. Security guards must also be firm in carrying out assigned duties do not
just sit while chatting with each other. during patrolling security guards to impose fines
or penalties for any student who commits an offense regardless of the offense
committed large or small. After the application of fines or penalties that the student will
be cautious with what they do after that.

Not to forget the environment, is also one of the problems that arise and relate to
safety, the environment also plays a significant role in changing the views of the outside
of the university. A healthy environment helps students excel or university itself. What
we can see for yourself, in a university environment relatively quiet although there are
many students. The situation had led to quiet the students when you are bored at
university at weekends or on weekdays. Available in a book ever written, if a proper
learning, they need to learn in a fun and bring cheer. The situation must be corrected by
the university if you want to see the students do not feel bored when studying in unisel.
The university should provide more activities or programs that may eliminate student
boredom. In addition, the program must be conducted in accordance with the student
and no element or elements that can damage students' faith.

Just like any university, a happy environment will enable a better learning
environment. While in Unisel do not incorporate the nature of such kind. As we look at
the faculty of engineering, there are many classes of buildings or rarely used by
students. Although the actual area in unisel is large but not used properly. In addition,
the university needs to identify with the audit re-entry students Unisel balanced by
faculty as let us know that it can bring diverse environment among students. The
university should also add that the association can make the students attracted to the
order to turn a happy environment at the university. The university also should give
students the opportunity or space to organize any type of event that allows them to
communicate and know each other.

In addition to the monotonous environment of students in Unisel. Dirty

environment is also a problem among students. This situation also reflects the attitude
of some students who are not concerned about the cleanliness of the classrooms,
residence or their own personal hygiene. It will give bad name to the university itself.
Dirty environments also lead to impaired learning environment. This will cause a decline
in performance at a university. It can be seen around the hostel though there are bins
provided, but students still failed to throw into the trash. Looks at each side of the block
there are a lot of garbage. Most of the trash thrown from the top floor and caused the
students who sit on the ground floor of a breakdown due to unpleasant smell that
garbage. In addition, a dirty environment is also available in cafes, faculty, student
center, but there is also the main hall itself. In the cafe there are food residues left on
the table waiting to be cleaned by the workers themselves cafes. But this should not
blame the students. The need to manage the cafe provides food and remove waste
collection cup and a plate that was used in one place. This makes the management of
student discipline. Cafe management must also provide the trash around the cafe.
Dirty environment can also be seen in every faculty and student center. The
nearest example is the faculty of engineering, there are scattered cigarette butt on the
stairs even though the students know that smoking in the university will be fined and
suspended. Beverage packaging containers can also be seen in the pedestrian area
and even in the class. This resulted in learning, less smooth. This condition is the same
as in the student center, where a lot of garbage in the garbage can be seen, but not in
the barrel, it is outside the barrel. The maintenance also needs to play an important role.
If there are bins full of rubbish, to be discharged back and leave the empty bins back.
Not to forget, there are impurities in the main hall or in the yard main hall. Although
there are bins provided, the student is failing, and here we can see. Most students do
not maintain a clean even in the classrooms. Maybe a bit about home education. The
university should take an important role in reducing the spread of the dirty environment
in Unisel.

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