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v BIRLA PUBLIC SCHOOL, DOHA —- QATAR ee Summative Assessment -1(SA-1) September - 2014 SCIENCE Class: VIII Max time : SHrs 28/09/2014 Max. marks : 90 General Instruction 1. This question paper comprises of two sections . Sections A and Section B. You are to attempt both the sections. 2. All questions are compulsory. 3. There is no over all choice 4. All questions of Section A and all questions of Section B are to be attempted separately Question numbers 1 to 3 in section A are one mark questions to be answered in one word one sentence. 6. Question numbers 4 to 7 are two mark questions to be answered in about 30 words each. 7. Question numbers 8 to 19 are three mark questions to be answered in about 50 words each. 8. Question numbers 20 to 24 are five mark questions to be answered in about 70 words each. 9. Question numbers 25 to 42 in section B are multiple choice questions. Each question is a one mark question. You have to select one most appropriate response out of the four provides to you a SECTION-A 1. Define carbonization . ) 2. Why do fountain pens start leaking at higher altitudes 7 (1) 3. State any two uses of ultrasonic vibrations, (1) 4. What are the different tips given by PCRA for the saving of petrol / diesel? (Any 4) (2) 5. — Write true or false in front of the statements given below . (2) (i) Nylon is a polymer of amide molecules. (ii) Thermosetting plastics can be easily remglded on heating (ii) Synthetic fibers shrink on washing (iv) Polyester fibres are used for making hand knit sweaters. 6. Name one agricultural implements used for the following. (2) (a) Ploughing (b) Sowing (c) Irrigation (d) Harvesting 7. Lightning anéthunder occur at the same time. But you can hear thunder only a few ‘seconds after seeing the lightning. Why ? (2) Page 1 of 4 10. " 12, 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. (a) How is petroleum formed in nature 7 (2+1=3) (b) Name any 4 products formed by destructive distillation of coal One day Saurabh wanted to know basic characteristics of synthetic fibres. So he discussed it with his elder brother Samir. Samir explained that synthetic fibres have a high luster and do not shrink on washing and need no ironing. They are easy to clean, dry quickly and are less expensive than the natural fibres. Further more, unlike natural fibres, they do not absorb sweat and are non — biodegrable However, they are highly inflammable. Saurabh convinced from his explanations and thanked him. (3) ‘Answer the following questions based on a above information. (i) What are the values displayed by Samir? (ii) Why is a kind of synthetic fibre given by the name Nylon’? (ii) To what use can the artifical fibres be put in industry? Explain in detail any 3 characteristics of synthetic plastics or fibres. 3) With the help of diagrams show the three types of bacteria. @) Write any three differences between manures and fertilizers. @) Write short note on: ) (a) Animal husbandry (b) Broadcasting (c) Fallowing Give reasons: (3) (a) Wires cannot be drawn from materials such as stone or wood. (b) Pickles not stored in aluminum can (c) Sodium and Potassium stored under kerosene oil. Explain an activity to show that atmosphere exerts huge pressure. (3) What steps would you undertake to protect the biodiversity of your area? (Any 6 steps ) (3) What is noise pollution? State two ways by which noise is produced in homes. Suggest two ways of minimizing noise. (3) What is potable water ? Give any 4 characteristics of drinking water. (3) Identify the following instruments given below and write down which part of them vibrate to produce sound ? (3) & (a) @ Page 2 of 4 20. 21. 22 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. Explain in detail any 5 methods of food preservation (5) Define (8) (a) Elements (b) Metalloids (c) Sonorous (d) Displacement reaction (e) Metal Activity series (2) Does the pressure of liquids changes with depth. Describe a simple activity to ‘support your answer with help of a neat diagram. (b) Why is the foundation of a building wider than its walls ? (6) Explain the following terms (5) (2) Biosphere reserve (b) Flora and Fauna (c) Endemic species (d) Red data book (e) Desertification What is green house effect ? What are its consequences ( any 2)? How to prevent global warming ( any 2 pts)? (5) = 12 SECTION-B 1xi@ A substance which burs to produce heat and is formed the remains of plants and animals buried in soil and rocks is (2) a fossil (b) an ideal fuel () afossil fuel —_(d) a good fuel Which one is an inexhaustible natural resource ? (@) Forests (b) Sunlight (¢) Coal (d) Petroleum ‘An example for thermosetting plastic is (a) Polythene (b) Nylon (c) Bakelite (d) Terylene Which of the following is used for anti-stick coating in kitchenware (a) Pvc (b) Tefion (c) Polypropene (d) Ploythene Name the bacteria which convert milk into curd (@) Rhizobium (b) Mycobacterium (c) Lactobacillius (4) None of these The bread or idli dough rises because of (a) Heat (b) Grinding (C) Growth of yeast cells (d) Kneading Which of these methods will scientists concentrate on most to increase erop output in future ? {a) increasing the area under cultivation (b) increasing irrigation facilities (c) using better fertilizers (d) plant breeding to produce new varieties of crop plants Page 3 of 4 32. 33. 34. 36. 36. 37, 38. 39. 40. 4 42. Traditional methods of irrigation is (a) Sprinkler system (b) Drip system (c) Dhekli (d) None of these Which of these non metal used for making microchips (a) Chlorine The property by which a subst (a) Density (b) lodine (c) Silicon — (d) Hydrogen ance can be drawn into thin wires is (b) Lustre (c) Ductility (4) Malleability ‘An object of 50kg, moving with acceleration due to gravity is 10m/s 2. Find the force exerted by the object ? (a)50N (b) 5N (c) 500N (d) ON Name the SI unit of pressure. india in protected areas is known as (a) Pascal (b) Newton (c) Hertz —(d) None of these The wildlife ( Protection ) Act was passed by the government of I (a) 1992 (b) 1982 (c) 1972 (d) 1999 ‘A data book which gives a list of plants growing in (a) Green data book (b) Black data book (c) White data book (d) None of these To reduce the pollution | 41985, an ambitious plan called the (a) Yamuna action plan ( Cauvery action plan (c) Ganga action plan (d) None of these Which gas is responsible for global warming (a) COz (b) SO2 (0) He (d) None of these the shrillness of sound depends on its (a) Amplitude (b) Frequency (¢) Quality (d) None of Dogs can be specially trained to respond to a whistle which prod vibrations. This whistle is commonly called (A) Balton whistle (b) Salton whistle (¢) Galton whistle sasana © ansaaa levels in the river, the Government of India launched in these juces ultrasonic (d) None of these Page 4of 4

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