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Harmonization Project Documerf l{o.

5,1 Ohjective

The objective of this fictionai case-study is to demonstrate how the principles and road maps
that conrprise the Toolkit can be used by a public health or related professional to evaluate
potential risks of chemical contaminants in drinking-water as a result of emissions from a
discrete or point source. The specific road maps for this scenario are shown in Figures 8-l I

While the aim of the case-study is to demonstrate the thinking behind all stages of human
health risk assessment, including hazard identification, hazard characteization/guidance or
guideline value identification, exposure assessment and risk characterization, the user of the
Toolkit should be aware that measuring substances in drinking-water for which drinking-
water guidelines exist allows a quick and very first assessment of how big a problem there
might be and whether there is a need to pursue this.

5.2 $tatement of the problem

A metal finishing facility is located on the bank of the fictional Flowing River in a fictional
Country X in Asia. Liquid waste from the plating operations pours from a discharge pipe
directly into the river in conjunction with the 24 h pe;r day, 7 days per week operatilg
schedule of the facility. Additionai information on the plant operations, such as the rate of
production and the content of the liquid waste, is not available. The Flowing River flows
directly through the community of Rivertown, which is a short distance downstream of the
plating facility. Water liom the river is used by the residents of Rivedown for drinking,
cooking and bathing. Preliminary research by the official Rivertown Department of
Environmental Health (RDEH) has identified cadmiurn as a by-product of chrome plating
operations. To address public heallh concetlrs, RDEH undertakes an evaluation of the
potential health risks of cadmium releases into the Flowing River.

The questions to be asked ars as follows (see also Figure 2);

a What is the identify of the chemical of concern',)

a Is the chemical potentially hazardous to humans?
a What properties of the chemical have the potential to cause adverse health effects?
a Do guidance or guideline values from intemational organizations exist for the chemical?
a What assumptions about exposure and dose are incorporated into guidance or guideline
values for the chemical?
a Do those assumptions reflect conditions specific to the local situation?
a In what ways could people come into contact with the chemical?
a How much exposure is likely to occur?
a For how long is exposure likely to occur?
a What metric of exposure is appropriate for characterizing health risks?
a How does the estimated exposure compare with the health-based guidance or guideline

WHO Human Health Risk Assessment

5.3 Hazard identification

What is the identig, oJ the chentical

of concern?

It is probable that caamium is one of the

hazarcls and may be the only hazard.However,
while carrying out an investigation
company and otherloc"r
r*, it is import* i" ,""t further information
as to what else (e.g. cyanide) might
ffiT_*: "",rr"rrtt", be in the

ln situations where an r::::T11lJ.?cess.:r

operarion is of interest, the assessor
the emission scenario documents shoulcl searen
described ln section 4.g.2 for information
current situation' The full-text relevant to the
search feature of the lNCHgnr
addition to these internationar ..rour""r, a"-u"." can arso be helpful. ln
with local or provincial authorities fJ"mits or building prans that may have been firecr
associated with the metal finishing
t"";;i;;;"rtain useful ioio.-uiioo abo*t healrh hazards
op.ru,i*. Alro, initiati'g dialogues with representatives
of the facility and other members oi -essentiil
tt .ommrurity is an step in identifying all
" uno analvses
;:il:ffiilifi:m'il:#;li'al1v, "r'""rr"',J,"' should be considlrecl

output" Cadmium is identiJied as

the chentical o.f immediate concern.
chemicals might also b" oy ronr"rn, other
inclueling c"-anicle, and action shouJcl
taken to identify these. be

Ls cadmiunt potentially hazar.dous to humans?

1."_"llipill*j*r"=:d;;"ii:i:{Jff ri,'"lilhHffi ft :Tllf

of y{miu1
l:t:::j1:.l3j.t can be found by rooking in rhe

1"ffi:,,,:#lJT*:":_,f:"::qi;1,;:ili;y;iil:'ii,"i1;1,'il,:3;fr Tl3:'ffi.i:
ili:Tiff ?,1,"'1".1f^:,iy^:,:1yiti:r.",t,*ir"ifi ;ffi #i),i#,ill;ii;l;,o,il":l
f.lJJJ:HllT,1l,'1:i::i'^i:l.'*il;"ffi 'il"('*);'J?il'.ff'1'y'#i:""Tf, #ll
fi ?ff iTji:^?:.y"T"l::11::it:",/,,"_;;i,h;;*,*,ru'#;nT::T:liH*:il.i;
j, j::::iitii;i;;,:,!::;:'";;:ilil?T:H,f
llyil,H?x:3T,: ilff ::frTfr ,;
unborn child); a'd R6g (possibIe
:i: ?i;;;;;;;:i.;;1:,i:"";7({"::,{;,'iJrJf,,l:!;';";"
rr,l*if irr'r,":;i;'#;:I;:.
Review of the IARC mono-graphs (IAR{1,
2010) confirms that cadmium has been
Group l: Carcinogenic to hlumans. classified in

output" Knowredge that cadmium

is a ha:ardous chenticar and that it hqs
been classified to be very toxic
and rcrcinogenic to humctns.

for the hazard' identification step of

the drinking-water case-study is shown
fi-T,|t#* in

li{'} if,l*tB: fir*t}i,;;tlc *t}i*f
llun q:arlnrium tfuri h;ry* nnl
lilt h**fi idsntjfl*d nri"qht
*trs* tre rrf cnnr:*rn;
I10l {:$tlsiilP.te{1 i t1

thir rase-siurJyl

Figure 8: case-specific road map for

hazard identification: drinking_water case-study.
Bold lines indicate the frow ot in'rormarionl"tnliing
and anarysis described
in the text.

WHO Human Health Risk Assessmerf foo/kl

5'4 Hazard characterization/guidance or guiderine varue

what properties oJ'the chemical have the potential
to cause ach,erse health elfects?

searching the INCHEM database in the previous

step brought the user also to the wHo Food
Additives Series, No. 52: cadmium (acrdendum) (FAo/wHo,
2004) and,other documents,
including an EHC monograph (IPCS, 1992), that describe
the toxicological properties of

output; Knou'ledge about the principar toxic end-points

oJ' cadmiwtt,
consideredto be kidney dysfunction, lung daruage, 'hepatic injuryt, borte
deficiencies, hypertension and cancer, depeicting
ari ioutn, dose and duration
of exposure, as well as knowredge that cadmium accumurate.g
in the kidney.
tased guidance or guideline values
.from international organizations exi.rt Jbr
Sources mentioned in section 4'7 provicle information
on existing guidance an4 guideline
values' JECFA recommends a prwl for cadmium
of 0.007 ,rrgrtg"uoay weight. The wHo
Guidelines Jbr drinking-water qualiQ contain a guideline
vatui to-r cadmium of 0.003 mgll
(Table 20)' wHo has not published a relevant
heJlth-based uir qu;iity guideline for caclmium
(see also'I'ables 6 and 7).

Table 20: Internationar guidance and guiderine varues

for cadmium.

Type of value Guidance or Reference URL

guideline value
Food guidance 0.007 mg/kg body FAOIIIVHO http://apps.who. inVipsc/database/evaluation
varue weight (pTWl) (2010a) s/chemical.aspx?cheml D= 1 376
Drinking-water 0.003 mg/l WHO http :/l l,r/vy.who. inVwater sa nitation health/
guideline value (2008a) Owq/cDW12rev1and (p.317)

output" Knowledge about internationar guidance ancr guiderine

varues for
cadmium in drinking-water ancl od.

What asstunptions about exposure and dose are incorporated

into the WHo drinking-t+,ater
guideline yalue for cadmium?

water is the most imporJant qathway of exposure (see section

5.5); therefore, the wHo
drinking-water guideline for cadmium is of main interest.
The wHo dnnking-water guideline
for cadmium is described in section 12.17 of the current etlition
of the Guidelines .for
drinking-water quality (wHo, 2008a). According to the table
of key items presented in that
consumption rate of j lires per day, a
section, the guideline value is based on a d.efault ivater
body.weight of 60 kg and an allocation to water of 10%o of
the pTWl. It is recognizedthat
population average water consumption rates can vary
significantly, perhaps by a factor of 2-
4, in different parts of the world, particularly where lonJurr"r,
#'"ogaged in manual labour
in hot climates. Similarly, typical bocly weights can also vary
among countries or regions,
although the range of unceftainty is likely to be less than +z5o/o.
overall, the range of
uncertainty about water consumption rates and body weights is quite
small in comparison

Harmonization Project Document No. I

with the much larger range in toxicological uncertainty that exists for the vast majority of
chemicals. Consequently, the default assumptions for those parameters are likely to be
adequate in nearlv all situations.

ln order to account for the variations in exposure from different sources in different parts of
the world, a cefiain proportion of the ADI, TDI, PTW[, etc., generally between 1o/o and 80o/o,
is allocated to drinking-water in setting drinking-water guideline values for rnany chemicals.
Where relevant exposure data are available, authorities arc encouraged to develop context-
specific guideline values that are tailored to local circumstances and conditions. For example,
in areas where the intake of a padicular contaminant in drinking-r.vater is known to be much
greater than that from other sources (e.g. food and air), it may be appropriate to allocate a
greater proportion of the ADI, TDl, PTWI, etc., to drinking-water to derive a guideline value
more suited to the locai conclitions.

Output: The WHO drinking-'vvater guideline vahre.for cadmiwn is based on a

default water consumption rate of 2 litres per day, a body weight of 60 kg and
an allocation to water of'10% oJ'the PTILL.

Do those assumptions reflect conditions speci/ic to the local situation?

In the case of Riveftown, the RDEH would require detailed information on lbod consumption
patterns, cadmium levels in specific foods and ievels of cadmium in air and soil to consider
deriving a context-specific drinking-water guideline value for cadmium The water is not used
for inigation of crops, so, in the absence of information on contact rates, body weight,
absorption fiaction and total exposure to cadrnium from the general diet specific to local
conditions, the RDEH elects to rely upon the WHO drinking-water guideline value for
cadmium of 0.003 mg/l in the risk assessment. This is an appropriate decision, as the WHO
drinking-water guideline values account for ingestion through food and are considered, in
most cases, sufficient to account for intake of contaminants through inhalation and dermal

OutpLtt: The WHO drinking-water guideline vahte.for cadmitun oJ 0.003 mg/l

is appropriate to be used uncler the given local conclitions.

A road map for the hazard characterization step of the drinking-water case-study is shown in
liigure 9.

5.5 Exposure assessment

In the context of the risk assessment Toolkit, the goal of the exposure assessment is to obtain
an estimate of exposure concentration or rate that can be compared with the appropriate
guidance or guideline vaiue. As described in section 3, several combinations of guidance or
guideline values and exposure metrics are possible, depending upon the medium (or media)
and exposure route(s) that are most appropriate for the situation.

In what ways could people corne into contact with the chemical?

The river forms the basis of the water supply to the town, so exposure through drinking-water
is likely. Water is also used for cooking and bathing. It is important to consider whether
drinking-water consumption is likely to be significantly greater than the 2 litres a day for

WHO Human Health Risk Assessment foo/kif

aduits used by WHO to derive the drinking-water guideline. The water is not used for
irrigation, and therefore it is unlikely that food crops are contaminated.

Figure 9: Case-specific road map for hazard characterization/guidance or

guideline value identification: drinking-water case-study.
Bold lines indicate the flow of information gathering and analysis described in the text

Harmonization Project Document No. 8

Output: People come inlo contact v,ith the chemicul tlrottgh water. lngestion
of drinking-w'ater and water used Jbr cooking and dermal absorption through
bathing are the most relevant routes ofexposure.

How much exposure is likely to occur?

It is important to obtain further information on the concentration of cadmium (and any other
identified contaminants of concern) in order to more accurately assess exposure. Where there
is water treatment, it rvould be appropriate to measure the concentration in water at the water
treatment plant after heatment. I{orvever, cadmium can also leach from galvanized water
supply pipes (usually in buildings), so if such pipes are in use, a sample at atap in a building
using such pipes would be important in judging overall exposure from drinking-water. Crops
have not been irrigated, and therefore crop sanples are not needed to judge the total exposure
to cadmium.

Measurements require that the assessor has access to appropriate protocols and supplies for
sampiing, storage, transport and analysis of water samples obtained from the river and
drinking-water. This also means that there must be access to suitable analytical facilities with
an adequate level of expertise and qualiff assurance, as incorrect analytical data are highly
misleading and have led to inappropriate ciecisions in a number of circumstances. ln some
cases, it may be appropriate to use models to determine how much of a contaniinant will
reach a point downstream from a discharge. Modeis require information on the discharge rate
of cadmium through the effluent pipe that extends from the facility to the river.

Guidance on appropriate measuremeut and modelling methods is provided in several

docurnents and other materials produced by intemational organizations and countries. In
particular, Guidance on lffirmation Requirentents and Chemic:al Safety Assessment, prepared
in conjunction with the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals
(REACH) Iegislation in the EU, provides a detailed discussion of- measurement and
modelling approaches (EtlHA, 2010). Measurement and modelling approaches both require a
study design that will allow the assessment question to be answered. General guidance on the
design and implementation of exposure investigations is provided in EHC 214 (IFCS,2000).

Unable to obtain information needed to model the concentration of cadmium in water drawn
from the river, the RDEH makes the decision to estimate long-term average exposure
concentrations from direct measurernents. Infonnation on sampling and analysis methods is
available in EHCs and CICADs prepared for specific chemicals. EHC 134 on cadmium
([PCS, 1992) contains introductory information on analytical methods for cadmium,
including collection and preparation of samples, separation and concentration, methods for
quantitative determination and quality control. Specific methods for sampling water and
analysis of cadmium and other metals are available from country resources, such as the
USEPA's Method 1669: Sampling ambient water for trace ntetals at EPA water qualityn
criteria /evels (LISEPA, 1996).

The RDEH collects water samples from three locations on 5 separate days: upstream of the
metal finishing thcility, downstream of the metal finisliing facility and from the tap of the
town hall building. The average concentrations of cadmium in the samples obtained from
those locations are sho\.vn in Tabls 2l .

WHA Human Health Risk Assessmenf loo/,rl

Table 21 : Cadmium concentrations in five samples of water obtained from each of

three locations in the vicinity of Rivertown.

Location Average concentration (pg/l) Concentration range (pg/l)

Upstream of facility <LOD <LOD-0.2
Downstream of facility 0.4 0.1-1.0
Town hall water 0.3 0.2-0.8
LOD, limit of detection (0.1 Ug/l)

The results of the water sampling indicate that concentrations of caclmium downstream of the
metal finishing facility are greater than concentrations upstream of the facility. The results
also indicate that cadmium concentratiorrs in potable water received from the Flowing River
are approximately equal to th.e levels in the river downstrearn of the facility.

Output: A quantitative estimate oJ' cadmium exposure, with levels greater

downstream of the.l'acility compared with upstrearn and with concentrations in
drinking-water approximately equal to the downstream levels.

For how long is exposure likebt 1s occur?

The assessor has knowledge that the facility routinely operates 24 hper day, 7 days per week.
Therefore, long-term average conditions and long-term exposure are of primary interest. The
assessor should also consider variation in operations of the facility or flow of the river that
could result in transient increases in exnosure concentrations.

Output: Knotvledge that long-term exposure is of concern, **ith exposure

levels lhat can vaty over time as a result of operations oJ' the Jhcility.

What metric of exposure is appropriate for c'haracterizing health risks?

Having selected the euvironmental medium (water), exposure route (mainly irrgestion) and
exposure duration (long-term) of interest, the next step is to determine if an international
guidance or guideline value exists that corresponds to those cdteria. In this case, data
gathering conducted in supporl of the hazard characterization step revealed that WHO has
established a guideline value of 0.003 mg/l for long-term ayffage concentrations of cadmium
in drinking-water. The fcrrrr of the guideline value dictates the form of the exposure estimate
reqnired for the risk characterization step. Thus, the risk assessor in this case-study requires
an estimate of long-term averege concentrations of cadmium in water drawn from the
Flowing River in order to proceed to the risk chatacterization step.

Output: Knowledge that a long-term average exposure concentration i's

needed to perform the risk characterization.

A road map for the exposure assessment step of the drinking-water case-study is shown in
Figure 10.

E4:asrtre tlrte ct

drinking-water case'study'
Figure 10: case-specific road map for exposure assessment:
of information gathering and analysis described in the text'
Bold lines indicate the flow
WHA Human Health Risk Assessment Toolkit

5,6 Risk characterization

How does the estitnated exposure compare vuith the gridance

or gtideline varues?

The objective of the risk characterization step is to

ad<lress the risk assessment question by
combining the informatiorr gathered on exposure and
hazard characterization. As noted in
sectron 3'3'4, health risk can be characierized in various
charactertzation consists of comparing an estimate -ays. tn many cases, risk
of chemical with a guid.ance or
guideline value' The exposure an,l guidance or guideline
value "riorrrr"
can be expressed as either a
concentration or an exposule rate, The exposure and guidance
or guicleiine values should
reflect the same averaging time; if not, the assessor should
be cognizant of any di erences
when interpreting the results of the risk characterization.

Where exposure is short term and the guidance or guideline

value long term, this provides a
more conservative assessment. If the long-term gnidu.r""
or guideline value is exceeded in
shofi-tetm exposure' it.would_be n"""r*ry to consider other questions.
For example, is
exposure from food such that the allocation of the PTWI
to watei can be increased without
exceeding the PTWI? If the exposure of interest is
still greater than the pTWI, it is
appropriate to examine the derivation of the PTWI to
deterieine if the safety/uncefiainty
factors are excessively conservative for the situation. For
example, an additional factor to
allow lbr extrapolation from medium-term to long-term
not be appropriate if
exposure was actually short term. ""porr',r.'*ould

Refening to the first step in the flow chart shown in Figure

I I, the objective of the I-{DEH
was to evaluate potential health risks associatecJ with iadmium
releases into the Flowinp
River. Based upon the available risk-based criteria for cadmiun,
apparent that the assessment involves comparing estimated
ir-Jri^tirg:;;;, ;';:
exposures with a health-based
guideline value. In this case, the value is o.do:
*yl, th" wHo value for cadmium
in drinking-water' Turning to the exposure metrici, at least t'wo iuideline
Le available: 1) the average
concentration of cadmium in drinking-water downstream
of the metal finishing faciliTy
(0'0004 mg/l) and 2) rhe average concentration of
cadmium in water drau,n from the
community water supply (0.0003 mg/l). Taking the ratio of the
exposure to the guideline
value, the hazatd quotient is calculated to be approximately
0.1 in this case. Expo"sures are
therefore estimated to be less than the guideline value.

Ifthe concentration in the river was below but close to the guideline
value, it would still be
appropriate to determine whether there was potential
from the phimbing system.
output, The hazard- quotient is approximatety 0.1
for. caclmium in drinking-
water. As Q result, the cadmium expost.o'es are mlikely to rentlt
in any aclveie
health effects.

In terms of actions, is no immediate cause for concern. However, it rvould be

appropriate to consider whether it r.vas feasible to reduce concentrations in the effluent to
pre vent accumulation of cadmium in sediment that could be mobilized at a later
time if
conditions change.

A road map for the risk characterization step of the clrinking-water case-study is
shown in
Fisure 1 l.

@} ,go*-so*".lrr'1"Ld& *-{r-U \*$'.-lr*
Harmonization Project Document No. g

ranr:er d:k

Figure 11: Case-specific road map for risk characterization: drinking-water case-study.
Bold lines indicate the flow of information gathering and analysis described in the text.

5,7 Summary

An assessment was conducted of potential

health risks associated with ingestion of cadmium
introduced into a cornmlnip'
yateJ supply as a result of emissions to surface water from a
metal finishing facility. cadmium ls repo.teo
to accumulate in the kidney, which is also the
main target for cadmium t".tjti?. consequently,
potential health risks of long-tem average
exposures to cadmium in drinking-water
are the primary concern or tocal authorities.
wHo guideline value for cadmium in drinking-water was The
selected as the most appropriate
guidance or guideline value lbr evaluation
of potential risk. The -u"purut" assessment was
based on measurements of cadmium in
drinking-water on 5 "*puru." days. Average
concenkatiotrs of cadmium in river water
a'd drinling-wat"; ;";p;;, were consistent with
contributions from the metal finishing facility,
yer were approximately 10 tirnes below the
wHo guideline value. This evaluatiin indicates that riski of adverse health effects fi.om
cadmium exposures associated with the facility
are relativelf tolv Authorities should
consider obtaining additional plant information
and sampling data needed to confirm these
findings with exposure periods representative
of longer-tenn aireraee conditions.


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