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Unit 3 School and friends Test B

School: _______________________________________________________________
Name: _________________________________________ Class: ______ No.: ______
Date: ______/______/______ Mark: ______
Enc. Educao: ______________________ Teacher: __________________________

A. Read these sentences. What is the word for each sentence?
1. The day after Friday. S __ T __ __ __ __ __

2. This tells you the time. C L __ __ __

3. You use this to write. P __ __
4. This school subjects deals with numbers. M __ __ __ __
5. Your teacher sometimes gives you this for the next lesson. H __ M __ __ __ __ K
6. Its where you eat in school. C __ __ __ __ __ N

B. Which notice (A-H) says this (1-6)?

1. These classes will be in another part of the SCHOOL LIBRARY

Books must be returned by
school today. 5 pm on Fridays. A
2. Go and see this person if you want to learn an
3. Computers must be turned off at the end of CAUTION
classes. Wet floor
4. You might fall down if you walk here.
5. There will be a new school activity at the end Water Problems! C
of the lessons today. A
For all computer lessons go to
6. You should take these books back to school room 7B today.
before the weekend.
E Drama Club For piano and guitar
A First meeting after lessons, please speak to
A Dont leave computers
on after lesson finishes school at 6 pm Mr Craig.

C. Circle the appropriate word.

A: Hi Jane, Im so worried (1) at / about our English project.

B: So (2) am / have I. We have to write a story (3) with / about a famous person. I havent
got (4) some / any good ideas.
A: Well, how (5) many / much words should we write? I cant remember I want to have a
better mark (6) of / than last time.
B: Yeah! Me (7) also / too. Im not good (8) at / in English so I really need to do this well!

Swoosh 7

Read this story about bullying.


His name was Michael Johnson and he was

my best friend at school. He wore all black all the
time, but that didnt bother me because I wore it
too. Michael was a senior. He made things
bearable for me during the hurtful bully times of my
freshman year. He stood up for me. He always
stood so strong, when they called him horrible
things like loser. He just put up his head and
walked away with me.
However, when they called me horrible things like four-glasses or dogf er he lost it. He
called them all losers and told me to ignore them. He told them to leave me alone... they all
laughed. Every single day these kids went on and on. To them, we were weird. It hurt a lot... I
know that deep down, when they called Michael names, that it hurt him too. He just never let
anyone see it. But he couldnt stand when they said those things to me.
At lunchtime we always had time to breathe... we would walk places together with our
other friend Katie, also a victim of bullying. At that point in school, I could laugh and smile and
actually mean it. But then, 40 minutes later, I was back in the classroom. No classroom for me
was safe. There was always somebody barking at me, or whispering the word, dogf er. I
cried on Michaels shoulder so many times that I felt ridiculous.
When they started to really target Katie, Michael finally blew. Between what they were
saying to me and Katie, and him he lost it. He talked to all of them during class about it, called
them all the names they called us and asked them how they liked it. Katie and I just stood there
I didnt want to go to the office but Katie said that enough was enough. We both walked in
and went to Mr Evans. I tried to keep the tears in my eyes but a few slipped out. We told Mr
Evans everything. When we walked out of the office, Katie was sure those bullies would get
(Adapted from:

Swoosh 7
A. Say whether these statements are right (R) or wrong (W).

1. Michael Johnson was the same age as Robert.

2. Robert defended Michael from the bullies.
3. Michael and Robert were bullied every day.
4. Michael Johnson didnt want the bullies to see how he really felt.
5. Robert and Katie were called to the office to be suspended.

B. Answer these questions about the text.

At lunchtime. Because she couldnt take bullying anymore. He wore all black all the time.

When they started to bully Katie. He just put up his head and walked away.

1. What did Michael Johnson look like? ________________________________________

2. How did Michael react when bullies called him names? __________________________
3. When could Robert and Katie feel safe from bullies? ____________________________
4. When did Michael decide to confront the bullies one day? ________________________
5. Why did Katie go to Mr Evans office? ________________________________________

C. What do these words from the text mean? Choose the best option.
1. bearable a) permissible b) horrible c) tolerable
2. weird a) strange b) funny c) fantastic
3. barking a) a candy b) the sound made by a dog c) a small ship

4. open-mouthed a) furious b) relaxed c) surprised

5. slipped out a) moved b) escaped c) entered


A. Choose the appropriate preposition.

1. We should all be responsible to / for our actions.

2. Dont give up! We are all capable of / on fighting against bullying.
3. Michael was always kind at / to Robert and Katie.
4. When Robert was young, he was afraid about / of going to school.
5. Robert was very good at / to Maths.
6. Katie was interested on / in poetry.
7. Michael was keen on / in gymnastics.
8. The teacher was really annoyed with / for the students noise in the classroom.
9. Look, its raining! I was right about / to the weather. said Katie.
10. When you are ready for / of lunch, come and sit with us. said Michael.

Swoosh 7
B. Circle the best modal verb for each sentence.

1. May / Should I go to the toilet, please?

2. May / Will you help me with this Math exercise?
3. We must / mustnt bring food into the classroom.
4. We must / mustnt turn off our mobile phones in the classroom.
5. Im not sure but I must / might arrive late tomorrow.

C. Complete the sentences with the comparative of the adjectives given in brackets.

1. Robert is ____________ (happy) today.

2. For me Science is ___________ (interesting) than Geography.
3. Michael is a ___________ (good) student than Robert.
4. Katie is ___________ (short) than Robert.
5. This computer is ________ (expensive) than that one, so Ill take the other one.


A. Imagine you are Roberts friend and he sent you this email. Write an email to
Robert and answer the questions. Write 25-35 words.

Lets go to the cinema tomorrow. I need to relax and spend some time with real friends. What
time can you get there? Where shall we meet? What would you like to do after the cinema?


Hi! How_______________ ?

Bye for now.

Big hug


Swoosh 7

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