Moraga Rotary Newsletter October 17 2017

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and Jim Shore, a guest of todays speaker,


NEWSLETTER Our server was Justina and lunch was an

assortment of delicious sandwiches and
pumpkin pie/pecan deserts.

October 17th, 2017


Michele Robbins won the October Fine

Next Celebration: Oct. 24, 2017 Free Hat with $65 and celebrated her
Luncheon meeting recent trip to Malawi in association with her
womens microfund initiative. She thanked
Soda Center, Orinda Room at
the Club for a $1,000 donation.
Saint Marys College
Dave Kruegel donated $75 Happy Bucks
for a recent trip to Eastern Europe, Finland
Program: Dr Jackie Steele
and Russia, his wifes recent successful
Greeter/Invocator Marv Ellenberg
surgery and assistance given him by Bank
October 31 District Governor Visit
November 7 Ron Haas Manager Moraga Country of America to thwart recent check thief
Club activity.
* November 14 Bobbie Preston No One Left Behind Peter Metzger celebrated a trip to Hawaii.
November 21 Open
November 28 - Chip Herman Orinda Car Show
Brian South celebrated a birthday and told
December 5 - Mari Pareno, Executive Director Xenopha us of his dinner at Buffalo Wild Wings with
ZT Training Center and Toys For Tots his daughters, a dinner with his parents and
* Dinner meeting
a dinner prepared by his kids. Fun times!
President Dianne Wilson called the Brian also noted that some of the Moraga
meeting to order with a clear ring of the police officers did duty associated with the
water glass (we were in Haggerty Hall Napa/Sonoma wildfires and some of the
without our usual regalia/Rotary Bell, etc.). Moraga Orinda Fire Department personnel
Roger Gregory gave an invocation were still involved.
involving the prayer used at Philmont Boy Roger Gregory had a birthday, the Big 70!
Scout, High Adventure Camp in New He and Jan celebrated with a few Rotary
Mexico and followed with the Pledge of friends with a charity dinner at the
Allegiance to the Flag. Blackhawk Auto/Western Museum. Since
he didnt win the October Fine Free Hat, he
Our guests today included Bill Olds, kicked in $70 in Happies for the birthday
Director of Corporate & Foundation and dinner fun.
Relations at Saint Marys College (note Bill Ron Mucovich had $3 Happy Bucks
is a Rotarian who attended meetings in San because a friends home in Santa Rosa
Mateo and San Francisco at different times escaped the wildfires, Northwestern beat
in his professional career. We let Bill know Maryland and CAL beat Washington State
he is welcome to join our fantastic Club on in football.
Tuesdays. Bill is originally from Livermore)
Gary Irwin had a Happy $5 Bucks because Gary Irwin gave us the following note
a former Moraga Rotary Exchange Student Flor Huart, the Moraga Rotary Exchange
(more on this below) stopped by to visit. Student for 2006-2007, made a quick visit
Angelo Costanza had a High Five for the to Moraga while on a business trip from
CAL win over Washington State and the fun London and spent Saturday night with
time he had on the Rossmoor Golf Course Mark & Karen Orwig, with whom she lived
as a part of the Lafayette Rotary Golf while here. She also visited with Cliff
Tournament. Dochterman, and had Sunday lunch with
Al Simonsen had $2 Happy Bucks for his Gary & Carol Irwin, who previously hosted
recent successful angiogram (all OK for Al!) her when the Orwigs were elsewhere. It
and the CAL win. was wonderful to reconnect with Flor, who
Our speaker, Loto Rickman contributed $2 made many friends at Campolindo HS, at
Happy Bucks because her sisters home in Rotary, and in the community. Flor speaks
Santa Rosa was safe. excellent English (with British slang) and is
a good conversationalist.
~ANNOUNCEMENTS~ After leaving Moraga about 11 years ago,
she returned to Argentina and later
President Dianne reminded the members graduated from university with a degree in
that there was a Moraga Rotary Board entertainment business management. After
meeting that evening at 5:30pm at Moraga a couple of years working in Buenos Aires,
Royale. All Board members were asked to she took a business development job in
attend and Dianne stressed that the Board London with the computer gaming
meetings were open to all members. company GameLoft, owned by a French
company. Her current responsibility is to
Cliff Dochterman submitted the following convince portable phone manufacturers to
for inclusion in the newsletter At our include her games on the phones as
Tuesday evening Rotary Board meeting a sold. There is a possibility that she will
decision was made to send $4000 from the need to relocate to the companys Paris
Club's Emergency Contingency Fund to the office. She is really enjoying working and
victims of the Napa and Sonoma County traveling in Europe, and she reports that
Wildfires! These funds will be supervised she has been going out for a few months
by Rotarians and all funds will be used to with a very nice European gentleman.
assist the most needy fire victims. Any
members who wish to contribute tax-
deductible checks for those who have lost
everything, we will add to the Club's
donation. Make your check payable to
"Moraga Rotary Foundation" and indicate
for fire victims. Send to the Club 's P.O.
Box 122, Moraga, CA 94556. This is a way
we can assist those who have lost so much
in the many wild fires in the Napa and Santa
Rosa areas. Please do it as soon as
possible. The need is great.
Pictures of progress at the All Abilities ~DANGER AT THE GROCERY~
Playground. The cement is poured October Ron Mucovich told us a story with two
17th, 2017 ! possible endings. Cliff Dochterman was
selected to try to discern the true ending.
The story involved Rons early business
career (49 years ago). This was when he
was working at a mom & pop grocery store
in the Fruitvale District of Oakland. Ron
had gone to a shed behind the store to
load inventory on a cart. When he came
out he saw two well-dressed men run to a
gold Cadillac and drive away quickly. Ron
thought something was not right so he
wrote down the Caddies license number.
When he came back into the store he
found the owner and the butcher agitated
and they told him the store was just
robbed. Ron said he saw the two men and
wrote down the license number of the
getaway car. They told Ron to call the
police and give them the license number.
A short while later a policeman came into
the store and sadly told them there had
been a shootout and a policeman and one
of the robbers were both wounded. One
bad guy got away but was caught a short
while later. (Thats ending number one.)
The robbers stopped to change clothes at
a gas station and they had a second
getaway car parked outside. The Cadillac
had been stolen. When they came out the
police were there with guns drawn and
caught them. (Thats ending number
Cliff said ending number one was true and
Ron confirmed that was correct. So Cliff
won the tray of delicious Cowboy Cookies.
President Dianne introduced our speaker,
Loto Rickman and her guest, Jim Shore.
Loto and Dianne have worked together at
Moraga Royale for the past 13 years. Loto
assists in the running of the facility and
Dianne says that when she retires Loto will
take over Directorship of Moraga Royale.
Jim Shore is a good friend of Loto and
very knowledgeable about Samoa. He
assisted Loto on questions about island
customs and geography. Loto said, You
can take the girl out of Samoa but you
cant take Samoa out of the girl. Lotos dad is a high chief and as such, he
Samoa is a land of flowers and all Samoan is authorized to wear tattoos extending
people wear them, even the guys. from a bit above his waist down to his
Contrary to popular belief, when a ankles.
Samoan woman wears a flower it doesnt
indicate marriage status.

Lotos Dad on left, sister, Mother, and brother

The extent of tattoos indicates the status

Lotos daughter Gabriella
of the person in the tribe. For instance,
There are two islands Upolu and Savali. young men wear no tattoos but as they
They are located about 2300 miles take on successive responsibilities in the
Southwest of Hawaii. Population is about village they become authorized to wear
200,000 and the typical village has 500 to more and more tattoos.
600 individuals. Kids play all over the
place. There are no snakes but lots of
Samoan market mangoes, onions, breadfruit
Those arent knee-length exercise shorts. Those are leg
Washing is done at a communal swimming
Most Samoan architecture is open pool but kids dont get to hang out in the
because both temperature and humidity pool. You get in, wash with soap, then get
are high. Open sides to the buildings out. Too many chores for the kids to do to
keeps them cool. let them hang out at the pool. Some
houses have an outdoor shower facility
with no sides. Both sexes bath at night.
Men wear shorts and women wear a
sarong-like wrap. Surprisingly, Samoans
dont swim. The beaches are for the
tourists. Loto says she came to the US not
knowing how to swim. There are too
many chores for the kids to ever learn to
swim or spend time at any beach.

When Samoans die they are buried in the

ground in front of the house. Only
Typical Samoan house foreigners or people who have no family
are buried in cemeteries. Land is never
The kitchen/cooking area is outside under
sold in Samoa. It is handed down so the
a roof so cooking is a smoky affair. Young
custom of burying on the family land
men do all the cooking until they marry, at
developed. The Scottish author, Robert
which point the new wife assumes the
Louis Stevenson is buried in Samoa on
cooking duties. Cooking is done on the
the island of Upolu. He loved the South
barbeque or with the food next to hot rocks
Pacific and particularly Samoa. When he
and then covered with leaves. The diet
died, the people carried him up to the
focuses on fish, chicken, taro, breadfruit
mountaintop of Mt. Vaea where he was
and occasionally pork.
buried. The people loved the great
Tusitala (the Story-teller).
Robert Louis Stevenson asked this be
inscribed on his tomb:
Under the wide and starry sky,
Dig the grave and let me die,
And I laid me down with a will.
This be the verse you grave for me:
Here he lies where he longed to be;
Home is the sailor, home from sea,
And the hunter home from the hill.

98% of Samoans are Christian so there

are a lot of churches. On Sunday you go
to church, feast and sleep. No stores are
open on Sunday. You shop on Saturday
and worship/rest on Sunday.

Future Speakers:
October 24 Dr Jackie Steele
October 31 District Governors Visit
November 7 Ron Haas - Manager MCC
Typical village church November14 Bobbie Preston-No One Left Behind
November 21 Open
All agreed that Lotos introduction of the November 28 Chip Herman Orinda Car Show
Samoan people was a fine way to celebrate December 5 Mari Pareno ExDir Xenopha
our weekly meeting. To cap the talk Loto ZTraining Ctr and Toys for Tots
danced a typical island dance. Very graceful! December 14 Club Christmas Party @ MCC
January 2 Open
Calendar of Future Events January 9 Prof Susan Skelton Geneology
November 18th - Rotary Day at GG Field January 16 Open
December 14th - Holiday Party at Moraga CC January 23 Mike Matoso Athletic Dir St. Marys
February 7 Fab Five Club Meeting Rossmoor January 30 Open
February 13 Joint Meeting with Chamber
March 10, 2018 - A Nite at the Races Newsletter Editor:
October Roger Gregory
10/24 = Marv Ellenberg
10/31 = Roger Gregory
11/07 = Michele Robbins
11/14 = Debbie Roessler
11/21 = Angelo Costanza
President Dianne Wilson
President-elect Ron Mucovich
Past President Kevin Reneau
Co-Secretary Vickie Devlin
Co-Secretary Evie Michon
Treasurer Lad Lynch
Foundation Chair John Erickson
Youth Service Chair Rich Render
Public Relations Gary Irwin
Newsletter Editor Frank May
Community Service Chair Tony Schoemehl
Co-Chair, International Services Barbara Bruner
Co-Chair, International Services Linda May
Co-Chair, Membership Mike McCluer
Co-Chair, Membership Debbie Koo
Director at Large Mary Sue
Director at Large Roger Gregory
Director at Large Debbie Roessler
Advisor to the Board Jim Campbell
Advisor to the Board Cliff Dochterman

District Governor 5160 Gary Vilhauer

President, Rotary International Ian Riseley

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