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As a part of BBA Degree Author has completed approximately 300 internship hours at the
Bangladesh Tourism Board Located in Dhaka City. In this report Author will share his
experiences for the period of April 2015-June, 2015. During the internship authors role,
responsibilities and obligations were to the Bangladesh Tourism Board. Here Author has
noted his experiences as well as provide some recommendations for the organizations

Letter of Submission

June 30, 2015

Meher Neger
Assistant Professor
Department of Marketing
Comilla University
Comilla, Bangladesh.

Subject: Submission of the report of BBA Internship Program.

Dear Sir,
Author have completed the internship program as a course requirement of B.B.A. Program
and now I am greatly impressed by the submission of my internship report on Marketing
Strategy of Bangladesh Tourism Board. The duration of the internship program was
three months consists of April to June 2015. Author worked here and gained knowledge
and practical experience about various activities and Strategies of Bangladesh Tourism
Author is very glad to you because you assigned me to do the report. In the report, Author
have used primary and secondary information. Author collected information from secondary
sources and from his job experience across my internship period.

Author hope that his report will meet your standard and oblige thereby.

Yours faithfully
Shariful Islam
Exam Roll 1007005
Registration no- Mkt- 600058
Department of Marketing
Comilla University.
Students Declaration

Author, Shariful Islam, hereby declare that the report of internship program on Marketing
Strategy of Bangladesh Tourism Board. is uniquely prepared by Author, after the
completion of three months work at Bangladesh Tourism Board, which is situated in Dhaka.
After completing his internship period Author has prepared his internship report on
Marketing Strategy of Bangladesh Tourism Board. This report is prepared on the basis
of his own experience from Bangladesh Tourism Board, Dhaka, and also based on research of
annual report and previous document of Bangladesh Tourism Board, which is totally free
from copying of other report.

May, this report is helpful for the students of following batch of Marketing Department to
know practical situation of marketing strategy of Bangladesh Tourism Board.

Your sincerely,

Shariful Islam
Roll: 1007005
BBA 5th Batch.
Department of Marketing
Comilla University.

Letter of Authorization

This is to certify that Shariful Islam is a student of Marketing Department, ID No: 1007005
successfully completed his Internship Program entitled Marketing Strategy of
Bangladesh Tourism Board. Under my supervision as the partial fulfillment of the award
of BBA degree.

He has done his Job according to my supervision and guidance. He has tried his best to do
this successfully. I think this program will help his in the future to build up his career. I wish
his success and prosperity.


Meher Neger
Assistant Professor
Department of Marketing
Comilla University.


Prosperous conclusion of any course requires support from various personnel and Author was
fortunate to have that support, direction, and supervision in every aspect from my teacher,
and my group members.
First of all Author would like to thank beyond measure grace and deep kindness of the
Almighty Allah.
Author like to express his deep sense of thankfulness to his honorable teacher Meher Neger,
lecturer, Comilla University for her frank encouragement as well as guidance in preparing
this report.
Author would also like to thank A.K.M. Rafiqul Islam, Executive Officer, Marketing & PR
and Md. Shahjahan Kabir, Executive Officer at Bangladesh Tourism Board who provide
useful information to Author to make this report very well. And Author is also grateful to
them. And Finally grateful to Bangladesh Tourism Board.

Executive Summary

We shall be benefited of by our education if we can effectively apply the institutional

education in practical fields. Hence, we all need practical education to apply theoretical
knowledge in real world. By considering this importance arranges internship program each
semester compulsory for the students of Bachelor of Business Administration to complete the
requirement of the course. As a part of this program Authors topic of the study was
Marketing Strategy of Bangladesh Tourism Board. Author tried his best to conduct
effective study by collecting current data. Even though if mistake appears, it is truly
undesirable. So Author would request to look at the matter with merciful eyes.

Bangladesh Tourism Board doesnt provide any offer toward the tourists and others its
main task is to promote the tourism place all over the country.

The main purpose of this report is to analyze the Marketing Strategy of Bangladesh Tourism
Board and to highlight how the marketing activities can play the role in the tourism
development of a country like Bangladesh. Considering this view, the marketing Strategy
undertaken by Bangladesh Tourism Board to develop a tourism sector of Bangladesh. In
addition to that it was attempted to find out the types of marketing as well as the promotional
activities most suited for tourism in Bangladesh. Finally, based on the findings, some
suggestions have been put forwarded to the policy makers of the concerned authority.

The present research is a combination of both theoretical and empirical. For the theoretical
foundation and analysis. The existing literature includes published journals, periodicals,
newspapers, related magazines, Internet etc. Most of the statistical data have been collected
from the related web pages. To analyse the collected data, different quantitative and
qualitative measures have been taken.


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