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c  c c  c

Chapter One: replied in a calm tone, though I knew what was coming and I
knew I wouldnt like it ÔDont lie to me, It doesnt take that long
Same Old, Same old to get from here to the market and back! She retorted ÔIm
sorry I took so long, they were a lot of people andÔÔDont
It was late one afternoon; I was walking home, taking the usual give me that! You just cant do anything right, can you? Youre
scenic route. I glanced out at the widespread field in front of more than useless!! She interrupted, I guess if you were in
me, this time of year, the trees were tainted with shades of my place youd like to rip her face off, but I got used to this,
orange and red. A soft breeze blew and I heard the rustling of now all I had to do was raise my arms in defense and hope the
the autumn leaves. I started my way back home, but I took torture doesnt last long. HI, my name is Edward Collins, you
slow strides, not wanting to leave my haven, this place was can call me Eddie, Im 15 years old, I have an older sister
more of a home to me than my own house, nonetheless, I named Delia who is 17 years old and this is the story of the
knew if I didnt get back soon, Id get a scolding from my older most interesting time of my life
sister. Before I knew it, I was already wondering how many 
scars I would have the next day, I probably in a daze for quite 
some time because the next thing I knew, I was already 
walking up the same old steps to the same old door to my
same old house. I quietly opened the door and stepped inside,
hoping not to see my older sister, apparently the world hated c  c
me because I was greeted by the same old flaming blue eyes, c  c
the same old flaring nostrils, the same old crossed eye-brows,
the same old pale face, and right about now, starts the same
old chastise Chapter Two:

c  c Intermittent Explosive Disorder
ÔAnd where have you been? asks Delia, my older
sister ÔI brought home the things you asked me to buy I say, I was balled up in a corner and my forehead was
not bothering to answer her question ÔYou didnt answer my bleeding and my thighs burned. Youre dumb! You dont
question I shouldve expected her to be feisty, she was ?  deserve to live! Id rather have a donkey than have you! she
Delia Collins ÔI went to the market, just like you told me to I kept cursing and throwing insults at me, but I just couldnt fight
back, you see, my sister suffers from a psychological disorder
called Intermittent Explosive Disorder, I dont know the details
but I heard father talking about it with Dr. Fhaust, Delias
psychiatrist, they said that she lacks the ability to control anger
of any sorts and usually express it in explosive outbursts, I
learned that part head-on, literally, this gash on my forehead
proved it. It also didnt help how she had heart problems, I
couldnt fight her back when she was in that state, what kind of c  c
person would I be? She was still screaming, throwing things
around, Dad was rarely home to help me through these times, c  c
He was to busy with work, butwhen he was home he was a
hero, definitely, but I couldnt wait for Dad anymore, I had to
 Chapter Three:
c  c
Wish On a Star

c  c It was a cold night, but I felt too aloof to care. My life
was miserable, but I couldnt find it in myself to blame anyone
else but me. I was securely in the borders of my haven, I
get out of here. I took a deep breath and bolted towards the looked up and the stars greeted me, I quickly spotted Orion
door, Delia was shocked by my sudden movement but her and the Ursa Minor, watching the night sky always calmed me
insipid face still held the abhorrence and rage it did five down. I lay down on the grass and tried to recall the happy
seconds ago, I didnt want to linger on it though, once I was moments of my life, apparently there werent many, and
out the door I was safe, Delia had always refused to leave the instead of happy memories they were replaced by the morbid
house after twilight. recollection of every night since I was born. Delia had always
I ran, and I ran, never once looking back at that house hated me, she always took her anger fits out on me, She was
full of horrible memories. I headed towards the only place I always composed and nonchalant when father was around but
knew which could give me peace of mind, the field I passed when we were left alone, she didnt miss any chance to insult
through earlier. me, batter me and kick me around. I took the handkerchief I
kept in my jacket pocket and dabbed it on the gash on my
temple, it stung and the pain was excruciating, but it wasnt
anything compared to the wraths I had faced from Delia
before. With every memory, I Chapter Four:
c  c Alien from a Shooting Star
c  c He seemed to snap out of his daze because he looked
me straight in the eye and asked me I beg your impudence,
2  am I? Do I look like an object to you? I blinked, so he
had to hold in so much anger and sadness, I felt so lonely, talked, S-sorry, its just, you took me by surprise, I didnt
there was no one in this world that I could confide in, just then expect anyone to be out here this late. I said, not showing
I saw a flash in the sky, Y ??Y [ I thought, and then any emotion on my face And yet, youre here. My name is
I made a wish, I know, its childish of me, but everybody has a Prince, nice to meet you. I looked at him awkwardly, this little
childlike side to them and this was one of mine, the first thing guy was weird, The names Eddie I nodded at him, So,
that came to my mind was O   O Y   ?
  what is this place? I gave him a questioning look, This is
ð I stared up at the sky, swearing I had gone crazy, but just Earth isnt it he revised, I just got more confused, then it
then I heard a rustle of leaves behind me, I stood up briskly occurred to me, Are you some kind of alien? It was a stupid
and listened, there was something, or someone behind me, I question, but what else could you assume when someone
heard the noise again and turned around with my fists balled. asked is this earth? but apparently he laughed it off, he
There, in front of me stood a young boy, around 12 years old instead proceeded to ask more things, are you the only one on
with blonde hair and green eyes. I blinked twice, he looked this planet? No, there are others, I answered watching him
dazed, confused and he had a different air around him then 3 conscientiously I seedo they look like you? he continued,
really smart words escaped my lips What are you?  seemingly unaffected
by my glare No, we look different I replied, who was this boy

c  c

c  c

c  c exactly? The more he asked questions, the more I got curious,
and it didnt help how he bombarded me with queries, I
c  c answered them, mindful of every word I made, Why are your
trees orange? he asked Because its autumn. I replied shouldnt have said that But lamps arent living things, they
bluntly, Au-tumn? he looked at me, puzzled, A season of cant turn themselves on, unless they had a mind of their own.
the year when the trees shed their leaves I answered Why Tell me, are lamps like us? Or maybe like bats, yes! Bats
do they shed their leaves? he asked To prepare themselves sleep during the day dont they? The lamps do to! he said, so
for next spring, the trees fall asleep during winter win-ter? excitedly that it almost made me not want to prove him
he questioned yet again, this boy was getting on my nerves, wrongalmost No, they arent living, they are ordered to turn
look, I dont have time for this, its getting really late, he on when it gets dark, Who order them to? he asked, I
looked at me with the same questioning look, Do you have a thought about itI dont know the rest of the walk home was
place to stay? I asked What is winter? I wanted to tell this much like that, and with our little conversation, I realized I
guy to shut up already, but I had lots of experience holding knew less than I thought I did.
back my temper Its the season after autumn, its really cold When I opened the door, it was quiet, but everything
during winter I answered briskly, then said look, if you dont was in disarray, I knew I had to clean this up soon. My father
go home, itll be really late soon he looked at me for a while
and told me I cant go home yet I didnt understand what he c  c
meant by that, but by now I realized this boy wasnt exactly
what we define as normal. c  c
I told him to follow me, and I started in the direction of
my house. He followed, but he didnt do it quietly, thats for
sure. was there, on the couch embroidering a piece of cloth, he
c  c looked up when he heard the door open, Eddie! There you
are, where have you been? he asked, worriedly, not like
c  c Delia did, Out I replied indifferently, he hugged me, and
took a look at me what happened to your forehead? he

asked, I shrugged, he frowned Delia he said, I merely
nodded, I was used to this. Ill talk to her he said Like thatll
Chapter Five: help I rolled my eyes, every time they talked she only got
Stranger in my House madder at me, He then averted his eyes to someone at the
door, Whos this? he asked, Good evening, Sir, my name is
Prince. He greeted, I found him wandering around alone,
So, thats a streetlamp? he asked Yes I replied
and he doesnt seem to have a place to stay I shrugged,
who turns the lamp on? I thought about it, usually they just
Tibong, my father, let Prince in and showed him to the guest
turned on around nighttime, I never noticed when they did
room. Looks like he was staying, I sighed, I asked for a best
though, so I just said They turn on by themselves, I guess I
friend, not this guy, but I guess this guy was better than Delia. looked around, there were a lot of people, I guess thats
No matter what positive thing I tried to think up, I just couldnt because this
shake the thought of a stranger in my house.
c  c

c  c

was the town square, we lived out in this rural place far from a
c  c big city, but it was still filled with people, all the stores were in
the middle of town and we lived a few minutes away, but since
we didnt own a car, we had to walk. We passed a school with
Chapter Six: a playground, Prince asked about this too, apparently hed
Welcome to the Town Square never been on a swing set before, nor played soccer, I know, I
couldnt believe it either. Eventually we made it to the town
The next day, I woke up to the smell of coffee. I got up and
square; we made our way to the grocery store, and in front of
went to the kitchen; Tibong was there, sipping on his coffee
the entrance was Ms. Raynne Dullard, a self-proclaimed A-
while going through a newspaper as always, but Prince was
class performer. She was singing on a mini stage and people
there too, I had almost forgotten about him, nonetheless, I was
crowded around her, she was the drama teacher at my school,
in a good moodDelia wasnt awake yet, Good morning
she was always an arrogant, conceited snob. She finished her
Eddie they greeted me Morning I nodded. After breakfast, I
song and beamed at the crowd and bowed, the crowd clapped
had to go out again, and somehow, Tibong got me to bring
and cheered, she was good, but her arrogance threw of
Prince to show him around, hey, as long as Delia wasnt
admiration I could ever feel for her. My thoughts were
there in the morning, I was positive today was gonna be great.
interrupted by Prince Who is that Why are the people
So it started There are so many people! Why didnt you tell
cheering for her? That is Ms. Raynne Dullard, shes a
me you came in such big numbers? he looked around in awe
performer, and the people are cheering because she finished
You never askedI told you there were a lot of people like
her song. I answered, used o his questions, Then she must
me I said, but he raised his head and said No, youre wrong,
be talented to have so many people cheer for her! he looked
there is no one like you, there are merely people who look like
at her with awe, I felt nauseated, but allowed
you. He said, those words hit me like a truck, that was true,
everyone was unique, and though we didnt look alike either, I
c  c
got the main gist of his words, he sounded like an old man. I
c  c
them, though there are many out there. I said, frowning at the
him to get his hopes crushed by accompanying him to meet
We continued into the store, we walked around,
gathering the things we needed to buy, as we neared the cash
When we were within her field of vision she looked at
register, we came across the manager of the grocery store,
me Edward Collins? Here to compliment me? she giggled, I
Mr. Forsberg, he was at his desk beside the counter and it
swore, I couldnt vomited straight at her face right then, but
seemed he was talking to himself, So I add this, andok,
Prince cut in, That was amazing Ms. Raynne, youre really
now subtract thisWHAT?! How could I only get this much?
talented! he praised her, she bowed and Prince clapped, I
So, after that, I add this again, mm-hmm, yes, yesso all in
rolled my eyes, My, here I thought YOU were here to
all, that is 3,671,9343,671,935,3,671,937 he said, I
compliment me, looks like you brought another fan too! she
passed him and put the stuff on the counter and waited for the
was practically bouncing, I needed a bucket, A fan? What is a
clerk to finish, Prince was watching Mr. Forsberg intently,
fan? Prince asked, Raynne replied for me A fan is an
Good morning sir, what are you doing? he asked, Hello,
admirer, you know, someone who idolizes someone because
3,671,952, Im busy here, 3,671,953 he replied, not taking
they are amazing. She said that with haughtiness in her tone
his eyes of his desk, Busy with what? Prince asked, Oh,
To admire you? What does that mean? Prince asked,
3,671, 974, youre still there? 3,671,975, I thought you left,
puzzled It means to consider me the most beautiful, most
3,671, 976, Im busy counting, 3,671,977, look kid, 3,671, 978,
talented and most important person in this whole town!
could you go away? 3,671,979
Honestly, what do they teach kids these days? She alleged
with her head held high, I definitely didnt like this woman,
c  c
Prince now held disgust in his face, I admire your talent,
thats true, but I do not think you are that important, with that c  c
we walked away. I looked back and saw her, jaw dropped and
everything, I wouldve killed to see her
said Mr. Forsberg, but Prince was persistent, What are you
c  c counting? 3,671, 983coins, 3,671, 984 he answered,
c  c Why do you count the coins? 3,671,994, to know,
3,671,989, how richer Im getting, 3,671,990 Do you really
own all these coins? Are they all that important? Mr. Forsberg
sighed, 3,671, 997, I own all these coins, 3,671,998, theyre
pride stabbed like that everyday, but Prince looked upset, Not
important because, 3,671,999, they can buy you anything you
all grown-ups here are as conceited and egoistic as her right?
want! 3,672,000!! Im 3,672,000 coins richer!! Mr. Forsberg
he asked me, with an angry look on his face, No, not all of
was practically bouncing in his seat, but considering how he book youd like to borrow? she asked in a kind tone, Prince
was a fat man, it was a repulsive sight, but Prince had a mad blushed, Um, Im sorry, Ive never heard of a book before.
look on his face again, Coins, surely cannot buy you Mrs. Hadley stood up straight and shot me a curious look, I
happiness, nor can it buy you love, and you should now gave her just-play-along-with-him look and she looked at
material things such as coins dont last forever, with that he Prince again, she picked up a book and showed it to him This
walked away from Mr. Forsberg, who merely rolled his eyes is a book, a book can be about a story, or information you
and went back to counting, I had finished paying for the might need, books are fun to read, do you know how to read
groceries, so we headed off, That man was conceited as Prince? she asked Princes face lit up and he
well he grumbled, obviously upset, No, he was just a
selfish business man, I said, thinking he was making it such a c  c
big deal, he grunted all the way to the bookstore, but at least
his mood made him keep quiet. c  c
We got to the bookstore without any hindrances this

c  c nodded, Mrs. Hadley smiled Would you like to borrow a book
Prince? Oh, that would be great Prince said, I could swear
c  c there was a glow around him, Okay then Prince, why dont
you look around, look for a book you find interesting. Prince
nodded and was off, so was I. We looked around for a while,
time, and when I opened the door, I was greeted by Mrs. and just as we were to check out the books, we found a
Hadley, the owner of the bookstore. I had always liked Mrs. strange man in the corner scribbling away with piles of books
Hadley, she was 63 years old and was a really sweet old lady on both sides of his table, Prince, being inquisitive, went over
Good morning Edward, she greeted me with a wrinkly smile to him, I watched from the counter again, Good Noon, Sir!
and I smiled back, Good Morning Mrs. Hadley, I came to he greeted The man looked up for a few seconds to study
return the book I borrowed last week, I said, and handed her Prince as if he was an alienthough he really might beand
the book, I was an avid reader, I didnt have many friends so I went back to his work, without saying a word, What are you
spent most of my time reading books, Mrs. Hadley placed the doing? Prince asked, seemingly unaware of the fact that he
book on the table beside her and looked over my shoulder, didnt want to be disturbed, the man put down his pen and
And who might you be, cutie? she said patting Prince on the looked up at Prince, Cant you see Im busy? he snapped,
head, Hello Maam, my name is Prince. He said, beaming at Busy with what? asked Prince I am a geographer boy! Im
her, I guess he could sense that Mrs. Hadley was actually a busy studying the world and its physical features! We are very
good grown-up, Well, its nice to meet you Prince, is there a important people! Prince looked at him in wonder, So that
means you have traveled all over the world! Prince said, the c  c
Geographer stared at him in disbelief, The job of a
geographer is not to
said the girls mother as she handed the little girl an orange
c  c balloon, Yay!! says the girl as she dashes away, even from a
distance I could see the mother smiling as she watched her
c  c
daughter play with other children. I turned my head away, I
havent been watching them fir more than 2 minutes and a
feeling of melancholy has already engulfed me, my
travel the world, just to list down the facts about it he contemplation was broken by Prince What is a mommy,
explained So who tell you about these facts? Prince asked, Eddie? he asked, still looking at the mother and her child, I
That is what explorers are for, my boy! the geographer thought about it, I dont know Prince, I answered him, I knew
exclaimed But what if the explorer s to lie to you? the that a mother was the one who would give birth to us and raise
Geographer paused, thinking Then I wouldnt be able to do us, but I didnt know what a mother really wasPrince looked
my job properly he trailed off, Prince huffed up and started at me, I dont know what he was feeling, but I couldve sworn I
Then, wouldnt whoever read your facts be thrown off? the saw pity, I didnt want pity, but he was probably the only
Geographer looked at him, amazed at the power of his words, person who could understand, this boy didnt even know what
I was taken aback too, when did he get this mature? I know a mother was, what are the chances of him having one? But
well what a geographer does, but people like you take too he didnt have sister like mine, thats when I decided I
much time looking at the big picture to notice any of the little wouldnt take the usual way home.
details. And he walked away; we bade Mrs. Hadley a good 
day and left. Our chores were done, so we had to had home, I 
was contemplating whether to take the usual way home or 
notI looked at Prince and asked him So how did you find 
the town? he looked at me It was very interesting, there 
were so many people, so many places, Ive never seen a c  c
place so big before! he really looked excited. There was a
moment of silence as Prince looked around, Mommy! c  c
Mommy! I want a balloon! we heard a little girl say to
hermomOkay honey, here you go.

c  c
Chapter Seven:
Of Courage, Betrayal and Mangyans about thatmaybe Id show Prince around town more,
Maybe Ill take him to see Uncle Anton I said, Uncle Anton
had great stories, even at fifteen I liked listening to him, Okay
When we got home, Delia locked herself in her room, then, bring him something nice, you havent visited in a while
thank the heavens, I could have lunch in peace. Dad was I nodded, and our lunch went on like that, a little small talk.
there too, It was one of those rare days when hed take lunch Well, Id better go, lunch break will be over soon,
off from the school to have lunch with us. Dads name was exclaimed dad after putting the silverware away Take care
Primitivo Cosme Cabreza-Collins, but everybody called him dad, I said and waved him off, Thank you for the meal Mr.
Tibong, he teaches at the local elementary school and in his Collins. Said Prince, dad smiled and soon he was out the
spare time embroiders dresses, cloths and other stuff for our door, Thank you for showing me around town Eddie, said
neighbors, I remembering questioning his hobby at first, but Prince No, problem Prince, okay, the truth was, the little guy
later on accepted it as something he enjoyed doing, he tended was growing on me, I couldnt decide whether he was a little
to a little garden we had in the backyard and watches lost kid or an age old alien from another planet. After a while
television on his days off. He owned the grocery store in the we decided to leave for Uncle Antons house, So who is this
twon square at one point, but gave the position up to be the Uncle Anton? he
town secretary, and then he chose to become a teacher. So
how were your mornings Eddie, Prince? he asked as he set c  c
down our food on the table, It was okay, I showed Prince
around I said while munching on a piece of meat, It was very c  c
fascinating! stated

c  c asked, I could feel my eyes light up, Well, his full name is
Antonio Collins Luna, hes my dads cousin, a cousin is the kid
c  c of your parents brother or sister, he was a general in the last
World War, that was a time when the countries fought against
each other for power, I paused to hear his opinion, but he just
Prince We saw so many things, and met so many people, nodded at me to continue, He was a brave, he trained lots of
and I even borrowed a book from Mrs. Hadley! he stated soldiers, theyre people who fight during a war, to protect our
proudly, It actually cheered me up how he always seemed so country, he was amazing, but you should meet him yourself to
captivated by everything, I see, looks like you had an exciting find out, I explained, He seems like a nice grown-up, he
day then. Do you have any plans for this afternoon? he explained Did he ever kill anyone? he asked out of the blue,
asked, as he took a bite of his carrot, I hadnt really thought It made me stop and think, he was a general, how could he
NOT have killed anyone, I never thought of it that way he him for a while, So, Prince, where are you from? Prince
probably has killed someone, He possibly could have killed a looked at him and said Where I come from, everything is
bad person, Prince thought about it, What did this person do small, not like this place, its amazing here, He said, Uncle
that made him so bad? he asked, it took me a second but I Anton looked at me and I mouthed the words go with it and
answered He fought against our country, or maybe did he said, So have you ever heard any war stories
something else I trailed off, thinking about it, But werent
your Uncle and his men doing the same against the bad c  c
persons country? he asked, I pondered about it Thats
truein that case, we were both neither good nor bad, I guess c  c
the life and

c  c before Prince? Uncle Anton never missed a chance to tell a

minor about his war stories, I couldnt blame him, I was one of
c  c those children that liked his stories, That would be great!
Prince exclaimed, he looked like he could explode from
excitement, I guess Uncle Anton caught my drift from earlier
death of a person depends on whether it was meant to be I though because he chose a mellow story to tell, Okay then,
agreed, something I didnt expect to do easily, this boy really how about the story about the time I saved the Mangyans? he
was growing on me, Maybe it was he said and he had that asked What are Mangyans? asked Prince, Not what, who,
far-away look he had when I first saw him. the Mangyans are nomads, they dont have a definite place of
We arrived at Uncle Antons house a few minutes later, living, they travel a lot, Like explorers? asked Prince Yes,
and he greeted me, Eddie, my boy! How long has it been? like explorers, except they stay in one place longer. They were
he patted my head, Hey Uncle Anton I greeted, as I gave friendly people, but they were very timid and they dressed
him the food Dad made for me to give him, he accepted it and differently from us, they were verytraditional people, you
placed it on his table, Uncle Antons house always seemed so might say, Prince nodded, he was obviously interested in the
vintage, like how youd expect from a general during World rest of the story.
War II, but he didnt keep any weapons, just souvenirs from It all started one day, we were in going through a
his travels. He turned around and before he could ask, Prince training session to prepare ourselves for battle when we met
introduced himself Hello sir, my name is Prince he greeted, the Mangyans, they hid from us at first, but when we proved
Well, now, are you a friend of Eddies? he asked, I nodded, not to be a threat, they were very hospitable people, and in no
we were friends, in a way, He seemed lost so were taking time they felt like family. After a week of training we were
him in for a while, I stated, he looked at Prince and studied preparing to leave when we heard screams coming from the
c  c
part was that the one who shot me was my own soldier! It
c  c turned out he was a spy for the enemies, and he was in on the
plan to hold the Mangyans hostage to invade our camp, so
there I was, on the ground, writhing in pain, a burning
Mangyans village, we hurried over, to see the villagers being sensation in my arm, when the Mangyans had miraculously
cornered by enemy soldiers, Prince gasped then, Then? he escaped the attention of the enemies and got away from their
asked, We did everything we could to help the Mangyans, the captives and found shelter behind big boulders, one of my
men shouted General! The Mangyans are safe! You
enemy soldiers burnt down their village and it took everything
shouldve seen their faces just then, they looked around them,
we could to fight back without hurting the Mangyans, we hid
confused, dazed, some were running around, looking for
behind mounds on the hill, I remember taking on the leader of
shelter then I shouted Attack! I ducked, got as low as I could.
the enemy troops in battle, we fought each other with hand-
The rest was a blur, I mustve passed out, because the next
tohand combat, I gave him a kick and he landed a punch, in
thing I knew, I was in the hospital. he finished, Prince of
the end I managed to pin him down, it was such a rush! But,
the most unexpected thing happened, he paused and I course wanted to know more, What happened to the
Mangyans? he asked, Well, none of them were killed, but
realized I was on the edge of my seat too, I already knew this
story, but I liked to play the scenes with vividness in my mind, I many were injured, they were treated at our hospitals, but a
month later they all went on their merry ways, answered
could already imagine a young Uncle Anton landing punches
like some kind of ninja assassin! What happened next? Uncle, What about the soldier who betrayed you? He was
asked Prince, Hold on boy, Im getting to that. Well, as I said, captured and sent to prison, given a life sentence, he was, I
the next thing that happened was totally unexpectedI was dont have any idea how hes doing, he replied, Wow sir,
shot! he said, in a way that made Prince gasp, Thats right, you sure are brave, and the Mangyans were
straight to the arm, I still have the scar to prove it, he raised
c  c
up his right sleeve and showed us where the bullet entered his
body, and continued But that wasnt the most shocking part, c  c
the most shocking

c  c
too, even though you say they were shy, to have escaped like
c  c that, I wouldve been frozen with fear! I chuckled, so did
Uncle Anton while Prince looked at us, I ended up having a
good time. Prince continued asking Uncle Anton about his
times with the military, Uncle Anton looked like he was so come so fast, here you have to wait so long! he said, that
happy to be able to share stories of the war days with him, really made me curious, Where exactly do you come from?
and If youre wondering, Uncle Anton is quite old, him and dad What is this small place you keep talking about? I asked, he
have a big age gap, I cant tell you his age though, he forbade stayed quiet for a while, Do you believe that wishes come
me to tell anyone. true Eddie? he asked me, I was shocked by the question, I
Well, you two, its getting late, you should head dont know I said, So theres a part of you that believes,
home, he pat Princes head and put his hand on my shoulder, thats good, with that he kept quiet, I couldnt find anything to
I frowned, Uncle Anton knew about Delia, but he didnt know say, I was still lost in thought, who was this little boy, why was
to what extent she could torture someone, If she does he here? Question filled my mind, and again Prince interrupted
anything, my house is only a few minutes away Eddie, he my thoughts, You told me earlier when I asked what mothers
said, Prince looked at me questioningly, I shrugged, I guess were, that you didnt know, does that mean you dont know, or
we should head home, Prince nodded and we bade Uncle you
Anton farewell. I decided to take the scenic route, part of me
knew I was going to have to face Delia, I was just wondering c  c
how to save Prince
c  c

c  c can explain? I swore then that this boy had mind-reading
abilities, You caught me, I know what a mother is shes like a
c  c father, except shes a girl, but other than that I really dont
know what a mother isyou seeI never knew my mother
I said, with a little sorrow in my voice, I thought I had gotten
Chapter Eight: over this a long time ago but it was still a delicate topic, still
Prince let his curiosity get the best of him again, Why is that
Mothers and Grudges so? he asked, Sheshe died, giving birth to me I said, my
fists clenched, Prince cast a glance at me, but continued to
³This was the first place Ive seen in this world, right? look at the sunset, What does it mean, to give birth? he
Prince asked, we sat on the hill overlooking the field where he asked, It means to give a person life, to let them see the
first appeared, I actually couldnt believe that was yesterday world, she gave me life and she died for it, I said, my voice
night, It feels like it had been so long, Thats right, we were quivering, I was angry, angry at myself, and I was sad, sad
looking at the sunset, Where I come from, the sunset could because I never knew my mother, I felt so many things, and
my mind strayed to Delia, Do you blame yourself? Prince mom? he asked, pity and curiosity in his voice, I thought I
asked, I tried to think the way he did, What does it mean, to would pummel the person who would ask me
blame? I asked, quietly he replied It means to carry every
burden, hardship, pain and sorrow on your back and carry it c  c
until your back gives in, he replied calmly, before I could reply
he said, I thought you told me earlier that the life our death of c  c
a person,

c  c all this, but I found comfort in confiding in Prince, he didnt

judge people directly, Yeahshe blames me for what
c  c happened to my mother I admitted, She holds a grudge
against me because I took away the person who was most
precious to her, Delia is sickly and mother always used to take
isnt to be decided by anyone, instead wouldve been meant to care of her, when mom died giving birth to me, she lost
be, those words rung in my ears, this boy, this little boy, had someone precious to her I said, holding back tears, Are
just sympathized with me, he used my own words to comfort you sorry for her? Is she the reason why you blame yourself?
me, Thanks, Prince, he wasnt done though, Who is She he asked, I thought about it for a long time, and I answered,
he asked, Huh? I looked at him, confused, The she Yeswith that, a shooting star appeared, just like last night,
everyone talks about, the one who everyone tells you to be he looked up where the star appeared and disappeared, and I
careful around, I knew who he meant, he meant Delia, She swore I saw something there, a sort of longing, the way I felt
is Delia, my older sister, she gets mad very easily, and hurts when I thought of my mom. We were silent, until we decided to
me, but its not her fault I guess, she has aproblem and a go back to that house.
sickness, we cant do anything about her, she hates me I
said, Why does she hate you? he asked, Id rather not talk
about it, I said, I had enough of this, I didnt want to talk about
the mother who I didnt know, the sister who hated me for ? ?
reason, Its all too precarious a subject to me, Did you do
something to her? he asked, No, none that I know of, I
replied, Oh, then could it be youumtook something from
her? it struck me, I never thought of it that way, ?
   , I think I did, actually, I said, c  c
melancholy echoing in every corner of my voice, Was it your
c  c
back to me? After all youve done to me, you still choose to
step on my pride? she got up and inched towards me, Ive
Chapter Nine: done nothing to you, you brought this on yourself, I said, I
Regretful Disappearing didnt want to run anymore, I didnt want to let her hurt me,
what happened 15 years ago wasnt my fault, ME?! I did
I reached home, and just as expected, Delia was the NOTHING! YOU killed MY MOTHER! SHE died and YOU took
first to greet me, she looked at me with hard, cold eyes, and I her place, a useless delinquent like you could never replace
could swear I saw Prince cringe under her glare. Hello, Eddie, my mother! she bellowed at me, She was my mother too! I
where were you this time? And who is this? You know I dont retorted, YOU NEVER MET HER! she threw a vase at me, I
like visitors, she said, glaring at Prince, he hid behind me, raised my arms in defense, it hit me on the leg, the shards cut
Ive been at Uncle Antons house and this is Prince, he it a little, but I kept on going, That wasnt my fault! I
doesnt have a place to stay so dad let him stay here, I said screamed back, Then whose was it? WHO took my mother
calmly, she intensified her glare, Dont get cocky with me, from me?! I looked at her, I didnt feel the pity I always used
you little runt, she snapped, I kept quiet, Just because you to feel, I felt anger, I looked at the ground and saw a creature
say dad said it, how can I be sure? she said, her skin was crawling beside my feet, YOU CAUSED ALL MY
pallid, even more thannormal, and the dark circles under here
eyes were so purple they were almost black and though she and threw things at me, I did my best
was sitting down, her breathing seemed uneven, stayed quiet,
You there! Prince recoiled at the iciness of her voice, Y- c  c
yes? asked Prince, Leave already, you have no use here, c  c
she ordered, Delia, he has nowhere else to go, I defended
him, she narrowed her eyes
to evade them, but I couldnt avoid all of them, I was getting
c  c
bruised, but I fought back with words, And you have caused
c  c all MY suffering these past few years, YOU have been selfish,
thinking about your self all the time, I clenched my fists and
bent down, YOU ALWAYS say that she was YOUR mother, I
at me, Did you talk back to me? she asked threateningly, I told you already, she was OUR mother, Its not like I WANTED
whispered to Prince, Get out of here, go get Uncle Anton, or her to die, DO YOU THINK I LIKE MY LIFE WITHOUT A
Dad, just run, dont come back, I told him, he nodded and left MOTHER IS HAPPY?! YOU SELFISH BRAT! with that I
through the door, You little, inconsiderate fool, you DARE talk threw the creature at her without thinking straight, it flew to her
and landed on here head, she started screaming and the next 21 hours since Delia had her heart attack, it was sunset
thing I knew she was on the ground, unmoving, not breathing, outside, I refused to leave the hospital, but Prince insisted on
I looked at her in horrorwhat have I done? Just then the front it, Lets go the hill with the field, he said, You like it there
door burst open and I heard Uncle Anton gasp, he looked at dont you? I shook my head. I remembered when Dad heard
me then looked at Delia, It was the first time in my life that I the news he rushed over here and embraced me, I couldnt
had felt so scaredfor DeliaShe wasdeadI looked at cry, I felt numb, I
the centipede beside herunmoving as well
c  c

c  c

c  c didnt know what to feel, she may have tortured me all my life,
but the cold irony was that, she was the older sister who had
c  c blamed me for killing her mother, and the last few things I said
to her were that it wasnt my fault, even if she did live through
this, shed have more of a reason to hate me, but I didn want
Chapter Ten: her to die.
Prince pulled me up, I was forced to my feet, I want to
Authority, Lamps and Alcohol see the sunset, he looked at me with hard eyes, full of
determination, I gave in, Prince was trying to help me. On our
Delia was rushed to the hospital, she had a heart way there we saw a flickering lamp and a man attempting to fix
attack because of me, she was dying, so close to death, it, Prince stopped to look at the man, and the flickering lamp,
because of me, darn it! I didnt want this to happen! I buried Good evening Sir! he said to the man, Evening, replied the
my head in my hands and Prince sat down beside me, Will man, Are you the lighter of this lamp? asked Prince, tha man
she be alright? he asked, I really, dont know was my thought about it, I guess you could say that What a
confident answer, I felt too miserable, when Delia was rushed fulfilling job, said Prince, Not true, I follow a horrible
to the hospital she was in cardiac arrest, no sure chance of profession he continued to work on the lamp, as it turned
surviving, and it was my fault, I knew what would happen and on and off..
yet I let my anger blind me, Dont blame yourself, Prince told As we neared the hill, a man cam up to us, he reeked of
me How could I not? I asked, If it was meant to be, it was alcohol, Hey there! You dont look to good! How about one
meant to bethats what you said, I kept quiet, it had been
round on me? he was obviously drunk, Hello, good sir, what
about people? he asked Them too, she answered Do
they obey you completely? he asked Yes they do she
c  c
smiled proudly, Then order your people to save my friends
c  c sisters life, I was taken aback by his request, but I knew it
wasnt possible, If I asked you to fly over a mountain and
you couldnt do, it would be my fault not yours, I couldnt ask
that in your hands? asked Prince, Its booze! The best something of you that couldnt be done, the same goes with
thing on the planet, You drink this stuff to forget! he raised up my men, she answered, Now if youll excuse me, I need to
his arm and he looked like he was about to fall, Ignore him leave. With that, she turned around and walked until we
Prince, I said quietly, drunkards could be dangerous, Why couldnt see even her silhouette.
do they drink to forget?questioned Prince Because they feel
ashamed of something, I replied Ashamed of what? he
asked Who knows
We arrived at the hilltop, it was almost dark, but the sky
still had a few shades of pink. We saw a person standing
there, talking on their phone, yes; this land will be mine
soon, correct? Yes, thank you, okay, bye. With a beep the
woman ended her call and turned to look at us. Good
evening, may I help you? she greeted with a hint of
authority in her tone, Good evening maam, who might you
be? Prince asked, I am Lady Remington, This land will be
c  c
mine soon, I blinked, what did she say? I will reign over
this land soon, its beautiful here, she said, Prince was c  c
unaffected again, What is it, to reign over? he asked,
Lady Remington answered, It means to rule over it, to hold
the highest authority, Over what do you rule? he asked,
Over anything I desire she answered, What Chapter Eleven:
Shooting Stars
c  c

c  c
We sat on the hill, silently, after all this I wouldnt even beluve in wishes made on shooting stars? I asked him, he
be able to have this place, my life was miserable, and I smiled, Yes, I do Eddie
caused itI looked up to see a star, a shooting star, the third Im sure what happened those days were real, but
one in 3 days, Prince spoke, Do you believe in wishes? he nobody remembered Prince, and the Queen landlord, never
asked, I dont know, I answered, Wish now, he said, I came back for her landI still go back there everyday,
thought about it, what did I want the most right now, I hoping to see a shooting star
thought about Delia, the argument we had, and I felt the
emotions wash over me, then I closed my eyes and
wishedthe one thing I wad always wished for I want to
meet my mother
and then I heard a voice from behind me, an unfamiliar
voice, soft and warm, calling my name, Eddie, I opened
my eyes, the boy that was supposedly beside me was gone,
but there was a woman standing a few feet behind me, she 
had Black hair like Delia and I, she had Dalias face, except 
she looked for aged, and we had the same violet eyes, M- c  c
mom? I asked, she smiled, Im with you always Eddie, 
with you, Delia, you

c  c

c  c

Father, always I reached out to her, but her image only

rippled like water, I love you Eddie, dont forget that and
with that her image faded away, the beautiful face, the warm
voice, was goneand I awoke to the soft sound of someone
calling me, Eddie, wake up, Delias alive! said Dad, Dad?
Wheres Prince? he looked at me, puzzled Prince? Who
might that be? I blinked, then I understood, Dad, do you

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