Platform Party Itineary

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Platform Party Itinerary

4:00-4:20 pm Set up in SED and Questrom

Winki (emcee) reports to SED to help set up and prepare with the other volunteers. Winki and Olivia K.
(student speaker) to Questrom for mic check and auditorium set up with Mackenzie.

4:45 Greeting guests during reception

Dean Coleman, Dean Johnson, Steph G., and Rob M. arrive. Mingle and greet guests. Talk to parents and
Winki and Olivia stay near the front of SED with Caysie to greet Sheggai T. (Guest Speaker) as soon as she

5:00 Guest Speaker Arrives & Hors DOeuvres

Introductions and pictures. All members of the platform party get food and mingle.

6:15 Juniors and Platform Party go to Questrom

Mackenzie will lead you and the Juniors over to SMG. The Juniors will wait outside in the lobby being
organized alphabetically, but platform party members go straight into the auditorium. Once in the auditorium
note the seat designated for you in the first row, it will have your name on it. Feel free to chat amongst
yourselves for a few minutes while we get set up, but please be seated by 6:20.

6:20 Please Be Seated in the Front Row as Juniors Enter

Winki will be on stage at the podium; the other members of the platform party will be in the first and second
rows on the left side of the auditorium when facing the stage.

6:30 Ceremony ________________________________________________

Opening Remarks
By Winki 2-5 Minutes
Deans Welcome
By Dean Coleman. 5-10 Minutes
Excellence in Education Alumni Award
By Dean Coleman. 5 Minutes
Student Speaker
By Olivia K. 5-10 Minutes
Guest Speaker
By Sheggai T. 10-20 Minutes
Educators Affirmation and Pinning with Alumni
Dean Johnson takes the stage, asks the Juniors to rise, and all recite the Educators Affirmation. 2 Minutes
Dean Johnson asks Steph G and Rob M. to come on stage. Dean Johnson reads each Juniors name, and Steph
and Rob hand them a pin and frame. Winki and Olivia K. will be pinned first. 15 Minutes.
Congratulations from Dean Johnson. 1-2 Minutes.
Closing Remarks
By Winki. 2-3 Minutes

7:30 Exit Auditorium

Winki will ask the audience to remain seated until the platform party and Juniors have left, you will lead the
Juniors from the auditorium into the lobby.

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