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Elder Druids are individuals who have been chosen to protect their world from war and darkness. Only the most knowledgeable are permitted entry into the Druid Council, and those who do must forsake all other loyalties in favor of the pursuit of peace. The World of Shannara ELDER DRUI by Brian Murphy ¢ illustrated by Jeremy Jarvis tespite sharing a name, Elder Druids and typical DEtD druids have almost nothing in common. Elder Druids are most often wizards or sorcerers, although fighters and bards occasionally take up the path Paladins make excellent Elder Druids, but they are rare. Clerics seldom follow the path of the Elder Druid, a5 no Elder Druid can folfow the doctrine of a particular god. NPC Elder Druids are often wander- ers, and most Elder Druids travel for long periods of time without the company of their brethren, seeking to learn more about the world at large ‘Almost all groups of Elder Druids obey 2 hierarchy, and their leaders spend most of their time focusing on avoiding major catastrophes. Elder Druids seek ‘0 maintain balance across the globe and prevent war, but they are not ‘above fighting on the battlefield should the need arise, Class Features Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Being an Elder Druid grants proficiency with all simple weapons, but not armor cor shields. Spells per Day: An Elder Druid con- finues training in magic. Thus, when a new Elder Druid level is gained, the character gains new spelis per day as iF he had also gained a level in a spell- casting class he belonged to before he added the prestige class. He does not, however, gain any other benefit 2 char acter of that class would have geined (improved chance of controling or rebuking undead, metamagic or item creation Feats, and so on). This essen- tially means that he adds the level of Elder Druid to the level of some other spelleasting class the character has, then determines spells per day and caster level accordingly. IF the character had more than one spelicasting class before he became an Elder Druid, he must decide to which class he adds an Elder Druid level for purposes of determining spells per day when he adds each new level Communication: At 1st level, the Elder Druid can invoke fongues and compre~ hhend languages on himself as the spells of the same name, at wil. This is a spel-ike abi. Druid Fire: Once per day per two Elder Druid class levels, as standard action, the Eller Druid can summon forth a plane of white hot flames similar 10 a burning hands spell. This artack rakes the form of a 4o-foot-long semi- circular burst of fire that deals damage equal 10 1d6 per Elder Druid class level plus the Elder Druid’s Wisdom modifier reatures in the area of effect can make a Reflex save (DC 20 + the Elder Druid’s Wisdom modifier) to take half damage. The fire can affect incorporeal and ethereal creatures, and spell resist- ance does not apply. This is 2 supernat> ural ability Sense Magic: At 3rd level, the Elder Druid ean derecr magic and read magic 2 the spell of the same name, at wil This is a spell-ike ability. Elder Druid Resistance: Ar qih level the Elder Druid’s body becomes resist- ant fo poison and disease. Ths resuils in a +4 resistance bonus fo saving throws against poison and disease. This is an extraordinary ably. Uncanny Dodge: At ist level the Elder Druid gains the extraordinary ability to react to danger before his ‘senses would normally allow him so, At ist level and above, the Elder Druid reiains his Dexterity bonus to AC ‘regardless of being caught flat-footed oF being struck by an invisible attacker. A sth level, the Elder Druid can no longer be flanked, He can react to ‘opponents on opposite sides of him as easily as he can react to a single oppo- rent. The exception to this defense is that a rogue who is 4 levels higher than the character can flank him (and thus sneak attack him} Druid Sleep: At 7th level, the Elder Druid is taught how to enter Druid sleep, a form of magical hibernation that allows bim to exceed his naturel lifespan. A fotal of twenty-eight days Cou oF the year must be spent in hiber- ration (assuming your year is around +365 days; adjust this duration to about 7 the length of the year in your cam= paign). Provided this ratio is maintained, the Elder Druid adds one year to his ‘maximum lifespan for each day spent in hibernation. ifthe Elder Druid does not maintain the ratio, the days spent in Elder Druid sleep provide no benefit. Druid sleep can be used to prolong Peon) re eee RECOM cate oe mrs oo © HB Hi 4g Hoo Rg 2 SG ag 45 THe drs slop sa powerful tol he as Er Drs ee evi Pa yf peter the Four Lan however, usr te seep mots the er Dru Soponiont on i. Such indie an al the wer Fr only srs Hines before heir nee are oxida thoy must ep ain for» mina oF wen eg days Isc toa offen. tha cud slog rab its ar of fs humana ary Bi ino 43 creatine of th spit wor Such shor appane otha aba ler Braid Bron Evany twenyeot ys 2s the Ast fur eke tht somaons sponds dui o,f must male 9 suczesTu Wi sve (DCs) or te turnin 0 ghest Re the Workck Lard ne the erees of Shannare“on page 44) For every aver 2h divs the seep conte anoror WA save my be mad, ree ica by ane (BC 16 ater i ds 17 ator end 39 on ntl the saving row as cre ecco es Ca a ‘Algninent: Any nonevi ‘Knowledge (arcana): 10 ranks. Knowledge (history): § ranks, Feajo: Skil Focus~Knowledge history) ‘Spelleasting: Must be able to | cost spall. ‘Special: Must be nominated and ‘tained by another Elder Druid and must forsake all other oyalies to any political power, nation, or deity. | Glevios who forsake their deity lase | al spelis and class faatures and can- | nor gain levels as clerics, Druid tire viday Sense magic Eider Druid resisiance, Druid fre 2/day Uncenny dodge (can't be flanked) Druid Fire g/day ~ Druid steep Elder Druid blade, Druid fre jer Incredible Memory Imnmolate body, Druid fre g/day one's life beyond that point, but such ‘excessive use brings on additional side effects (see the sidebar). Provided the Elder Druid continues hibernating ‘on a regular basis, he will no longer suffer the penalties of aging, nor will he show physical signs of aging Bonuses still accrue. Elder Druid Blade: Ar 8th level, the Elder Druid learns how to temporarily infuse a weapon with magical energy. This can be done as a free action, pro~ vided the weapon is already held in hand, The Elder Druid must sacrifice a memorized spell or the use of a spel slot for the remainder of the day. In ‘exchange, the weapon is considered 10 have an enhancement bonus equal to ihe level of the spell sacrificed for the purpose of surpassing damage reduc- tion only. A weapon infused wih a crlevel spell performs as a silver ‘weapon for the duration of the enhancement. This Femporary enhance- iment lasts for 1 round per class level This is a supernatural abilty. ANTSAN Sue ec ee cs es Communication. Uncanny éodge (Dex bonus to AC). +4 level of existing class ‘1 level of existing class ‘level of exiting class +1 level of existing class 14 level of existing class ‘level of existing class “1 level of existing clase [ea | level of existing class | +1 evel of existing dass Incredible Memory At gth level, the Elder Druid gains the ability to recall any memory with surprising accuracy. ‘This gives the Elder Druid 3 +5 compe- tence bonus on all Knowledge checks. This abily is also useful in combar, as it gives the Elder Druid a +2 compe tence bonus to attack rols against any opponent he has fought during a prior encounter. Ths is an extraordi- nary ably Immolate Body: At soth level, the Elder Druid can increase his abilities at the cost of his health. The Elder Druid can exceed his dally uses of the druid fire, suffering + point of temporary Constitution damage with each use, This can also be done for spells. Casting an ‘extra spell causes 1 point of Constitution ddamege plus 1 per level of the spell Casting an extra spell from level 5-8 also ages the Elder Druid by wdq years. Casting an exira gth level spell ages the Elder Druid by dare years and deals Constitution damage, This damage is suf- fered immediately after a spell is cast This is a supernatural ability “eB Dus ss 05 rg yy sy Concentration | Alchemy Profession But on tn ee a a

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