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Apparel Effects

equivalent to the magnitude with a Grand soul, 0 skill, and no perks.

Apparel Effect Head Neck Chest Arms Finger Feet Shield

Alchemy 0 0 0 0
Archery 0 0 0 0
Barter 0

0 0 0 0
Heavy Armor 0 0 0 0
Fortify Skill Light Armor 0 0 0 0
Lockpicking 0 0 0 0
One-Handed 0 0 0 0
Pickpocket 0 0 0 0
Smithing 0 0 0 0
Sneak 0 0 0 0
Two-Handed 0 0 0 0
Magicka 0 0 0 0
Magicka Regen 0 0 0
Health 0 0 0 0
Fortify Attribute
Health Regen 0 0 0
Stamina 0 0 0 0
Stamina Regen 0 0 0
Fire 0 0 0 0
Frost 0 0 0 0
Disease 0 0 0 0
Magic[1] 0 0 0
Poison 0 0 0 0
Shock 0 0 0 0

Blessing of Mara[2]
Carry Weight 0 0 0 0
Fortify (Magic School) 0 0 0 0
Fortify (Magic School)
and Magicka Regen
Fortify Unarmed 0 0
Muffle 0
Waterbreathing 0 0 0
Apparel Effect Head Neck Chest Arms Finger Feet Shield

The net magnitude of the effect follows this formula:

net magnitude = base magnitude * soul multiplier * skill multiplier * (1 + Enchanter modifier) * (1 + specific perk modifier)

Soul multiplier is as follows: %

Class Multiplier dec
Grand x1 %
Greater x2/3 dec
Common x1/3 dec
Lesser x1/6
Petty x1/12

Skill multiplier is approximately 1 + 0.25 * (skill/100)2 but the exact formula is unknown.
Weapon Effect Base Magnitude Skill Net Number of Uses
Health 8 22.6 0 x1.00
Absorb Magicka[1] 15 35.1 10 x1.29
Stamina[1] 10 33.4 20 x1.46
Briarheart Geis +5 damage vs. Nords Infinite 30 x1.63
Fire 10 69.2 40 x1.81
10 50 x2.00
50% slow for 2s[2] 55.5 60 x2.21
+3 damage vs.
Huntsman's Prowess
Damage Animals 265 70 x2.45
Magicka 15 48.3 80 x2.72
Shock 10 54.9 90 x3.04
+10 damage under
Silent Moons
moonlight 170 100 x3.41
Stamina 15 24.2
Banish Level 10 5.5
Repel Fear Level 10 44.7
Turn Undead Level 10 24.2
Paralyze 2s 20.6
Apply Effect
Soul Trap 4s 87.9
Fiery Soul Trap
10 fire damage[2] 61.8
5 shock damage
Notched Pickaxe
+5 Smithing[2] 66.5

maximum magnitude = effect's base magnitude * skill multiplier * (1 + Enchanter modifier) * (1 + specific perk modifier)

The number of uses does depend on the soul used, but not on perks (assuming maximum magnitude is used):

number of charges = soul capacity

charges per use = 3 * (effect base cost * magnitude / maximum magnitude)1.1 * skill cost multiplier
skill cost multiplier = (1 - skill/200) / (1 + sqrt(skill/200))
net number of uses = number of charges / charges per use
the weapon has two effects, the charges per use are added together, resulting in fewer uses.

The soul multiplier is the same as for apparel.

Class Capacity
Grand 3000
Greater 2000
Common 1000
Lesser 500
Petty 250
Base Magnitude
8% 4
+13% damage 4
8% 1
+13% damage
blocked 4
8 4
8 4
13% 4
+13% damage 4
13% 4
8% 4
13% 4
+13% damage 4
20 4
20% 3
20 4
10% 3
20 4
10% 3
15% 4
15% 4
25% 4
8% 3
15% 4
15% 4
-10% Restoration
casting cost 0
15 4
-8% casting cost 4
-5% casting cost 1

10% Magicka Regen[3] 0

+5 damage 2
n/a 1
n/a 3
Base Magnitude

cific perk modifier)

Calculator Enter values.
Base 8
Soul 1 eg grand = 1, common = 0.33
Skill 60
Fortify Enchanting 0.4 eg potion of fortify enchanting 40% = 0.4
Perk total 0.85 eg Enchanter 3 (60%) plus insightful (25%) =0.85

Net magnitude 22.5848

fic perk modifier)
Skill Required Effect
Quality Without
With Perk Armor Other
Fine 1 1 2 1
Superior 31 22 6 3
Exquisite 65 40 10 5
Flawless 100 58 13 7
Epic 150 74 17 8
Legendary 196 91 20 10
Creature Soul Level Creature Soul Level
Alpha Wolf Petty Cave Bear Common
Chicken Petty Chaurus Reaper Common
Cow Petty Draugr Overlord Common
Deer Petty Draugr Scourge Lord Common
Dog Petty Draugr Scourge Common
Draugr Thrall Petty Falmer Nightprowler Common
Draugr Petty Frost Atronach Common
Elk Petty Frost Troll Common
Fox Petty Hagraven Common
Goat Petty Snow Bear Common
Horker Petty Spriggan Matron Common
Mudcrab Petty Falmer Shadowmaster Common, Grand
Rabbit Petty Draugr Deathlord Common, Greater, Grand
Skeever Petty
Skeleton Petty Creature Soul Level
Slaughterfish Petty Giant Greater
Wolf Petty Storm Atronach Greater
Frostbite Spider Petty, Lesser The Pale Lady Greater
Wispmother Greater
Creature Soul Level Draugr Death Overlord Greater, Grand
Bear Lesser
Chaurus Lesser Creature Soul Level
Draugr Restless Lesser Dragon Priest Grand
Draugr Wight Lesser King Olaf One-Eye Grand
Falmer Skulker Lesser Mammoth Grand
Falmer Lesser Potema's Remains Grand
Flame Atronach Lesser Dremora Kynreeve Grand (Black)
Giant Frostbite Spider Lesser Ghost Grand (Black)
Horse Lesser
Ice Wolf Lesser Creature Soul Level
Ice Wraith Lesser Magic Anomaly Leveled L:1.75x
Pit Wolf Lesser Corrupted Shade Leveled L:1x, Petty
Restless Draugr Lesser Falmer Gloomlurker Leveled L:-5
Sabre Cat Lesser Red Eagle Leveled L:Special
Snow Fox Lesser
Snowy Sabre Cat Lesser Creature Soul Level
Spriggan Lesser Dwarven Centurion N.D.
Troll Lesser Dwarven Sphere N.D.

Werewolf Lesser Dwarven Spider Worker N.D.

Wounded Frostbite Spider Lesser Hawk N.D.
Udefrykte N.D.
Wisp N.D.
Soul Level
Petty 1-3
Lesser 4-15
Common 16-27
Greater 28-37
Grand 38+ or NPC

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