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Wave Machine Lab

In class we have introduced the different types of waves and today we will be doing a lab that
demonstrates the behaviors of waves under certain conditions.

Pre-lab Demo Questions

How do you think the wave will be reflected if one end is held still?

How will it be reflected if the end is free?

How can we change the amplitude?

What factors affect the speed of the wave? Can we change the wave speed on the demo candy
What could we change and test about the wave to affect speed, amplitude and frequency?

Each group will build a candy wave that will test the factor they choose in the discussion.

Kabob Skewers
Ring stands with rings
Gummy Candy

Factor Being Tested:

Hypothesis of how your groups factor will affect the wave:

Use your classmates and textbook to determine a way to find the values below. SHOW ALL

Velocity of the Wave Frequency Amplitude

Go around to other groups candy waves and see how their factor affected the wave.

Group 1:
Factor Tested-
Use your classmates and textbook to determine a way to find the values below. SHOW ALL

Velocity of the Wave Frequency Amplitude

Group 2:
Factor Tested-

Use your classmates and textbook to determine a way to find the values below. SHOW ALL

Velocity of the Wave Frequency Amplitude

Group 3:
Factor Tested-

Use your classmates and textbook to determine a way to find the values below. SHOW ALL

Velocity of the Wave Frequency Amplitude

Daily Goals Checklist

Day Teacher Initials


Day 1 Wave machine and pre-lab questions were completed by

the end of the class period on the first day.

Day 2 Students determined a method to find velocity, frequency

and amplitude of their wave and recorded their values.
Day 3 Students have completely filled out the tables for the other
groups and determined the velocity, frequency, and
amplitude of all other groups waves.
Name: Teacher:
Date of Activity: Name of Activity: Wave Machine Lab

1 2 3 4 Points

Answers are Answers contain Answers are Answers are

missing, are mostly substantial errors generally on target scientifically
Pre-Lab Demo incorrect, and are poorly but contain a few accurate, organized,
Questions organization and organized with errors and have and contain good
rationale are not weak rationale. good structure and rationale.
present. rationale.

Groups machine is Groups machine Groups machine is Groups machine

not complete or not has functional functional and works effectively
Wave Machine functional and problems but was factors can be tested and gives accurate
factor tests could completed. Factors but inaccuracies are results for factors
not be implemented. tests are noted. tested.

Group had Group had Group generally Group worked well

significant difficulties in worked to complete together and
personality completing the lab. lab but imbalances workload was
Group Dynamics problems that made were noted. balanced.
completing the lab

Communication Group did not Factor test results Factor test results Factor test results
and Presentation of communicate were poorly were communicated were communicated
Factor Tests results to other communicated and effectively but with well and
groups. other groups could awkward and/or persuasively to
not gain an missing segments. other groups.
understanding of
the groups results.

Template for Teacher Guide/Strategies for
Project-Based Learning (PBL) Assessment

Project-based learning (PBL) and project-based science (PBS) provide opportunities for students
to take responsibility for their own learning and engage in the practices of science and
engineering (Steve Metz, The Science Teacher, January 2015, p. 6)

Candidate Grade Level/Subject 11/12th Physics

PBL Title Wave machine Timeline 3 Days in class 1 for

Lab building, 1 for
figuring out how to
find velocity,
amplitude and
frequency another
for testing other

Overview This lab will be used as a preview into the more complex ideas about waves. It will also be
and a review for some of the very basic properties of waves and what affects them. The lab is
a good segway into how to do the math for open-open, closed-open, and closed-closed
systems. From there you can go into standing waves and then into waves in sound.

Key -Factors that affect Materials, Demo candy wave

Idea(s) wave speed Technology Gummy Bears
-Know how to find Kabob Skewers
the speed of the Duct Tape
wave through math Ring Stand and Rings
-Be able to explain Student waves
what frequency, Different types of tape
and amplitude are Gorilla
and how they are Masking Tape of varying thicknesses
related to speed of Painters Tape
the wave Kabob Skewers
-What could we Ring Stand and Rings
change if we rebuilt Different types of candy
this wave? Gummy Bears of varying sizes
-How might these Fruit Slices or Orange Slices
changes affect the
-How does the
wave get reflected
when one end is
held still versus
when it is free?
Objective Students will:
s Explore how changing one factor affects the wave as a whole. Students will be able to visualize waves and
think back to their behavior as they continue to learn about waves. They will collaborate with each other
and come up with factors to test together.

Timelin Procedures/Schedule

Introduction of Project:
The project will be introduced to students after they learn about transverse,
longitudinal, mechanical and electromagnetic waves. They will be introduced to
the wave speed equation. They students will share their projects in class with
each other as they go around and observe other groups wave machines.

-As students are working I will assess students by walking around and asking
questions of the groups. Such as when they reach a point where they are
planning a way to find velocity if they need assistance these questions can be
What do we use to find velocity in other areas of physics
What values are measurable that make up velocity
In our class discussion about pendulums we have seen a way that
frequency is related to a measurable quantity, what is this quantity
how is it related to frequency
What have we learned about that relates frequency and velocity of a
Using this equation what other value can we calculate
-At the end of each day there will be a set goal that must be completed. Such as
the first day they must have their wave machine built or the group members
grades will be negatively impacted. To enforce this I will have a check sheet for
each person and at the end of everyday it will be initialed by me to say that
their goal for the day was meet.

Key Strategies and Instructional Interactions:

-by asking students what they observed about my candy wave and how it
behaved, students can hypothesize how their candy wave will behave.
-Students are expected to help construct their groups wave and gather data

-After the project as bellwork we can go over how each group determined
velocity, frequency, and amplitude.
-As a segway into the next lesson we can review how the wave behaved when it
was reflected from a fixed end versus a free end.
- What did we see when the end was held
- What do you think we will see when multiple waves keep getting reflected off
a fixed end

P. (2011, January 31). Retrieved April 13, 2017, from

PBL Assessment Review In the space below, describe/list the contributions each group
member gave for your PBL assessment. At the end, please sign your names to indicate

Project/Problem: __Wave Machine Lab________________

Group Member #1: Tom

My key contributions:

Rubric -
Teacher Guide

Group Member #2: Kasey

My key contributions:

Handout -
Teacher Guide


Member #1-Tom Von Stroh

Member #2- Kasey Wilson

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