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Instituto Tecnolgico de


Nombre Tarea: Homework 3

Materia: English


Alumno: Leonardo Adrin De Lira Castaon

Carrera: Ing. En Tecnologas de la Informacin y Comunicaciones

Aguascalientes Ags. 04 de septiembre del 2017

Essay of Video Games

Are video games good for the brain training?

Some of the people think video games are good practice to remember some
images, places, tramps, etc. And a lot of people say it is a bad idea to implement
video games in the life of adults and kids because they waste time play video

First video games are recommending to reduce stress because games are very
fun, excited, playing games releases aggression and frustration so, and the same
time video games produce addictions and a lot of people cant sleep good and
arrive late to school, the people should play video games less.

On the other hand, many educators say video games improves the memory and
develops problem solving skills because the people think about how create ways to
solve puzzles or problems.

Finally, scientists think is good idea use video games in the life of adults and kids
because is good way to reduce stress, improvise memory, the people feel very
good after play video games, the people may be find some new ways to solve this
problem of addiction to video games.

Question tags exercise: A. Put the following question tags in to the correct gaps. Each
question tag is used only once.

*isn't it?, *has he?,*were you?, *aren't you?, doesn't he?, *do you?, *is she?, didn't you?,
*did she?

1. She didn't watch the film last night, did she?

2. It's great to see each other again, isnt it?
3. He comes every Friday, doesnt he?
4. You're married, arent you?
5. You went to Tom's last weekend, didnt you?
6. You don't like tripe, do you?
7. She isn't much of a cook, is she?
8. He hasn't lived here long, has he?
9. You weren't invited to the party, were you?

B. Choose the correct question tags:

1. You wanted that, .......... ?

a) would you

b) didn't you

c) wouldn't you

d) do you

2. He saw that .......... ?

a) is he

b) won't he

c) didn't he

d) doesn't he

3. You know that's right .......... ?

a) would you

b) wouldn't you

c) don't you

d) didn't you

4. He will be coming .......... ?

a) is he

b) did he

c) doesn't he

d) won't he

5. After all this time you'd think he'd have forgotten .......... ?
a) didn't you

b) wouldn't you

c) don't you

d) do you

6. The amount he is suffering from hay fever he needs to see a doctor .......... ?

a) doesn't he

b) did he

c) won't he

d) is he

7. You may think you know the answer but you don't .......... ?

a) don't you

b) would you

c) wouldn't you

d) do you

8. After working so hard he didn't deserve to fail the exam .......... ?

a) doesn't he

b) did he

c) won't he
d) is he

9. You wouldn't report me, .......... ?

a) don't you

b) would you

c) wouldn't you

d) do you

10. He isn't going to like this, .......... ?

a) didn't he

b) did he

c) won't he

d) is he

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