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Lesson Plan English

Lesson number 1 Year:
Big Idea What is a procedure?
Curriculum Content taken from - Identify characteristic features used in imaginative, informative and persuasive texts to meet the purpose of the text (Australian
Australian Curriculum or IB or Curriculum, 2010)
other curricula framework
Text types or genres to be In this lesson students, will share their prior knowledge of procedures and will learn about the purpose and key elements of a procedure.
Learner diversity in class e.g. This class has an uneven gender mix, as there are more male students than female students. The class has a very mixed ability as the class
all girls, mixed year levels, is year three and four; however, due to NEPs I have students who are working at a reception and year 1 level.
students with disabilities,
E/ALD gifted, ATSI etc. To cater for the class diversity, I tend to make lessons engaging and as hands on as possible to try and extend and cater for short attention
Stated learning Intentions or As a result of engaging with this lesson students should understand what a procedure is and their purpose.
outcomes for the lesson
Building the field Students will demonstrate their prior knowledge of procedural texts through the group discussion and mind map created from it.
Four resources model This lesson will focus on the code breaker and text user model. As students will need to be able to read and comprehend the text so that they
can learn, explore and discuss the reasons for procedural texts.
Teaching learning cycle This lesson is building the field of knowledge, as students will demonstrate their prior knowledge and begin to explore and understand the key
elements of procedural writing.
Introduction Content taught/structured Resources
Time spent 12 mins - Introduce new topic to students - Whiteboard or smartboard
- Ask students what is a procedure, get
students to discuss this in small groups and
share back to the class
- Make a mind map from students
discussions Commented [TS1]: Section A
Main Content and structure Resources This mind map is a form of pre-assessment as it allows
Time spent 30 mins - Students will be split up into small groups - Paper Plane Instructions from me to see what the class knows about procedures. As
and will have the opportunity to participate new/id/3115 the lesson is about introducing and discussing what a
in several stations where students will get - Lego instructions from procedure is, there is a clear link between the lesson
the opportunity to explore and follow - Hopscotch instructions from content and the assessment task.
How to build a paper planes:
students will have to read and
follow the procedure to create a
Lego building: students will
work in groups of three; two
builders and one narrator.
Student one will pick a

procedure to follow, the narrator

will then tell students how to
build the same thing.
How to play hopscotch: in pairs
or groups of three students will
work together to read the
instructions and successfully
complete a game of hopscotch
Close Content Summary Resources
Time spent 8 mins - Class discussion about what students think - Exit Card (appendix A) Commented [TS2]: This exit card is used as a form of
the purpose of procedural texts are assessment in this unit. This exit card asks students
- Students to identify key things to remember about using clear and concise steps or directions. This
when giving directions relates to the lesson content, as the lesson is about
Teaching strategies Introduction participating in activities to learn about how to follow
- Explain to students that we are starting a new topic and explain the lesson aims and give clear instructions.
- Walk around while students are pairing and sharing ideas to make sure thyre on topic and engaging with the task
- Write students ideas up on the whiteboard and make a few suggextions if needed
- Walk around the classroom and watch the students engage with the different activites
- Talk to students about the things they have learnt about procedures
- Help facilitate class discussion, if needed, by asking questions like what diid you find challaenging? What did you learn when trying to explain and
give instructions?

Assessment and feedback This class dicussion will allow studnets to demonstrate their prior knowledge of procedural texts..
Contingency plan if something If students do not find the activities engaging or this encourages studnets to muck around then students will create a procedure orally. Students
unexpected happens will stand out the front of the classroom and discuss ways to direct someone to the library. Studnets will then follow these instructions to see
how explict and simple the intructions in a procedure need to be. The introcution and conculsion of this lesson would remain the same as those
provided above.

Lesson Number: 2 Big Idea: What makes Georges Marvellous Medicine a Literature/ Text type: The book Georges Marvellous Medicine
AC Content Descriptor:
- Identify characteristic features used in imaginative, informative and persuasive texts to meet the purpose of the text (Australian Curriculum, 2010)

Lesson Outcome/ Learning Intentions:

Students to read and critically discuss Georges Marvellous Medicine
Building the Field:
Students will transfer their knowledge from lesson one about what a procedure is and their purpose in this lesson. As this knowledge, will help them to understand why certain
terminology and tense is used.
Teaching Learning Cycle:
This lesson is supported reading; as students, will read and engage with a text which will help them to extend their knowledge of the curriculum topic

Four Resources Model:

Text User: students to identify the elements of a procedure and how they are incorporated into this book
There will be a brief class discussion about what the students think the book Georges Marvellous Medicine, is about
The class teacher will read the book to the class.
Whilst George is creating his marvellous medicine the class will discuss the language and terminology being used
Before Grandma receives her dose of medicine students will guess what they think will happen. The teacher will discuss how some forms of procedures also include a results
section, which discusses what happened when they followed the method.
Students will complete an exit card, which will ask them why they think Georges Marvellous Medicine is a procedure Commented [TS3]: The exit card is being used as an
Resources: assessment to see whether they took any notice of how
Georges Marvellous Medicine by Roald Dahl the instructions in the previous lesson was set out. It is
Teaching Strategies: also to see if the students can recognise the procedural
- Encourage group discussion layout in a text that is written as a story.
This will allow me to see what students thought
- Facilitate critical thinking procedural texts included, which links back to some of
Pre/Post Assessments: the prior knowledge they discussed in the first lesson.
An exit card, which will ask them why they think Georges Marvellous Medicine is a procedure.
Special Considerations
Two students have NEPs and work at Reception and Year 1 level, meaning they
Contingency Plan:
As this class has several students with behavioural issues it may be more practical for students to watch the movie Georges Marvellous Medicine or listen to a YouTube clip of
someone reading the novel. This will also assist students on NEPs who are at reception and year one level, as the visuals would help assist them in gaining a better
understanding of the story.
One lesson may not be enough time to listen or read the whole book, so the teacher may choose to stop reading after page 53. As this is when George creates and the medicine
and the readers get to see the effect it has on Grandma. Which is the main section of this book that will be reflected upon later in this unit.

Lesson Number: 3 Big Idea: Identifying the correct procedural text structure Literature/ Text type: Procedure
AC Content Descriptor:
- Identify characteristic features used in imaginative, informative and persuasive texts to meet the purpose of the text (Australian Curriculum, 2010)
- Understand how different types of texts vary in use of language choices, depending on their purpose and context (for example, tense and types of sentences) (Australian
Curriculum, 2010)

Lesson Outcome/ Learning Intentions:

For students to understand how to structure a procedure and why it is structured this way
Building the Field:
Students will demonstrate their prior knowledge of procedural texts through their pair and share activity. They will also build the field through bringing their knowledge and
understanding of tense and terminology from lesson two and from reading and following several procedures in lesson one.
Teaching Learning Cycle:
This lesson is modelling and deconstruction as the class will deconstruct a procedure to help students gain a better understanding of two sections of a procedure (ingredients
and method). This will help students understand how to write each section and why they need to be included in the procedural text structure.

Four Resources Model:

Text User: students will learn the purpose of the materials list and the method and how to recreate these elements
Text Participant: students will use their experience of sandcastle building to write a procedure
- Introduce aim of the lesson
- Students pair and share what they think the key elements of a procedure are, this will then be shared in a whole class discussion
- Class discussion about the three sections of a procedure and what they are for
- Students will look at scrambled eggs recipe and identify the title
- Discuss why we have a title
- Student will look at the recipe again and identify the ingredients/materials
- Class discussion about Why is it called it is called ingredients? is there another name for that? Why is it written as a list?
- Student will look at the recipe again and identify the method
- Students to pair and share why they think it is in steps and what are some important things to remember?
- Brief class discussion about the tense and vocabulary used
- Students will write a procedure about how to brush your teeth to demonstrate how well they understand the structure of a procedure.
- Scrambled eggs recipe from
- Sandcastle procedure preassessment
Teaching Strategies:
- Encourage group and class discussion
- Facilitate critical thinking
- Be a part of class and group discussion
- Observe students writing their procedures
- Assist students on NEPs with their procedural writing
Pre/Post Assessments:
Students will write a procedure about building a sandcastle as a post assessment, as this will help the teacher to group students. by grouping students into four tiers the teacher Commented [TS4]: Students how to brush your teeth
will be able to give students an activity with the correct level of challenge to them in lesson four. Before this lesson the teacher will ensure that students have built a sandcastle procedure will be used as a formative assessment task
before. to see how much students know and understand about
Special Considerations: writing a procedure and setting it out correctly. This
Two students have NEPs and work at reception and year one level. links to all the previous lessons, as the students have
These students may have their procedure scribed or present their procedure orally to the teacher to demonstrate their knowledge. now learnt about the importance of simple instructions
and how to structure a procedure from lessons 1 and 3.
Contingency Plan:
If the class discussion about the scrambled eggs recipe is not going to plan the teacher could open the website on the smartboard and work through the provided questions and Commented [TS5]: I differentiated the lesson slightly
then ask some of their own which are structure specific. for these two students by allowing them to share their
procedure orally to myself or the student support officer
Lesson Number: 4 Big Idea: Procedures are a step by step process Literature/ Text type: Procedure and we would scribe their work.
AC Content Descriptor:
- Plan, draft and publish imaginative, informative and persuasive texts containing key information and supporting details for a widening range of audiences, demonstrating
increasing control over text structures and language features (Australian Curriculum, 2010)

Lesson Outcome/ Learning Intentions:

Students will be able to write a procedural text with the correct structure, using the template provided to them
Building the Field: Commented [TS6]: This section of the lesson outline
Students will demonstrate their prior knowledge of procedural text structure, the tense a procedure is written in and the correct language and terminology to use. demonstrates that the tiered activity of creating their
Teaching Learning Cycle: own marvellous medicine relates to previous lesson
This lesson is joint construction as students will independently write a procedure whilst being supported by the templates provided to them. As the templates, will help students to content. As this task requires students to demonstrate
prepare and write a procedural text. their ability to write a procedure using the correct
Four Resources Model: structure, terminology and simple instructions which
have all been taught in previous lessons.
Text User: students will recreate a procedure
- Introduce lesson objectives to the class
- Explain to students that they will be creating their own marvellous medicine.
- Get students to pair and share some of the ingredients they remember George using in his Marvellous Medicine
- Remind students that they can be creative as they like with the ingredients they choose to use in their marvellous medicine, they dont have to use the same ingredients as
- Recap the structure and key elements of a procedural text as a class.
- Hand out the tiered activities to students. Commented [TS7]: Section B
o Red Activity is tier 1: students will write a list of five ingredients, draw a picture for each step and write brief a brief step by step process This tiered activity is the main formative assessment
o Green activity is tier 2: students will write a list of eight ingredients, follow the template structure and has been differentiated by readiness. So that the
o Yellow activity is tier 3: students will write a list of ten ingredients, students will follow a template structure but will be required to remember the subtitles and write task is set at the appropriate level of challenge for
simple, easy to follow, concise steps that sometimes use to correct terminology. student. I did have to add in a lower tier activity, as
o Blue activity is tier 4: students will write a list of ten ingredients, students will correctly structure the procedure in the blank template and write simple, easy to follow, some students really struggled with writing the how to
concise steps that use to correct terminology. They will also write a result, explaining what will happen to Grandma once she has had her marvellous medicine. brush your teeth procedure.
- Students will complete an exit card which will allow them to rate how challenging their task was This demonstrates how I structured my tiered
Resources: assessment task.
- Tiered templates
- Tired activity checklists
Teaching Strategies:
- Explain lesson aims
- Encourage creativity
- Observe students as they are participating in their tiered activity and tick off the learning criteria on the checklist
Pre/Post Assessments:
Students will bring their prior knowledge about procedures from lesson one and three, a preassessment on procedural writing will also be completed. This will allow the teacher
to identify which students understand how to structure a procedural text and those who do not understand this concept yet. They will be required to hand up their completed
template, as this is a formative assessment piece.
Special Consideration
This lesson will be differentiated by readiness, meaning there will be different tiered activities. These tiers activities will allow students to demonstrate their knowledge of how a
procedural text is structured and provide students with the appropriate level of challenge. Tier one is aimed at the two students on NEPs who are working at Reception and Year
one level.

Lesson Number: 5 Big Idea: Procedures are an explicit step by stp process Literature/ Text type: Procedure
AC Content Descriptor:
- Plan, draft and publish imaginative, informative and persuasive texts containing key information and supporting details for a widening range of audiences, demonstrating
increasing control over text structures and language features (Australian Curriculum, 2010)
- Use a range of software including word processing programs to construct, edit and publish written text, and select, edit and place visual, print and audio
elements (Australian Curriculum, 2010)
- Incorporate new vocabulary from a range of sources into students own texts including vocabulary encountered in research (Australian Curriculum, 2010)

Lesson Outcome/ Learning Intentions:

Students will produce a procedural text, using the correct language and tense
Building the Field: Commented [TS8]: This section of the lesson outline
Students will use their knowledge and understanding gained from the previous four lessons to write a procedure; which will be written using the correct structure and include the demonstrates that the choice board assessment task
correct tense and terminology. relates to previous lesson content. As this task requires
Teaching Learning Cycle: students to demonstrate their ability to write a
This lesson is independent construction as students will be choosing and researching their own topic to write about. procedure using the correct structure, terminology and
Four Resources Model: simple instructions which have all been taught in
previous lessons. It also requires students to consider
Text User: students will demonstrate that they understand all the elements of a procedure by recreating a procedure.
the feedback from their previous assessment tasks to
Intro: improve their procedural writing.
- Tell students the lesson objective
- Introduce task
- Brief class discussion about the structure of a procedure and the language used
- Hand out choice boards and planning templates to students Commented [TS9]: Section C
- Give students with an NEP a terminology word list The choice board is a summative assessment piece
- Students to fill out planning template using their own knowledge of their chosen topic which is differentiated by student interest. Allowing
- Give students time to research their topic students to pick from a topic from a set of topics
Conclusion: provided.
- Students to begin typing up their procedure.
- Choice board
- Planning template
- Word list
Teaching Strategies:
- Introduce task
- Encourage students to discuss and their knowledge of procedural text structure
- Answer questions about the task
- Observe students and make notes about their progress
Pre/Post Assessments:
As this learning activity is differentiated by student interest, they would have completed a survey before this lesson so that an appropriate choice board could be created.
Students will demonstrate that they have learnt and understood the content of the previous four lessons in this unit. They will be marked, against a rubric, on this activity once it
has been completed.
Special Considerations:

There are two students with NEPs that work at reception and year one level. These students will be provided with a word list which will help them to incorporate the correct
terminology into their procedure.
Contingency Plan:
If the students cannot access computers during the lesson, they will be given some time in the library to research their topic if they require it. In this case students, will also be
required to handwrite their procedure in their workbooks.

Lesson Plan English

Lesson number: 6 Year level: 3/4
Big Idea Procedures are an explicit step by stp process
Curriculum Content taken
from Australian - Plan, draft and publish imaginative, informative and persuasive texts containing key information and supporting details for a widening range of
Curriculum or IB or other audiences, demonstrating increasing control over text structures and language features (Australian Curriculum, 2010)
curricula framework - Use a range of software including word processing programs to construct, edit and publish written text, and select, edit and place visual, print
and audio elements (Australian Curriculum, 2010)
- Incorporate new vocabulary from a range of sources into students own texts including vocabulary encountered in research (Australian
Curriculum, 2010)

Text types or genres to be In this lesson students, will demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of procedures by writing their own procedural text
Learner diversity in class This class has an uneven gender mix, as there are more male students than female students. The class has a very mixed ability as the class is year
e.g. all girls, mixed year three and four; however, due to NEPs and gifted students, abilities range from reception to year five level.
levels, students with Adjustments, like providing terminology word lists to students with NEPs, will be made to the lesson to help cater for learner diversity. However, as
disabilities, E/ALD gifted, this lesson is spent working on a summative assessment piece it limits the amount of adjustments that can be made. As the procedure, the students
ATSI etc. produce will then be marked against the year three or four achievement standards; to track the students learning progress.
Stated learning Intentions As a result of engaging with this lesson students will demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of producing a procedure.
or outcomes for the
Introduction Content taught/structured Resources:
Time spent 5 min - Remind students of the task and the key elements of a procedure

Main Content and structure Choice board (appendix B)

- Students to write a procedure on a topic of their choice, which they have chosen from the Computers
Time spent 35 mins choice board given to them using a computer

Close Content Summary Exit card (appendix C)

- Students to complete an exit card where they can elaborate on how challenging they
Time spent 10 mins found the task, what they found easy, what they found hard and anything they would
Use of ICT: Students will use the word processor, Microsoft Word, to type up and produce their procedures. This will allow students to become familiar with a
program which they will use frequently during their schooling. It will also help students to finish their procedures sooner, as it is believed that we type
quicker than we write. Using computers also means that students will be able to research their topic and find information more quickly, allowing
students to generate ideas ("Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Capability - Introduction - The Australian Curriculum v8.3", 2010).

Use of the Capabilities Meaning that students must remember that if they use digital products created by someone else they need to indicate and acknowledge the source
Cross curriculum ("Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Capability - Introduction - The Australian Curriculum v8.3", 2010).
This lesson will require students to listen to spoken instructions with some detail for undertaking learning area task, which is part of the literacy
general capability ("Literacy - Introduction - The Australian Curriculum v8.3", 2010). This will support and enhance students learning as they will
know and understand what the learning task is and what it requires them to do. It will also mean that the questions asked by students will be to
clarify the task, instead of asking the teacher to repeat what the task is.
- Facilitate discussion about what the task requires students to do
- Observe studnets progress, make notes and tick off criteria on checklist (appendix D)
- Explain the purpose of the exit card
- Help studnets fill in exit card by clarifying the questions and asking open ended questions to help them identify the things they found
easy and hard
Assessment and feedback Summative: the learning activity in this lesson will be used as a summative assessment piece once studnets have completed writing their

Feedback: students will be provided with feedback once their procedure has been handed up and marked. As limited feedback can provided durng
the lesson because this is a summative assessment piece.

Contingency plan if something

If the computers cannot be accessed, then students will be required to handwrite their procedure in their workbooks.
unexpected happens

- The Australian Curriculum v8.3. (2010). Retrieved 3 April 2017, from
- Building Instructions - Classic (2017). Retrieved 10 April 2017, from
- Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Capability - Introduction - The Australian Curriculum v8.3. (2010). Retrieved 10 April
2017, from
- Literacy - Introduction - The Australian Curriculum v8.3. (2010). Retrieved 10 April 2017, from
- Studyladder, online english literacy & mathematics. Kids activity games, worksheets and lesson plans. (2017). Retrieved 5 April 2017, from

Appendix A

Exit Card
What did you learn today?

Is it important to give simple instructions? Why/why not?

Did you find giving directions that your group understood easy?

Appendix B- Choice Board

Do you like playing sport? Do you like pranking Can you do a magic trick?

Write a procedure on how to play your Write a procedure on how to Share the secret of your favourite
favourite sport successfully pull off your favourite magic trick and write a procedure on
prank how to do the trick
Are you a good drawer? Do you have a chore or job Do you make like to help out
you have to do at home? in the kitchen?
Write a procedure on how to draw a car Teach your classmates how to master
or your favourite animal Write a procedure on how to make your
your chore. Write a procedure on how
to complete this job or chore favourite after school snack

Appendix C- evaluation exit card

Exit Card
How did you find the task? Was it easy, hard, challenging?

Was there something you found really easy?

Was there something you found really hard?


Is there anything you would change? Why?

Excellent Good Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Commented [TS10]: Section D

Structure: Titles Titles Titles Titles The headings in which the students are marked against
The students have used the A descriptive title was A descriptive title was A title was included No title was included have come from the year 3 and 4 English achievement
correct procedural text layout included included All subtitles were included Not included all the standards.
All subtitles were included All subtitles were included Subtitles were in the required subtitles
Subtitles were in the Subtitles were in the correct places Ingredients The structure components that students will be marked
correct places correct places Ingredients The ingredients were not set out against come from the learning intentions outlined
Ingredients Ingredients The ingredients were as a list which are highlighted in blue.
The ingredients were The ingredients were written in list form Method
written in list form written in list form Method Was not set out as a step
Method Method The method was written as by step process
The method was written as The method was written as a step by step process Steps were not easy to
a step by step process a step by step process The steps were easy to follow
The steps were easy to The steps were easy to follow Conclusion
follow follow The steps lacked detail No conclusion was included
The steps were simple, The steps were simple Conclusion
included some detail and The steps included some A conclusion was
concise detail attempted
Conclusion Conclusion
A simple relevant A detailed relevant conclusion
conclusion was included was included
Vocabulary: Majority or the whole Majority of the procedure is Some appropriate No effort to include the
Students have used terminology procedure is written using written using the terminology was included appropriate terminology
specific to their chosen topic the appropriate terminology appropriate terminology was made
Grammar and Punctuation: There are no punctuation There are a few spelling There are a few spelling There are lots of spelling
Students have used the correct missing mistakes mistakes mistakes
punctuation and grammar There are no spelling Some punctuation is Some punctuation is No or little punctuation
mistakes missing missing included

Editing: Student has edited their Student has edited their Student attempted editing There was no attempt to
Students have read through work well work well their work edit work
their work, making changes to
improve their procedural text

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