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THE MINIONS oF NV seiase by Eric Cagle - illustrated by Jonathan Wayshak sters live only in myth and mys- Ones, and they are everywhere. him into their shadowy organization. COA ee UC oe ee roam through DE&tD campaigns and who believe that society has been _his new-found powers to infiltrate all Dee oc ee strata of society. He gathers informa- Re oa ee ee ek ce ee ee ee De ne Se ee? reasons, evil creatures roam the world. these individuals, joining the ranks of Occasionally, a higher-ranking member at once tempting and subjugating those the doppelgangers is their inroad to _of the cult asks the member to per unlucky enough to cross their path. power. They seck out an elusive group form some task on behalf of the ‘Some, like the faceless doppleganger, of cultists who call themselves the organization, up to and including mur- bind their servants to them with a web Faceless Ones, who might or might not der. Again, the faceless one is never of paranoia and lies; others, ke the be actual doppelgangers themselves. sure if he is receiving orders from a Os some worlds, where mon- anyone knowing. They are the Faceless ceeds, then the Faceless Ones accept Pee ue uo If he succeeds in finding a patron to true doppelganger or not. Part of this ee a ee ee Se Ce Re co Se eS ee A Re Te The cultst prestige classes repre- dering a person of power and passing constantly change his appearance to sent the extreme end of fanaticism, himself off as that person. If he suc- maintain his powers Bee eee et Ree ee nd obey their patron creatures and the Ligue FACELESS ONE EAR eee Re CLASS REQUIREMENTS fore UTE nearly any aspect of society. Including Te qualify to become a faceless one, a een en crn Se ce ee ee re Dee cor i a ak ice een en Pena Dee might find defeating such foes more Liha ellie Con: a he ta ignment: Any evi, ie ccna Ce ee ea) Ce (omy. ce en eee Pee Ds Cee ee eee Ly Sense Motive, Spt. the cut of the Faceless Ones, a well ea od Ee Cee es Cree ess tigehawiniaiaess ica eR re Nn ae a tert riers pot erm oe ee en ee re eS me ere een ae cy BS patience, changing the world without aller sel. Ceci. retake eee Class Attack Fort. Ref. Will en EST! eee aera ad 3 3 5s csc 3438 4h 3 Camry Po) Came) CR ars Cee ad thieves’ guilds are just as likely to be Creer rc ty eM ete me they pose to security, the cult of the eee a down by almost every organization Cee Cee Se ae ee Rcd to glide in and out of society with little hindrance. Sorcerers and wiz- ards are just as likely to become DE ee Re DE eR) Coe ee eto Cesena acd ees ead econo! Pe es Pee ccd Characters gain no new proficiency Ra eg Ca te eR Pe ee ns pe ee ea day as if cast by a gth-level sor- cerer. This increases to twice a day Peers ek ed ues Change Self (Sp): At znd level, De at will as the spell cast by a gth- ed Pe ei (Sul: At qth level, the faceless one Pee ee and eee Alter Self (Sp): At sth level, Cen eae ee ee ee ae) Pee es Special Ne aoe Cd en ed Ce ee ee oe Ce Shapechanger Apotheosis (Ex): At sth level, the faceless one has more in common with doppelganger Doe cl ‘appearance begins to become less CO Let eee a a) featureless. The faceless one’s type changes to “shapechanger:” This Pt ae ee al with a range of 60 feet, if he does eS a mtd Caer eed pies et De und ‘one’s Hit Die type. In addition, the ee ey Fee bead preted ey Re ee Mic) Cee ee or alter self ability to deceive others ee ard Pee ai) ee ee ec Cee en See ey eee ua Sed Pe a ode Foe ea edges of the great oceans of the Re Reg Cena) De en Reem friends and family attacked and Cee aL) ee that these poor souls have drowned or were eaten, and more often than Ce a some cases, these supposedly lost Dea a Tae cs Cee Om Pe ary DR CURL Se eke nC) humanoids can survive. These ee earn) Pesce reid their cruel overlord. Entire genera- tions of slaves have lived in these dark caves, and over time most for- get that the surface world exists. Sum une pick out exceptional individuals and Se nen Cr eo aes De ey See a cm) Se ete See FS behind wounds that turn into terrible Sea slave is considered a deep thrall, the servant of the mighty kraken, ct ee cee to her master, the deep thrall begins Pa ee Deen racy Pe eee eM eae te SE en ea the deep thralls cruelly enforce disci pline among the slaves and keep an Cot ees ‘other potential deep thrall. They Pe ee ae ead the slaves, instling a deep sense of See RR Cem ua Ce as Deon ee eb CS ee nal = Seo Teed Se Ded Motive, Spot, Wilderness Lore. Cha: Bluff, Diplomacy, Disguise, Ce ae ‘kill Points at Each Level: 2 as fish and other seafood, as well as the corpses of their fellow prisoners. Cee cea Eo Seg taking missions to the surface to es ee ec These deep thralls are viewed with Peet a ery ee ee DEE) De ee target of an enraged kraken. Deep thrals are also used as spies, sabo- teurs, and thieves for their masters. eee ees Cag ing for potential food, items that the De aD threats (ike mustered fleets). Pee ere selves under dark hoods or use ‘magic to hide their facial scarring. In some seaside communities, however, Seen Se eae! with a squid” This is usually enough Deeks ee ey Cec acters of different classes, based on the need at any time. Fighters, bar- ee ees Reece ial aid ea ee! picked for infitration work and infor- mation gathering. Wizards and sor- ee ec See cue use for clerics, considering them- selves above the powers of the deities of the surface dwellers, and De en oe hy De OE cans Seen ae ut ace Se ane a eer er cae aac) Ce aa kd Cee a DEC ame eco cece Re eee Ch of the deep thrall prestige class. See Garay Cee ai sd MC ene a es ek sa eed Cee eed ae ed Re RC Oe ce Fe dO ket eal eek oO See eer ee De eR Pea Se cued through the deep thral's eyes. The Cee eee ae ny eee ns Fe Re a co SE Le) eC es AL has a range of up to 500 miles. Cae Pc Ree a Ce ue eres Ca LU) De key Cee a eed Bee et Malleable Arms (Ex): At 4th level, Cee ie eae ean bly flexible, moving more like tentacles than normal humanoid limbs. The ten- Dee et Cd additional feet, effectively giving the Cee De See MRL Ce eee eee rer attack against Medium-size or smaller te Ca attack does 146 points of damage in addition to her unarmed strike eee ae level, the deep thral’s connection with her patron kraken has irreversible Cae uo Dem eee aor grow to a huge size. The deep thrall's ee aa humanoid (aquatic)” This provides the Ce Red Da cnr SU ec that target monstrous humanoids or pee gy Sees Ce ae ee a Pee ei aera Dee a aca See cd killed, the deep thrall loses a great deal De eee some intellect of the kraken, the deep Seen aay Intelligence, as well as the ability to breathe water. Deep thralls who have CP LC ea See ed thrall has gone through the apotheosis at sth level, her creature type remains Se or Iris possible for an ex-deep thrall to regain these abilities if she manages to ee ee ara Du etd Cee ee ee ee eae en eee ey Ce onc ee ee ac ee Ce ed con eu ete) co Bae ean a The uncaring ocean holds ancient evils Cee ee ee ad fs ee i) ad Cece) eee ‘Molleable arms Cee oe FOR YOUR CHARACTER Many of the prestige classes mentioned in Tee ee Ce written, they are intended exclusively for Dee chy Ce ee Se as See moe Cee ea Cees Ce Ce eg Cee ee ad Ce re) Dee ety Co aco ea De aa ad Se ean See ae od Cee ene use these prestige classes as a player. et een’ requirements for being evil or allows cia the class, these prestige classes can then eee eer Ce er as See the same set of prestige class abilities ee ne re Cae a Se eas Cee cet ey femily burdened with cult member. The Cee os femly once is both a rerget and temptation, Se eae eee aed ee ne eee} is ling, you could take levels in the See ed the bond with the patron creature, Se ee ied Ce ee Pe oe Se ee eta) Peed eee eae ar ee ere eae Cer ns article all adjust the monster's CR by +1. F eee tad eee hed ee eer rather than the Rendish or celestial Pe ae becomes an outsider, summon nature's Cet Ce ees Cee A oa Coeecuene) Oe Peel td any eer acs erate Cs ee Base Attack Bonus: +5 ce eee ana Ree ae eee rn eres before being blessed by a kuo-toan Co ee eee Ce Dene eT Deu ead cue ei eee Ses Se ages others and are content to worship See ad Blibdoolpoolp. Although rarely seen ered Le Re aed | Communities to raid, infiltrate, o further other alien goals. In some Ce ea See i ek Pett a Se ed ho tries to fight back. The vile kuo- Dea Ret conquer, creating dedicated kin through a carefully planned combi- nation of fear, subjugation, and ee ee tions, loyal individuals become more Pe eae TO they once knew. To the kuo-toas, De ec Pee cd eee eee Ce ee eed to perform tasks on the surface that Aa on Se ee ec Se ead Cae ears See Biibdoolpoolp and treat shoal ser~ vants with a grudging acceptance. Shoal servants spread worship of ere pent ee ed Rea CorE ney ee er) eee ea Re De aa Ce es Int: Craft, Knowledge (arcana), Knowledge (nature), Knowledge eae ec co Wis: Profession, Spot, Wilderness io Ca a Skill Points at Each Level: 2 es Se ne co Pe Ed Se ee ee FR eee Lea a) Se eo ais kuo-toan communities, kidnap people for food and slaves, and seek out knowledge that is otherwise inacces- Pe a De eT Sea al De aga lized races hate and fear the kuo- Se eas Cee ee choose to flee when confronted with Cree eas De acts eee ee an AUC to become shoal servants are usually contacted through a series of dis- eR td De oe Oe ‘must stand and allow the tide to rise Perens De eee nd rises from the briny water and fin- ishes the ritual, binding the individual ea ret ne Ty Blibdoolpoolp is required, most shoal Seat eas) have turned their backs on the See tes find the primal power and outlook of Blibdoolpoolp intoxicating. Fighters, rogues, and rangers, especially those ‘who are used to working on ships or near shorelines, sometimes hear the call of this prestige class. Sorcerers and wizards who work with the raw ee ee tay Cee ee ea es re eee long-forgotten knowledge held by the kuo-toas. Bards who become shoal servants are exceedingly rare. Cae prestige classes presented in this arti- ee eee acans eae a ee Pee er Da Ue FT eee ee Oe ee Ree Cue ase ee cn BS Re ee see cl Pena iste aT eas Cee eo the class. Se anes Da come BO Recs Ce eee a ee one divine spelicasting class he belonged ee ee ee Cea eae ue ee Dee em ed Rete ee nc) Cee ce es Se ee 80 on). This essentially means that he adds the level of shoal servant to the level of some other spelicasting class ee ae day and caster level accordingly. Cen level, a shoal servant's skin becomes smooth and slimy like a kuo-to3. This coating gives the shoal servant a +4 te ee ees Se ee ad Re ee ae) Cee Ce servant's skin shifts coloration, See es) Dern (oer eae gains a +4 resistance bonus to saving Cee ee cy Pie ‘Amphibious (Ex): At and level, Eee eee eon sides of their necks, allowing them to Rae ee aces survive indefinitely on land or under Se eR ey aR er eed ‘Spot DC) but can be seen by careful Cena e See Ae Pee eer ad ree ee ta ea toa, the shoal servant can now spot Cece ee nag CeO ee el eee objects or creatures avoid notice. He Pe eee ect cata) Search and Spot checks. DUR ese oe ee eee Pe esha eae ee Cree ee ee A ee ee ee Are nee eae Se eee ee ec ing in bright light. Bite of the Kuo-Toa (Ex): At 4th CR LEU grows huge and sprouts numerous ee aes can make a bite attack for 1dq points ere Ped eee ae Perea e et eed Se ee The shoal servants must join hands to launch the bot. In rounds between uses of this ability, the shoal servants SE UR oe another shoal servant; any round in Senne PRs See ce) the number of rounds that must CERO cag ee eee PUR ae enc eect this amount (save DC 13 + the num- Peace a eee na es Dae A ate) clerics and shoal servants with the Pees Peer aay (meaning that one kuo-toa and one sth-level shoal servant can activate Lee Kuo-Toa Apotheosis (Ex): At sth PSR eng Ce Rhee his former self. The shoal servant Pee ae Ree tea ae) is no difficulty in differenti between the two. The shoal servant's ee Pi uC oe De eee) Cee Ec Ske eee aad See ac nos Bn mee Ce eee eS Dee en Seed eee aC Ud Or Rn tige class or ceases worshiping Crees eee eee Ce eee een ie ae Cee ee a abilty to breathe water, and the light- Re ag ee Ly Sree aR on bite attacks, however. A shoal ser- ee) Ce (aquatic)” creature type and is affected by any spells or effects that Cc re oie See ee ee ek (see the atonement spell description in the Player's Handbook). However, eee ad a shoal servant who has fallen from this prestige class. STL a Malevolent embodiments of pure evil, Dee a ae nce ae eo aa mR er UR AS me ccd ead into the rakshasas’ plots and service Ce em ee ceo siders offer, and many promise the eee eS een ee me aCe comfortable living, delight in helping Pee Ree Med aon et Rom ao power seekers, the rakshasa provides OA uum ee SRE or RRL) ee ene De ch Cad SRR Le oe Ud tiger masks, both for the deception OR ea cannon ace appearing rakshasas and for the ritual Ce et Oe CU ae Ded De Rae superiority, rakshasas require that Dr Oe acs To become a tiger mask, a potential Ce CRU RE cual Pe ee acd CM eg and sincere (liars and weaklings are Cee eae as forms a terrifying ceremony, called Ce Ree ae concluding with the rakshasa raking ees Tiger masks perform most of the Ey ee Cet and murder. Their duties also include De Re Sea ne eee Ce ee eee De eee eee at De ec a Dm) victim in order to make a proper Ce ee ‘required fo partake in the meal once eon eas cartels and brothels, bringing in a ready source of money and infor- DO ee aes Cee ‘Would-be tiger masks are usually Cee high place that they hold in society. Se information, as well as access to Seem Se Ge eae SER ne cca and organizations. Drees lesser-known purpose. Because of their special ability 10 draw in arrows and crossbow bolts (espe- cially blessed crossbow bolts), rak- ea sae tiger masks as a form of defense. ene eee this before they commit themselves to their rakshasa lords, and those Ree em eee De ead Da oe as AC eee ua Puta ee eee Are ike led pee ene em ed this class, as well as the mundane influence provided by their patron. Core an Le De es oe) Pee eC ee eee te DR eRe have been properly trained in the Se anc ee en have learned the arcane arts are Cem eR ee co times found as tiger masks. Paladins ee a omy BR ee Dre Ca ke Se ae ano See een es Pad eRe acne mentioned above, during an assault, Cer ed tiger masks around it as possible. Sa COO CESS Al of the following are class ee en cmd Pome Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Ose cea eed RE Oe ced On omen cm Ce ee ee Ree mee PP CMC id new spells per day and spells known as if she had also gained a level in a een ene con Cy Pere et Ree nee eee ed Cue Reece Perret nee ec aa Cereus areca ats Pe eee eee Mtn eee es ee Rees Bros nc CoP oy eee en Co aie Preteen Cee ee ee) Diplomacy: 5 ranks. eT aU ues eae eae Sed contact wih arakshasa and undergo ees) eee Coe spellcasting class she has, then See ad ee nL a ed aed tiger masks become more suscepti- ble to certain ranged attacks. Any arrow or bolt (but no other form of See eed target within 20 feet of a tiger mask has @ 50% chance of being redi- ee ea resolved as normal but as if the See tiger mask, with missed shots hav- ing no effect. If the tiger mask has Sec eC magnet ability fails to function. ender (Su): At ist level, the tiger mask Pe eee Ld any damage dealt by arrows or crossbow bolts. It provides no bene- fit against any other type of ranged weapon. This ability increases to De oe eee te level, tiger masks gain a +2 bonus to Ces Dote ters Ce a eer) level, the tiger mask grows Feline-lke claws, She can make two claw pe ae ny addition, the hands of the tiger mask Re eu cats Se cee Creer oc Rese as ee This has no effect on the manual Cea as dO aes Dee a ed eee ee spell cast by a sth-level sorcerer. alg CoE IL) eer Peer Str: eed ee Coen DC er Wis: Listen, Profession, Sense Motive, Spot. Ca ard Cees EOC ey ed Visage of the Infernal Tiger (Ex): At sth level, the tiger mask has been changed and twisted by the Pea mask’s face becomes that of a terri- ble-looking tiger and her skin is cov- ered in a thin, dark fur. Her eyes Ae eo es eT mL Peed Dee ema provides the tiger mask with darkvi- sion with a range of 60 feet, if she Ce aa or effects that target outsiders affect tiger masks. This transforma- eet een at ExcTiger Masks A tiger mask who disobeys her Pee aed from her alignment loses many of eee ee ace She loses all abiities except for arrow magnet=the price to pay for making a deal with evil, Her fangs See Lac fall from her fingers, although her Dees a Ed Pe ee oe ey that has reached sth level retains the “outsider” creature type and is affected by any spells or effects that target outsiders. The ex-tiger mask Ce ee ae Per etc cae) tiger,” as stated in the description Poms oy et emery ee as Been Pea ee i. THE SOOTH ‘URES TAR EBRe” (issue oF DRAGON: ove ABOUT CATING Li ea ieee ArTHE WEALTH RELEASE WILL COME OF INFORMATION OUT THAT | JUST CAN'T INC \ CHECK OUT WAIT TO OPEN UP! HERE! | CAN'T EVERYTHING IT'S LIKE YOU CAN'T WAIT TO USE It'S PACKED GET TO READ IT ATIN My a FAST ENOUGH! CAMPAIGN! BUT YOU'RE NOT GOING TO EVEN HAVE NOTHIS ARTICLE'S ON. TRUE. BUT WOW, W/V THIS IS FULL OF ON THE A CHANCE TO USE / COOL MONSTERS! DRIVE STHAT’S 2, ,2RAgons . HAVEN'T YOU c i‘ ] even wanteDro HOME? > A RED Roe START READING SOMETHING JUST AS CAN STEER SOON AS YOU GOT, IT OUT OF ACAR THE GAME STORE'S DOORS? With Your KNEES? ©2OOZ SHETLAND PRODUCTIONS JOHN@KOVALIC.COM HTTP://WWW.DORKTOWER.COM 66 october 2« Ff Jerren are halflings, although T ihey despise that name. About hundred years ago, the Jerren were a normal, extended nomadic tribe of halflings that inhabited a dark forest. Every spring, they were beset by goblins ‘and bugbears from the nearby hil These raids cost the Jerren dearly in lives and food—they threatened to wipe out the halflings entirely. The leaders of the various Jerren factions gathered one winter and made a harsh decision. They called upon all the spelicasters among the Jerren and gave them access that they had hidden away and forbidden. They armed each by Monte Cook - illustrated by Rob Alexander AYER rior with terrible poisons and weapons designed fo spread disease and plague among the goblinoids. The next spring, the ensuing Jerren and their enemies threatened to wipe out both sides. Blood stained the woods, Even with their new tactics, the Jerren would have lost, except that their previous acis seemed to have opened a door to malevolence-soon the halflings committed atrocities against their enemies that repulsed even the goblins and bugbears, and when they retreated (0 the hill, the Jerren followed them. Soon all that were left of the goblinoids between the were heads upon spikes positioned throughout the ly scenes s made ’ n and Erythnul Today, the forest is haunted by rible bands of vicious halflin n any living creature that their path. They seek b fices for the unquenchable hunger rn allegiance, No leader can ethan a small these chaotic and evil halflings, and those who show even the slightest hint of weakness or mercy are quickly cut down and devoured by the others Like other halflings, the Jerren live a nomadic lifestyle. They prey upon others for their Food and most of their goods. The only things that the Jerren produce themselves are vile instruments of war or forture—or the poisons for which they are now infamous, The Jerren flesheaters are the vilest of this vile race. They delight in slaughter, pain, and blood. They are experts with poison and delight in ambushing and tearing apart living things that they then devour. To prepare to become a flesheater, a Jerren most often takes levels of rogue. Occasionally Jerren fighters and barbarians become flesheaters, and the very rare Jerren ex-monk is a likely candidate as well Since Jerren are usually chaotic, very few ever become monks. Jerren who try to study as monks often end up idoning their contemplative training flesheaters. (Note that in this case, monk unarmed attack damage and Jerren flesheater tooth and claw dam: to becom« do not stack in any way-simply use the better of the two. Class Features Al of the following are class features of the flesheater prestige class. Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Flesheaters are proficient with all simple and martial weapons, and with light armor, but no shields Sneak Attack (Ex): If a flesheater can catch an opponent when she is unable to defend herself effectively from his attack, he can strike a vital spot for extra damage. Basically, any time the flesheater’s target would be denied her Dexterity bonus fo AC (whether she actually has a Dexterity bonus or not) or when the flesheater flanks the target, the flesheater’s attack deals exira damage. This ability functions exactly like the rogue's sneak attack ability Tooth and Claw (Ex): A flesheater is trained to use his nails in unarmed strikes that inflict 1d6 points of damage A sth level, this damage increases to 1d8 damage. At roth level, the damage becomes ido. Flesh Grip (Ex): If a end-level flesheater makes a successful unarmed attack against a living foe, he can immediately make a grapple attack as free action without provoking an attack of opportunity. (See Grapple, page 137 in the Player's Handbook). No initial touch attack is required. In addition, the fl inet heater never fers a size penalty making grapple checks. Poison Use (Ex): At 3rd level, the flesheater learns how fo use poison and never risks poisoning himself when applying poison, Flesh Rend (Ex): At th level if a flesheater makes a full attack and succeeds in hitting a single living Foe with two unarmed attacks, he can immediately make another unarmed attack at is full attack bonus against that foe. Scent (Ex): So highly trained and attuned are the senses of the flesheater that at 8th level, he can utilize the scent ability. This ability allows the lesheater to detect approaching enemies, sniff out hidden foes, and track by sense of smell He can identify familiar odors just others do familiar sights. See the Monster Manual for more details about the scent ability. Pounce (Ex): A 6th level, if the flesheater charges during the first round ‘of combat, he can make a full attack so tong as he uses only unarmed attacks Dark Transformation (Su): In an unholy ritual, the 6th-level flesheater dedicates himself completely to his foul, dark gods, and in r his body undergoes a change. The flesheaters nails now secrete poison when he makes unarmed attacks. This poison inflicts id2 points of Constitution damage at the time of the attack and 1 minute later. The Fortinide saving throw to resist the poison is DC 10 + the flesheater's class level. Swarm (Ex): If at least three flesheaters attack a single victim, and one of them is at least 8th level, all unarmed melee attacks made by flesheaters against that foe are treated as sneak attacks (whether they are flanking or not). Further, in this situation, FLESHEATER ADVANCEMENT es ae fee ce each flesheater 1 bonus t attack rolls for every flesheater who is attacking that fos. Vile Damage (Su): At gth level, the damage inflicted by the tooth and claw ability of the flesheater (not including bonuses from strength, magic, sneak attacks, and so on) is considered vile damage and thus does not heal naturally Vile damage can only be healed magically in an area under the a consecrate or hallow spell, 9 ect of Ue ewe ey eS eet ered ee ets Alignment: Chaotic evi poe ae eee oe) Cee Feats: . Wling Defermity Special Fesheaters must have all of Ss eee ed Cd Ce ee a See eee ey aot Ree E LEE ee ecg ete ee See Cie en a Con: roa De ness Lore Coat eed Special a Sneak attack ee ak attack +346, tooth a eee eer oe ee es Dragon

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