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Solutions Pre-Lab Procedure

1. Weigh 12.5g of solid copper (II) sulphate pentahydrate with a clean dry
weighing boat on an electronic scale.

2. Transfer the weighed substance into a beaker to dissolve the solid solute in

3. Add approximately half of needed distilled water to the beaker containing

the solid copper (II) sulphate pentahydrate. Use a glass rod to stir until the
contents are fully dissolved (rinse the glass rod with distilled water after use
so that all the solute is present in the beaker.

4. After the solid is completely dissolved, pour the aqueous solution into the
clean 100ml volumetric flask using a funnel and use distilled water to rinse
all of the solute from the beaker and funnel into the flask.

5. Very carefully fill the flask to the mark on the neck of the flask, using a
dropping pipette to add the last few milliliters of liquid. (Never hold large
volumetric flasks by the neck alone, provide support at the bottom.)

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