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We al gothrough difficulties inlife,we always go through struggles that we face as a negative

thing.Little dowe know its actually a blessing that God has given u, because with the difficulties that
we gothrough we learn how to be morecourageous and welearn and realize something that could help
us in making ourselves better that would help us in making ourselves better.God gives us difficulties in
life.Thats why I can relate with the Bible verse: Deutoronomy 31:6 Be strong and courageous DON
NOT be afraid or terrified for the Lord your God goes with you,He will never leaves you or forsake
you. Sometimes the Lord just wants to let how stong our faith in Him is. Sometimes He just want
togive us wisdom forus to see doing wrong that is a lot of possible reasons why He wants us to go
through struggles in life, but whatever the reason is. I am sure that He just wants us to bring out the
better us and Hesjust trying to help us.

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