Efficacy of Clinacanthus Nutans Extracts in Patients

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Complementary Therapies in Medicine (2011) 19, 4753

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Efcacy of Clinacanthus nutans extracts in patients

with herpes infection: Systematic review and
meta-analysis of randomised clinical trials
Chuenjid Kongkaew a, Nathorn Chaiyakunapruk a,b,c,d,

Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Naresuan Univerisity, Thailand
Center of Pharmaceutical Outcomes Research, Department of Pharmacy Practice, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Naresuan
University, Phitsanulok, Thailand
School of Pharmacy, University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA
School of Population Health, University of Queensland, Australia
Available online 12 January 2011

Clinacanthus nutans; Objective: To examine the efcacy of Clinacanthus nutans extracts in treatment of Herpes
Herpesvirus; genitalis and Herpes zoster from randomised clinical trials (RCTs).
Herpes genitalis; Methods: Bibliographic databases, including MEDLINE, EMBASE, CINAHL, Cochrane CENTRAL,
Herpes zoster AMED, WHO trial registry, http://www.clinicaltrial.gov, Thai Index Medicus, and Index Medicus
Siriraj library, were searched from their inception dates to February 2010 without language
restrictions. Methodological quality of included trials was assessed using Jadads quality scale
and Cochranes risk of bias.
Results: Four RCTs (n = 286) met our inclusion criteria which include two studies on H. genitalis
and the other two on H. zoster; in these studies, a total of 151 patients were assigned to the
C. nutans group of H. genitalis trials, a pooled relative risk of C. nutans preparations against
placebo for a 3 day-full crusting was 6.62 (95% C.I. 3.8311.47) and of a 7-day complete healing
was 3.77 (95% C.I. 2.465.78). In H. zoster, the relative risk for a 3 day-full crusting was 3.21
(IQR 0.9710.58).
Conclusions: This meta-analysis and systematic review suggests some benecial effects of
C. nutans preparations on treatments of H. genitalis and H. zoster. However, more robustly
designed trials are needed to substantiate the benet of these plants, specically on their active
puried compounds, and their potencies and benets on treatment outcome of H. genitalis and
H. zoster.
2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Corresponding author at: Center of Pharmaceutical Outcomes Research, Department of Pharmacy Practice, Faculty of Pharmaceutical

Sciences, Naresuan University, Phitsanulok-Nakornsawan Rd., Mueng, Phitsanulok 65000, Thailand. Tel.: +66 55 961826; fax: +66 55 963731.
E-mail addresses: nui@u.washington.edu, chaiyakunapr@wisc.edu (N. Chaiyakunapruk).

0965-2299/$ see front matter 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
48 C. Kongkaew, N. Chaiyakunapruk

Introduction Methods

Herpes simplex virus (HSV) and Varicella-zoster virus (VZV)

Search strategy
belong to the family Herpesviridae. Both Herpes simplex
virus type 1 (HSV-1) and type 2 (HSV-2) can cause Herpes Bibliographic databases (i.e. MEDLINE, EMBASE,
genitalis. However, in most cases, HSV-2 had been deter- CINAHL, Cochrane CENTRAL, AMED, WHO trial registry,
mined to be the leading cause for H. genitalis, while VZV http://www.clinicaltrial.gov, Thai Index Medicus, and
was discovered to be majorly responsible for Herpes zoster.1 Thai Medical Index) were searched from the inception
Worldwides prevalence of HSV-2 infections in the general dates. Reference sections of the included studies were also
population ranged from 10% to 60%.2 In 2003, the total num- checked. The keywords were C. nutans and Herpes or Her-
ber of people aged 1549 years who were living with HSV-2 pesvirus. There were no language restrictions. Randomised
infection was estimated closed to 536 millions (16.2% of clinical trials which met the following inclusion criteria
the worlds population in this age range) and 23.6 million were included in this study.
(0.7%) newly infected cases.3 By this pattern, it exhibits that
a number of infected populations increases, seemingly, in (1) Studies that compared C. nutans preparations to
proportion with aging years. The classical clinical presenta- placebo
tion is characterized by bilateral clusters of erythematous (2) Studies in humans
papules and group of vesicles on the external genitalia,
usually appear 47 days after sexual exposure to HSV for The reference sections of all retrieved primary research
the rst time; developing within2 23 weeks, a majority of publications were manually searched for additional studies.
patients (75%) manifest with newer lesions and the exist-
ing lesions progress to vesicles, pustules, and potentiate Data extraction and quality assessment
ulcers prior to crustings and healings. Typical complications,
of untreated cases, could include aseptic meningitis, extra Data were extracted from each study by two independent
genital lesions, and autonomic dysfunctioning and possibly reviewers (CK, NC) using a standardized extraction form.
following urinary retentions. The extracted data included study settings, study size, for-
Likewise, recent evidences show that there are a mil- mulations, dosage and administration, and outcomes. If
lion of new cases H. zoster occur each year, resulting in there was any disagreement between reviewers, discus-
50,00060,000 hospitalisations.4 H. zoster occurs at all sions were held to reach of agreement. The methodological
ages, but its incidence is highest (510 cases per 1000 per- quality of each trial was assessed using two assessment mea-
sons) among individuals aged over 60 years-old. The life sures: Jadads quality scale12 and Cochranes risk of bias
time risk for development of H. zoster was estimated to be assessment.13
approximately 30% or about one in three adults. H. zoster
results in a rash with a unilateral dermatomal distribution,
which typically lasts for 710 days and fully heals within Outcome measures
24 weeks. Complications such as postherpetic neuralgia
may develop if the infection does not resolve after the acute The outcome measures in used were 3 day-full crusting and
phase. 7 day-complete healing. The proportion of patients who
These diseases are of high prevalent among immuno- had full crusting within 3 days and those who had complete
compromised patients (e.g. those with Human Immunod- healing within 7 days were calculated and compared using
eciency Virus (HIV), cancer, or those who are receiving relative risk.
immunosuppressants). Given the increase in the num-
ber of immunocompromised patients (e.g. 33.4 million Data analysis
people living with HIV5 and over 12 million people
diagnosed with cancer in 20086 ), these viral infec- The relative risks and 95% condence interval (C.I.) were
tions are of signicance public health concern by global calculated using the DerSimonian and Laird method under
scale. the random effect model.14 Heterogeneity between the
Clinacanthus nutans (Burm.f.) Lindau (Thai name: Phaya included trials was assessed using 2 and I2 tests to deter-
Yo or Phaya Plong Thong), is a small shrub, native to trop- mine whether it would be appropriate to compute a
ical Asia and belongs to the family Acantaceae.7 This plant meta-analytic summary estimate. All statistical analyses
has been used as Thai traditional remedies for the treat- were performed using the STATA software v 10.0 (StataCorp.
ment of HSV infection, VZV lesions, skin rashes, insect or College Station, TX).
snake bites. Extracts from leaves of C. nutans have been
reported to have antiviral activities against HSV-28 and VZV9
as well as analgesic and anti-inammatory activities.10 Neg- Results
ative results relating to the anti-HSV-2 activities of C. nutans
were also noted.11 It remains unclear whether C. nutans Search results
extracts is efcacious for use in patients with HSV-2 or VZV
infection. This systematic review aims to determine the ef- The bibliographic database and hand search yielded 12 stud-
cacy of C. nutans extracts in the treatment of H. genitalis ies. Eight studies were excluded because they were not
and H. zoster using a meta-analysis technique. clinical trials.811,1518 These excluded studies were evalua-
Efcacy of Clinacanthus nutans extracts in patients with herpes infection 49

tion studies for the anti-HSV activity of C. nutans in in vitro treated with C. nutans cream developed full crusting within
studies,811,16,17 a toxicological study of C. nutans,15 and the 3 days (n = 83) compared to 11 patients (14.28%) in the
anti-inammatory effects or inhibition of neutrophil respon- placebo group (n = 77) and 71 patients (88.75%) in the acy-
siveness of C. nutans in an in vivo study.18 Four randomised clovir group (n = 80). The relative risk of C. nutans group
controlled clinical trials met the inclusion criteria.1922 against the placebo group for full crusting within 3 days
was 6.62 (95% C.I. 3.8311.47). These results indicate that
C. nutans cream was signicantly better than the placebo
Study and patient characteristics
(p = 0.001), as seen in Table 2 and Fig. 1. The relative risk
of C. nutans group against the acyclovir group for 3 day-
A total of 151 patients were given preparations of C. nutans
full crusting was found to be 1.08 (95% C.I. 0.931.25). This
cream, while 135 patients were assigned to control groups.
indicates that C. nutans cream demonstrates a comparable
All included studies were undertaken in Thailand between
effect to acyclovir (p = 0.136).
1992 and 1996. Two trials determined the efcacy of C.
Sixty-nine patients (83.13%) treated with C. nutans
nutans in patients with H. genitalis,20,21 while the other
cream completely healed within 7 days (n = 83) compared to
two were related to those with H. zoster19,22 as shown in
17 patients (22.08%) in the placebo group (n = 77). The rela-
Table 1. Demographic characteristics (i.e. age and gender)
tive risk of the C. nutans group against the placebo group for
were comparable between the C. nutans and placebo groups
7 day-complete healing was 3.77 (95% C.I. 2.465.78). This
in both studies.
also indicates that C. nutans cream was signicantly better
than the placebo (p = 0.001), as seen in Table 2 and Fig. 2.
Quality assessment of the included trials
Efcacy of C. nutans cream on VZV
In all of the included studies, patients were randomly
assigned. Distinguished types of randomisation: a block type
Eleven patients (27.50%) treated with C. nutans cream
randomisation,19 allocation of patients alternately,21 and
developed 3 day-full crusting (n = 40), compared to three
sequential randomisation20 were followed. As far as the
patients (8.57%) in the placebo group (n = 35). The relative
methodology was concerned, only one study was a double-
risk of the C. nutans group against the placebo group for 3
blinded19 while, in the other two studies, methods were
day-full crusting was 3.21 (95% C.I. 0.9710.58).
likely to lead to bias.20,21 On all three studies, withdrawals
and dropouts were reported.19,21,22 The overall quality of one
study19 was rated as high (Jadad score of 3), while the study Discussion
of Sangkitporn et al.,22 Sangkitporn et al.,21 and Jayavasu
et al.20 were rated with JADAD score of 2, 1, and 0, respec- To our knowledge, this is the rst systematic review and
tively. The risk of bias for the outcomes 3 day-full crusting meta-analysis of randomised, controlled trials that exam-
or 7 day-complete healing within all trials was considered ines the benets of C. nutans for the treatment of H.
unclear. The risks of bias for the outcomes 3 day-full crust- genitalis and H. zoster. Our ndings demonstrate that
ing or 7 day-complete healing across the HSV-2 and VZV C. nutans cream is efcacious for the treatment of H.
trials were determined to be unclear. genitalis. In vitro, potential compounds isolated from C.
nutans exhibit anti-HSV activity, including monoglycosyl
Heterogeneity of the included studies diglycerides,16 glycoglycerolipids,23 and three pure chloro-
phyll a and chlorophyll b related compounds, namely
132 -hydroxy-(132 -R)-phaeophytin b, 132 -hydroxy-(132 -S)-
The included studies were classied into two types of her-
phaeophytin a, and 132 -hydroxy-(132 -R)-phaeophytin a.17
pesvirus: HSV-2,20,21 or VZV.19,22 Based on (2 and I2 for
The chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b related compounds
heterogeneity test, there was no heterogeneity between tri-
inactivate the virus before entry to the host cells by inter-
als found in the HSV-2 subgroup for both 3 day-full crusting
fering with the virion envelop structure or a mask viral
((2 0.11, d.f. 1, p = 0.744; I2 0.00%) and 7 day-completed
glycoprotein, which involved in host cell adsorption and
healing ((2 0.02, d.f. 1, p = 0.889; I2 0.00%) when comparing
the C. nutans group with placebo. There was low hetero-
C. nutans cream is likely to be favourable for the
geneity between the HSV-2 trials for full crusting within 3
treatment of H. zoster. Given the observed heterogene-
days ((2 1.99, d.f. 1, p = 0.159; I2 49.70%). Given high hetero-
ity between the VZV studies, we provided the relative
geneity between studies within the VZV subgroup ((2 4.04,
risk and their corresponding C.I. from a high quality study
d.f. 1, p = 0.044; I2 75.30%), calculation of a meta-analytic
rather than weight mean analytics. Efforts were made to
summary estimation was considered inappropriate. Instead,
identify sources of heterogeneity according to the PRISMA
relative risk of the C. nutans group against placebo for 3
statement.24 The potential sources of heterogeneity include
day-full crusting from the high quality study (Jadads score
frequency of the use of C. nutans cream, duration of the
of 3) will be presented.19
diseases, lesion characteristics, outcome measures (e.g.
crusting), and formulations. Frequency of usage of C.
Efcacy of C. nutans cream on HSV-2 nutans cream was different: three times daily in Charuwi-
chitratana et al.19 versus ve times daily in Sangkitporn
Signicant efcacies on C. nutans cream against HSV-2 for et al.22 This may partly contribute to the faster crust-
3 day-full crusting and 7 day-complete healing.20,21 were ing in Charuwichitratana et al. than that in Sangkitporn
reported in two studies. Seventy-nine patients (95.18%) et al.19,22 The difference in the duration of disease could
Table 1 Characteristics of the included studies.

Authors Study Group No. of Male: Mean age (years) Duration of primary Mean reactivated rate Administration Pain score
setting patients Female infection before study (time per year) of products
(month) (times per
D0h D3 D7

Genital herpes simplex

Jayavasu Thailand 5%C. nutansa 27 20:7 27.6 25.9 3.6 4 n/a n/a n/a
et al.20 1.5 (M) 28.0 1.5 (F) 3.9 (M) ns (F) 0.7 (M) ns (F)

Acyclovir 26 20:6 27.2 27.0 3.6 n/a n/a n/a

1.3 (M) 25.2 2.2 (F) 6.8 (M) ns (F) 0.7 (M) ns (F)

Placebob 24 20:4 29.4 30.3 3.2 n/a n/a n/a

1.5 (M) 31.5 9.5 (F) 6.9 (M) ns (F) 0.7 (M) ns (F)

Sangkitporn Thailand 5%C. nutans 56 30:26 27.8 25.5 3.6 4 n/a n/a n/a
et al.21 1.6 (M) 27.5 1.4 (F) 3.7 (M) 26.1 4.0 (F) 0.8 (M) 3.4 0.9 (F)

Acyclovir 54 28:26 27.4 26.5 3.7 n/a n/a n/a

1.4 (M) 27.6 1.6 (F) 4.0 (M) 25.8 4.1 (F) 0.6 (M) 3.6 0.6 (F)

Placebob 53 27:26 28.1 27.4 3.4 n/a n/a n/a

1.5 (M) 27.8 1.2 (F) 5.6 (M) 26.2 5.0 (F) 0.4 (M) 3.7 0.8 (F)

Herpes zoster
Sangkitporn Thailand 5%C. nutans 28 11:17 35.1 n/a n/a 5 3.0 1.2 0
et al.22 12.8 (B) (range 1760)

Placebob 23 10:13 34.8 n/a n/a 2.9 2.3 1.3

13.6 (B) (range 1760)

C. Kongkaew, N. Chaiyakunapruk
Charuwi- Thailand 5%C. nutans 40 20:20 43.5 (B) (range 1780) n/a n/a 3g 1.68 n/a n/a
et al.19
Placebob 35 18:17 42.4 (B) (range 1770) n/a n/a 1.42 n/a n/a
a 5 g of ethanol extract of C. nutans at dilution 1:4800 or more in cream base 100 g.
b None stated the formulation of placebo cream.
c Conrmation of HSV infection using the immunouorescent assay (IFA) and neutralisation test (NT).
d Use IFA to conrm positive VZV infection.
e Use a linear visual analogue scale from 0 to 4 for none to very severe.
f Use the Chapman et al.25 pain scale of 05 from none to intense, incapacitating pain.
g Apply after wet compress with normal saline.
h Baseline pain score; n/a = not applicable.
Efcacy of Clinacanthus nutans extracts in patients with herpes infection 51

Table 2 Proportions of patients who had full crusting within 3 and completely healed within 7 days.

Author A 3 day-full crustinga A 7 day-complete healinga

C. nutans Acyclovir Placebo C. nutans Acyclovir Placebo

Jayavasu et al.20 26/27 (96.30%) 21/26 (80.77%) 3/24 (12.50%) 18/27 (66.67%) 26/26 (100.00%) 4/24 (16.67%)
Sangkitporn et al.21 53/56 (94.64%) 50/54 (92.59%) 8/53 (15.09%) 51/56 (91.07%) 54/54 (100.00%) 13/53 (24.53%)
Sangkitporn et al.22 25/28 (89.29%) n/a 0/23 (0.00%) 22/28 (78.57%) n/a 0/23 (0.00%)
Charuwichitratana et al.19 11/40 (27.50%) n/a 3/35 (8.57%) n/a n/a n/a
n/a = not applicable.
a All included studies did not state the descriptions of full crusting/complete healing.

Study %

ID RR (95% CI) Weight

Jayavasu (1992) 7.70 (2.67, 22.26) 26.77

Sangkitporn (1993) 6.27 (3.30, 11.91) 73.23

Overall (I-squared = 0.0%, p = 0.744) 6.63 (3.83, 11.47) 100.00

NOTE: Weights are from random effects analysis

.1 1 10
Favours C.Nutans Favours Control

Figure 1 Relative risks for 3 day-full crusting in treatment of Herpe genitalis.

Study %

ID RR (95% CI) Weight

Jayavasu (1992) 4.00 (1.57, 10.17) 20.86

Sangkitporn (1993) 3.71 (2.30, 6.00) 79.14

Overall (I-squared = 0.0%, p = 0.889) 3.77 (2.46, 5.78) 100.00

NOTE: Weights are from random effects analysis

.1 1 10
Favours C.Nutans Favours Control

Figure 2 Relative risks for 7 day-complete heals in treatment of Herpe genitalis.

52 C. Kongkaew, N. Chaiyakunapruk

affect treatment outcome; only patients treated within 48 h was no heterogeneity between the studies. The results of
were included in Sangkitporn et al., while only patients, our study should therefore need to be interpreted with cau-
treated beyond 48 h, were included in Charuwichitratana tion.
et al.19,22 This may indicate that the earlier the applica-
tion of C. nutans cream, the better of the treatment result
is expected, owing to the fact that C. nutans affects the Conclusion
virus before entering host cells. However, lesion character-
istics in both trials were not clearly reported. Sangkitporn This meta-analysis suggests that C. nutans extract may be
et al. stated that patients with no more than one dermatome benecial in the treatment of H. genitalis, as well as H.
were included into the trials, while Charuwichitratanas zoster. Given its potential synergistic mechanism with acy-
et al. did not specically indicate the number of der- clovir to HSV, C. nutans extract may be an attractive option
matomes in the inclusion criteria.19,22 If Charuwichitratanas as an adjuvant therapy in the treatment of H. genitalis.
et al. had included patients with more than one der- Likewise, this plant may be one of the potential options in
matome, it would be likely that these patients had more the treatment of H. zoster. Further well-controlled RCTs are
severe conditions than those with only one dermatome of needed before this form of therapy can be generally recom-
lesion,19 and as resulted, the treatment outcome would mended, especially if the active puried compounds of C.
have been expectedly less satisfactory. In addition, crust- nutans provide more potent clinical benets.
ing time is considered to be somewhat subjective as an
outcome measure, which is vulnerable to information bias.
Non-blinding trials may also contribute to this consider-
ably better full crusting outcome assessment in C. nutans
group in Sangkitporn et al. than that in Charuwichitratana We gratefully acknowledge the support of Bruce Hugman and
et al.19,22 Chollapat Anthony Chaturongkul, M.D. in proofreading this
Our meta-analysis was performed using a wide range manuscript.
of well-accepted international bibliographic databases.
Thai medical databases were included to maximize the Appendix A. Supplementary data
likelihood of identication of all relevant clinical trials
on C. nutans conducted in tropical areas. In addition,
Supplementary data associated with this article can
our study adheres to standard methodology of system-
be found, in the online version, at doi:10.1016/
atic review and meta-analysis as indicated by the PRISMA
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